#sailor moon rewritten: ask me anything
sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
Haven’t seen much of Seiya but honestly from what I seen they’re like season one Mamoru but if he was more aware he liked Usagi but also didn’t care that Usagi has mixed at best fillings about their romantic overtures.
So I find the claim that Seiya and Seiusa is better than Mamoru and Mamousa really funny.
My problem with Seiya vs. Season 1 Mamoru is that they're all about my attitude. Usagi explicitly tells them she has a boyfriend with whom she's in love and doesn't feel that way. What do they do? Spread lies and rumors that they're dating, leading Usagi to be bullied by their fan club. When confronted by this, Seiya b*tches how she's 'breaking up with him' despite them never dating and her being very honest about not liking them like that.
Oh, and the Softball episode, where Seiya and the other Senshi pressure Usagi into a softball game with one of her bullies to prove that she's 'worthy of Seiya-sama's affection,' which just makes me want to scream. Why does she have to prove anything! She doesn't like Seiya like that, she already has a buttload of problems already, and has a boyfriend she loves completely!
Then there's the scene where Usagi is literally breaking down into tears over missing Mamoru, and what does Sailor Can'tGetaHintAlready do, basically guilt trips the broken-hearted Usagi over why they aren't enough for her.
God. I really hate Seiya, and these are just the main reasons. Also, I do not care if they're supposed to be aliens since they clearly know enough about Earth's customs to become idols.
Even in Season 1, Mamoru's worst season, he never did anything like that or pushed his boundaries with Usagi to the point of making her feel uncomfortable or trapped.
I also have words about the Sailor Senshi in this season, like how their brains disappeared the moment the Starlights stepped onto the scene.
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patternwelded-quill · 7 months
Myka's (New) Intro!
I'm going to make me a fresh 
Writblr Intro
Just like revising a story!
I kinda-sorta did before, but not really, so here's a new one. I'll also be rolling the status updates for my fanfics in here for those of you following me for my apparent obsession with Ranma and elves...
My name is Myka, she/her. Nice to meet you!
I'm a trans swordsmith, armorer, jeweler, and watchmaker. I'm also an artist and author, and like all creatives, I have my days where I love my works and days where I hate them and think they're trash. For example, I did the trans flag colors on the rank pips of my PFP, but they're too tiny to see, so I'm planning to redo it out of frustration!
I'm here to build friendships and community. So feel free to send me a message or an ask about metalwork if you're looking for answers or curious. Tag games are great, too, I try to get to them within a day or so of the notif.
Original Works:
Red Angel Saga (Irae, Interitus, Impere): The story of Relarial, an elven mercenary warlord and grandmother, as she attempts to avenge the death of her family, recover from that terrible loss, and return to some semblance of a life she understands. Rated R (for Relarial, hah!) for ultraviolence and the fact that she can't avoid constant profanities.
-Status: Book 1 is being revised/rewritten, book 2 is rough drafted, and book 3 is outlined and halfway drafted.
Blades of Fate (Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove): Captain Malekah Thaynn was a divisive figure, known to some as a hero and others as the 'Butcher of Borderwatch.' The latter helped get her tossed into a dark hole for years until someone thought she'd be useful to their ambitions. But you don't pick up the epithet of a butcher of anything by playing nice with assholes.
-Status: Book 1 is a rough drafted hot mess, but it's my hot mess, I guess.
Wet Behind the (Long) Ears: What if Ranma was knocked into the 'Spring of Drowned *Elf* Girl'?
-Status: Chapters 1-6 posted. The rest of the first arc is rough drafted, aprox. 35-40k words. Chapter 7 is a mess but coming together!
The Stone Will Sing: Thematic companion to WB(L)E. Maybe Ranma's so short as a girl is because it was a young dwarf girl who drowned in Nyannichuan. Or perhaps the Khazad didn't die out, but vanished as a distinct race. Worldbuilding crossover with LoTR.
-Status: First chapter posted, linked above. Will add more as the muse demands. If this fic doesn't piss off some Tolkien scholars, I didn't do my job right.
Twice the Curse? Double the Fun!: Ranma discovers that P-chan is actually his old frenemy Ryoga. But somehow the Lost Boy managed to get himself *two* Jusenkyo curses. ...or, did he? One-shot for muffinmoonn.
