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Former Russian inmates who received amnesty in exchange for fighting with Wagner Group in Ukraine have started committing new crimes back at home, according to the independent Russian news site Verstka. Journalists from the outlet examined public records to learn what new criminal cases have been opened against the ex-convicts in recent months. Meanwhile, the Russian authorities are doing their best to remove the offenders’ new charges from public records. On top of that, the fact that they received amnesty means the maximum sentences these Wagner veterans can receive are lighter than the ones repeat offenders would ordinarily get. Meduza summarizes Verstka’s findings.
On June 13, Vladimir Putin met with military bloggers at the Kremlin. One of the topics of discussion was the amnesty granted to former prisoners who served in Wagner Group and who have continued to break the law after returning home from Ukraine. Putin stated the men should be held accountable “to the fullest extent of the law, no matter what happens,” adding that the recidivism rate among veterans who fought in Ukraine is only 0.4 percent. Later, Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin said that 32,000 former prisoners have returned home after serving out contracts with Wagner Group, and that only 0.25 percent of them have gone on to commit new crimes.
There’s no reliable data on how often ex-convicts returning from Ukraine go on to break the law again, but court records suggest it’s becoming more and more common.
High-profile crimes
In the spring of 2023, multiple pardoned Wagner Group fighters who returned to Russia after fighting in Ukraine were charged with murder and pedophilia. In March, for example, according to investigators, 28-year-old Ivan Rossomakhin murdered an 85-year-old woman in the Kirov region. In April, 31-year-old Demyan Kevorkyan allegedly killed two children’s mascot performers in the Krasnodar region. If the war in Ukraine weren’t going on, both men would still be serving sentences in prison: Demyan Kevorkyan was sentenced to 18 years in 2016 for robbery and murder, and Rossomarkhin was sentenced to 14 years for similar offenses in 2020.
Another crime linked to a pardoned Wagner Group fighter occurred in Novosibirsk, where a 42-year-old man was charged with sexually abusing two children in May. His full name was not disclosed in public records.
All three of the defendants were arrested. The authorities have not released any information about their cases since their arrests.
Causing the overdose of a minor
On April 28, Russian media reported on the death of a 16-year-old girl from the town of Safonovo. According to the reports, the girl died as the result of a drug overdose, and a 24-year-old man was charged with providing her the substance that caused it. The outlet Readovka67.ru, citing its own sources, wrote that the suspect served in Wagner Group and participated in the “special military operation.”
Verstka determined that a district court initially ordered for the man to be put on house arrest, but the Smolensk Regional Court canceled the ruling and ordered a review of the case. The suspect is facing 15 years in prison for causing the death of a minor by inciting her to use drugs, though his relatives deny that he’s guilty.
According to court files, the suspect in the case is a man named Konstantin Zaikin from Yartsevo, a town in the Smolensk region. He has been convicted of drug-related offenses three times before and has sought addiction treatment for himself. Before receiving amnesty for his Wagner Group service, he was supposed to remain in prison until 2026. Instead, he was pardoned in August 2022.
Large-scale theft
According to court records, on March 30, a pardoned former Wagner Group fighter named Mikhail Shilayev was arrested for two months in the city of Michurinsk on charges of large-scale theft. Shilayev failed to appear at a hearing for his case on June 27 for unknown reasons, and there is no official information about the details of his alleged offense in local media or on official databases.
Back in 2020, however, a Khimki court sentenced Shilayev to seven years in prison for theft and fraud. In 2017 and 2019, he was twice convicted, also for theft and fraud.
Another veteran of the war in Ukraine stole 595,000 rubles ($6,589) in the Voronezh region. His name is unknown, but according to court records, he was previously pardoned by the Russian president.
Armed disorderly conduct
A court in Russia’s Tambov region upheld the arrest of a suspect for allegedly committing “armed disorderly conduct,” which is punishable by up to seven years in prison. The ruling states that the suspect was previously pardoned by presidential decree, but instead of a name gives only the person’s initials. According to records from a lower court in the region, the suspect is a man named Nikolai Seryogin who attacked a convenience store employee with a metal pipe.
