#sadness and tiredness are not real to me anymore. those don't exist and when they do i do not give a fuck
crimeronan · 1 year
honestly i think once the hydroxychloroquine stabilizes me i'm just never fuckin' gonna have depression again. like don't get me wrong i'm gonna keep taking my bipolar meds so that i don't become psychotic and all that but i Cannot Fucking Imagine depression having ANYTHING on me EVER AGAIN. like i'm gonna be sleepy af in the winter because there's no goddamn sun but the concept of being like wow i'm too emotionally sad to go do some chores i have to curl up under blankets being sad and tired. LAUGHABLE. if this bitch has the physical energy to do stuff on any given day then this bitch is going to do stuff on every given day. i'm gonna spend this winter keeping on top of chores and cleaning my apartment and going swimming and enjoying social outings AND IF SOMETIMES I AM TIRED AND SAD?? TOO BAD BITCH YOU GOT A BODY THAT WORKS NOW WE'RE NOT DOING THIS. MENTAL ILLNESS AINT SHIT note this only applies to me kitkat specifically and no one else with depression which is a disability bc it's disabling. NOT FOR ME THO. NO MORE. CMON BUD YIP YIP
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enchairr · 2 years
"Hey." It's soft, as is his touch, cupping the other's chin and watching him closely. There's something off about him: but it's one of those things that aren't immediately apparent. The black lines don't swirl, and they are less dark: the buzzing under his voice is gone for the time being. There are other signs, still, of course, but the focus lays on his wild eyed and wilder haired boy. "Sy. You'll have to wake up eventually."
HE KNOWS this is not real. He knows it because they are sitting on top of the famous red truck he never had a chance to see, because the night around them is incredibly quiet - no owls screeching, no leaves rustling while dancing in the wind, no signs that there are any lifeforms except for the two of them right here and now. A finger traces one of the dark lines on Miles' forearm, and Sy doesn't marvel at its stillness, the same way he isn't surprised to feel warmth seeping from the other's skin. He knows better than fooling himself and believing this is real. Sleep isn't a necessity for his kind - no tiredness coming from lack of rest, no grogginess upon awakening - and dreams are a rarity, but he will devote hours of his endless time to them if it means he has another chance to see Miles again. It won't change anything, it won't change the fact that this boy doesn't exist anymore and vanished from the world while Sy held him in his arms and saw the last sparkle of Miles Upshur's consciousness flick out inside his eyes, but it's a comfort of sorts. A placebo of sorts to help himself get back on his feet. A few more chances to say goodbye before being left to deal with his grief alone, trying to figure out how to undo the garbled mass that replaced his heart.
(He has thought about this, but he has never confessed it to Miles in these brief encounters, just like he might never tell Gwen nor any of his siblings, except for maybe his sister: sometimes the pain is so unbearable that he thinks about unbecoming, returning where he came from, over the stars and in the hearts and hands of the human descendants of those who unwillingly created him, so that the grief would numb out and he wouldn't have to deal with the constant thought that his boy is gone, gone for good, and there is no way to retrieve him, not even if he looked for a way to bring him back-)
His hand looks for Miles' and holds it, his thumb rubbing circles over the other's skin. "I know." What a pained smile he offers, but what else is he supposed to give, when his entire existence is an endless funeral. His fingers melt into sad melodies, even in this dream, where he doesn't have to use his energies to stop himself from falling apart. "But I got no place t' be tomorrow. I can stay a bit longer." Saying goodbye is what hurts the most. He cannot tell if it will be the last time or not, and every time he is afraid to find out.
"Are y'gonna hold me like my face's gonna fall apart, or are y'gonna kiss me?" Please. Please, stay a bit longer.
