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zorrxchicle · 1 year ago
averaver para o spotienvolto este do demo: 37,42 e 68 🤨
cóntoche cóntoche
37. One that got away das MUNA. Da miña irmá esta tamén, a miña canción máis próxima é a seguinte LAS SOLTERAS da Lola Indigo pues porque a una le gusta mover el culo. Letra favorita? "me gustan ellos pero ellas también" máis imposición do bisexualismo 💗💜💙
42. outra de Lana del Rey da miña irmá, a miña canción máis próxima Rabbit Heart (Raise it up) de Florence and the machine
68. ALIEN SUPERSTAR da Beyoncé esta é miña <3 resulta que gosto moito deste álbum, escoiteino despois do medio drama este que houbo cunha youtuber que dixo que non gostara nada del. esta canción moi chula, non sei se teño letra favorita, gosto moito da parte do final
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1mafotopordia · 5 years ago
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Hoje eu vim dizer quem além de ser chamado por #sagui-de-tufos#brancos eu também posso ser chamado de: #saguim #sonhim #soim ou até mesmo #saium quero ressaltar também que sou muito fofinho, amo frutas e insetos, nunca estou sozinho, ando sempre com a minha familia e querem saber algo super interessante sobre nós saguis? Dependemos de 25 a 30% do nosso tempo procurando alimentos, cansativo não?! . . . Há e não se esqueçam #fiquememcasa . . . . . . #primatas #brazil #mogidascruzes #parquecentenario #saopaulo #turistando #passeioporsp #animale #animalsofinstagram #mono #instaanimal #fotos #fotografo #1mafotopordia #1mafotopordiaensina #umafotopordia #registro #bio #art #animalia #mammalia #primates #callithrix https://www.instagram.com/p/B_v2X-rlFiF/?igshid=2wvg2qrrkhry
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manifoldpriest · 3 years ago
Gateway or Door
To surmise, when we all inevitably leave this plane, we don’t go somewhere new. We go home.
Ursula Ovion, very pointedly, wanted to be the first person to die. With the people of Anaz tucked away in their Arks and crashed to their Earths that Allode gave them, immortality slipped from their grasp like loose sand. So, when the people of Anaz were beginning to feel the sluggishness of age- which usually signified the beginning of reincarnation- Ursula Ovion very  quickly hurled herself off of the highest point of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, making her the first ever person to die.
When the Blade of Diae fell from the sky and erased all of the fingerprints of humanity, it also flooded the now-abandoned reality by several feet, the whole planet a massive ocean. Ursula found this out by crashing into the sea at several hundred miles per hour from dying, the first shooting star to cross Anaz in almost ninety years. The sky had been dark for a long time.
Treading water she called to the familiar home that stood still beneath waves, and like magic, a small isle of rock rose to establish surface. She smiled, her hands on the earth, tears streaming down her face; magic had been absent from her life for eighty-six years,and she hated every last one of them. It’s why she named her outpost Sumer, it meant ‘Steaming Dump’ in her old tongue.
She got to work. Creating islands and palaces, castles and coves, establishing hundreds of different places she liked to call ‘Nesta Mine’. Happily Home. The spaces defined physics and logic, an endless plane of clouds and gold, which she called ‘Hai Vahn’ or Winged Cloud, occupied the physical space of an observatory. Another one she was proud of was ‘Elli Saium’, or Opulent Field, and was an endless field of luxury hiding amongst golden fields of grain.
 She also decided to create places where those who, after a trial, would face judgement, called ‘Monte Mine’, or Vile Home. A cavernous labyrinth of fire and acid was simply labeled ‘Heyel’, an abstract term that reflected a scream of anguish.
Finally, she created a headquarters for the magical and gifted. This one was easy. ‘Auro Reynauld’. Golden Key. A soaring palace that boasted windows and doors to every reality that Allode had created. The power of the Universe was, at this point, awake in her veins. And so, Ursula Ovion, the first Deity of Universe of the Afterlife, hearkened to the great Karma to judge the souls of all who came in, promising help as needed, and enlisted the people idolized as creators in their realities to send souls to their new lives and bring them into this new harbor, which she realized had no name. Anaz was too...something. This-whatever this was- was not Anaz. But she decided to call it the ‘Apocro Fine.’ The Home of Harbors.  For every soul was a ship and would eventually dock at this loving harbor.
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onosolar · 4 years ago
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As que me seguides habitualmente sabedes que gozo coma un anano xogando a calquera deporte, incluso perdendo. Tamén sabedes polos meus cabreos que son bastante esixente comigo. Pois con todo iso de previa: COMO GOCEI HOXE DO MEU #PÁDEL!! Saiume todo, tanto técnica como tacticamente. Que gozada!! PD: No seguinte partido non pasarei unha bola. (en CrossPadel Sigüeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAsc3FjbcK/?igshid=xzxpwyp2uvcm
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ledidelioncourt · 5 years ago
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Levo días neste proxecto, por fin o rematei. Non daba saído e estuve a punto de manda-´lo a merda cando, trasteando ca capa "normal"  saiume isto de casualidade.
Modelo: Samuel Winchester by Chrissims
Ledi DeLioncourt
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