#said skullbeast
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beaztbazzboss · 4 months ago
Hello everyone, well, I can't believe I must make a callout thread about this. I actually don't want to make it because I don't wanna cause any dramas, but I must made this to make everyone in this fandom aware and do the right action for what's happening in this fandom.
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So at yesterday, when I opened and scrolled tumblr, I found a post from @marshalllir talking about a DL fan who commented negatively about one of @hostik 's post. And I immediately recognized that person. It's one of my follower that I follow
The post:
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Well, Let's talk about this
About her commented negatively in some Haiden posts, this is not the first time I see her commented like that, I remembered when she's commented on one of @deadfileinthecabinet 's post(as I remember) about Haiden aswell. I ever told her to stop commenting like that and let people enjoy what they like and if she doesn't like it/hate it, just do not interact with them, especially put a negative comment. As time goes by, I thought she was already changed but after I see this post, I feel so dissapointed. All time I've been putting my faith to her expecting her to change turns out like that? Well, because of this, I think it's my time to expose her NOT so good side.
So, as the name suggests, She's definetly a Frank Marwey big fan. She loves to make and post about Frank, even make her own Monster!Frank AU that I was interested to. Did you know that she has 2 Twitter/X account? One of her account is a NSFW account.
Now, before we talk about the NSFW part, let me say this. She ships Frank x Lawan and Frank x Aiden(I think now she ships her DL oc with Frank now, But I personally know that she still ship these ships)
Problem? Yes, Frank x Lawan has a BIG problem in it. In DL2 canon lore, Lawan met Frank when she was young and views him as her dad figure. Shiping her with Frank is sounds problematic and might be considered as p*dophilia. Their age gap are TOO BIG even they're both are adults plus, Frank is Lawan's father figure and Frank is old enough to be her dad.
How about Frank x Aiden problem? Same, their age gap is TOO BIG to be considered as a couple
But Aiden x Hakon- Their age gap is tolerable, plus their relationship isn't Father and Son alike duo so it's safe.
Ok back to her shipping problem and the ACTUAL problem that I wanted to talk about, not just the problem of her shipping taste, but also she ever made a NSFW art of them. Do I have a problem? Yes, she ever post a NSFW of Frank x Lawan.
Unfortunately, the posts about that I mentioned are deleted. Maybe because there's someone who called her out before I did back then. Yet she still ships them.
"But, it's my AU! It never be canon" I know it's an AU but that doesn't mean you can cover up your problematic stuff that you did easily. Do we can easily believe you after saying that? No right? We are not fools.
I'm sorry if I did bring back your past mistakes to you, but this is the warning that I could do to you even I did the wrong thing. Something has kicking me out to expose your past actions to public again. I'm truly very sorry about it.
But, that doesn't mean I can easily forgiving you. Since this is a warning post to you, All I want to tell is that YOU MUST make an apology post. DO NOT PUT THE BLAME/PLAYING VICTIM TO ANYONE OR ME A.K.A. YOU MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL YOUR ACTIONS EVEN THOSE ARE JUST THE PAST
I'm glad that you finally realized your mistake about you posting NSFW arts of your ship yet you still ship them. I need you to stop what you're doing. If you want to ship Frank with someone, make an OC x Canon ship by yourself, is that hard to do for you? Atleast, it's better than you still shipping the problematic ships and post it online.
Mark my words, if you dislike something, DO NOT INTERACT WITH THE THING THAT YOU DISLIKE EVEN YOU JUST PUT NEGATIVE COMMENTS OF IT AND LET PEOPLE DOING WHAT THEY LIKE. The Algorithm will thought you like it and keep giving you more post about something that you don't like
In this case, yes, she's indeed problematic. Yet we must give her a chance to change herself into a better person. I believe that soon she realizes her mistakes and trying her best to change into a better person. We must stay mature of what's happening in this fandom problem.
If you're reading this, I give you a second chance to be a better person. Do it, I'm still have a faith into you so you can be a good person that everyone knows.
I don't blame and mad at you. I'm just giving you and people in the fandom a warning.
May God forgives our sins
Thank you so much for reading this. And also to those people that I tagged, I'm sorry for the random sudden tag.
I'll see ya soon, have a great day/night
Edit: If I got any mistakes, please you can correct me. Thank you :3
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beaztbazzboss · 19 days ago
Y'all are pussies, mine's sounds cooler. Might put this as my username idea/j
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othercat2 · 5 years ago
A Hamsteak Meta Thought of Randomness
It just occurred to me that there are two (maybe more) lines that have pure horror theme/genre appeal. The first is "don't turn your back on the body." The body will disappear, stolen for horrifying purposes. The body will turn out not to be dead after all and this will lead to something horrible happening.
The other line is a few variations of "he's already here." Imagine it being said in the creepy voice of your choice. This is the one of the only points where the once and future brat of time is genuinely frightening: as a conceptual eternal and cyclical presence. (The other way he's scary is simply as a raging destructive and nihilistic giant green skullbeast.)