Other court files indicate that Seryogin was previously convicted at least three times for theft and driving under the influence. In September 2019, he was sentenced to four years in prison. In 2022, he went to Ukraine.
Grievous bodily harm
In May, the Karelia region’s Supreme Court refused to put Yury Teterin, who had previously been pardoned by presidential decree, under house arrest. According to records from a district court in the region, Teterin has been under arrest since April on charges of causing grievous bodily harm as part of a group. He faces up to 12 years in prison.
No information about the crime has appeared in local media or on the websites of the Karelia police, the regional investigative committee, or the regional prosecutor’s office.
According to public court records, Teterin was sentenced to a total of 11 years in prison in December 2021 for committing theft on multiple occasions.
Before that, Teterin had been convicted six times, including for car theft, violence against an official, and breaking and entering. In the spring of 2021, he was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm that led to death after he beat a drinking companion to death.
While many veterans of the war against Ukraine have lengthy criminal records, they can count on lenient treatment from the Russian justice system. Putin’s demand that former fighters be prosecuted “to the fullest extent of the law” is no longer possible: when Russians are pardoned, their former convictions are wiped from their records, which means their past offenses can no longer serve as aggravating circumstances that allow for lengthier sentences.
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Massive Explosion Near Russia's Arctic Naval Base Sparks Theories
Newsweek By Maya Mehrara Published Dec 20, 2024 at 12:14 PM EST Two massive explosions took place near Russia’s Arctic naval base last night and have consequently sparked theories online about what exploded and how as it is unclear, according to the independent Russian news outlet Agentstvo’s Telegram post. Residents of the cities of Murmansk and Safonovo, as well as the town of Severomorsk, in…
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The court in Safonovo today began to consider another administrative case against Ilya Yashin for a foreign agency. Due to the fact that Roskomnadzor clumsily completed the documents, the meeting was postponed to March 14. But Yashin managed to deliver his speech, rhyming it “in the style of Zhenya Berkovich.” Your Honor, please take into account, that in Russia you can sit down for words and jokes, speech patterns, for drawings, memes, jokes, for the story about the duck's house... There are simply no healthy boundaries if you are a foreign agent. Your Honor, here before you a man who thirsts so that the war ends. I'm sure she - the heavy cross of the entire people, who exchanged freedom to empty promises, to evil messages, to the empire of deceit and – the ambitions of a tyrant. Your Honor, understand: revenge - that's the real reason legal arbitrariness and cruel trial regarding me and other people who dare call war war defending the honor of the Fatherland and saving her flag from bloody shame, when brother was betrayed by brother. I'm branded a foreign agent they want to stick it on your chest swindlers and hypocrites, opening the way our Motherland to the dull servant girl roles for imposing Beijing, where they are fed directly from your hand. Your Honor, I have pride openly declare to you: I won't humiliate myself to be a coward, to cry and pray you about a lenient sentence. I feel more comfortable living his years let in captivity, but worthy and passing the path is thorny, without reconciling with the will of the evil leader. Die is cast. I will continue to defend my country from a mad tyrant, which spreads darkness everywhere. Citizen judge you can do it too don't tarnish your honor. You just have to not be scared acquit the political prisoner. Believe: the sacrifice is not in vain. This is all. Today is that time.
