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Hey dude. I’m not sure if you’re even active anymore but I remembered always looking at your blog like, wayyy back then when CC was at its peak on here and when I was hella new to the fandom. But anyways, how do you feel now that the new CC episode’s gonna come out on July 14th??
Hello! I'm still active, just....not really into CC anymore, and neither is RT apparently. A lot of life has happened. I turned 18, I got serious about work, I graduated, got my first assistant director gig, I got sick, I went overseas, I turned 21, I broke up with my boyfriend after 3 years of being together, and I'm trying to go back to school. But I'm always here.
lmfao but I had NO idea CC was coming back! A 20th anniversary special, according to the wiki? Sounds awesome! I hope this kickstarts a 5th season, I'm eager for the show to end in a proper way. No idea what the episode will entail. Hopefully, more Harrison shenanigans <3
Thank you for remembering my blog. Rest assured while I'm not active much, I really am always here via my main blog and have no intentions of leaving any time soon. I still love my silly little salamander magician boy.
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Been a while since I've worked on things related to my Looney Tunes OCs, hasn't it! I got on a kick of the show again, and decided to go back to working on the artwork series I was doing for giving my original characters designs or counterparts for the various Looney Tunes series, and finally got onto Tiny Toons, giving them their protégés! Spencer Salamanswer is the protégé of Amber Askalotl. If Amber has a question for everything, then Spencer has an answer. Bookish, socially awkward, and uncomfortably nosy, this fire salamander studies everything he can, just to know what goes on with everything. Sure, he might be acing his classes in Acme Looniversity by knowing the basic answers, but he's certainly flunking it in the friendship department. He knows how things are, but he doesn't know how they actually work out to be. He's the kind of person to use logic on everything, a real "measuring the marigolds" type. And of course, when you're learning to be a Looney Tune, you have to let SOME things not be understood. Mallory the Martian is the protégé of Marinna. Unlike many of the mentors, Marinna has a small edge: she's related to Mallory. As Mallory's older cousin, Marinna has been showing her the ropes of how to be a "true Martian"...of course, since Marinna doesn't fit the ideals of what many Martians do, this is a very hopeless task. Thankfully, Mallory doesn't seem to mind, she just wants to have fun. Idolizing her older cousin as the big sister she never had (with Marinna treating her as the little sister SHE never had), Mallory just thinks her cousin's quirks in teaching her are a big game. With Loki at her side, she just follows whatever her cousin does, having fun all along the way. Loki...is a doll. Mallory's stuffed Martian cat doll (which she bought to resemble Freya, since she's not allowed to have pets yet), wherever Mallory goes, he goes, being dragged along with her. He's just a doll though, right? Dolls can't do much of anything, right? That doesn't explain why Freya thinks he's a threat and keeps hissing at him whenever Mallory's around, or why those...weird...goings on keep happening if Mallory forgets him somewhere. But he's just a doll...right? Recruit Tanie is the protégé of Sgt. Instin. A young Instant Martian is a rarity, most seeds are found already matured. You'd think being such a rarity, along with not having her mentor's constant stream of water, would make her a much more cautious alien, but nope. Being taught in the "Great Instant Martian Uprising" that her mentor rambles on about (she doesn't really listen to this, she honestly doesn't care about this idea), she just goes with the flow and into the fray. Unfortunately, not having a constant water source means any liquid is a threat. Sometimes she'll be grown to huge and inconvenient heights, or only one part of her body will be, forcing her to be dehydrated and to start all over. But she doesn't mind, that's what Instant Martians do, though her mentor seems to mind a bit more than she does, must be that water stream he has, right?
#zootycutie's art#looney tunes#tiny toons#Own Characters#Fan Characters#spencer salamanswer#mallory the martian#loki#recruit tanie#martian#instant martian
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Hello!! You're not bothering me at all! in fact, I invite interaction, it gives me something to do and reminds me this blog exists!! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, I don't have my notifs turned on lol
I'm glad to be back! I heard about the new episodes (although I didn't know when they'll come out- thank you for the info!) and I guess that blew some air into the very small Camp Camp shaped spark in my soul. The previous season left much to be desired to be honest, I didn't vibe with it much. And RT's radio silence on the series didn't help at all. My fingers are crossed, I really want to enjoy it!!
