#sakura song full bloom collection
mikumoduleoftheday · 2 years
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Today’s Miku Module of the Day is:
桜歌爛漫綺譚蒐 by kirisame !
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hashsmusic-web · 1 year
ミレンとアコガレ "Wives"
朗読演劇シリーズである極上文學の第14弾「桜の森の満開の下 ~孤独~ 」(原作:坂口安吾)のために書き下ろされた、ジャズピアニスト橋本啓一のオリジナル曲集。全編ソロピアノで演奏される。この作品の劇場公演は、2019年12月 新宿FACE で行われた。ソロピアノの一発録りで、無編集無修正。
A collection of original songs by jazz pianist Keiichi Hashimoto, written for the 14th “In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom ~Loneliness~ ” (Ango Sakaguchi) of the Gokujo Bungaku series, which is a recitation that started in 2011. ”Gokujo” means superb, and “Bungaku” means literature. All songs played on solo piano. A one-shot recording of a solo piano, unedited and unprocessed.
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airashisakura · 3 years
Late submission for @fantasysasusaku SasuSaku Fantasy Week Day 6 - Soulmate/ Prophecy/ Reincarnation
Title: Embodiment of his Fate
Pairing: Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke
A/N: A mythology from my country had inspired me to write this piece. This was supposed to be posted during the event, but it got unusually long and took a lot of time than I expected. Also this first AU written by me.
Part I
Sasuke — the lone wanderer — didn’t expect again to see the embodiment of his fate in green and pink. Even the gods were sometimes astonished, and Sasuke, the god of catastrophe, felt his world shaking when a pair of tired yet cheerful eyes smiled at him.
“Sakura?” he asked, every syllable carrying disbelief. He bit his tongue as the forbidden name left his mouth, because the Sakura he knew and loved had died long ago.
The owner of shining jade eyes and rosy coloured hair nodded at him. “I’ve been waiting for you, Sasuke.”
Her words echoed more than the thunderstorms he created. He had heard those words before rolling out from a certain pinkette's mouth. He recognised the ‌same words and her loving tone, but only in memories of a time long ago.
Was she the Sakura he knew? Was it an illusion borne out of his longing? Or was she a reincarnation?
Sasuke had always been alone — without any roots and attachments. He didn’t know his family or when and where he was born. He grew up in the darkness of the Ryuchi caves, his only companions being snakes. They were neither his friends nor his enemies, but he polished his basic instincts by observing and mimicking them.
Over time, Sasuke became an invincible warrior — one who rivaled Naruto. Over time, he earned the dignity of a God alongside Naruto.
Sasuke’s sole purpose was to destroy the imperfections and illusions, paving the way for beneficial change. His kind of destruction wasn’t arbitrary but constructive. He was thus seen both as good and evil and regarded as one who combines contradictory elements.
Naruto, unlike Sasuke, had a peaceful demeanor — being praised as God of Preservation — and nourished the world and its being. They worked in sync and ran the cycle of life — destroying the life which was futile and restoring a better life from the ashes.
Their ideologies were different, but they created a perfect balance. Naruto thrived on building bonds and made judgments with compassion, always forgiving and guiding misled souls. Sasuke, on the other hand, was more extreme — he always took an eye for an eye and a hand for a hand, but he wasn’t cruel. He wasn’t forgiving like Naruto either, and he claimed that his sense of judgement was always clearer. Sasuke despised Naruto’s philosophy. In his perspective, being enslaved to mere emotions would bring no good to the world.
Sasuke was pure consciousness, completely without pretension, never repetitive, always spontaneous, forever inventive, ceaselessly creative, and passionate about his actions.
One day, when Naruto and Sasuke were settling their arguments with a battle, Kakashi, a wise and mischievous messenger between Gods of Heaven and Kings of Earth, noticed how passionately Sasuke wielded his sword. The more Kakashi saw of Sasuke, the more he was in awe of him. His cunning mind bore a wish. He wanted to see how passionately this man could build bonds.
Kakashi knew Sasuke would be enraged if he approached him. Instead, he plotted a conspiracy. He went to The Creator himself — the one who created the world and appointed the protector and the destroyer. Hagoromo himself was amused by Kakashi’s proposal, but he watched Sasuke and saw the stillness surrounding him — the pain that Sasuke was unable to see himself. Hagoromo took pity and advised Kakashi to go to The Land of Fire.
Konohagakure, the capital of the Land of Fire, was prosperous and mighty, ruled by Queen Tsunade. The queen was strong willed and stubborn and feared no catastrophe. She had always been the one who harshly criticized Sasuke’s way of living and his actions.
Kakashi was a shrewd diplomat and knew he could never succeed in convincing the Queen to do what Hagoromo suggested, so he tricked her. He told her that The Creator himself wanted her beautiful kingdom to prosper more and had decided to present a gift to her. Tsunade was thrilled to know that, and the wise lady was unable to see behind Kakashi’s conspiracy.
A holy fire always burned at the heart of The Land of Fire. This fire was regarded pious because it had been burning since the beginning of civilization. The strongest of rains and harshest of winds were never able to extinguish the holy fire. The high raging flames were Tsunade’s pride and she believed no one, even The Gods themselves could demolish her Kingdom.
As promised, a beautiful adolescent girl emerged from that fire. As the girl descended from the altar, the mere touch of her soles made the earth more fertile, and her smile brought serenity.
People called her The New Goddess, and she was named Sakura. Her beauty was ethereal and her voice sweeter than honey. The shade of her eyes rivaled emerald and her hair was as graceful as cherry blossoms. Her laugh jingled with air as melodious as an angel's song. She possessed a heart brimming with compassion and love that melted even the coldest of hearts.
Tsunade, a fierce and strong tempered woman, developed a motherly instinct towards her. Sakura churned out love from the depths of the heart of the warrior queen. Tsunade found peace in Sakura’s presence and loved doing mundane things with her. Tsunade treated Sakura like her own daughter and doted on her.
As years passed by, Sakura bloomed, and she mastered everything Tsunade had taught her. Tsunade was elated and boasted that she would make her a warrior and queen like herself.
Tsunade didn’t trust many people around Sakura. She considered Sakura a precious entity and kept her hidden from the eyes of the unknown and evil. However, Kakashi was neither unknown nor evil, and thus he met Sakura routinely and helped her with her growing loneliness.
“What does freedom feel like?” she had asked Kakashi one day while her eyes drifted out from her windows, trying to see the boundaries of the Konoha.
Kakashi knew what she was talking about, but he remained silent, finding the best possible way to introduce her to the character for whom he had conspired everything.
