#sahn fluff
brrrkdslek · 11 months
you groan as san drags you out into the freezing cold where snow was pouring. "let's make snow angels!" you cried out, trying to hold onto the wall as san pulled your waist. unfortunately, the male is twice your size and yanked you before throwing you over his shoulder, "we're making snow angles!"
you shuddered in the cold as you watched your boyfriend bury himself into the snow, "i'm going inside! you can catch that cold by yourself-" suddenly a ball of snow hits the back of your head causing you to fall forward. you hear san giggling in the back, "that's what you get for trying to leave!"
you groan annoyingly as you prop yourself up on your elbows and turn to glare at him, "i'm serious, we're gonna catch something-"
you and san huddled at the fireplace in your living room with soft music playing in the back as the two trembled in each other's hold. a cup of hot chocolate in your hand as you put it against san's mouth, "careful it's- achoo! h-hot..."
san sniffled as he sipped at the chocolate, humming at the warm seeping into his stomach. he then buried himself into your neck and you sighed, "i told you we shouldn't have gone out..." san whines, " but it was fun, i even got the pictures!"
you rolled your eyes annoyingly, but not so annoyingly when san smiled, his pretty dimples showing. oh how much you loved winter, and how much you loved choi san.
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
Stardew Valley Characters x reader who's easily scared
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He does find it funny to an extent
But, he won't intentionally scare you
If Shane does end up scaring you, he'll quietly laugh to himself, but eventually apologize
He does find your reaction cute, but won't say anything about it
He definitely finds it funny when you get scared
Though he does feel slightly bad if he catches you off guard
When you do get scared, he'll help calm you down by pulling you into a hug
Sebastian is protective of you, and will glare at anyone who tries to intentionally scare you
He can be really scary when he wants to, so it's affective
Sam is a bit of a goofball
So knowing how easy it is to scare you, he will sometimes take advantage of it
But he knows when he shouldn't and never crosses any boundaries
He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or upset you
Overall, Sam is very respectful about it
Alex will occasionally sneak up on you, just to see your reaction
He finds it funny and cute at the same time
Though, he won't do it so much that it upsets you
He just likes teasing you
Which he does a lot
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Die traumhaft wollige Begegnung
Der Anfang einer erotischen Geschichte
Episode 14
Den Nachmittag über strickt Michelle wieder im Wohnzimmer und ich darf auf dem Boden zu ihren Füßen sitzen. Zwischendurch verwohnt sie mich, in dem sie mit Ihren Füßen meinen Penis und meine Eier etwas massiert „Mmmmpf“.
Nach Ladenschluss schaut Nadine kurz in ihrem Böse Kätzchen Outfit herein und Michelle folgt ihr nach draußen.
Nach ein paar Minuten kommt Michelle in einem sexy Leder Domina Outfit zurück und führt mich mit herzhaftem Zug an der Leine „Aaahmmpf“ nach unten in den Keller.
Unten angekommen liegt Nadine mit gespreizten Beinen auf dem Bett, so dass man einen Blick auf ihre Muschi hat, zudem wackelt laszive mit dem Foxtail Plug in ihrer Hand.
Ich denke nur: „Oooh yes, was wird das jetzt?“
Bei dem Anblick fängt mein Penis sofort an zu Pulsieren und zu wachsen.
Michelle löste ein Paar Schnüre am Catsuit und befreit meinen Penis und meine Eier aus ihrem kleinen Fluffy Gefängnis und zieht den Plug aus meinem Hintern „Mmmmpf“ muss ich aufstöhnen.
Michelle sagt: „Wie versprochen kleiner Fluffy Sklave heute wirst du von uns schön verwöhnt werden.“
Michelle zu Nadine: „Komm Böses Kätzchen hilf mir mit unserem kleinen Fluffy Alex.“
Nadine klettert vom Bett und kommt näher.
Die zwei führen mich an ein X-förmiges Gestell an der Wand und Fesseln mich mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen fest.
Ich frage mich nur wie jetzt die versprochene Verwöhnung aus sieht.
Zu meinem Entsetzen positionieren die Zwei eine Fucking-Maschine, an der ein Dildo befestigt ist, unter mir.
Immer noch den Knebel im Mund versuche ich zu sagen: „Mmmmpf nein, bitte nicht.“
Doch Michelle legt mir jetzt auch noch einen Hodenring um meine Eier und als ob die nicht genug ist hängt sie noch ein 5 Kg Gewicht an. „Aaaaahmmpf“ muss ich aufstöhnen als meine Eier bis aufs äußerste gedehnt werden.
Nun führt Nadine mir den Dildo der Fucking-Maschine in den After „Mmmmpf“ und Michelle schaltet die Höllen-Maschine ein. Zunächst bewegt sich der Dildo langsam in gleichmäßiger Bewegung auf und ab und schiebt sich dabei über die volle Länge in meinen After. „Aaaahmmpf, Aaaahmmpf“
Wieder stellt sich ein unglaubliches unbekanntes Gefühl ein, zusammen mit dem Fluff des Catsuit ist mein Penis wieder steinhart.
Michelle regelt am Schalter die Geschwindigkeit etwas hoch „Aaaaahmmpf“
Als wäre diese Stimulation nicht genug kommt Michelle jetzt noch mit einem Vacuum Sucker,
eine Art Melkmaschine, sie schiebt ihn über meinen erigierten Penis und schnallt ihn fest.
Ich versuche zu sagen: „Mmmpf, nein bitte nicht das auch noch“
Doch Michelle lässt sich nicht beirren und schaltet den Sucker ein.
„Aaaammmpf, Aaaammpf“ muss ich aufstöhnen
Ein unglaubliches Gefühl stellt sich ein, die beiden Geräte löst nun eine doppelte Stimulation aus. zusammen mit dem herrlichen Fluff des Catsuits ein wahrer Rausch der Sinne.
Bei dieser extremen Stimulation lasst der Orgasmus nicht lange auf sich warten und nach ein paar Minuten „Aaahmmpf“ spritze ich unweigerlich ab.
Nun schaltet Michelle den Sucker ab und füllt das abgesaugte Sperma in eine Schale.
Michelle sagt: „Hier mein böses Kätzchen hast du eine Schale mit Sahne die darfst du fein aufschlecken.“
Nadine krabbelt zu Schale und schleckt eifrig die Sahne auf.
Michelle sagt „So ist es brav mein böses Kätzchen, gleich bekommst du noch mehr.“
Michelle schaltet lächelnd die Sucker Melkmaschine wieder ein.
Unter Stöhnen versuche ich zu sagen „Aaaammpf, nein Aaaammpf nein bitte nicht.“
Doch die zwei Maschinen laufen ohne Gnade weiter und Michelle regelt die Geschwindigkeit noch weiter hoch.
„Aaaampf, Aaampf“ muss ich aufstöhnen.
Und wieder lasst bei dieser extremen Stimulation der Orgasmus nicht lange auf sich warten und nach einiger Zeit „Aaahmmpf“ spritze ich unweigerlich erneut ab.
Michelle sagt: „So ist es fein mein Fluffy Sklave. Hier mein Böses Kätzchen hast du noch eine Portion. Mal schauen ob noch einer geht“
Und Michelle schaltet erneut den Sucker ein.
„Aaammpf, Aaammpf“ läuft die Maschine ohne Gnade weiter.
Michelle hat sich in der zwischen Zeit eine Strapon Dildo umgeschnallt und „Peng, Peng“ schlägt sie Böses Kätzchen mit einer Peitsche auf den Hintern.
Michelle sagt: „Ab auf Bett mit dir du böses Kätzchen“ und wieder knallt die Peitsche „Peng, Peng“.
„Miau, ja mehr ich war böse“ sagt Nadine und sie klettert aufs Bett.
Nun begibt sich Michelle zu Nadine aufs Bett und beginnt sie heiß und innig zu Küssen.
Danach lutscht und leckt Michelle ausgiebig Nadines Vagina danach beginnt sie mit dem Strapon vor meinen Augen Nadine ordentlich zu verwöhnen. Nadine stöhnt immer wieder auf „Aaaah, Aaaah“. Immer und immer wieder rammt sie den Dildo in Nadines Vagina schneller und schneller. Ein unglaublich sexy und aufgeilender Anblick. Nadine in ihrem Fluffy Fuzzy Catsuit und Michelle in ihrem heißen Domina Leder Outfit wie sie es miteinander heftig treiben.
Was meine Geilheit zusätzlich in die Höhe steigen lasst und ich unweigerlich durch die Anale Stimulation und dem Saugen an meinem Penis erneut in den Sucker abspritzen muss. „Aaaammpf, Aaammpf.“
Doch die Maschinen laufen weiter und weiter ohne erbarmen schiebt sich der Dildo in meinen After und die Melkmaschine saugt und saugt.
Michelle streichelt und fickt Nadine zum Höhepunkt, bis ihr Körper zittert und verkrampft „Aaaah, Aaaaah, Aaaahmmmh“ stöhnt Nadine auf.
Erschöpft und befriedigt liegen die zwei sich in den Armen.
Ich stehe schwer atmend und schnaubend gefesselt an dem Holzgestell und die Maschinen laufen, und laufen ohne Gnade weiter und meine Eier bis aufs äußerste gedehnt.
Ich versuche suche zu rufen: „Mmmmpf, Hilfe bitte schnallt mich los ich kann nicht mehr“
Michelle klettert vom Bett und kommt näher.
Michelle sagt: „Was fällt dir ein du kleiner Fluffy Sklave uns zu stören. Ich denke da geht noch eine Runde damit du es endlich kapierst was dein Position hier ist mein Fluffy Sklave.“
Michelle Regelt noch etwas am Schalter nach. „Aaaaaaammpf muss ich aufstönen“
Michelle zu Nadine: Komm böses Kätchen lassen wir unsern Fluffy Alex noch eine Weile hier unten damit er zur Vernunft zu kommen.
Michelle und Nadine verlassen den Raum und schalten das Licht aus.
„Ooooh mein Gott was für eine irreale Situation“ denke ich.
Schwer atmend und stöhnend stehe ich gefesselt in meinem herrlich Fluffy Fuzzy Catsuit in der Dunkelheit mit der unaufhörlichen gnadenlosen Stimulation an meinem Penis und meinem After.
„Aaaahmmpf, Aaaammpf“
Nach gefühlt einer Ewigkeit kommen Michelle und Nadine zurück.
Sie erlösen mich von den Geräten und schnallen mich los.
Nadine legt mir wieder den Fuzzy Willywärmer und Hodensack um den geschwollenen Penis und die schmerzenden Eier und befestigt ihn am Catsuit und sieht ihn Stramm „Aaaammpf“.
Ohne Gegenwehr folge ich gehorsam und lasse mich auf dem Bett festschnallen.
Michelle sagt: „So mein kleiner Fluffy Alex, ich denke für heute wurdest du von uns genug Verwöhnt ich wünsche dir noch eine erholsame Nacht.“
Die zwei verlassen den Raum und schalten das Licht aus.
Vollkommen befriedigt aber auch erschöpft und erledigt liege ich in meinem Fluffy, Fuzzy Gefängnis mit leichten schmerzen an meinen Genitalien.
So eine unglaubliche Stimulation habe ich bisher noch nicht erlebt ein wahrer Rausch der Sinne.
Nach kurzer Zeit schlafe ich von der Erschöpfung ein.
Ende Episode 14
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threeletterslife · 2 years
19 | Legends of Darlaria
⨰ summary: You wake up amidst a war with no recollection of your past. Faced with suspicion and distrust, you struggle to assimilate into a foreign nation—otherwise known as your home. But on your enlightening journey to search for your identity, you come face to face with the General of the Army.
⨰ pairing/rating: yoongi x reader & jungkook x reader | PG-15
⨰ genre: 70% angst, 30% fluff | war!au & magic!au
⨰ warnings: profanity, character death, grieving, mentions of blood
⨰ wordcount: 4.5k
⨰ join the taglist! (pm/send in an ask/reply/reblog)
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⧖⧗Circa Citrine⧗⧖
It’s starting to get colder. When you wake up, frost decorates the drapes of your tent, and by noon, they’re drenched with melted ice. Tomorrow, it’ll be Circa Zircon. There are rumors that there will be another truce this year, but nothing’s set in stone as of yet. Still, everyone is hopeful.
On cold days like this, you like to hold your flames in your left hand, allowing them to thaw your body as you use your other hand to flip through your letters from Hana.
She’s writing in capital letters again, begging you to visit Aella since you’ve already visited the other sectors. She seems to be doing well, keeping you updated on her health, and her progress has been good so far. She says she misses you and also “kicking Darlaean ass,” which are her words, not yours. You can’t help but giggle at her enthusiasm. Her letters are filled with vivid imagery and hilarious anecdotes. Hana has a special talent that makes the simplest things sound like an exciting adventure. It makes you wonder if she starts snoring when she reads through your letters. She makes you promise to tell her everything that goes on in your life, but all that really goes on are waking up, planning battles, eating, planning more battles, attending officer meetings, eating again, sleeping and waking up to do it all over again. There’s no way you can make that sound interesting. So anomaly days—such as the day you visited Ara with the General—always give you great joy to write about. Though you had conveniently left out the part of the General’s confession of his past and his insecurities.
You laugh out loud when Hana calls the day you spent with the General romantic. It was anything but! Romantic? You visited the burial grounds with him! That’s the furthest thing from romance. The mere idea of it makes you snort so hard that the flames in your hand flicker. 
And just when you’re about to turn the page of the letter to see what else Hana has to say about your relationship with the General, Nayoon nearly rips open the entrance to your tent and rushes in, falling onto her knees right in front of you. Your smile wipes off your face. She’s crying. With the tears streaming down her face, it’s a wonder that she can even see right now. The fire sitting on your palm extinguishes.
“Nayoon! What happened?” you say, immediately crawling forward to put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” You run about a thousand possible scenarios through your head. She’s been ordered to go back to Elu. She’s been exempted from fighting, just as you have. She’s been going through some mental turmoil and she’s coming to you for solace. 
But all of those sound wrong. She looks too distressed. Something’s not right. Something horrible has happened. It’s as if someone has died.
You freeze. 
Your mind goes numb. 
Your heart seems to stop beating.
“N-Nayoon,” you say in a trembling voice. “W-Who…?” You’re terrified of the answer. There’s a sick, twisting feeling in your stomach. You feel like throwing up. You pray to Sooht, Soo, Sahn and Sori that it’s not him.
“It’s the Lieutenant,” she chokes. “She’s dead.”
Everything becomes a blur after that.
There’s a persistent ringing in your ears that won’t seem to go away. You can’t tell if everything is happening quickly or slowly. You don’t think you’re processing anything. You don’t know if you’re breathing.
Suhyun finds you and Nayoon huddled in your tent, both shell-shocked and unmoving. You think Suhyun’s crying herself, but you can’t be so sure. But she drags you and Nayoon out and orders her two captains to help carry both of you outside to get some fresh air. You’re not sure who tells you this—the voices are beginning to blend in together—but there will be a burial ready in a few hours.
You think Captain Chu asks whether you’ve eaten lunch, but his words fly over your head. Nothing feels real anymore. You’re shivering. Not because it’s cold but because Doyun’s dead. Gone.
You hear Captain Chu yelling at somebody that you’re shaking. Someone envelops you in a warm blanket, but it doesn’t help. It doesn’t help the fact that Doyun is dead. 
You’ll never see her again.
When was the last time that you talked to her? What was the last thing she said to you? The last thing you said to her? Why can’t you remember?
Your thoughts repeat.
And over.
And over.
Each time, you still don’t have the answer to your questions.
You don’t know how long it’s been when you hear a voice calling your name.
“Hey… Y/N?”
