#sakamaki version coming later this week :)
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otomehonyaku · 7 months ago
Diabolik Lovers More Character Song ☽ SKiT Dolce Character Message Cards ☽ Mukami ver.
☽ Click here for Sakamaki ver. ☽ Click here for the scans (kindly provided by the lovely @karleksmumskladdkaka and character sprites from her scans posted with her permission!)
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Ruki’s message Ah… Livestock, it’s you. Can’t you tell I’m reading? …What, do you back down so easily? Didn’t you need me for something? Well, alright. If you want, come here and lie down next to me. I do enjoy reading, but I suppose it can wait. Besides, I don’t mind spending some time alone with you doing nothing, either. …That’s all. Come closer, then.
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Yuma’s message Hey, Sow. Look at this tomato. Looks pretty good, huh? Wanna try it right here, right now? Told ya. It’s sweet ‘n delicious, right? Gimme a bite too, then. Mm… Hey, why’s your face all red? Huh? Whatcha mean, we indirectly kissed? Ha… After all this time, you still blush ‘cause of that kinda simple stuff? Might as well start callin’ ya Ripe Tomato. Haha. Actually, that makes me wanna taste ya. …Hey. C’mon, lift your head. Look at me.
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Kou’s message Kitten ♪ Here you are! Hurry and come here! I’d be so happy if dinner’s my favourite vongole bianco ♪ …What? It’s something else? Hmm… I guess it can’t be helped. I’ll have to put up with whatever we’re having instead. Well, if that’s the case, I’ll have something I love much, much more than vongole bianco for tonight’s dessert! …That’s right, Kitten. I can have a bite of you, right?
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Azusa’s message Hey, Eve… I have to change my bandages… Will you help me…? …Ah, thank you. Hehe… Ah… I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you, Eve… I just feel happy that you’re by my side… Was that… a weird thing to say…? If it’s not… I’m glad. …You’re so kind… I want to… have your kindness… all to myself… Can I? Until the end of time… forever…
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margherita-dascenzo · 4 years ago
Rita, ¿cuál es la experiencia más aterradora que has vivido en la mansión Sakamaki? ¿Alguna vez has tenido miedo de Laito o de alguno de sus hermanos?
[Spanish version under the cut/Versión en español abajo del corte]
Sugar-lolipop asks:
Rita: What is the scariest experience you have ever had in the Sakamaki mansion? Have you ever been afraid of Laito or one of his brothers?
Hello! Thank you very much for your question💕
TL:DR: Yes I had it
Yes... Unfortunately I have. But what terrified me the most and that I am terrified of being repeated is a situation with Laito.
Like humans, we can have certain disabilities. Since birth I have suffered from Nictalopia, which is the disability or reduction of vision in the dark, which is quite pathetic for a vampire heh... Before I could distinguish people in the dark, you know, see silhouettes and things like that. But after that incident where I spent a long time without ingesting blood, it got worse to the point where I currently can't see anything in the dark anymore, and I'm not going to lie to you… it scares me. It is not only about being in the dark and not knowing what is happening around me, it's also that my predatory instinct feels violated and a chaos of sensations and anxiety forms within me that I cannot control. My senses are always supposed to be alert as a natural hunter, but in the dark I am absolutely dependent on my hearing, so any sound makes me alert and aggressive. I go into a state of permanent paranoia, hitting the walls or furniture around me, and listening to every noise. And I don't calm down until I find a minimal source of light.
Well, I told Yui about this one night… a month, a month and a half after I arrived. I felt that I should tell her, I wanted her to feel safe by my side despite our difference in species and what they had made her live. But silly of me to trust, I completely forgot that this mansion is full of eyes and ears on all sides.
Like a week later, Laito took me to the dungeon of the house. 'Oh Margherita, and why do you listen to him and go with him?' I don't know, I thought maybe he wanted intimacy between the two of us… I don't know. And I wasn't so wrong, he started kissing me and I liked it, I'm not going to lie.
But… suddenly he said 'I have a surprise for you' and he put that damn smile… he approached one of the only two kerosene lanterns that lit us, and closed the stopcock, turning it off. Instinctively I ran to the other who was close to me, and hugged him to my chest as if my life depended on it. I remember that he was wearing one of my favorite blouses, a pastel blue, with ruffles that with the heat of the lamp, began to burn little by little.
I begged him to let me go, not to turn off the light, that he would forgive me for whatever I did. My thick tears were getting into my nose and mouth, I yelled at him to leave, tried to hit him, but he still placed his delicate pianist hand on my back and threw me to the ground, robbing me of the only hope I had left.
