#sad? fuck a rice farmer
gardenofnoah · 1 year
there are reasons why a body stays in motion
summary: you work too hard—kita knows it the second he meets you. he’s not expecting you to take him up on his offer. you don’t either, until you end up on his farm.
tags: shinsuke kita x reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, smut (oral, reader receiving), afab reader (no pronouns used, terms for body parts used("clit")), reader is a first responder, kita is a mother hen wc: 4.7k
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the farmer’s market is quiet. mostly because it hasn’t opened yet.
you walk between stalls as the owners of them set up, smiling softly at those who greet you. it’s still a little dark out—the grass under your feet still a little dewy without a sun to warm it. if you were anyone else, you might still be in bed.
but you never made it to bed. in fact, you’ve been up for more hours than you care to count. that much is obvious by the way you sway slightly on your feet in front of Hanaka’s tomatoes.
“hey, you,” she murmurs, affectionate and maternal—reaching beneath the wood top to grab the coffee she’s brought you, as is your weekly tradition. “long night?”
“mm,” you hum around the plastic lid, tipping your head back. the coffee is a little bitter and a little grainy, but it doesn’t matter. truthfully, you’ve been up for so long that things are starting to lose their taste. in this case, that might be for the best. “on call. the phone just kept ringing.”
she nods, sympathy apparent on her face, and you know she understands. Hanaka is retired now—blissfully so, she says—but when you met, she was your coworker. she’d adopted you as some sort of pseudo-child, teaching you and looking out for you. it was a loss when she left, but you were happy she finally was getting to rest. when you found out she’d reserved a stall at the market, you made the effort to be there. even if it meant losing out on your rest.
“silly of you to come straight here,” she admonishes you sweetly, in the way that only she can. it makes you smile.
“and let the coffee get cold? never.”
she rolls her eyes, turning to busy herself with stacking deep green cucumbers into weaved baskets. you let your eyes roam the spread in front of you, reaching to brush a fingertip over the waxy skin of a tomato. your stomach growls—abrupt, and loud.
Hanaka snorts, shaking her head as she calibrates the scale. “head down the row,” she says, pointing in front of her without looking, “there’s a stand that does rice.”
you feel a bit like a zombie as you move among the crowd—still mostly vendors, until you can smell someone cooking. your feet bring you to a halt in front of a grey-haired man, shaping neat triangles of rice around what appears to be pickled cabbage and bean curd. your mouth waters.
"we're not quite open yet—oh." he pauses when he looks up at you, concern immediate and all over his face, "you need to sit down, darlin'?"
it makes you laugh. "is it that bad?"
he smiles at you, directing the man to his left to bring you a folding chair. you thank him, plopping unceremoniously into the seat. when you look up, there's an expertly assembled onigiri in your face.
"ah." it's warm in your fingers and you fight the urge to unhinge your jaw and shove the entire thing in your mouth. "thank you...?"
"Kita," he says, and his smile is kind in a way that feels a little disarming this early in the morning, "don't mention it. can't have you passin' out in front of my stall—s'bad for business."
you chuckle around a mouth full of rice—and holy shit, is it good. you try to tell him that, but to stop eating does not feel like an option. it makes him laugh.
"glad to hear it. can't take credit for the recipe—but the rice is from me."
"you're a farmer?"
"mm. have been for more than a few years now. just started comin' to the market though."
you nod, shoving the last of the onigiri in your mouth and greatly suppressing the urge to lick the stray bits of grain off your fingers.
he goes back to work, packing and shaping in a way that feels casual, but you have a hunch that the motions are some that he's practiced greatly. your lack of sleep emboldens you to let your eyes wander—his hands are calloused and careful, and it's obvious what he does just by the look of them. corded muscle flexes under sun tanned forearms as he shapes each onigiri with great focus, and you find yourself fascinated by the repetition.
"y'think you're closer to livin' now?"
you look up and find his eyes already on you, mirth all over his face. you grin, caught, warmth spreading up your neck.
"think so. what do i owe you?"
"nothin'," he waves you off, brown eyes crinkling. "just go take a nap."
you smile—warmed by his generosity. you get up and leave of rough estimate of coins on top of his register anyway. "see you later then, Kita."
later comes quicker than you thought. the very next week, as it turns out. you're a little more rested when you see him again, and it's the first thing he notices.
"y'look like you slept." he says by way of a greeting, handing you another perfectly formed onigiri—this time with pickled plum and what you suspect is salmon. it falls apart decadently in your mouth, the flavors complimentary and not overpowering against the rice. it's good.
"i did," you tell him around a mouth full, "wasn't on call last night."
he smiles, gentle around his eyes, as he watches you. "work?"
you nod. "social work—kids, mostly."
he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the counter. he considers you for a moment before he speaks again.
"so not sleepin' is normal for ya."
you shrug, avoiding his gaze. it's a little too early in the day to feel chastised by a man you only just met last week, even if he is admittedly a little handsome and insists on feeding you. he sighs, reaching for a stray piece of register paper.
"you like ducks?"
"like, the bird?" you look up at him, eyebrows arched in confusion. "yeah, i suppose i do."
he smiles down at the paper, scribbling a few lines down on it and handing it to you. "have a few babies that just hatched in the paddies. come by and see 'em if you ever feel like y'need a rest."
he waves you off, turning back to his work, and leaves you a little shellshocked as you look down at the paper. it has an address on it—for what you assume is his farm. you fold it neatly and push it down into the pocket of your jeans with the mental reminder of taking it out before you wash them. you shake your head, smiling to yourself as you turn and head back down the lane, dodging a few folks that are entering the market. you have a few hours before work—just enough time to knock out on the couch.
a few weeks later, you find yourself bouncing down a rocky lane, rice paddies on either side of the thin road. you figure you have to be in the right place, but feel a little nervous until you arrive to a little cabin at the end of the gravel, the numbers on your paper painted neatly on the side of the mailbox.
it's late—probably too late to be stopping by unannounced—but Kita didn't give you a phone number, and the day had been long. the thought of baby ducks and looking at anything that wasn't the blue light of your laptop felt like a lifeline.
he's leaning against the doorframe as you shut the car door behind you. you smile when you see him—maybe sneaking a little peak at the way his white t-shirt stretches around the biceps he has crossed over his chest. he doesn't say anything until you clear the porch steps.
"y'alright?" he asks quietly. it's a little startling—you're always careful not to let the effects of the day show. you feel exposed in front of him, and it has you shifting on your feet.