It’s Suhyun. Her voice is shaky. You hear the distorted noise of her rings clinking against each other. “You need to eat, Y/N,” she says. She hands you a bowl of hot porridge. But when you don’t respond, she sets the bowl down to the side. “At least drink some water.” You still can’t bring yourself to react. 
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Shut it, Goe,” Captain Chu says. “As far as we know, this is the first death of someone she knew.”
“It’s not like she died.”
“Go be an asshole somewhere else, Captain,” Suhyun says. She sounds angry. You’ve never heard her sound so vicious. You want to thank her for her help but the world is spinning. One wrong move and you think you’re going to heave.
“We can’t baby her every time someone dies.” That sounds like Captain Bak. “The funeral’s starting. We should go.”
Suddenly, you’re being hoisted up. You can’t seem to walk, so they carry you instead. By the time you reach the familiar burial grounds, you find that Doyun’s already been buried. The mound above her is devoid of grass. People have circled around her. Some are crying. Others are looking down at their shoes.
Someone pins a white flower into your uniform. 
No words are spoken.
Then, a few people step out, closer to the mound. They all crouch down, kneeling on the ground. Their hands touch the bare grave and grass sprouts from the soil. Soon, this mound looks like the others. One by one, everyone drops to their knees, their palms touching the ground as they bow deeply. You fall to your knees as well, but only because your legs give out from underneath you.
Everyone begins to stand again, and someone helps you back to your feet. The crowd begins unpinning their white flowers from their chests and throwing them around the circular mound. You watch, though with hazy vision, as these flowers begin to root themselves into the soil, growing into a full-fledged chrysanthemum bush.
People are whispering amongst themselves now with bowed heads.
“She was such a good person…”
“Such a pity…”
“Goes to show that nobody is immune to the war.”
“I heard it was an accident.”
“I heard she died saving someone else.”
“I hope our prayers will reach the spirits.”
“I wish her a peaceful afterlife.”
And just like that, the crowd around Doyun’s grave begins to disperse. But you have no intentions of going anywhere. You’re still trying to process the permanence of her leave. She’s not going to come back as Nayoon did. You won’t be able to write letters to her as you do with Hana. You will never be able to talk to her again.
You sink to your knees.
It doesn’t feel real.
It can’t be real.
The funeral happened too quickly.
And people left. Just like that.
Someone puts a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, would you like to leave with us?” It’s Suhyun again.  
“Let her process it alone,” says Captain Bak. “She needs to cry. She’s still in shock right now.”
Suhyun sighs. “Well…” A long pause. “I’ll come back to get you before it gets too dark.” She waits for you to answer, give her some sort of sign that you’re listening. But when you don’t, she gives you one last glance before leaving along with Captain Bak. But maybe Captain Bak is right. Maybe you do need some time alone. 
Yet… how can everyone move on so quickly? How can they be so sad one minute and then go about their day the next minute? 
And why aren’t you crying? Why haven’t you cried at all? Is there something wrong with you? Are you really still in shock? Will the shock ever wear off? What if you’ll be stuck in this hollow state forever? What if you can never feel again? But your frenzied thoughts, they all fade away after a while. All you can do is stare at her grave, unblinking, unmoving. 
It’s the first time the world comes to a standstill.
Or maybe your senses are shutting down. Your eyesight is blurry. You’re panting, gasping for breath—like you forgot how to breathe. The ringing in your ears is back, louder than ever. 
But when your shaking eyes shift to the mound next to Doyun’s, something snaps inside of you. Something that had been inevitable. As if it had been waiting for you to trigger it.
Your vision clears momentarily. You catch a glimpse of it.
Pansies. White pansies. They fill your vision.
Doyun’s been buried next to her girlfriend.
The first few tears roll down your face slowly, silently. The next few come in rapid succession. Then, all too soon, you’re sobbing loudly. You sob into your hands, attempting to muffle your cries. There’s an uncomfortable lump that grows in your throat, and it won’t seem to go away. It’s choking you; you aren’t able to breathe. And the few moments of silence where you’re gasping for breath, you’re shaking. 
You can’t seem to think.
The only thing you can do is cry. You don’t know how long you’ve cried but your voice becomes raw and your eyes become puffy and your cheeks become irritated from the salt of your tears. Nothing comes out of your tear ducts anymore. You must’ve squeezed them dry.
But you continue to scream. It feels like you’re ripping your throat; you can taste the iron. Yet you can’t seem to stop. Only when you gasp for breath, gulp in the dull air, does your throat finally get a reprieve. It feels good for a split second before you torture it all over again.
Only this time, you notice someone sitting next to you. A familiar silhouette. The hunched back, the soft hair… 
He notices you staring at him, mid-breath, mid-scream, but doesn’t speak. Just looks straight forward, keeps you company but doesn’t force you to be sociable.
At that moment, the scream dies in your throat.
He looks disheveled, fatigued. You aren’t sure if he was at the funeral, if he was sitting next to you all along but you hadn’t noticed. Had you been screaming in his ear? Why did he choose to stay?
The General finally looks up, meeting your eyes. Then, wordlessly, he passes you a cup of steaming Incha. Your hands shake as you grab onto it, but the General must’ve accounted for that because none of the drink spills out. He’d poured in just enough. You take a slow sip. The liquid descends your throat, soothing just a bit of the soreness of it. You’re not sure if it’s because of the Incha or because you cried everything out of your system, but you suddenly feel better than before. The world isn’t spinning anymore, nor is it at an eerie standstill. It looks the way it always looks. Normal. 
And that’s when your senses come back to you. You realize the sun has set. It’s nighttime. You hadn’t noticed before. The night breeze is cool on your clammy skin as you and the General sit in silence. 
He looks down at his own hands. They’re rough and calloused and dirty. The nails have been bitten off—so much so that the edges are bloody. It stings when he touches them. But who knows? The blood could also be from a Darlaean. Everything’s bathed in blood these days, anyway. What’s a few more drops on his nails? He continues to stare down at his hands, until he remembers why he decided to come here in the first place.
“I wanted to read you something,” he says.
You don’t even react. Don’t even turn his way. He understands. “It’s a note. From Doyun. She told me to share it with the people who needed it…” He searches you for a reaction. 
“Would you… Would you like to hear it?”
Again, there’s nothing.
For the first time, the silence is uncomfortable. Yoongi is unsure of what to do. But he might as well finish what he’s started. So he gently tugs a folded piece of parchment paper out of his uniform. He unfolds it, lights a flame with one hand to combat the night, and begins to read.
“‘Dear whoever, if you’re reading this, I have died.’” He pauses, watching for your reaction again. There’s nothing. So, he continues. “‘But don’t fret. Don’t you dare worry. I’m sure Yoongi took good care of me. By now, I’ve been buried next to Minhee, just as I always told him to do. And if I’m not buried next to Minhee, dear soldier, I beseech that you confront him and demand that he grants me one last fucking wish. But Yoongi’s responsible. He wouldn’t do me any wrong. Especially not after I’ve died.
“‘By now, you might’ve already shed some tears for me. But don’t feel pity, soldier. Don’t feel sad. I was never afraid of dying. You see, this is my closure. I’ll finally be with my Minhee. I’ve been alive for enough in this damn war. It’s time for me to retire. Think of it like an eternal rest. I’m sure the spirits will take good care of me, and I’ll be reunited with Minhee. So soldier, don’t be sad because wherever I am, I will truly be hap—’”
“Please…” your voice comes out as barely a whisper. “Please stop.”
Yoongi immediately stops talking. In fact, he freezes. Was this a mistake? Did this make you more upset? Maybe he should’ve minded his own business. But he was only worried. He heard from Major Ki that you broke down when you heard the news. That Major Ki and Captain Chu were so worried you’d pass out that they stayed by your side for three hours, until it was time for the funeral. Major Ki described it like you’d lost consciousness. Except, you were awake and blinking and breathing.
Meanwhile, you are still awake, blinking and breathing. You just can’t bring yourself to do any more than that. 
Fucking bullshit.
Death isn’t closure. It’s a cutoff. You refuse to believe that in Doyun’s last moments, she was happy to be dying. What if she was in pain? If you’re in that much agony, is it even possible to accept death? Or are you more likely to accept it with open arms? Or do you try to fight back? Do you try to hold on? 
Doyun didn’t know how she would die when she wrote that note. So how could she accept her death if she knew so little about it? What if she died a horrible death? What if she suffered? What if… she doesn’t reunite with Minhee?
Somehow, there are still tears left in your body. They begin to fall from your eyes, silently rolling down your face. 
Yoongi notices. But he doesn’t know what to do. So he just watches. Lets you cry. Death is hard. He remembers when he was younger, when he first learned of eternal rest. He remembers being confused. How can something be so permanent? How can it be so unpredictable?
He was never solaced as a child. Consequently, he doesn’t know how to solace others—other than to stay by their side, hope his presence is somewhat enough. 
You’d once told him that you’d follow him until you died. Well, he’d do just the same. Maybe even more. 
⧖⧗Circa Zircon⧗⧖
It’s been a week.
You’ve already profusely apologized and thanked those who had cared for you that tragic day. You’ve especially apologized to the General—for neglecting to speak to him when he was only trying to make you feel better—though he waved your apology away.
So much has changed in a span of seven days. Major Ki is now Lieutenant Ki, inheriting Doyun’s previous responsibility of fighting in the place of Major Jang. Captain Chu is now Major Chu. After her promotion, Nayoon is now a third sector captain. There’s also a new face in the officer circle: Captain Jo. She was one of the top soldiers in the third sector—hand-picked by Lieutenant Ki herself. Now, she has become the newest addition to the officer meetings, and she’s got big shoes to fill—Im Nayoon wasn’t your average captain.
There’s been so much change, but you haven’t been reacting properly to it. Things seem to happen, and they also seem to pass by just as quickly. It seems like ages ago when you were laughing and giggling at Hana’s letters, not having a clue of all the disasters that would follow.
You’ve grown increasingly numb. And though you still complete your work—for if you stopped to mourn and cry, you would be letting down thousands of others—you’ve lost your joy in it, your passion. It’s hard to go about your day, then realize that you won’t be able to sit down and have tea with your favorite Lieutenant anymore. That you won’t be able to hear her funny jokes or her sarcastic remarks. That you can’t go to her for advice or hear her hilarious anecdotes anymore. 
You miss her, and it’s only been a week.
Will you miss her more as time passes? Or will it begin to fade away?
The General once told you that time can heal, but what if it leaves an ugly scar?
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The first snow is late this year. You didn’t think it would come today, so you’re shivering outside in your cotton uniform, bowed down in front of Doyun’s grave, paying your respects as you’ve done every day since the day she died. The snow falls onto your back, and the frost on the ground clings to your knees, your elbows. But you stay in your bowed position.
Until you hear footsteps superimposing the white snow collecting on the ground. You quickly stand on your knees, brushing the wet snow off of your uniform. Only to see him. The General. He spares you a small glance, before he, too, sinks to his knees and bends forward, bowing in front of his former Lieutenant’s grave. And he stays down for a considerable amount of time.
When he finally sits up, he refuses to look in your eyes. “It’s cold, isn’t it?”
You only hum in reply.
Then, to his surprise, you speak. It’s the first time you’ve spoken to anyone first after the burial. 
“I just… don’t want to believe it.”
He turns to you, eyes softening when he realizes you’re crying again.
“I know,” he says, though he wishes he could say something more comforting.
“I can’t remember the last thing I said to her.”
He can’t remember either. Was it before she went out to the battle that ended up killing her? Or was it after the battle, when they rushed her barely conscious body into the medical tent?
“It’s okay if you can’t remember,” he tells you. But he knows how much last words can matter. He keeps his brother’s last words close. He can’t imagine what he would’ve done if he had simply forgotten.
“Is it?” You shake your head, tears rolling down your cheeks. “I didn’t even get to see her before she left. I never thought she wouldn’t come back.”
He doesn’t know what to say. Stupid! Idiot! How is it that he can console his other soldiers but not you? Why does he second-guess everything he wants to say to you?
“I feel so empty,” you say. “There’s a gaping pit in my stomach.” A snowflake catches on your lashes, and you blink it away; it immediately melts on your skin. “I don’t feel like myself, and it’s scary. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“You’re grieving,” Yoongi answers. “You’re dealing with insurmountable sadness, and this is how your body reacts. You don’t have to know when you’ll be back. Just be… Just be gentle with yourself.”
More tears spill out of your eyes. “I don’t want to let anyone down.”
“You won’t. You’re our officer. We trust you.”
“I just don’t get how everyone else is doing so well.”
“We put on a façade for the others,” Yoongi answers. “No one is ever doing well.” He pauses. “So it’s okay if you aren’t either.”
You sniffle, wiping away your tears with your already wet sleeve. “Then, sir?”
“How are you really feeling?”
His eyebrows turn down in concentration as he tries to think of a word to encompass all of his emotions. But then again, there’s not much to encompass. So he opts for, “Numb.”
He feels empty. Doyun had written him a personal letter—one that fell out along with the other note that he’d read you. The note he had expected; she told him she was going to write it. But the letter? No, that had been a surprise and a rather depressing one at that. Yet he took all the words in, felt nothing, read it again, and still felt empty.
Dear Yoongi,
Surprise! You didn’t think I’d leave you a letter, did you? I was never too sentimental. I remember three years ago I had to wring the words out of me, writing that other note. Hopefully, it wasn’t too tragic. I meant the letter, but I guess that could be said about my death too. It’s been five years though, so perhaps I’ve grown to be more sentimental. In fact, I was inspired to write this by both you and our officer. You’re the most sentimental person I know, and she’s been writing letters to Soldier Baek. It looked like fun, so I decided to do it. I don’t know when you’ll read this—if you’ll die before I do (that would be a bummer because this entire letter would go to waste). But I’m currently writing this on the first day of Circa Citrine. Has it been long?
And how did I die? I’ve always wondered about that, Yoongi. As I’m writing this letter now, I’m laughing because, though I’m currently alive (obviously), by the time you’re reading this, I won’t be. I’ve always had a lot of questions about death. Would I meet Minhee in the afterlife? Would she remember me? Would I remember her? Is there even an afterlife? I’d be able to answer these questions by now, but it’s a pity that I won’t be able to share them with you.
There are a few reasons that I’m writing this letter, and one of them is to give you a friendly reminder that I deserve to be buried next to Minhee. I tell you this every Circa Citrine, around the time of her death, so you better not forget.
Another thing: I know I’m dead and my opinion doesn’t matter anymore, but I’m sure we both agree that Ki Suhyun should take my place (unless she’s dead, then it’s really up to you to decide). I won’t talk about my preferences for the other promotions—I want you to decide that with Lieutenant Ki (has a nice ring to it). We’ve been working together for years, Yoongi—eight to be exact (or it could be more if we both survive another year). It’s time that you get used to a new right-hand officer. (And no, I don’t mean Y/N.) Don’t give Suhyun the cold shoulder. She’s too shy to confront you, and I want you two to be friends. Like us. We lasted so long, didn’t we? It was because of trust, Yoongi. So learn to trust a new person. It shouldn’t be that hard. You’ve already given your full trust in Y/N, haven’t you?
Be gentle with yourself as you are gentle with her. That is my advice. I might have more to say later, and I’ll add them as the years go by. As of now, I need to
The letter had ended just like that. Unfinished. 
She probably expected she was going to live longer. The letter is fairly new after all—barely a circa old. 
Yoongi shakes his head. Be gentle with yourself as you are gentle with her. It’s good advice. Not that he’ll follow it anytime soon. It’s by habit, that he’s so self-critical. And it’s a good habit to have when you’re a leader. Because if everyone else is too scared to keep him in check, he’ll do it himself. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. 