“I want to see what’s outside those big gates.”
Sakura looked towards Kakashi, expecting an answer, and added, her voice fading, “And know more people.”
Tsunade had told her that she was destined to be the queen of this land, and so she couldn’t befriend anybody she wanted.
Kakashi silently mocked the situation. A goddess boon for a kingdom, bane for herself.
“Do you want to meet someone who can show you the real essence of freedom?”
Sakura nodded, her green eyes sparkling with eagerness.
Kakashi’s eyes crinkled at her innocence — how prophecy was working in the background, without her knowledge.
“There’s one problem though.” Kakashi rubbed his chin, squinting his eyes.
Sakura gave him a questioning look, and Kakashi said in a hushed, secretive voice, “He doesn’t like meeting anybody.”
“Huh? But why?” Sakura demanded, her voice two octaves higher than Kakashi’s.
Kakashi laughed at her innocence again.
“Oh! Tell me, where can I meet him? And would mother allow me?” she asked hopefully, fidgeting with the laces of her gown.
Kakashi’s relaxed face became serious. However, he knew how to outsmart the legendary Queen herself.
“Well, you have to go to Shikkotsu Forest.”
Sakura looked bewildered, as she had never heard of the place before.
“You don’t know where it is, do you?” Kakashi asked, and Sakura shook her head with a frown.
“Don’t worry. I’ll escort you there.” Kakashi smiled softly to her, but before Sakura could run down to tell Tsunade about her adventure, Kakashi interrupted. “However, don’t tell The Queen that you are going to meet someone. You know right? The Queen doesn’t like that.”
Sakura nodded again, saddened by the fact that she had to lie, but the thrill of the impending adventure washed away her guilt.
Kakashi then convinced Tsunade to follow his plan by pointing out that Katsuyu, the slug from Shikkotsu forest, had always served the Queen and for Sakura to succeed her throne in the future, she must know Katsuyu and Shikkotsu woods. Tsunade was convinced and, although unwillingly, gave her permission.
Dressed in the attire of a warrior and saddled upon a horse, she waved goodbye to her mother and the kingdom. The horse kicked the ground and started running at full speed, and Sakura wondered why she hadn’t thought of exploring outside the high walls of the palace before. She had always thought Konoha was a paradise, but as she crossed mile after mile, she realised the world outside Konoha was much more chaotic and beautiful.
Sometimes they slowed down, and the horses lazily strolled while she and Kakashi chatted. Kakashi would tell her about the magical slug Katsuyu and how she would be going to live in the wilderness. She also learned a little more about the man she was going to meet.
He is the embodiment of stillness and energy both, she had remembered Kakashi saying. His face carried a calm and stoic expression while inside he was chaotic and frightful. He remained still and unmoving when he reflected on his purpose, and yet he moved with a lightning speed when he executed his actions.
His stillness and energy both intrigued Sakura more. She had never felt so lively before, and as she reached closer to Shikkotsu forest, she couldn’t wait more to taste how it felt — how freedom looked like.
Almost a year passed, and Sakura had accepted Shikkotsu woods as her new home. Her silky hair grew longer and unruly, and she tied it up in a messy knot. The dresses she had brought with herself were old and torn, and she learned how to sew them. She spent hours after hours collecting food and grew more petite. What didn’t change was her radiant beauty and the mesmerizing smile that never left her lips.
She remembered her mother’s command clearly:
Learn healing magic from Katsuyu. When you become The Queen, it will benefit the people of the Kingdom.
Sakura never strayed from her routine with Katsuyu, gaining knowledge about the secrets of magical power that the slug possessed.
After that, she spent most of her time sitting on the wooden branches of a tree, looking towards the entrance of the forest. Sometimes she swung her legs in impatience, sometimes disappointment took over, and sometimes she mulled over her decision to leave the kingdom. She had waited for almost two years now and sadness took over her face when she realised the day wasn’t far when her mother would send an army to escort her back.
Although a goddess who could do wonders waited for a man and her destiny.
When Kakashi had informed him that a certain intruder had invaded Shikkostu woods, Sasuke had scoffed when he found a frail lady roaming through the forest.
“What possible harm could she cause?” he’d said.
Kakashi chuckled under his breath.
Unless cold-blooded God knew, she had the capability to destroy his ultimate defense of indifference.
Sasuke became curious and went to Shikkotsu forest to know what a princess was doing there. When he arrived, he found no trace of her and thought she had left. He was about to leave, when he heard a rustling sound behind him. He turned, sighing that the intruder hadn’t left. Before he could say anything, the same fragile lady had already released an arrow from the bow.
He hadn’t expected much, but even less had he expected to meet her in the middle of Shikkotsu forest with blood dripping out from his chest where her arrow had pierced him. A pair of perplexed green eyes pierced his onyx while he struggled to stand straight but failed and stumbled to the ground.
Sakura didn’t realise she had shot the man she had been waiting for instead of some intruder until she took a minute to tally the features that Kakashi had supplied her with. Chiseled jawline, one visible onyx eye and another hidden under his raven locks, a face that was sharp as blade, and an expression hard as rock. The visible anger in his eye and the scowl that marred his face was undeniably attractive.
Sakura rushed towards him, bracing him in her arms. She could feel his ragged breathing tickling on her shoulders as he mumbled, “Sakura?”
Her eyes widened, but before she could brace herself for the next blow, she spoke out, “I’ve been waiting for you, Sasuke.”
She was bewildered, and he was unconscious. She stayed still, contemplating the situation. They were meeting for the first time. They’d never known each other, and they didn't know each other’s name, yet how smoothly their names rolled out of each other tongues.
When Sasuke gained consciousness, he saw a mop of messy pink hair. Although he felt his blood boiling because never in his whole life had he been knocked unconscious, but the presence of the woman whose back he could see pacified him. He didn’t know how, but it did. His throat was dry and his lips felt chapped, and he coughed, notifying his intruder that he was awake.
Sakura turned towards her intruder, getting off from her place where she was crushing and mixing some herbs with a mortar and pestle. She offered him water and apologised for earlier. Sasuke’s sour expression told her that her apology wasn’t accepted. She sighed, berating herself for the mistake. She had shot the man she had been waiting for.
How was she supposed to fix this?
Her fingers trembled as she layered herbs on his wound. She could feel his heart beating, and it felt oddly familiar — like she was well versed with the rhythm.
“How do you know my name?” She broke the silence.
