#sal fisher x reader 🍋
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So 🎲Anon was talking about the first time for Sal and Reader on @killemwithkawaii 's blog, and I just-- both senpai and I knew I just couldn't pass up the opportunity :3
Reader's First Time with Sal Fisher
Triggers: nsfw below the cut (minors DNI)
I feel like Sal's first time with you would be much anticipated, but slow to happen
Don't expect for him to just bring you into his bed immediately at the beginning of your relationship
Sal is kinda old fashioned, plus his issues with his face would also slow things
He probably would wait a while to show you his face, just to make sure you actually loved him first, and he's very firm on this
Please be patient. Sal without a prosthetic is close to Sal without his clothes
When he does finally trust you, though, he's gonna want to kiss you
A lot
And touch you
Sal isn't very experienced when it comes to things of a sexual nature.
I know everyone has Sal getting advice from Larry, and I'm sure he did. Bad advice
Which was quickly rectified by, of all people, Todd.
I mean he and Neil have been together a long time
Todd probably knows a lot.
Even more so if Sal has a masculine SO
Along with advice from Todd, Sal also arms himself with talking to Chug because Chug has kept Maple happy for years.
He might also turn to the internet and Ash's girly magazines.
Nsfw below the cut (minors, seriously, go on now)
I know it's more romantic to have Sal arrange a night like Valentine's Day or your anniversary, and have your first time together be one big, romantic gesture
But let's face it, Sal is a younger man and hormones are a harsh mistress
Also, I headcanon Sal had to go into hormone therapy around the time he was sixteen. Sal wasn't reaching benchmarks for his age and genetics, so the doctors put him on testosterone.
That's why he was much bigger after he went to prison.
But that's another post
Besides side effects like upset stomach and bone aches from growing quickly, Sal's libido went through the roof around the time he turned 18.
He met you soon after and taking this so slow killed him
Sal had never been so glad for his penchant for oversized shirts as he was every time he was with you.
You just... hit every horny button Sal had
You're the only one he sees too
Besides the time it takes to build the trust Sal needed, and obvious worries about his facial scarring, Sal was so hesitant to show you his face because you met him at a time that Sal felt he looked his absolute worst.
Because of the hormone treatments (it takes a while to find the right dose) Sal hit puberty a bit late, physically. His voice got even deeper, he had acne on the healthier parts of his skin, and hair was sprouting from his jaw and upper lip in a wispy stubble, and all over his body 😖
He had to get Larry to teach him how to shave.
He was sweaty, sweatier than he usually was from just his prosthetic
And his libido... 💪💪💪
He had to masturbate quite a lot before things got there with you.
Finally Sal just couldn't take it anymore, had to at least just kiss you
So he made a date, somewhere secluded, maybe his room, maybe out at the lake.
He was talking to you, and you were looking out over the water. Sal went quiet and you looked around at him to find him looking at you... without his prosthetic.
He waited for a few moments, to make sure you don't recoil or reject him. When you don't, he leans over and kisses you, softly at first.
Sal isn't the best of kisser, a mixture of inexperience and problems from his scars, but you both work around that
Things get passionate pretty quick, and Sal has to stop, the urge to absolutely ravish you too much, making him feel like he was going to explode
Which would explain the fierce blush on his face, ears and neck when he pulls away.
He's also feeling pretty raw, showing someone his face is a pretty big deal to Sal.
In the next few months, you and Sal start fooling around, exploring each other's bodies a little.
Sal discovers hand jobs and hickies and a ton of things you like.
He files them all away mentally for later use.
One night, Sal and you are in his room, making out and such, and Sal decides 'Tonight's the night.'
He confidently does all the necessary prep work on you, knowing he'll be good to go no matter what
He asks if it's okay if he doesn't stop this time, when the time comes.
He pulls out a small box of condoms Todd recommended and shows them to you, his eyes asking please
You consent and Sal excitedly rolls the condom on
He kisses you tenderly as he gently, slowly pushes into you, giving your body time
Asks if you're okay a billion times
This might be the first time for both of you, or might not be, but it is your first time with Sal
And Sal tries to make it special, focuses on you.
Poor thing is a red, sweating, drooling mess by the end if it, his eye not focused anymore.
Deep, raspy harsh breathing, volume: 100%
In your ear
He'd probably even give those earlobes a few nibbles 👂👂
Sal finally lets himself go after he's certain you're satisfied
After you're both finished, he cuddles you close, and you both lay in a sweaty heap
He laughs into your shoulder, telling you that you're amazing
Next thing you know, he's crying and so are you
But they're not sad tears
Sal just never thought he'd find someone who would love him for him
He feels so lucky to have you that the happiness spills out of his eyes and down his cheeks
Seeing him so happy makes you extremely happy (because let's face it, Sal deserves a world of happiness), and you join him in the tears.