Your voice fills his head. It’s soft, mellow, light like the morning breeze.
“You’ve known her since you were young. And so much has happened… With you acquiring a new lieutenant, a new captain… When will you ever get rest?”
He turns to you, cocking his head. “This is my rest.”
You frown. There are still tear stains on your cheeks. “Mourning is your rest?”
“No,” he replies. He’s not sure why he says his next words. Maybe because he thinks you won’t remember. Maybe because you confessed you feel empty inside, and maybe that means that you have less of a chance of reacting. “Being with you is my rest.”
You pause.
Yoongi holds his breath.
“Is it?”
You’re so close to each other that he can feel your body heat. That you can feel your arm graze his. 
“I miss her,” you whisper. 
Then, you do something that he doesn’t expect—that he would’ve never expected in a million years. You lean on him. Rest your head on his shoulder.
He freezes.
You act as if it is nothing as you stare off at Doyun’s grave with a wistful look on your face. There are still tears welling in your eyes, tears that will fall any second now. Yoongi shifts closer so that you can lean comfortably. And he lets you cry, lets your tears wet his uniform. The first winter snow rains all over the two of you. The evening air is chilly, and it bites at your noses, pokes at your thick clothes.
But Yoongi has never felt so warm.
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⨰ a/n: i am so sorry 💀
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69 notes · View notes
sexysapphicshopowner · 10 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Asanté started off as Jalani’s prized pupil in 2006. Now, 2 decades later, they’re happily married and enjoying their honeymoon. Of course, Lani has a surprise to make the moment sweeter.
🤎 Jalani Ball-De Léon: 45, FGSS and Psychology Professor
🤎 Asanté Ball- De Léon: 39, Women's Studies Professor
🤎 CW/TW: mentions of female genital mutilation (briefly), mentions of pregnancy, mentions of forced hysterectomy, angst, fluff, smut, hurt comfort, porn with plot/porn with feelings (there's no actual smut in this one but I'm using the same warnings for both), pet names, lesbians, romance stuff, kissing, cunnilingus, swearing, vaginal fingering, body worship, some spanish, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of hallucinations, no google translate, the kissing of feet (she does not have a foot fetish don't play with me), crying, proofread (will be updating these warnings when I finish part 2)
🤎 A/N: I actually have a fic for this pairing up on ao3, that link can be found here. I've had this fic sitting in my drafts for the longest. Originally it was a two part with Asanté's pov being one chapter and Jalani's being the other because I wanted the more fluffy part to be seen from Asanté's eyes and the angstier, smuttier (it's very soft and meaningful smut tbh) part to be seen from Jalani's so yeah. I think with how long this first part has turned through editing, I'm going to keep them separated. Also tell your mom how you got Rick rolled by an angst fic on tumblr when you finish reading.
🤎 Notes:
Asanté comes from an abusive adoptive family, her mother having illegally gotten a hysterectomy done on her and the mutilation of her genitals (they cut off her clit) just to name a couple of the things that she suffered through just as a child, let alone as she got older
Asanté and Lani met when Asanté was 19 pushing 20 and Jalani was 25 pushing 26, they became friends while Asante was still her student, eventually starting a relationship 6 years after graduation when Asanté came back to her alma mater to teach there
Jalani is originally from Spain with Afro-Spanish parents
Asanté is from New Mexico, she does not know her heritage but grew up speaking Castilian Spanish because coincidentally enough her adoptive mother is a Spanish woman as well
They're honeymooning in Italy
Jalani is pronounced like yuh-lawn-ee
Asanté is pronounced like uh-sahn-tay
Jalani's full name is actually Jalani Alexya Martina Mireia Adelita Teofila Sanchia Basilia Romano Hendrix De Léon
🤎 Word count: 4.3k
🤎 Link to pt. 2
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8th August 2026
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"If I know what love is, it is because of you. You've awakened something in my soul that was asleep for a long time."
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She was my forever love. We didn't have to know each other since we were kids, we didn't have to spend the entire 2 decades that we knew each other together, but I never stopped loving her. From the moment we laid eyes, it was set in stone, Jalani Hendrix would be the love of my life.
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I started to scroll down on my youtube to find a new video to watch when she called out, "Santé, look at me."
I turned to find her recording me and couldn't help but chuckle at the faces she was making behind the camera. I sat my mug down and slipped my feet back into my slides, getting up to walk towards her.
She put her phone in her pocket and I took her outstretched hand, shaking my head with another soft laugh as she pulled me in, "Good morning, Lani."
She kissed my forehead, "Good morning. You working on something?"
I shook my head as we rocked side to side idly, her arms situated around my waist, mine slung over her shoulders "Nope, just watching youtube videos."
"Cuddles and coffee?"
I hummed as she pressed her lips to mine in soft, repeated kisses, "Only if you're making the coffee."
"Kiss and you've got a deal," she offered. I giggled, mumbling against her lips, "Lani, you're kissing me right now."
"Mm, keywords. I'm kissing you. Kiss me back and I'll make the coffee," she corrected, continuing to kiss me throughout her speaking.
I rolled my eyes playfully as I brought a hand down to cup her cheek, pressing my lips into hers the next time she planted a little peck to mine, kissing her back tenderly. A little happy sigh escaped me as I pulled away, looking up at her through my lashes, "Now do we have a deal?"
She smiled down at me, her thumbs gently tracing along the curve of my waist as she pressed one last kiss to my lips, "Yes, I would believe we do, my love."
Her hands moved up to my arms, pulling them down slowly until she had taken a hold of my hands, kissing across the back of my knuckles before turning around, her arms extended behind her as she linked her fingers with mine.
I gave them a squeeze, calling out as she pulled me along into the kitchen, "Is this not uncomfortable?"
She shook her head, "Nope. It actually feels good on my rotator cuff at the moment."
I laughed, shaking my head, "If you say so."
She let go of my right hand as she made it to the counter, pulling my left arm around her waist, leading to me wrapping both of my arms around her from behind, hands planted against her chest as I rested my head against her back, "How long do you think we can hide out here before our families send a SWAT team to come get us?"
I shrugged as I turned my face to place a kiss between her shoulder blades, her tank top leaving just enough skin uncovered for me to do so, "I don't know. I read somewhere that most honeymoons last about 8 days, but we've been gone for almost a month now. What have you been telling Mamá?"
"That we're on a couple's vacation from work. You know she's gonna kill us for eloping, right," she asked as she held onto my hands, pulling me back outside with her as she grabbed my mug from next to my laptop.
I nodded, shuffling along with her easily as she sniffed my mug to find that I had been drinking tea and not coffee, "Oh for sure. She's been the main person pressuring us to go ahead and have the wedding. She's gonna shit a brick."
"Perhaps we should have a big ceremony for our first anniversary? Just to pacify the family. For us it'll be a vow renewal, to them it'll be our wedding," she suggested as she placed a kettle on the stove while her coffee brewed.
I moved to slip between her and the counter, hands now in the same position but on her back as I rested against her chest, her arms wrapping around me whilst she pressed soft kisses into my hair, simply humming in response, "Mmhh...mhm...sounds good to me..."
She let out a soft laugh, the vibration humming against the side of my face that was pressed against her chest as she brought a hand up to my nape, playing with the hair there, "You okay, baby?"
I wasn't listening but when my brain registered that she was talking to me, I cracked an eye open, looking up at her, "Hm?"
"Still sleepy," she asked, not even minding that I hadn't heard her original question.
"Maybe a little bit. Mostly just comfortable, you're super warm."
"Well, so long as you're alright, that's okay."
I looked up at her, my chin resting against her chest as I poked my bottom lip out, "Kiss?"
She pressed a soft kiss to my lips, smiling, "Mwah, I love you."
I pushed up onto the balls of my feet just slightly, pressing a kiss of my own to her lips, "Mmmmmwah, I love you too."
She made more kissy noises as she kissed my face and neck playfully, "Mmmwa-mmwa-mmwa-mmmwah-mwah! You tryna have kitchen sex?"
I wrinkled my nose, "Ew, no! But we can turn cuddles and coffee into cuddles and cuffing. It is cuffing season, you know."
"Well duh, I know that. I just fully cuffed you a month ago."
I rolled my eyes, "Mhm I'll be upstairs. You're not fucking me." I added, pecking her lips.
She shrugged, lowering her voice as she kissed my lips softly, "I mean, making love is on the table, you said it yourself."
"We'll see. Lots of creamer, yeah?"
"I heard creaming, that implies we're eventually fucking, yes?"
I shook my head as we let go, "Mhm, yeah, stay gay, baby."
I slid open the doors of our bedroom, smiling as I took in the feeling of it. I let myself fall into the bed with a content sigh.
I have married the love of my life...and I'm completely happy with it.
I twirled my hair between my fingers as I swung my feet off the edge, of the bed idly, thinking to myself.
If you had told me when I first met Lani as my professor that two decades later I'd be married to her, I probably wouldn't have believed you for a multitude of reasons.
It was practically no secret back then that I had a crush on her by junior year, my cordial relationship with her as my professor becoming not quite friends, not quite partners. It was...something alright.
Back then I always tried to tell myself that given the 6 year age gap, she likely just saw me as a friend at best, a little sister at worst. But then there was that particular conversation once I got my diploma.
Then the time after I left California to get my teaching degree and start my work down in Texas. Dating was...attempted, but knowing what I knew by that point, I had no choice but to jump on the opportunity when I got offered a job to work at Stanford.
My thoughts were interrupted by her grabbing my ankles, gently tugging me to the end of the bed as she pulled my legs in the air, my toes pointing habitually as she started massaging my right foot, "Whatcha' thinkin' about in here?"
"Nothing much....well, that's a lie. I was thinking about us."
"What about us," she questioned, pressing a kiss to the inside of my ankle as her thumbs ran up the center of my foot, pushing up toward the ball.
"Just how unbelievable it is that we're together. 20-year-old me wouldn't believe that 40-year-old me is here right now."
She gave a soft chuckle as she moved up to massage my toes, the circulation quickly improving, "Well how do you feel now that you are here?"
I let my eyes slip closed as I stretched with a small yawn, "Hmm, content...how about you? Happy I came back to Cali when I did?"
She pressed a kiss to the arch of my foot, "Oh, most definitely. While I was glad we kept in contact, I was much happier when we were in the same state again."
I only gave a little hum in response, earning me another kiss to my foot as she kept massaging it slowly, applying the perfect amount of pressure, "Are you going to sleep on me, cow?"
"No...." I mumbled, yawning again before cracking a small smile, looking at her through half-lidded eyes, "...maybe...."
She chuckled, "More than maybe, baby, I can see it in your eyes. Come on, tea's on the nightstand."
I yawned again, rubbing my eye as I stretched with my other arm, "Mm, you gonna stop massaging my foot so I can sit up and get it?"
"Momentarily," she answered as she let go of it, not before planting a kiss to the ball of it as she pressed her thumbs into the heel of my foot.
I moved to the head of the bed after she set my legs down slowly, situating myself against the pillows before turning to take my mug as she offered it, “Decided against your coffee,” I asked, noting that she went back to massaging my feet, having moved to my left one now, instead of taking up her own mug. 
“Do you want a massage, or do you want me to drink coffee with you, baby?” 
I thought for a few moments, sipping from my mug. I melted as the warm liquid hit my throat, my eyes slipping closed once more before I answered, “Both.” 
She giggled at my reaction to the tea as she picked my foot up to place a kiss to it, “I will drink my coffee once I finish rubbing down your feet. Then I’m giving you a massage.” 
“And what kind of massage would that be, my love?” 
She ran her hands rather loosely from my foot over my shin as she answered, “I’m talking about a terrace massage table, early morning breeze, full-body massage. Jalani style, of course.” 
I couldn’t help but match the small smirk she had on her lips as I took another sip of tea, “Well, when you put it that way....sign me up, baby.” 
She let out a little happy sigh as she massaged the ball of my foot, “I love calling you my wife.” 
“I’m blessed that you loved me enough to want to do so,” I mumbled softly, knowing she was talking more to herself than me. 
“It had nothing to do with how much I loved you. You’re literally the love of my life and everybody knows that, but it was nice being able to put a pretty ring on your finger. Just to be extra sure, you know?” 
I rolled my eyes playfully, “You’re not even possessive like that, Lani. You can just say you wanted to have a nice wedding, professor. Besides, you took me off the market years ago, baby.” 
She finally set my foot down, moving to grab her coffee as she sat next to me, “Oh hush it. You know what I’m trying to say.” 
I leaned onto her shoulder, holding my mug with both of my hands, “Mm, maybe I do...maybe I don’t...You’ll never know...” 
“I think I do, but whatever you say, my love. Hurry and finish your tea, I’m gonna go set up on the terrace.” 
I reached for her arm before she could pull away, “Kiss first?” 
She softened with a smile as she set her mug back down, reaching to take mine, “Of course, baby.” 
I was once again pulled by my ankles to lie on my back as she kissed down my ankle, trailing up the inside of my leg slowly. She took her time to kiss all the skin she could get to, eyes trailing up to meet mine as she got to the inner of my thigh, right at the edge of my silk pajama shorts. 
Her lips planted against the crotch of them before moving up to my stomach. She lingered there for a while, tracing my hysterectomy scar with soft kisses before she spoke, “You know, I’ve gotta tell you something, Santé." 
“What’s that,” I asked, a little breathless from the intensity of her stare combined with the intimacy of her kisses. 
“We’ve got one baking.” 
A puzzled look crossed my features as I tilted my head, “One what, Lani?” 
“A bun,” she answered almost nonchalantly as she planted a deliberate kiss to my scar again. 
My brow furrowed before I let out a soft gasp, sitting up, “Say swear. Don't play with me like that, Jalani.” 
She gestured behind me with a small smile, “Check under your pillow, my love.” 
I eyed her for a few moments, taking in the sincerity in her eyes along with the warmth in her small smile as she gestured softly to the pillow again. I turned around, lifting it to find a small cream-colored envelope tied with a small, emerald green ribbon. I looked between her and the envelope for a few seconds causing her to giggle behind her hand. 
“Santé, it's not a bomb, relax. Breathe, okay? Just open it." 
With shaking hands, I untied the ribbon, peeling it open carefully. I pulled out a small thank you card, the inside decorated with Jalani’s small, neat, looping handwriting: 
20 years ago, you walked into my classroom, an entire 2 hours before your 6 am class started. That was my introduction to the never-ending enigma that is Asanté Janara Anahi Ball. For 20 years, I have watched you grow and evolve into the woman I now know as my wife. I’m sure you noticed that this is a thank you card, and that’s because this is my thanks to you. 
Thank you for opening up to me. For putting up with me. For sticking by me even when we didn’t know what we were, let alone what we were doing with each other. 
Thank you for allowing me to teach you how to love whilst you simultaneously taught me what real love even felt like. 
Thank you for the smiles. For the laughs. For the cuddles. For the kisses. For the spontaneous dance parties. For every pie we burnt together because we were too busy dancing and singing around. For every pile of leaves raked that we then jumped into together. 
Thank you for all the quiet moments as well. The looks across the dinner table. Across the room. The slow dances in the living room. The late-night crying sessions. Thank you for it all. 
For 9 years now, you’ve been the love I never knew I needed. I’m over the moon to tell you that we’ll finally be adding a new love to our life. 
For the last 6 years of us being secretly engaged, our fertility journey hasn’t been any easier. Well... 
8 weeks down, about 32 weeks to go. 
32 weeks before we bring a creation of our own into this world. 
I can’t wait to explore, experience, and learn motherhood with you, and thank you for giving me the option and chance to do so. 
Here’s to our first peek at our baby, and to the chance to see it in person some day soon. 