"i believe i was promised baby ducks."
the corners of his eyes crinkle and you find yourself genuinely charmed. he doesn't acknowledge your lack of an answer, and you're grateful for it.
"sit," he says, gesturing to a wooden rocker on the porch, "i'll grab 'em."
you do as he says, leaning back and taking in the view. the sun simmers a deep red on the horizon, bathing everything in it's hue. the paddies stretch on for what feels like miles. the house itself feels like an island—the one lane road it's only connection to life beyond it.
the rocker creaks as you push your toe against the porch, swaying gently back and forth. it's quiet, save for the chirp of the cicadas and the occasional bloat of a bullfrog. you jump when you feel something furry rub against your shin.
you look down and are greeted by an orange cat with the most round cheeks you've ever seen. old and a little ratty, it chirps at you, headbutting your leg.
"hello there," you smile, bending forward to scratch behind it's ears. "where'd you come from?"
"that's Barn Cat," Kita says, trudging up the wooden steps. "he hangs out in the fields."
you chuckle, looking up at him. "his name is Barn Cat?
"yup," his grin is contagious. you let your eyes roam around him, looking for the ducks he was supposed to get. they stop on the pouch he's created out of his shirt—widening as you hear several little quacks come from inside of it.
"hold out yer hands," he says, standing in front of you now. you do as your told, and a few seconds later, there's a teeny tiny baby in your palms.
"oh my god," you breathe, not quite able to wrap your brain around how something can be so small, "oh my god."
Kita chuckles, smiling when you look up at him. something about it brings you back to this moment—you're suddenly very aware that you've interrupted this man's evening and ordered him around at his own house.
"i'm sorry for showing up like this," you say quietly, running a fingertip over the downy-soft little body that's now nestled in your lap.
"no need. i'm glad yer here."
you can feel that the smile you give him doesn't quite reach your eyes, and you know that he notices.
"long day?"
you hum, watching the tiny duck tail twitch in its sleep. suddenly feeling a little envious of the rest it's able to get, and how simple its life will be. wake up, swim around, eat bugs, go to sleep. it won't ever think about anyone else. its little conscious will always be clear.
"yeah," you murmur. "it was."
he moves to sit down in the rocker next to you, smiling at the little duck that has taken up all of your attention. when you look up, his eyes are gentle and unwavering from yours. you're certain he's looking too deeply, but you know there's nothing you can do.
"i should get going," you say, mostly to convince yourself that it is true. Kita's mouth turns downward for only a moment, and then that soft smile is back again.
"give me yer phone," he murmurs, extending a hand toward you. you shrug, pulling it out and handing it to him. he types something quick and hands it back to you, Shinsuke Kita and a phone number on the screen.
"meant it when i said you can come by anytime," he tells you, hand lingering still in your space. "call me if ya need anything."
you get to texting, after that. it's funny—he's a man of few typed words, so you learn about his days through pictures. a criminally early shot of the rice paddies. the baby ducks that look bigger each day. Barn Cat sprawled out in the sun on the porch. dinner there, too—filleted tuna and rice under a waning sun. sometimes he calls, when your schedule allows it. the low timbre of his voice through the speaker frequently (and embarrassingly) lulls you to sleep. you have a hunch that he does it on purpose.
you've showed up at the farm enough times now that you're unable to use the excuse of the ducks anymore, especially now that they're bigger and far less cuddly, but neither of you acknowledge it. he starts showing you around. walks across narrow paths in the fields become excuses to bring you inside—into his home. the cabin is quaint and cozy, and decorated in a way that surprises you. pictures cover the walls—some of Kita as an adult, but mostly of Kita as a child, which makes him bashful and you smile. you stop at one of him as a chubby toddler, sitting in the lap of a woman he's clearly the spitting image of.
"that's gram," he says quietly, behind you. "this is her place. i moved out here when she got sick, and then i just..."
"stayed," you whisper, tracing the edge of the frame with your fingertip. he hums, closer to you now.
"didn't feel right t'leave."
you think it's admirable, but you don't want to embarrass him, so you keep it you yourself. he leads you down the hall, pointing out rooms as he goes—bathroom (you can't hide your surprise at the massive clawfoot tub in the center of it. he just shrugs, continuing down the hall—flushed up to his neck. it makes you smile.), guest room ("mostly unoccupied," he says, and you wonder if it was intentional). his bedroom is slightly larger than the guest room and considerably less decorated, but still tastefully so—the bed is large and looks temptingly soft, and the dresser adjacent to it is an antique, heavy and well-loved. you both linger in the doorway, coated in warm lamp light and shoulders brushing, not talking much and still saying a lot between you.
"you hungry?" he asks, voice a little gruff. you shrug, following him into the kitchen. you take a seat at the bar stool on the other side of the counter, watching him work.
he doesn't ask what you want and truthfully, you know he doesn't need to. there hasn't been a time yet that you haven't liked something Kita's made you. he moves with the same fluidity and grace he does at the market—he prepares your food with the same care, too. you watch him blatantly, this time. his brow furrows a little as he plates it. it's cute—it makes you ache.
you're expecting it to be good, but this is really good—unagi over rice, soft and chewy when it hits your tongue. you groan audibly, savoring each bite. Kita grins at you across the counter.
"good?" he asks, even though he doesn't need to.
you nod emphatically, not bothering to pause long enough to answer him.
"good." he looks awfully proud of himself. that ache twists in your chest again. "don't make it too often. glad ya like it."
it's quiet between you as you eat—you try to leave a few extra for him because he was nice enough to make you something so luxurious, but it's hard to stop yourself.
you linger in the cabin for the next hour or so, finding every reason to stay until you can't anymore.
"y'know," Kita mutters, looking a little shy, "yer welcome to stay in that guest bedroom. s'not like anyone else uses it."
he goes red immediately and it makes you smile. you fight yourself hard to keep from teasing him.
"i have to work early tomorrow," for the first time, that fact feels disappointing. "but i'd be happy to next time."
the smile he gives you leaves you a little breathless. "be careful gettin' home."
next time comes sooner than you thought it would.
the weekend comes and you shoot him a text, asking him what he's doing tonight. his reply comes immediately—whatever you're doing. come over—i'll cook.
you sit outside to watch the sunset after dinner. it goes down past the hills, extinguishing the light like the flame of a candle. you kick your feet out over the rail in front of you. the cicadas sing from their perches in the trees and the paddies look like an undulating, dark sea from where you sit. the only light is the dim bulb above your head, and the stars don’t pay it any mind. bright and shining, you can’t remember a time that you’ve seen so many.