The two of you laugh and cry as you hold each other close.
You shift so your body fits against Sal's body
You feel him pressing into your body, hard and ready to go again.
"Eheh... we may need another round."
#sally face#sal fisher#sally fisher#salfisher#sally face hcs#sally face headcanons#sally face smut#sally face lemon#sal fisher headcanons#sal fisher hcs#sal fisher smut#sal fisher lemon#sally face 🍋#sal fisher 🍋#sal fisher x reader 🍋
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Matanuska Thunder Fuck (Sal Fisher x AFAB Reader) 🍋
Warnings: lemon, very sour lemon(minors, dni), tw: marijuana/edibles use, unsanitary, no condom, fluids. [AN: something's been weird with tumblr not posting my updates. Guys, we're safe in Nockfell, we're just having technical difficulties, I'll try to post about it tomorrow, but basically this is an update in 'x reader's' clothing]
Word count: 2,677
Reader woke in semi darkness, warm and wrapped in arms. A strand of hair the color of shocked cornflowers hung in her face and she felt Sal pull her in closer against his body, wrapping himself around her.
They hadn't meant to fall asleep, balled up like snakes on the couch. However, Sal had found a strain of weed new to him, Matanuska Thunder Fuck. He'd said he had had no choice but to get some after hearing its name. A name like that demanded to be tried.
So Sal had gotten double his usual amount and when he and Reader had come home, he started cooking the green buds into butter, which he added to a batch of brownies, dark chocolate and salted caramel flavored!
Sal baked the weed brownies to perfection and he and Reader each had a good sized brownie. Thirty minutes later, they were still feeling nothing, just watching YouTube in the quiet lake cabin they'd rented. So they each ate another one. An hour later both brownies had kicked in, stronger than they could have anticipated. In the end, Reader and Sal were powerless to do anything but curl up together on the couch and ride the intense high out.
They'd fallen asleep forty five minutes later.
Reader looked around from where they were laying on the couch. The windows were dark. Nightfall had come while they were sleeping. She craned her neck to see the clock on the kitchen counter. It was just visible, enough showing of the last number to see; it was 11:47pm.
Reader yawned and stretched her legs, and Sal cuddled in tighter against the back of her body. He sighed in his sleep as she snuggled back in against him, his arm, which was draped over her waist, holding her tightly to him like she was his favorite stuffed animal.
His arm snaked up between her breasts, his hand resting palm down on Reader's chest, so he could feel her heart beat. She could feel Sal's face pressed into the back of her neck, his breath heating her skin.
The Matanuska Thunder Fuck was still going strong in Reader's body. She felt floaty, her vision had a sort of dreamy quality to it, and peacefulness radiated throughout her. She was happy just to stay here in Sally's arms and go back to sleep.
Sal's legs bent, pushing against Reader's until her legs folded along with Sal's, and his knee pressed between hers until their legs were stacked, one on top of the other. Readers body followed the curve of his and she closed her eyes.
Sal's hips pressed into her ass. She disregarded it. Sal could get squirmy when he was lightly asleep, body just moving because it feels nice. Reader hugged his arm to her chest and snuggled in, ready for sleep to take her.
Sal's hips again, pressing into her ass. A little harder this time. Then he stopped, body relaxing again.
Reader waited a few seconds and sure enough, Sal's hips pushed forward again. She could feel that he was beginning to harden, thicken, as his length was pressed between their bodies, and she pressed back, offering resistance so Sal pressed himself into her harder.
A sleepy groan from behind her let Reader know Sal was awake. For how long, who knew? Sal had a habit of laying perfectly still after waking, giving no sign that he was conscious at all. His hands trailed down to Reader's hips and pulled her back into him again, definitely harder now. His lips moved along the back of her neck, trailing light kisses to her shoulder. Another thrust, his length now pressing hard along where her cheeks met, fitting the crevice there perfectly.
And then Sal's hand on her hip was pulling, turning Reader onto her back so he could crawl up over her and kiss her properly. He wedged his lower body between her legs, resuming his small thrusts, about 30 seconds apart.
Sal smiled down at Reader sleepily from under sleep tousled blue hair. Light glinted off the glass eye in his right socket, forgotten before falling asleep, its iris a light, spring green. Reader lifted her head as he lowered his and they met in the middle in a gentle kiss. Sal's hand trailed up from Reader's hip, catching her shirt on the way up, and then he pulled the shirt up, pulling away from Reader's lips just long enough to let the shirt pass over her head before kissing her again.
