#safe homme
carnavoyeur · 1 year
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Queens of the Stone Age @ Southside Festival 2023
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leclerc-hs · 6 months
I have more ideas for the nanny Charles ficcccc
Hb she picks up the kid at school but they didn’t plan it properly and while she’s picking her up, Charles also shows up just in time to see the teacher flirting with her
hi! just felt like writing something quick while I had the time! sorry if its not anything special!! i've been missing single dad charles (even though he isn't single anymore) lmaooo.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
CHARLES WASN’T ALWAYS considered a possessive person. At least, before you he wasn’t. So, it was safe to say he was taken aback when he arrived at his daughter’s school for pick-up and discovered you engaged in a conversation with her teacher—a young male teacher, no less. A peculiar sensation tightened in his chest, an emotion that seemed to exclusively arise whenever you were involved.
As Charles’ gaze shifted towards the school playground, he spotted his daughter amidst a sea of vibrant activity. Her joyful screams danced through the air, painting a picture of pure happiness as she engaged in playful antics with her friends. The sounds of the children’s laughter filled the atmosphere, intertwining with the gentle breeze that rustled through the nearby trees. Despite the lively scene before him, Charles couldn’t shake off the disquieting feeling in his chest as his eyes trailed back to you and said teacher.
Your hands gestured animatedly as you conversed, your smiles mirroring each other’s enthusiasm. Charles couldn’t help but notice the effortless connection between you, accentuated by the fluidity of your gestures and the genuine joy reflected in your expressions. Each movement seemed to punctuate the camaraderie shared between you, further deepening the sense of unease gnawing at Charles’s insides.
As Charles strode up to where you and the teacher stood, he was able to catch the tail end of the teacher’s words-- “Veux-tu aller diner un jour?” Get dinner sometime?
You were unable to provide a response before Charles was cutting into the conversation abruptly. “Que fais-tu ici?” What are you doing here?
“Cha! Que fais-tu ici?” What are you doing here? As you echo his words with a smile dancing on your lips, Charles pushes his sunglasses up onto his head, his undivided attention fixated solely on you, as if the presence of the teacher had completely faded into the background.
“Mr. Leclerc, enchantè de te voir!” Nice to see you! Charles eyes narrowed as he snapped his head to the teacher, his fingers reaching out to land on the small of your back as he pulled you closer to him. Laying his claim.
You noticed the small, but very fake smile, pull onto his lips. Noah, the teacher whose name you learned just recently, trailed his eyes back to meet yours. As if he was disregarding Charles caveman-like behavior. 
“So?” Noah tilted his head, still awaiting your answer, like Charles wasn’t even there.
You felt Charles slip his hand into the back pocket of your jeans, his fingers giving your butt a firm squeeze. 
Your cheeks were tinged with red under the gaze of both males. You opened your mouth, ready to give a response, when Charles cut you off.
“Désolé, mais nous devons partir.” Sorry, but we must get going. He started, the ease in your chest growing. “Soirée en amoureux et tout ça.” Date night and all that.
He pulled you close, your back now turned towards the teacher as Charles guided you towards the playground, his hand still resting in the back pocket of your jeans. With a swift glance over his shoulder, Charles caught Noah’s eyes briefly lingering on his hand in your back pocket before meeting Charles’s gaze. Charles gave him a quick wink, before turning his head back to you with a smirk pulled on his lips.
“Tu es vraiment un homme des cavernes.” You are such a caveman. You give him a small nudge, although a smile was pulled onto your lips.
“Il veut ce qui m’appartient.” He wants what’s mine.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic antics although you felt your stomach clench at his words. Mine.
Charles brought his lips to the shell of your ear, tucking some of your hair behind it in the process. “Seems like you need a reminder, hm?”
You raised an eyebrow. A reminder?
“When we get home, je vais te lecher de partout.” I’m going to lick every inch of you.  Your breath hitched. “Jusqu’à ce que tu ne puisses dire que mon nom.” Untill it’s only my name you can say.
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
summary : Max and you talked, so charles got jealous...
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : +18. SMUT, oral(female receiving), dirty talk, badly translated french and italian, curse words, unprotected sex (be safe!)
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You were standing in the Red Bull racing garage speaking with Daniel, Christian and max. Charles had just gotten a DNF, while Max was the first one on the podium.
Charles stormed into the Red Bull garage, said hello to the three of them and got a hold of your wrist, so he could pull you with him into his driver's room. Once you both were in his room and stood in front of him. 
"Vous a-t-il touché?" he said in a low growl. Approaching you like a predator catching his prey.  His eyes were a storm. His face was touched with... violence. Did he touch you?
" Pourquoi la merde vous en soucie-t-elle?" You snapped, not getting why he was suddenly so interested in your love life. He was close enough to fill your senses with his scent. Why the fuck do you care?
"Answer my fucking question, mia cara." charles snapped back. 
"And what if he did?" You were playing with fucking fire, you knew it, but you couldn't seem to stop challenging him.
His hands were trembling when they reached for you. You sucked in a sharp breath when his hot skin touched you around his neck very lightly. His breath hit your lips when he dangerously deep said :
"Then he will be a dead man at the end of the day. I'm going to repeat this question for the very last time, ma jolie fille. DID. HE. PUT. HIS. HAND. ON. YOU?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, anger vibrated in your veins. Only through clenched teeth, you managed to say, "Not yet. But that doesn't mean-" his mouth crashed onto yours, stopping you from forming, your sentence any further.
You wanted to push him away. You wanted to pull him closer. Not only that, but you wanted to taste every part of his body. You bit your lip. You could taste his blood on his tongue when he pushed it right in to your mouth.
Having you breathless all over again. It looked like he was forcing himself to pull away from you. Like you were acid that he didn't want to touch when he lowly said through heavy breaths.
"S’il vous a touché ce qui vous semble, ce qui a du goût et qui ressemble au mien, il sera un homme mort, vengeur. Vous détenez le pouvoir sur sa vie. Décidé si vous vouliez le gaspiller ou non." If he touched you what feels, tastes and looks like mine, he'll be a dead man, vengeance. You hold the power over his life. Decided if you wanted to waste it or not.
"I'm not yours"
"And that's where you are very wrong, mia cara" charles answered before he took both of your wrist over your head and pushed you against the wall of charles drivers' room.
You looked at him speechless. You wanted to tell him to fuck him self, but no words came out of your mouth. Every ounce of self-control left your body as you saw the look in his eyes. Full of lust and anger.
"Vous n’avez pas une grande gueule maintenant, n’est-ce pas?" You do not have a big mouth now, do you?
Before you could say something, he kissed you, putting one of his on your face and the other hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him, so you couldn't get away.
Without breaking the kiss, he pulled the straps of your dress down and pulled it down fully, so you were only standing in front of him in your panties, bra and high heels. Charles broke the kiss and looked you up and down and said :
"Tu fais vraiment comme si tu étais fait pour moi. Seulement moi." You truly do like you were made for me. Only me.
He pulled you against him again, so he could pull you to his couch and push you on it. As you laid on the bed, Charles crawled over you and kissed you again, while he opened your bra and threw it on the floor.
"Charles please"
"Use your word, mon amour"
"Please... Please fuck me..."
"I think you need a punishment, for nearly letting him touch you."
Charles answered as he pulled your panties down, threw them away, looked you up and down, now fully naked, and pulled you a bit down, so your feet were dangling off the couch.
He kneeled before the couch and kissed your thighs up until your pussy came into his view. He looked at your face for consent and thrusted one finger in your pussy.
