#sah danbi
sah-crescentmoon · 23 hours
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I haven't properly introduced her yet, but this is Iseul. A rabbit OC. With this image, it related more to her backstory. But, currently she is a rabbit drill sergeant (so she has a different outfit). She's friends with Dalbit (his name may change). And she is sure that he is willing to betray Flower Hill. Why she hasn't reported him is something she isn't sure on.
Short story about her backstory under the cut. CW: death (not graphic, but I still want to give a CW in case someone doesn't want to read it).
The Sky Lied:
Her eyes burned immediately as she opened the door. It took a while before Iseul could open her eyes. Once her eyes adjusted, Iseul quickly took note of the clear blue sky and the shining sun. It's been a while since the sky was clear after thunderstorms rocked the region. It seemed like today, the sky was promising a good day.
"Ah, the sun has finally shown itself, hasn't it?" Danbi, Iseul's older sister, said. Iseul turned to see that Danbi was looking at her. Iseul nodded. Danbi chuckled as she placed a satgat on her head. "Can you please check on the crops? I'm going to check up on our neighbors."
"Huh? Oh, yeah," Iseul said. Danbi tilted her head. As if she expected Iseul to say something else. Iseul sighed. "Please come back soon. I heard the battlefield has been getting closer." Danbi sighed herself. She hugged her little sister. Iseul didn't like hugs much, but she knew her sister did. So, she gave her a hug back.
"Iseul, I promise to be back soon, ok? The battlefields are still many miles away from us. So, let's focus on what's happening now," Danbi softly said as she patted her head. Iseul nodded. Danbi has never lied to her. She has never broken a promise. Everything should be fine. Danbi soon left the farm, leaving Iseul with the crops and her thoughts.
The rain had flooded the crops, and Iseul groaned. The canal her parents made wasn't deep enough to prevent the flooding of the crops this time. Iseul will need to find a way to divert the canal to push the water further away from the crops. For now, she needed to check on the crops.
"Damn," she whispered. All the crops that grew underground were flooded. They aren't salvageable at all. She would need to remove them. The other crops, like lettuce and cabbages, were also covered in flood waters. She'd need to get rid of them too. Luckily, the tomatoes and cucumbers were above flood waters. So they can be left alone. Iseul wanted to go ahead and remove all the flooded crops, but she also wanted her sister to return. She was more of an expert on these sorts of things. For now, Iseul headed back to the house. Leaving the scorching sun and clear blue sky behind.
"Iseul!" Iseul blinked. Who was calling her? She yawned. But her eyes snapped open as she was being shaken by someone. Iseul quickly took note of her sister's presence. Her eyes were wide as plates, and she was breathing heavily. "Get up! You need to hide!" Before Iseul could ask what in the world was happening, Danbi pulled her to the floor and got her on her feet. "Get in and don't say anything!"
"W-What? What's going on? Eonni?" Iseul asked. Danbi, with tears in her eyes, hugged her tightly. Iseul was shocked. Danbi hasn't hugged her this tightly since the death of her parents. Something was terribly wrong. She hugged her sister back without thinking of her dislike of it. "Eonni?!" Danbi covered her mouth and shushed her.
"No matter what. Stay hidden. Don't you dare come out or make a sound," she said. She pushed Iseul behind the false wall and closed it. Iseul tried to open it, but Danbi must have put something in the way so it couldn't be opened. She wanted to scream for her dear sister. But loud sounds erupted. She could hear screaming from an unknown man and her sister. Soon, loud popping sounds, then silence. Iseul covered her mouth in shock. Was it the enemies? She could hear the place being ransacked. Iseul silently cried as there was nothing she could do about it. Danbi, my sister. Please come back. I'm scared. I need you.
It must have been hours that Iseul remained hidden. Finally, the place was silent. Iseul bodyslammed the door multiple times until it finally opened. She gasped as she noticed her room was a mess! All her clothes were thrown, and her pictures as well. She gathered all the intact family pictures. She placed them in her pocket. She will never let them go. Iseul looked at the open door. She needed to find her sister, but she also needed to find that strange smell that flooded her sense of smell, too. It was a horrible smell.
Danbi's room was empty. And Iseul knew she would never go into her parents' room as they both told each other that the room should be preserved. Time to check the living room. Iseul gasped as she noticed her sister on the ground and a pool of red around her. She ran to her and kneeled down. "Eonni! Danbi! W-Wake up!" Danbi's eyes turned to look at her. "I-I'll get help! Just please stay awake!"
"I-Iseul. No. I-I won't survive. Lis-Listen to me," Danbi said. Iseul wanted to yell at her! She was going to live! She was going to live! She can't die now! Her eyes were watery. Danbi gave a small smile. "I hope I was... a good sister... I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I love you so much." Tears fell from both sisters' eyes as they cried.
"O-Of course you are a good sister! You've always been a good sister ever since Mom and Dad adopted me! You've never been a bad sister! I-I love you too," Iseul cried out. She leaned down and gave her sister a kiss on the cheek. Danbi did the same. By the time Iseul lifted her head, her sister's eyes were blank, and the tears stopped. Iseul checked her pulse... Nothing. Iseul couldn't stop crying. She was never an emotional person, but she cried so much. Iseul finally took notice of the setting sun. She should bury her sister.
After collecting what she needed from the house and for the burial, she finally took her sister's body outside. She dug a hole that was quite deep. She grabbed her sister's body and gently placed it into the hole. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry I c-can't even give you a proper burial," Iseul whispered. She hopped out of the hole and covered it. She stayed until the moon rose. She stared at the moon and the clear starry sky. It seemed like the sky was promising a good night like it did this morning. So, then, why?
Note: Iseul and Danbi both promised that if the war got too close then they would flee to Flower Hill since they lived of the outskirts of the country. So after the burial, Iseul fled to Flower Hill. She carried anything she could that reminded her of her family. She didn't even care to bring extra clothes or money. None of that mattered. Flower Hill citizens later on helped her out with necessities.
I also tried to draw her in a more traditional Korean farmer's outfit. But, finding images were hard and I think I made the vest too high. So, it looks like a regular outfit.
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