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Мама ❤️ #firuzleestar #alimovfiruz #dmitrov #safonovo (at Счатье) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJfigd6pMFJ/?igshid=1r5jmqjfwxxjj
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#你以為諜報片的劇本都是塑膠膩 『如果人類要發起一場革命,也唯有上帝知道何時結束。』 2月16日知名壽星:「紅色拿破崙」圖哈切夫斯基(Mikhail Nikolayevich #Tukhachevsky,1893-1937) 叱吒風雲的歐陸一代名將,誕生於昔日俄羅斯帝國遠西薩福諾沃(#Safonovo)一個據傳流著早年西歐人血脈的傳統貴族世家,圖哈切夫斯基,擁有當年舉世難得的軍事才華,全身上下更充滿著作戰細胞,從以中尉身分投入第一次世界大戰,直到成為蘇聯紅軍軍官參與「俄國內戰」(#Russian Civil War),戰功彪炳的他,十分受到長官們的賞識,除了成功保衛莫斯科之外,更鎮壓了反叛方的白軍與農民起義事件,雖然當中他允許下令使用不合法的毒氣,同時大規模處決無辜老弱人質,但在「政治正確」之下,25歲即破格晉身中將,西元1925年,也就是才32歲左右,圖哈切夫斯基更直接登上蘇聯紅軍總參謀長(Chief of the #General Staff)一職。 . 身為橫跨俄羅斯帝國與蘇聯紅軍兩個世代的傑出將領,圖哈切夫斯基被當時蘇共領導人史達林(Joseph #Stalin,1878-1953)視為是國內最具威脅性的「小拿破崙」。而在「蘇波戰役」的逆轉敗北與深刻反思下,其針對實際對壘上的「縱深作戰」(Deep #battle)理論,和前線通訊聯繫受阻的窘境,他亦親自主導了稍後蘇聯軍團的全面機械化��現代化,更大膽導入了第一支空中突擊特種部隊���如此遠見,也讓他42歲時再次締造紀錄,晉階為蘇聯紅軍建軍史上,最早一批被授予「元帥」(#Marshal of the #Soviet Union)封號的軍事領袖之一! . 然而,這位百年難覓的將領,卻在西元1937年間蘇聯所展開的軍方肅反「大清洗」行動中,莫名被捲入間諜案風暴,在不公開的秘密審判下,圖哈切夫斯基和其餘高級軍官一同被情治單位認定與納粹德國往來密切,更在嚴厲的酷刑「伺候」下,完成了一份血跡斑斑的通敵自白書,承認受到納粹特務的收買。同年6月11日午夜,圖氏被歸類成萬惡不赦的叛國者,在現場沒有辯護律師、被告亦不得上訴的情況下,被判處唯一死刑,並即刻槍決,一顆閃亮的紅色星星,就此殞落,可悲的是,他的妻子與兄弟同樣遭到連坐,三人均慘死於蘇共槍口之下。 . 直到西元1956年,蘇聯政權改由赫魯雪夫(Nikita Khrushchev,1894-1971)上台執政,莫斯科當局藉由「蘇共二十大」最高會議重啟調查,才得以替圖哈切夫斯基洗清冤屈,給予正式全面性平反,更為其發行專屬郵票以做為緬懷。 . 看到這裡,問題來了,圖哈切夫斯基到底是被誰栽贓的呢? . 根據今日部分已解密的資料顯示,過去提供蘇聯情治機構有關圖哈切夫斯基與納粹德國交好之通訊資料來源者,其實就來自於納粹本身!而且幕後操盤偽造紀錄的首謀,正是當年納粹國家安全總局局長,海德里希(Reinhard Heydrich,1904-1942)…因為就希特勒等德國高層的縝密布局,先用計除掉圖哈切夫斯基,消滅蘇聯大半的領導優勢後,納粹才能夠輕鬆打入紅軍的陣地,亦順勢入侵東方陣線,擴大統治範圍,所以德國情報人員決定來個假造資料,以假亂真來混淆視聽,藉自相殘殺來完成攻擊目標! . 但更讓人膽戰心驚的是,有一些軍事學者指出,納粹可能也只是在圖氏通敵案���裡扮演著「過水」或是「點火」的配角位置,真正的「藏鏡人」,就是畏懼圖氏勢力不斷坐大的史達林...回歸套路去脈,最早乃是蘇聯官方有意無意的透露或暗示出史、圖雙方莫須有的嫌隙,納粹情報員獲悉了假情報後予以利用,交由德國方面偽造正式的虛偽文件,然後再將此雙重偽造下的不實檔案送交莫斯科,也順勢完成史達林剷除異己的拼圖,圖氏忠黨愛國,此刻反而成為無法形容的諷刺。 . 插曲:據傳言,圖哈切夫斯基生前曾短暫在莫斯科向某人教授過軍事戰術學...而這位「某人」呢,則是中國近代赫赫有名的大人物,更是台北市蔣萬安立法委員的祖父喔。 . #歷史 #二戰 #蘇聯 #水瓶座 #俄羅斯 #birthday #photo #history #story #spy #hero #life #time #russia #war #death #sad #february https://www.instagram.com/p/B8nE0GVHLUq/?igshid=awie845vvu47
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Wooden Airports in Russia:
Seymchan Airport (Seymchan, Magadan Oblast).