Sal made an appreciative noise upon finding that no bra stood in his way, and he palmed her breasts, one in each hand. After a few moments more of kissing Reader, Sal pulled away to duck his head and kiss the tip of each breast.
Sal slipped his hand down the front of Readers pajama pants and rubbed her through her panties, taking advantage of her gasp and slipping his tongue into her mouth to slide against hers.
Sal wasn't the best kisser, though he had come a long way, but what he lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm. He kissed Reader until she was breathless, all the while, lightly rubbing at the front of Reader's undies.
All this while, Sal's hips had intermittently been thrusting into Reader's lower body. Reader could feel him straining against his loose flannel pajama bottoms. She kissed Sal again and shifted so she could reach and slid her hand past the drawstring of Sal's pants and pulled him free of the soft blue fabric. Sal groaned as soon as Reader's fingers touched his cock and he broke the kiss, his good eye showing Reader she wasn't alone in being high still. He smiled at her lazily and bit his lip as Reader stroked him. Sal pushed his pants the rest of the way off, balancing on one knee, and then the other as he worked them down his legs and finally off.
Reader's attention had deepened on Sal's length. When Sal straightened from pulling the pajama pants from his ankles, Reader took the opportunity to lean forward and lick along his hardness before taking it into her mouth. Sal gasped and then groaned when Reader sucked at him while pulling away, and he looked down to see her wrapping a hand around the base of him. She adjusted her body so her neck wasn't at an odd angle and so she could be comfortable, and Sal stayed on his knees. His hands went to Readers hair and he pulled it back and away from her face, holding it in a loose ponytail as she moved her mouth along his cock.
Sal had to fight not to just let his hips swing freely into Reader's mouth. Instead, he let her move, giving her full control. Sal watched as Reader pushed her mouth down his length and back up it, getting a little closer to meeting her hand with her lips each time her head bobbed down. When her mouth touched her hand, she took her hand away and slid her mouth back up his length. She flicked her tongue against Sal's tip and then took him into her mouth again, sliding her mouth down and over him. Then she reached up and covered the hand Sal used to hold her hair, pressing his hand against her head.
Sal understood immediately, braced his hand in Reader's hair and pumped himself into her mouth gently. He moaned and let his head fall back on his shoulders as Reader let him fuck her mouth. He indulged himself for just a few moments, long enough to first feel, then see Reader with her lips touching the skin and short blue hair at the base of him and with her mouth full, took a mental picture of her looking up at him like that-
"Oh fuck!" Sally exclaimed, pulling Reader's head and mouth away quickly, his hand going to his cock and squeezing. He grinned sheepishly at Reader, who was smirking at Sal from where she sat before him.
"Almost made me cum" he chuckled as he crawled over Reader, kissing her thoroughly.
He reached down and was pleased to find that Reader had helped him out and removed her underwear and pants. Nipping at Reader's lips, Sal gave his length a quick stroke, squeezing his tip lightly and then guided it to Reader's entrance.
Sal pushed into Reader slowly, giving her body time to adjust to him. He took his time, enjoying every inch as he filled her with his length. When he reached the end of her body in on the inside, Sal pulled out a little to give himself some room and then gave a few experimental thrusts. He made minute adjustments to both his angle and Reader's until he was satisfied.
Then he started thrusting in earnest, starting with short, quick thrusts that angled up at the end. Sal wrapped his big hands around Reader's hips and pulled her into his thrusts, loving the way she writhed for him and the cute little yip she made at the end of each upstroke. Reader loved the look that Sally got on his face during these intimate moments, that look that was reserved only for her. That look that said 'Mine.' Even now, the look was intensifying.
Sal made a sound, a low growl and pulled out just long enough to turn Reader around. Now she was draped over the arm of the couch, smooth back and shapely ass pleasing to the eye and on display. Sal reached out and rubbed Reader where he was just moments ago, let his fingers find her clit and played his fingertips in her slick and across it. He rubbed the same spot with his tip and then pierced Reader again in one, long smooth stroke. Reader wiggled her hips against him deliciously and Sal bit his lip as he started pumping into her again, his hands on her hips to pull her into him with every thrust.