“do you ever get lonely?”
he’s watching you—you can feel your skin warm where his gaze lingers, but you keep yours in front of you. Kita’s been the picture of hospitality, sweet in the way he’s shown care to you—but he’s seldom talked about himself. you feel vulnerable, toeing the line. he’s silent for a moment, and then it stretches on long enough that you start to regret asking.
“s’hard to, out here with all of this noise.” he says it lightheartedly, but you wonder if he’s deflecting. you have your answer a moment later when he says, quieter, “at night, mostly. y’notice when yer the only person for miles.”
you hum, picking at a splinter in the wooden arm of your chair. you feel the same, somehow. though you have trouble understanding how you can feel lonely being around as many people as you are. you tell him as much.
“they don’t really see you though, right?” he asks, but it’s rhetorical. “you help ‘em but it’s one sided. they remember what y'did but they don’t know who you are.”
it never fails to rattle you, his ability to see right through you. your face heats. “that’s the way it should be.”
“sure,” he says, smiling softly. “but it weighs on ya.”
you tuck your knees under your chin and close your eyes—frustrated, knowing that he's right and still wanting to fight him on it. you jump when his knuckles brush against your own.
"i didn't mean to upset ya, darlin'."
"you didn't," you murmur, shaking your head and willing your limbs to relax, "you're right. i just wish you weren't."
he smiles and keeps the back of his hand pressed to yours. it's a sonic interruption to the silence—you're so aware of the warmth of his skin that you feel it in your eardrums. you wonder if he can, too.
it's a while before you speak again—to bid him goodnight, even if you don't want to.
"goodnight, darlin'." his voice is low and soft, nearly a whisper over the cry of cicadas. you still hear it like he screamed it. "extra quilts're in the closet."
it makes you smile, how he can't help but make sure you're comfortable. it would be easy to mistake it for something else—something more.
"goodnight, Kita."
you get in the car and drive on muscle memory alone. eyes burning, you dial the number you now know by heart.
"hey darlin'," Kita's voice comes through the speaker like a warm blanket. it helps to settle you.
"hi," you croak, immediately wishing you'd taken a minute to get it together before you called him.
there's a pause. "you been cryin'?"
"only a little." you don't see a point in lying to him. "you around?"
"yeah, i'm here—where are you? i'll come get ya, don't want ya drivin' out here upset—"
you let out a wet laugh, shaking your head. "i'm alright, Kita. i'm already halfway there. i just wanted to let you know i'd be over."
there's another pause, and you can hear the way he's fighting with himself on the other end of the line.
"alright," he says finally, "be careful."
he's waiting on the porch steps when you pull up to the cabin. you're barely out of the car before he's pulling you into his chest. new tears threaten to spill over into the fabric of his shirt. you can feel the way he softens himself to hold you—like you'll shatter in his arms if he's not careful.
"c'mon," he whispers into your hair, "let's go in."
he takes your coat (and your shoes, and your bag) before he's pulling you closer again—keeping you tucked under his arm like something will swoop down and snatch you up if he's not careful. you'd laugh if you weren't soaking in every second of his affection like a sponge.
"can i run a bath for ya?" he asks, reaching to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. the callouses on his fingers brush the curve of it and it makes you shiver. you nod.
he only leaves you for a few moments before he's back, corralling you down the hall and into the bathroom. there's a pile of comfy sweats folded and set on the toilet, and a fluffy towel hanging on the hook.
"holler if ya need anything."
you smile at him, a little more genuine this time, and he leaves you to it. you strip the clothes from your body slowly, hoping that if you do it right, the day will come off with it. you sink down into the warmth of the water and sigh. your eyes start to burn again as you lean your head back on the rim of the tub, this time just at Kita's kindness. you feel guilty for relying on it.
you feel guilty knowing you've been keeping what's in your heart hidden from him.
you use his soap, knowing you'll smell like him—knowing it won't be enough to satiate the longing you feel, but doing it anyway. you're not sure when it started—if it hadn't been there all along—but it's been tearing up your insides for months. he makes it worse with the way he cares for you. it's almost cruel.
you drag yourself out of the tub eventually, drying off in record time just to be swallowed by his clothes , soft and warm and smelling of him. you brush your hair out in the mirror and tie it up on top of your head. you feel a little more like a person now.
Kita's up and hovering at the end of the hallway as soon as you open the bathroom door. you manage a little laugh this time—mostly content and only a little guilty, letting him mother hen over you. you close the distance between you, looping your arms around his middle. you feel him relax, just a little bit.
"you need to talk about it?" he asks, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you closer. you shake your head. "alright. come lay down."
he penguin walks you down the hall, grinning when you laugh. he moves right past the guest bedroom and into his.
he arranges you on the bed to his liking—cocooned in blankets and reclined against his pillows. he lays down next to you, on top of the comforter. respectful of your space, even if you wish he wasn't.
"thanks for taking care of me," you whisper, turning your head to look at him. "sorry for turning up like this."
his eyebrows knit together like he's never heard a more wrong thing in his life. "i'll have ya any way you turn up."
you blink at him, feeling like you've short circuited. you huff out a laugh, closing your eyes. "how unfair."
you open your eyes and feel stuck, pinned to the bed underneath his stare. there aren't many other options than to spill your guts onto his sheets.
"you make it hard not to love you, Kita."
he freezes, eyes locked on yours. your stomach ties and unties itself, but you can't look away.
it's another agonizing moment before either of you even breathes, and then you blink, and he's hovering over top of you, hands planted on either side of your head.
"say it again."
"i love you." it feels like the easiest thing you've ever said.
"tell me i've got it wrong," he rasps, leaning in to nose along your cheek.
"you don't."
your hand fists around the material of his shirt and you yank him down to your waiting mouth. it feels exactly the way you knew it would—warm and soft, not unlike the feeling you get every time you walk through his door. it’s gentle and unhurried, and you know he knows no other way. you let him break you apart slowly. 
he pulls away from your lips, only to press soft kisses to your cheeks, your chin, your brow bone. his mouth brushes against your temple and to your horror, you let out the world’s most pitiful little moan. 
his eyes go wide as he looks down at you, flushed and breathing hard beneath him. your fingers still tangled in his shirt, he closes his own around them and brings them to his lips. he keeps his eyes on you when presses them to the sensitive skin of the inside of your wrist. 
you feel no control of your reaction—your eyes flutter closed as the rest of you shudders underneath him. it’s so little and it’s almost too much. you know he’s figured you out when you’re able to meet his gaze again—deep brown filled with as much adoration as they are hunger. 
