#sage dohau
Xatlyn-Sage End Bosses
Kingdom Hearts II
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Yes, I did try to make Xatlyn look like a Sailor Moon villain. Let’s just get the obvious out of the way.
You fight Xatlyn after you defeat Demyx, Saïx, Luxord, Xigbar, and Ettrax. Almost all of them tell you to “Go easy on her” and “She’s more broken. Be gentle.” When they tell you, you wouldn’t know who they’re talking about. Being the only Nobody who is known to have grown a heart, Xatlyn is a lot more sensitive and can have her heart broken more easily than the others. This makes her a very unstable boss to fight.
You first fight Xatlyn when you make your way to the Alter of Naught. She’s almost in tears, thinking about the loss of her friends. She takes her anger and sadness out on you as she separates you from everyone else. You defeat her you’re sent back to the Alter of Naught.
From the Alter of Naught, you can see Xatlyn floating near the false Kingdom Hearts. Only this time, she has a Keyblade in her hand.
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Xatlyn disappears into Kingdom Hearts, leaving a door for you to follow her into. After walking through the door, Kairi and Queen Minnie are separated from the group, only Daisy, Clarabelle, and Lauriam with you.
Making your way through the fragmented city, you find Xatlyn, but this time she’s wearing gold and silver full body armor, very indicative of Keyblade armor from way back when.
You defeat Xatlyn a second time, sending you back to The Alter of Naught. This time, Keyblade falling from her hand, Xatlyn fades away. The Keyblade with her.
Almost everyone besides you and Lauriam make it out through a Dark Corridor while you two get stuck.
While searching the castle for another way out, you find another Dark Corridor. This one leads to a white room with a man in a black hood sitting on a chair. He is alive, but only just. Xemnas.
As you walk up to him, a shadowy presence finds its way into the room, perching on top of the throne. It is Sage, Xatlyn’s heartless counterpart. As she tries to harm Xemnas, you need to protect his almost lifeless body.
She manages to get the upper hand and disappears into the castle, possessing it from the inside and using Xemnas’ almost lifeless body as a vessel.
You defeat her and she sinks into the floor, possessing the castle and using Xemnas’ body anyway.
You defeat Sage a second time only to be sent to The Abyss. Xatlyn (in the outfit from the picture) is here, practically stating her title as Countess of The Abyss. She says that she’s highly disappointed in you for not keeping Xemnas safe and allowing her heartless counterpart to use him as a vessel. Having him be killed in the process.
You fight Xatlyn a third time, this time while she’s using all the powers and weapons of all past Organization Members. From Larxene’s knives and Etrrax’s Force to Demyx’s sitar and Méxnnia’s Light, Xatlyn really brings the pain with her late friends powers and abilities. And considering you’re fighting her in The Abyss (one of her domains), she’s extra strong.
After defeating her, you and Lauriam are greeted by a light shining in the distance. It leads you to the Realm of Darkness, where you find Kairi’s letter.
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kingdom-hearts-last · 2 years
Hispanic Representation in My Version of Kingdom Hearts
I am Hispanic, but I don’t speak the language. That being said, I’m gonna want so kind of Hispanic representation in this alternate universe.
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All of Kida’s family (minus her father) are Hispanic, but she’s the only one who took the time to learn the language. Lauriam couldn’t care less and Kairi isn’t smart in the language area. Kida can hold a decent conversation in Spanish.
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Being Kida’s Nobody, she should know some Spanish, but she doesn’t. She spends most of her time (outside of missions) with Axel, who doesn’t know anything about the language. Poor girl.
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I’m not ashamed to admit that Roxas only learned Spanish to impress Kida. He’s not Hispanic whatsoever, I just wanted to bring that up.
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Being a partial replica of Kida, he actually does know Spanish and his Spanish is nurtured through his adoptive mother teaching him. He can very well hold a conversation and the Spanish sometimes slips out at random moments.
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To be honest, most Hispanic characters are either related to Kida or Xatlyn. There’s no one else. Xatlyn helps Ventus with his own Spanish language.
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Sage also has Hispanic backgrounds as much as Xatlyn. She doesn’t really help anyone with the language, though.
Hayner, Pence, and Olette
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Being the children of Sage, the do have Hispanic background. They don’t speak Spanish most of the time, but it does slip out sometimes.
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kingdom-hearts-last · 2 years
The Author Post
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After recompletion, Talyn ends up back in Halloween Town. They try to stay away from Master Xehanort. They had forgotten all about Kairi, Ventus, Kaili, and Vanitas.
The Real Organization arrives in Halloween Town and threatens the life of Jack Skellington, Talyn’s best friend, to force them into The Organization.
After Sage was defeated by Kida, Naminé, and Ventus, and Xatlyn was taken down by Xemnas, Talyn comes back and is revealed to be the person, or at least the current vessel of the person, who manipulated the timeline. Kida kills them out of rage, splitting back to their Hearless and Nobody.
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kingdom-hearts-last · 2 years
Talyn Post
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Talyn is the current vessel of Luxu. They are the only apprentice trained by Master Leia. After passing their Mark of Mastery, Talyn and Terra move to Radiant Garden.
While Terra became an apprentice to Ansem The Wise, Talyn was in charge of security for Ansem’s daughters, Kairi and Kida. Most of the time, Kairi sticks to Talyn like glue.
Talyn was tricked by Riku, who’s body was taken over by Master Xehanort, to go on a dangerous quest, leaving Kairi alone at Radiant Garden.
When they returned to Radiant Garden, they found out that Kairi had been taken away. After receiving the news, Talyn let their heart be overtaken by the darkness.
A dark corridor takes Talyn to Halloween Town, where they split into their Heartless and their Nobody.
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kingdom-hearts-last · 2 years
Sage Post
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Sage is the heartless of the current vessel of Luxu. She starts out as a Search Ghost Darkling and evolves to look like her somebody over time.
Hayner, Pence, and Olette are her biological kids.
She is the biggest simp for Ansem; The Seeker of Darkness.
Sage starts out as a silent wonderer, then as a friend to Kida, then an enemy. After finishing off Xemnas, she met her own end via Kida and Lauriam.
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kingdom-hearts-last · 2 years
Songs That Match The New Characters In This AU:
The Author:
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