You moaned as he thrusted another finger in your pussy and then another, until you were on the edge of cumming on his fingers, but charles pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean.
"Charles, no... Please don't stop."
"You deserve it, mia cara"
Charles then pushed his fingers into you gain, until you were on the urge to cumming again, as he pulled his fingers out again. He did this for so long until you were overstimulated.
"I think you learned your lesson to never let anyone other than me touch you. Never"
As he said that, he unbuttoned his race suit, until it laid on the floor. Charles pulled you up a bit and crawled over you. He grabbed his cock and then thrusted into your pussy.
He didn't give you any adjustment time, as he thursted into you fast and full of lust. Not only that, but he grabbed your throat with one hand and gave it a light squeeze, while the other hand held you down, so you didn't get away.
"Tu ne t’évades pas, bébé. Vous prendrez tout ce que je donne." You don't get away, baby. You will take everything I give. 
"Tu étais faite pour moi, ma princesse, n’est-ce pas ? Tout à moi pour maintenant et toujours." you were made for me, my princess, weren't you? All mine for now and always.
After a bit, his thrust got slower and sloppier, which gave you the signal that he was near cumming.  You felt the familiar knot inside your stomach. He put his hand on your stomach.
"You feel me here, don't you, princess. Deep in your stomach."
You only nodded at him, as he came deep inside you with a moan. You did the same, you came around his cock with a loud pornographic moan. He stayed a bit inside you until he pulled out of you.
"Alors, qu’est-ce que c’était que de ne pas être à moi?" So what was that about not being mine? 
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kilfeur · 16 hours
Ce qu'un enfant ferait pour ses parents
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Lors de l'épisode 8 de la saison 3, Rayla décide de rester à la flèche de tempête pour payer le prix de la faute de ses parents et Callum voit sa raison de rester comme une fierté. Dans l'épisode 9 de la saison 6, Callum a fait un bracelet de phoenix de lune pour qu'elle puisse revenir dans le monde des vivants. Dans le nid de Zubeia, Callum a utilisé un sort de lune pour connaître la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé ! C'est grâce cette information que Rayla a pu dire que c'est grâce à ses parents que l'oeuf est en sécurité et qu'ils ont pu le ramener à sa mère. Malheureusement, elle se sépare d'eux et bien que ça lui brise le coeur. Ses parents comprennent mais ils savent qu'elle aura une bonne vie. Ce qui contraste avec Claudia qui retrouve Viren car elle a besoin qu'elle lui montre le bon chemin, que c'est grâce lui, qu'elle a pu se construire. Mais Terry essaie de la raisonner car un mort ne peut pas donner de réponses. Viren était son phare qui s'est éteint dans les flammes.
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Rayla décide de sauver Runaan lui rappelant qui il était, l'assassin mais aussi le père qui l'a élevée. Et par son amour et celui d'Ethari, elle le ramène dans le monde des vivants auprès de Callum. Tandis que Claudia en apprenant le passé d'un père aimant sa défunte fille. Cela lui permet de retrouver l'amour nécessaire, celui malsain et auto destructeur, pour exécuter le sort. Encore une fois leurs amours envers leurs parents se confrontent à nouveau (J'en parle plus ici). Rayla peut enfin tourner la page concernant ses parents. Elle avait quitté Callum pour traquer Viren, qualifiant même de vengeance dans la saison 4 pour avoir des réponses concernant sa famille. Alors que Claudia qui voit son modèle détruit, elle trouve du réconfort avec Aaravos en sympathisant avec sa peine. Quand à Terry, il trouve que cette histoire d'amour est devenu tordu par la suite. Aaravos la manipule en choisissant les bons mots pour décrire Leola mais aussi Viren. Il le qualifie d'un père aimant, un grand homme qui était prêt à tout sacrifié quitte à être mal compris. Ce qui se complète avec la phrase "peu importe si c'est ignoble ou dangereux".
En parlant avec mon ami, il trouve qu'il y a un contraste entre ces deux là, sur comment elles gèrent leurs deuils :
Claudia a longtemps été dans le déni en étant obsédé de ressusciter son père que quand ce dernier voit toute les erreurs qu’il a faite et qu'il décide d’en subir les conséquences, dans la paranoïa, sa fille croit que tout le monde l’abandonne pour au final essayer d’accepter la vérité.
Rayla se résigne à la mort de ses parents au début car elle les voyait comme des traîtres. Avant que Claudia lui donne les pièces deux ans plus tard pour qu'au final elle accepte qu'ils se soient sacrifiés en héros. Ramener ses parents aurait été égoïste de la part de Rayla, alors qu'Ethari attend toujours le retour de Runnan. Donc au final c’est Claudia qui a agit par égoïsme et Rayla par abnégation.
What Would a child do for their parents
In episode 8 of season 3, Rayla decides to stay at the storm spire to pay the price for her parents' wrongdoing, and Callum sees her reason for staying as pride. In episode 9 of season 6, Callum made a moon phoenix bracelet so she could return to the world of the living. In Zubeia's nest, Callum used a moon spell to learn the truth about what happened! With this information, Rayla was able to say that it was thanks to her parents that the egg was safe and that they were able to return it to his mother. Unfortunately, she's parting ways with them and although it breaks her heart. Her parents understand, but they know she'll have a good life. This contrasts with Claudia, who finds Viren because she needs him to show her the right path, that it's thanks to him that she's been able to build herself. But Terry tries to reason with her, because a dead man can't give answers. Viren was her lighthouse, which was consumed by flames.
Rayla decides to save Runaan, reminding him of who he was, the murderer but also the father who raised her. And through her love and that of Ethari, she brings him back to the world of the living, back to Callum. Claudia, on the other hand, learns of the past of a father who loved his deceased daughter. This allows her to regain the love she needs - the unhealthy, self-destructive love - to carry out the spell. Once again, their love for their parents collides (more on that here). Rayla can finally turn the page on her parents. She had left Callum to track down Viren, even calling it vengeance in season 4 to get answers about her family. While Claudia sees her role model destroyed, she finds comfort in Aaravos, sympathizing with his grief. As for Terry, he finds the love affair twisted in the aftermath. Aaravos manipulates her by choosing the right words to describe both Leola and Viren. He calls him a loving father, a great man who was ready to sacrifice everything even if it meant being misunderstood. This is complemented by the phrase “no matter how vile or dangerous”.
Talking with my friend, he finds that there's a contrast between the two of them, in terms of how they deal with grief:
Claudia has long been in denial, obsessed with bringing her father back to life, but when he sees all the mistakes he's made and decides to face the consequences, in paranoia, her daughter believes that everyone has abandoned her, and finally tries to accept the truth.
Rayla resigns herself to her parents' death at first, seeing them as traitors. Then, two years later, Claudia gives her the coins, and she finally accepts that they sacrificed themselves as heroes. Bringing back her parents would have been selfish on Rayla's part, while Ethari is still waiting for Runnan's return. So in the end it was Claudia who acted out of selfishness and Rayla out of self-sacrifice.