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geminimoonbeamx · 5 years
Oh, Baby: Chapter One
A/N: Okay so I’ve literally had this in my drafts for the last...six months or so? And I figured I’d tweak it and edit and post it since I’ve been so AWOL on this site lately, and so that I can give you guys some new content from me.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Heavy cursing. This chapter is pretty PG, talks of mental illness, unexpected pregnancy and contemplating abortion- but she doesnt go through with it. Smut to come. AND LOTS OF FLUFF TOO, I promise lol
Summary: After a drunken night, Y/N finds herself having to face the biggest decision of her life; is she ready for motherhood? And a better question, is Bucky Barnes, her long time friend and womanizer extraordinaire, ready for fatherhood? They’ll just have to go along for the ride and find out together. A Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Reader Story 
Chapter 1/6: The Baby Woe’s and Oh No’s
You knew it.
You’d known something was off, different, changed.
You sit on your toilet, your world spinning as you attempt to wrap your mind around what was going on. Everything seems sludge like, too slow and too fast and not real.
You’re definitely going into shock, you point out to yourself. The catatonic kind. You’ve been staring at the bright, sunny lemon print of the shower curtain, your eyes focused but not seeing. Your elbows rest on your knees and your hands cover the entirety of your lower face.
At least you’re not crying anymore. 
Nope, your body had moved past that-Maybe, it felt like the tears could start rolling again at anytime.
Oh god, what are you going to do?
Why, why, why?
Why you? You’d been a good person- well a decent person at least… You recycled and tipped more than twenty percent. Didnt vote for Trump and ate your vegetables.
And your life was just seeming to even out. You’d somehow landed your dream job a couple months back- every Wednesday night your voice could be heard on WNEX. You we’re making enough money to finally be comfortable- doing what you loved. Gaining a wide audience and wiggling your way into the industry. Your mind was so career oriented, so focused on your end goal that you’d never even considered something like this.
Throwing a big fat wrench in the gears.
One night, it had only been one stupid, drunken night. Hadn't you racked up enough karma coins to cover your ass for one fucking night?
Are you there god? It’s me, Y/N, and I really fucked up this time.
Wanda comes back into the tiled room a few minutes, her dark features soft and a colorful mug in her hand.
“Are you okay?” She gauges, gently, as she reaches out to you.
You snort and shrug, but accept the steaming cup from her anyway. You look down at the swirling, murky drink.
Wishing for just one moment that you could drown yourself in it.
“Look, babe, I know you’re dealing with some major shock right now- but maybe you should go lay down. We’ll figure it out later-” Wanda’s voice is even and you appreciate her being so calm and sure during all of this but you just can't process the situation enough to accept it.
You can't go lay down.
“Why not?” Wanda questions and you didn't realize you’d said that out loud, you hadn't even felt your mouth form the words.
Your head really is swimming. Disconnected from your body a little bit. You force yourself to take a drink of the tea as she gives you a more pointed look.
“Because I have to- I don't know. I have to figure all this out” You protest. You can't hear your voice, how spiked with anxiousness it is.
“There’s not much to figure out” Wanda supplies, unhelpfully as she leans against the counter, arms folded over her chest and you give her a look that’s half between a glare and a gape.
“Um, what the fuck do you mean? There’s so much to figure out, I don't even know where to start” You give a short, sharp, slightly hysterical laugh gripping the mug hard enough to hurt with one hand while cupping your forehead with the other.
“Okay, first things first. And this is the big one: do you want this?”
Well, that whole ‘I'm done crying’ thought you’d had before was a lie. You feel the tears well up once more and overflow, spill down your already swollen cheeks. Your face is hot. Your tummy is full of rocks.
You’d always hated crying. It never made you feel released or freed or lighter like it did for other people. It made you feel icky and stupid. And afterwards it always felt like you’d gotten punched in the nose.
Yes, you did have a therapist to work out those issues with, thanks.
Your mind doesn't know what to do with that question.
You look at Wanda, searching her face as though she might have the answers but she just shook her head and reached out her hand to rub your shoulder. That’s all she could offer. Her support in whatever path you we’re about to embark on.
And then you look down, at the countertop. That was usually littered with stray tubes of mascara or straightening irons. Bobby pins and half lit candles. All the things that resided in the bathrooms of girls in their mid twenties.
In place of those was now four pregnancy tests. All of which read positive.
The first two had been those double lined ones. Two bold lines- both times. Then you’d ran down to the bodega at the end of the block and gotten two more. And those we’re more straight to the point. They literally read the word pregnant- in a font that you don't think you’d ever forget.