-Status: Drafting, using as a nice palate cleanser when I get stressed with other writing.
Once We Were Warriors: OC Relarial is isekai'd into a 1996 Tokyo shared by Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon. This was prompted by a convo w/ a friend about our OCs as Senshi.
-Status: Book 1 is posted on A03, book 2 is rough drafted, and book 3 is being outlined.
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sugarcomatosed · 3 years
i love your stories so much!! and was wondering if you can give some writing tips perhaps? 🥺����🏻👈🏻
Breaking this up into sections for you + putting it under a cut cause I went overboard. 😅
General Writing Tips
These work for both academic and creative writing.
Make an outline.
It doesn't have to be a formal one, but having at least a general idea of the scenes you want to include is helpful. If I know my fic is going to be a longer one (like Don't Hesitate was and my current WIP is), I break down the larger story beats i want to hit on a piece of paper or my iPad.
It's good to know what you're planning to do, in a any piece I usually have a single specific scene I want to do and depending on what it is, I might either just do the scene I want to or turn into something longer.
Draft, draft, draft.
I cannot stress the importance of going through and reviewing your work. This is a big part of any sort of writing.
Your first idea isn't always your best idea. As you work on a piece you might find your original idea is holding you back, focus shifts! Don't be afraid to let your work change as you go. It's not always easy to let go of your original idea but if you find it's not working, you have to let it change. Sections will need to be rewritten, things have to be readjusted to fit with later sections. Reread for clarity while you're drafting and look to see if this makes sense to you, or reads well to you. If you can't follow it and you wrote it, chances are your reader can't either. Did you use the same phrase again and again? Find and search it on your doc to double check.
Sometimes you have to cut things you really like because they just don't contribute to the fic anymore. Save those bits and use them somewhere else!In a lot of my longer pieces I will write a paragraph, realize that's not where it should go and cut/paste it into another part of the doc because the pacing/scene doesn't make sense where I had it originally, but it works somewhere else.
If you're stuck, skip around, come back and then stitch the bits you have written together.
Don't Focus on a Word Count
This might be controversial, but I'm of the opinion just because something is longer does not make it better. Some works are short, and that's okay! I very rarely try to aim for a specific count of words unless it's for a prompt exchange or a personal challenge. I write till I feel the piece is done. Some stories require more words, some require less.
Don't Hesitate is a great example of this again, because all I wanted to do was a bittersweet first kiss fic, but jumping write into the kiss wouldn't get the full effect I wanted. Meanwhile, with Old Habits all I wanted to do was write dumb comedic kisses, we didn't need a 2k preamble.
Get Someone You Trust to Edit
My go to editor for the past six years or so is one of my good friends. She has edited everything from college papers to my fics for me before I post them to read for clarity, find any funky phrases or misspelled words I missed, and I do the same for her when she asks! A fresh set of eyes makes a world of a difference. Find someone to trade fics with or ask a friend! They might have good suggestions you never thought of, or be able to tell what you were going for when you don't even know yourself.
I also rely on my friends a lot to brainstorm and talk my ideas out before I start because it helps me think and figure out what I need. It's super common for me to text someone and say "im gonna spitball at you, that okay?" and then spend twenty minutes chatting through my ideas.
Have Reference Material
For my 13sar fics, I regularly go back and review/screenshot videos of the dialogue to make sure I am staying consistent with story events, character nuance and small details. You don't have to go crazy, but it is really helpful to have your source material to go back to and check yourself against. In non creative writing I always had a pile of papers highlighted with my own notes on the margins.
Take Breaks/Pace Yourself
Know your own limits, and if you are working and working on something and it's not coming out leave it alone and come back to it. I'm really bad at this personally because when I get an idea in my head I want to see it through but sometimes you gotta step back! It's not healthy to keep working on things and overwork yourself. Stretch, get up go for a walk.
Write What You Want to Write
Don't focus on what people want to read. Focus on what you like. Find a topic, a scene, anything that you are passionate about and the rest will follow. The only time I write fic for other people is when I am writing for a friend. Even prompt requests I only take open ended ones, if I am not interested in writing it it's not gonna happen. I know it's super hard and I get really anxious sometimes about letting people down now, or worrying people won't like something but then I step back and remind myself this is a hobby and I'm doing it for fun.