Soon, the room was filled with Sal's loud, harsh breathing and Reader's soft moans. Sal's hands found their way back to Reader's hair, once again pulling it up into a loose ponytail in one of his big fists. From there, Sal used the ponytail as leverage and straightened his body, pulling Reader up against his chest as he thrust into her from behind. He felt Reader's lips on his jaw and craned his head down so he could kiss her with lips and teeth and tongue as she moaned into his mouth. Reader's moans got closer together, and then almost continual as Sal's hips jacked up into her body. She danced her body around him, meeting him with thrusts of her own, and then Reader clenched around him. She cried out, sudden and sharp as her body threw itself forward and Sal wrapped an arm around her waist to catch her just as she caught herself on the couch arm.
Reader felt Sal twitch inside her as she came, and then felt him pull out. When her vision cleared, he still hung, hard and ready to go while she dealt with aftershocks from the orgasm Sal had just given her.
"No fair" she whined as she laid back against the couch, body still uncoordinated and relaxed from her release. Sal adjusted her so her legs wouldn't lose circulation and fall asleep. "You still didn't finish."
Sal smiled at her, rubbing his hand along one of her thighs.
"Maybe I wasn't ready yet" he said, face playful, but his tone was 100% serious.
Sal moved so he was kneeling on the floor, and he situated himself to kneel between Reader's thighs. He slid his right arm under her thigh, lifting her slightly off the couch and moving her forward a little. Sal looped his left arm so it did the same and Reader watched as Sal leaned in towards her most private parts, and laid a feather light kiss on the inside of her left thigh. Sal's one blue eye rolled up to look at Reader's face as he kissed her right thigh in just the same place. Then he paused, letting anticipation build before delivering a lick right up the center of Reader's core.
Reader's hips bucked up off the couch, pressing more of her against Sal's mouth and tongue and he hugged her thighs to him as he moved with her jerks and twitches.
Sal held on, anchored Readers hips as he licked and nipped at the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. He alternated between slow but firm, long licks and bursts of quick, flickering movements along with sucks and some light scraping of teeth. He licked all of Reader's release he'd given her from her body and then replaced it when he brought her again, savoring her taste as she came on his tongue.
And then Reader had Sal's face in her hands, pulling him up from his knees. Her hands found his length as she pulled him onto the couch and into her arms. She kissed his lips with the taste of her still on them and brought a sigh from his lips with just a few gentle strokes.
Sal was underneath her as she look him into her body again, so warm. Her body swayed as she rocked above him, their bodies joined. Sal cupped both of Readers breasts, pinching her nipples between his fingers as she swayed into another thrust from his hips. Reader kissed him just before Sal let out a groan, her mouth muffling the sound as Sal's hips picked up speed. Reader matched him and trailed kisses along the heavy scars along Sal's right cheek, stopping at his ear to fill it with quiet gasps and moans, tiny little mewling sounds, and whispers of "Oh, gods, Sal… Sally, please don't stop."
And he didn't. Not until right at the end, where he fought the inevitable. Reader had buckled down, clinging to Sal like a baby opossum when he tried to pull back to regain control.
Sal's breath left him suddenly, causing him to make a harsh sound somewhere between a moan and a shout with the 1-2 punch of pleasure. His eyes opened wide, the green glass one pointing slightly off center and seeing nothing, his real, blue one finding Reader's face, which was scrunched up in release, and locking on to her visage as if she was the only thing Sal saw. His hands squeezed, his right one on Reader's hip, aiding him in anchoring Readers hips onto his length, the left one kneading Readers breast as she rode out her orgasm, her inner muscles squeezing him just as tightly. Pleasure licked up through Sal's body and flung him off the edge. He pulled his hips back to thrust into his darling one last time, and he felt his release, felt him explode inside Reader where her body held him. Reader felt him twitching inside her over and over, his hands mirroring the pulse at her hip and chest. Sal's face went slack with his release, his jaw dropping a little, mouth opening softly, eye going soft focused and a little crossed (or at least seeming that way with the glass one being slightly out of alignment).
A low sound, a sigh and a growl mixed came from Sal's mouth as he came back to his body. Reader was curled in his lap, her forehead resting on his collarbone when she came back to herself, Sal dusting kisses in her hair. He could feel what he had left in Reader starting to slowly trickle back down his shaft, still warm from their bodies, but already cooling.
"I think I know why they call it Thunder Fuck" Reader chuckled, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. Sally grabbed his shirt and cleaned first Reader, then himself up with it, and let Reader readjust herself in his lap.
Sal's right leg twitched, a fine tremor running through it like light, rolling thunder and Sal laughed as Reader noticed it, her brow arching quizzically.
"And that's just from eating it" Sal said, reaching back to a little hideaway spot on the shelf behind his head. When he brought his arms down he held a lighter and one fat, perfectly rolled joint, "Ready to see how smoking it makes us feel? I can get some water for round two."