I was already holding back tears as I shakily picked the envelope back up, finding a sonogram. There it was, in black and white, sitting in the middle of the picture was the tiniest outline of a little head and a body. 
I looked up at her, eyes still glossy as a few stray tears trekked down my cheeks, mumbling more to myself, “This...this is really happening....Y-you’re.....pregnant....” 
I mentally smacked myself for sounding so dumb at my big age. 
Of course she is, idiot, you’re looking at the baby right there! 
She didn’t hold the question against me as she nodded with a soft smile, “Sure am. This last round took. I’ve known since I was about 3 weeks. I got the ultrasound done a couple days ago when I went to get us some small groceries.” 
My brain didn’t register her words fully as I just looked at her, wide-eyed, “You’re pregnant...” I repeated, voice full of stupor.
She let out a soft chuckle, nodding again, “You’re absolutely correct. We’re having a baby. How do you feel?”
I shook myself out of my reverie, glancing back down to the sonogram in my hand, stroking my thumb over it, “I....it’s an almost indescribable amalgamation of feelings. More than anxiety, a little less than fear....joy...disbelief....I’m feeling....a lot....” 
She took my face gently in her hands, pressing quick, soft kisses down the bridge of my nose, “Hey, hey...that’s okay. I can only imagine. You have no idea how hard it was to keep it from you.” 
I let out a small giggle, tears still falling down my cheeks even as she tried to stroke them away with her thumbs, “Well, now you not drinking at our wedding makes a whole lot more sense. I mean...I know we had almost just gotten the insemination done practically, but...still...” 
She smiled, even as she kissed the tears from my eyes, still gently caressing my cheeks, “Yep. I already knew by then.” 
I relaxed into her touch, smiling back at her, “I can’t believe it’s really been a whole two decades. I mean...I know we’re always talking about it these days because that is a relatively long time but...still.” 
“How long does it feel like we’ve known each other?” 
I gave a small shrug as I pulled her hands from my face, linking my fingers with hers, “It somehow feels like it’s been both longer, yet like it hasn’t been long enough at the same time if that makes sense....” 
“It does, but could you elaborate as to why you feel that way? I know why I do, but it’d be nice to hear it from your point of view.” 
I gave a soft shrug, “Like...when we’re together, it’s hard to remember what life was like without you, but at the same time, I do remember because before I met you it was....horrible...and that’s just to put it lightly. 
Or the 6 years I spent in Texas before I came back to Cali to work with you. That entire time, even though we were still in contact with each other, even if sparingly at time, I couldn’t help but long to have known you for a much longer time. 
It’s like I was anticipating meeting you almost. Maybe not you in specific, but when I was little, you know I found my solace in fairytales and romance, I was waiting for that person to come through and appreciate me for who I truly was. To see me behind the façade. 
And now that I have met you? And we’re together? I can’t get enough of it. You’ve managed to make 20 years feel more like two, loving me in every kind of way, and I can’t be more thankful for it. 
You waxed poetic thanking me for all the little intricacies of our relationship, but I’m thankful to you for all of that and so much more. Your patience, kindness, and love knows no bounds and it amazes me to no end. 
I was just a few months shy of 20 when we met, now here I am, about to be 40 and we’re on a honeymoon with you telling me you’re officially pregnant with our first child. 
20 years is a long time. And yet....I still want more. I want to live as much of my life as possible with you in it, Lani. Like....ugh, I feel like I’m just rambling and repeating myself now.” 
She smiled warmly, pulling me into her arms as she set the sonogram, note and envelope aside, kissing my temple as she rubbed my back gently, “It’s okay, baby. I understand you fully and I hear you loud and clear, I promise. I actually had to sit there for a good while when I wrote your note because, like you said, it’s hard to remember a time before me and you. 
It was so hard for me to remember what life was like without you because there’s nothing like being around you. Your energy and your presence are off the charts, and while some people can’t handle it, I love it. 
Just seeing you in the morning during the four years that I taught you, getting to see that million-dollar smile and hear that laugh...all of it was just...it made my day every time. I can’t help but love everything about you because you reciprocate. Any energy I put into us you match it 10 times over. 
I’ve never had that with anybody before you. I know that I haven’t been perfect and shit for us hasn’t always been easy, but I meant what I said. I’m so grateful to you for how patient you are with me as I navigated becoming a better person and partner for you. Most people get tired of my shit, but not only did you not get tired of it, you called me on my bullshit and helped me see why those parts of me were toxic and uncalled for. 
You’ve stayed with me this long and....I’m really hoping you’ll stay longer.” 
I looked up at her, our eyes burning into one another. As we stared into the depths of the other’s soul, our bodies shifted, sitting to face one another as we both brought our hands up to hold the other’s face. We both had tears streaming down our cheeks and while she was busy wiping my tears, I was focused on tracing her features with my fingers gently, memorizing and mapping the lines of her skin. 
As her onyx-colored eyes pulled me in like the universe’s largest whirlpool, I sw the things that always brought me back to her. Love, acceptance, compassion....but above all these things: home. They always say that home is where the heart is and my home....my heart was with her. 
I used to nerver understand that when Lani would tell me that home is never going to be a physical place all those yeas ago. But, now I do. It’s where all your love and life reside. I can healthily say that my life and love are Lani. 
She once told me that she wasn’t sure she had any knowledge left to teach me....and I asked her to teach me how to love. And teach me she did. With her came all 7 of the Greek words for love. 
Her soul brought passion, lust, desire, obsession, unconditional love, self-love, intimacy, friendship, infatuation, commitment, family, and empathy. I was blessed with an angel whose voice and body feel like heave. And her name is Jalani Hendrix De Lèon. 
She continued wiping my cheeks with her thumbs as she finally spoke, prompting me to still my hands at her face, moving them to curl up into her curls at the nape, “I love you, Asanté." 
“I love you, Jalani,” I responded breathlessly, eyes locked onto her unblinkingly. 
Her voice was soft, low enough to be carried aay with the morning breeze that blew through the bedroom from the terrace and open windows, “I promise that as long as I have life to live and function in my body, I will never love another soul as much as I love you. No sight, touch, scent, sound, or taste will ever compare to or exceed the experience that is you for me. In this life and the next, I wish to be yours.” 
Tears continued to spill out both of our eyes as we drew closer, her hands tilting my head up to hers just the slightest bit. I had so much I wanted to say in response but what felt like not enough time to say it all. 
As her breath fanned out against my face, her apple cinnamon scent invading my nostrils and engulfing me to the point where the only thing I saw was her eyes and the only thing I could feel was her hands cradling my face oh so gently. 
My brain finally was able to compute a response, our lips brushing together as I spoke each word from how close together our faces had drawn, “Call it selfish, but God....I’m never gonna give you up...I want this to be it for me. Me and you. I want this to be our endgame. We’ve tried that shit with other people and nobody else works for me. Not like you do. 
No one on this Earth can elicit the same feeling that comes from being with you. I promise you....I will always be yours...” 
I could feel her smile against my lips, her words pressed between us like dried flowers in a book, “Tu amor vale más que un millón de estrellas para mí.” 
I had no choice but to smile back, a breathless laugh escaping me, “Estoy feliz de compartir cada instante de mi vida a tu lado.” 
Somewhere, deep in the universe, a star was born as our lips connected. The combination of our tears, the emotions left from the conversation we’d just shared.....the accumulation of our feelings and thoughts for one another was explosive. 
Somewhere deep within the realm of my being, not only did our souls touch, but the purest parts of my being became one with hers. And right here in our little secluded corner of Italy..... 
My life became complete.
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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huffle-dork · 6 years
A Nice Alternative (Swap Boys AU)
Anti shuffles down the street in between two men, trying not the feel like a prisoner. He stuffs his face into his mask as he takes in his surroundings and studies the men. Jackie and Bro, they introduced themselves as. One of them Bro Fantastic himself. It felt strange that a little pickpocket like him was in the presence of a big superhero. He could find out his secret identity like that. All he had to do was take off that ridiculous pink mask. He could get so much cash with that information… His eyes linger on the hero’s neck, but apparently it was for too long. Bro turns and looks at Anti and gives him a kind smile. Anti looks away guiltily.
“So where exactly are we going again?” He asks as the men walk into the town square. Towards a nicer part of town that Anti really never got to visit. He didn’t exactly fit in.
“We’re going to see a good friend of ours,” Fantastic says as he stuffs one hand in his jacket pocket casually, while waving to a confused looking fan with the other. Anti frowns.
‘Yeah… still not giving me a lot of information there, hero.”
Jackie sighs behind Anti and rubs his hair, making it floof to about twice its size, “He’s a doctor Alt. He’s helped both of us through a lot of stuff. We think he can help you too.”
Anti still doesn’t look very convinced so he just huffs in reply. Anti rubs his arm as he lets his mind wander. Could these guys really help him get Magnificent off his tail? How was that even possible? The hero… maybe. But not this exhausted looking dad. And certainly not some doctor. Maybe he was in way over his head. Maybe there was no escaping this stupid stupid deal he made for some cash and a goddamn cat- and oh god his chest was getting tight again-
Jackie gently sets his hand on Anti’s shoulder and leans his head so Anti can see it and offers him a smile, “Hey don’t panic yet, ya haven’t even seen the guy yet. But we are here.”
Anti blinks and looks at the building they’ve stopped in front of. It’s a small modest building. Doesn’t look like any hospital or doctor’s office he’s ever seen. Anti thinks he sees on the big window on the side of the building “Brighton Therapy and Treatment Center” as he’s pushed inside by Bro and Jackie.
In the inside is lined with chairs and benches and enough magazines to cover the walls. A woman sits behind a window across the way and Jackie walks over to her and smiles.
“Hi Sandra,” He greets and the woman looks up from her phone and brightens, “Hello there, Jackie!” She tilts her head, “Did you have an appointment with Dr. Jackson today?”
Jackie messes with his hair, “It was kinda last minute. I have another friend i’d like him to see.” The receptionist looks over Jackie’s shoulder and spots Alt and nods with a smile, “I see. Well Dr. Jackson is just as the end of his lunch. You can go ahead and go in and see him if you’d like!”
“Thanks Sandra,” Jackie replies as he gestures for Anti and Bro to follow him through a side door. Anti gives a nervous look to the woman as he slinks after the two men. For some reason this place gives him the heebie jeebies. It smells too nice, like someone had pumped too much essential oils in the air. There’s soothing music blasting through the speakers, as if meant to put the patients at ease, or to sleep.
“What kinda freaky doctor is this guy anyways?” Anti growls to the men, shoulder hunching uncomfortably. The hero rolls his eyes, “Not like a normal doctor, bro. A therapist. He’s helped a lot of Jackie’s friends though so.. We figured he could help you. He can do like anything.”
Anti makes a face at the hero. He didn’t sign up for a therapy session. He really didn't sign up for any of this. But… he had to take what he could get.
Jackie stops in front of a certain door labeled Dr. Jameson Jackson C.Ht. He knocks two times before opening the door, “Hey doc-!”
The open door reveals a kind looking brunette doctor knelt in front of well dressed teal haired man. The teal haired guy looks like he’s hyperventilating clutching at his chest with his face dripping in sweat. The doctor is making sure to stay in the eyes of the man as he tries to talk to him, “Henrik, I need to you breathe okay? You’re okay. You’re safe here.” The doctor then takes one of the gentleman’s shaking hands and holds it against his own chest before getting his attention again, “breathe with me okay?” The doctor then takes calm exaggerated breaths and the teal haired man shakily follows him. It doesn’t take him long for his breathing to slow and the doctor smiles at him after about a minute.
“Better, Henrik?”
The teal haired man nods, “Y-Yes… thank you mein friend…” A fuzzy mass was laying next to the man’s feet, a very light colored golden retriever in a red vest. It was so still it was hard to notice, until the dog raised its head and blinked at the party that entered. Alt felt himself bristle a bit. He wasn’t a dog person.
Bro coughs awkwardly alerting the Doctor to the other three’s presence. The dog reaches up to bump the man’s hand right as the doctor’s head turns, shocking the teal haired man who bolts up and quickly fixes his appearance even after a harsh whispered warning from the doctor.
“Oh!” The gentleman wipes under his eyes and adjusts his glasses, “More of the good doctor’s patients… i did not mean to cut in to other’s time…”
The doctor smiles gently and rests a hand on Henrik’s shoulder, “Nonsense Henrik, your wellbeing is just as important as theirs.” He turns to the others with a brighter smile, “I’m sure Jackie and Mr. Fantastic don’t mind at all, yes?”
Jackie straightens, “Oh no of course not. “ He turns to Henrik, making sure to catch his eyes “Hello Schneep, it’s good to see you! How have you been? And who’s this cutie??” He adds quickly, cooing towards the dog. It wags its tail excitedly but stays very still, sitting up and alert. Alt squinted at the vest- guess it was some kind of service dog?
Henrik takes a second to respond before his face lights up, “Ah, Jackie mein friend! I am quite well thank you. Work ‘as been surprisingly steady!” He then pats the dog on the head and beams. “And this is Sahne! Dr. Jackson helped me to get her before I moved! How are those children of yours?”
The father laughs slightly, “Oh as crazy as usual. Penny’s getting big real fast, it’s blowing my mind.”
Schneep gives him a gentle smile, “That is wonderful.” He then gestures to Bro and Alt with a raises eyebrows, “I do not believe i have had the pleasure to meet your friends, yes?”
“Oh!” Jackie puts a shoulder on Bro’s shoulder, “This is Bro Fantastic!”
Henrik’s eyebrows raise higher, “The superhero?”
Bro grins and does a slight pose, “The one and only!” Bro looks excitedly at Henrik, “You look familiar… are you that… Indie star that’s been getting traction around here? Henrik… von Schneeplestein?” Henrik gives a shy nod. “Dude the stuff you do is so cool! I can’t believe there’s still silent movies around in 2018!”
Schneep laughs, “Yes, I am quite fortunate there is still market for my skills!” He looks to the superhero with a twinkle of awe in his eyes, “How incredible! Dr. Jackson really does have the most unique clientele.” He then turns to Alt and tilts his head. “And who are you?”
Alt backs up slightly, reaching up to make sure his mask is covering his face, “It’s nuh ya.” He mutters. Henrik stares at him confused.
“That’s Alt,” Jackie explains, setting a gentle hand on Alt’s shoulder and looking back at Schneep, “He’s who we brought to see J today.”
The doctor shifts and clears his throat, “Speaking of which, we should start. Jackie, would you be a dear and take Henrik and….. Mr.. Fantastic to my office? There should be some warm tea in there and maybe the two of them can get acquainted there.”
Jackie nods, “Sure thing, Doc.” He then leans down next to Alt and whispers softly to him, “Don’t sweat it kid, Dr. JJ wouldn’t hurt a fly. You’ll be safe in here.” He then gives him a well meaning pat on the shoulder before leading the other two into the office off to the side of the sitting room. The dog seems to stare at Alt for a bit too long before she hurries after her human.
Alt stares Dr. Jackson down, daring for him to speak first. Dr. JJ gives another smile before gesturing for Anti to take a seat in one of the soft teal colored plush chairs, “Please sit,” as he takes a seat in the one closest to his desk. Anti hesitates for a second before slinking over and plopping himself in the chair, feeling awkward and exposed. He slowly lowers the mask away from his face but that only makes him feel worse.
“So, Alt was it?” The doctor begins, “I’m Dr. Jameson Jackson, but most everyone tends to call me Dr.JJ.. or Dr. J.. or even just Doc.” Jameson laughs, it’s a good kind laugh. “I’m usually okay with whatever people want to call me.”
