#safe deposit box for sale
alyssamonah · 1 year
Ensuring Business Security with Commercial Safes: A Must-Have Investment
Protecting valuable assets, sensitive documents, and cash reserves is paramount in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Commercial safes provide a robust solution to safeguarding businesses against theft, fire, and unauthorized access. This blog explores the significance of commercial safes and the key factors to consider when choosing the right one for your organization. 
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1. Importance of Commercial Safes: 
In an era where digital security threats are on the rise, it's easy to overlook the physical security of your business. However, commercial safes offer a critical defense against theft and unauthorized entry. They safeguard your cash, important documents, data backups, and valuable assets, ensuring their protection in case of burglary or disasters like fires or floods. Investing in a reliable commercial safe can minimize financial losses, maintain confidentiality, and demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding your organization's integrity.
2. Types of Commercial Safes:
Commercial safes come in various types, each designed to meet specific security requirements. Some popular options include fire-resistant, burglary-resistant, depository, and cash management safes. Fire-resistant safes protect against fire and heat damage, while burglary-resistant safes offer reinforced security against break-ins. Depository safes are ideal for businesses that handle frequent cash transactions, allowing secure deposits without compromising security. Cash management safes provide an efficient way to manage cash flow, with features like bill validators and automated tracking. Understanding the unique characteristics of each type enables businesses to choose the right safe that aligns with their security needs.
3. Factors to Consider when Choosing a Commercial Safe
 When selecting a commercial safe, several factors need careful consideration. First, evaluate the size and capacity required to accommodate your business's assets, cash reserves, and important documents. Next, consider the level of security needed based on your location, industry, and threat landscape. Look for safes with reliable locking mechanisms, solid construction, and certifications from reputable organizations such as Underwriters Laboratories.
Additionally, assess the safe's resistance to fire, water, and impact. Fire-resistant safes should adhere to industry standards, offering a specific level of fire protection. Water and impact resistance are equally crucial to prevent damage during unforeseen events.
Ease of use is another essential factor. The safe should provide convenient access for authorized personnel while ensuring stringent security measures for unauthorized individuals. Electronic locks, biometric scanners, or combination locks offer varying levels of convenience and security.
Finally, consider the safe's installation requirements and location. Choose a secure spot within your premises and evaluate whether the safe needs additional bolting or anchoring.
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 Commercial safes are a crucial investment in ensuring the security and protection of businesses. By understanding the significance of cash safes gold coast and considering critical factors like types, security features, capacity, and ease of use, organizations can make informed decisions that safeguard their valuable assets, preserve confidentiality, and instill trust among stakeholders.
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eastcoastsafe · 1 year
Discover The First-Class And Most Reliable Safes Burleigh
Are you looking for the ultimate in-home security? Look no further than safes from East Coast Safe Company! Our range of deposit and fireproof safes are the perfect way to keep your valuables safe and secure. Keep your cash, checks, documents and other small valuables safe from theft or fire damage with our top-of-the-line safes. Our safes are made of the most robust materials, including solid steel and fireproofing. You can choose various colours and sizes to find the perfect fit for your home. Do not hesitate to contact us for more details about Safes Burleigh.
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menolly5600 · 7 months
Is anyone else intensely confused about how Bruce Wayne lost the majority of his billionaire fortune and even lost Wayne Manor after Joker War?
Can anyone explain how Bruce lost billions of his total worth?
I feel like the writers don't know how money, assets, and business actually work...
Apparently Vandal Savage bought Wayne manor from the bank? How?
Bruce wouldn't sell his childhood, ancestral home and lands, especially with the Batcave underneath. It's the home he was raised in and one of his last links to his childhood, his parents and Alfred. The Wayne lands were a land grant to his ancestor Darius Wayne for distinguished service during the Revolutionary War. It's not like he had an unpaid mortgage where the bank could seize the manor.
It just doesn't make sense that he suddenly is so broke he can't even keep his childhood home so the bank sells it to Vandal Savage. He wouldn't have had a mortgage on his ancestral land grant. So the bank couldn't seize the manor. Even if he was just down to less than a hundred million dollars, he should still be able to afford the upkeep on the manor. It's not like his taxes take into account the Batcave as taxable square footage.
And if the manor and ancestral military service land grant was seized by the government, why?! You have any idea how many people would be up in arms at the thought that the government could seize anyone's home at the drop of a hat? Without even invoking eminent domain and going through the legal channels to do so? And not just anyone's home, but a rich person's home. Rich people across the nation would be throwing fits and money at legislators to get laws in place against sudden seizures of their homes. Or to legally prove the government overreached and doesn't have authority to do that.
If the government seized the property because of the Joker's actions then it still belongs to Bruce even if it's tied up in red tape as a crime scene. (And how did Joker gain possession of the manor in the first place? Certainly not in a legally recognized way, because he's the Joker. So it's stolen property to be returned to the rightful owner, Bruce.) Where are Bruce's lawyers to contest the seizure and unlawful sale?
And Bruce's reputation tanking makes no sense. The Joker stealing Wayne tech and money and using it to wage war against Gotham has nothing to do with Bruce being culpable for any of that. Brucie Wayne is a himbo playboy. He's a victim in this. Joker stole from him and used stolen property in his insane schemes. He does that all the time to other victims he steals from. Since when has being stolen from by a Rogue meant the people stolen from were at fault and culpable for the Rogue's crimes using the stolen property? Where is Bruce's PR team?
I still don't even understand how Joker got control of the company? He's a mass murdering domestic terrorist and judged clinically insane. There's no way his acquisition was legal. Then he stole everything from Bruce's bank accounts, but that's theft, not a legal transaction. So theft insurance with the bank should kick in.
Bruce was majority shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. This man plans for every contingency he can. There's no way he would own less than 51% of the shares in the company, to guarantee he remains in control of his company. Joker electronically draining his bank accounts of liquid cash wouldn't give him the shares. There's no way Joker could walk into the bank and legally claim the safe deposit boxes with legal documents, if they're even kept in the bank. Even if the Joker physically took control of the WE building and held it hostage to use the tech to make weapons, that doesn't mean he legally gained ownership.
Even if Bruce later was forced off the Board through a no confidence vote, he would still own the shares and receive dividends from them. Kicking him off the Board doesn't mean he's not still the majority shareholder. The Board cannot just revoke his shares, he owns them. How could they possibly force him to sell his shares? And if he did sell, he'd make a fortune from the selling. If he keeps the shares, he still would make tons of money from the company, unless the whole company went under.
Even if his bank accounts were cleaned out, millionaires and billionaires don't keep the majority of their worth in liquid cash assets sitting in banks. The majority of his wealth would be tied up in investments, companies, properties, stocks and bonds, trust funds, retirement portfolios, etc. He'd have to have people managing his portfolios and assets, otherwise he'd have no time to be Batman.
His asset portfolio managers would be people who would need way more than just an email or phone call telling them to liquidate his assets, before they'd tank his entire fortune portfolio. That's their highest profile client and a victim of past identity theft. No way would they dump his entire assets into a liquid bank account that someone could empty without all kinds of legal hoops and paperwork and triple verification in person that Bruce really wants them to set fire to his asset portfolio. That's not even taking into account that the banks would likely freeze Bruce's accounts at an unexpected massive attempted withdrawal of billions. That's a huge red flag in the bank systems.