Did you want this? Did you want a baby?
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“I dont know- I’m not ready. The timing is all wrong” You croak.
“Okay” Wanda coo’s “well there's alternatives then-” you squeeze your eyes closed at that thought “Either way we should make a doctors appointment to make sure you’re actually pregnant. I’ve read so many stories about how unreliable these things are”
She holds up one of the tests and rambles on about all of the online articles she’d come across. How some woman had taken a dozen of ‘em, gotten all positive results and then went in and had an empty uterus.
“For one, ew. I peed on that” You nod your head at the test in her hand and she rolls her eyes.
“Other side of it- and I held your hair when you got food poisoning from that shrimp shack. I’ve come into contact with worse body fluids of yours”
“For two- I’m pregnant. I know it. I’ve known it for weeks. I knew something was wrong and I just tried to...think it away, you know? Out of sight, out of mind? I sound insane” saying the words out loud makes you realize how...ludicrous those thoughts had been. But still. It was the truth.
She just nods though “You don't”
There’s a moment of silence. Stretching, as you stew in your reality.
“I’d be doing it alone” you whisper into the mug as you sip on it “I really dont think he’d want a baby”
“You would never be alone, you know that. You have so many people in your life that would support you with this” Wanda protests, sad that you’d even say that.
“You know what I mean” You push on. Because having a good group of friends and family wouldn't change the fact that you were possibly looking at the possibility of being a single mother.
If you decided to keep it, that is.
“Yeah I do- and I don't know if I agree with that. Bucky's a lot of things, an arrogant asshole at that top of that list, but he’s a good guy and I think he’d want to be involved. He doesn't give off deadbeat dad vibes”
All of that was true. Bucky is a good guy, at the core of him.
He was kind and decent and the two of you had been friends for years upon years. He was charming, magnetic and women loved him- you’d found it amusing, before you we’re the one in his bed after a drunken night a month ago.
He’d left your messages mostly on seen since then. You’d only sent a few, but still that had stung. Him icing you out the moment he’d gotten into your pants pissed you off, not only because it was rude but because it was expected.
You knew how Bucky was with women, it had been such an idiot move to sleep with him.
It made it all the more complicated that you ran in the same social circles- had all the same friends. Sam’s small promotion dinner a couple weeks ago had been extremely awkward for you, to say the least.
He’d earned himself the cold shoulder from you and no matter how many times he’d try to broach a conversation with you, crack a joke in your direction, or single you out in a group conversation you pretended he didn't exist.
“Damn, re-jec-ted” It had been so obvious that Clint had of course pointed it out, which was uncomfortable but expected because Clint had no filter like that.
Bucky had stopped trying after that- and started flirting back with the waitress that had been throwing herself at him throughout the night. You cut out early, claiming tiredness. And upset stomach. Whatever to get you out of there.
To say it was a shitty night was a bit of an understatement and you hadn't spoken one word to him since.
“I haven't talked to him since that night- and now I’m what, supposed to call him up and tell him I’m carrying his child because he doesn't properly know how to operate a condom?
“I don't know, yeah? It doesn't mean you two need to get married, but if you choose to keep this baby, that’s going to be a conversation you’re going to have to have” Wanda is so annoying sometimes. She was such a sharp thinking human- always grounded and level headed. She claimed it was from always having to be the “good twin” growing up.
Of course she was rationalizing this whole thing while you we’re floundering about it like a fish.
“I think I should make a doctors appointment” You just mutter. You’d rather focus your attention there. It was easier, cleaner for you. A goal you could actually accomplish.
And so that’s what you did.
They were able to get you in at the end of the week, which in overpopulated New York City was a godsend. And still, it felt like far too long. Like the reality of it couldn't sink in until you talked to a medical professional so you we’re left in some kind of fucked up long until then.
You tried to keep your anxious mind busy, throwing yourself into work. Talking to people over the static airways of the radio about their lives; about the world and all of its workings was so much easier than talking to anyone about what was going on with you.
