#sadly don't remember their names( but they were SO GORGEOUS OMG
twistofstory · 4 months
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Sunstreak design for Design meme (VK), he's a moustached dude with veeery kind eyes~ Also little side fact: his name was translated to russian as Sunrise - that's why he has a little sun on his chest :3
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parlerenfleurs · 3 months
Omg okay, story time because I can't stop laughing
My beautiful boyfriend, who is, as my chosen name for him implies, very handsome and additionally dresses up exceptionally well (every time he puts a fitted shirt on I fall in love again, he's basically the poster child for most presentable son-in-law, he's elegant, he's polite, he's discreet (shy), he's a whole dreamboat), this very handsome man, as I was saying, has the ugliest pullover ever. That thing is old, may have had a decent colour at some point (doubtful) but is currently an off beigey greyish not quite white tone that manages NOT to flatter his exceptional golden-tone skin, and its collar is unflatteringly difformed. He looks so, so, shabby when he's wearing it. It makes his soft two-days beard look unkempt, it makes his naturally perfectly-tousled hair look bad, it makes his healthy glow look sickly, it manages to obscure the tiniest waist in all of France, and makes him seem perpetually nervously cold. You could do a classic American movie makeover scene for him solely with this fucking pullover.
He possesses a number of other, perfectly respectable pullovers that all flatter him very much because it's not a hard thing to do, and yet, inexplicably, he insists on favouring The Ugly One. Even outside.
Me, being as I am an epicurean believer in all things beautiful, hate The Ugly One with a passion. I keep asking why he would put on this one when the gorgeous red one or the elegant blue one are right there, and never receive a satisfactory answer. So I keep joking about how The Ugly One will one day meet its unfortunate demise - becoming, sadly, unusable, or straight up tragically disappearing. I've threatened The Ugly One with scissors, exposure to neurotic fabric-eating cat, unforeseen house-moving lost item situation, and all other manners of things.
Cue to the current situation. Yesterday there was an occasion and we were going out to a restaurant, and he had been wearing The Ugly One. However, because he can be very cute and adorable sometimes, he changed out of The Ugly One for my sake, to my great delight, and left it on the couch. We both remembered this. For context, there are a lot of things, mostly clothes, on the couch currently. Today, he became cold and wanted to cover up, and I'm sitting on said couch. In my mind and in his mind, The Ugly One is there on said couch also. I'm half sure I must actually be sitting on it, so when he rumages through the stuff beside me I get up to give him access.
The Ugly One is not there.
He looks at me. I start laughing (this does not help), I say "It's not me" (this also does not help), he asks "Then where is it?" and I tell him I didn't touch it and it's his stuff so it's his business and not mine to locate it because I didn't touch it. We are both laughing and he's pretend-shaking me to make me confess. He's so, so, suspicious and I confirm an observation born of former such circumstances in my life: it is impossible to look innocent while someone thinks you've done something. I tell him so, and he's not convinced, and wonders if I put it in the trash. (Now, two days ago, I did put clothes in the trash that are unusable even for scraps. I know this. Knowing this, I tell him to go verify for himself, fairly certain he's not aware of my clothes in the trash, daring him to distrust me.)
He does go in the kitchen to make himself a coffee, while I explain to him from the living room that he shouldn't treat me as if I'm guilty because you're supposed to be treated as innocent until proven otherwise, so he asks for my alibi (of course I have none). He says I'm guilty, I tell him to prove it.
So he opens the trash. And sees the clothes.
I'm laughing (this helps even less) and then I realise "Wait!! You really did look? You didn't trust me!" and he tells me "You're the one who told me to prove it!" and goes on about the clothes in the bin and I'm like "But was it your pullover? Huh? Did you see it? I don't think so 😎"
Well, long story short, this silly man is the one who displaced it this morning and forgot about it.
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
I don’t want to post it on my site simply because I’ve never written before (especially in English) and I’m too shy 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 but i feel like i should show it to someone. thanks to tumblr for anonymity. I just said that I'm really worried if I'm bothering you with this
Well, in general, that's it. I hope you really don't mind
he remembers the first time he saw her.  and how his brain immediately stopped working properly.
he randomly craved coffee that day. he didn't really like this drink until that day.
in the next building from where he lived there was a coffee shop and that was where thomas headed.
a neon sign on the street, a garland of light bulbs, a couple of tables and chairs to relax and enjoy a drink. everything would be fine if not for the music from the speaker. "damn, this is led zeppelin" - he thought to himself : "I already like this place". but going inside thomas liked it even more. he liked it so much that he froze in the aisle, unable to take his eyes off the barista.
- good afternoon, what would u like to drink? - it seems Thomas did not even hear the question and continued to examine the girl opposite him, he was so fascinated by her - mister, are you okay?
- oh, yes ... yes, of course, I'm sorry - it seems he is already redder than a tomato
- what'll it be?