Even if his bank accounts were cleaned out, banks have identity theft insurance. Bruce Wayne is his bank's biggest, highest profile client. Bruce is a past victim of identity theft. How could he not have identity theft insurance with his bank? The bank itself has theft insurance. And having Bruce's accounts all suddenly cleaned out and Bruce reporting it as an identity theft hacking crime means it's a bank account theft.
And apparently Catwoman stole Bruce's money back from the Joker, but then gave it to Lucius Fox to keep the FBI from watching the money. Why? It's legally Bruce's money. He had it before it was stolen, and the FBI weren't watching it then. Why would they monitor his spending now, if he got his liquid assets back? Are they looking for proof he's funding Batman? Legally, Bruce could put his money in overseas Swiss Bank and outside of the FBI jurisdiction, like rich people often do to hide what they spend on and how much they actually have. FBI couldn't do anything to stop him because it's perfectly legal to get a new bank account. It's more suspicious that Lucius Fox suddenly has billions in his bank account, right after Bruce's billions disappeared.
Unless they're trying to fraudulently collect insurance on the stolen money, and keep the retrieved money, it doesn't make sense to not return the money to Bruce. Am I missing something here?
It just doesn't make sense.
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cavalierious-whim · 2 years
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Genshin Impact Tartali Explicit 3.1k Words
It's instant attraction between Mr. Tartaglia and Mr. Lapis, which is probably why they fuck in the Northland Bank's safe deposit box room.
Read here on AO3 for better quality!
Zhongli is settled into a seat at the Northland Bank, fingers clasped primly in his lap as he listens to the banker drone on about investment accounts. 
“As you see, there are perks to transferring your IRA account here. Our interest rate is higher and we match—”
“At what percentage?”
The man blinks, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face before he shuffles through his paperwork. “Well, with Liyue International, you have a traditional IRA with a standard interest rate of…” Another paper flip, “Seven percent.” He clicks his tongue. “That’s on the lower end of the scale. Here at Northland Bank, we value you—”
“Do you?” Zhongli’s gaze narrows. “I am not young. I know a sales pitch when I hear it, and I came here for a reason. So,” Zhongli’s face tips to the nameplate on the desk. “Mr. Tartaglia. Please, sell me on it.”
“Childe is fine,” says the banker smoothly. “As far as selling you on moving your accounts here—I think that our options speak for themselves.”
“Which are?”
Childe huffs. “With all due respect, would you let me finish?”
“With all due respect, Mr. Tartaglia, I’m a large client with little time. If you want my accounts, the clock is ticking.”
Childe’s mouth purses, his brow pinching right in the middle. Mild annoyance. Zhongli’s mouth twitches at the corner in amusement. So young and eager. Easy to tease. 
“We would switch you to a Roth IRA,” continues Childe, finally handing him the pertinent information. “It will take a bit of paperwork but it would be non-taxable and you can borrow against it without penalty. Not to mention, the interest rate is ten percent and we match a higher amount.”
Zhongli, of course, knows this, having done mountains of research before even stepping into the Northland Bank. Perhaps it is his older nature, but he prefers to make others work for his business, finding mild entertainment in watching them squirm a little. 
You’re just trolling them, said Venti once over drinks. An old dick, that’s all you are.
Perhaps, but Zhongli has little pleasure in his life so he indulges. 
The banker is handsome. A masculine face and pretty blue eyes that seem to have depth. Thick and unruly auburn hair curls around his forehead and neck. And oh, does he put on the charm with slow, deliberate movements that draw Zhongli’s gaze right in. The brushing of his bangs away from his face; a wide, rapscallion grin; the genial and kind tone of his words, warm and inviting. 
Childe has perfected customer service, it seems. And it works; Zhongli finds himself more interested than he should be. “And the paperwork,” he then asks, “how is that to be settled?”
“I’ll help you with it, of course. Perhaps even fill most of it out. After all, you’re a busy man, as you said before, Mr. Lapis. I can’t expect you to give up all of your precious spare time.”
Oh. Zhongli’s lips part. Childe’s tone is teasing back, the undertone of it annoyed. “Do you have a distaste for men like myself?”
“What? For the obscenely rich?” Childe’s gaze turns salty-sweet and he can’t keep the sarcasm from his tone. “Nonsense, Mr. Lapis. Friendly banter, that’s all—which you initiated, might I add. Without such high-class clients such as yourself, the Northland Bank wouldn’t exist.”
Zhongli watches him coolly. “So you were aware of my teasing, then.”
Childe shrugs minutely. “You aren’t very subtle.”
“Or, perhaps, you are too interested.”
“Oh, I love the overconfidence.”
For a moment, Zhongli considers that, perhaps, he gauged the banker wrong. Childe is young—younger than Zhongli typically would chase after—but not young enough to be dumb and stupid. There’s enough experience stocked behind that knowing gaze. As Zhongli stares him down, Childe watches him back with equal interest. 
“Was I wrong in your interest? As a client, of course.” Zhongli is, admittedly, rusty when it comes to casual liaisons. 
Childe seems momentarily stunned by the overt bluntness of Zhongli’s flirting. “I—Er.” His throat bobs as he gathers himself, clearing it. “Would you like to see the vault?”
Zhongli’s brows rise straight into his hairline. He checks his watch. Nearly 5 P.M. “I do believe that your facility closes in about ten minutes.”
“That’s enough time for me to convince you that the Northland Bank truly values our clientele.”
Oh. Oh. Zhongli’s gaze melts, arousal flooding through him. Perhaps this boy is exactly as cheeky as he first thought. Zhongli stands and tugs at the lapels of his coat. “I do think that perhaps a closer look would allow me to assess whether or not my assets will truly be cared for.”
Childe’s return grin is foxlike and eager. 
Zhongli is a well-seasoned businessman and though incredibly dense when it comes to many social norms, he certainly knows that this isn’t the sort of bank deposits that are spoken of when talking shop about IRA accounts. 
“Oh, look at you.” The safe deposit box room is tiny with barely enough room for them to move around the way they need to. Childe has Zhongli pressed against the table. The perfect height to lean over and grasp as Childe spreads his legs wide. 
“There are cameras,” murmurs Zhongli. He does nothing to protest, instead, falling victim to Childe’s roaming hands wholly and willingly. 
“I’m the bank manager with security access. I’ll delete the footage.”
“Will you?” Zhongli isn’t so prone to making such dumb choices but he’s more desperate to get fucked than he originally thought, need coursing through him. 
“If you switch your accounts to us.” A tease.
But Zhongli is a man of repute. He should be playing it safe, not… whatever this is. Childe pauses, sensing Zhongli’s hesitation. Zhongli’s already half pulled apart, his shirt and jacket loose, trousers undone at the front. Childe’s hands are searing hot against his skin and Zhongli’s gut curls, wanting more. 
His voice falls quieter. “I’m a man of my word. I promise. Besides—” He squeezes the meat of Zhongli’s ass, fingers digging into plush muscle. “I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize getting my hands on this. I’ve heard the rumors of you hiding assets, but—”
Zhongli snorts, laughing. “Ah, so you like the tabloids, then?”