The only person who knew was Wanda and you’d canceled all of your other plans during the week, not able to face anyone. Not yet.
Lots of sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling. Thinking until your brain physically hurt.
And then you’d turned to you journal- maybe if you wrote everything down it would make sense. If you could see it all, inked out, you could make a decision.
Did you want this child?
Wanda had suggested making a pro’s and con’s list and while it sounded crazy and unhelpful, and you rolled your eyes at it ‘As though that will help’, you ended up doing it anyways.
You start with Cons, naturally. Always had been too damn negative.
-I have no fucking idea how to be a mom
-My job. My career. Who’s going to watch the baby while I work?
-How in the fuck am I going to financially support a baby.
-No room in the apartment/My room is fucking tiny and where will we put a baby
(Wanda said we can turn half of the living room into a playroom/makeshift nursery. How fucked up though? Not even a real nursery)
-No car? A baby on the subway? No thank you.
-Weird to explain to people even if Bucky wants to co-parent. All our friends??
-Pregnancy looks so painful. Birth looks scary. My poor vagine.
-Life is basically over
-The baby will not have a grandmother from your side...
You could keep going on, but you decide to stop there. You could go on, make the list pages and pages long but you decide against it.
-I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Always dreamed of babies and motherhood, baby fever crashes over me in waves.
-Me and Bucky’s baby is going to be cute AF(and that just pure facts)
-I have a great support system- amazing friends and family who I know will help
-Bucky could want to be involved. He probably will...maybe?
-He has a big family, i think. The baby would have lots of family
-I don't want to have an abortion. All about pro-choice, but I just...don't know if I can.
That had made you bite the end of your pen.
Could you give a child that you went through nine months of pregnancy up for adoption? Knowing yourself- probably not. You cant even get rid of the moth hole ridden clothes at the back of your closet. Not comparing a baby to a jean jacket- fuck, see how unequipped you were for this?
-I’d be a good mom(I think)
-I could swing it financially. Maybe get a second job
-At least I have a good insurance plan now
-My life might have more of a purpose?
You hide the lists away in one of your many journals. Stick it in the wicker basket under your night stand- and revisit it too many times in those days between.
You make a lot of other lists in that time, too. 
One of them sits tucked in your purse as you make your way to the eighth floor- Arms folded across your chest and the inside of your bottom lip speared between your teeth as the elevator takes you up.
Wanda stands beside you, of course. Sipping on her iced americano. You’d tried to tell her that she didn't need to come, that you were perfectly okay with going on your own. You’d gotten about two words out before she shut you down-
“I already took the afternoon off, don't be ridiculous”
You both know you wouldn't admit it, stubborn as you we’re, but you’d let out a big sigh of relief. You really didn't want to do this alone.
The waiting room is standard for this building, looks similar to the one that you sit in when you see your GP- save for a sign hanging about the door that labels it the OB-GYN.
Fake plants and those standard waiting room chairs that had that weird diagonal print on them TV’s that we’re playing the local news and tables stacked with months dated magazines. There was no windows though and it made the back of your neck feel hot.
The receptionists is nice. Middle aged with mild with droning, mellow voice. She checks you in fast and efficiently and tells you that you’ve got about a 15 minute wait on your hands.
Annoying, you think even though you give her a big grin and a sweet ‘thank you’. You’d been right on time. Why in all offices of all kinds is there always a fucking wait?
Wanda has plopped down on a chair in the corner and is fingering through an issue of LIFE, her long legs crossed at the knee. you sit next to her. The office air conditioner is blasting, it had been a muggy May in the city, but you feel overheated. You let the chunky cardigan you’d donned slip down one shoulder, exposing your skin to the chilly air.
You should feel the cold but you’re over heated. Nervous as hell. Why doesnt anyone else in this office seem nervous?
You tend to people watch when you get overly anxious like you are now. Tend to take in every little detail of every little thing around you.
There’s a black couple- the woman doesn't look pregnant but they’re holding hands tightly and they keep whispering to each other. He smiles and nudges her shoulder with his. Then there’s a Latina woman who looks just about ready to pop and is reading one of the kids book to a little boy with her eyes. A white lady, with twin carriers rocks them gently as she chats with a woman who looked to be related to her, maybe. Older and graying.