At first I thought he was going to leave me there and make fun, I just had to take a deep breath, remember where I was and try to get to the stairs. I got up very slowly but the chains, which the last time I saw them were behind my back, away from the two of us, began to jingle all over the place. I swear my voice was not coming out of my throat, my breathing began to shake, the only thing I could do was take great sighs to try to calm myself.
If it had all stayed there, I would have endured it, but of course Laito would not leave it unfinished. He began to push me from the front and back, to laugh with that psychopathic laugh that he has, making fun of me, teleporting around the room, talking to me about the corners of the dungeon, to my right, to my left. He approached my ear, whispered rudeness to me and disappeared, groped my butt, my breasts and kissed my neck at times while making sexual comments, to move away again and throw metal objects that made a huge noise when they fell, that I couldn't see by the darkness, did not know where they came from. I tried to hit him awkwardly, but he was faster and had an advantage over me. I tripped and fell to the ground, I approached the walls, scratched by nerves, threw slaps trying to get him away from me. I was confused and terrified, I couldn't believe that he was mistreating me in such a way. At one point he started pulling on my hair, very hard, I felt like I could yank everything out. But he only did it to take a big bite at my throat, piercing my skin. I felt tremendous pain, his fangs were almost touching my windpipe, I was afraid that he would rip it off, but he let go of me and I fell to the ground along with my drops of blood. My sensitive ears ached from all the noise, my eyes burned from crying, and my throat was in pieces, blood mixed with snot and tears that fell from my face. All of that would heal in a matter of minutes, but I could never forget what he did to me. Violating my privacy with Yui, using my fear and visual impairment against me...
I think with all the noise and my screaming we got attention, because Subaru and Reiji came down to see what was happening. Luckily for me they did it with flashlights. But the only thing they found was me, made a ball of tears and blood, with scratches on my arms from the despair I had, among lamps, chains and other things thrown on the ground, but without traces of the bite that had already healed. Until then Laito hasn't been with me alone again, which I appreciate.
Phobias are not something we can control, they are irrational. There are few times that I feared for my life, or of what truly I was scared. This is one of those, and I never want it to be repeated in the eternity that remains.
TL:DR: Sí, la tuve
Hola! Muchas gracias por tu pregunta💕
Sí… Lamentablemente las he tenido. Pero lo que más me aterró y que tengo pavor de que se repita es una situación con Laito.
Al igual que los humanos, podemos tener ciertas discapacidades. Desde nacimiento padezco de Nictalopía, que es la incapacidad o reducción de la visión en la oscuridad, lo cual es bastante patético para un vampiro heh… Antes podía distinguir a las personas en la oscuridad, ya sabes, ver siluetas y cosas así. Pero después de *ese* incidente donde estuve mucho tiempo sin ingerir sangre, empeoró al punto donde actualmente ya no puedo ver nada en la oscuridad, y no voy a mentirte… me da miedo. No solo se trata de estar en la oscuridad y no saber que pasa a mi alrededor, si no que mi instinto depredador se siente vulnerado y se forma dentro mío un caos de sensaciones y ansiedad que no puedo controlar. Se supone que mis sentidos siempre deben estar alerta como cazadora narural, pero en la oscuridad dependo absolutamente de mi audición, así que cualquier sonido me pone alerta y agresiva. Entro en un estado de paranoia permanente, golpeándome con las paredes o muebles a mi alrededor, y estando atenta a cada ruido. Y no me calmo hasta que encuentro una mínima fuente de luz.
Bien, esto se lo conté a Yui una noche… al mes, mes y medio de mi llegada. Sentí que debía contárselo, quería que se sintiera segura a mi lado a pesar de nuestra diferencia de especies y de lo que le habían hecho vivir. Pero tonta de mi de confiar, se me me olvidó por completo que esta mansión, está llena de ojos y oídos por todos lados.
Cómo una semana después, Laito me llevó al calabozo de la casa. 'Oh Margherita, y para que le haces caso y vas detrás de él?' No sé, creí que quizás quería intimidad entre nosotros dos… no lo sé. Y tan equivocada no estaba, me comenzó a besar y me gustó, no voy a mentir.
Pero… de repente él dijo 'Te tengo una sorpresa' y puso esa maldita sonrisa… Se acercó a uno de los únicos dos faroles de keroseno que nos iluminaban, y cerró la llave de paso, apagándolo. Instintivamente corrí hacia el otro que estaba cerca mío, y lo abrace a mi pecho como si mi vida dependiera de ello. Recuerdo que llevaba una de mis blusas favoritas, una celeste pastel, con volados que con el calor de la lámpara comenzó a quemarse poco a poco.