“They’re a guilty pleasure. Stop changing the subject. Didn’t you want to see how we handle your assets?”
“I’d rather you manhandle them at this point.” The words slip out before Zhongli can stop them.
Childe bends closer, plastering himself over Zhongli’s back. “Who knew that you had such a filthy mouth?”
Zhongli shoots him a look over his shoulder. “Didn’t you say that you only needed ten minutes? The clock is ticking and I fully intend on submitting a review of your services.”
The lighthearted bickering spurs them on. Childe’s touch is blazing, fingers smoothing over every inch that he can find before pulling Zhongli’s trousers past the swell of his waist. He pulls an asscheek to the side, staring at Zhongli’s hole which clenches in anticipation.
“Wow, so…” Childe tests the give of his rim by pressing his thumb against it. 
Zhongli jerks, hips bucking. “It’s been—”
“Needy thing, aren’t you?”
No, thinks Zhongli. Childe licks at his thumb before pressing it back to his hole again, more insistent with his touch, slipping into the first knuckle. Childe is gentle at least, tugging at his rim carefully. Zhongli whines when Childe pulls away again. 
The click of a lube bottle has Zhongli huffing. “Prepared, hm?”
“Lucky for you I jack off sometimes during my lunches. Now shut up and let me take care of you.”
Zhongli bites his lip to keep from crying out as Childe slips a finger in, the lube cold and sticky. And then a second, a little too quickly. Zhongli cannot complain, bucking against his hand. He asked for it, teasing about the time. He looks at his watch again. “Seven minutes.”
“Probably less than that,” says Childe, wriggling a third finger in beside the first two. He spreads them, tugging Zhongli’s hole wide, stretching it. 
“I’m willing to give an extra moment or two if it means stellar service—Oh, that’s—” Zhongli keens, fingers digging into the table he leans against, gasping when Childe’s fingers brush his prostate. 
“Ah, found it.” Childe’s mouth is near his ear, warm and wet. His fingers are relentless as he opens Zhongli up, sinking in deep, sweeping over that bundle of nerves over and over. Quickly. Efficiently. His cock hangs heavy underneath him, twitching. Precome drips to the tiled floor in thick globs.
“Mr. Tartaglia,” hisses Zhongli, clenching around his fingers as he grinds against him. 
“Childe,” is the curt correction, punctuated by a punishing drive of his fingers that leaves Zhongli’s breath hitched. “I’d like to think we’re partners in this business, not just a client and some middling service.”
What a boastful man, pride leaking from his pores as Zhongli falls apart on only his fingers. There’s an attractiveness to it though, the sure way that Childe speaks and his talented, deft fingers that know exactly what they’re doing. Zhongli wants more. 
“I think we should skip to the more involved parts of hashing out a contract. I’m—ah, fuck, that’s—”
“You do deserve special treatment, I suppose.”
“Five minutes, Mr. Tartaglia,” says Zhongi, peeking at his watch again. “You still haven’t given me a thorough run-down of what exactly the Northland Bank’s rates are—”
“I’d rather fuck you,” says Childe, kissing the shell of Zhongli’s ear, his words tumbling from his mouth, filthy.
Zhongli would rather that, too. He needs it, as far as he’s concerned. Childe’s fingers are good but they are not enough and it’s been too long since Zhongli last indulged in something so licentious. His pleasure is close to peaking, nearly undone with so little effort. It would take nothing to tip over the edge and he’d far prefer it with Childe’s cock inside him instead.
Childe grinds against him, his erection thick and heavy in his trousers. Zhongli’s mouth waters as he looks back, eyes honing in on the sizeable bulge. Childe catches his gaze and smirks. Takes Zhongli’s chin between his fingers, turning his face. “I bet you beg so prettily.”
Probably. Zhongli knows he’s pink-faced, eyes dancing with lust and arousal. Childe thumbs over Zhongli’s bite-swollen lip leans close to peck it. A sweet kiss. It doesn’t linger, doesn’t ask for more—but he does. “Come on, beg for it.”
Zhongli refuses to give in so easily. “Fuck me,” he demands instead. 
“Insistent.” Childe nips at his jaw, teeth digging in. “I should’ve expected that from Mr. Rex Lapis, though. CEOs certainly come with high tastes.”
“Zhongli,” he corrects. “Only businessmen call me Mister.”
Childe laughs, leaning back to pull his fingers out. Zhongli hates the emptiness at their loss and the way that his loose hole clenches around nothing. Childe spreads his asscheeks to watch, smoothing his thumb over his swollen rim. “I’m a little jealous. There’s something to be said about the time they spend with you. And there’s a draw to the title.” Childe hums against his neck. “Mister.”
“I don’t let them fuck me.” A pause. Another glance at his wrist, the hand of his watch tick-ticking with every second that passes by. “Five minutes, it seems.”
Childe fusses with his trousers, unzipping them with haste. Slicks his cock with the lube. Takes a deep breath as he presses the tip to Zhongli’s hole, thrusting in hard, right to the root. His thighs slap against Zhongli’s ass, the sound echoing in the quietness of the room. 
“Gods, I knew it.” Childe moans as he slides deep, Zhongli’s ass flush against. “You’re so tight, so, so—”
Childe’s dick is perfect. Zhongli whimpers as Childe fucks him, hard and fast. His cock drags against his insides, filling him to the point where he can feel Childe in his throat. “Fuck,” hisses Zhongli. Minutely embarrassed, so used to speaking properly. He loses himself in his lust, fucking back against Childe to pull his cock deeper. “More,” he begs, finally giving in fully. “More.”
Zhongli drowns, overcome by the sensation of it all. He grabs at his own cock and strokes himself, moaning with every punch of Childe’s length. Pleasure burns through Zhongli like liquid fire as Childe rolls his hips against him. It won’t take long; Zhongli was already close before but now he threatens to come with every pointed strike of Childe’s dick. 
“Fuck, you feel good.” Childe’s movements are sharp. He holds Zhongli’s hips in a bruising grip that will surely leave marks. 
How sordid. Zhongli’s thighs shake as he tries to hold himself up. His toes curl inside his fine leather wingtips, scrabbling against the table as he’s pushed across it. He moans, cheek squished into the cold wood that’s polished to a shine. “Hah—Mhmm—”
“And the way that you sound. Gods, just—” Childe curses again, tugging Zhongli’s hips back against him.
Zhongli cries out, garbling Childe’s name. His fingers dig into the table, sliding over it as Childe fucks into him over and over. Short thrusts that punch out the filthiest sounds. Zhongli writhes underneath him as he meets every thrust. 
Childe loses his rhythm. “I’m—Zhongli, I’m—”
Zhongli glances at his watch. Two minutes. He smirks, amused—but then bites off a moan at a particularly rough thrust. “Are you close?” Then, a dangerous but delicious thought as Zhongli looks back at Childe’s ruddy face. “Inside me. Come on, inside me.”
Childe stutters, his grip tightening. “Shit,” he murmurs. “Fuck, you’re—okay. Okay.”