Sasuke gave her a confused look, and then it dawned upon him that he had never met her before. He was speechless, somewhat unable to explain and somewhat lost in her eyes. What was happening to him? Whenever he looked into those deep green abysses, he felt he was losing, and for the first time ever, it felt good.
One day while Sakura was nursing him, she shared with him the prophecy she’d been told, ignoring his gruff and uninterested look. Sasuke walked away from her, stating he had been alone since birth and intended to be that way. He tried to sneak out, but Sakura demanded that he should stay until he was healed. He didn’t want to comply because he never had to anyone, but somehow the concern in her face made him. It felt good — someone worried for him — someone taking care of him.
He later regretted his decision when Sakura became too comfortable with him.
He was on his side trying to get some sleep when Sakura asked him out of nowhere, “What does freedom feel like?”
He glared at her, irritated she had interrupted his sweet sleep.
Next when she was coaxing him to eat something, and Sasuke sat there looking outside at the falling rain without responding to her tantrums, Sakura huffed in anger, “Why don’t you at least talk?”
He couldn’t explain what he had felt when he saw her sleeping face under the moonlight. It felt like anesthesia — lulling his senses — sending him to a deeper state of peacefulness. All the years of fighting, slaying and punishing wrong-doers started to feel futile. He snuck out of the forest that night because he knew he would be destroyed if he stayed with her any longer.
Prophecy was working in the background, and something unexpected happened. He found himself again at Shikkotsu forest with, finding way back to Sakura.
“Welcome back.”
When he found Sakura smiling back at him — smiling for him — he felt he had made the right decision to return
He was fishing for lunch while Sakura sat beside him, gazing at the floating clouds. She asked, breaking the silence, “Does freedom feel like this? Being you and doing all you want.”
He turned towards her, and noticed a wistful smile playing on her lips and offered, “I will show you, if you come with me.”
Every god and demigod was astonished. They have never seen Sasuke, the lone wanderer, indulging in life, bonds, or attachments. Kakashi sipped wine while watching Sasuke fall passionately in love.
The news spread like fire, and it didn’t take much time to reach Tsunade’s ears. She was infuriated and commanded her army to drag Sakura back. Before Sakura could explain the unexplainable bond that had developed between them, Tsunade lashed out at her. She criticized both Sakura’s decision and the man who she had given her heart. Sakura was put under watch, locked up in a room as punishment for her actions.
Perhaps punishing her for the fate that she carried from the day when she was born.
The decision was hers — to be caged and become The Queen or to flee and embrace freedom.
She chose the latter. Chose the path that the prophecy had led her to. Chose the stranger who had tugged the strings of her heart.
In the darkness of night as the horse galloped, Sakura looked back for the last time, and the kingdom disappeared on the horizon with a new life waiting for her.
She had everything, yet she had felt empty. When she abandoned everything, she felt complete.
When Sakura stepped into their new abode, she found piles of snow and chilly winds blowing around. She had spent part of her life under warm sunshine and the royal ceiling. For a princess, it was difficult to adjust, but alongside all adversities, there was unadulterated love — love that had lifted the weight of expectations of royal duties from her shoulders. She felt like home, the feeling Konoha couldn’t give her.
Now she spent her days carelessly. Some days she would rest her head on his shoulder and look at the horizon as far as her eyes would allow. Some days they would travel, disguising themselves as commoners. And at those moments, she took liberty of her newfound freedom — forgetting she was a goddess — and mingled with people of unknown places.
And Sasuke let her be random and spontaneous — like him.
Perhaps this was the freedom she yearned for and had searched all over these years. Sasuke didn’t teach her how to live. Instead, his presence influenced her. She would sit silently and watch with awe when he stayed still and meditated or practiced with his sword.
The one who never knew the meaning of home had made a home at the top of The Three Wolves Mountain. Sasuke, who hadn’t known feelings, started feeling multitudes of emotions. Love and companionship were the words he had despised, but now he could understand why his counterpart, Naruto, bragged about them. Sakura made his existence meaningful, showing him beauty in the things he had often dismissed.
Her presence never became a chain for him, and she never overstepped her boundaries or meddled with Sasuke’s work. He still had a clear view of judgement, with a pinch of compassion that he had learned from her. He hadn’t shed his furious demeanor, but he reconsidered his motives before acting.
Sasuke as the world knew him had untamed passion, which led him to be extreme in behaviour. Sometimes he was an ascetic — abstaining from worldly pleasure. At others he was a hedonist — indulging every bit in marital bliss.
Living with Sakura brought him balance.
Part II
“Don’t you understand? You’re the future Queen. You can’t fall in love with someone who has nothing and is a lunatic murderer.”
Tsunade’s blood had been boiling with anger when she learned about the prophecy that had been crafted right under her nose. She had believed that her daughter was innocent, and it was just a filthy trick that Kakashi was playing on her until she had heard Sakura pleading.
“Please let me go.”
Honey-colored eyes filled with anger and hurt glanced towards Sakura.
Sakura spoke again, albeit afraid of Tsunade. After that, Tsunade didn't lock Sakura away. She wanted to test Sakura’s resolve — test her loyalty and love towards her and Konoha.
The next morning she was greeted with the news that the princess had eloped.
If she wanted to, she could have hunted her down, but Tsunade clearly remembered Sakura’s final words from their last conversation.
“I want to live with Sasuke… I don’t want to live here anymore.”
Although she allowed Sakura to become part of Sasuke’s life, she never accepted them, and she could never forget the sting of Sakura’s words. She hated Sasuke more for taking Sakura away from her.
After some years had passed, Tsunade decided to hold a festival in the honor of the good harvest that had sprouted from the Land of Fire. She invited every god and demigod, every lord across the nation, even the commoners and beggars. She wanted to share the happiness that she had lost after she had last seen her daughter. She couldn’t lie to herself that she still loved Sakura dearly, although she had disowned her from her heart and cared less about her whereabouts.
That’s the price Sakura would pay, she thought, because everyone was welcomed, except Sasuke and Sakura.
While Sakura and Sasuke were enjoying their routine of sitting together in silence, Sakura noticed a lot of traffic — the finest of chariots, all the lords, gods and goddesses going somewhere dressed immaculately.
Sasuke noticed she was distracted by the commotion. He knew exactly what was happening and where all of them were going, but he said nothing.
Sakura couldn’t hold back her curiosity and she asked, “What is this? Where is everyone going?”
“It doesn’t matter. We don’t need to go where they are going,” Sasuke replied, ignoring her.
Sakura knew the roads the others traveled led towards her old home. She became more restless, and she asked Sasuke again, “It seems like everyone is going to Konoha. Is something happening there?”