“tell me what you need, darlin’.”
"your mouth," you whimper, feeling hot.
"where?" his smile turns a little wicked, still pressed to your skin.
if you were overwhelmed before, it would pale in comparison to this—his kisses turn hard and heavy, soft lips sucking harsh bruises into your skin. you keen and whine underneath him, writhing both toward and away from his searching mouth. he doesn't take his sweatshirt off of you—he just pushes it up to kiss every inch of skin it exposes. he only pauses to check in with you, only stopping for a second to ask half of a question you'd already started answering before he'd asked it.
he cradles your waist in strong, wide hands and bends down to lap at your navel, nipping sensitive flesh, tongue slipping inside the dip of your belly button.
your hips buck violently, whimpering into the crook of your elbow while you reach down to card your fingers through silver strands. you feel yourself making a mess of his sweatpants.
"please, Kita," you hiccup, nearly slurred in his onslaught. he hums against your skin and you feel it in your belly.
"s'alright sweetheart," he murmurs, pressing gentler kisses between your hipbones, taking the elastic of the sweatpants down with them. "i got ya."
he reduces you to something less than human with the hot slide of his mouth against the inside of your thighs, licking and sucking his way up to where you need him the most and then back down, too far away. it takes a wholly unreasonable amount of begging to get him there, and to get him to stay.
"please, please i just need—oh," your spine bows off the bed and then pulls taut at the feeling of his tongue sliding slowly through your wet heat. he lets out a groan at the taste of you, and you watch through hooded eyes as he grinds his hips into the mattress.
one hand keeps a steeled grip in his hair, and the other one sneaks under his sweatshirt to pull at your nipples. it's sensory overload—the feeling of the pebbled flesh under your fingers and the way Kita suckles gently on your clit has you squealing. he opens his mouth, panting and tongue lolled out, encouraging you to ride it. you don't need to be asked twice.
every snap of your hips against his face pulls a weak moan from him, and a louder one from you. everything is wet and hot and your thighs shake around his head with every drag of your achy clit across his tongue.
"Kita," you whimper, feeling the warmth start to spread, "gonna cum—i'm—"
it damn near melts you into the mattress. every muscle in your body contracts and then releases, leaving you immobile under his tongue. he holds your thighs apart, sucking on your clit while you shake and cry under him. it doesn't stop—every brush of his tongue pulls another dizzying contraction from deep inside you. he only relents when he's licked up every last drop of you.
he kisses his way back up your body and you feel like you're on fire. when he presses his lips to yours again, finally, it douses it. you only smolder underneath him now.
forehead pressed to his, you can't help but let out a little giggle. he grins, his pretty mouth pulled up in the corners, and presses another round of kisses to your jaw.
"i love you," you sigh, pulling him closer. he hums.
"i love you," he nips at the point of your chin, "and you're callin' out sick tomorrow."
there's nothing in your heart that wants to argue with him.
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im devastated. i got a microwaveable curry from costco and. its not good. Why
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bokutoko · 2 months
hello!! i really enjoyed your writing for kita! i was wondering if i can request one where reader (fem) gets really emotional over little things (ex. smth doesn’t go as planned) and kita comforts her?
character: shinsuke kita (timeskip!kita)
word count: 792
warning(s): emotional dysregulation, kita is a blunt sweetheart, fluff, slight cursing
content: there's a reason your boyfriend is the farmer and not you...
a/n: hi anon!! thank you so much for the love and the req🫶🏻 this was healing for me to write bc i tend to get emotional over the little things sometimes too. i hope i did our fav rice farmer justice once again <333
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Growing up around his grandmother, Kita always had a green thumb. Ever since he was taught that all life was built by small, daily acts, he was always patient with his crops. He made sure to be thorough with maintenance all throughout harvest—up until they reach the consumer’s hands. Because of this, he ensured the highest quality of rice.
You, on the other hand, were not-so secretly known as every plant’s worst nightmare. Of course, you didn’t mean to kill all your plants, they just always somehow died!
But you decided to give it another shot. Watching Kita work so hard outside made you feel confident; if he could manage countless acres of land, you could handle a little garden. You excitedly picked out your favorite fruit and vegetable seeds from the local market, and Kita was happy to build you a little enclosure for your plants.
Now here you were, standing before your little plots of soil with tears in your eyes. You’d tried so hard, but you forgot to water them for one day, and to just your luck, they all died due to an unforeseen heatwave in Hyogo. 
“What the actual fuck?” Huffing in frustration, your eyes squeezed shut, letting the first couple tears fall. Despite the extreme heat, a cold, harsh wave of embarrassment washed over you, and you couldn’t help but feel like a complete failure for messing this up. How was it possible that your boyfriend managed the entire farm, having a near-perfect harvest every year, and you couldn’t even take care of a 6x10-ft plot?
Out in the fields, Kita removed his cap, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked to the sky. With sunset approaching, he began his trek back home to see you after a long, satisfying day’s work—just a couple more months until harvest. 
As he stepped into the clearing behind your home, he was expecting to see you waiting for him with your usual bright smile that still made his heart skip a beat. But instead, you were standing with your back to him and your hands on your hips.
Uh oh. He walked up behind you, calling, “Evenin’, darlin’.”
You shot around, and he took note of the tear stains that you quickly wiped away. “Hi, Shin,” you greeted with the slightest quiver in your voice. 
“Everythin’ okay?” He looked down at your little plants that were vaporized from the sun, then back to you, noticing your glistening eyes.
“Why do all plants hate me?”
“Ya know plants can’t hate ya.”
“It sure feels like they do!” you snapped, immediately feeling guilty for your attitude when Kita did nothing wrong. You were well aware, as was Kita, when spurts of overwhelming emotions engulfed you—whether happy, sad, angry, embarrassed—your instinct reactions were to either get snappy or briefly cry. Or both, in this case.
Kita watched as fresh, hot tears rolled down your face as you whispered a soft, genuine “I’m sorry,” and he stepped forward to comfort you. You immediately wrapped your arms around his waist and smushed your face into his chest in defeat, mumbling, “I feel so dumb, Shin. What the hell am I doing wrong?”