Alt tries to give the doctor a smile. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
Jameson leans down on his knees, “Jackie has informed me that you may be… running from something? And that you may be… a bit hard to talk to. Just know Alt that we do want to help you, and that you are safe here. Nothing said in here will be said anywhere else.”
Alt swallows and shaikly breathes, “o-okay…”
Jamie smirks, “Okay good, now,” He digs into his pocket, “I want you to relax for me…” From his pocket he pulls out a round object, a gold pocket watch on a long chain. He holds it out at arms length and starts to swing it back and forth in front of Alt’s face. Alt scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.
“Just focus on the watch’s face for me Alt, it’ll make the session much easier!” JJ smiles gently and Alt wants to believe him. So he takes a deep breath and looks towards the watch. He watches the design on the front as it sways back and forth slowly. The motion is mesmerizing. Alt’s eyes are starting to unfocus and he blinks sleepily while continuing to stare. His shoulders start to slump and his eyelids feel heavy.
Dr. JJ blinks. Alt went into trance a lot faster than he expected. Maybe he had previous experience. He presses on, “That’s good Alt, just focus and breathe slowly.. In… and out…” Alt obeys and breathes, “Just focus on my words and… relax…”
Alt’s brain is becoming muddled way too fast, his body feeling sluggish. What is this feeling? It feels way too familiar and it’s causing his heart to start pounding. But he knows he needs to relax. He needs to listen to the doctor. He needs to listen. To obey...
Alt shakes his head violently, snapping out of trance with a strangled gasp. He scrambles to the back of his chair, his chest beginning to heave as his eyes flicker to the doctor in terror.
Jamie startles back, “Alt? What’s the matter?”
Alt bares his teeth at the doctor, “What the hell are you doing to me?!”
“What? I-I don’t understand-”
“Y-You’re trying to control me!” Alt snarls, throwing himself out of the chair, “T-They didn’t bring me here to help me! Y-You’re with him aren’t you?!” Alt looks on the verge of panic, his whole body shaking, even looking like he could dissolve into static, “Y-You all work for him!” Delirious tears start falling down his face as his stumbles and falls backward and hits his back against a cabinet.
“Alt! Please calm down!” Jameson warns, trying to get closer to the boy.
Alt screams at him, blocking his face with a shaking arm, “Don’t fucking come near me!” Alt looks like he can’t breathe, his face turning red and his whole body shaking like a leaf. Jameson has no idea how to calm him down. But.. if he was reacting like this to his hypnotism, it must mean that he had dealt with it before. There were other triggers.
“Alt!” The British doctor shouted with a commanding voice. He snapped his fingers as loud as possible, “Sleep!”
Alt’s eyes immediately glaze over before rolling back as he falls onto the ground. The boy sighs sleepily as if he wasn’t just panicking, his breathing evening out and returning to nice slow cadence. Jameson sighs a breath of relief as he pushes his hair away from his face.
Two seconds later the side door bursts open with Jackie and Chase rushing through. They can hear Sahne growling and barking slightly in the background with Henrik trying to calm her down.
“Doc!” Jackie breathes, “Is everything okay we heard screaming and-”
Jj holds up a hand towards the boys, “Everything’s fine, we just had a little trouble getting him in trance. Would you two mind helping me get him back in his chair please?”
The two men share glances before spotting Alt curled up on the ground and help him sit back in the chair. Alt slumps over at his waist, his head resting on his chest as he continues to sleep.
“.. He’s in deep…” Chase comments, “Why was he shouting?”
Dr. JJ sighs, “He seems to have had a bad experience with hypnosis before…. That’s my only explanation so far.” He looks back to Jackie, “Did you forget to tell him i was a hypnotherapist?”
Jackie and Chase exchanged guilty expressions. Jamesons suppresses a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, “... it’s no matter… go enjoy your tea…” The boys mumble apologizes to the doctor and soon the quiet sound of the door clicking shut can be heard across the quiet room.
Jameson takes a deep breath and sits up straight before looking back at Alt’s resting form, “Okay Alt… on the count of three… i want you to open your eyes… but i would like you to stay in trance… just so it’ll be easier for us to learn about each other. So just keep taking deep calm breaths for me, son.” Alt takes slow breaths in and out per the doctor's instructions, looking calmer and more relaxed the longer he goes. “I can’t hurt you here. None of my questions will hurt you. No one here will hurt you. You’re safe here, i promise. So I’ll need you to be completely honest with me. Nod if you understand.”
Alt is still for a second before slowly nodding his head. Jamie gives him a gentle smile, “Okay Alt, ready to wake up?” Another nod. “Okay… slowly now, deep breath in and one… breath out… two… breathe in and… three, wake up for me Alt.”
Alt slowly rises to face Dr. JJ his eyes glazed over still as he sits up at attention. Jameson continues smiling at him.
“Okay Alt, can you tell me your full name?”
Alt hesitates, his eyes shifting slightly under the trance, “...I don’t… want to…”
JJ blinks, “Why is that?”
“I’m… not using my real… name…”
Jj presses gently, “can you tell me anyways? It won’t leave this room, I promise Alt.”
More silence. A beat. Then Alt’s stance relaxes again as he mumbles, “m’ name is... An- Anti Brody….”
Jameson’s eyebrows raise. The same last name as Chase. Could Alt be…? No, he shouldn’t push that. Not this soon. “Well it’s nice to meet you Anti, but I’ll keep referring to you as Alt since you seem to prefer that. Could you tell me a little bit about your life? What do you do for work?”
Alt responds almost immediately, “I create stage illusions with lighting…using lights and sounds and stuff…”
“Does it pay well?”
JJ’s eyebrows furrow and he sits back, “How do you make enough to live?”
“I don’t.” Alt responds simply.
“Can you elaborate?”
Alt looks slightly uncomfortable but doesn’t break trance, “...I… have to steal… I use my show...to steal money…. so I can eat….”
The doctor’s face softens. slightly. “...Sounds like a tough life, Alt…Do you get enough to eat?” Jameson can already guess just looking at the entertainer's thin frame.
“....No…” there’s a pause before Alt continues, “glitching... takes up too much energy.”
“Glitching? What is glitching?” Dr. JJ inquires.
“My power…” Alt explains, “I can… glitch and move from one place to another… like a computer… thing…”
“I see…,” Jj hums, “so this power requires you to eat and I would assume sleep a lot yes?”
“This is the same power you used to get away from Bro Fantastic?”
Alt pauses again, “....yes… I… glitched too much… and I… blacked out…”
Dr. JJ leans back with another thoughtful hum, “Why were you running so hard away from Mr. Fantastic?”
Alt answers surprisingly fast, “I couldn’t get caught again.”
“Again? Have you been chased by Mr. Fantastic before?”
“Another superhero?”
The doctor leans in, knowing he’s getting closer, “The man you’re running from?”
“Tell me why you’re running Alt, what does this man do?”
Alt looks on the verge of panic or tears as he blinks slowly, “he… he hurts me… he… he c-controls me-“ Alt seems to hiccup slightly a spark of fear in his eyes and Jameson quickly shushes him to lull him back under.
“I know you’re scared Alt but I need to know more, how does he control you? Does he use hypnotism?”
Alt’s eyes are brightening with tears, “...I..I..don’t know...it feels… similar… but I-i..! I can’t f-fight it I can’t-!” Alt swallows sweat breaking out on his face as he grips his hands tightly on his torn jeans. He’s close to waking up completely, JJ scrambles to pull out his pocket watch and starts swinging it back in front of Alt after snapping to get his attention.
“It’s okay… it’s alright Alt,” Jameson quietly assures, “Take deep calming breaths for me again….” Alt struggles to do so but eventually does and doing so causes his eyelids to grow heavy again.
“Alt, can you tell me this man’s name?”
Alt opens his mouth and for a second no sound escapes. He furrows his eyebrows sleepily as he struggles to make a sound, “M-Mag-!” The boy chokes then sinks back, “I...I can’t…”
The doctor frowns, “can you describe something about him? Something we can use to track him down?”
“C-Cat…” Alt forces out, “m...magic…” He then blinks, looking more exhausted then he has the whole session, “I’m really tired…”
It’s by this point Jj knows he’s not gonna get much farther so he sighs and nods, “Okay Alt. You did a fantastic job. Why don’t you go ahead and rest your eyes while I wrap this up?” The Doctor then snaps his fingers again and Alt slumps forward his eyes slipping shut.
“Alrighty Alt, when I count down from 3, you’re going to wake up completely” the good doctor instructs, “But I have one last thing to ask of you.” Dr. JJ gets up and kneels in front of the boy, gently setting a hand on his knee, “I know you just met us. But Jackie and Ch-Bro… and now me… we genuinely want to help you. We don’t want any more harm to come to you. So all I’m going to ask… is that you try to trust us.” Alt twitches slightly in his sleep but otherwise doesn’t respond. Jameson sighs slightly but gets to his feet and walks back to his chair, “Okay, 3...2...1. Wake up for me  Alt.”
Alt’s head shoots up and he blinks around the office, looking confused. Jamie gives him a gentle smile, “Morning sunshine, how are you feeling?”
Alt shakes his head, “uh… s-sleepy? ...foggy…?” He blinks again then something seems to dawn on him and he jolts out of his chair. Jameson holds up a hand to him, “don’t worry Alt, nothing said in here leaves this room.” He gives the pickpocket a kind smile, “all your secrets are safe with me.”
Alt stares at the doctor like he’s grown a second head. But slowly he swallows and nods just slightly, “uh..t-thanks doc.”
“Not a problem my boy!” Jj sings looking chipper. “Now I don’t know about you but I’m famished. Fancy getting lunch with me and the others?”
Again Alt stares at the Doctor like he’s spoken in some foreign tongue. Does no one show this boy kindness?
“I..I…” Alt stammers, messing with his mask sitting around his neck, “...I am hungry…”
Jj beams. “Well then! Shall we?”
The 5 men venture off to a nearby diner for lunch. Jackie and Jameson excitedly talk about their kids and show each other pictures on their phones. Henrik watches the two blabber with a fond expression on his face. Sahne sits below Henrik, pressed up against his legs. He occasionally sneaks her some fries. Bro seems to be a bit uncomfortable, sitting in his mask and eating in this diner. But after a while he just unwinds and starts laughing loudly with his friends about his wacky adventures in crime fighting. Alt wishes he had his confidence.
Alt fiddles around awkwardly on his phone, listening idly to the conversations. These guys… seem really nice. Alt wouldn’t mind actually getting to know them better if he was honest with himself. God knows he needed friends. But… he knows Magnificent will find someway to take them away in the end. He always takes away everything….
The pickpocket is shocked out of his thoughts by a gentle tap of Jackie’s hand on the table. The father looks at him with a gentle smile, ‘You sure are being quiet, kid.”
Alt grunts and rolls his eyes. His gaze lingers over to Henrik who is looking out the window, watching the clouds go by “Well, teal isn’t talking either and i don’t see you complaining to him.”
“Well… Schneep is deaf,” Jackie informs Alt slowly, “And with so many people around it’s hard for him to engage in conversations for too long.”
Alt’s face falls, “Oh… uh. I-I had no idea! He… he talks so well…?”
Jackie shrugs, “He says he lost his hearing when he was a teenager, he’s pretty good at reading lips. As long as you look him in the face he can talk to you.”
Alt makes a face and nods, half heartedly eating his fries. He’ll have to keep that in mind.
While the others are distracted by their own meals, Alt sneaks a big handful of fries into his jacket for Glitches. She would be so hungry when he got home and this was the best he could do until he got his energy back up.
Alt is halfway through his burger when Bro reaches over Jackie and grabs Alt’s phone. “Hey!” The glitch shouts, trying in vain to reach for it but Bro just grins and unlocks it before typing something in. He then slides it across the table to Schneep until it bumps into the gentleman’s shoulder. The superhero signs something to the actor and his face lights up as he types on the phone as well. He then passes it to JJ. The doctor blinks, then takes the phone and gives Alt a knowing smile as he types something in too. He then hands it to Jackie as Alt tries once more to grab for it, “Seriously guys! What the hell?!” Jackie gives him a sneaky grin as he speedily types then hands the phone back to Alt with a smirk. The boy looks at Jackie like he’s crazy before he quickly snatches back, “what did you do…?” He then looks at the screen and his mouth falls open a little.
The contacts list, which before were only filled with vendors for shows, now has four new additions. Bro’s name is at the top: BRO FANTASTIC followed by the explosion emoji and the muscle emoji. After that is just Henrik Von Schneeplestien followed by a smiley face. Then comes JJ, the most formal: Dr Jameson Jackson C.ht. Jackie’s is underneath simply as Jack1eboi. Alt just stares at the screen, lost for words. The other boys exchange smiles.
Jackie rests a hand on Alt’s wrist, “This is case you ever need us, Alt. Or need someone to talk to. We’re only a call or a text away.” Alt blinks and looks up at the other. Henrik gives him an exaggerated thumbs up. Jamie smiles warmly. Bro grins. Alt swallows a lump in his throat, “...t-thanks guys…”
The rest of the lunch went by quickly and all the boys gathered up front to say goodbye before going their separate ways. Alt feels a weight on his heart. Why was he feeling so… Whatever this feeling was? He just met these people. Yet… he didn’t want to go.
“Are you okay, Alt?” Schneep asks with a curious tilt of his head. Alt shakes his head, “Yeah i’m fine. Just… worried about getting home.”
“I could always fly you bro!” Bro Fantastic says flashing a winning smile. Alt rolls his eyes.
“Thanks but no thanks Hero. I can take care of myself.”
Jameson looks concerned for a second, “Well at least be careful Alt…” Alt nods and gives the doctor a weak smile before waving goodbye to the others. He turns then immediately trips on a crack in the sidewalk, spilling his stash of fries on the ground. Alt looks at them devastated.
Jackie walks up and blinks at the still Alt, “what’s up man?” He sees the mess, “....did you stuff fries in your jacket?”
Alt mutters, “no…”
Jameson hears and joins, “Did you not get enough to eat Alt? We could always get you more.”
“No!” Alt snarls for a second, gripping his hands into fists, then he lets them fall, “I was… trying to take stuff home for my cat…”
“You have a cat?” Bro asks. Alt slowly nods, “Yeah.. her name is Glitches…. I-I haven’t had much to feed her with lately so…”
The others stare at each other again before Jackie takes Alt’s arm and starts leading him down the street.
“Woah, what the hell?!”
“Shuddup Alt and just follow us.”
Jameson watches at the other two follow after Jackie and Alt before he ducks back into the diner. He knows where to meet them.
Jackie drags Alt to the local pet store and Alt stares at it wide eyed. The boys all push him inside and drag him around the whole store, asking him all sorts of questions about Glitches. How big is she? What color? What food does she like?
They fill a whole cart with toys and food and treats and cute hats (those were Schneep’s idea). Sahne seems to approve, especially with Schneep spoiled her with new things as well. Alt is left staring at the contents of the cart as Jackie, Bro and Schneep fight over which bed would be best for Glitches.
Alt is distracted from their fighting by a presence to his left. He turns and he sees the kindly doctor smile and hold out a cat toy to Alt, “Do you mind nosy toys?” He then clicks on the top and the little ball starts to turn and flash all sorts of colors. Alt’s face lights up.
“Glitches will love that.”
Jamie chuckles and tosses the toy in with the rest of them, “I’m glad!” He then hands a bag to Alt, “This one’s for you.”
Alt looks confused as he takes the bag and looks inside. It’s more food from the diner. 3 more burgers and another thing of fries. Alt feels the pinprick of tears behind his eyes as he frowns.
“Is something wrong Alt?” Jameson asks.