“Don’t bother yourself. We are fine here,” Sasuke replied curtly.
Seeing Sakura disappointed, he finally let out his biggest insecurity, “Are you unhappy here?”
“No, I’m happy here,” Sakura smiled, giving up on her curiosity.
The next day when she saw the same, she didn’t pester Sasuke again. Instead she stopped one of the chariots and asked them, “Where are you all going?”
They replied, “Don’t you know? There’s a big festival in Konoha, and your mother has invited all of us. Are you not coming?”
She felt totally lost when she came to know that she and her husband had not been invited. She felt disgraced and humiliated. She thought it wasn’t fair to her and Sasuke.
She was deeply bothered by this and decided, “I am going to my mother. Why did she do this?”
Sasuke said, “It doesn’t matter to me. Why are you getting worked up? We are fine here. Why should we go to the festival?”
Sakura was so insulted that she wasn’t invited that she didn’t want to listen to anything. Although she knew she had fled from the Kingdom without her mother's permission, she was sure Tsunade still loved her like she loved Tsunade.
She argued, “No, I have to go. There must be some kind of mistake. Maybe the invitation was lost. How can she not invite you and me? I am her daughter.”
Sasuke reasoned, “You left her for me. I don’t see anything unusual in not inviting you.”
Sakura stomped out of their abode infuriated, “My mother isn’t like that. I am sure she wouldn’t do this.”
Sasuke knew there was no point in arguing so he sent his most faithful snake Aoda as escort and pleaded with her not to provoke any incident.
When Sakura reached the huge gates of Konoha, she didn’t find any resistance, but the old familiar people were cold and inhospitable. She ordered Aoda to stay outside, and she walked towards the palace. She was trying to respond to the odd vibes that people were giving her by smiling at everyone while she made her way to her mother. The place and the people seemed to be changed, or was she changed? Perhaps Sasuke was right, but she was too stubborn to accept that. She ignored all the cold glares and mocking tones and went into the palace, still believing that there was some kind of a mistake.
“Mother,” Sakura greeted and bowed when she found Tsunade.
“Mother?” Tsunade spat back. Tsunade was furious. She never thought Sakura would have the audacity to show her face again and to call her mother.
“My daughter died the day when she turned her back on the Kingdom.”
Sakura was on the verge of crying out, because Tsunade made it clear that Sasuke’s words were the truth. She wanted to leave, but she didn’t. She wanted to know why Tsunade had always despised Sasuke. Why he himself, being a God, was not acknowledged by The Queen.
She asked Tsunade, holding back her tears, “How can you not invite Sasuke?”
Tsunade abused Sasuke in every possible way, and she added, “I will never have him step into my Kingdom.”
She could swallow her own pride and could take more insults, but she couldn’t stand more to her mother dishonoring Sasuke. Soon they were in the midst of a heated argument, and every passing moment made it clearer to Sakura that her mother was entirely incapable of appreciating the many excellent qualities that her husband possessed. She was consumed by rage against her mother and loathed her mentality.
The realization then came to her that this abuse was being heaped on Sasuke more only because he had wed her. She was the cause of dishonor to her husband. She was so crestfallen that her love had brought more hatred for Sasuke. Sasuke gave her love, yet she had brought him disgrace.
She was shaking with raw anger, tears welling out of her green eyes. She wanted others to acknowledge Sasuke like she did — pure and gentle behind his facade. She thought with her life she could show that to the world.
She didn’t want to be there, but neither did she want to go back to The Three Wolves Mountain. She walked towards the fire from where she was born. She didn’t want to live a life where her love bore hatred to Sasuke. Calling up a prayer, that in future birth, to be born in a house where Sasuke was respected, Sakura invoked divine powers and burned herself.
If she had to die and take birth again to restore his honor, she would die million times.
When Aoda came back and told him about what had happened in Konoha, Sasuke sat still for a certain period. He felt all the happiness, all the colors that Sakura brought with her fading — he felt his sanity leaving. How could he let Sakura go? How dare she do such a thing?
Sakura had given him love and a home — things that were unknown to him. How dare she leave for such an insignificant reason? She was his pride and honor, and he didn’t need any appreciation from others. How could she have misunderstood that? He didn’t need the pride which took her away from him. Thus he shed his sanity that was straining him to wreak havoc — he became fire. For the first time, he became disillusioned and decided to take revenge on the innocents.
Burning with incomparable rage, he used the mighty powers of his eyes and burned the whole kingdom using Amaterasu. They had provoked her to burn herself, hence he watched everyone and everything that had snatched his wife from him burn.
When the flames inside him and of Amaterasu had subsided, he realised how ungodly he had acted. He let his emotions rule over his actions, but hadn’t he given in to his emotions since he had met Sakura? Maybe he had always despised emotions, because he was afraid he would get drowned in them and could never manage to reach the shore again.
His work was to destroy the elements that couldn't be fixed. He was broken and his emotions were far from repairable. After the throes of romance, death and grief, he decided to destroy the emotions that had been born in him because of Sakura.
He had loved Sakura more than any and would never love after her.
He had allowed himself the luxury once and when it was over, he came out of it and went into an indifferent state again. He went into meditation for many years, deeply upset over the death of his wife, ignoring all his duties.
Every destruction acted as a progenitor. Within the barren and burned hectares of the Land of Fire, a small village was born after many years. The village was always covered in spring blossoms, and the people were merry, carefree, and had a profound belief in Gods and their power. They revered Sasuke most, considering him the progenitor of beginning that had given a chance to sow over barren land and produce bountifully. They were hard workers, but humble enough to believe in the grace of Gods.
Sasuke, unaware of the fact, still meditated, grieving for his wife. Still unaware that his beloved had already taken birth again...
Sakura was reborn as a human — the daughter of Kizashi, the leader of Haruno tribe and his wife, Mebuki. This time, Sakura, as she had wished, was born to a family where Sasuke was worshiped ardently.
Sakura, unaware of her past, the prophecy, and the tragedy grew into a beautiful woman. Many lords asked her for marriage, but she always denied them. She always had an innate feeling that someone already had taken her heart, but she didn’t know who.
When Kakashi came to know that the goddess had lost the memories of her previous birth, he appeared in front of her parents. Regretting the path he had taken last time, he confronted her parents about her previous birth, the prophecy, and the fate that linked Sasuke and their daughter.
Kizashi and Mebuki were overwhelmed with joy after knowing this. However, Sakura was skeptical about it and questioned Kakashi.