Play to Your Strengths
You shouldn't try to write like me, you should try to write like yourself. Find what skills you have and use them to your advantage!
I can't give you a step by step list to write like me, because nobody in the world has my background! We're all unique. Everything I've listed so far I know because I'm not a beginner anymore! I'm in my twenties and have come from a strong academic writing background.
I took on an intensive course load in high school, and then went onto college for a sociology degree. I very rarely had test based finals and at the end of each semester would have five 10-15 page papers to submit. Straight up some of my skills come from having read and studied the works of anthropologist Clifford Geertz. I am not saying you should read anthropology/sociology texts. Unless you like that sort of thing lol
I also have 6+ years of theater experience (acting & directing), I use this all the time for my writing. When I think about a scene, I think about how I would work through it as an actor, how the character would move, and how would things read to an audience. The GOTE ("Goal, Obstacle, Tactics, and Expectation") method of acting by Robert Cohen is really useful hear if you want a more technical breakdown of what I mean by that.
This leads to a lot of what we called "business" in acting, doing small tiny things while you talk or move around on stage to give the sense you're a real human. I don't have to think or try on these sort of things because they're in my skill set already!
Things I do Personally
As in, these are not transferable skills this is just the stuff I do while working on projects.
Find a Vibe™️
I come into any fic with usually a goal I want to hit, a line of dialogue or something I want to capture. Just like, the general idea of a feeling a song even if the lyrics don't match up. Make a mood-board, a playlist, just find something you wanna do. It's less about the actual words on the page and what you're aiming to do.
Look to things that inspire you
Don't Hesitate got written because I wanted to write a fic that captured the same vibe as a scene in Macross Frontier, where two characters have a bittersweet kiss before the final battle and that scene still has me fucked up six years after watching it.
My current WIP is doing the same thing but with the song All I've Ever Known from Hadestown. Two characters working through loneliness, the sudden feeling of falling in love and the frustration that feeling can bring on sometime.
I don't plagiarize them word for word, but these are scenes that inspire me! I also patchwork quilt ideas together. Using Don't Hesitate again, I also ended up pulling from a bunch of shoujo anime, Toradora, Sailor Moon, Yona of the Dawn, Princess Tutu...specific scenes I enjoy to blend and create something new.
Goof Off While You Write
I name my documents stupid things, I write dumb placeholder dialogue or vague sentiments like "insert better word here", I make memes when I'm struggling and roast myself and my predictable tastes.
I spent twenty minutes texting a friend Juro's name with different letters spelt out and then the "fuck your chickenstrips" vine saying it was Juro during destruction. Just have fun with it!
Listen to J-POP On Loop for Hours at a Time
i am not kidding I do this all the time. Perfume, AKB48, anime idol osts, Sailor Moon's OPs/ED, vocaloid songs. I like technopop and Japanese is good because it usually doesn't distract my brain since I only know random phrases, but still know what the meaning og the song is.
I love music, it helps me vibe out.
Thank you so much for enjoying my work ;o;
I hope this is useful to you in some way! I'm so sorry it's so long winded but I am overly thorough and love to teach people ;w;
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sailorshadzter · 4 years
Tagged by: @orangeflavoryawp  thank you! <3 
Tagging: @vivilove-jonsa @missfaber @angrykittykrys 
Ao3 name: sailorshadzter 
Fandoms: lately, it’s jonsa (game of thrones) everything, like with very little else. BUT i also am known to write for harry potter, atla, & many many anime/mangas. 
Number of fics: specifically on ao3, it’s just 20 so far. but there’s 93 on my ff.net account. i have a lot of work i have yet to post, mostly because it’s old and terrible & no one should be subjected to it. 
Fic you spent the most time on: it’s one that’s not fully posted on ao3, because im in the process of rewriting it. but a very dark harry potter au. i wrote for it over the expanse of 4yrs, whether it was actual chapters or little updates. 
Fic you spent the least time on: like, continuous fic? thats completed? i dont have many of those LOL im notorious for never finishing anything ever which is why i usually stick to drabbles and oneshots! i guess to give a real answer, it would be a sailor moon fic that i wrote on tumblr & wow i wonder where that is. i just remember writing 
Longest fic: again, probably the original hinny au thats currently being rewritten. which was almost 70k words after the last update i did. HOWEVER my tumblr ask box prompts is about to crack 140k words. 