Always to your rescue, Kita removed his gloves to gently tip your chin up to look into his pretty brown eyes. “Yer not dumb or doin’ anythin’ wrong. Sometimes, plants don’t sprout, an’ sometimes, the ones that do just die. Ain’t nothin’ else about it,” he assured as a gentle thumb wiped your eyes. “Somethin’ as small as this sure ain’t worth yer tears, though.”
You shut your eyes and released a small sigh, your bottom lip jutting out. “I know.”
Kita leaned forward and pressed three tender kisses against your forehead, signifying three words: I love you. “We can always plant some more. We can go ta the market tomorrow an’ pick out more o’the seeds ya want,” he suggested, “and I can help ya take care of ‘em.”
“But you already do so much for me,” you objected.
“It ain’t a big ask, sweetheart,” he reasoned with a loving gaze, “and ya know I’d do anythin’ ta see ya smile.”
You squished your face into his chest in a tight hug again. “You’re kinda cheesy, Shin,” you teased as you hid your reddening cheeks.
He chuckled, grateful that the slight sun on his face hid his own blush, muttering, “Guess I am.“
From that day on, Kita never forgot to give your garden a little extra love in the mornings before tending to the farm. It was worth seeing your big, proud grin when it was time to pick your first round of thriving produce. 
And to Kita, anything was worth doing to keep a smile on your face. 
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please do not copy, alter, or repost my work. ©bokutoko 2024.
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this is a bit late but could you do some hcs of seb and penny asking/going out with the farmer for Valentine’s Day? 💗
hope you’re doing well :D 🫶 I just wanna say I love your hcs sm <3
Thank you very much for kind words ❤️
Sorry for the late reply, hope you like it :)
Sebby used to mimic gag reflexes every time he saw cooing lovers or all those holiday gift ads... until he fell in love with the Farmer himself.
He thought for a long time how to invite them on Valentine's Day. All these chocolates, hearts and flowers could be a great gift, but they are so banal.
He decided to order a very funny valentine card featuring that bird from the "Lemme smash" meme. Stupid idea, but still very funny.
But he later saw the Farmer having a cheerful discussion with Abigail. They must have invited her... Well, that was to be expected.
Later, when Sebby was sitting at his computer in the basement, the Farmer came to visit him. Sebby tried not to sound upset.
"Hey Farmer. I wanted to give you this to make you laugh. Stupid thing, right?" Sebastian handed them a card with a bird and the inscription "You want yellow?"
The Farmer smiled at Sebastian somehow mysteriously... and handed him a card with the inscription "lemme smash please". Without irony.
"Be My Valentine, Mr. Emoboy"
Cheese and rice, holy fuck-
The whole room filled with laughter. When they both laughed, Sebastian looked at them with a smile and a slight blush.
"Well, where do you want to go today?"
Valentine's Day for Penny is a day off when she doesn't need to sit with the kids in the library.
Although, to be honest, Penny would rather teach kids today. Her mom has been on TV all day, watching lottery shows. "One more number and I could hit the jackpot!"
Penny decided to take a walk around the city. She tried not to think about sad things and just enjoy her day off.
She heard someone calling her name behind.
But before she had time to turn around, the source of noise with a muffled sound plopped face down into the snow.
Penny saw the Farmer lying in the snow with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates that had fallen from their hands.
The Farmer quickly got to their feet, shook off the snow and picked up flowers and box.
"I've been looking everywhere for you. I heard that you were not busy today, and I thought, well... maybe you will agree..."
A bouquet of poppies... And melon-flavoured chocolate candy, her favorite...
She didn't expect the Farmer to be interested in someone like Penny, so she didn't hold out hope.
Who would have thought.
"I, oh.. yes, I agree." Penny turned redder than those poppies in the bouquet. And much happier.
"How about going to the movies?"
"Yes, that will be great." Penny smiled brightly.
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we all know the meme
farmer ushiwaka
okay this is how i think it’ll pan out
when wakatoshi’s parent got divorced his mom sold their farm and his dad moved to america.
ushiwaka was sad, but he found fun things in the city. i’d like to think it wa slike his 2nd year of middle school when he moved, so he was the New Kid™
he was homeschooled by his dad and didn’t really have a set cirrculum. this dude was leagues ahead in literature (because they didn’t have great internet out on the farm) and math (selling prices, crop numbers) but so behind on science and history.
ushiwaka never really mentioned he grew up on a farm for the majority of his life in the first year of highschool because he was teased mercilessly about it in middle school.
he learned how to play guitar to entertain himself when he was a kid, and the cows liked it.
he is one of the best riders at shiratorizawa, but now on really knows because he prefers long rides by himself vs the compition stage.
he owns like 3 cowboy hats because 2 of them were his dad’s his mom gave him a good one for him as half a joek when he went to shiratorizawa as a first year at highschool
on the same line of thought, he owns like 2 different pair of cowboy boots just because they’re sturdy and useful.
he’s well known for weird, farm-y, inspriational? speeches. tendou finds them hilarious
he and kita are friends because he became a rice farmer, and though ushiwaka became a pro volleyball player, he’s mentioned missing living on a farm in mulitiple interviews.
he has the japanese equivalent of a southern hick accent. this dude had the thickest accent for like 3 years, and it still comes out when he’s annoyed or talking fast.
his dad became a rancher in southern georgia, and he visits reguaraly. he has 2 big dogs, like 7 chickens, 3 ducks, a gooses, 4 cats, 2 cows, 3 big pigs, and a horse. 
his dad once got screened and stuff and joined him at an olympic village. 
ushiwaka is fluent in english, but his english is hard to understand for most people because it has the southern accent. he got if from his dad and he’s well known as the worst person to interveiw in english on the japan olympic team.
he has a tendency to bounce his leg
he’s known for his kicks because they hurt like a bitch, that’s what you get when you ride.
he’s not a vegatarain or a vegan, and he like to watch really vegan tiktoks because they’re so fake. like ThatVeganTeacher and her links, this dude watches them
he’s gotten like singled by her, and he just posted a tiktok with blocks of text explaing that all responsible farmers actually take care of their livestock, and like just farmer shit.
he can work a lasso, and no knows this until he, on a dare, lassos hinata.
he grows strawberries and tomatos on his porch.
when he lived in a apartment with roof gardens he used to sneak up and tend to the properly which the city folk didn’t do right
the Adlers did a dorm tour and there was section where Ushijima showed off his entire garden.
he once wore cowboy boots to do something and the american side of the fanbase rioted.