Alt can’t stop himself as tears leak from his eyes, “...why…” He chokes, “why are you all being so nice to me?!” He snaps his head up to the doctor, trying to look angry but he just looks...broken. “I… I don’t deserve this.. I-I don’t deserve any of this! I-i i’m a c-con man, a-a pick pocket! I lie and steal and trick people! I-i’m… i’m not a good person!” He wipes the tears falling down his face with his jacket sleeve, growling in frustration, “I… I just don’t get it… I.. I don’t deserve all this…” The entertainer deflates, sniffling. JJ gives him a second before giving him a gentle hug.
“Everyone deserves a little kindness, Anti.”
Alt stiffens slightly but gradually eases into the hug. He doesn’t return it, he’s not used to hugs. But god, has it been a while.
“WE FOUND A BED!!” Bro shouts from behind them and Alt springs away from JJ. The doctor smiles, “Oh?”
“Oh yes!” Schneep exclaims and points to the bed, “It is a wonderful color! Much like my hair! And quite soft!”
Jackie takes the small pet bed and sets it on top of the other stuff before looking back at Anti, “Whatcha think Alt?”
Alt wipes at his eyes and gives them a small smile, “It’s… it’s great. Thank you.”
Dr. JJ decides to take Anti and the rest of them home is his car since there was so much to carry. For once, Alt was so glad he didn’t have to glitch home. This was maybe the craziest day he had had in awhile….
The boys drop Anti off with all his new things and wave him off with big smiles. Alt can’t help but smile and wave back as they fade out of view. He then looks back down at the bags and bags of new stuff for him and Glitches.
...How the hell was he gonna glitch this upstairs all in one go?
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parkerlyn · 3 years
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One of the Magesmith's favorite birthdays...featuring the Enchanter (they/them) 👀
Very brief suggestive bit, but otherwise fluff
A week had gone by and still the earth hadn't yawned open and swallowed them whole, much to their disappointment.
The Apprentice awoke to pink light dripping down through the thin curtains of their apartment, light sliding over their window sills and walls and flooding onto the floor. It would take some time for it to fill the room, so they ignore the encroaching sun - opting for the darkness of the ceiling above.
Which, lying in bed, seems a perfect time to revisit embarrassing moments in their life, particularly an embarrassing moment from just a short few days ago. Even the edge of the memory creeping in is enough to bring the palms of their hands up to their eyes, skin pressed against their eyelids and a low, long, despondent, and painful groan sounding first through their chest and scratching out through their throat.
"I care about you," they say in conversation with the coat rack, and then thinking it wasn't being supportive, switching to the bookcase. "As in more than a friend, even though I've really enjoyed being your friend for so long, and if you want to keep just being friends that's fine too because like I said, I-"
Not receiving the response they want from the bookcase, they switch instead to the mirror, which was a mistake. Because the mirror can reflect back the nervous panic in their eyes and the flushed fuchsia blooming on their cheeks. It can emphasize the tight wrinkles in their shirt and in their pants where they've anxiously wrung the fabric and stretched out the patterns.
"Sahn, I wanted to ask you- needed to ask you- if you wanted to- ugh, that's not-" One hand at their waist and another scratching at their hair, scraggly auburn covering their eyes.
...Sanctin - should they have gotten it cut? Made it more neat? What were they wearing?
A frantic look at the clock as they pace. About half an hour until them and their (brat) sibling would be home, and until they'd probably be surprised to see the Apprentice marching a path into their floor. The Healer had let them in, her face twisted in surprise at the formality in their voice when they asked to enter. Given that they'd been around Sahn and their sibling almost every day for years, they couldn't really blame her.
But it was fine. Everything was fine. Who hadn't completely perfected a confession of love in half an hour? Easy.
"Sahn, I lo-..." Fingers curl in. Stretch out. Face scrunches in on itself and they turn and spin in place.
"I hope I'll be lucky enough to know your true name someday."
Oh it was that easy, actually.
No need to complicate things after all. Short, sweet, and to the point.
But wait - was that enough?
The Apprentice's hands slide down their face as they sit on a padded bench against the far side of the room, shoulders and body deflating against the wall. A solid surface which, they're hoping, if they bang their head against enough, might knock the right words into their skull.
They didn't want Sahn's true name in a "super spectacular lifelong best friends" way.
They wanted to be trusted with their true name in the sliver of light between afternoon and dusk. They wanted to say it casually like it was their own, finding it in simple, small dinners and in between the worn-in creases of couch cushions. Overfill the word with devotion after every "good morning" and "good night" and-
And for them - Enchanter, Sahn, the person who was an unshakeable constant in their life - the feelings had eventually included other wants. Vivid images had weaved their way undetected into the Apprentice's imagination, happy enough already with the thought of everyday love. But now they knew they also wanted to whisper their true name while the crystal light faded, wanted to pull their bodies flush together and to hoard the knowledge of what a sigh of pleasure would look like on their usual serene face and how hard their fingers would grip into their hips-
Another 'BANG' followed by a hiss as the Apprentice's hand jolts to the back of their head, body folding over from their too-harsh penance at the thoughts now buzzing warmly in their mind.
They speak to the floorboards instead, eyes following the natural lines of the wood panels.
"Fuck," they say with a resigned laugh, a mixture of both bitterness and yearning. "Really got it bad for them, huh?"
And how could they not? That relaxed confidence in every movement of their body. A scathing joke unveiled when you least expect it. A calm, quiet voice that still demands to be heard. The adoration and dedication to their loved ones running as naturally through their body as their own blood. Dark, thick waves of hair over rich sepia skin and coppery amber eyes-
-which, as the Apprentice lifts their head again, now stare at them from the room's open door.
Their ankle almost rolls as they clamber up, fingers slamming against the sides of the bench as it teeters precariously on its back legs from their sudden movement.
Immediate instinct calls for them to run and hide, but the gaze of the person in front of them catches them first.
"Sahn, you-" A shaking breath as they brace themselves against the bookshelf, body trying to carry them forward toward the door as the only means of escape, despite the fact that it's currently blocked. "How long have you been standing there? The...the Healer said you two would be gone for another half hour."
Widened eyes blink and slender fingers cling to the door. Another second of silence before they focus on the easier answer to give, and not the one the Apprentice is really asking for. "The shop didn't have what she was looking for, so we came back early to ask if we should look somewhere else and…" A swallow. "I thought I heard my name earlier and she said you stopped by and were waiting for us so I might as well come up to get you and ask if you wanted to come with us."
The sentence trails off as something twitches at the corner of the Enchanter's mouth, and the Apprentice immediately panics.
They're going to laugh. They're going to laugh and I don't want to see it, I don't want to know if they think this is stupid or ridiculous or-
The instinct from before comes rampaging back into their muscles, and they charge forward as the just budding smile on the Enchanter's face changes to one of panic to match the static filling the Apprentice's head. Shoving their shoulder through the small open space, they don't notice the hand reaching for them, shrugging it away without a second thought.
They thunder down the stairs, ignoring the calls of their false name, ignoring any sort of emotion they might have at their false name being called loudly down the stairs in the first place. The Healer is there, thoughtfully flipping through some sort of list and catalogue as the Enchanter's younger sibling watches and listens to her musings about where they might find some sort of rare ingredient. At the chaotic sound of the Apprentice's steps they look up, a hand rubbing near the fresh tattoos around their bicep.
"Oh- hey! Did Sahn already tell you we're-" Whatever expression they make as the Apprentice blasts by them is lost, though the disappointed words follow them towards the front door. "Oookay that's fine, hate you too I guess-"
Nothing else makes it past the feel of cold fall air on their skin, and the strain of their lungs as they take off running, feet pounding against the pavement all the way into the next quadrant.
But it would be fine in the end. They could move to Braka. Or Saor maybe. Or just - get lost in the Arids and disappear into a small bordering town and start a new life and get a wig and fifty different glamours so the Enchanter could never find them.
Hands lower back to their side, flopping helplessly against the top of the duvet. Light creeps upward as more of the day breaks in, so they close their eyes to dive back into some semblance of darkness.
Avoiding the Enchanter, and their sibling, and the Healer and the Alchemist, AND Jac and Cerise had been something they never thought they'd have to do, but here they were. The first few days, the Enchanter had come to their door, knocking and asking to talk in that annoyingly gentle way of theirs. The fourth day, they'd left a small note outside the Apprentice's door, with a quick (infuriatingly beautifully-written) 'Be back at the end of the week.'
So, today then.
Should they answer?
Would they answer?
The decision comes sooner than they think when a timid and careful 'knock knock knock' echoes in the next room.
And they're not sure if something about today strikes them, or maybe the week has calmed them, but the they soon find themself with a hand on the door in their pajamas, breath held and eyes set into the shiny handle.
The door swings open almost comically, the Enchanter with their fist still raised for another round of knocking, but face switching to surprise in an instant. And they smile - that gorgeous smile - despite the fact that the Apprentice must look the most disheveled they've ever allowed someone to see.
"You answered!" they say with more excitement than anyone should be allowed this early.
Though 'this early' is probably closer to noon.
The Enchanter's mouth starts to form around the Apprentice's false name, but they think better of it - muting the word and nodding awkwardly to the inside of the apartment.
"Sorry to bother you on today of all days, but I need your help with something. Can I come in?"
Today? What, an off day?
The request of help distracts them from the earlier memory and they raise their eyebrows while stepping to the side. "What's up?"
"Enchanting problem, your favorite," the Enchanter jokes lightly, reaching into the leather satchel at their side as they move towards the sparse furniture of the room. "You were always better at designing glyphs than me, and I could use that talent for this. Trying to impress my Mentor so-"
They pull out a small bundle of needle and thread at first, setting it on the nearby table as they seat themself in their usual spot on the floor in front of the couch. They'd claimed it was more comfortable, but the Apprentice was dubious of that.
A thin circlet of golden yellow fabric follows from their bag, almost strange in its simplicity.
"It's a pretty easy glamour," the Enchanter begins, the shadow of focus coming over their face as the Apprentice looks for scrap bits of paper. "But I want to make it more dynamic while finessing it." They lift a finger and tap at the corner of their eye. "An iris altering enchantment, but one you can change at will. I've actually almost got it, but the colors don't always match with what I'm trying to change it to. And there's some other...weird effects now and then."
Crossing their legs on the floor, the Apprentice narrows their eyes and holds out their hand.
"Let me see."
A comfortable rhythm settles over them as the ideas exchange and float through the air, a shock of yellow in one of Sahn's eyes that spreads into splotchy polka dots over their skin as they laugh. The Apprentice takes on the task with a severe look and rigid, determined motions, their pencil dancing across pages as they attempt to refine the glyphs stitched into the inner side of the circlet.
Easy conversation continues, and for a few hours, the Apprentice forgets the awkward, looming topic they'll eventually need to address. But if they had looked up once or twice while focused in on another design flowing out onto the page, Sahn's side of the story would have been perfectly clear: In the fond smile that never leaves their face, or the crinkle of their eyes at every joke the Apprentice makes, funny or not.
"One day I'd like to get it to respond to emotions-" Sahn interrupts eventually, a prolonged silence punctured by their words. "-it would be good right? Maybe a little silly, though." They lift their leg from under a few sketches and fold it back with their heel against their thigh. "But for whatever reason, you don't want to talk or maybe can't talk, and you look at someone and boom -" their pitch drops with exaggerated foreboding and the Apprentice snorts. "Red - 'I'm angry, be careful', or...yellow or green or something for 'I agree' or 'I'm excited'. And it doesn't have to be your eyes, maybe the color of the cloth can change or something else. It'd be so much easier to talk about-"
The Enchanter's voice falls away and the Apprentice holds their breath, eyes cast down to the curved legs of the table and the bits of dust embedded in the rug.
"Oh, but that's not because of- I was already working on this before-"
And there it is.
Shattering the uncomplicated, effortless atmosphere and throwing it out the window.
Out of the corner of their eye, the Apprentice watches the Enchanter's fingers tap nervously on a few papers, then on the dark table surface.
When whatever tune they're drumming seems to run out, they reach slowly, hesitantly, for the circlet and bring it into their lap, thumbs rubbing over the edges of newly-stitched patterns.
The Enchanter leaves the word in the air for a few moments more, a possibility that they're preparing to take.
"...maybe pink for 'I want to share my true name with you too someday'?"
Something both chilling and firey bursts in the Apprentice's chest, but still they stay frozen even as their magic thrashes inside them.
"In the...I-don't-know-if-I-want-to-stay-just-friends sort of way, in case it wasn't clear," Sahn finishes nervously, thumbs pressing so fiercely into the cloth that it looks like they may tear it in two.
Before the Apprentice can fully process the words, their hand reaches out to Sahn's fidgeting fingers, desperate for the touch. Eyes swing up with apprehension, gazes locking in a single suspended, eternal minute.
They felt the same?
It was really that easy?
"Why didn't you say anything?!"
"Why didn't-" Sahn looks incredulous, face crumpling into a frown. "You ran off! I was about to!"
"You looked like you were going to laugh!"
"Why would I laugh when you finally caught up to what I've been feeling?"
"Caught up? How long have you-"
Another silence - but only a quick prelude to an explosion of laughter.
Sahn shoves the Apprentice away playfully with a feigned glare and crosses their arms. A scattered mess of 'I can't believe you' and 'Does your sibling know?' and 'The Healer and Alchemist thought we were dating since almost 2 years ago', that soon descends into the undemanding, unconditional presence that the Apprentice had grown so used to.
Fondness is plain to see in their faces and no longer hiding behind their nerves, and the Apprentice imagines they could spend the day relearning the way Sahn's hair flows from the crown of their head and collects into their ponytail - the way they smile with no teeth at first, before the happiness parts their lips and they laugh their way to a grin.
Amid it all, they watch them lay the circlet against the table and reach to the Apprentice instead this time, taking their palm against their own.
"Fun as this distraction was, I know we usually spend your birthday with all three of us at that place on the third fourth border. But I actually may have planned something special in the fourth - hoping that this would go well..."
The vacant stare they receive draws out a sigh, their head dropping forward.
"You forgot it was your birthday again, didn't you."
"That's a...possibility. Do we need to go pick up your sibling?"
"Ah, no," the Enchanter laughs brightly. "I think the exact words were... 'I'm good not spending the afternoon as your third wheel. Tell them to stop being an ass and also Happy Birthday.' So..." The false name emerges in sweet, honeyed tones, all softened corners and letters made of light as Sahn's cheeks rise with anticipation. "Would you like to spend your birthday on a first date?"
The Apprentice smiles.