Shortest fic: it would have to go to one of my oneshots or drabbles. i know there’s a few that are less than 1000 words. 
Most hits: my tumblr ask box prompts. 
Most kudos: again, see above. 
Most comment threads: ‘and yet again, see above. i’m glad to know people love the drabbles i write. i will say, my newest multi chapter fic (i swear ill finish this one ok) is really a hit, which is really exciting :)
Fave fic you wrote: i mean, i LOVED that harry potter au, hence the reason for me rewriting it. but i also wrote a zutara fic that for as terrible as the writing feels to me right now, i love it for what it is. it had a decent plot & i could see the beginnings of the writer i am now. i was really proud of that one. 
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: OH MY GOD, ALL OF THEM?
im not kidding. i really am terrible at updating multi chapters. i prefer one shots. drabbles, that sort of thing. 
however, i will say i will get back to a few at some point. like my taylor swift based modern au & my jonsa role reversal fic. & like 100 more. good thing i have nothing else to do currently, i can hopefully get to a lot of them. 
if nothing else, quarantine is helping me catch up on writing lol
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
just a random drabble i had started the other night!
She's soft and still in the firelight, shrouded in the golden light; he wonders if she knows just how beautiful she is.
"Sansa..." Her name is soft upon his lips and she turns to him, blue eyes shining in the light that surrounds her. She takes a step closer, as if she anticipates more words to come, but he finds now that she is looking at him he can't find his voice. Drifting closer still, she smiles, a peace offering between them. "I'm sorry... I..." She's so close now, he can smell the rosewater she's washed her hair in. Her hand reaches out, pressing against his chest, his heart beating against her palm.
"You don't have to say it," she whispers and Jon closes his eyes.
When he opens them again, it's so he can reach out his hand, brushing his thumb across her lower lip, fingers caught beneath her jaw.
this is on my “to finish” list for the day. :) 
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sosexyalmostevil · 7 years
Sapphy Out of Context
"Yeah. Go ahead and murder everyone."
"This is how you don't order a pizza."
"I'm raging so hard it's giving me swamp ass"
"Uhh it's pronounced min-i-a-ture."
"That's my fetish..?"
"Ash. Unlike Knuckles, I chuckle."
"Good thing you know that bobble head cheat. That'll fix all our problems."
"How do you summon Satan in this?"
"We have a mystery on our hands, gang."
"I dropped my MAGNUM DONG"
"And I thought Claire was a huge furry."
"Happy Happy Joy Joy. You died."
"I always thought Robbie Rotten looked like Waluigi."
"I believe you're talking about Risky Business."
"Of course you'd make Gene Simmons a magical girl in that situation."
"You do realize that Big the Cat is voiced by Duke Nukem right?"
"I think Yzma is somewhat attractive."
*singing Roxanne*
"Hey at least you're better at this than your feet smell."
"Excuse me. I take pride in running around in nothing but some short shorts."
"Was that a JoJo reference? I don't get it."
"My spidey senses are tingling!"
"Every Villain Is Lemons."
*Singing Bad Reputation*
"A wise man once said What ever happened to predictability? The milk man, the paper boy, the evening TV?"
"If only Peter Griffin was here to sell butt scratchers..."
"Why doesn't Ganondorf like the internet? Too many Links."
"Do you remember Trollz? With a z?"
"It's not like there's money RIGHT THERE"
"Spiderus from that Miss Spider show gave me chills."
"The real question is can Bumble make it to elf practice?"
"Ashlynn? More like ASS-lynn!" *chortles uncontrollably*
"Do you know da wae?"
"I didn't stay up all night eating fruit snacks to hear you sing about fireworks."
"And if you look to your right you'll see a dickclam"
*To the tune of Meow Mix* "I like killing. I like murder."
"You're not letting me sing about sausage."
"Some say I look like Weird Al, for your information."
"You know that song that's like that Complicated song but is about being constipated?"
"I watched the Bee Movie and if a be starting talking to me I'd run and hide behind Jigsaw."
"I tried to write a Creepypasta, but it came out as a Semi Disturbing Penne Noodle."
"So was Filbert from Rocko's a turtle or an armadillo?"
"George CAN'T SAND YA!"
"If you'd excuse me, I'm off to snort midis."
