#sahota was also just Babey (20) when he met Vic so it was easier to scare and manipulate him
I don't quite have the right words for it but something about how Sahota and Vic went from being referred to by first and last name (respectively) to last and first name. And how it seems to align with Sahota being brought up to more of a teacher position like Vic, which is something that Sahota clearly feels uncomfortable becoming (whether he'll admit it or not). Its like a cycle of abuse he's watching spin out his turn to pass on the trauma.
My next thought would be how long this cycle has been going on for. On this account we have not gotten anything from Vics perspective, which would definitely help give some insight, at the very least, to his thought process with how training works. It's clear that he's sadistic, but I wonder if it's a trait he learned from his own mentor.
Sahota, on the other hand, does not take any satisfaction from the crew fearing him (and I'll assume their pain), expressing it in "The Return." But it is what he thinks he should be feeling, because that's what he sees Vic displaying. Will Sahota fall into Vics mindset? Does Vic have an internal monologue similar to Sahotas, albeit much more oppressed? Can I stop hyper-analyzing these two and focus on the rest of the cast for more than five minutes? Also I have like fifty questions about the organization Vic and Sahota are apart of but that's a bigger ask for a later night.
hhhhhhh analysis (you should know I eat these like they're delicious little treats)
the cycle has definitely been going on past just Vic and Sahota, though I'm not sure how much time I'll spend exploring it. I might eventually do a Vic pov chapter, but getting in his head will be a challenge lol
I will say that Vic started out with some sadistic tendencies, but his own training and experiences have significantly sharpened them. If he would've lived a more "normal" life, they may have never risen to the surface at all
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