Le rogué que me dejara ir, que no apagara la luz, que me perdonará por lo que sea que haya hecho, pero que no lo hiciera. Mis lágrimas espesas se metían en mi nariz y boca, le grite para que se fuera, trate de golpearlo, pero aún así colocó su delicada mano de pianista en mi espalda y me aventó al suelo, robándome la única esperanza que me quedaba.
Al principio creí que iba a dejarme ahí y burlarse, solo tenía respirar hondo, recordar dónde estaba y tratar de llegar a las escaleras. Me levanté muy despacio pero las cadenas, que la última vez que pude verlas estaban a mis espaldas, lejos de nosotros dos, comenzaron a tintinear por todo el lugar. Juro que mi voz no salía de mi garganta, mi respiración comenzó a agitarse, lo único que podía hacer era dar grandes suspiros para intentar tranquilizarme.
Si hubiera todo quedado ahí, lo habría soportado, pero claro que Laito no lo dejaría sin terminar. Empezó a empujarme de frente y de espaldas, a reír con esa risa psicópata que tiene, burlándose de mí, se teletransportaba por toda la sala, hablándome de las esquinas del calabozo, a mi derecha, a mi izquierda. Se acercaba a mi oído, me susurraba groserías y desaparecía, manoseaba mi trasero, mis pechos y besaba mi cuello por momentos mientras hacía comentarios sexuales, para volver a alejarse y arrojar objetos metálicos que hacían un estruendo enorme al caer, que no podía ver por la oscuridad, no sabía de dónde venían. Traté de golpearlo torpemente, pero él era más rápido y tenía ventaja sobre mí. Tropecé y caí al suelo, me acerque a las paredes, arañadas por los nervios, lanzaba manotazos tratando de que se alejara de mí. Estaba confundida y aterrada, no podía creer que me estuviera maltratando de tal forma. En un punto comenzó a jalar de mi cabello, muy fuerte, sentí que podía arrancar todo de un tirón. Pero solo lo hizo para dar un gran mordisco en mi garganta, perforando mi piel. Sentí un dolor tremendo, sus colmillos casi tocaban mi tráquea, tenía miedo de que diera un tirón y me la arrancara, pero me soltó y caí al suelo junto con mis gotas de sangre. Mis oídos sensibles me dolían por todo el ruido, mis ojos ardían por tanto llorar, y mi garganta estaba hecha pedazos, la sangre se mezclaba con los mocos y lágrimas que caían de mi cara. Todo eso sanaría en cuestión de minutos, pero jamás podría olvidar lo que me hizo. Violar mi privacidad con Yui, usar mi miedo y disminución visual en mi contra…
Creo que con todo el ruido y mis gritos llamamos la atención, porque Subaru y Reiji bajaron a ver qué sucedía. Para mí suerte lo hicieron con unas linternas. Pero lo único que encontraron fue a mi, hecha una bola de lágrimas y sangre, con rasguños en mis brazos por la desesperación que tenía, entre lámparas, cadenas y demas cosas tiradas por el suelo, pero sin rastros de la mordida que ya había sanado. Hasta entonces Laito no ha estado conmigo a solas de nuevo, lo cual agradezco.
Las fobias no son algo que podamos controlar, son irracionales. Son pocas las veces que temí por mi vida, o de qué verdaderamente estuve asustada. Esta es una de esas, y no quiero que jamás se repita en la eternidad que me resta.
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dj-diabolik-fan · 8 years ago
«Shū Sakamaki x Pianist!Reader» One-Shot 『Music Lovers!』
《Third P.O.V.》
“The last assigned partners are Shū and [Name].” Tension exploded on the classroom as the older Sakamaki and the [Color] haired glared at each other. Everyone on the classroom gave a step back.
“Now please everyone go their partner and share thoughts about what to play on the next concert. I add that it would be in two weeks.” Said Mrs. Castillo, the music teacher. Everyone gathered on their groups and started chatting about what type of music they should play.
[Name] hesitated for a moment then stood up from her chair and started stumping towards Shū, who was leaning back on a chair of the class.
This was not a good pair to put together. People thought they were like water and fire. They just couldn’t get along. She was a outgoing student, a crazy piano player and really loud. Shū was calmed and chilled, he didn’t really cared about school or making any friends. Which [Name] founded to be annoying.