This airport opened in 1944 for ALSIB, the Soviet section of the Alaska-Siberia air route that was part of the WW2 Lend-Lease Program. This is the only ALSIB airport still in operation today. Passengers can take a plane from Seymchan to Magadan (the capital of the oblast), and there are charter flights for geologists.
Solovki Airport (Solovetsky Islands, Arkhangelsk Oblast).
The airport was built before WW2, and was used by the Soviet Air Force during the war. During the winter, the airport is the only connection between the Solovetsky Islands and the outside world (as the ferries only run in summer), but even then it depends on weather conditions.
The airport can be reached on foot, and is located near the Solovetsky Monastery. There are flights from Arkhangelsk several times a week, and additional flights from Murmansk in the summer.
Mezen Airport (Mezen, Arkhangelsk Oblast).
Mezen Airport was originally a weather station (built in 1883), operating under the authority of the Russian Geographical Society, but in practice run by single individuals. Observations suitable for aviation began in 1939, and from 1942, the weather station was used to support flights.
The airport is reached by the town's only bus. It has several flights each week to Arkhangelsk (capital of the oblast), as well as to the remote settlements of Koyda, Moseyevo and Safonovo.
Airport at Letnyaya Zolotitsa (Arkhangelsk Oblast).
Letnyaya Zolotitsa is a small Pomor settlement on the coast of the White Sea, with a population of 158 in 2010. It has had its own airport since the 1960s. Flights leave to Arkhangelsk twice a week, but the settlement can also be reached by sea in the summer. Close to the village is a rockery of Greenland seals.
Belaya Gora Airport (Sakha Republic).
This airport has a year-round direct air connection with Yakutsk, the regional capital of the Sakha Republic; it also has flights to neighbouring remote settlements. The settlement of Belaya Gora (“White Mountain”) is situated on the right bank of the Indigirka River.
Olenyok Airport (Sakha Republic).
This is another regional airport operated by a Yakut village. It has regular flights to Yakutsk and other remote settlements in the region. The airport is located in the village, within walking distance of the centre.