It takes only a few more thrusts before Childe comes, filling Zhongli up with ropes of white spend. Zhongli groans, gripping his own cock, fucking his fist as Childe grinding into him. And then Childe pulls out, unexpectedly, Zhongli whining at the loss of fullness. 
“No, why, I’m—” So very nearly there. Zhongli looses a frustrated sound, hips chasing Childe’s dick. 
“So desperate,” says Childe, spreading Zhongli’s asscheeks to watch the way his semen drips from his hole. Embarassing, delightful, horrifically debauched; Zhongli is as desperate as Childe claims. “Do you want to come?”
“Are you going to make me sign paperwork for it?” snaps Zhongli, strangely testy. He’s usually so calm and composed, even in his most vulnerable moments. 
Childe smiles against his neck, nuzzling the skin there. Kiss after kiss against Zhongli’s sweaty skin, his tongue darting out to taste it. “Normally, yes.” The worst sort of tease. Zhongli wriggles his hips, begging for friction, for fingers, for anything.
Zhongli is turned around until the table bites his lower back, spine smarting in pain. Childe drops immediately, falling to his knees, prostrating before him. “So beautiful,” he says, pulling Zhongli’s trousers down to his ankles, freeing milky thighs and everything else. 
“Your time is up, you know.” 
Childe looks up at him from between his thighs. “I’m willing to put in extra work off the clock.”
Zhongli’s gaze melts into something a little too fond. His hand curls into Childe’s hair, fingers scratching his scalp before he tugs his mouth close. “I think you need to remind me of the interest rates again.”
“Ten percent.” He kisses the tip of Zhongli’s cock, tongue sliding across the underside, tracing the thick vein. “But I’m willing to negotiate for higher if it means more meetings.”
“Quiet liaisons in the vaults, I assume.”
“Or my office, late at night.” 
Zhongli drags a thumb over Childe’s mouth, considering him. Then he tugs his lips open and says, “Go on, then. Show me how desperate for my patronage you are.”
And Childe does, swallowing down Zhongli’s cock as though he might die if he doesn’t. His mouth is wet and warm. Zhongli groans when the tip hits the back of Childe’s throat, and Childe hums around him. “What a sight.” Zhongli brushes back Childe’s bangs. “So good for me.”
It takes nothing for him to come; a few good sucks around the crown of Zhongli’s cock, and Childe’s fingers pressing into his loose hole to tease his prostate. Zhongli cries out and Childe sputters around him, choking on his come, spittle dripping from his mouth. 
He coughs, pulling back—but shoves whatever falls from his mouth right back in. Zhongli watches him like a hawk, half-lidded, and they hang there for a long moment as they soak up just what really happened. 
“Don’t usually do this, right?” Childe laughs, wiping his mouth. “Yeah, I don’t make a habit of it either. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever pulled a client down here.” A pause as he stands. “Oh, yeah, I… Look, I didn’t do this to get an account with you.”
Of course, not. Zhongli isn’t a fool. He laughs as he re-dresses, making himself decent. “Perhaps I was just…” He clears his throat. “The only explanation is that you are handsome and receptive.” 
Once they leave the safe-deposit room, still a little wobbly, Zhongli stops Childe just at the front door. “It’s quiet in here.”
“I typically close up. That’s why I…” He trails off, waving vaguely.
Zhongli pulls out his card holder and a pen, scratching words over the thick cardstock before handing it to Childe. “This might be a little forward, but…” It has been years since Zhongli last dated and he fears that he might come off a little more awkward than intended.
Childe stares at the business card, a separate phone number handwritten on the back in curling penmanship. “Should I consider this a tip, then? For services rendered?”
“I would think that you’d want me to call the office for work-related calls.”
Zhongli shrugs on his coat, straightening the lapels. He huffs. “Of course. That’s my personal number for—”
“House calls? Just what kind of banker do you think I am?”
“I would not be opposed to a proper dinner.”
Childe’s eyes light up at that, not unlike an eager puppy. “I’ve never been wine-and-dined before.”
“Doubtful.” Surely, Childe has been the one to wine and dine others. 
“Well, okay, I’ve never been treated by someone I actually like.” Childe pockets the card into his suit jacket. “Right then, I’ll… er… We should get you out of here.”
Zhongli slips through the unlocked front door. Pauses, hesitating, thinking that he should say more. He isn’t so quick to forget the feel of Childe inside him, or the slick mess that still leaks from his ass. I’m gone, I’m—
“I will call you,” says Childe, leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed over his shoulders. “If you’re worried. I can’t be the only one that…” He scratches his neck. “Compatible,” he finishes. “I had fun and I want to again.”
“Fun,” he muses, tasting the word. “I suppose you enjoyed yourself considering you dragged it past the allotted appointment time.” Zhongli isn’t sure that he’ll be able to keep up but he’s willing to try. “Until the next, then, Mr. Tartaglia.”
Childe nods, hiding a smirk. “Mr. Lapis.”
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adamsbullion · 8 days
Strategic Partnerships with Melbourne Vault
The Melbourne Vault is an independent vaulting facility in the heart of the Melbourne CBD deep underground at 257 Collins Street, that is not owned or controlled by the government or any financial institution.
The Melbourne Vault’s certified storage facility combines physical protection with state-of-the-art electronic and procedural security systems, providing their clients with the highest level of security for their hard‑earned wealth. 
The Melbourne Vault operates strictly on an appointment-only basis to ensure their clients receive a personal, private and discreet visit to the vault, every time. This ensures that clients are offered the best possible protection for their assets. 
Offering a wide range of safe unit sizes, from secure document folders, Extra Small Safe Deposit Boxes up to custom made high weight capacity Bullion Locker Safes, The Melbourne Vault has the secure solution for any need. Combined with independent cost effective audit services and insurance, it is the perfect home for your SMSF holdings too.
Website: https://melbournevault.com.au/
Adams Bullion | Gold Bullion for Sale | Australia
For more details you can visit us at Strategic Partnerships – Adams Bullion
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goldstockcanada0 · 19 days
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Gold Biscuits in Canada
Gold has always been a symbol of wealth and stability, and in recent years, buying gold has become increasingly popular among Canadians looking to secure their financial future. If you’re considering investing in gold, one option worth exploring is purchasing gold biscuits. These valuable assets offer a convenient and efficient way to invest in gold. buy gold biscuit canada Here’s everything you need to know about buying gold biscuits in Canada.
What Are Gold Biscuits?
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Why Buy Gold Biscuits?
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How to Buy Gold Biscuits in Canada
When purchasing gold biscuits, it’s crucial to choose a reputable dealer. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
Research Dealers: Look for established dealers with a track record of reliability. Websites like Gold Stock Canada offer a wide selection of gold biscuits and provide valuable information to help you make an informed decision.
Check Purity and Weight: Ensure that the gold biscuits you are buying are of high purity, typically 99.9% pure gold. The weight of the biscuit should also be clearly stated and verified.
Compare Prices: Gold prices fluctuate based on market conditions. Compare prices from different dealers to ensure you are getting a fair deal. Remember to factor in any additional costs such as shipping or taxes.
Verify Authenticity: Reputable dealers will provide certification for their gold biscuits, verifying their authenticity. Make sure to review this documentation before making a purchase.