“Go to Shikkotsu Forest. The answers to all your questions lie there,” Kakashi advised.
Sakura, with her parents’ permission, went to Shikkotsu forest, and as she spent days under the canopy where she had found her freedom once, she learned from Katsuyu to whom her heart belonged.
The moment when she remembered all about her past, she grew restless. At once she left for The Three Wolves Mountain — Sasuke’s home — their home. When she reached there, she found Sasuke lost in meditation.
Years passed, but she waited for Sasuke to open his eyes and to look at her and realize that she was there — as promised.
But Sasuke was deeply lost.
Although a human this time, Sakura was still stubborn.
She sat there in spite of the bitter chilly winds that rattled her bones. She didn’t move an inch to gather food even though her stomach hurt from hunger. She didn’t blink her eyes in spite of how much they threatened to close because of exhaustion.
Perhaps love was invincible — the strongest force that again moved the coldest heart.
Sasuke opened his eyes after many uncountable years. Something that he couldn’t pinpoint had stirred him out of his deep state. He rose in fury. How could anyone dare do that? Wasn’t tricking him once enough?
He swore he would see the death of the person who had disturbed him. He walked outside to see a lady whose head and shoulders were covered with snow, shivering.
His brows knitted in irritation because no one had stepped in The Three Wolves Mountain except Sakura.
The lady straightened herself, feeling his presence. Sasuke wasn’t ready to listen to any of her justifications.
Because no had stepped in their abode except Sakura, and no one would.
Although he was elated to see her again, what Sakura has done was unforgivable. Sasuke was bewildered. All these years of abandoning his emotions fell away when he felt a surge of love and hatred, fear and longing, hurt and comfort coursed through him.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to live with regrets and guilt earlier,” Sakura confessed to him, filling up the details of the past.
He realised the diamond mark on her forehead was gone. She was still beautiful and the smile he had longed to see was still graceful. Undoubtedly, she was Sakura, his wife. She was no longer a goddess though. She had sacrificed her divine powers for him.
He was scared to lose her again. He didn’t want to believe in the prophecy that had once taken Sakura away from her, but he listened peacefully to everything.
“This time will be different. Trust me, I'm not leaving you anywhere,” Sakura smiled, and assured Sasuke.
Who was Sasuke to defy her plea? Their love was weaved in the form of prophecy which defied cycles of lifes and deaths. No matter how far they go, they are bound to be together at the end.
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
crush | katsuki bakugou
a/n: as promised, this is the final part of crush!! thank you to everyone who liked and read this lil smau series!! new stuff will be coming soon though ;) 
previously: part 10
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey@h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez@helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe @katsuki-bakugo-owns-my-ass  
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“And, done! Perfect!”
Momo handed you a mirror, showing the finished makeup look. You smiled at your reflection. It wasn’t heavy makeup, you looked like yourself but just with a little more glamour. You beamed up at your friend. 
“Thank you Momo!” You gave her a quick hug before hurrying to change into your dress. The other girls were almost done as well. You had done your hair, and now that Momo had done your makeup, all you needed to do was change. You pulled the white silk dress out of the garment bag. When you saw it in the vintage boutique window, you knew it was destined to be yours. 
You changed and slipped on the dress. Once Uraraka had zipped you up and tied the baby blue sash around your waist, you felt like an absolute princess. The way the silk silhouette hugged your body perfectly was stunning. Uraraka clasped her hands together and squealed. 
“Oh Y/N! You look absolutely darling!!” 
You giggled and hugged the brunette in gratitude. You grabbed your matching white heels and slipped them on, bandages on the back of your heels to prevent from cuts. You swore you would keep the heels on the entire night, no matter what pain the dancing caused. 
You looked at your friends, all dressed and looking glamourous. You couldn’t help but smile. They truly were the best, being by your side through thick and thin. After taking a ton of photos together as well as of each other, you all linked arms and made your way to the gym. 
You gaped at how the gym was completely transformed. Lights hung from the ceiling, bouncing off of the disco ball in hues of purple and blue. Tables full of desserts, catered of course by Lunch Rush. Present Mic was in the corner, DJing and spinning on the turntable with a massive grin on his face. It wasn’t often he got to share his other passion with his students. Students were still arriving, but many were already dancing.
With a strong tug, Tsu grabbed your arm and you were placed face to face with Mina. You blinked, the pink alien-like girl giving you a shy smile. 
“Hey Y/N.” 
You sighed and pulled her into a hug. You could never stay mad at her, especially since she was your best friend since practically the crib. You felt her exhale and hug back. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring you. I just didn’t know what to think.” 
Mina shook her head. 
“Don’t even worry about it. You trust me though right?” 
You nodded and smiled. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
A mischievous grin spread across her face, causing your brows to furrow. 
“Uh, Mina-” 
In one swift movement, she took your hands and spun you around, your eyes widening at the person standing before you. 
There stood the one and only Katsuki Bakogou. He was dressed in a black suit, tailored perfectly to his fit body. He wore a white shirt and chuck sneakers. He looked devilishly good, but one detail caught your eye. A boutonnière was pinned on his suit, an array of baby’s breath and blue forget-me-nots intertwined expertly with each other. Before you could speak, he extended his hand, holding a clear plastic box. Inside was a corsage that matched his boutonnière, the same shade as the baby blue hue of the sash on your dress. 
“Katsuki,” You gasped, looking up from the flowers and to his pink face, clearly embarrassed from his romantic efforts. 
“H-Hey, Y/N.” 
The greeting was stuttered, the words filled with nervous energy. His mind was going blank. Seeing you in that dress, the purple lighting bouncing on your skin, he was mesmerized. 
“Is this for me?” You asked, biting your lip, almost afraid to get your hopes up. 
He blinked and looked at your hand pointing to the corsage. “Huh? Oh yeah.” 
He opened the box and with surprisingly delicate fingers, slipped it over your hand and gently placed it on your wrist. The baby blue tones and white accents looked perfect against your skin. You smiled down at your hand and held it up, examining the bloomed flowers. 
“You look beautiful by the way.” 
You looked up at him, he was being genuine. 
“You look beautiful too, Katsuki,” You giggled. 
He turned away, his face reddening by the second. He would be mad at the comment, but he was too happy that you were calling him by his first name again to care. 
“Y/N,” he paused as if needing to collect his breath, “will you dance with me?” 