She dragged a chair and sat in from if him. “Alright.” She started. “I know we don’t really get along, but I’ll be glad if you will cooperate with me on this project. Neither of us wants to fail this class.” “I don’t really care.” Said Shū. She sighed and dropped her head. “Well then, I don’t want to fail this class. Please cooperate with me.” She said. He opened an eye and turned down the volume of his MP3. “Alright. But you’ll be the one that has to come to my home and practice.” He stated. She quickly nodded. “Y-Yes! I will!” She said. “But… what will be playing?” [Name] said then paused. Both kept silence.
It was something that had to be decided later.
“I’m out, mom!” [Name] shouted. Her mother came out the kitchen. “Wait! Wait! Where are you going?” She asked. “Oh. I’m going to the house of Sakamaki Shū to practice for the coming concert.” [Name] explained as she placed her jacket on. “Oh. Alright. But I don’t want you here before the sun starts coming up.” Her mother mentioned. [Name] rolled her eyes with a smile. “Yes, mom.”
“Was it here?” [Name] looked through the gate on the front garden. “I knew he was rich brat. But I don’t know he lived in this kind of place.” She mumbled to herself then walked through the gate. Once she went through the gravel path, she stood in front the door and knocked. No one opened. She knocked again. This time the door creaked open and a male with black-purplish hair looked down at her. “May I help you?” He asked. “Oh. I’m sorry, I’m looking for Sakamaki Shū. Is he here by any chance?” [Name] asked. “Oh. You are [Name] then.” He said. “Please come in. I don’t get how you got that good-for-nothing to participate in the concert.” He said. ‘Good-for-nothing?’ She thought. “Are you… his brother by any chance?” Asked [Name]. The man nodded. “Sadly that’s true. My name is Sakamaki Reiji.” He said bowing his head. ‘Is his brother for real? They don’t look alike at all.’ She thought without noticing she was mumbling things. “Did you say something?” Reiji asked turning around. “O-Oh… no. I’m sorry.” She stuttered.
“Oi! Kanato! What the hell are you doing with the Takoyaki of your truly!?” “I’m throwing it away. It just ruins the scent of my cookies.” “Kanato does have a point, Ayato. They have been there for three weeks already.” Faded voices were heard through the door they passed by. Reiji sighed and looked at her. “Continue down the hallway until the next turn and in the second door on the right it’s the music room. Please wait there for Shū to arrive. I have to take this three out of the kitchen before they burn it down…” Reiji explained. “Again.”
Once Reiji completely left, [Name] let out a muffled laughter and continued down the hallway. In the next turn she gave, she ran into someone. “Oh! I’m really sorry.” She apologized and looked up. He was a white haired male. “Hm? Who are you?” He asked. “Oh. I’m Shū’s music partner. I came here to practice with him.” [Name] explained. “Heh. I knew it was weird seeing him out of his room or the couch. He is on the music room right now.” He pointed at the open door behind him. “Thank you.” She bowed and kept on going. She poked her head through the door’s frame and looked around. There was no one there. “Was he lying to me or something?” She wondered.
The [Color] haired walked in and directly spotted the piano. “Woah…” she walked over and brushed the keys with her nails. It was a classic old black and white piano. She sat down on the chair and stared playing with the keys. “What are you doing?” The blond male appeared sitting on the couch behind [Name], startling her. “Wha…! H-How did you…!?” She gasped. He opened an eye and grew a smirked. “Shh.” He placed a finger over his lips. She stood up and pulled down her skirt. “So… have you thought of a song yet?” She asked. He shook his head. Dropping her face, [Name] sighed. “Well, I did thought of one. Want to hear it?” [Name] asked. “Alright.” Shū shrugged. She dropped her sight and sighed. She turned around again and started playing the keys she saw on the screen of her phone. At first slowly, then made it faster. Time later she finished half of the song and looked at him. “Seems good. But… for real? 'Thousand years’ piano and violin version?” He asked. “You have a problem with it?” She gritted her teeth. “None.” He answered. “That was the piano part. I’ll print out the violin part for you.” She said. Shū yawned and nodded. “But.” He said. [Name] turned to look at him. “What happened?” She asked. “Your playing is very rough. You have to be more soft on the notes. Try on imagining or really feeling what the song means to you.” The blond haired stood up and dragged a chair behind her. He sat and placed his hands over hers. [Name] startled.