So that's at least two lines that would not be out of place in a horror novel or movie. I am not sure what other lines might qaulify, but these are the easiest to remember off the top of my head.
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ninjagiry · 7 years ago
I feel like your rec of ancient magus bride might benefit from a small not(/warning??) that it centers around the romantic relationship between an ancient skullbeast and his captive 15 year old girl, sorry if you like it but that was a fairly nasty surprise
So did you only read the first two pages or…?
Ignoring the fact that this is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, utilizing a key plot point FROM Beauty and the Beast, Chise hands herself in to the auctioneers basically as a suicide wish because she’s been tormented her whole life by the fact that she has powers she doesn’t understand and doesn’t know how to use. Elias does “buy” her, but tells her first and foremost that she will work as an apprentice, not as his slave. The very first thing he does once they leave the auction house is destroy her chains because she “won’t be needing them anymore”. The moment she steps into his house, she’s free.
Elias not only explains to her WHY she was abducted and sold by the shady auction, but why they had such an intense interest in exploiting her. He tells her she has the potential to be an amazingly powerful magician, but ends his schpeil with (i quote)
“You may think things over. The path to becoming a mage is only one of many. I’ll do what I can to guide you on that path, but that doesn’t mean I won’t help with other things. I don’t mind spoiling you a bit; after all, you’re practically family now.”
As you read on, and Elias’ character comes more into focus, you also find out that he has a very dry and dark sense of humor. The text makes mention of this several times. He’s also not human, and in fact has no idea what exactly he is or where he came from, which makes it difficult for him to understand human emotions and boundaries. Going back and rereading his earlier lines with that knowledge in mind also clears up a lot of things he says that seem really harsh.
The line where he proposes to her barely a day after meeting her is also based on the original Fairy Tale. In that text, and many adaptations, the Beast asks beauty to marry him every night after their dinner. It’s a part of his effort to break the spell, thinking that marriage alone would count as “finding love.” We know however that that wouldn’t work even if she said yes, and only real love can do that.
NOW THROWING AWAY MY INTENTION TO AVOID GIVING SPOILERS you find out later on that Sleigh Beggies are at risk for being overworked and exploited for their power until it kills them. Sleigh Beggies are so powerful that their human bodies literally can’t handle the amount of magic they put out, and they almost always die as children or adolescents. As such, they are almost regarded more as tools or objects to be used by more experienced mages. Elias bought Chise not only to keep her from going to someone super gross and abusive, but to see if he could find a way to keep her alive and teach her to use her magic in a way that won’t end up killing her so she can have a longer, fuller life.
The cold opening of the auction house with Elias leading her out by the chain can be pretty jarring and unsettling, but literally everything is explained later in the text. His entire decision to buy her and take her home, and even to attend the auction in the first placed, is based on an intention to save her life.
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beaztbazzboss · 2 months ago
Not trying to be "ooo edgy ooo" or sum shits but I always feel that any special days especially my birthday are always the same. Like, nothing's really special to me. What something I need to celebrate?
Anyways, thanks for nothing, 2024.
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beaztbazzboss · 4 months ago
Y'know what? I don't like making call out post actually
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beaztbazzboss · 1 month ago
how to draw old men faces sepuh
Lemme show u how I do it
Click more cuz it's long
1. Draw the cross line
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2. Draw the jaw. Jaw comes in many shapes, but I use the basic ones
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3. B A L D
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4. Gib him neck
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5. Please give him haircut, the haircut could be anything like low taper fade haircut. I use the fancy guy ahh haircut
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6. Kindly please give him face, and add accessories or scars if he has one(me using this as an excuse to draw Jason)
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7. Also, you want to draw old men? Here's how I do it: Give him facial hair(optional, if the old man doesn't have one, then don't add it), add face wrinkles(I added one but fuck the glasses makes it unoticeable😭)
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And that's how u do it
But lemme give you tips:
Each age shows different look for ur old man, if they're 60+ years old, look at your grandpa's face, you'll see so many wrinkles
Facial hair comes in different styles, the more thicc the hair, their face will look like da real old man(even they're in their mid 20s :v/pos)
Use ur dad, grandpa, or other old men as the reference/j but srs
Ok I hope it helps, thx for asking the tutorialn't
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beaztbazzboss · 29 days ago
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Made one of these myself. Feel free to reblog.