Consider Storage Options: Decide whether you will store the gold biscuits yourself or use a secure storage service offered by the dealer.
Investing in gold biscuits is a smart move for those looking to add a stable, tangible asset to their investment portfolio. By choosing a reputable dealer like Gold Stock Canada, you can ensure that you are making a sound investment in high-quality gold. buy gold biscuit canada Remember to do your research, verify authenticity, and consider your storage options to make the most of your investment in gold biscuits.
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thatcleaningcrew · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to Move Out Cleaning Services by That Cleaning Crew
Moving out of a home can be an exciting yet stressful time. Amidst packing boxes and coordinating logistics, ensuring your current residence is spotless is crucial for securing your security deposit or preparing the property for the next occupants. That’s where professional move out cleaning services come into play, ensuring a seamless transition and peace of mind.
What is Move Out Cleaning?
Move out cleaning, also known as end of lease cleaning or vacate cleaning, is a thorough cleaning service designed to restore a property to its original condition before the tenants move out. It goes beyond regular cleaning tasks to address deep cleaning needs, ensuring every corner of the property is pristine and ready for inspection.
Why Choose That Cleaning Crew?
At That Cleaning Crew, we specialize in providing top-notch move out cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of tenants, landlords, and property managers alike. Here’s why our services stand out:
Expertise and Experience: Our cleaning professionals are highly trained and experienced in handling move out cleaning projects of all sizes. We understand the specific requirements for different types of properties and ensure compliance with leasing agreements and inspection standards.
Comprehensive Cleaning Checklist: We follow a detailed checklist that covers every area of the property, including:
Deep cleaning of kitchen appliances, cabinets, and countertops.
Thorough cleaning of bathrooms, including tiles, sinks, showers, and toilets.
Cleaning and dusting of all surfaces, including baseboards, light fixtures, and ceiling fans.
Vacuuming and mopping of floors.
Cleaning of windows and window sills.
Removal of cobwebs and debris.
And more, tailored to your specific needs.
Use of Eco-Friendly Products: We prioritize the use of eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for both occupants and the environment, ensuring a clean and healthy living space.
Flexible Scheduling: We understand that moving schedules can be tight. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your timeline and ensure a smooth transition.
Client Satisfaction Guaranteed: Our goal is to deliver exceptional cleaning results that exceed your expectations. We stand behind our services with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring your complete peace of mind.
Benefits of Professional Move Out Cleaning:
Save Time and Effort: Moving is already stressful. Letting professionals handle the cleaning allows you to focus on other important tasks.
Maximize Security Deposit Returns: A professionally cleaned property increases the likelihood of getting your security deposit back in full.
Impress Potential Buyers or Tenants: For property owners and managers, a clean property enhances its appeal and can lead to faster rentals or sales.
Whether you’re a tenant preparing to move out or a property owner ensuring your space is market-ready, That Cleaning Crew’s move out cleaning services are designed to meet your needs. Contact us today to schedule your cleaning appointment and experience the difference our expertise can make in your move-out process.
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jfinserv · 2 months
Understanding Banking Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s fast-paced world, banking services are an integral part of our daily lives. From managing our finances to facilitating transactions, banks offer a wide array of services designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses. But what exactly are banking services, and how can they benefit you? In this blog, we’ll delve into the various types of banking services, their importance, and how to make the most of them.
What Are Banking Services?
Banking services encompass a range of financial products and services provided by banks and other financial institutions. These services are designed to help individuals and businesses manage their money, conduct transactions, and achieve their financial goals. Here are some of the most common types of banking services:
1. Savings and Checking Accounts
Savings Accounts: These accounts allow you to save money while earning interest. They are ideal for setting aside funds for future needs, such as emergencies, vacations, or large purchases.
Checking Accounts: These accounts are used for everyday transactions, such as paying bills, making purchases, and receiving deposits. They typically come with features like check-writing capabilities, debit cards, and online banking access.
2. Loans and Credit Services
Personal Loans: These are unsecured loans that can be used for various purposes, such as debt consolidation, home improvements, or unexpected expenses.
Mortgage Loans: These loans are specifically designed for purchasing or refinancing a home. They come in various forms, including fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages.
Credit Cards: Credit cards offer a revolving line of credit that can be used for purchases and cash advances. They come with features like rewards programs, cash back, and travel benefits.
Auto Loans: These loans are used to finance the purchase of a new or used vehicle. They often come with competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms.
3. Investment and Wealth Management
Investment Accounts: Banks often offer brokerage accounts, mutual funds, and other investment products to help you grow your wealth.
Wealth Management Services: These services are tailored to high-net-worth individuals and include personalized financial planning, investment management, and estate planning.
4. Online and Mobile Banking
Online Banking: This service allows you to manage your bank accounts, pay bills, transfer funds, and more through a secure internet portal.
Mobile Banking: Mobile apps provided by banks offer the convenience of banking on the go. You can check your balance, deposit checks, and make payments using your smartphone or tablet.
5. Business Banking Services
Business Checking and Savings Accounts: These accounts are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses, with features like payroll services, merchant services, and cash management.
Business Loans and Credit Lines: Banks offer various financing options to help businesses grow, including term loans, lines of credit, and equipment financing.
Merchant Services: These services enable businesses to accept credit and debit card payments, process transactions, and manage point-of-sale systems.
6. Specialized Services
Foreign Exchange Services: For individuals and businesses dealing with international transactions, banks offer currency exchange, wire transfers, and foreign currency accounts.
Safe Deposit Boxes: These secure boxes are available for rent at many banks and provide a safe place to store valuable items and important documents.
Why Are Banking Services Important?
Banking services play a crucial role in the financial stability and growth of individuals and businesses. Here are some key reasons why they are important:
Convenience: Banking services provide easy access to your money and financial tools, enabling you to manage your finances efficiently.
Security: Banks offer a safe place to store your money and protect it from theft, loss, and fraud.
Financial Growth: With various investment and savings options, banks help you grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Credit Access: Loans and credit services enable you to make significant purchases, invest in your future, and manage cash flow effectively.
Business Support: Business banking services provide essential tools and financing options to help businesses thrive and expand.
Making the Most of Banking Services
To fully benefit from banking services, it’s essential to choose the right bank and products that suit your needs. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your banking experience:
Research and Compare: Compare different banks and their offerings to find the best fit for your financial needs. Consider factors like fees, interest rates, customer service, and convenience.
Understand Your Needs: Identify your financial goals and needs, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or starting a business. Choose banking products and services that align with these goals.
Use Online and Mobile Banking: Take advantage of online and mobile banking services for easy and convenient access to your accounts and financial tools.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest banking trends, products, and services. This will help you make informed decisions and take advantage of new opportunities.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult with a financial advisor or bank representative to get personalized advice and guidance on managing your finances.
Banking services are essential for managing your finances, achieving your financial goals, and ensuring financial stability. By understanding the various types of banking services available and how to use them effectively, you can make informed decisions and optimize your financial well-being. Whether you’re an individual looking to save and invest or a business seeking to grow and expand, banks offer a range of services designed to meet your unique needs.