Your face heated up at his offer and nodded. He grunted slightly and took your hand leading you to the dance floor. His hands were hot and it became clear that he was indeed very nervous. He came to a stop and turned to you, setting his hands at your hips in a robotic movement, as if he had practiced this moment a million times. Which he had. Mina had engrained every little motion and step into the boy’s brain, and now the actions became muscle memory. 
You set your arms on his shoulders, your hands clasping together behind his neck. You stepped forward, closing much of the space between you. His breath hitched slightly, but he tried to stay focused. He was looking down at your feet, making sure not to step on your toes and hurt you as the two of you swayed to the slow music. He was being so careful and soft, it was unlike him. You gently lifted his head up but placing to fingers under his chin and pushing up, your eyes locking. His pupils were blown wide with anxiety, but looking into your caring eyes calmed him down. 
“Are you nervous?” 
He didn’t know what to say. He had rehearsed his words so many times in his head, in the mirror, to Mina, and the moment was finally here...and he croaked. Instead of speaking, he simply stared at you, soaking all of your features in his gaze. Your nose, your eyelashes, your lips, they were all so perfect. He couldn’t help but fear he would taint all of it, all of you. 
“Katsuki?” You asked again, provoking him to stop his dazing. He looked down again, but this time with a look of frustration. He huffed and looked back up at you, waiting for his reply. 
“I don’t know how to say this, so bare with me.” He huffed once more and locked eyes with you. “I like you dumbass- er, Y/N. I like you. A-and in that time that you were angry with me and ignoring me, it sucked. It felt like hell not talking to you and you wouldn’t even look at me in class or sit next to me at lunch- it, it fucking sucked. S-so don’t do it again.” 
He watched as your face broke into a massive smile. 
“You like me?” 
He rolled his eyes in frustration. 
“Weren’t you listening dumbass? Why do you think I was so damn nervous-” 
You cut him off, your lips muffling the end of his sentence. His eyes fluttered shut as you kissed him, and he happily kissed back. But he was more than happy, he was elated. Your feelings were mutual. He wasn’t sure he could handle one more day of you ignoring him and sending glares in his direction. 
You giggled against his lips as he moved his hands onto your waist, pushing the small of your back to bring you closer to him. The vibrations of your laugh against his lips made his body buzz with joy. You were his and he’d be damned if anyone took you away. 
They two of you pulled away, a grin on your face and an expression of relief on Bakugou’s. A sudden flash caught your attention, and you both turned to see Mina snapping a photo, surrounded by your classmates who were hooting and hollering in congratulations. You blushed bashfully as Bakugou growled and stepped towards your peers. 
“Why, you little-” 
The sound of a record scratch broke the scene, Present Mic starting a new mix. 
“I love this song!” Jiro squealed, grabbing Momo’s hand and pulling her into the dance pit. The other girls followed behind, and soon the boys did as well, but not without giving Bakugou pats on the back and a few whistles. He grunted at their actions, a tint of embarrassment shown in his pink cheeks. 
You giggled and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek, bringing his attention back to you. 
“I like you too, Katsuki.” 
He rolled his eyes at your cheesiness and took your hand in his, dragging you to the pit where the rest of your friends were.
“Shut up dumbass, let’s go dance.” 
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shreyamistry · 6 years
A Garden of Dreams - Hana x MC
Pairing: Hana x MC
Prompt: “For you, darling, I would collect every cherry blossom in Japan - no, the world.”
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Hana invites Nicole back to the tea house that they visited the first time they came to Shanghai. Hana tells Nicole stories of her youth and opens up to them about the different aspects of her life.
A/N: @glowinghelena here is the Hana request you asked for! MC is a nonbinary lesbian as asked for by Kylie, and I think that’s all I have to say about this fic. 
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
Hana brings her mug to her lips; the earthy aromas of her earl grey tea emanate towards her as she tips back the cup drinking down the warm tea. She sighs contently as she places the tea cup back onto the table smoothing out the edges of the table cloth before meeting Nicole’s gaze, a warm smile on their lips. Their red hair cascades down their shoulders in a straightened style, a hint of pink lip gloss on their lips, and their skin glowing with warmth from the time they’ve spent under the warmth of the sun in Hana’s home country.
“I’m glad we got to come back here,” Hana smiles, “I hate that our last time here ended with my...argument with my father.” Her eyes fall to the table, tracing her finger over the pattern of the cup, an elegant flush of red and pink hues decorating a black outline of cherry blossoms.
“Me too,” Nicole grins reaching a hand out placing it over Hana’s nervous movements. “We haven’t quite talked over everything with your parents, with the wedding and all.” They try to keep a smile on their lips despite the burning desire to bad mouth them, but for Hana’s sake, they wouldn’t.
“Let’s not spoil right now with them.” Hana brushes a stray strand of hair out of her face with her free hand, “I’m glad we got to go to the museum downtown.” Hana’s smile is bright as she remembers the different exhibits, “It was gorgeous. I wish the exhibits could come to life and tell their own story, it's so magical.”
“Oh boy, do I have a movie for you.” Nicole laughs giving Hana’s hand a squeeze, her face blooming with excited confusion. “It’s called Night at The Museum, the exhibits come to life and they work together with the security guard to defeat 3 evil dudes.”
“You’re kidding? What a marvelous idea!” Hana grins, “We have to see it!”
“I’ll order it when we get home, I promise you will love it.” Hana laughs in response, covering her mouth with her hand hiding the lingering smile on her face. She swipes a cucumber sandwich off the tray in front of them taking a delicate bite of her sandwich. “Hana, have I told you how much I love you?”
She blushes a deep red, her eyes landing on the cherry blossom design on her cup, “Oh Nicole, you say the sweetest things to me.” She settles into a smile before glancing back up at Nicole, giving their hand a generous squeeze. “I love you even more.”
“You can’t prove that I am the lucky one of us both.” Nicole grins.
Hana laughs, “My dear, that is not possible.” She pushes herself up from her chair walking around to Nicole’s side, standing behind them placing a kiss to the top of their head. The smell of her honey and apple shampoo on Hana’s nose before she pulls them from their seat as well. “Come, I want to show you something special.”
Nicole teases, “Now you have me intrigued, will we be alone?”
“Perhaps,” said Hana with a blush, she pulls Nicole along with her leading them through a narrow path of the garden. Flowers bloom around them with fragrant aromas. The pair watch the flowers as they walk with interest, pink to blue to purple with pops of red mixed in with them. Hana plucks a pink flower with billowing petals from the path bringing it to her nose a smile on her lips as the smile drags on her nose. She holds it out to Nicole who smells the flower with delight. With a quick motion, Hana tucks it behind their ear, her hand lingering on Nicole’s cheek before finding their hand again leading them to the cherry blossom tree with a stunning man-made pond flush with koi fish.