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manwrre · 1 year
i am absolutely ravenous for a jennifer’s body themed harringrove fic. and if i write it, it’ll be purely self indulgent so please don’t make me (make me make me make me).
like, i kid you not, when i say that billy’s the perfect character/candidate for any kind of possession trope. he’s pretty and popular— with his half-wild grin, fervent eyes and untamable hair. he’s smart and charismatic like no one’s business and anyone would be drawn in by him; he’s a perfect homme fatale.
he’s also strong and young. he’s healthy and quick and in his prime, so if a demon really wanted to make an apex predator out of someone, he’d be ideal. because no matter how great of a hunter anyone or anything is, isn’t it all the more rewarding when the prey comes to you?
so i can imagine steve and billy becoming such good freaking friends after the night at the byers’. once he’s sobered up and off the adrenaline high, i know for a fact that the sight of steve’s bruised face would probably make billy sick to his stomach. so he’d apologize, right? and they’d get on like a house on fire because they have sm in common.
it doesn’t take long for them to start crushing on each other (unbeknownst to either party because we love pining). so one night, billy takes steve to this underground metal-grunge club and in steve’s head, it’s a freaking date (and billy’s too). they spend most of the show just wrapped up in each other at the bar and messing around in their familiar, little way that makes steve’s heart race.
until yk, he goes to the bathroom and comes back to find billy’s seat empty. the bartender’s no help, really. he mentions something about billy walking off with a guy and steve’s stumped. he’s hurt because surely, he understood this right, so why would billy leave with someone else? so he waits and waits and waits before heading home, livid.
but imagine his surprise, hours later, when he wakes up to a commotion in his backyard and it’s billy.
billy, whose usually perfect curls are a mess and who looks like he can barely stand on his own two, god-given feet. billy, who snaps his head in steve’s direction at the sound of the door sliding open and stares at him with wide, frantic eyes.
“steve,” his voice cracks and his shoulders slump in what might be relief.
“jesus christ— billy, where the fuck have you been?” steve hisses, dropping the bat and rubbing at his burning eyes because he’s exhausted.
because at the core of it, he’s still pissed that he’d been ditched, of course and so sad and he would hate for billy to see him cry.
that is, until the blonde practically falls into his arms and all steve can do is cradle him against his chest while billy shakes.
he’s cold, like he’s been out here forever in the midwestern fall but he doesn’t seem bothered as he blindly clutches at whichever parts of steve are closest— his shoulders, his arms, his back and presses his face into his neck.
all the while, he’s murmuring something low enough that steve can only pick up bits and pieces; his own name and a mantra of pleasepleasepleasepleaseohgod.
it’s only then that he notices the dark sludge staining the blonde’s clothes and the front of his bare chest; half-dried and pungent and he freezes.
“billy… billy, what’s this? are you hurt?”
and he’s looking him over for a sizable wound because the amount of blood spells nothing less than extensive damage and gore. so it’s safe to say that he’s confused when he finds nothing but a few scratches. nothing that warrants this amount of blood, which means that it’s not his. but,
it’s someone’s.
he doesn’t notice that billy’s stopped moving until he looks up to find the blonde already staring at him, though.
his eyes are damp with unshed tears and he’s got his lower lip caught between his teeth; worrying the skin there. and he looks so far away. closer to the outskirts of hawkins, than here in steve’s backyard.
“steve– i, listen…i just,” he whispers, his brows furrowing and face contorting into something ugly for all of a second; something pained.
when he speaks again, it sounds wet. it sounds wet and he’s so scared. steve’s never seen him this scared.
it makes his own heart race in response; filling the spaces where billy’s must be skipping a beat.
“i think there’s something wrong with me. like really, really, really wrong with me— i dunno what i did, i dunno what to do, god, it was just…i think….”
“steve, i think there’s something inside of me.”
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adamsrcnan · 12 days
i have some songs that i feel would fit jean one way or another but i don't know where to share them so i'll just say this: adieu mon homme - pomme / aline - thérapie taxi
i just listened to both and oh my god???? adieu mon homme ... i am in LOVE with this one in particular. it's beautiful. thank you so much for sharing these with me safe to say you've changed my life i'll defo be checking out more of both artists' music. please send more recs !!!
(i adore the french language so am always looking for french songs)
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hermesserpent-stuff · 1 month
okay. just some general ideas for sabertooth and remy. based on talks with @golden-buddle
this is a lottt more disjointed then some of the other thoughts posted before lol
tw: blood, kidnapping
Creed stops his motorcycle next to a large wall that makes up the weird institute for freaks that he knew about in vague passing. His nose had caught a weird scent. One that he had not encountered before. Its layered and complicated, with notes of a fading explosion and foriegn lands mingling with sugar and the smell of pack. Young pack. A cub. He had never smelt a cub before. Well, he had not really smelled any ferals like him before, even when his jobs took him far afeild and his years dragged on. But this smell… It fills the animal part of his brain with longing. Longing for a pack and a need to provide. He unconsciously finds himself drifting towards the wall where the scent indicates that the cub had clambered up more than once. He finds himself sniffing the stones deeply, eyes glancing about for evidence of the cub. The scent is… old. About four days old. And indicated that the cub had been leaving the school. He drags in a deep breath, memorizing the rich layering of the scent. Bits he had initially missed pop against his nostrils. The tang of blood, not the cub’s luckily, the mark of cats that love the cub, and a whiff of… vampire? Something like a vampire. Dangerous. A little bit of smokiness and a spark of spice and hints of cooked meat.
He finds a strand of silky auburn hair, which he holds close to his chest after heavily scenting it. It belongs to the cub, shed by normal means. He finds himself in hunt mode, ready to track the cub down and… protect it. Feed it. The animal in his chest purrs at the thought. A little cub he could care for and teach. He smiles toothily. He had a job to finish. Some idiot who knocked up the wrong mans girl and skipped town instead of help her out. He would be able to fully focus on finding his cub afterwards. A aburned-haired cub with a love for cats and spices that might be a little too close to vampires to be truly safe. Creed purrs to himself and kicks is motorcycle back into gear. He needs to finish this job. Fast. 
The cub struggles and hisses, but Victor growls and pushes.
“You're bleeding. I need to clean it.”
“Yeah? Your spit magic, homme? Stop licking Remy!”
Remy struggles more and Victor drops an octave in his growls and rests his fangs against Remy’s shoulder. The cub continues to struggle and Victor closes his maw a little more and it catches on Remy’s shoulder. Remy goes stiff and then suddenly relaxes, revealing his neck, fear wafting off of him. 
“Ça me fait de la peine. Sorry. Please. Please. No hurt. Remy give up.”
Victor shifts back, crooning softly to the whimpering cup. 
“I didnt mean to hurt you. Just trying to lick the blood off to keep it from geting infected.”
Victor finds himself explaining more than he usually would, his heart twitching at the sight of the scared cub. Remy swallows and seems to fight himself, then moves slightly closer.
“No hurt? Just… Clean blood?”
The cub bites his lip and Victor shifts forward, sniffing slightly. This hesitancy was from somewhere. Some one. He smells something like himself on the cub; had another mutant hurt Remy?
“Let me clean you off cub. I don't want to hurt you. I really don't.”
He rumbles low, crooning softly to the shaking cub. Remy stares as Victor slowly noses his hair. Victor purrs low as he gently nudges his cub. Remy sighs, hand hesitantly coming up and gently scratching right behind Victor’s ear. He purrs a little deeper, licking off the rest of the blood from the boy’s temple. That fall had been nasty and Victor had been scared. The cub trying to run again after their meal had scared him. His cub is too flighty. He shifts from licking blood to gently licking the long red hair. It smells more heavily of the cub’s own scent that mix of fading explosions, powdered sugar, and smoke. It is long and soft, but a little dirty. His cub seems to need a full bath. And it helps Victor spread his scent over the cub. 