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911locksmithphoenix · 6 months
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‪911 Locksmith Phoenix (623) 252-0540
Our services include new locks and replacements, install high security locks, electronic locks sold, repaired and serviced, duplicating keys and re-keying, service and sales of safes and vaults, deposit and jewelry box service, also mailbox locks sold and/or serviced and installed
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goldstockcanada0 · 3 months
Buying Silver in Canada: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to investing in precious metals, silver is a popular choice for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. buying silver in canada In Canada, the process of buying silver is straightforward, offering a range of options to suit various investment goals. This guide will walk you through the essentials of buying silver in Canada, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your financial objectives.
Why Invest in Silver?
Silver has long been valued for its industrial applications and as a store of value. Here are some key reasons why investing in silver can be a smart move:
Diversification: Silver adds diversity to an investment portfolio, helping to mitigate risks associated with other asset classes.
Hedge Against Inflation: Precious metals like silver tend to retain their value over time, providing a hedge against inflation.
Industrial Demand: Silver is used in a variety of industrial applications, from electronics to solar panels, which supports its long-term demand.
Where to Buy Silver in Canada
Canada offers several avenues for purchasing silver, each with its own benefits:
Online Dealers: Reputable online dealers like Gold Stock Canada offer a wide selection of silver products, including coins, bars, and rounds. Shopping online provides convenience and access to competitive prices.
Local Coin Shops: Many cities have local coin shops where you can buy silver in person. This option allows you to physically inspect the items before purchasing.
Banks: Some Canadian banks offer silver bullion for sale, providing a secure option for buyers who prefer to deal with financial institutions.
Mints: The Royal Canadian Mint produces high-quality silver coins and bars, which can be purchased directly from their website or authorized dealers.
Types of Silver Products
When buying silver, you'll encounter various product types. Here are the most common ones:
Silver Coins: Coins like the Canadian Silver Maple Leaf are popular among investors. They are government-minted, ensuring authenticity and high quality.
Silver Bars: Available in various weights, silver bars offer a cost-effective way to accumulate silver.
Silver Rounds: These privately minted pieces are similar to coins but are not legal tender. They often feature unique designs and can be more affordable than coins.
Junk Silver: Pre-1967 Canadian coins contain silver and can be purchased for their metal content, often at a lower premium.
Factors to Consider When Buying Silver
To make the most of your silver investment, keep the following factors in mind:
Purity: Ensure the silver you buy is of high purity. Investment-grade silver is typically .999 pure.
Premiums: The premium is the amount over the spot price of silver that you pay for a product. Compare premiums from different dealers to get the best deal.
Storage: Consider where you will store your silver. Options include home safes, safety deposit boxes, or third-party storage facilities.
Market Conditions: Keep an eye on market trends and economic conditions that can affect the price of silver.
Buying silver in Canada is a wise investment strategy that offers stability, diversification, and potential growth. By purchasing from reputable dealers like Gold Stock Canada, buying silver in canada you can be confident in the authenticity and quality of your silver products. Whether you're looking to protect your wealth or grow your portfolio, silver provides a reliable and valuable asset.
Investing in silver is more than just a financial decision; it's a step towards securing your financial future. Start your journey today and explore the wide range of silver products available in Canada.
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lastingsafe01 · 6 months
Lasting Safe
LastingSafe is a manufacturer of safe and vault products from China, specializing in the production and sales of physical protection products such as safe deposit boxes, vault doors, modular vault rooms, safe rooms, safes, etc. We have more than 20 years of production experience, and our products are exported to 40 In many countries and regions, it serves more than 1,000 customers from banks, hotels, private safe companies, the pharmaceutical industry, military and police departments, financial companies, luxury retailers, etc. It is a product supplier of many internationally renowned security brands.
safe deposit box suppliers
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kubervaults1 · 8 months
Where should investors store their gold?
Precious metals like gold tend to be high in demand, particularly in the times of crisis. Gold bars and coins are widely sought after by private- and institutional investors alike, in order to generate wealth, stay protected against inflation and/or as a means of asset diversification. Due to its high value, finding the right Safety deposit box to store gold is immensely important.
A lot of investors believe their gold is best stored within the four walls of their home, and initially a clever hiding place at home may seem like a safe bet. However, many professional burglars tend to be well aware of the common options people choose for storing gold at home, including a home safe, or a hiding place somewhere in the garden. Hence, it is better that gold investors opt for Locker hire Sydney to safely store the precious metal.
Installing a home safe can be very costly for many precious metal investors. Moreover, these safes are often not secure enough. In such situations, investors often choose to rent a safe deposit box or locker at a bank. While this method is undoubtedly safer than home storage, it does come with its own set of disadvantages. Bank lockers are only accessible within bank hours. Hence, investors wouldn’t be able to sell off their gold urgently, if they need to do so. This aspect of bank lockers can cause an investor to lose on some advantageous sale opportunities. Hence, it is better that they get a Locker in Sydney at an organization that specializes in gold storage. There are many modern, high-security facilities present in Sydney today that tend to be purpose-built for the storage of valuables, and allow both private and institutional investors to store gold coins or gold bullion bars. Detailed information of such organizations can be found on the web.
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property23 · 10 months
Getting Title to Your Property: A Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing a Lost Sale Deed in India
Losing important property documents, especially the Sale Deed, can be a stressful experience. The Sale Deed is a crucial legal document that establishes ownership of a property. If you find yourself in a situation where you've lost your Sale Deed, the good news is that you can apply for a certified copy to replace the lost document. Here is a detailed guide to assist you in navigating through this process:
File a Police Report:
As soon as you discover the loss of your Sale Deed, it's advisable to file a report with the local police. This step is essential for legal purposes and may be required during the application process for a certified copy. Provide all necessary details about the lost document and any relevant circumstances.
Gather Necessary Information:
Before initiating the application process, gather all relevant details about the property for which the Sale Deed was issued. This includes the property address, survey number, and any other pertinent information that can help authorities verify your ownership.
Visit the Sub-Registrar's Office:
The next step is to visit the Sub-Registrar's Office in the jurisdiction where the property sale in Chennai is located. This office is responsible for maintaining property records, and they will guide you through the process of obtaining a certified copy of your Sale Deed.
Obtain the Application Form:
Request the application form for obtaining a certified copy of a Sale Deed. You may need to provide details such as the reason for the request, details of the property, and information about the loss, including a copy of the police report.
Pay the Prescribed Fee:
There is usually a fee associated with obtaining a certified copy of a Sale Deed. The fee amount may vary depending on the location and the policies of the Sub-Registrar's Office. Ensure you inquire about the fee structure and make the necessary payment. If you are planning to sell or rent your property in Chennai, staying informed about these fees is essential for a well-prepared and successful property transaction.
Submission of Application:
Submit the completed application form along with the required documents, which may include proof of identity, proof of address, and a copy of the police report. Ensure that all the information provided is accurate and matches the records of the original Sale Deed.
Verification Process:
The Sub-Registrar's Office will initiate a verification process to confirm your ownership of the property and the details provided in the application. This may involve cross-referencing with existing records and conducting on-site inspections.
Issuance of Certified Copy:
Once the verification process is complete, and your request is approved, the Sub-Registrar's Office will issue a certified copy of the Sale Deed. The certified copy carries equivalent legal validity to the original document.