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Hello and welcome to my Sally Face blog! Asks are open and I hope you find something you like!
If you are looking for creepypasta content, it is moving to @nursegracecreates and if you want to see the stuff I reblog, it's @graciefacereblogs
Started: April 29, 2021
Progress: Ongoing
Last Updated: February 1, 2024
Total Works: no idea 😅
Asks: Open
Requests: Open, but only for daily warmup ideas
Commissions: Open (inquire via DM or private ask)
Sally Face
Self Ship
Sal Fisher
Sal Fisher Hc's (Self Ship version (Sal x Grace)
He Has So Many Scars, And God, Are They Beautiful (with sketch sheet)
Sal and Grace: Through the Years
Maple Cohen
Travis Phelps
Sal Fisher
Relationship Headcanons #1
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
A Friend Coming Out to the Gang™ as Nonbinary
Sal with a Himbo S/O
Sal with a Muslim S/O on Ramadan
Smoking with Larry and Sal
Sal and Larry with an S/O with Horrific Allergies
Larry and Sal with a Mom Friend™ S/O
Sal Fisher with a Monster! S/O
Sal Fisher with a GN! S.O Who's Having a Depressive Episode
That One Time Sal Fisher Colored His Hair
Wintertime Headcanons for Sal and His Cold Natured SO
Sal Fisher and Reading
Late Night Channel Surfing With Sal
Coming Home From Work To Sal
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson w/ a Chubby SO
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
A Friend Coming Out to the Gang™ as Nonbinary
Smoking with Larry and Sal
Sal and Larry with an S/O with Horrific Allergies
Larry Johnson Fluff Alphabet #1
Larry Johnson Fluff Alphabet #2
Larry Johnson Fluff Alphabet #3
Larry and Sal With a Mom Friend™ S/O
Larry Finding Out His SO is Travis' Sister
Ashley Campbell
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
A Friend Coming Out to the Gang™ as Nonbinary
Todd Morrison
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
A Friend Coming Out to the Gang™ as Nonbinary
Chug Cohen
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
Flying Too Close- A Chug Cohen Experience
Maple Cohen
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
Maple Cohen Best Friend Headcanons
Travis Phelps
A Night in the Woods with the Gang™
Travis with a Really Big, Intimidating S/O
Travis Phelps Fluff Alphabet #1
Travis Phelps Has a Great Singing Voice?!
Larry Finding Out His SO Is Travis' Sister
Travis and BISO Make a Home
Travis' "Best Friend"
Robert Silva Headcanons
Sal Fisher
NSFW Sal With a Chubby S/O
NSFW Sal With an Oblivious S/O
NSFW Sal With an Oblivious S/O
NSFW Poly Reader, Larry, Sal and Ash
Fluff/NSFW Sal Fisher with a Twink Boyfriend
Sweet and Sour Subby!Sal Fisher Headcanons 🍋
Matanuska Thunder Fuck 🍋
Sal Fisher with a Super Sensitive SO
Sal Fisher, His (afab) SO, and Sex Toys 🍋🍋🍋
Reader's First Time With Sal Fisher 🍋
Sal Fisher and His Lady Love Have a Spa Day
Larry Johnson
NSFW Larry with an Oblivious S/O
NSFW Poly Reader, Larry, Sal and Ash
Flip the Switch (DomLarry with an AFAB SubSO)
Ashley Campbell
NSFW Poly Reader, Larry, Sal, and Ash
Todd Morrison
Chug Cohen
Maple Cohen
Travis Phelps
Bottom! Travis (featuring BISO)
Fluff Alphabet template
Emoji Ask Game
Ressurection AU- 1
Memories Monday
05.17.2021- Mimi and Stevie
05.24.2021- Dink
Southern Creeps Headcanons (Brian, Tim, Jane, and Kate)
Whump Prompts
Relationship and Fluff Prompts
Fluff Alphabet
Slenderman Headcanons 1 2
Slenderman Ref Drawing
Brian Thomas/Hoody 🏃
Down By the River (Brian Thomas/Hoody x Fem!Reader
Eyeless Jack/EJ 👹
Dark Yan!Eyeless Jack Relationship Headcanons (nsfw)
Helen Otis/Bloody Painter 🖌🎨
General and Relationship Headcanons for Helen
NSFW Helen Otis Headcanons
On the Subject of Helen and Tattoos
One Shots
Hunting HeeHoo (A Markiplier Alter Tale)
My Drawings!!
Kinktober 2021
Salloween 2021

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