“I’m tired Monsieur Saber. Can we rest here?”
Remy sounds tired, fingers still gently scratching. The cub yawns a few times when Victor says nothing in response. Victor purrs and curls over his cub, protecting Remy from the cold. The little one hums low. Soon Remy’s breathing evens out, deep and slow. Remy curls tight, arms and legs carefully tucking themselves closer to Remy’s core while the cub presses into Victor’s chest.
Remy hates how easy it is to fall asleep Victor’s warmth. The Southerner in his bones had always had trouble finding enough warmth wherever he was. The void could change temperatures rapidly with freezing nights and occasional freezing days. He preferred the hot days that felt like the humid heat of Louisiana in the springs and edges of summer. Remy presses closer to Sabertooth, finding the warmth slowly wrapping around his bones and helping his eyes grow heavy. He had suggested resting because a stalled target is easier to hunt. His dad would come for him and Wolverine was likely on his heels. So Remy easily slips into sleep, vast nothingness pressing in, no dreams to disturb him. He is being protected. He is safe and warm
He’s woken up to Victor being tackled off of him, his heart immediately leaping into his throat as he scooches backwards. Wolverine is there and the two ferals are ripping eachother apart. 
“Get away from my cub!”
Victor hisses.
“You f*cking stole my KIT!”
Wolverine howls back and leaps forwards again, slashing deep and bloody. Blade walks up and scoops up the still-waking Remy. Remy rests his head against Blade’s neck and whistles and chirps. 
“Hey Parri. I don’t think this kidnapping was a conscious one!”
Blade pauses his movements and nuzzles Remy, hissing low and deep, presumably at the scent.
“Please stop getting kidnapped, fledgling.”
“Not doing it on purpose sire.”
He murmurs sleepily, already missing the warmth that he had been gifted by Victor.
“I know.”
Blade murmurs, wrapping Remy up in his jacket.  Remy relaxes at the familiar smell and warmth of the jacket. 
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vicnormansstuff · 7 months
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Un rêve m’obsédait.
J’imaginais la naissance d’un mouvement baptisé Confrérie des Chemins Noirs.
Non contents de tracer un réseau de traverse, les chemins noirs pouvaient aussi définir les cheminements mentaux que nous emprunterions pour nous soustraire à l’époque.
Dessinés sur la carte et serpentant au sol ils se prolongeraient ainsi en nous-mêmes, composeraient une cartographie mentale de l’esquive. Il ne s’agirait pas de mépriser le monde, ni de manifester l’outrecuidance de le changer. Non ! Il suffirait de ne rien avoir de commun avec lui.
L’évitement me paraissait le mariage de la force avec l’élégance. Orchestrer le repli me semblait une urgence. Les règles de cette dissimulation existentielle se réduisaient à de menus impératifs : ne pas tressaillir aux soubresauts de l’actualité, réserver ses colères, choisir ses levées d’armes, ses goûts, ses écœurements, demeurer entre les murs de livres, les haies forestières, les tables d’amis, se souvenir des morts chéris, s’entourer des siens, prêter secours aux êtres dont on avait connu le visage et pas uniquement étudié l’existence statistique. En somme, se détourner. Mieux encore ! Disparaître. « Dissimule ta vie », disait Épicure dans l’une de ses maximes (en l’occurrence c’était peu réussi car on se souvenait de lui deux millénaires après sa mort). Il avait donné là une devise pour les chemins noirs.
Nous serions de grandes troupes sur ces contre-allées car nous étions nombreux à développer une allergie aux illusions virtuelles. Les sommations de l’époque nous fatiguaient : Enjoy ! Take care ! Be safe ! Be connected ! Nous étions dégoûtés du clignotement des villes. Si nous écrasions à coups de talon les écrans livides de nos vies high-tech s’ouvrirait un chemin noir, une lueur de tunnel à travers le dispositif. Tout cela ne faisait pas un programme politique. C’était un carton d’invitation à ficher le camp.
Vivre me semblait le synonyme de « s’échapper ». Napoléon avait dit au Général de Caulaincourt dans le traîneau qui les ramenait à Paris après le passage de la Berezina : « Il y a deux sortes d’hommes, ceux qui commandent et ceux qui obéissent. »
Du temps où je m’étais passionnément intéressé à l’Empire, jusqu’à prendre mon bain coiffé d’un bicorne, j’avais trouvé cette phrase définitive. Aujourd’hui, tordant mes chaussettes sur un banc de vase du Var, je pensais que l’Empereur avait oublié une troisième colonne : les hommes qui fuient. « Sire ! » lui aurais-je dit si je l’avais connu, « Fuir, c’est commander ! C’est au moins commander au destin de n’avoir aucune prise sur vous. »
Sur les chemins noirs -
Sylvain Tesson
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hannahlikeso741 · 1 year
HL Girls smelling male MC's perfume.
We did the boys. Now it is the girls' turn to react to Male MC's scent. Inspired by @cranberryletters perfume post and @hogwartslegacyreactions, will list a perfume for each character.
Boys Edition : Part 1, Part 2
Girl's edition : Part 2
Anne Sallow: Bvlgari's Wood Essence
MC kept coming around since Sebastian first brought him over Feldcroft. It was nice, having someone else to talk to other than Ominis and Sebastian. Anne didn't want to admit it, but she was looking forward to MC's visits. That one particular visit came with a surprise, an early Christmas gift. MC had given her a scarf knitted in green and peach wool, saying something that she needed to keep warm at all times. Hers was getting threadbare. Anne shyly took the scarf and got that wiff of comfort. At first it was the smell of citrus and lemon, giving way to a cedarwood note that crept up to her nostrils. A warm scent that reassured her everything will be all right, like a cozy blanket and a cup of hot tea. For a minute she thought MC was giving her a hug and telling her she will be all right and loved. Anne slept with that scarf that night. Uncle Solomon didn't ask questions, to her relief.
Poppy Sweeting : Jo Malone's Poppy & Barley
She only wanted to know if Highwing was doing okay. MC understood and took her into the room of requirement, showing Poppy the costal vivarium where Highwing came down, greeting the two of them. MC let the two of them catch up, while he cared for the rest of the beasts. Highwings is doing fine, and in fact a mother to a baby hippogriff! She is overjoyed that Highwing now has a safe home. Wait, Highwing, what do you mean, thanks to that nice smelling gentleman? Oh, you mean MC. That comment on him being nice smelling got Poppy curious, making her get up and approach MC from behind. Oh, she understood what Highwing meant. MC's scent was light, oddly enough. It smelt like the blackcurrants her grandma used to pick, but then it fades ever so gently to a green woody note from barley and.... poppy? Whatever it was, MC smelt like a gentle sunrise in a tiny British cottage in the countryside, with a bowl of boiled oats to ensure one was ready for the day. Poppy didn't even know she was that close to MC until MC turned around, accidentally making her fell to the floor. MC was startled but helped Poppy get up, telling her to be careful. Damn, Highwing was right. He smelled nice.
Imelda Reyes : Frederic Malle's Geranium Pour Monsieur
She is incredibly frustrated with MC right now. How is it he not only beat her time, but scored higher as a Chaser? It was not a good idea to challenge him to see if he had a place within a Qudditich team. When MC landed, a flurry of tirades came his way. Imelda grabbed his robes and kept saying how it wasn't fair, but MC's shocked expression made her stop. MC said that she has always been healthy competition, needing someone to keep him on his toes. He gave her a reassuring smile as he left to get changed. Imelda sunk to her knees. That wasn't the only reason she stopped herself from her rant towards MC. When shaking MC, she caught the smell of mint and geranium that was fresh, but that quickly gave way to the spicy notes of cinnamon and clove. It teased her, taunted her to chase after him and demand for another rematch like an enemy that has romantic feelings for you. How dare MC beat her and now taunt her nose with that perfume? That's it. She is getting up and wanting another round of Quidditch practice with MC.