“Sh-Shū…?” He controlled her movements like a puppet and moved her hands across the entire of the piano. She felt the familiar heat when she was around him, growing on her cheeks. “Y-You can let go now…” she pulled her hands back. He chuckled at her reaction. The blond male leaned down and nibbled on her ear startling here. “You ears are red…” she turned her head away. “A-Alright…! That will do for today.” She quickly stood up. “I’ll get going. Sorry for intruding.” She bent down to pick her bag up, but she noticed it wasn’t there anymore. “Huh…? Where’s my bag?” She mumbled to herself. “This?” Shū appeared sitting on a couch at the other corner of the room raising his hand showing the leather bag. “Could you like — stop joking around? Give it back!” She walked towards him then tried to snatch the bag away. He moved it to the side and chuckled. “You look like a dog trying to get back it’s toy.” [Name] gritted her teeth. “Could you give it back already?” She asked stepping back and crossing her arms. “Please.” She finally mumbled. “What was that?” He asked looking at her. His blue deep eyes penetrated through her [Color] ones. “P-Please.” She stuttered. He leaned it toward her and she took it from his hand. “A-Alright. I-I guess I’ll come back tomorrow again.” She said before leaving through the door. 'That was weird as fuck…’ [Name] thought.
Next day was only practice and practice. [Name] had actually overestimated Shū’s skills too much. He was an incredible violin player. She lost herself on the sounds coming out of the instrument over his shoulder and with the smoothness that the sound came out with. It was so much her trance that she didn’t even noticed he had already finished. Shū rolled his eyes and made a screech with a wrong note on his violin to make her wake up. “U-Uh!? What!?” [Name] snapped. “You literally went into a trance.” He mentioned. “Did I?” She asked. The blond haired nodded. “Yup.” He answered. “I’m sorry… is just that you are such a good player…—!?” She covered her mouth with one hand and looked away blushing madly realizing what she had said. He chuckled. “Is that so? I thought you hated how I played the violin.” He said. “I-Is not that I hated it… but I don’t love it ether…” she murmured under her hand. He chuckled once more.
That’s how time passed. The two rehearsal weeks went by really fast and it just got to a point where neither of Shū nor [Name] felt bad about seeing each other. In other words: it was even enjoyable. To [Name] it was fun showing Shū how to exaggerate on some parts and make it more interesting, and for Shū’s side he enjoyed [Name]’s blushing moments when it came to show her how to control her excitement on parts of the song.
Then the time came.
“We now present: [Name] [L/Name] and Shū Sakamaki with a piano and violin duet of 'Thousand Years’.” Said the music teacher then stepped down the stage. [Name] came into the stage first, followed by Shū who was carrying his own violin. Both stood in the middle and bowed quickly. She sat on the black piano’s chair and looked at Shū who stood on one side of the piano. She smiled at him and flipped the pages showing the notes of the song. She then proceeded to start.
【I recommend reading the following with the song: https://youtu.be/yWYw1zA5Jj8 】
[Name] kept on playing, then looked at Shū indicating him to start. In someway everything she could think of was the music going with many of the funny moments they had gone together while in the rehearsals. She smiled and flipped the page to the next set of notes. She gently touched the keys feeling the music almost entering into her chest. [Name] quickly glanced up at Shū who had his eyes close, moving from side to side with the music. Now on the final notes she closed her eyes and felt a deep connection with Shū’s violin notes. The song that seemed to last centuries, finally ended. Faded applauses were heard then they became clear and strong. [Name] stood up from her chair and walked up to Shū. She grabbed his hand then lifted it up. Finally to drop it and bow. She had the biggest grin on her face he had ever seen on her. He also smiled and walked out of the stage hand in hand with her.
Weeks later, Shū and [Name] had gotten to be one of the bests friends. But many people thought it was something else “[Name]!” One girl on the middle of the hallway called out for her. “Huh? What’s up?” [Name] went up to her and waved. “Is it true!?” The girl asked with excitement. “What’s true?” The [Color] haired asked. “That you and Shū are going out!?” [Name] became as red as a tomate and gulped. “I… n-no…! W-We are not—!” She stuttered. “You are red! So it is true!” The girl said. “N-No…! W-We are just friends~!” She awkwardly said. “You keep telling that to yourself~ you are still red~” the girl laughed. “H-He’s just my senior…! Nothing special—!”
“We aren’t going out, [Name]?” Shū appeared behind her. She quickly turned around. “W-Wha…!?” She covered her blushing face with the back of her hand. “Well… then. Why don’t we start?” He chuckled pulling her closer. “Wa-Wait…! We are in the middle of the—!” “Then let everyone know about our new relation.” He pulled her towards him quickly and kissed her deeply. Her eyes grew wide as the gasps on the back of her head started fading. She slowly closed her eyes and tip-toed wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt him chuckled then pulled back slowly. “Just friends… sure.” The girl giggled and saved the picture she had took on her phone. Ready to post it later.
“Music lovers!” Was going to be the tittle of her blog site’s new post.
【😴Day 1: Shu Sakamaki】
Thank for reading~ ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ -DJ-
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