Pls send me asks <3
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beaztbazzboss · 2 months ago
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Do you ever just, get almost stressed out because you trying to learn something new? That's the fun part
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beaztbazzboss · 3 months ago
⚠️WARNING BEFORE INTERACT: This blog right here is 18+, sometimes I post suggestive or sensitive stuff(gore even). If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to not interact⚠️
Minors, be careful to see this blog. It's very recommended to stay away from this blog or I will "traumatize" you with nsfw posts. This is not a drill
I actually ever made my own introduction but the old one was shit so I had to delete it
My introduction(read more):
Hi, my name is BEAZT, not my actual name but I prefer to be called with my pseudonym online
I'm an artist and also a writer, because I love torturing my own creativity but it's worth it
I don't feel comfortable to tell my age. Maybe later if you guys are ready to know how old I am and I feel comfortable to tell
My pronouns are She/Her, all because I'm a cisgender female. Dw, I'm chill with you guys
My sexuality are questioning, but I might be Aego AroAce
I might have ADHD but I don't think so. Last time when I checked to the psychiatrist, she said I'm being a hyperactive kid. For now idk, I don't want to self diagnose myself
My interets are many, especially when it goes to fandoms. The fandoms I'm in are: Dying Light, Kingsman, PHIGHTING!, Regretevator, Detroit: Become Human, Five Nights at Freddy's, and so on
If you wonder what nationality I am, I'm an Indonesian. I'm recently having a love hate relationship for being Indonesian
My favorite music artists/bands are: KMFDM, AND ONE, femtanyl, Alan Walker, and so on
Did you know? I recently making my own OC project named "AN ALLE KRIEGER: CERBERUS". If you want to see the updates or shitty posts, you can see the blog under the hastag #an alle krieger and #an alle krieger project. This project is a Novel book(or maybe a Novella book project). If it become a real book, wait for the translated version because I made the AAK book in Indonesian language
My likes and dislikes are so many that I cannot put this in one blog skksksksksk
I use #said skullbeast tag for spitting random shits and answering your questions
Requests, Asks, and DMs are allowed but know your limits. I don't take too much of them that I find are overwhelming, and I don't usually online since I got a lot of stuff to do so, Don't you even FUCKING dare to spam DMs, Requests, and Asks to me
Bye, thank you for reading my introduction :3
NOTE: If I sounds rude to you, I'm so sorry
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beaztbazzboss · 23 days ago
Of course I have a big problem in Indonesia
Recently, our new president used AI to promote his free lunch program wich that make us sick. And ironically, they turned off the comments to show how pussy they are lmao😂
I already have a gut feeling when campaign that Indonesia will use AI for anything, ANYTHING. Well bitch, I see, their plan are just trying to get rid from all Indonesian animators and they don't need our ass.
Lmao Indonesia will facing a great downfall for the next 5 years or now. Oh wait, their downfall are already happened since 60s but this time, I believe that Indonesia will crumbling and fall into pieces because how DUMB are the governments, especially those cops, and most of our people
Goddamn I hate how my country becoming like this but eh, there's no hope from them. It's so critical that none of us will try to fix everything because they're surrounded by DUMBASS people with low iq
Plus, Indonesian governments are SO FUCKING ANTI OF CRITICSM like wdym you allow your people to critic but when they did, you went to write a Shakespeare about you got hated like, oh my God. They're so braindead and only being a greedy ass. Corruption are always in their mind, so I'm not so surpised lol. Even their people aswell
That's it, if I have a chance, I will move to other countries as long as they accept me as a muslim. I'm thinking to go to UK, Germany, or other. Why not US? Man that place is fucked up but not as worse as Indonesia and I don't want to step in there(no hate to Americans who are nice to me)
Menuju Indonesia Generasi Emas? Nah, more like Menuju Indonesia Generasi AI or Menuju Indonesia Generasi (c)emas
Ok I'm sorry for about I suddenly venting about my country but believe me, I just want to throw up my frustration to you about my country, so we can share our frustration together
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beaztbazzboss · 1 year ago
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Baru bangun dah dikasih kejutan
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Renegade husbands doodle for my @xyreferyxbeazt hehe
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beaztbazzboss · 1 month ago
Hello everyone, for those who are expecting me to make post about Dying Light, don't think I would post more about them.
Am I quitting from DL? No, not yet, I have a great memories in that. Like meeting a new experience and friends. Those days are so peak.
But unfortunately, I won't post more about DL. More likely I will focus more on other stuffs, especially my oc book project, An Alle Krieger: Cerberus. Let's just say, I'm now become an oc artist, not fandom artist anymore
If you want to unfollow me because I don't post about DL anymore, that's fine. Even you're going to miss everything from me. But if you want to stay, thank you
If you want to support my oc book project, please give them like, and reblogs. Kickstarter may likely be coming soon
Have a nice day everyone, See ya on the flipside! :D
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beaztbazzboss · 3 months ago
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Something important about AN ALLE KRIEGER: CERBERUS today
Sorry for spamming post but this is what I want to tell about
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beaztbazzboss · 3 months ago
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Happy holidays!
I'm not a christian nor a catholic
But thx ig
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beaztbazzboss · 1 year ago
Is anyone who ships Aiden x Hakon/Hakon x Aiden aren't talking about this song? Like this song is literally so Haiden coded with Aiden's POV
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