Safeguard the Certified Copy:
After obtaining the certified copy, it's crucial to safeguard it properly. Consider keeping it in a secure location, such as a safe deposit box, to prevent future loss or damage.
In conclusion, while losing property documents can be a cause for concern, the process of obtaining a certified copy of a lost Sale Deed is designed to help property owners recover from such situations. Following these steps and working closely with the Sub-Registrar's Office can help you navigate the process smoothly and ensure the legal integrity of your property ownership. If you are looking to sell or rent your properties in Chennai, maintaining accurate and accessible documentation, including certified copies, is crucial for a seamless and successful transaction.
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feld12345 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Just in- UNIQUE ONYX RING.
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
How to Invest in Silver
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Like gold, silver can provide a safe haven during times of stock market turmoil and a hedge against inflation. The metal also remains a highly sought-after commodity with a long history of use as hard currency and for industrial production. Below, we explore the best ways to invest in silver as well as the benefits and risks to consider. Table of contents The best ways to invest in silver The benefits of investing in silver The drawbacks of investing in silver Is silver a good investment in 2023? Investing in silver FAQs Summary of how to invest in silver The best ways to invest in silver There are many different ways you can add silver to your investment portfolio. But if you decide to invest in this precious metal, make sure to consider your broader financial goals, timeline and risk tolerance. These factors will help you determine the most financially advantageous way for you to invest in silver. If you’re still unsure about whether or not the investment is a good choice for you after studying this guide, talk to a financial advisor. Your best bet is to consult with a fiduciary, who is required to recommend what is in your best interest. Silver bullion Buying silver bullion — that is, silver bars or coins — or collectible minted silver coins is the most straightforward way to buy silver. You may want to buy silver coins and bars to supplement a portfolio of paper assets like stocks and bonds. However, be aware that investing in physical assets creates some unique conditions for investors. How to invest in physical silver Investment-grade silver is at least 99.9% pure. You can buy fine silver bullion from online precious metals brokers — like JM Bullion, where you can buy gold and silver — as well as from storefront dealers, pawn shops, some jewelry stores and specialty retailers. If you want to buy silver bullion coins or bars, acquaint yourself beforehand with the spot price — that is, the current trading value — of silver. While coins are marked-up to reflect their rarity and condition, the price of pure silver bullion is based on the value of the metal itself. Each type of silver purveyor has pros and cons. You can get silver of guaranteed purity from online brokers, but they tend to mark up the silver they sell. Some broker premiums, especially those for limited-edition collectible coins, can be steep, and you have no guarantee of making your money back even if you plan to own silver for a long time. You might be able to save money by purchasing silver in person from a numismatic dealer or jeweler. However, the trade-off could be compromising quality or purity, either of which could hurt you when it comes time to sell your silver. Pros and cons of physical silver Buying silver bullion yourself cuts out the middleman that other investments may have, but there are still associated costs you need to consider: sales tax, dealer markups and the cost of storing and insuring your silver to protect it from loss or theft. You may choose to store it at home or in a bank safe deposit box. Although silver is a highly sought-after commodity in financial and industrial markets, the metal itself might not be as liquid as silver futures or silver exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which are still backed by actual silver but can be quickly and easily sold via a broker or online trading platform. Silver mining stocks If having to store bulky silver bars or coins doesn’t sound appealing, investing in stocks of silver mining companies may be a better fit for your investment style. Companies that mine silver generally do so either as an adjunct to gold mining, or they mine silver along with other industrial commodity metals, like aluminum and copper. Investing in silver companies provides you with the benefits of investing in this precious metal without having to own the physical metal yourself. How to invest in silver stocks Finding silver company stock to buy isn’t quite as straightforward as picking gold company stocks. Companies that mine silver might not exclusively, or even predominantly, focus on that metal. If your goal is to invest in silver, research mining companies’ holdings and operations in order to determine how much of their business is actually in silver as opposed to other metals. Investing in silver stocks is done the same way you would invest in other stocks. You can use an online trading platform or stockbroker. You can also buy stocks in precious metals streaming companies, which are firms that provide financing to the companies that actually perform the mining operations. Pros and cons of silver stocks Owning stock in silver companies gives you exposure to investor demand for this safe-haven asset during times of market volatility, but doesn’t burden you with the expense and hassle of buying and storing physical silver. Silver mining stocks are easy to buy and are more liquid than silver bullion, with transparent pricing and a highly efficient market. Although silver is a sought-after commodity by precious metals investors as well as buyers for industrial and manufacturing usage, tracking down the best silver stocks takes a bit of legwork because most precious metals miners focus on extracting gold. Companies that mine other types of metals and minerals, such as lead and zinc, may also not place as much focus on silver production. Silver ETFs ETFs are buckets of securities, like stocks or commodities, you can trade throughout the day with an ordinary brokerage account. Silver exchange-traded funds hold silver-backed assets. Some ETFs, such as iShares Silver Trust, hold physical silver bullion, while others, such as Global X Silver Miners ETF, hold stocks of silver mining companies. According to ETF.com, there are a total of nine silver ETFs that trade on U.S. markets. How to invest in silver ETFs You can buy and sell silver ETFs with an ordinary brokerage account. These trading platforms and apps have resources available to help you research the composition and performance of an individual silver ETF before making a purchase. Pros and cons of silver ETFs ETFs are a low-cost and popular way to hold positions in multiple companies across an index like the S&P 500 or within an industry sector. There are gold ETFs as well as silver ETFs, in addition to other commodity-focused ones that hold assets backed by products, such as oil or copper. That said, silver ETFs are narrowly focused investments. While they can be part of a well-diversified portfolio, most financial advisors recommend keeping precious metals investments between 5% and 10% of your total nest egg to avoid over-concentration that can heighten your risk. Because of their specialized nature, silver ETFs have higher expense ratios, which is the cost of managing the fund. The average silver ETF expense ratio is 0.73%, compared to just 0.16% for the average broad-based equity ETF, according to ETF.com. Silver ETFs backed with actual pure silver can also be subject to less favorable tax treatment because they’re classified as commodities rather than paper assets, like stocks or bonds. This categorization means they can be taxed at a higher maximum capital gains tax threshold. Silver futures Another way to invest in silver is with silver futures. These financial instruments are contracts in which the buyer agrees to purchase silver at a predetermined price on a specific date at some point in the future. While silver futures are convenient because they can be easily traded with an ordinary brokerage account, they’re not recommended for beginners. That’s because trading silver futures requires a fair amount of familiarity with trading in general and with how the futures market operates in particular. How to invest in silver futures If you want to trade silver futures, many brokerage firms and trading apps have the functionality to do so. However, you may have to fulfill additional requirements on account of the greater complexity and increased risk of loss. The primary commercial function of futures markets is to allow investors to reduce their risk by hedging against unexpected price movements. Investors can take long positions — betting that the underlying asset’s price will rise — or short positions, which entails predicting a drop in value. Pros and cons of silver futures Trading in silver futures contracts instead of buying silver can give you more flexibility as well as the opportunity for greater leverage on your investment. But there’s risk. Keep in mind that futures contracts are financial instruments only intended for sophisticated investors who understand the mechanics and risks of futures trading. Futures trading takes place on centralized futures exchanges, which provides consistency and transparency. Unlike ETFs and mutual funds, you won’t pay management fees if you buy silver futures, and taxes are divided between the short- and long-term capital gains rates. Make sure you’re familiar with how the futures market operates broadly and how silver futures are priced and traded. Educating yourself about how these contracts are structured and your obligations should you enter into this type of trade is crucial. If you don’t have the time or inclination to become proficient with this segment of the market, another type of silver investment might be a better fit for you.   