"Wrong way, asshole! ...and he's dead..."
"Tra la LAAAAAAA!"
"And he's off! Never mind. I died."
"Let me show you how to destroy everything in your path no matter how strong they think they are. Observe as the bodies of your enemies line the streets! FOR I AM JETHRO DESTROYER OF ALL EVIL!"
"The Lorax but is a mediocre movie except nothing actually changed because it was already a mediocre movie."
"Remember that one time Dorothy and Sophia dressed as Sonny and Cher?"
"What do you think this is, Ash? Denver the Last Dinosaur?"
"I honestly thought the first Alpha and Omega was kinda meh."
"Uh oh. It's the fun police."
"John Goodman has been a caveman, a dinosaur, a bear, and a monster. I know what I'm talking about."
"Angela Anaconda was before the Digimon Movie and that was the worst part of the movie."
"How many references to KISS are you gonna make today?"
"Ka-chow! You're fucked!"
"What was the one season of Digimon where they became Digimon?"
"It jumps right out at you like a rat in your underwear drawer!"
"Holy Masked Potatoes, Batman!"
"Don't you fucking vore me you... Goomba!"
"Mama it's not Digiorno..."
"He's like Sorry, guy. Linkle has gone to tinkle."
"How much will it cost to get a blanket with Sailor Moon with a speech bubble that has a pot leaf on it? I really want that."
"Let me bestow an ancient maneuver upon you. It's called the Suck and Cuck."
"I know who lives in a pineapple under the sea and it's not Spongebob."
"Remember when we were doing that thing with race cars, lasers, and airplanes? We also might've rewritten history."
"Have you ever noticed Toad and Chode rhyme? That's because they're ONE IN THE SAME!"
*Humming Dude Looks Like a Lady*
"Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness unleashed an UNSPEAKABLE evil, but a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, i tore open a portal in time a flung him the future where my evil is law now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku."
"Crank that Marilyn Manson!"
"Turn down for HWAT?"
"But I wanted Gabumon! Not Piplup!"
*Singing off key* "They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow Well I don't know if all that's true 'Cause you got me, and baby I got you"
"I sexually identify as a woozle, check your privilege."
"When in doubt, bomb it out!"
"Are you a Royal or Rebel, Ross?"
"I read a cheat saying that you could evolve a Pikachu into Pikablu. It was on a bootleg cereal box called Blessed Glamour."
"Are you threatening me with that pool noodle?"
"It feels good to be bad, baby!"
"What could possibly go wrong?"
"I called PC Optimizer Pro."
"..Not my proudest fap..."
"Excuse me, I proudly fapped to that."
"You'd make a sucky knight."
"Watching Corpse Bride made me realize I want to fuck Emily. Yes, that's the corpse. It's not my fault they designed her to be so hot."
"Top 10 Anime Betrayals"
"Wacka Wacka Doodoo Yeah!"
"DK wants K. Rool to go back to writing his erotic Neopets fanfiction, obviously."
"You know how at the end of Dora she asks what our favorite part was? My favorite part of the adventure was when Mads turned on a chainsaw in the other room."
"First I must make a wish."
"Don't look up Cool Cat on R34 it's horr- ...you're looking it up aren't you?"
"If life was a cartoon, you have no idea how hard I'd hit you with a frying pan."
*Loud, reality-warping screams*
"There's an article on SpellsofMagic on how to summon Pokémon. Not even halfway joking."
"I hate Mars Bars."
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joiedecombat · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: the List
Tumblr media
Since it seems there is some interest, why not? List of works (nominally) in progress, old unfinished fics, and Stuff I Want To Write below the cut. Feel free to ask about any of these.
Works (nominally) In Progress
"Reason or Rhyme" (Time Princess - Gotham Memoirs). The Vittorio expansion/fix-fic, because I will be forever disgruntled at how little romance content was actually included in the Mafia romance route.
Galactic Date Night Shenanigans aka "The one where everything is Balkar's fault." (SWTOR - Theron Shan/Jedi Knight). Theron "disaster spy" Shan is goaded into trying to take his wife out for a nice date for once, and it goes like every other plan these two have ever had anything to do with.