Hana pulls up the ends of her dress as she steps over a patch of wet grass before coming upon the mini pond, crouching down to drag the tips of her fingers against the water a smile on her lips. She turned back to Nicole, motioning for them to come to join her. Nicole approaches slowly before coming to a stop beside her, their feet touching the outlying rocks to mark out the pond.
“When I was a little girl, my father would send me away during his meetings.” She had a faint smile on her face as she talked, “I would come and sit by the Koi fish for hours while they drank tea and talked business, I made friends with the fish and I would tell them stories I read in books, I tried to bring them tea but my father scolded me.” She laughs to herself, “If my mother knew he let me play in the gardens I don’t think I’d even be allowed here anymore. It was peaceful being here, I felt at ease. Sometimes I could sing for them and they’d jump out of the water, I don’t know if it was because of the song or not, but I like to think it was.”  Her smile falters a moment.
“That’s a cute story, Hana.” Nicole offers in response, noting the melancholy expression settling over Hana’s graceful features. Hana’s lip quivers a moment before she pulls herself out of the memory forcing a smile her hand finding Nicole’s stroking the skin gently. “Are you alright?”
“Don’t speak too loud you may scare them.” Hana glances over Nicole’s question, “I named all of them, though they changed a lot. It was hard to remember. Do you wish to know a secret?” Hana smiles cheerfully, moving past her initial reluctance to open up about her life growing up playing in the gardens. She lets her fingers move through the grass around her, her finger picking at one of the pebbled deep in the mud.
“Yes.” Nicole laughs.
“This establishment imported these fish from Japan, they wanted them to live longer. When they’re Japanese bred they tend to live longer, up to forty years.” Hana explores, dipping a finger into the water the ripples running against her finger. “Other kinds live for fifth teen years.” She tilts her head to the side. “Do you think it’s sad that these fish were my friends?”
“I think it’s adorable Hana,” Nicole reassures, resting on their knees to get better distance between themselves and Hana and her fish. She watches the fish swim past Hana’s finger dancing in the water before a large older looking fish begins to swim towards her. Nicole watches as the fish brushes against Hana’s finger down its spine. “Do you know that fish?”
Hana laughs, “As well as you can know a fish I suppose.” She smiles as the fish makes a turn coming back to Hana’s finger, her sleek wet skin brushing against Hana yet again. “Her name is Sakura.”
“That’s a lovely name,” Nicole remarks, looking up as a breeze blows a few cherry blossoms from the branch hanging over them. Hana’s eyes look up as she pulls her finger out of the water watching them sway in the breeze falling around them her smile growing with excitement. “This tree is so beautiful.”
They turn back around here a splash of water as a few of the fish surface the water jumping out of it landing back in with excitement. Their bodies swimming with joy as cherry blossoms splash with water that rest on the surface. They watch in amazement as more fish find their way jumped through the air with easy grace before plummeting back into the refreshingly cold pool of water.
“It was lovely to see you again, Sakura.” Hana smiles dipping her finger underneath the surface of the water her finger stroking down the back of the fish. She turns back to Nicole, drying her finger on the side of her dress. “We should get Koi fish for our home.”
“We should. And a cherry blossom tree.” Nicole smiles.
“I’d love that,” Hana placing her hand on Nicole’s inner arm, “We could have a garden of them.”
“For you, darling, I would collect every cherry blossom in Japan - no the world, just to see you smile.” Nicole pulls them to a stop, the tree blocking the light out of their eyes as they come to face one another. Both of their faces glowing with warmth and happiness. “You’re worth any charge.”
“Nicole,” Hana whispers drawing them closer to herself, “You spoil me.”
Nicole shakes their head, stepping closer to her, “I do not.”
“Kiss me,” Hana whispers against their lips, her hands moving to cup both of their cheeks craning her face closer to their own. The warmth of her embrace leaving Nicole weak to her touch, their arms falling around their waist as they press their lips gently to her lips. Her hands brush against their features, as she tilts her head to the side drawing them deeper into the kiss suddenly hungry for their touch.  “Nicole...” She whispers as her head falls against theirs.
“You complete me, Hana.”
“As do you, my dear.” She kisses them again, moving her arms to wrap around their neck, sliding underneath their auburn hair, her kisses needy and sweet against Nicole. Nicole brushes their fingers up and down Hana’s back, caressing her form against their own. The taste of her sweet Chapstick on their mouth with a mix of the honey mixed tea she had earlier. When they finally fall apart Hana stays wrapped in their embrace. “Thank you for this.” They press a kiss to the top of her head enjoying the feeling of Hana wrapped in their arms, their mind wandering to the garden full of beautiful trees, Hana and themselves exploring it in the warm summer days.
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vradmic · 7 years
I, M, P, Q, U, Z for BanG Dream! - NM
Thank you, Nami~ had to put it under a cut as it got a bit lengthy, though…
I - If you had to name your child after a character in BanG Dream!, which one would you choose?I want to say Saaya, especially because of what her name means in my first language when spoken (it translates to the English word “I”), but to be fair… probably Ran. Or Hina. 
M - How’s the fandom for BanG Dream!?Honestly… pretty good, actually. Because the community is so small, we’re relatively tightly knit, and so far I haven’t seen true negativity like in some of my other fandoms…
P - Who would you play if you had to take over a role?Aoba Moca Savage Sleepy Emo~ that BanG Dream! personality test rated me to be her twice already, and I can honestly see why (especially after those event stories).
Q - How do you rank BanG Dream! in your list of favorites?I honestly don’t know… it’s definitely in the top 10, perhaps even top 5, but I can’t really give it a fair answer as it hasn’t bloomed to its full potential as of yet.
U - Why would you recommend BanG Dream! to someone?I mean, first of all, BanG Dream! has a lot of already well-known and established seiyuus. Yes, a couple of them are (relatively) fresh faces (like the seiyuus of Hanazono Tae, Ichigaya Arisa, and Ushigome Rimi), but there are also a lot of well-known seiyuus that should ring a bell with a lot of people. Afterglow, in particular, has been seen as the band with the most recognizable and famous seiyuus among the BanG Dream! cast, and I can honestly see why… Sakura Ayane, Misawa Sachika, Katou Emiri, Hikasa Yoko, and Kanemoto Hisako are what make Afterglow the Afterglow that it is. I am sure that most anime fans would be able to recognize at least three of those seiyuus.