In general, life has been really busy. It's not only my loss of interest in CC that put this blog in hibernation. I also started working more, got a boyfriend, started working even more, graduated, started a new course and then ditched it because it sucked, started working even more, broke up with boyfriend, starting working even more, and am trying to go back to uni. Life is just....busy. But I'm finding my rhythm again, and I hope CC is still part of my life. I missed all the fan art and I especially missed scanning the background of episodes to see whatever shenanigans they put Harrison into in each episode!
I'm happy to see I'm welcome back most of all. <3
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This blog is still going? Mad respect but are y'all okay?
oh, hello, anon! thank you for checking in!
in short, yes, the blog is still going, but honestly i didnt really like the last season of camp camp. was it fun? for sure, at times! but i just didnt feel as connected to it as i did the other seasons. the harrison episode is an exception, of course.
i'm also not into it as much anymore in general. when (or if) the new season comes out, yes I will watch it, but i can't know for sure how much I'll like it. i think that last season taught me i prefer shows that stick to its over-arching plots, rather than self-contained episodes.
other than that, I've also been very busy girl. I'm in uni, got 2 jobs, looking for a third, and I'm in a serious relationship. feels good lmao
i think this blog will mostly be active only while a season is airing, and of course I'll reblog fan art when i remember to (which honestly isn't often oop)
but yes, I'll always be here....lurking
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Ok I've figured it out. I have three hearts is that normal
one is for keeping you alive and the other 2 are for storing love
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Hello I am human I think
it helps to know for sure
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david, graduating from clown school: i am, by law, boo boo the fool
david voice oui out hon hon baguette croissant hon hon honks clown nose, his big clown shoes slappin on the ground as he walks away
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I saw that accidental she-ra reblog 👀
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Harrison has a kitten sneeze. Can my mind be changed? No.
why would i change your mind? youre correct
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i love to hear you shit on maxvid shippers. please. go on.
maxv/d shippers have no rights. maxv/d shippers are not protected under the constitution. if i find a maxv/d shipper in real life i will take out their teeth, grind them up, and feed them to my magpie friend.
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yikes, the m/axvid shit in the main camp camp tag lately is gross.. why do these people think it's a good idea to tag their stuff so that EVERYONE can see it? they cant be that oblivious, right? thank you very much for the extension and list, btw! buncha people i dont need in my life out of the way!
no problem! i love making blocklists lmao
and yeah, they’ve certainly gotten…bolder, since s4 started. back when i first started watching two years ago, and back when i made this blog, i honestly NEVER saw it in the main tags. i knew it existed but i got lucky, i guess. but now theres so much and its disgusting. i wonder what happened.
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What's your cutest harriston au.
i really like the thought of harrison working at a café as he takes prestons order but of course its been some years and they havent seen each other for AGES but now preston is hot and harrison is like “uewygfyeruggay?”
#ive talked a small bit about it before but. i love barista !harrison#salamanswer#harriston#anon#but of course i love any harriston au!
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God I hope we find out about Harrison's brother this season. The next chapter of my fic that's been on hiatus since August revolves around Harrison and it'd be just great to know the details beforehand
oh big mood! imma be real a small part of me thought that it was just a throwaway line, especially since it wasn’t really brought up again and no one really like. reacted to it
but now im waiting for harrisons character arc w/ his brother like

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Xemüg is spelled like Xenu (or Xemu), the whole "galactic confederacy" thing Daniel believes in is an actual religion called scientology, i get why so many people get confused about the spelling though because scientology isnt very well known and in the show they pronounce it like zee-moog for some reason (or maybe thats how its actually pronounced??) (also im sorry if this ask comes across as condescending or anything! i just dont think a lot of people know that daniels religion is a real thing
no i didnt know it was based on scientology! i know of scientology but i dont take it seriously. in this house we hate cults, both real and fictional.
also i think fucking up daniels culy god is hilarious gheiwuhgr
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Where do u watch cc eps?
(Answering on mobile!)
I watch it on a FIRST account someone on tumblr granted me access too! Unfortunately it's not my call to invite you to use it, but I can ask them to let you use it if you like!
#im not allowed subscriptions to things so.#im 18 soon so i can make my own choices and do it dididixujsbsis#salamanswer#peaches-n-reptiles
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which buzzfeed unsolved did the heteronormative one come from?
ah shit i forgot (i watched quite a few episodes to get the quotes oof) but im 90% sure its from “the mysterious death of the eight day bride”
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