his dad lived on a lake for a while so he’s really good a watersports, kneeboarding, tubing, wake boarding, water skiiing, that stuff. he’s also able to go off a rope swing with no problem because while they aren;t that common ins japan (according to google) this dude is the first off while evryone else is hesitant
oh, why are you so confident with rope swings when they’re not common and may or may not be illegal. hah i grew up going off this shit, nothing’s funnier then where you drop an anchor and you see a like 10 year old girl hollering as she plumments into water from like 10 feet up
how good are you at water sports? pretty good, when i was a kid i went up to my dad’s for a summer and most weekends we get everything together and go down to the lake house and mess around on the lake. 
what’s with your hesitance to write? oh being left handed is a big stigma where i live in georgia and just in general, so i try to aviod it because a person once tried to kick me out of a resturant for being left handed, yeah that was fun.
one time MSBY challenged them to the SPD left hand challenge, and ushiwaka pretty much said fuck you and used his left hand because it’s in the challenge name and did stuff normally. he was forced to use his right hand for some shit, but he’s grown up with assholes forcing him to use the wrong hand for things because it was “against the bible” as the left hand is a symbol of the devil and the whole team was pissed he still functioned normally
oh wow, i forgot right handed people can comfortably use spiral notes books. he uses a mouse right handed becuase that’s the easiest way to do it, and the other people suffered.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
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Loving Blindly
Pairing: Osamu x reader, Kita x reader
Based on prompt: “I loved you completely, just like you did, right?”
For the third time in a week, he bailed on you. You were used to it at that point, him bailing, forgetting to answer your messages, ignoring you for days on end. You never spoke up about it because you were foolish, you accepted his neglect, making yourself believe he was just training for volleyball or at practice. Practices you apparently didn’t need to show up to even though you are the team’s manager. You chose to turn the blind eye when you found him spending time with her. The new manager for their team, someone who was going to help ease the work load for you, not get the attention of your boyfriend. You didn’t know her name, well, you did but you choose to forget it and honestly, you knowing and remembering it would force you into a reality check. It would force you to have to face the fact that he didn’t care, not like he used too. Maybe he never cared, maybe he was toying with you. All those maybes went through your head like clock work. You always pushed it aside as best as you could, but eventually those maybes always came back. You fooled yourself into thinking you were just insecure, too needy, so thats what made you oblivious. Foolish thing to do really, because as soon as he texted, you answered back quickly, no matter how long it took him to respond, you always answered like a love sick puppy. He would shower you with love, after leaving you alone for days, you thought it was guilt for being busy with Volleyball. He felt guilty because he didn’t have the guts to leave you, no, not yet. But you didn’t know that, how could you, not when you practically looked at him as if he was the one to create the stars.
At least, that’s how you saw him until Kita gave you a much needed reality check. He one day decided enough was enough and pulled you out of the gym, before Osamu could walk over to you. You had this look of confusion, and before you could ask him why he pulled you out of the room, he spoke up, “Y/n, you need to stop.” His words, the way he said them scared you, “I need to stop what, Kita?” He takes a deep breath almost as if to calm himself down before answering your question, “You need to stop turning a blind eye on what Osamu is doing, you need to stop letting yourself be used. He is just stringing you along like its a game. You know this. You do. But you choose to ignore it and instead see the good in him, and I care about Osamu, I do, but what he is doing to you isn’t right. I cannot stand there and watch you get your heart broken. I can’t because it breaks mine, watching your beautiful, smiling expression fall when he walks past you to talk to her.” You shake your head, still trying to make it seem like he is a good person, “No, Osamu wouldn’t string me along, he loves me. He said so.” Kita’s eyes become full of sadness and hugs you, “y/n... If he loved you he wouldn’t be cozy with her, he would be here, giving you the love you deserve.” You cry silently into his chest, as his words push their way into your brain, making you realize that maybe, maybe he didn’t love you like you thought.
After that, you still answered almost immediately to his texts, you still forgave him for forgetting your birthday, and anniversary, which is funny because both were on the same day. Kita continued to watch from afar as you forgave Osamu, not knowing why you chose to do so, it hurt him to see you sad but didn’t say anything. The week after your birthday and anniversary, you finally spoke up, “Osamu.” You call him over during his break from playing, before he could walk past you, “I loved you completely, just like you do, you say and pause, “Right?” Osamu is taken about by the way you phrased the question, but chalks it up as you accidently messing up. He begins to answer but doesn’t look at you when he answers, no obviously he is looking past you, at her, “Of course I love you completely.” You know he isn’t looking at you, much less saying it about you, so taking a shaky breath you respond, “I don’t want to be with you anymore. Not if I have to be a second choice to you. I turned the blind eye for so long, convincing myself that you ignoring my texts, ignoring me, for days was okay, that you were busy, but someone, helped me realize how fucking blindly I was loving someone who didn’t deserve that love. I made up excuses for you ignoring me, thinking hey you were busy with volleyball, but I fucking remembered that you don’t even like it, not like Atsumu does. So I came up with an excuse that even I shouldn’t have believed. But I did, because I wanted to give you all of my love, even if it made me blind. Even if it hurt. But I am done, done being naive. I hope you are happy with Her.” Osamu feels many emotions hit him at once, the biggest one, regret. He wasn’t expecting you to say you love him and then end things with him in the same conversation. He knew it was going to happen one day, you getting tired of him blowing you off, but he didn’t expect you to do it now. He didn’t realize it then, but later on he would realize that he lost the only woman who would forgive his mistakes because to her, they wouldn’t be mistakes, just instances of weakness. He would never experience the same love you gave him, making his heart have a ghost of your love forever. He still thinks about how you told him you love him, and realization hits, you never said love, you said loved, past tense. What a fool he was.
You on the other hand you almost forgot about him, Kita helped you heal, he showed you what real love was, how you shouldn’t have wait for the person you love to text you back days later, or to be ghosted for days on end. There were times that you would think back and remember him. You would almost regret leaving him, almost. You used to think you couldn’t live without Osamu Miya. You thought that you were made to exist for him, but that wasn’t the case. He made you become closed off, not wanting to love blindly like that again. That was then, now, you stand in front of the man who cherishes you and taught you that loving blindly isn’t bad, or one-sided. This man, he loves you so much. This is the man that you know you can’t live without, the man you were made to exist for, and he felt the same way. For either of you two, living without the other would be hell. So you cherish each other everyday, your beloved rice farmer, man that you are going to spend the rest of your life with, Shinsuke Kita.