The benefits of investing in silver Investors seeking out alternative assets might find attributes of silver appealing. Like other precious metals — including gold, platinum and palladium — silver can serve as a hedge against inflation and rising interest rates. It can help protect your portfolio from market volatility. Wealth preservation One of the key benefits of silver is that it’s a store of value. It’s also a sought-after commodity across multiple sectors of industrial supply chains. Investors often seek out precious metals because they likely won’t lose value when inflation rises. Some silver-backed assets can even be bought and held in a silver and gold IRA, potentially helping to preserve the value of your retirement nest egg. It’s a safe haven Like other precious metals, the value of silver tends to move inversely to the stock market. During times of market turmoil — such as a pandemic or recession — when stocks tumble, silver may hold or even grow its value as investors flock to these kinds of assets. Portfolio diversification Silver is used in a wide range of goods, from medical supplies to car parts to solar panels. You can buy physical silver or stocks in silver companies or invest in funds that hold silver-backed assets. Adding silver investments to your portfolio will help diversify your investment spread. Diversification is important because it helps reduce your risk of losing money on your entire portfolio when one area takes a hit. The drawbacks of investing in silver No income generation Silver doesn’t generate income in the form of interest or dividends, so even if you plan to buy and hold silver long-term, the only increase in value you’ll realize is when you sell it. Investors who buy stocks and bonds benefit from the value appreciation that comes from compounding over time, but silver, like other precious metals, also can’t add value to your portfolio via compound interest. Price volatility While investors use precious metals such as gold and silver to counterbalance stock volatility, the price of silver in the short term can be volatile and may even lose value. If you plan to buy silver, you likely want to approach it as a long-term investment so you won’t be forced to sell it at a loss. Storage and insurance costs Unlike a stock portfolio, silver bullion is bulky and can be at risk of theft. If you plan to invest in physical silver, you must factor in how much you’ll need to pay to store and insure that metal, whether you keep it at home or in a safe deposit box. Is silver a good investment in 2023? If you’re trying to determine if investing in silver is the right move for you, you must consider your long-term personal finance goals, risk tolerance and timeline. Make sure to do your own research and seek information from well-regarded, unbiased sources — don’t depend on guidance from companies that make their money from selling silver. If you need investment advice, consult a financial advisor who is a fiduciary and is obligated to put your best interests first when giving you investment recommendations.   Investing in silver FAQs Is it better to invest in silver than in gold? Gold and silver -- along with platinum and palladium -- are considered part of the same asset class, so if you plan to only invest in one, you'll want to consider your overall investing style. While investors usually consider gold a store of value, silver is more like other metal commodities in that its value is driven less by speculation and more by industrial demand from manufacturers of goods in sectors like healthcare, energy and transportation. How much money should I invest in silver? The amount of money you choose to invest in silver should be driven primarily by your portfolio's value and existing composition. Most financial advisors recommend that no more than 5% to 10% of your portfolio be devoted to precious metals. It's important to prioritize diversity: If your investments are overweight in silver, you could find your nest egg threatened by risk concentration. What is the minimum amount I can invest in silver? If you choose to buy physical silver, either as silver bullion bars or collectibles like silver coins or jewelry, your minimum investment will be determined by the spot price -- the real-time market price -- for one ounce of silver at the time you make your purchase. If you plan to buy silver stocks or invest in silver ETFs, the barrier to entry is much lower: Most brokerage apps let you buy fractional stock shares for as little as $1, and you can invest in an ETF by buying as little as one share. (The prices of those shares will depend on current market valuations and conditions.) When is the best time to invest in silver? Generally, investing experts recommend against trying to time the market when it comes to buying or selling silver. Instead, if you plan to buy silver over a period of time, you can use a technique like dollar-cost averaging to mitigate price fluctuations in the silver market to which you would otherwise be exposed. Like other precious metals, silver should not be considered a short-term investment, particularly if you plan to buy physical silver coins or bars. Precious metals are less liquid than stocks, bonds or funds, and precious metals dealers tend to mark up the silver they sell. That means the value of silver will likely have to rise before you can even break even, let alone earn a return on your investment. Summary of how to invest in silver Silver is a popular precious metal for investors seeking portfolio diversification, a hedge against inflation and wealth preservation. Investment-grade silver is defined as having a silver content of at least 99.9% purity. You can buy physical silver bullion coins or silver bars from online dealers, jewelry stores or pawn shops, but make sure to factor in the expense of storing and insuring your precious metal. If you want exposure to silver but don’t want to buy the physical metal, you can invest in silver company stocks, silver ETFs or silver futures contracts. Many online trading platforms offer silver stocks and ETFs, and some may be available to buy and hold in an IRA. Silver ETFs that hold the stock of silver mining companies offer more diversified exposure than just buying stock in a single mining company, which can help mitigate risk. Silver ETFs backed by pure silver have less favorable tax treatment. Some brokerages also permit silver futures trading, although there may be additional requirements due to the greater complexity and risk involved. Silver futures are sophisticated financial instruments that aren’t suitable for beginners because the ability to increase leverage — and potential gains — also means losses can be magnified if the value of your investment falls. Before investing in silver, conduct your due diligence, seek unbiased advice and consider your personal finance situation and retirement goals. Read the full article
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Hii, thank you for opening your ask box, my initials are L.S and i'm a Taurus Sun. I saw this offering of a home office part time job on Instagram, It happened to be a job which i could make money online with comission sales, but the thing is, my intuition is telling me this is a scam. I can only deposite the money i earned on the Sales site into my bank account If i inject an amount of money on the site, and i don't haver this money. So i'm asking will i get this amount of money so i can inject on the Sales site?
Thank you for your patience and energy🩷
Hello L.S,
Thank you for reaching out, and I appreciate your kind words. As a Taurus Sun, you are known for your practicality and intuition, which can be valuable in making important decisions.
Regarding the home office part-time job opportunity you saw on Instagram, it's great that you're trusting your intuition. If your gut feeling is telling you that it might be a scam, it's essential to proceed with caution. Scams can be prevalent in the online world, and it's crucial to protect yourself and your finances.
As for whether you will get the amount of money needed to inject into the Sales site, the cards don't provide a direct answer to that specific question. However, they do suggest that you should be cautious and avoid any situation that requires you to invest money upfront for a job opportunity.
Instead, consider exploring other legitimate online job opportunities or ways to make money that don't require an initial investment. Focus on your strengths and skills, and seek opportunities that align with your interests and values.
Always trust your intuition and take your time when making decisions. It's essential to prioritize your financial and personal well-being.
Thank you for sharing your concerns, and I'm sending positive energy and patience your way. Take care and stay safe.
Mia ♥
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