Natsai Onai : Issey Miyake's L'Eau d'Issey Pour Homme
The camp containing the last of Harlow's men didn't know what hit them. Natty asked MC to come along, she can always use a backup partner. MC happily agreed, tagging along as the flurry of dark wizards attacked them upon sight. It was a tough battle, when did she consume this much Wiggenweld potions? Natty admitted it was getting to her, her energy spent. She had to take a moment to catch her breath when she felt herself being tackled to the ground forcefully by MC. MC asked if she was all right and she nodded, trying to compose herself as MC got up, striking on finishing the last Ashwinder that attacked her. What caught Natty by surprise was the scent on MC, a yuzu and citrusy note that blended well into the warmth of nutmeg and cinnamon, with musk holding everything together. It was a clean, fresh scent that wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty if he has to. It reminded Natty of a brave man, her father. MC called out to Natty, telling her the camp was cleared. She shook her head as she headed to MC's direction, trying to focus on what just happened.
Samantha Dale : Tom Ford's Mandarino di Amalfi
Ok, she did owe MC for helping her with her brother. So here she was in the Herbology class, helping MC to play catch up. Admittedly, MC is a fast learner, she only really needed to give a few pointers as MC scribbled furiously on his notebook. There was something bothering her nose. Sure, Samantha was used to the scent of every plant under the sun, but to smell a fresh citrus of grapefruit and lemons in the middle of winter is and oddity. Where did that orange blossom came from, alongside with the slight spicy note of pepper and coriander? Samantha let her nose trail and oh. MC. That scent was on his shirt as he muttered to himself, adjusting his tie. That scent got stronger, hitting Samantha like a brick. She felt like her whole being transported to the lemon fields of Almalfi, Italy, dancing her way into the sunset instead of dreary Hogwarts. Samantha didn't even knew MC called her name, asking her what plant this was. Oh right, she composed herself and answered the question the best she could, trying to hide her blush.
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dazeofcoral · 2 months
ça va partir dans trois milles directions là parce que j'ai les nerfs à vif et 10 000 choses à dire sur le sujet... on va se plaindre qu'il n'y a plus assez de personnages hétéros sur les forums... vous êtes sérieux....
on va pas se mentir parce que j'aime rester sincère dans mes publications, c'est vrai sur certains forums c'est limite impossible de trouver un lien love si on fait un perso hétéro, t'as même des forums ou c'est mal vu /non je plaisante pas, j'aimerais bien pourtant parce que peace and love accepter tout le monde c'est aussi les hétéro, n'en déplaise à certains être hétéro c'est pas être fermé d'esprit c'est seulement avoir une préférence, soit /
mais de là à en faire un CDG ouin ouin il y a trop de gay et à lancer des débats sur les serveurs discord ? :OO: c'est quoi qui est trop difficile, cliquer deux fois sur présentation => fiches validées => puis sur plusieurs fiches, de quoi se faire une idée? non parce que c'est ce que font les gens intelligents et si tu vois 15 fiches de présentation et pas un seul perso qui pourrait potentiellement se mettre en couple avec un perso hétéro, va voir ailleurs ou accepte de te lancer et de pas faire tourner ton personnage autour d'un lien love, à croire qu'on sait pas vivre sans ou le temps qui faut pour trouver un partenaire rp pour le jouer, sérieux en passant ; je suis pan et j'ai eu des relations avec des hétéros, on y est pas allergique leul. va falloir revoir la def de pan je pense pour certains, on doit vous passer des liens ? :/oo\:
je cite une autre connerie que j'ai lu il y dix minutes : "tout le monde joue des gay on sait plus se trouver un mec pour son personnage féminin" :/\: / =>> c'est grave qu'en plus ce soit que les personnages masculins qui sont visés. comme par hasard tiens ! ces même joueuses qui sont en train de se plaindre et qui sont les premières à faire des perso hommes pan/bi qui sont jamais mais alors j-a-m-a-i-s en couple avec une femme ? et quand il y a une ex c'est pour construire un drama de la femme outrée et qui a une dent contre le mec qui l'a laché pour un autre mec? ces mêmes joueuses qui se plaignent que leur personnage féminin trouve pas de mec loooool? et vous pensez pas faire partie du problème là ? ah non pardon, vous au moins votre perso il est pas /que/ gay. vous jouez pas /que/ des gay. sur papier, pour un peu mettre de /diversité/ et pouvoir pointer du doigts ceux qui jouent des perso 100% gay, parce qu'en pratique on vous voit jouer des perso 100% gay aussi LEUL zéro représentation pendant des décennies et maintenant ça vous plaît pas d'en voir partout, pour citer une autre belle andouille sur un serveur discord. vous inquiétez pas hein, si c'est ce que vous pensez on veut pas de vous sur nos forums trop /gay/ à votre goût.
restez loin, très loin.
et éduquez vous aussi, parce que j'ai vu de ces conneries sur un discord je me suis demandé.e d'où sont sortit ces cas du 19ème siècle je précise que j'emploie presque uniquement le terme /gay/ parce qu'à priori après avoir lu une heure des conversations à gerber là dessus sur discord je me rends compte que la commu rp ne comprends que ce terme là, à les lire les pan on couche avec tout le monde bah bah bah, les bi c'est des indécis lol lol lol et tous les autres termes ils connaissent pas vraiment, c'est mis pour faire stylé d'après certaines. chouette on se casse les bourses pour faire des perso nuancés ou s'autoriser de jouer un perso à notre image et non non on fait ça que pour se faire remarquer LEUL je vais gerber et rester loin de l'écran pendant trois jours, merci, à part ça on doit se sentir safe dans la commu rp j'aimerais bien savoir où vous voulez que les gens se sentent safe !
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Bond Fic Recs (Self-Rec Edition)
A couple of days ago, I asked if anyone had a fic they wanted to promote. Here's a round-up of all the Bond fics people linked - hopefully this makes them a little easier to discover. We had a couple of recs from other fandoms too, so make sure to check out the original post if you're looking to expand your horizons!
If you missed out, feel free to reblog with links to your own fics.
learning to fly by @reallyneedsalife
Many jobs in the world were decided by people's wings. MI6, mostly, was no exception. James had always been an efficient flyer, so when Eve tells him Q is afraid of flying he wants to know more. After all, Q was an avian too, and it was almost unheard of for them to fear the sky.
Hercluean by Thousand_elf (@hoalunte)
Written for the Festive Fanwork Fiesta week 1. Prompt A: A. General 64: Before Q will accept a date with Bond he gives him a list of 10 tasks to prove he’s serious. What are they?
Fingernails the color of rust by Thousand_elf (@hoalunte)
Q’s hands were very important, and Bond took care of them—and Q—after a mission that ended not clean enough.
Click your heels three times by Thousand_elf (@hoalunte)
James Bond, 007, could always come back from anything. People always wondered, but they could never figure out how. When Q found out the answer, it was completely different from anyone’s guess. Or, Q and the five times Bond defies death.