You feel like a creep but you can't stop looking at them all. Staring at each of the people who are at different stages of the same  life-path you found yourself on.
Wanda clicks her tongue as her dark eyes focus on the magazine. Muttering, her accent thick, about how the lenses they used for the shoot on the page was all wrong.
Her photographers eye was snobby and elitist.
“Y/N?” The nurse calls you back, not butchering your name which is nice and look over at your best friend.
“Are you sure you don't want me to come back with you?” Wanda whispers, big gingerbread eyes searching yours and you shake your head quickly.
You had to do this, on your own. What if...what if you ended up having to do this whole thing alone? You had to be grown, had to face this solo. That’s just how you felt, even if it might not be true.
“It’s just another appointment- I can do it on my own. I’ll live” there's a reasoning lilt in your voice that she doesn't quite buy but she nods all the same. Tells you that she’ll be waiting right there for you as you muster up all your courage and train your face into a smile, following the nurse into the back offices, the door mechanically closing behind the two of you.
The OB’s office is...warmer then you’d thought it would be. Her desk has frames of all types and her walls are plastered with colorful posters, making the alabaster of the wallpaper less daunting. There was even a window in here.
You’re perched up on the exam table/ chair thingy, staring out at the tall buildings across the street, at the people moving fast below on the sidewalks. You wonder what all of them are doing? How many of the have kids?...
When there’s a soft knock at the door your attention snaps back to the present.
Doctor Helen Cho is a petite Asian woman. She has glossy dark hair that's tied up in a clip high on the  back of her head, and her voice is friendly and her expression open as introduces herself to you and reaches out to shake your hand.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you, too” You sound so much surer and more confident then you feel. It had always been your party trick- meeting new people and being able to talk to them. Leaving trails of barley there acquaintances in your wake.
“So it says here that you think you’re pregnant, yes?” She gets right to it, and your appreciative for it.
“Yeah, I know I am.  I took four tests and they all came out positive and I...I feel really off” you try to explain it, poorly but she seems to understand.
“When you say off, do you mean like bad feeling off or?” She probes as she sits at her desk, swivels her chair to face you. Her chocolate almond eyes weren't piercing or clinical, just waiting.
“Not really bad? But I’ve just been so tired lately and I’ve had like, zero appetite. And my breasts have been so sensitive that it hurts to put on a bra” as you tell here these things you could slap your head for not assuming you were pregnant before you’d taken the tests.
Dr. Cho hums and nods as she looks over her tablet “Well from the look of these results from those blood and urine tests your nurse went ahead and gave you when you came in, I can tell you that you are definitely about nine weeks pregnant- so those symptoms are right on with where you are”
You inhale and exhale, bigly. It’s real. It’s been real, was a notion, a happening but now...it’s so freaking real.
And there's a real life changing decision to be made-
That you’d already made before you’d even walked into this office but now seemed even clearer. Crystal, in that moment of clarity.
“I want to keep it” Your confident as you say it. Your voice cracks with some kind of emotion you couldn't even begin to explain, but you’re confident. You’re sure.
Dr. Cho grins at you, and stands, congratulating you then, after she’s sure you even want a congratulations. You like her, think you might.
It’s hard to focus on her voice though because all your mind can think of is the next big obstacle, the next big step in all of this.
How were you going to tell Bucky?
Okay guys? I posted? Crazy right? lol give me some feedback! Comment and tell me what you thought of this. I absolutely love interacting with you guys, but I’m sure ya’ll know that. 
Also- the taglist for this story is still OPEN, so if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters just ask!
@peacefulwriter88 @jaamesbbarnes @jalapenobarnes @brieannakeogh @gifsbysimplysonia @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @lostinspace33 @4theluvofall @plumfondler @tatathekissypotato @siren-kitten-his @skishenanigans @geekyweed @spidey-babe-parker @lastfallenstar @rachelle-on-the-run @prettybubblesintheair @dani-si 
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