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marsandsaturn · 3 years
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good morning levi
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inspired by @/deludedimagines’s “haven” and my headcanons of levi finding peace and opening the tea shop he always wanted [ source: x ]
also contains recent manga spoilers but everyone is alive except for eren because we all know that it is going to happen
fic's song: how does a moment last forever - céline dion — beauty and the beast (live action)
fluff ; softness ; wholesome interactions between levi and the neighbors ; female!reader
characters: levi ackerman ; y/n l/n ; reginald and mariah winchester ; katherine, maia and sebastian brooks ; matthew gardener ; cynthia holland (my oc’s)
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"good morning levi"
a sentence he never would have thought he would hear in his 38 years of life. a sentence he loves hearing every morning on is way to work. except this working had nothing to do with the survey corps or any branch of military. finally after years of fighting, paradis had found peace. in that moment when peace was declared levi only thought of one thing, well maybe a few things but it would all lead to the same thing. he would retire, from the survey corps. he no longer desired to work in the military fighting for his life. he wanted peace, quietness, solidarity with one person. his lovely girlfriend. he wanted to have a family with her and away from everyone.
so that's what the captain did. the captain, now former captain of the survey corps retired. while everyone was disappointed that humanity's strongest soldier would no longer be part of the military they alas understood his decision on the retirement. said former captain had lost a great percentage of people he cared about and he did not want to loose you, he wanted to live out the rest of his day in a small village, a small quiet village. but he did not want to be secluded, instead he wanted to have nice neighbors, who he could spend time with and have a nice chat with. he looked around and the former captain promised everyone, which he only meant, jean, connie, mikasa, and armin who he cared for very much, that he would visit and that they were allowed to visit him as well, he watched them grow up, honestly they were his family, but you could never catch the raven haired man saying that directly to their face. and thus, the two of you find yourselves living in a small village named sahne, which resides inside the city of sheena, living on a street with five other houses named whisper street. did he solely pick the street because it had the name whisper in it? possibly, not that he would ever admit that. small little cottages that rested on a steep hill. at the end of the street with a dead end which would then replace the sand and direct roads with fields of grass and beautiful flowers. the village would used that field for their small festivals and gathering they would throw, nothing loud and exciting but something for everyone. the total number of people that lived in the village was a total of 300 people, which included you and levi. so yes everyone knew each other and were friendly towards each other. when the of you arrived they welcomed you with soft open arms that warmed levi's heart. the village of sahne made him feel like he belonged, which is something he can't exactly say he's felt before. "good morning reginald" levi softly says, with a smile that slightly match the sweet old man. reggie as many call him is the sweet old mad that has a wonderful fruit and vegetable garden. despite being in his early 70s this man has the most life and is constantly smiling. "off to work at the tea shop eh?" he softly says while picking some fruit. he wipes them down with a rag before placing them in the basket. "of course. and i see that you are picking fruit. was is it this time" levi enjoyed this, the small talk. back in the military it was always "good morning captain levi, sir!" and with the salute. always showing respect. don't interpret this wrong, everyone wants respect, but with everyone from the village, it feels better as if they truly mean it. "fresh, ripe, red strawberries. would you care for a basket? your beloved y/n could make strawberry shortcake? or jam? even use these as toppings for a cake?" the village loved your baking. at first you weren't that good at it but with practice you eventually become very good. you even had a small bakery that was connected to the tea shop, though you opened up the shop around noon. "reggie, we've been friends for five years, how could i ever deny your sweet fruit" it may have seemed out of character for him, but now that he knew that everyone here in the village had a better chance at dying from natural causes rather than from titans or from a war, he let his emotions show. not quickly though, but slowly overtime, everyone soon began to see the levi that was hidden behind a mask. the most caring out of everyone, and yes although his face said otherwise, levi was there to make you feel better over the smallest or biggest of things. "here son, i cleaned them just like i always do. if you waant to keep them fresh inside the cooler, place them in a large bowel and wash the with vinegar-water: 1 cup of white vinegar and 8 cups of water should do the the trick" levi nods and smiles at the sweet old man before grabbing the basket and holding it in his non dominate hand. he looks at the man and smiles while rubbing his shoulder.
he walks back towards his home, decorated with whites, greens and grays and hints of brown. when it came to decorations levi knew absolute shit about it, but when it came to where each piece of furniture goes and how to clean, well you could call him an expert but just know he would never call himself that. the former captain sets the baskets of strawberries down on the counter but not before grabbing at least five strawberries. perhaps he can open the shop a little late today. today he was going to take time to admire his beautiful home. Across his house lived katherine, maia, and sebastian brooks. a single mother who's husband left her for one of his affairs' when maia and sebastian were two. levi swore to katherine and the kids that if the bastard ever showed his shitty face, hell give it a nice kicking. after all he's done it before during his day as the captain of the survey corps. next door to the brooks lived a single man who is in his early 60s. now realizing, levi was friends with a lot of old men. was it because he was old himself and loved it when they got together, possibly. his name was matthew gardner. like levi he fell in love with beautiful waitress, but she sadly died and he never fell in love again. he is often seen baking pastries with some of the fruit reginald gives to his neighbors. levi, reginald and matthew have a weekly tea time and discuss the things that are happening in sahne.
and finally cynthia holland, a sweet old lady in her 60s who knits everyone something for birthdays and holidays. she has two cats and is often seen walking with matthew. her husband was part of the survey corps many years ago and died when he got eaten by a titan. she also couldn’t have any kids so she often saw levi, y/n, and the brooks as her children. when you were feeling sick you could go to her.
everyone in his street were just wonderful people and he could take whoever he believed in for giving him this life. he would never take this life opportunity for granted at all.
“you’re going to be late for work”
the former captain turns around and smiles while offering a strawberry to his wonderful girlfriend who has a lazy smile on her face.
“i am the owner y/n i can be late if i want to” he smugly says while eating another strawberry. levi was going on o have to get more strawberries frkm reginald or he was going to finish the too quickly.
“whatever. my god these strawberries are good. theu are tempting me to tru and make strawberry shortcake and jam”
“good because i am pretty sure our neighbors are waiting for you to make something”
he smiles at her rolling her eyes before walking up to her and placing a kiss onto her lips. they taste like strawberry if that gave you any hint as to what she was eating.
he was more happy in life that ever. he lost many comrades. erwin, hange, isabel, furlan, his mom, kenny. but he had you, and he had reginald and mariah winchester, katherine, maia, and sebastian brooks, matthew gardener, and cynthia holland. he had the whole village. it still hurt to remember his lost ones but now that hes alove and well he looks forward to those these three words every morning
“good morning levi”
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a/n: HELLO sorry this took lime three months (?) lost motivation and now i’ve finished it. hopefully i can actually start working on the aot disney event, making sure each fic doesn’t get too long.
hopefully you enjoy this. reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated :)
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mogadichu · 5 years
Sahn Darru created a story the day his life ended.
He didn’t physically write it. The words were scribbled haphazardly in his mind. Not his best work, but it passed the time as he pushed his little raft to his destination. Tuma and Moyane were furious when they saw the horrors their children had inflicted upon the perfect world, and they came down to confront the people of silver and gold. Sahn repeated it again and again before finally succumbing to write it down in his scroll, already a compound of records and tragedies and fairy tales. After nearly ten years, it was finally bursting at the seams. He hoped he would get another for his birthday, if the monks felt particularly generous. If I pluck and twist this a bit more, he thought, scribbling along the scroll’s edges, maybe I’ll recite this to Ari tonight. He snapped back to attention as the raft buckled against the reeds clogging the sides of Rin River, stabbing the long pole into the rocky bottom to steady himself. The land on either side of him was sprawling rice terraces and grain fields, milk-white umi trees and curved tile roofs. No mountain, not even a hill large enough to block the view to the blurred line of the horizon.
Devoid of mountains and magic.
Sahn shoved the thought away the moment it appeared, keeping to the task at hand. The temple curved into view, tattered and lopsided and bleached with sun. A gargantuan hole plagued the center of the roof, the tiles stripped, the deep green faded to a dull grey. A chunk of it fell away as Sahn made port, throwing a pile of rope on the ground to anchor. “Sister Maudra,” he called. No answer. He ascended the cracked, moss-ridden steps two at a time. His heart was a drum hammering faster and faster as he neared the open threshold. He called again. Still no answer.
He recalled all the times he had come to this temple with his cousin. Then, it had been a dim edifice of wood and murals, lit only by a single wall of glowing candles. Now, sunlight smothered the place in obscene brightness. The putrid smell of mold and moisture and sewage assaulted Sahn’s nostrils. Like the roof, another hole swallowed the middle of the room, the staircase nothing more than a pile of driftwood. The delicate furniture was overturned, covered in a thick layer of dust. The wall of candles was now a wall of wax dried mid-fall. Curtains of cobwebs fell from the rotting timbers, and everywhere, mold was eating its troubles away.
What in Moyane’s name happened to this place?
The wood sagged with each step Sahn took deeper inside. He called out once more. “Sister Maudra.”
Finally, there was an answer. “Go away,” the voice squawked from the lower level.
Sahn fell to his hands and knees, peering out over the hole’s edge to the pile of rubble below. “May I please speak with you, Sister?”
“What?” Sister Maudra appeared behind the ruined staircase, also covered in grime. She looked smaller than Sahn remembered, hunched over, her back curving in a perfect arch. All but a few strands of her gray hair held in her bun; the rest hung over her wrinkled face like the leaves of a willow tree. Everything about her was gray, her hair, her eyes, her robes. Even her skin looked alarmingly colorless. And, like the rest of the temple, she too was covered in a layer of dust, which she fruitlessly brushed off as she glowered at the open ceiling. “This blasted place. I tell you, it’s trying to kill me.”
Sahn gasped. “That bit of roof didn’t fall on you, did it?”
“Would I be up here, allowing you to waste my time, if it did?” The old woman shot back, rolling her eyes.
Sahn flushed, wringing the strap of his satchel in his fists. The creak of the leather whispered a rhythm. Just leave, just leave, just leave. “I don’t suppose you remember me,” he said.
“Yes, yes, little Darru boy, I remember you.” Dust flew off her fingers as Sister Maudra waved him off, turning back to the staircase. “I’m old, not simple. I’m sorry about your brother’s death,” she added haphazardly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Sahn reached for her bony shoulder. “Sister-”
Maudra spun around, dust swirling around her like a gown. “Three moons, boy. What do you want?”
In answer, Sahn carefully pulled three scrolls from his satchel, catching flecks of parchment as they fell through the carved wood covers. “These scrolls are falling apart. Please, would you mend them?”
Maudra’s face immediately softened, as it always did at the sight of a scroll in distress. Gently, she slid the cover off one and slowly unrolled it, examining the tears and holes and faded letters. Sahn rubbed his nose to hide his smile. A mother did not examine a child’s wound the way Sister Maudra examined a damaged scroll. She tisked, sighed, and said, “Well, then, we’ll just have to do something about this, shall we?”
 Behind the ruined staircase, another stood firm, leading down to the lower level. Maudra sped past the heap of wood and furniture fluff to an adjacent corridor, her silhouette scuttling along the stripes of orange light that sliced through the pitch black. Despite her size and age, she moved like a trotting dragoat, and Sahn had to jog to catch up to her. “Where is Sister Mysha?” Sahn asked, expecting to catch her making candles in one of the dark rooms, waiting for stray lemurs to hop over his ankles toward food that the Daughters of the Moons laid about. “And Sister Tilla? Is she in the-?”
“They’re dead,” Maudra barked without a pause.
The breath was punched out of Sahn’s lungs. “Oh,” he said, his stomach sinking. He should have expected that. Sister Mysha and Sister Tilla had been over ninety years old, the last he’d seen them. But indeed, the temple was eerily silent, the halls devoid of lemurs and droppings. It shouldn’t have hurt so much, like his chest was twisting into a knot. How much had changed since the last time he’d stepped through these halls?
“Is Opal here?” Sahn asked tentatively, an unwanted glimmer of hope warming his belly.
Maudra did not answer. “I did not mean to be so abrasive when you arrived,” she instead tossed over her shoulder, “but you caught me at a most inopportune time.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I haven’t got long in this world, you know. I can’t be wasting my precious seconds entertaining a junior archivist.”
“I understand.” But Sahn wasn’t entirely listening. He had slowed to a sluggish pace, peering through the spaces in the wooden planks from where the light came. It was a wide vestibule, blinding with the light of hundreds of candles. Dripping black markings cluttered every inch of the walls, written large and small, forward, backward, upside down and, he assumed, right side up. He stepped closer, squinting to read them, when a silhouette stepped in front of him, blocking his view.
Maudra glowered up at him through her matted hair. “Do you now?” Sahn smiled, but she continued to glower. “People don’t go in there. Do you understand?”
“Oh… then… who painted those runes?” Sahn asked, huffing an awkward laugh. Sister Hada stared at him as though he had just inquired about the taste of her toenails. “You said that people don’t go in there, and you are people…” The seconds stretched on. “You are people, aren’t you?” Maudra scowled. “I’m making a joke,” Sahn finally whispered.
“I know,” Maudra grumbled. “It wasn’t funny.” She grabbed hold of his cloak and dragged him along down the corridor.
What once was the temple’s scriptorium was now a home for cobwebs, dark and damp but for a single candle that burned dangerously low. “Help me move these,” said Maudra, gesturing to the row of desks. Sahn joined them all together as she watched with hands on her hips, forming a long, narrow table. Then, he unrolled the scrolls down the table, stepping back as Maudra placed the scraps in their appropriate places. “Now,” she said, “name them.”
She remembered their old ritual. Sahn pointed to each one with pride. “The tale of Great Batti, the demigod who stole the seeds from the three moons to grow Luna buds in the human world. Lanai’s Song, the story of the singing grass. And a document of Bo-Min, the greatest orator in Kelshin history.”
Maudra squinted at each cover, narrowing her eyes at him when he was correct. “You need friends.”
“I already have one.”
She snorted but didn’t contradict him. Then, she set to work. Sahn pulled up a chair, his chin on his fist, watching her with a small smile. She moved slowly, deliberately, her nose almost touching the parchment, each swipe of the pungent wheat paste made with the greatest care. She was the only one in Kelsh who loved stories with the same fierceness that he did. No one could mend scrolls like she could. He wanted to learn, to fix the broken stories himself, but he enjoyed watching her work far too much.
The silence between them wasn’t uncomfortable, but it allowed unwanted thoughts to whisper in Sahn’s ear. He leaned back past the table, staring off into the corridor. “What are those-?”
“Nothing for you to concern yourself with,” Maudra hissed. “Pass over the ink.”
The bottle on the table was empty, so Sahn retrieved a “fresh” one from one of the abandoned desks. “That looked like Old Kelshin,” Sahn pushed gently. “I know a few words in Old Kelshin. I could-”
“Well, what about the hole through the temple? How in Moyane’s name did that-?”
“Ink,” Maudra screeched, her voice ricocheting off the walls.
Sahn dropped the bottle on the table, snapping his hand back as though she might bite him. The silence returned, Maudra rewriting the faded letters with an iron hand. Sahn wrote more notes in his cramped scroll, fighting to ignore the questions crowding the edge of his tongue. He scanned the scriptorium, grey with cobwebs and rot. His lungs burned with dust. Maudra thought she could avoid his curiosity with silence. But silence was Sahn’s power. It gave him time to hatch an idea, grow it, and let it nestle in his mind with a content sigh. “Tell me a story,” he said.
“Which one?” Maudra asked, softer now that stories were involved.
“Tell me about the Daughters of Moyane.” It was Sahn’s favorite story, the tale of the women rebellion. The Daughters of Moyane built the temple with their own hands, devoid of help or funds from the men of the High Council. Sahn and Jehra would weave spirit beads well into the night, listening to Sister Mysha recount their chants and songs.
“We wanted to create a line of spirit healers and failed,” said Maudra. “The end.” She fell silent. Sahn’s face fell.
“Well, what about the great wall of water that nearly flooded the island? You must have been alive when that happened. What was it like?”
“It was wet,” Maudra said bluntly, “and windy. A bit cold. I got some seaweed in my hair. The end.”
“I used to think you loved telling stories.”
“I used to think you were a mute. Right now, I wish that were the case.”
“Did the wall of water cause the hole in the roof?”
Maudra huffed incredulously. “Of course not.”
“Then what did?”
“It was the-” She caught herself just in time, her eyes narrowing into slits.
Sahn flushed. “I’m sorry. I really am. I just...” He trailed off, words dying before they could reach his tongue. Her grey eyes seemed to be staring through him, into him. He could not look away. He bit his lip, swallowing once, twice, three times. Don’t say it, he begged himself. Please don’t say it.
But, he did.
“Are you using magic?”
And there it was between them; the word. The word that would slice a sword through your throat. The word that brought the taste of iron and rot. It lay there like a dead thing among the ink and paste and parchment. Maudra’s face blanched. Suddenly, the silence in the room was deafening. “Did Bo-Sahn bring you here to spy on me?”