L'histoire d'un homme (et d'un monstre) by @prismatic-bell
Three things about Q: 1) he once killed three people. 2) he has tentacles. 3) he puts kale in smoothies. The thing that bothers Bond isn't the thing you think it is.
you've got a second chance, you could go home by @stinastar
Angst inspired by the song Medicine by Daughter, which the title is pulled from. Q goes to take care of Bond, no-one really has a good time, feelings are hurt.In my head there is an eventual happy ending, but it is not contained in this fic.
Please Ask (for Help) by @samanthahirr
London isn’t as safe for his heart as James Bond had assumed. When Q is badly injured in an accident, to everyone’s surprise—including Q's!—James volunteers to move into the quartermaster’s flat and assist with the first week of his convalescence. Their time alone together will test James’s acting skills and his resolve; can James conceal his deep feelings from Q? Or will Q finally catch on to James Bond's secret?
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
Headcanon #294
Kalopsia, noun: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they truly are.
I got this idea while listening to the Queens of the Stone Age song of the same name. Josh Homme apparently wrote this as a love song for his daughter, who he feels sees him through rose-colored glasses rather than as he truly is, and the vulnerability that stems from opening oneself up to love and being seen completely by another person. Bittersweet, isn’t it?
Shadow’s done many things he’s not proud of. He failed to protect Maria, almost destroyed the Earth multiple times, and has wound up on the wrong track more times than he cares to admit. His closest friends know this, and the judgmental stares and accusations of those who’ve never bothered to get to know him reinforce his negative self-image.
That’s why Amy always catches him off guard. No matter what he’s done and how many people have given up on him, she never stops believing he’ll do what’s right. He can’t help but feel she sees him in a way he doesn’t truly live up to, but it’s that unwavering faith that inspires him to strive to reach that ideal image, to be the better version of himself that she somehow sees.
Amy’s spent her whole life maintaining a positive attitude, staying bubbly and happy as much as possible for the sake of her friends. She often feels that her positivity is the most important gift she has to share with the world, so she works hard to keep it up, even when it’s only a facade and she’s just as scared as everyone else. With this image in place, she can’t help but feel everyone views her through rose-colored glasses, never seeing the insecurity and fears she hides for their sake.
Shadow is the sole exception to this. He’s blunt on a level that doesn’t allow her to be evasive the way she is with everyone else. He pursues the truth until her brave front falls and she has to admit how she truly feels.
The biggest surprise to her is that despite seeing what she views as her worst side, he still likes the person he sees.
It takes time for her to grow accustomed to the vulnerability, to fully trust that someone could truly love her full, authentic self, but once he finally breaks down her barriers, his presence becomes a safe haven she never quite finds with anyone else.
Most people were surprised when Shadow and Amy fell for each other. Only the two of them fully understood how inevitable it was.
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luukka · 2 months
I'm getting obsessed with what Wish could've been and it's because of the concept arts, the fan animatics and songs, and so I translated At All Costs demo in french. I'm posting it because I don't know what the fuck I must do with it -nah for real, I'm not a musician I barely play guitar. I could sing but I won't, I have limits lol
Cher camarades français servez-vous, modifiez-la un peu si vous voulez mais créditez-moi qu'importe le résultat SURTOUT si vous la chanter, je veux entendre 👀
If happiness was a tangible thing (si le bonheur était une chose tangible)
It would be you (ce serait toi)
If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring (si on m’avait dit que c’était possible)
I'd think it untrue (je ne l’aurais pas cru)
And people search for a wonder like you all of their lives (et les hommes cherchent une merveille comme toi toute leur vie)
You still amaze me after all this time (après tout ce temps, tu m’étonnes encore)
You pull me in like some kind of wind (tu m’as emporté dans une sorte de vent)
Mesmerized by the hold I'm in (envoûté par la poigne qui me prend)
Leave you here; I don't wanna (te laisser, je ne veux pas)
I wanna (Moi je veux)
Love you as one does (t’aimer comme il faut)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je veux te protéger à tout prix)
Keep you safe here in my arms (te garder, là, dans mes bras)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je te protégerai à tout prix)
At all costs (À tout prix)
What's pain when I look at you? No way (Comment croire en la douleur quand tu es là ?)
I could explain you even if I try to (Je ne peux l’expliquer, malgré ma volonté)
I'll never dream like I used to do (Je ne rêverais plus comme je le faisais.)
If someone tried to hurt you, I don't (Si quelqu’un te blesse, je ne vois pas)
See how that could happen (comment ça peut arriver)
I'd fight for you in ways I can't imagine (Je ne laisserais jamais rien te blesser)
Felt this? No, I haven't; I hope (Et toi ? L’as-tu senti aussi ?)
It would be alright to stay right here beside you (J’espère que tu es d’accord si je reste à tes côtés)
And love you as one does (Pour t’aimer comme il faut)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je te protégerais à tout prix)
Keep you safe here in my arms (Te garder là, dans mes bras)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je te protégerais à tout prix)
At all costs (À tout prix)
If you're ever feeling like you're lost (Si tu es perdu dans le néant)
I'll come find you (Je viendrais à toi)
Men all fronts (Encerclés de tous)
There's no ocean I won't swim across (Même le plus vaste des océans)
To be right by you (Ne m’éloignera de toi)
And not just once, here and now I swear on my response (Et sur ces mots, ta main dans la mienne je le jure)
I'll remind you (Je te promet)
And love you as one does (De t’aimer comme il faut)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je te protégerais à tout prix)
Keep you safe here in my arms (Te garder là, dans mes bras)
I, I will protect you at all costs (Oh, je te protégerais à tout prix)
At all costs (À tout prix)
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
i translated antoine's books under the cut
alright a few disclaimers first:
i'm an american; don't take these as gospel. i studied 7 years of classroom french. these are my qualifications.
i've left translators notes. these are marked as [TN: note] or simply within [square brackets].
antoine wrote part of forever's book prior to the second debate; i don't know when they were written. antoine's notes from after the second debate are marked.
cellbit's book was written entirely after the second debate.
these are just forever and cellbit's books as written by antoine. i don't have screenshots for the rest. maybe i'll track those down at some point (feel free to send screenshots and/or timestamps where the books are visible)
i included my screenshots for individual verification purposes; pardon the quality; you don't want to know how i got them.
if you redistribute the translation, keep the disclaimers. i don't care if you credit me just make sure people know where this came from
Probably the person who wants to become the president the most. He's deeply involved in the lore of the island even if he doesn't communicate everything and hides information [TN: literally "truncates/shortens" information]. Close to BBH and Baghera. The three had very strange attitudes which are [fading/reducing] with the presidential election (withholding information, secret meetings). He seems to be moving away from the line of thought of Baghera and BBH. Wants to be president, but is part of the people who say they don't really want to be president. Relation with Cellbit a little strange and nebulous. Made a "safe space" in the favelas, I think it's mostly for him. People can have meetings anywhere, why have them only in a place provided by Forever himself? Does a lot of research on the island and takes initiative for the common good. Possibly the best choice for president, but the power already corrupts.
Note: I take back what I said when I said "possibly the best choice for president". He doesn't listen [and] transforms this into an ego battle, which his sidekick [TN: "comparse", can also mean "stooge" lmao] Cellbit confirmed. Is ready to betray the people who have surrounded him (BBH & Baghera) for a long time for access to power. Has trouble taking people seriously. He has "homme providenciel" syndrome. Which he isn't.