#3: [I] trusted [you] (SWTOR - Theron Shan / Jedi Knight). A post-Nathema prompt fic I swear I will finish one of these days.
super secret short story/novella project - Okay it's not that super secret, but it is something I'm mostly keeping under my hat for now as I work on it because of reasons, and is actually (inconveniently, for 100 Days of Writing purposes) the main thing I've been working on lately. I expect to be able to say more about it later. Maybe even within the 100 days! We'll see.
southern gothic urban fantasy procedural romance - Faerie Animal Control Warden meets FBI Elf during investigation of a suspicious death out in the kudzu. A little bit of Bright, a bit Mushi-Shi, a drop of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Stuff I Want to Write
Distinct from works in progress in that I have not actually gotten past the planning stage on any of these - if that. A few of these have been rattling around in concept for long enough to have gone through several distinct evolutions without ever getting any writing done on them. Still, hope springs eternal and ideas are never wasted.
the rival bands AU / the rock opera playlist fic (Sailor Moon - Makoto Kino/Nephrite). Currently exists entirely as an incomplete playlist.
space opera Pride and Prejudice retelling - exactly what it sounds like on the tin. Do y'all know I have yet to encounter a futuristic/space AU? Surely there's one out there somewhere, but I have yet to see it. If you know of one, for the love of God don't tell me.
"Ten of Swords" - (Archer EMIYA/Minako Arisato). fate/stay night + Persona 3 Portable crossover what's even wrong with my brain.
the Regency fae story - a Regency-era fantasy in which a lot of the needlessly complicated and restrictive social rules followed by the upper classes are actually an attempt at defending against the Fair Folk. Sort of Pride and Prejudice vs Changeling: the Lost vs Labyrinth. Could turn into a whole Pride and Prejudice retelling, I guess?
drinking games - fantasy imperial court intrigues involving a romance between a court poison taster and a master spy/assassin.
untitled - East/southeast Asian-inspired Beauty and the Beast retelling in which the Beast is a mountain god whose appearance is based on a tiger. I'm probably too white to write this.
untitled - Private investigator hired to investigate local bad-boy-made-good for insurance fraud, turns out it was actually an ill-advised teenage deal with the devil coming due. Might fit in with that other southern gothic urban fantasy idea, I am not sure.
the ciphered letter - This one started off as a combination of a Mage: the Awakening campaign and a really, really weird spam email I got one time. Orphan gets mysterious ciphered letter, meets snarky Welsh mage, awakens to magic and maybe almost gets made a human sacrifice to an eldritch abomination.
Forfeit - Regency/Victorian-esque fantasy involving reincarnation, a race of immortals, and a half-immortal teaming up with a mortal who sacrificed his future reincarnations for pseudo-immortality to uncover and stop the sinister secrets that power a colonizing empire. It makes more sense in my head... probably?
untitled - Slow burn enemies to lovers between the world-conquering emperor and the rebel leader who's opposing him, over the course of a time loop. AKA Lord of Heroes Kartis/Monarch with the serials filed off. Or I guess I could just write Lord of Heroes fanfic?
low fantasy Magnificent Seven Samurai - Farming village scrapes together a group of starving mercs to protect them from marauders, drama ensues. That's it, that's the whole idea.
Unfinished Fics
Distinct from works in progress in that these are all old enough I can no longer claim I intend to finish them. Some of them I may come back to, especially the few that had substantial progress made before they fell by the wayside. Most will probably be left abandoned, either because I have lost interest in continuing to work on them or I have just plain forgotten what I was planning to do with them.
dreameater - A very old, loosely Forgotten Realms-inspired concept involving an aging half-elf, his fully elven partner, and a mysterious magical threat that's devouring people's dreams.
"Fortune Favors the Brave" (Baccano! - Luck Gandor/Eve Genoard). The Luck/Eve shipping fic.
"Intermezzo" (Blood+ City of Nightwalkers). Follow-up fic to an obscure manga prequel/side story for the vampire anime Blood+, involving Hagi and the Hong Kong cop who semi-adopted him that one time.
"The Art of Losing Everything" (Dragon Age: Origins - Alistair Theirin/f!Cousland). An Alistair/f!Warden fic with themes of loss, duty, and sacrifice.
"In Pieces" (Dragon Age II - Fenris/f!Hawke). A terrible horrible no good very bad AU where Hawke actually turned Fenris over to Danarius and then came back to try to fix her mistake, which I can never finish because I can't make that initial decision make internal sense no matter how hard I try.