Sahn blinked. “What?”
“Three moons, that man just can’t wait for me to die, can he? He had to send his grandson to do his dirty work for him. Is that it?”
In an instant, Sahn’s surprised rotted into something so sudden and so violent that he held the corner of the table in a white-knuckle grip. Oh, moons, if Bo-Sahn found out…
If his parents found out…
If Kelsh found out what he had just said…
The weight of tears pressed behind his eyes. His heart hammered like a dancing drum, rapping painfully against his ribs. Once upon a time, the world was divided by silver and gold, for the sun and the moon lived in the sky as one. Those in Tuma’s light were bathed in gold, and in Moyane’s, silver. Sahn recited his story in his head, squeezing his eyes shut, wishing away the images that clawed at the edges of his mind, like a child wishing away a monster. Tuma’s golden children began to see Moyane’s silver as lesser beings. After all, what did they have but stars and darkness? Tuma was filled with light and joy, where everything was awake and alive. What they did not know, however, is that the silver children saw the golden ones as lesser, for they did not have the luxury of walking a moonlit field in the soft shades of starlight. Soon, a war was upon the children of Tuma and Moyane before either even realized.
Maudra watched him silently, evenly, waiting for his attack to subside. When it did, she asked again. “Are you here to spy on me or not?”
Sahn, with shaking hands and a dry mouth, met her eyes and said, “No.”
“Good.” She shoved the scrolls, now mended and dried, into his arms.
“Thank you,” he said, allowing her to lead him by the wrist back to the front door. When he was finally back outside, he doubled over, gasping in the fresh air, snorting the dust out of his lungs. Finally, his trembling melted away. “I’m so sorry. I-”
“Come back tomorrow,” Maudra grumbled. “Bring a broom.” Sahn nearly went limp with relief. He nodded, bowing. “Thank you, Sister. Thank you so…”
The door slammed.
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naschkater-com · 5 years
Erdbeergeschmack gehört zu den klassischsten, am weitest verbreiteten Aromen in der gesamten Genuss- und Lebensmittelwelt überhaupt: Erdbeer-Marmelade, Erdbeer-Joghurt, Erdbeer-Eis – überall liebt man den Geschmack der fruchtig-süßen Beere. Zusammen mit Schokolade und Vanille bildet Erdbeergeschmack das Dreigestirn der Aromastars, die schon in Fürst Pücklers berühmter Eismischung von 1839 gemeinsam auftraten.
Erdbeergeschmack aus natürlichem oder naturidentischen Aroma?
Wer über Erdbeer-Aroma spricht kommt an dieser Frage nicht vorbei: in welchen Süßigkeiten bildet tatsächlich echte Erdbeere die Grundlage für den Geschmack und wo ein Aroma? Und wird es wirklich aus Sägespänen und Schimmelpilzen hergestellt wie ein sich hartnäckig haltendes Gerücht besagt?!
Grundsätzlich kann man davon ausgehen, dass in den allerwenigsten industriell hergestellten Süßigkeit echte Erdbeeren verarbeitet wurden. Das wäre viel zu teuer! Stattdessen werden Aromen verwendet, wobei man grundsätzlich zwei Arten unterscheiden kann:
natürliches Aroma: Die Bezeichnung steht für ein Aroma, das durch physikalische und chemische Prozesse aus Material gewonnen wird, das nachweislich vom Menschen verzehrt wird. Dieses natürliche Aroma lässt sich noch weiter unterschieden in 4 Unterkategorien. Am Beispiel Erdbeere sind das:
“Natürliches Erdbeeraroma“: Ein solches Aroma stammt entweder ausschließlich aus Erdbeeren (z. B. Erdbeerextrakt) oder mindestens zu 95 % aus Erdbeeren. Die verbleibenden 5 % sind natürliche Aromastoffe oder Aromaextrakte, die nicht aus Erdbeeren stammen. Diese zusätzlichen Aromen dürfen auch nur abrundend wirken und den eigentlichen Geschmack nicht deutlich verändern.
„Natürliches Erdbeeraroma mit anderen natürlichen Aromen“: Bei einem solchen Aroma ist der Anteil aus Erdbeeren kleiner als 95 %. Dem Aroma können natürliche Aromastoffe oder Aromaextrakte, die nicht aus der Erdbeere stammen, beigefügt werden. Allerdings muss der Geschmack der aus Erdbeere stammenden Aromabestandteile leicht erkennbar sein.
„Natürliche Aromastoffe“: Hier sind keine extrahierten Bestandteile der Erdbeere und auch keine sonstigen Aromaextrakte enthalten. Das Aroma wurde ausschließlich aus natürlichen Aromastoffen hergestellt. Eine Bezugnahme auf den Geschmack der Erdbeere ist nicht erlaubt.
„Natürliches Aroma“: enthält natürliche Aromastoffe oder Aromaextrakte, die aus verschiedenen Ausgangsstoffen stammen. Es schmeckt nach Erdbeere, wurde aber nicht oder nur zu einem geringen Teil aus Erdbeeren gewonnen. Eine Bezugnahme auf den Geschmack der Erdbeere ist nicht zulässig.
naturidentisches / künstliches Aroma: Das ist eine Komposition aus Aromastoffen mit der gleichen molekularen Gestalt wie natürlich vorkommende Aromastoffe – sie sind also chemisch identisch, stammen aber nicht oder nur teilweise aus natürlich vorkommenden Stoffen.
Woraus diese verschieden definierten Aromen stammen ist ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis. Früher war tatsächlich Holz ein Ausgangsmaterial für die Gewinnung des Vanille-Anteils im komplexen Erdbeer-Aroma. Heute werden in der Regel synthetisch erzeugte Ausgangsstoffe verwendet und miteinander kombiniert, bis das gewünschte Aromenbouquet aus Kopf-, Herz- und Basisnote erreicht wurde.
Summer Editions bekannter Süßwaren haben häufig Erdbeer-Aroma
Selbst in den Süßigkeiten, die normalerweise nicht mit Erdbeeraroma daher kommen, gibt es ab und an Sondereditionen, gerade im Sommer! Zum Beispiel aktuell (Mai 2019) von Ferreros Giotto, Nestlés KitKat und Ferrero Rocher. Letztes Jahr gab es Nestlés After Eight mit Erdbeer-Minz-Geschmack und in den USA sind M&Ms von Mars Strawberry Nut durchaus verbreitet.
M+M von Mars als Strawberry Nut-Variante.
Salzburg Schokolade Bobby Riegel Erdbeer
Oreo Strawberry Cheesecake als Limited Edition gefunden im Juni 2019 bei Lidl.
Oreo Strawberry Chocolate Special Edition
Bereits im Sommer diesen Jahres gab es Minze-Erdbeer, ebenfalls eine naheliegende Kombination von Geschmäckern, denn sowohl Schokolade und Erdbeere als auch Minze und Erdbeere passen hervorragend zusammen. Mal schauen, wie die sich verkaufen und wie das dann weitergeht.
2018 brachte Nestlé After Eight mit Erdbeer-Aroma raus und 2019 zieht Aldi mit seinem Imitat nach: Scholetta Mints Erdbeere.
Sommeredition von mercie-Schokolade: Weiße Himbeere. ©naschkater.com
Aero-Schokolade gibt es auch von Trumpf und sogar in Erdbeer-Geschmack.
racoon Erdbeere Schokolade Bio Protein Choc 22% Protein mit Kokosblütenzucker
Whopers Milkshake Strawberry – gefunden bei Sugar Safari in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg.
Nicht nur als Tafeln – Einhorn-Schokolade gibt es auch in Stäbchenform mit rosaroter Milchcremefüllung.
Tony’s Chocolonely: Weiße Schokolade mit Erdbeerfärbung und Knisterzucker.
Storck Knoppers Erdbeere
Keks: Knoppers mit Erdbeer-Geschmack.
Hurra, eine Produktinnovation: Erfrischungsstäbchen von Chupa Chups mit Erdbeergeschmack!
Ehrliches Produkt ohne TamTam: Ganz einfach Fruchtgummies in Johannisbeere, Himbeere, Erdbeere mit Schokoladenüberzug.
Und in einer ebenfalls ungewöhnlichen Erdbeer-Minze-Schokolade-Variante – wie letztes Jahr auch die After-Eights-Edition mit Erdbeere-Minze-Schokolade. Nur eben als Dragee…
Schoko: Rocky Rice: Puffreis mit Erdbeer-Schokoladenüberzug.
Nachdem nun Storck Knoppers mit Erdeergeschmack heraus gebracht hat, gibt es nun auch den Nachahmer “Knuspi” von Finest Bakery (Hofe / Aldi Suisse) mit Erdbeere.
Grisson-DeBeukelaer Prinzenrolle mit Erdbeercreme-Füllung.
Nestlé Strawberry Cheesecake Explosion Schokoriegel
Pocky Erdbeer
Glico Pocky Strawberry Flavour Pocky with me
Zettis Schokoladentafel bambina mit der Geschmacksrichtung Erdbeer-Buttermilch.
Ein schönes Mitbringsel: Manner Wiener Herzen mit Erdbeerfüllung in der Geschenkdose.
Beeren Tartlets_Zarties Strawberry Yogurt 2
Diese Erdbeer-Waffeln Kiddylicious sind ja hübsch aufgemacht, aber geschmacklich die totale Enttäuschung: Schmecken wie Styropor! Kaum Erdbeer-Aroma, keine Süße, total trocken…! Eine Frechheit!
Ein echter Klassiker: Erdbeer-Bonbons in rotem Erdbeer-Papier
Der Fruchtsnack von Nature Addicts (N.A.) soll eine gesunde Alternative zu Gummibärchen sein. Es gibt ihn in verschiedenen Sorten, wie hier etwa in Schwarzer Johannisbeere oder Erdbeere – aber immer auf Basis von ca. 99% Apfelmuss.
…und Kuhbonbons mit Erdbeer-Lakritz-Geschmack!!! ©naschkater.com
Krüger Fritt Superfrucht Minis Erdbeere-Litschi
Fritt Kaustreifen Smoothie Style Erdbeere-Himbeere.
Zurzeit (1. Halbjahr 2018) kann man die Kaubonbons von ChupaChups in Erdbeere oder Sommerfrüchten mit 30% weniger Zucker gratis testen! Einfach Packung kaufen und Kassenbon mit Kontoverbindung hochladen.
TicTac-Varianten: Strawberry-Mix und “Mixers” Coconut nach Pina Colada.
Pop Rocks Erdbeer Strawberry Knallkaugummi
Das österreichische Pendant zu Vitraletten: Dixi Traubenzucker-Bonbons mit Erdbeergeschmack.
Hier haben wir den Klassiker in Rosa und Geld: Marshmallow-Quadrate mit Vanille- und Erdbeergeschmack. Einmal “Mallow Cubes” von hitschler/Frisia und “Chamallows” von Haribo.
Die Alien Mallows gibt es auch mit saurem Erdbeer-Geschmack. Ich weiß noch nich nicht, ob ich das Saure als störend oder besonders lecker empfinden soll.
Große weiße Mäuse und rosa und grüne Krokodile mit Erdbeer- bzw. Waldmeistergeschmack von Aseli.
Marshmallow-Erdbeeren von mellow mellow
Jimmy’s hat auch Erdbeer- und Chunky White Choclate-Popcorn im Angebot.
Tyrell’s Popcorn mit Erdbeer-Sahne-Geschmack: Richtig lecker!
Nochmal Erdbeer mit weißer Schokolade.
Karls Erdbeerhöfe sind wie ein großes Abenteuerland für Kinder. Und das Erdbeer-Popcorn schmeckt auch abenteuerlich gut.
Wieder Erdbeer-Popcorn, zusätzlich mit Weißer Schokolade aufgepeppt: UNfassbar klebrig und süß. Nicht mein Fall. Aber eine schöne knallige Verpackung mit Metalliceffekt.
Diese innovative Neuentwicklung ist beim Sweetie 2018 leider knapp am Preis vorbei geschrammt: Mikrowellenpopcorn von Chio mit Erdbeer-Geschmack! Schade, aber in der Kategorie Verpackungsdesgin herrschte extremer Konkurrenzkampf und den hat am Ende die 300 Gramm schwere Chipsfrisch-Tüte mit breiter Öffnung für sich entschieden.
Schwartau Corny Müsliriegel Strawberry Cheesecake Limited Edition. ©naschkater.com
fluff als Aufstrich (Erdbeer-Geschmack)
Grashoff Chocolat Weiße Schokolade mit Erdbeeren
Ja, es stimmt, Nutella ist auch vor allem Zucker und Fett, aber mit diesem “Special” von Winsenia wurde dieses Genre auf die Spitze getrieben: Duo Creme Erdbeer!
Cristallo (noch nie von der Marke gehört) verkauft bei Netto ein Einhorn-Eis mit Erdbeer- und Vanille-Geschmack, das sogar eine Einhorn-Form hat.
Sogar auch mit Erdbeergeschmack gibt es bei Aldi das Mucci Eiskonfekt Erdbeer-Joghurt.
Langnese Eiskrem Konfekt Erdbeere
Chicle heißt der Baumsaft, aus dem die ersten Kaugummis hergestellt wurden. Diese Packung Erdbeere-Kaugummi, die ich in Spanien gefunden habe, gehört zu BonArea.
Wrigleys EXTRA from Orbit Erdbeere
Trident (Mondelez) mit Marvel Spiderman-Motiv in der Dose, Geschmack: Erdbeere. Gefunden in Spanien.
Chupa Chups Kaugummi Big Babol Erdbeere Soft Bubble Gum
Auch das ist mal eine schöne Idee von Krüger: Ein lösliches Getränkepulver mit Erdbeer-Thymian-Geschmack. ©Krüger
Auch mit dem Instantgetränk Erdbeer-Weiße-Schokolade-Geschmack als Einhorn-Edition: “Hopse lecker” war Krüger ein Trendsetter. ©naschkater.com
Die Mischung Himbeere mit Erdbeere habe ich bei Marmeladeschon mal gesehen, aber Erdbeere mit Kirsche noch nie wie bei diesem Tee von “Captains Tea”.
Wenn das keine Süßigkeit ist: Meßmer-Tee mit den Geschmacksrichtungen Strawberry Cheesecake und Schoko-Kirsch-Brownie!
Erdbeer-Kaffee? Warum nicht! Mensch, seid doch nicht immer alle so anti! Schön mit Milch und Zucker…
Das ist mal ein kreatives Produkt: Hochwalds rosa Sprühsahne mit Erdbeergeschmack und Flamingo auf der Dose!
Albert Heijn Wasser mit Erdbeer-geschmack (sehr süß!) mit Schlumpf-Motiven (gefunden bei Albert Heijn in Tschechien). ©naschkater.com
Diesen Ingwer-Shot gibt es auch mit Erdbeere, dann heißt er “Pink Gingery”
Baileys Strawberry+Cream (Aldi Nord Juni 2019). Überraschend teuer mit über 16 Euro pro Flasche.
Heiko Blume Erdbeer Liqueur
Herrliche Schweinerei: Ein Sahnelikör mit Strawberry Cheesecake-Geschmack. Leider nicht online bei Berentzen-Shop vorrätig – habe es schon probiert… Immerhin gab es dort noch Pistazien-Sahnelikör. Auch nicht übel.
Rosafarbener Erdbeer-Sahne-Likör namens “Happy End”.
Special Editions bei Süßigkeiten: Sondereditionen mit Erdbeergeschmack Erdbeergeschmack gehört zu den klassischsten, am weitest verbreiteten Aromen in der gesamten Genuss- und Lebensmittelwelt überhaupt: …
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