[TN: I think by "homme providenciel", literally "providential / heaven-sent man", Antoine may be referring to the concept of 'a person who appears in times of crisis and presents as an ultimate savior charged with a historical or divine mission' (paraphrased translation from the Wikipedia article here); apparently this is a common figure in imaginary politics]
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Same problem as Forever, [central/main] character who appropriates [TN: "approprier" can also mean "adapts"] a lot of the things that the Brazilians have done. His greatest pleasure was hanging out with Cucurucho. Could he be the real Federation candidate? It's very clear that Elquackity is corrupt, no one in their right mind would vote for him. Elquackity is a distraction, a lure. [Cellbit is] More dangerous than Forever. He speaks much better, is more composed, gets angry less quickly. Knows more than he says, don't give him more power than he already has.
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crown-of-serpents · 11 months
Ouverture officielle du forum
Oyé oyé, population du rpg francophone
Je viens vous présenter notre tout nouveau bébé, Crown of Serpents qui vient d'ouvrir ses portes ce jour à 12h. Il s'agit d'un forum axé sur la sorcellerie, prenant place dans une version sorcière de la ville d'Edimbourg en Ecosse. 🪄
Vous incarnez un.e sorcier.ère dans cet univers, descendant.e direct.e des esprits élémentaires ayant offer leur magie aux hommes. Que vous soyez né.e en Ecosse ou ayez immigré ici récemment, vous n'êtes pas seul.e ; votre type de magie définit quel coven vous prendra sous son aile. Personne n'est laissé pour compte dans ce véritable joyau de l'Europe. Souvenez-vous d'une seule chose : vous devez conserver le secret magique
CoS est un forum inclusif, ouvert à toustes, un système de trigger warning obligatoire est en place sur le forum afin d'offrir un environnement safe. 🫂
7 magies sont jouables au sein de 5 covens :
aéromancie : air, langage, orages
pyromancie : feu, lumière, minerais
hydromancie : eau, guérison, charme de sirène
botanomancie : plantes, bois, terre
zoomancie : métamorphose, communication animale, télépathie
nécromancie : mort, ombres, mémoires
oniromancie : sommeil, rêves, illusion Un système de familiers est prévu pour nos sorcier.ère.s, ainsi que des rôles exclusifs au sein des covens pour celleux qui le souhaitent. :heart:
N'hésitez pas à venir jeter un coup d'oeil au forum ou à nous rejoindre sur notre serveur Discord pour voir si l'univers vous intéresse et sympathiser avec nos joueur.euse.s ! ✨
https://crownofserpents.forumactif.com/ https://discord.com/invite/auyvkMpQyM
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symphonyofsilence · 11 months
I am ready for the conversation about WWX crushing on JGY. Please elaborate 👉👈
Finally the day has come! Here we go!
First of all, this flirting here as JGY has a guqin string to WWX's throat! WWX My man may be discovering new kinks! The chemistry is off the charts! LWJ & LXC wished they could flirt like this!
"I think it's best if Young Master Wei stops right there. It's nothing if your flute's broken, but if your tongue or your fingers went missing, it'd be such a shame."
Wei WuXian immediately put his hand away, agreeing, "You make so much sense."
The person, "May I request your company?"
Wei WuXian nodded, "You're too polite,Sect Leader Jin."
Jin GuangYao smiled, "It's my pleasure."
Wei WuXian, "LianFang-Zun, you hid quite a big land deed in the secret chamber of Fragrant Palace, right beside my manuscripts. Don't you remember?"
Jin GuangYao, "Oh, that would be my fault. I should've put them separately."
Wei WuXian, "Right now, we won't be able to run from your grasp no matter what, so could you perhaps tell me just what a creature is being suppressed in this Guanyin Temple, LianFang-Zun, and quench my curiosity a bit?"
Jin GuangYao smiled, "Quenching your curiosity doesn't come at a low price. Young Master Wei, are you sure you'd like to try?"
Wei WuXian, "Oh. On second thought, then, nevermind."
(This whole interaction is even fruitier in the live-action)
He smiled, "Because that's what kind of a person you are. At best, you're the untamed hero; at worst, you offend people wherever you go. Unless all those whom you've offended lived their lives safely, as soon as something happened to them or someone did something to them, the first person they suspect would be you and the first person they seek revenge on would also you. And this is something you have no control over." Somehow, Wei WuXian smiled, "What should I do? For some reason, I think make a lot of sense."
Nothing like accepting and understanding your favorite homme Fatale's choice of bringing your downfall 'cause he just makes so much sense what you gonna do!😊 🤷🏻‍♀️
The way JGY is described:
Wei WuXian, on the other hand, carefully observed the chief cultivator of all sects.
Jin GuangYao was born with quite an advantageous face. His skin was fair, and he had a vermillion mark embellished on his forehead. His pupils were distinct against the whites of the eyes, appearing lively but not frivolous. His features appeared rather clean, attractive yet also ingenious. The shadow of a smile that always perched by the corners of his lips, and his brows, revealed at once his clever character. Such a face was enough to earn the love of women, but still wouldn't evoke the vigilance or aversion of men; the elderly would think of him as sweet, while the young would think of him as amicable. Even if one didn't like him, they definitely wouldn't hate him either, which was why his face was "advantageous". Although his figure was a bit small, his calm demeanor was more than enough to make up for it. Donning a cap made of black gauze, he wore the LanlingJin Sect's formal uniform, a blooming Sparks Amidst Snow crest over the front of his round-collared robe. With a nine-ringed belt at his waist, liuhe boots at his feet, and a right hand pressing down on the hilt of the sword hung by his side, he let out a powerful aura of inviolability.
Like LWJ is described in one paragraph ending with "mourning clothes" and JGY is described for a whole page with WWX going on and on about how you get some sort of feeling looking at him...EVERYONE! man and woman, young and old catch some sort of feeling basking in JGY's charm & beauty. (But he's being nonchalant about it...'cause ofc he doesn't have a crush...)
The unnecessary shade WWX throws at poor QS:
At this point, with a woman dressed in lavish robes by his arm, Jin GuangYao stepped into the room. Although the woman seemed rather dignified, a trace of innocence was blended into her expression. Even her graceful features appeared somewhat childlike. This was the official wife of Jin GuangYao, the mistress of Carp Tower-Qin Su.
descendents of prominent clans. Qin Su as the beloved daughter of Qin CangYe. Her personality was naive, but she had lived a comfortable life and was taught excellent manners.
Fortunately, although Qin Su had always seemed innocently ignorant since a young age, even to the point of being somewhat dense, she didn't trust Jin GuangYao anymore. She stared blankly at Jin GuangYao
I can't remember, and searched & couldn't find who it was that pointed out that the situation with NMJ had escalated so bad that the only way left for Jiggy was to murder him, and yet at the slightest, most desperate, most basic attempt at de-escalation that JGY shows WWX is BLOWN AWAY! Like: JGY: "Sry, Da-ge. My bad." WWX:
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JGY is just trying to live another day without getting murdered by Da-ge and WWX is like Jin Guangyao is a master manipulator.
Jin GuangYao sighed, "HuaiSang is used to being spoiled, but he can't be Qinghe's idle Second Young Master for his whole life. One day he'll realize that you're doing this for him, Brother, just like how I realized that you're doing this for me."
Wei WuXian, Bravo, bravo. I wouldn't be able to say such words even if given two lifetimes, but Jin GuangYao can adjust his tone so that it doesn't sound strange at all. It even sounds a bit pleasing to the ears.