- um .. maybe ... I want - "you" thought the guitarist to himself, but of course he didn't voice it - I don't know what I want - sighed sadly
- well, in that case, let me help you with the choice - it seems her eyes sparkled even brighter. damn this girl really loves her job
- it would be nice - after a couple of questions, the girl began to flutter around the coffee machine.
all her movements were so easy and so ... beautiful. just like her. dark hair, almost black. loose clothes in which she looked even smaller than she was.  "she is tiny. she's up to my shoulder... OK, maybe a little bit higher... or not" . in any case, it doesn't matter, unlike the fact that from the moment he saw her, this girl did not leave Thomas's head for more than a minute. he thought about her all the time. when he fell asleep, when he woke up, when he ate and even when he was working on new music.
from day to day he came to the coffee shop  in the morning for a cappuccino with  a little bit of caramel syrup (I think he would like it) . the barista offered him this drink when he first went into a coffee shop and did not know what to take and now he is ready to drink only it until the end of his days. on the days when he had to go to the studio, he bought coffee for the whole band, simply because "if you don't want to introduce us to the thief of your heart, then at least bring us  coffee from her".  the point was that thomas didn't know her either. not even her name. nothing. all he knew was that she works in a coffee shop and she is about his age. and also that her handwriting is beautiful. when the guitarist took coffee for the whole group, she wrote on each cup what was inside.
they never talked about anything. after a couple of visits, the girl already knew Thomas's order by heart. so every time he quietly entered, greeted from the doorway and said the number of drinks and sat down at a table waiting for his order. he quietly watched every movement of the girl, paid, thanked and left as quietly as he came.
why didn't they talk? they both wondered this question. at first they boyh were too shy, and afterwards silence became a habit. and it became even more difficult to speak first.
almost two months have passed since their first meeting. Thomas stood near the coffee shop, smoked and talked to victoria on the phone.
- fuck! ..yes, apparently I fell in love! I have a crush! I'm smitten by a girl! yes, I'm!..maybe... I do not know! leave me alone vic, please! - thomas was fed up with it. he was angry with himself and his lack of confidence, and this conversation did not help, especially at half past seven in the morning
- did you ask her out? damn, thomas! do you even know her name? - the last long drag and he threw the cigarette  into the trash can
- she is fucking perfect, gorgeous, breathtaking and she's doing the best coffee in the world and she is not interested in me in this regard. end of the conversation! - he ran his hand over his face and ruffled his blond hair.
- how she can not being interested in you? have you even tried to talk to her?
- OK vic, I'm done, see you soon
thomas pushed  the red icon on his phone and entered the coffee shop, without even thinking that the girl  behind the counter heard what was happening on the street.
- good morning.  four please - he sat down at the table - she left her hair down  today, looks good ... nah, perfect on her. he thought about the way she smiles every time when she sees him. although he realizes that she is only smiling at him because he is her customer... damn, he seems to be in serious trouble.
- are you okay? you look a bit...
- t-tired? - did she just...spoke to me? -  yes, could not sleep all night
- coffee does not replace sleep, but I hope it will help you
- me too, dolcezza - she's so cute when she blushes. it seems he fell in love even more, if it possible
the guitarist paid, took his four cups of coffee and headed for the door
- thanks, bellezza - thomas raggi, where did you suddenly get so much courage to call her like that? TWICE!? but still not enough courage. he thought to himself
Thomas gave the stand with signed cups  to Damiano, who was sitting in the front seat
- OK,  that's yours - the singer handed the cup to victoria who was sitting in the back of the car with guitarist - ethan, your coffee, and ... O LORD, FOR GOD'S SAKE! THOMAS YOU FINALLY DID IT !
the blond guy looked up sharply from the phone
- What did I....?
- LOOK! - damiano interrupted thomas and handed him the cup. there was complete silence in the car. the guitarist couldn't take his eyes off the writing on the cup of his caramel cappuccino, and the band couldn't take their eyes off his shocked face. there was a phone number written in neat handwriting
- that's might be her phone number ... did she..?. SHE GAVE ME HER FUCKING PHONE NUMBER!!!
thomas would not be thomas if he called or texted  her. at the end of the working day he just came  to a coffee shop with a neon sign.
- good evening - without looking up from work the girl began - what would you... - she finally turned towards the guy standing awkwardly near the door - oh, hi - she looked down and blushed a little. it seems he should have contacted her  during the day
- I'm sorry I didn't text you, I ...
- no, it's okay, I just misunderstood you, I'm sorry, I - the girl wanted to continue, she was interrupted by  thomas's  nervous giggle
- no, don't apologize - he came closer to the counter - I really wanted to text to you .. and offer to take a walk after work .. and find out your name .. from the very first day when I came here -  the guitarist babble quickly, but at the same time with slight pauses between sentences.  his gaze  time traveled from the barista's face to some random item in a coffee shop all the, which could not but make the girl smile
- I'm y/n
By the way, I apologize for the mistakes, as you already understood, English is not my native language
THAT'S SO FUCKING ADORABLE I'M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH IT OMG pls nervous/anxious Thomas is a thing and I love it!!! Pls get your girl, siiiir!!!! Thanks for that, you're amazing!!
- and i don't mind at all, i love reading it!
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