"Pas de Deux" (Final Fantasy VIII - Squall Leonhart/Rinoa Heartilly). Exploration of how Squall and Rinoa's relationship could develop after the events of the game.
"With Good Intentions" (Final Fantasy VIII - Squall Leonhart/Rinoa Heartilly). An AU in which Rinoa discovers that technically you can change the past, it's just that if Squall has an actual decent childhood the world ends. Way too ambitious for me to ever actually finish, probably, but I can't quite give up on the idea.
"I've Loved These Days" (Gundam SEED - Mu la Flaga/Murrue Ramius). One of several partly-written Gundam SEED fics kicking around in my files.
"The Last Night of the World" (Gundam SEED - Mu la Flaga/Murrue Ramius). Another Gundam SEED fic, one that began as a prompt in ye olde LiveJournal days. "I've Loved These Days" might have been a prototype, though they don't appear to have any text in common. Could in theory still get finished, maybe.
Valentine's ghosts (Gundam SEED Destiny - Andrew Waltfeld/Murrue Ramius). I'm just saying, Andy/Murrue would have been so much more interesting than the whole Neo thing in Destiny.
"Lion Passant" (Kingdom Hearts). Something something Leon as a failed Keyblade Bearer. The Kingdom Hearts franchise has rewritten its own lore at least three times since I originally had the idea, I can't imagine I'll ever continue it now.
"Vigil" (KotOR - Carth Onasi/f!Revan). Carth/Revan retrospective somewhere around the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.
"Semper Fidelis" (KotOR/KotOR II - Carth Onasi/f!Revan). Post-Sith Lords Carth/Revan resolution fic.
"Clarity" (KotOR II). Atton Rand backstory study from the POV of that one nameless Jedi.
"A Simple Game of Cards" (KotOR II - Atton Rand/Jedi Exile). Spoilers: it is never a simple game of cards. Turns out someone already did it with more or less the same twist I had in mind.
the besieged base fic (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). A fic rendition of the "Besieged Base" mission from the first Mass Effect.
"Get Up, Jonah" (Mass Effect). I woke up thinking about Turkish drummers. Didn't take long; I don't know much about Turkish drummers. Virmire, before the other shoe drops.
"Long Night" (Mass Effect). Ashley on Virmire.
"My Heart Dances" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Liara POV of Shepard/Kaidan.
"No Way Out" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Heading up the Citadel during the ME1 endgame.
"Right Here, Right Now" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). An ME1 epilogue / pre-ME2 sort of fic.
"While the Night is Still Young" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Shepard/Kaidan en route to Ilos.
Apparently I had approximately a million little Mass Effect shortfic ideas I never finished and in some cases never started. Apparently they're all for the first game. (I think there was a Thane idea or two for ME2 that I just never started on at all. RIP.)
"To Absent Friends" (Tiger and Bunny). Sad, sad futurefic of an elderly Pao-Lin reflecting on the deaths of all the other heroes over the years.
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
Sailor Moon.
The first character I first fell in love with:  Mamoru Chiba. He's actually why I fell in love with the show.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Again, Mamoru. I always saw people taking sh*t about him whenever it came to Sailor Moon, but after watching him in action and his quippy lines as Mamoru and Tuxedo Mask, I just couldn't agree.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  The Starlights. I just never found them appealing to the anime and honestly, I found them very rude and narcissistic toward everyone, especially Seiya. I don't know if this is just me, but I never knew what made them so great to the people in the show and in real life.
The character I love that everyone else hates:  Chibiusa. I know she can have her annoying moments, but I'll be honest, I love her relationships with Helios and Hotaru.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Starlights in the manga. Honestly, I was fine with the Starlights in the manga, but after their fandoms kept harping on and on and on about how much better Starlights are than Mamoru, I just found myself skipping their parts.
The character I would totally smooch:  Mamoru. Sorry, Usagi.
The character I’d want to be like:  In real life, I'm most like Mamoru since I'm reticent, withdrawn, and have a hard time opening up to others, but I can't help but admire Usagi. She's so charismatic, open, and can make friends out of anyone and I wish I could do that.
The character I’d slap:  Demande. Fricking creep. Mamoru and Usagi should've beaten the sh*t out of him.