#history#military history#aviation history#transportation#architecture#ww2#home front#lend-lease#northwest staging route#alsib#soviet architecture#ussr#siberia#magadan oblast#arkhangelsk oblast#sakha republic#seymchan#magadan#solovetsky islands#mezen#letnyaya zolotitsa#belaya gora#olenyok
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iPhone 5s White. Замена дисплея. #iPhone5s#iPhoneremont#ramenskoe#safonovo#remontiphone#zamenadispleya#zamenamodulya#iphone (at Ramensky District)
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Russian Navy Northern Fleet Pantsir-S1 Fends Off Mock Air Attack at Guarded Object
Russian Navy Northern Fleet Pantsir-S1 Fends Off Mock Air Attack at Guarded Object #military #militaryleak #defense #defence
The Russian Navy Northern Fleet aviation and air defense units carried out the first ever complex exercise on fending off an air attack on the guarded site near the Safonovo naval aerodrome in the Murmansk Region. The exercise involved over 10 vehicles and 100 personnel, including the Ka-29 assault helicopter crew, unmanned aviation and security units. The exercise participants practiced solving…
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Земельный участок https://ru.atto.kz/obyavlenie/zemelnyy-uchastok-safonovo-smolenskaya-oblast-rossiya-biznes-prodazha-pokupka-biznesa-drugie-vidy-biznesa https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZWl6QDdSH/?igshid=18ka4ighjzww0
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В гости приходил Лимон, Пират был очень зол😄 . #деревнястайл #кот #кошкиправятмиром #кошкилучшелюдей #инстакот #люблюкошек #собака #котпиратвсемурад #cats #catsagram #catlover #ilovemycat #instagramcats #catlife (at Safonovo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bye4gj1C8V-/?igshid=u9ohmh5lstyv
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Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот
Бронировать https://stepdream.com/dzhanhot/safonovo
Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот
Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот
Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот
Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот
Гостиница "Сафоново", Джанхот Read the full article
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Жизненно!!! (Я сам её раскручу) Монтаж @firuzleestar Звук режиссер @firuzleestar Girl @vika_efimenkova16 #firuzlee #firuzleestar #flssafonova #fls9км #firvines (at Safonovo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcutphhiNF/?igshid=6bn9h3bcx44k
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Закрытый нелегальный нефтезавод в Сафоново "открывал" губернатор Островский
Открытие предприятия происходило в 2012 году. На деле "инвестиционный проект" превратился в банальное воровство.
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According to the report of the Russian news network, according to the report of the Russian company, on October 29, local time, it was undergoing overhaul at the PD-50 floating dock of the 82nd ship repairing plant (SRZ-82) of Safonovo, Murmansk region, Russia. The "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier had an emergency and the PD-50 floating dock sank.
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13 DELFIN Автономная канализация. Септик для дома и дачи. Монтаж доверяйте профессионалам.💪 🔵DELFIN PRO - Европейская автономная канализация. Описание ⬇️: ✅ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ : MBBR И АВТОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ЦИРКУЛЯЦИЯ ИЛА ✅БЕЗ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСТВА ПРОДОЛЖАЕТ РАБОТАТЬ КАК СЕПТИК ✅БЕЗ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ ПО СОСТАВУ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМОЙ ХИМИИ ✅САМОЕ НИЗКОЕ ЭНЕРГОПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ: 0,36 кВт/ДЕНЬ ✅3 РЕЖИМА АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ РАБОТЫ СТАНЦИИ ✅НЕ УЯЗВИМ К ОСТАТКАМ ПИЩИ И ВОЛОСАМ ✅ГАРАНТИЯ ОТ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЯ 10 ЛЕТ ✅АВТОМАТИКА ВНЕ ВЛАЖНОЙ СРЕДЫ ✅ПРОИЗВОДСТВО С 1993 ГОДА ✅СТЕПЕНЬ ОЧИСТКИ: 98% ✅РЕДКИЙ СЕРВИС ✅БЕЗ ЗАПАХА 🔝САМАЯ ЛУЧШАЯ АВТОНОМНАЯ КАНАЛИЗАЦИЯ . ... #коментарий #напишимне #комменты #отзывы #комментируй #коментариев #девушки #комментатор #напишите #люди #инстаграм #коммент #комент #комментарии #отзыв #коменты #комментарийвзаимно #инстаграманет #инстатаг #напиши #парни #комментариев #комментируйте #комментируем #коментарии #комментарий (at Safonovo)
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Suicide Invoice, Part 2 Screenshot on the front page of the Safonovo Central District Hospital's website 14-Year-Old Girl Writes Letter to Putin, Kills Herself…
#letter#poverty#Radio Svoboda#Russian teenagers#Safonovo#Smolensk Region#suicide#the good tsar#Vladimir Putin#workers&039; rights
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