WWX taking a moment in the middle of QS's intense breakdown, crying, screaming, throwing up, pulling at her hair to remind us that Jin Guangyao is serving:
He was her husband. As of right now, under the candlelight, he looked as calm and as picturesque as ever.
Like...not now king .QS is having a moment here. Keep it in your pants for now. the last person who was horny for JGY is not yet done having her breakdown so you can walk in like that Theresa May meme and say that you'll take it from here!
What he most sees of Jin Guangyao is through Da-ge's eyes. Which are very horny eyes to look at JGY with. And it SHOWS.
The boy's figure was on the smaller side. He had fair skin and dark brows, precisely those favor-gaining features of Jin GuangYao.
When asshole Nie soldiers trash talk MY:
A flame of anger sprout within Nie MingJue's heart, burning all the way into Wei WuXian.
Wearing a gauze gap, he was almost beyond recognition. As handsome as ever, his cleverness was the same, yet his air was calmer that it had ever been.
The whole Wen Yao scene speaks for itself.
His chemistry with Xue Yang was unrivaled and JGY reminds WWX of Xue Yang:
recalling a certain someone as he watched how Jin GuangYao smiled and batted his eyes even as he fought. He whispered, "He really is the same as Xue Yang."
He admires JGY:
In these types of games, the head of all cultivators, LianFang-Zun, who was currently the most successful of all, was of course the most popular character. Although his family background was a bit disgraceful, the fact that he later climbed to such a rank was precisely why people respected him. During the Sunshot Campaign, he skillfully worked undercover for the QishanWen Sect, deceiving all of the Wen Sect's people to a point that a tremendous amount of information were disclosed, yet they knew nothing. After the Sunshot Campaign, with flattery, wit, and countless other methods, he finally became the Chief Cultivator, fully deserving of the title. Such a life could even be considered a legend. If he was playing, he'd also want to try being Jin GuangYao.
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It wasn't difficult to understand why Lan XiChen defended this person. To be honest, even Wei WuXian himself didn't have a terrible opinion of the person they were suspicious of. Perhaps because of his background, he had always treated others with kindness and humility. He was the type of person who never offended anyone, the type who could make everyone around him feel comfortable talking to him, let alone ZeWu-Jun, who had been friends with him for years.
Jiang Cheng smirked, "Don't carry your sword, then. It doesn't matter. But don't provoke Jin ZiXuan from now on. He's Jin Guangshan's only son, after all. The future leader of the LanlingJin Sect will be him. If you beat him up, what should I, the sect leader, do? Beat him up with you? Or punish you?" Wei WuXian, "Isn't Jin GuangYao here now? Jin GuangYao seems so much better than him."
Jin Ling quickly tugged at the back hems of Jin GuangYao's robe. Jin GuangYao seemed as though he had been born to resolve conflicts,
Jin GuangYao could remember the name, title, age, and appearance of a person after just one encounter. Even after a few years, he'd be able to greet them without any fault, often carrying out solicitous conversations as well. If he had seen someone more than twice, he'd remember all of their likes and dislikes, therefore able to cater to their needs.
"With Jin Ling's temper, he offends other people whenever he opens his mouth, he pokes at the hornet's nest whenever he raises his hand. Your sect's JingYi calls him Young Mistress-well, he's right. The many times before this, if it weren't for how we protected him, he'd have no lives left. Jiang Cheng isn't at all someone who knows how to teach children. Jin GuangYao, on the other hand..."
(Now he's just going around attributing random capabilities such as the ability to raise a fully functional child to a man he's met only a handful of times 13 years ago as though he fully believes there's nothing he can't do.)
thinking, When Jin GuangYao saw the strange paperman and saw Suibian being unsheathed, he must've guessed who I was right there. And so he quickly made up a series of lies, causing Qin Su to take her own life, and then purposely force me to the cabinet with Suibian inside so that I could unsheath my sword and reveal my identity. Scary, scary. Who could've known that his reaction was so fast and his lies so flawless?
When Jin GuangYao lied, it really was unashamed and full of vigor! As others heard this, of course they'd think that Mo XuanYu had slandered LianFang-Zun and caused Madam Jin to take her own life since he held hatred toward him. Even Wei WuXian couldn't think of anything to say in refutation. What could he say? How he saw Nie MingJue's head? How he snuck into the secret room? The name of the person whom Qin Su saw before she died? The odd letter that could easily be argued as fictitious and fabricated? Such refutation would only make him look even more suspicious!
Under the shock and the terror, he spoke as though his words flew, fearing that Nie MingJue might start chopping before he could even finish his explanation. Despite this, his explanation still had clear logic. Every sentence was highlighting how horrible the others were, how poor he himself was.
Immediately after it were Jin ZiXuan's murals. Usually, in order to signify their absolute power, sect leaders would purposely lessen the number of murals for cultivators of their own generation or perhaps switch to an inferior artist, so that they wouldn't be outshone. To these acts, everyone gave silent approval, showing their understanding. However, Jin ZiXuan had four murals as well, unbelievably standing on equal footing as Jin GuangYao. The handsome man in the paintings displayed both pride and vigor.
Jin GuangYao didn't let her down either. Even though he held the important position of Chief Cultivator, his behavior was drastically different from his father's. He never took in any concubines, much less had a relationship with any other woman. This was indeed something that many wives of sect leaders envied.
He kins JGY:
And so, the waves of criticism began:
"Who knew this person could be so ungrateful and immoral!"
In the past few years, the words 'ungrateful' and 'immoral' were almost tied to Wei WuXian. At first, he even thought that they were criticizing him again. He only realized afterwards that even though it was the same people using the same words, the object of their criticism had already changed. He felt a bit not used to it.
Wei WuXian felt that things were rather comical, If they're rumors, why the hurry to believe them? If they're secrets, why would you come to know them?
These rumors didn't happen in just the one day. However, in the past, when Jin Guangyao was popular, they were suppressed quite well. Almost nobody took them seriously. Yet, tonight, all of the rumors seemed to have become absolute truths, forming the rocks and bricks of Jin GuangYao's supposedly-committed crimes, proving his lack of morality.
Wei WuXian immediately felt a bit speechless. The last time others praised him like this was during the Sunshot Campaign more than ten years ago. Although somebody finally inherited his position as being the enemy of the entire cultivation world, Wei WuXian didn't feel happiness at such an end, much less any warmth from finally being accepted by everyone.
He only doubted in silence, Back then, could it have been just like today? A group of people gathered up in a place, began a secret discussion, cursed everything, and finally decided to have a siege on Burial Mound?
But there was no use in saying all that. Nobody knew with more clarity than Wei WuXian that nobody would care and nobody would believe him. Anything related to Jin GuangYao would be given the most malicious conjectures and passed through the mouths of the crowd
They're narrative parallels, similar in every way, even in their relationship with twin jades and it's very sexy of them!
The crush thing aside, (I wasn't entirely serious about it. Just saying that if you wanna read it that way, the things are there. But he does admire JGY & the chemistry is certainly there) He barely even registers JGY as an antagonist in his story (he even resignedly admits that he would have sooner or later angered someone and got killed anyway even if JGY did nothing). He even confronts NHS, who brought him back to life about what he did to Meng Shi's body. We've seen how WWX treats the other antagonists of his story, the way he tortures Wen Chao & Wang Lingjiao, and other Wens to death, the way he raises dead Wens to kill their kin, the way he doesn't even remember Jin Zixun's name, or take SMS seriously. But what JGY gets is respect, both in general and in that he was a worthy player in their game (that wasn't even THEIR game), and understanding & sympathy.
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