A pairing that I love: Usamamo. What can I say they're a miracle romance for a reason.
A pairing that I despise: Seiusa or Demanusa. Both are pretty equal in my distaste for them.
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
FINALLY SOMEONE WHO HATES PRINCE DIAMOND. He’s so damn annoying and while he is a good villain (will make an analysis of him) he annoyed the shit out of me and when he force kissed Usagi…🤢 I saw some people saying Mamoru is just as bad as him or WORST just because he kissed Usagi at the masquerade ball and I genuinely lost all my brain cells. 💀This fandom does have a lot bad takes…
Yes, the creep who literally held Usagi against her will, intending to break her spirit so she'd be a good little trophy while he destroyed everyone she'd ever known and loved, is SO much better than the guy who's been at her side since the beginning, protecting and encouraging her to never give up when she feels lost and alone.
It was wrong for Mamoru to kiss her without her consent, but I think even the manga realized that, and that's why Luna calls him out for it. Even in the anime, Mamoru does get cutely flustered remembering it.
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sailormoonrewrite · 3 months
Just had a thought of Usagi getting offended finding that Mamoru likes Sailor Moon and Mamoru being confused that Usagi thinks Tuxedo Mask is cool and amazing.
Sailor Moon:
Usagi: I bet you just like Sailor Moon because of her short skirt.
Mamoru: I don't like Sailor Moon because of her outfit. I like her because she's brave enough to take on horrific monsters, kind to everyone she meets, and willing to put her own life in danger if it means saving innocent people.
She's absolutely incredible...and I really hope I can tell her that one day.
Usagi: (*゚ェ゚*)
Tuxedo Mask:
Mamoru: Why do you like Tuxedo Mask? He's a complete weirdo who relies on the Sailor Senshi to do everything.
Usagi: How dare you say such things!? Tuxedo Mask is a complete gentleman who always has the Sailor Senshi's back despite not being one of them, and he never feels emasculated when the Senshi takes charge or defeats the bad guy.
Mamoru: ...(´-`)
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sailormoonrewrite · 10 days
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Saw this and thought of Mamoru.
I need it with all my heart.
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sailormoonrewrite · 1 month
Do you think in the beginning of The Doom Tree arc Mamoru had his memories of his parents because they were part of his normal life? Or did he forget like everything even slightly connected to the more weirder aspects of his life? Did he forget about his dream princess too?
I think the reason he initially rejected Usagi’s story is the idea he lost even more of his memories and such important ones at that was just too terrifying to accept and all he remembers from his interactions with Usagi at this point aren’t the best and honestly would make sense why he’d think she was messing him or was making it up.
That does make a lot of sense since it must be terrifying to have amnesia from childhood and then to learn from some strange girl that you had an entire life beforehand you can't remember.
Personally, I think there was seal on his memories so that he couldn't remember his past until he allowed himself to accept that they happened.
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sailormoonrewrite · 1 month
Usagi: She did tell me about the attack. I owe Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask so much for saving her and her mother. And her mom’s business I suppose. Pretty ironic for a “jewel thief”.
Mamoru:...Hm...Just you should be cautious with people you don't know.
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
It could still be a factor for manga and Crystal Mamoru they can still be dressed in a tuxedo because that’s the last time he didn’t fail his Serenity and made her happy. Besides Mamoru feeling the love Endymion had for Serenity and the love that she felt for him and the desire of Endymion to not fail Serenity is really nice.
That's probably what I'll do in the rewrite. By the way, it's Mamo-chan's birthday, so happy birthday to him!
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
I like to see Mamoru to use observation and deduction as a love langue. Like to see it used as a love langue in general but you’re really good at giving us observant and logical Mamoru.
Thank you! I wanted to show that while Mamoru's not obvious about his love, he's usually the first to see that something's up with Usagi.
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
Are you going keep having Moonlight Knight or call him Moonshadow Knight which looks to be what he’s called in the original Japanese?
I can't really answer much about Moonlight Knight is as a whole since that's a bit of spoiler for the season finale but I'll probably just go with Moonlight Knight.
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sailormoonrewrite · 2 months
You have The Girls Unite : The End of Jadeite as a title listed twice. Was that a mistake?
...Sh*t. I'll go change that. Thank you for the heads up.
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