As a matter of fact, if you like idol anime, you will recognize even more seiyuus! Well over half of the seiyuus have played in other idol anime before, including but not limited to the likes of Love Live!, THE iDOLM@STER, and Aikatsu!. What should be noted, however, is that BanG Dream!’s status as an “idol anime” is up for debate as the girls themselves aren’t technically “idols”.
BanG Dream!, like every other franchise of its kind, has a great collection of songs. They have a lot of AMAZING original songs to their name, but they also have a lot of amazing covers of songs that are relatively popular. I am not going to list them all out, but they have made some very good selections as to which songs to cover, and rumor has it that there are more to come!
And then we have BanG Dream!’s anime adaptation… oh boy, the anime… I won’t say anything so as to not spoil it, but let’s just say that… things are not what they seem in the anime… and that even when something happened EXACTLY the way I predicted it would, it still hit like a truck… so yeah, give it a shot~
Finally, we have BanG Dream!’s very own rhythm game: BanG Dream! Girls Band Party. The characters in the stories are fully animated and move very smoothly, the playstyle and mechanics are relatively easy to pick up as you go (especially if you have played similar rhythm idol games in the past), and it has, in general, become one of my favorite games. Ever. It’s Japanese exclusive at time of writing, though.
Z - What relationship/s did you like enough to write or read fan fiction about?Come on now, Nami XD You of all people should know that I am writing a BlueFlora (Aoba Moca x Mitake Ran) fanfiction right about now. I mean, if the profile picture and background picture wasn’t enough of a hint… no other pair truly stands out to me to either read or write a fanfiction about them though (not like there are a lot of BanG Dream! fanfiction to choose from).
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hanabiira · 7 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  @sakanxde TAGGING. anyone im lazy ;v; 
FULL  NAME :  Miki Fuyuno NICKNAME :   Tiny Taichou, Miki-chan AGE :  354 BIRTHDAY :  December 3rd ETHNIC  GROUP : Asian NATIONALITY :   Japanese LANGUAGE / S :   Japanese, Korean SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Heterosexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :   Heteromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   Depends on the verse CLASS :   Middle/Upper  HOME  TOWN / AREA :    Junrinan, First District of the Rukongai CURRENT  HOME :  8th Division PROFESSION :   Captain in the Gotei 13
HAIR : Honey blonde, long and straight. EYES :  Lavender/violet, large, long lashes. Expressive. NOSE :  Short, rounded, slightly upturned. FACE :  Soft jaw, rounder cheeks. LIPS :  full, naturally pinkish in colour. COMPLEXION :  Fair BLEMISHES :   None SCARS :   None TATTOOS :  None HEIGHT :   4′10 WEIGHT :   100 lbs. BUILD :   Short and small but sturdy. Curvy. FEATURES :  Expressive eyes. Her height. ALLERGIES :  none USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :   Long, gathers it usually in a low ponytail. Gathers the front pieces at the back of her head. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   content, pleased. Sort of has a resting smile. USUAL  CLOTHING :   Standard Shinigami uniform although the top half of her kosode has tight sleeves as opposed to loose. Wears a red sash that’s longer. Wears red flats. On days off she has plenty of yukata and has an extensive collection of formal women’s hakama for occasions. If she’s in the living world she likes floral prints, cute skirts and dresses, blouses, cardigans, heeled shoes. 
FEAR / S :   People she loves dying, being forgotten.  ASPIRATION / S :   To run the 8th as well as shunsui did. To be as well loved. To move it forward.  POSITIVE  TRAITS :   Caring, helpful, kind, empathetic, joyful, passionate. NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  competitive, fickle, stubborn, blunt. ZODIAC :   Saggitarius TEMPERAMENT :    Sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S :   Caregiver ANIMALS :   Swan VICE  HABIT / S : Fickleness FAITH :   Agnostic GHOSTS ? :   Yes AFTERLIFE ? :  Yes REINCARNATION ? :  Yes ALIENS ? :   No POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  N/A ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  Comfortable SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : N/A  EDUCATION  LEVEL :   Academy Graduate. 
FATHER :   Deceased MOTHER :  Desceased SIBLINGS :  None EXTENDED  FAMILY :   Has a grandmother living in the rukongai. Visits her occasionally.  NAME  MEANING / S :   The Kanji in her fist name translates to “precious beauty”. Her last name translates to “winter field”.  HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  None
BOOK :   Some of her flower books. MOVIE :   She hasn’t seen many movies but she is fond of animated television shows. SONG :   Classical, listens to some enka, is fond of modern pop music. DEITY :   None. HOLIDAY :   New years. MONTH :  May SEASON :  Summer PLACE :   The garden WEATHER :   Sunny SOUND :  Piano, strings, shamisen. SCENT / S :    Freesia, narcissus, vanilla, bread. TASTE / S :    Lemongrass, coconut, sakura.  FEEL / S :   Anything soft and fluffy. Smooth feeling of some leaves. ANIMAL / S : Fox NUMBER :  5 COLORS :   Red, Purple.
TALENTS :   Extremely knowledgeable in botany anything surrounding plants and flowers. A good cook. Creative.  BAD  AT :  hand to hand combat, drawing, origami, public speaking. TURN  ONS :  Dirty talk, biting, hair pulling, being dominated. TURN  OFFS :   degradation, choking. HOBBIES :  gardening, cooking, reading.  TROPES :  Badass adorable,  Kicking Ass in All Her Finery, Innocent flower girl, Hello, Nurse. AESTHETIC  TAGS : flowers, pink, nature. GPOY  QUOTES :   "bloom beautifully, dangerously, loudly, bloom softly. however you needjust bloom" —MILK AND HONEY BY RUPI KAUR
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?   A1 : it would probably be some lady doing a gardening show lbr
Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   orchestra?? mixed with traditional instruments. Uplifting!
Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?       A3 :   because when I made her I wasn’t comfortable, wasn’t sure how to write a canon character and she had been an OC I had for long time.
Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?       A4 :   she’s mine and I love her
Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 :   how she’ll want thing one second and wont want it the next.
Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?       A6 :   WE LOVE FLOWERS AND WE LOVE FOOD.
Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 :   I hope she thinks im cool.
Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?       A8 :   Izuru (@izuru-ru), Shinji (@sakanxde), Kaien (@shiiibaa), Kyoren (@lightconsumesall), Rangiku (@rangikusan), Kensei (@kmuguruma). 
Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?       A9 :   My rp partners. Miki is a long standing muse. I sort of just let her do what she wants. 
Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?       A10 :   An hour? i stopped and started a lot
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