You look at him and as he holds your hand you say,
“I do”
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Haikyuu Masterlist
A/N: This idea came to me from a quote from a show, and just like what I feel blind love should not be and what it should be :) not like i know the difference anyways, I’m always loving blindly 🤣
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noboynocry · 3 years
kicks in ur window for KIYOSHI THIS TIME; 3 lol, 8, 9, 14, 18 <3
This one turned out lowkey sad lol
3: Post a snippet from your writing that describes your OC.
'Although only a small portion of the clan were direct relatives of the early Mōko, tradition had endured even through years of loss and pain. After last year’s sake had reached the peak of its fermentation, they’d begun hauling rice to prepare a new batch. And they haven’t gone a day sober since.
Or at least he hasn’t.'
(okay not a direct description of kiyo but you kinda get the gist lol )
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.
It was actually WRITING Kiyoshi that I realized he has a rampant drinking problem 💀 Like, INITIALLY, I had chalked it down as just... something he liked doing every other week? Like the same way anyone would go drinking with their friends. Writing that doc I showed you helped me come to the conclusion that he's very... miserable in the inside and is just good at hiding it.
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?
I think he would have frequent nightmares that he set his own village on fire. Recently I bought this car, right? And I still have to pay it off. Afterwards I kept having his dream that I owned a kitten, but kept it in a cage. And then days would pass and I would realize with absolute HORROR that I haven't been feeding it. So I would run to see if it was okay, only to find it had starved to death. And according to google, such a HORRIBLE dreams reflects I'm afraid to not pay off my debts on time. Isn't the human brain fucking insane? 🙄 But ANYWAY. The point of all of this is that Kiyoshi would constantly have dreams that he is, in whatever way, hurting his village, because deep down he's terrified to disappoint his lineage.
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?
He gatekeeps his haircare routine lmao
18: What is your OC’s dream job?
I feel like he sometimes just wants to be a villager. A fisherman. A farmer. A life that's hardworking and simple.
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Survey #373
“warm me up in a nova’s glow  /  and drop me down to the dream below”
Have you ever kissed someone that you thought you’d never kiss? Welp, never thought I'd kiss a girl for most of my life. When was the last time you ate take-out and what was it that you ate? Mom bought us breakfast at Bojangle's the morning after my sleep study. I got a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Do you enjoy when guys hit on/flirt with you or does it normally make you uncomfortable or annoyed? When was the last time more than one guy was flirting with you at a time? It makes me uncomfortable, especially if it's very obvious and pushy. Like some respectful flirting is fine and can be flattering if I'm single, but you better respect my boundaries and not act like a dog. I don't think two guys have both been openly interested in me since Juan and Jason in high school. Can you name five things you enjoy looking at pictures of? Animals, flowers, waterfalls, expressions of love between people, and boudoir. Would you rather have an eternal winter or an eternal summer? Both sound pretty sucky, but an eternal summer sounds worse. Do you know much about the Greek gods? Not anymore. I did in high school, as mythology was an elective I took. Are there a lot of stray cats and dogs near where you live? Not in this neighborhood. How would you cope with living in isolation away from society? How long do you think you could cope before you went mad? Oh god, I couldn't cope. I'd lose my shit so fast. Have you ever found any hidden treasure? No. Would you ever want to hibernate through the winter? No, I enjoy winter. Which holiday do you prefer, Halloween or Christmas? I like the Halloween vibe more, but I enjoy Christmas more as a holiday. Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall? Cold. What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? I don't believe I've broken up with anyone over something small. Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? My older sister got it. It was hell. What’s the dominant color in the room you’re in at the moment? An off-white. Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is? James Hetfield of Metallica. Easy. What room in your house is the messiest? The spare room. Have you ever used a “puppy face” to get your way? Ha, yeeeaaah... If you could change any law that exists in your current country, what would it be and why? Here comes free healthcare. For obvious reasons. What were the last toppings you had on a pizza? Pepperoni. Would you rather spend an hour walking a dog or riding a horse? Riding a horse. Do you freak out when you need to visit the doctor or the dentist? Nah. Do you prefer The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies, if you like any of them? I haven't watched either. Which Harry Potter film was your favourite? What about your least favourite? I haven't watched those, either. What do you think about nose piercings? I like them. Nostril studs especially are really cute imo. How many floors does your house have? One. What’s your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid? I don't really like Kool-Aid anymore. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Yeah, a cyst. Do you enjoy sappy love songs? Unabashedly. Do you wear a one-piece or a two-piece when you go swimming? One-piece. What would be your biggest pet peeve in a relationship? Not communicating your feelings straight-up. Be straightforward and honest with what you're going through with your partner, for the love of God. Have you ever had a teacher hit on you? Have you ever hit on a teacher? No to both. Do you tend to eat more on Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas? Christmas, because of chocolate stocking stuffers and boxes from Dad, haha. Do you know what an "AMV" is? Yeah, I used to make them. Do you think you have a sad life? In some ways, yeah. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? The Joker, particularly Heath Ledger's. Do you like Rammstein? Love 'em. What is your favorite small dog breed? Aesthetically, I think pugs, but I've said before and I'll say it a thousand more times: I don't support breeding them. What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I've never been obsessed with a comic book. Do you like kids pop-up books? Those were my absolute favorite kind AS a kid. What is your mother's mother's maiden name? Ummm I'm pretty sure Collins. Have you ever pet a monkey? No. What’s your favorite Owl City song… besides "Fireflies?" I actually really like "Hot Air Balloon." What’s your fave Miley Cyrus song? I don't know many, but I do know "The Climb" is absolutely gorgeous. Fave Rascal Flatts song? Probably "My Wish." But I also really like "Why" and "What Hurts the Most." Fave Justin Bieber song? None. Miley Cyrus, Demi Lavato, or Selena Gomez? Jesus, you really like bands that I don't, haha. I don't know any Demi or Selena songs, so idk. Fave Eminem song? Oh man, I do like a lot of Eminem. I know it's so cliche, but I genuinely adore "Love The Way You Lie." It gives me goosebumps. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? NO. Absolutely not. I would lose my motherfucking mind. What is something that you find utterly boring? Sports, save for dance, are incredibly blah to me. What noise/sound can put you to sleep? Gentle, steady rain tapping on the window. When you are upset, do you tend to shut others out? YYYYYYYYYYYEP. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? bleh Does the sight of blood gross you out? No. Do you like red roses, or do you prefer another color? I love red ones, but I really, really like the ones with a pink-peach gradient. Have you ever gone through a red light? I think I MIGHT have accidentally because I was zoned out, but I don't THINK so. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? I can't recall if I ever have. What is one of your major turn-offs? Misogyny. The moment you act like you exceed my worth just because you have a dick, byyyyyeeee~ During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 was hell on Earth for me. Have you ever seen a blue jay in person? I have. Do you like leaves better in the summer/spring, or in the fall? I'd like to meet someone that actually chooses anything besides fall, lol. Do you like the appearance of green eyes? YES! Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yessss. It's not rare for them to be my favorite flavor of whatever the thing is. Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? My nephew, omg. Have you ever encountered a black widow? I actually have seen at least one to my memory. They're native here. Has an animal ever peed on you? Yes. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? I enjoy both, but I prefer green IF they're actually firm. What color is your birthstone? Purple. Why did you leave your house last? To go to the TMS office. I have to go there every day (but the weekends) for two months for treatment now. Is anything on your body sore? Well, inevitably my upper right arm, where my tattoo is. It looks so fucking beautiful redone though, it's all worth it. :') Have you ever eaten a cookie cake before? If so, was it good? Hell yeah man, cookie cakes are great. Do you lose interest in someone easily? I'm quite the opposite. Who was the last person you flirted with? Sara. Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for? No. Who’s the last person that slept over your house? My sister and her husband. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes. Are you currently sad about anything? I mean, I always am about something. How would you feel if your last ex fell in love with someone else? I would be super happy for her. Who was the last person who left your life and hurt you? Colleen. Do you know anyone who died of breast cancer? I might know of somebody, but all I know personally are survivors. Do you miss any of your old friends? Well of course. Have you ever been used before? I don't know. Ever taken a picture kissing someone? Yes. What’s the last thing you and your sibling laughed about? I Don't know. I haven't seen either in some time. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? A meme to send Sara, haha. Do you listen to classical music? No. Do you tell your parents who you like? Why or why not? I mean, I don't just randomly bring it up because just being like "hey I like this person _____ now" seems weird. Now if I was asked or mentioning it is somehow relevant, then I will. Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood? The damn dog next door who never shuts up. Name one of your psycho exes? None. I was the "psycho ex," and it's embarrassing as shit. Do you make your own clothes and/or add designs to them on your own? No. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? It's not something I always actively think about, but subconsciously, I absolutely always do. Especially knowing my family doesn't buy from "ethical" markets, but instead big ones. "Ethical" in quotations because there is no moral way to slaughter an animal for food, but at least there are smaller farmers who can give their livestock a better, cleaner, happier life. What are you listening to at the moment? I'm semi-watching Gab play Bioshock. I'd never seen the game before, so just kinda vicariously checking it out. Seems all right. Does anything hurt right now? My tattoo is definitely in the sore phase. It'll start scabbing soon. I literally can't stop looking at it, I love it so much. How many years have you lived at the house you’re living in right now? Around 1 1/2. Have you ever lived in a different country that the one you’re living in? No. Which of your parents will you see next? I live with my mom and rarely see my dad, so. Do you like Chinese food? Only pork fried rice and egg rolls, really. What sort of music were you brought up on? When all of us kids were very little, Mom would usually play her rock channels on the radio, sometimes a (clean) CD. She also would ensure to play kids' cassettes sometimes, too, like Raffy or whoever it was. Once Ashley reached a certain age, she would always ask for a pop channel to be put on, so most of my childhood was that and some country music, too.
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drangues · 4 years
Trust me, I know, but trying to tell my anxiety to fuck off is: Hard. In other news, I’ve gone down a rabbit whole of desserts and sweet fruits and I desperately wanna try a mangosteen. Anyways, I’m glad you think Inari is a good name!!! I just wanted to name his dragon after a god like Atsushi’s (speaking of, Chuuya’s is definitely named Arahabaki and it is Angry, At All Times), and that Inari is the deity of rice just felt like a cute nod to Dazatsu, haha. (Nyanon, 1/6)
And Atsushi is just like: Being mothered by a cat who looks like a tiger isn’t how I expected to spend my teenage years but Here I Am. And his foster parents treating him more like a sibling or friend is kinda sad (give my boy parents!!!) but understandable, especially, since he’d probably be rather independent. Either way, it’s leagues better than the orphanage and he’s a great full little bean. Oh yeah no, Kouyou is definitely Sailor Pluto!!! (Nyanon, 2/6)
Which... Might make Kyouka Sailor Chibi Moon? Doesn’t Sailor Pluto also look after her??? And it’d give her a close relationship with Atsushi... Who she’d get along with more than Chibiusa gets along with Usagi, whoops. Inversely, she seems to love messing with Dazai. Speaking of, it’s good to know that he knew!!! I. Could not remember, but either way, it’d still be a cute dynamic he’d have with Atsushi. (Nyanon, 3/6)
As for the Soulmarks- The Headmaster would probably convince him they’re flukes, because he’s a Bastard. Or worse, he’d tell him he’s a thief who managed to steal the marks from their “rightful owners,” which would probably make Atsushi hide his marks and keep them a secret from the others in shame. Maybe that’s how the discover the abuse in this AU??? But anyways, have another (fluffy!) AU Concept: Atsushi becomes a gardener!!! Who specializes in edible food, like fruit trees. (Nyanon, 4/6)
Not a farmer, because he doesn’t raise animals (though I’d imagine they still love him, and his gardens are frequented by rare birds and butterflies and bees for pollination). I’d imagine that, instead of going to Yokohama from the orphanage, he goes out towards the countryside...? Maybe he meets Kenji’s family, and that’s how he gets invested in growing plants! And he still has his ability, but having a garden means having His Own Territory. (Nyanon, 5/6)
Which maybe makes the tiger calm down a bit by the time he figures it out? And maybe he meets the ADA because they have to go out that way for... Some reason. I’m not sure yet, but they Must Meet. Maybe Kenji just dragged them to visit his hometown. (Nyanon, 6/6)
and oof!!! the soulmark au where the headmaster says those lies make sense :OOO and then dazais distressed “atsushi it’s IMPOSSIBLE to steal somebodys soulmark oh my g o d hes so full of shit-”
ATSUSHI IS A GARDENER OEGEHJKSAJAKDS Y E S S S they would either meet with kenji visiting his hometown/kenji calling atsushi to visit him during the winter (cus then u dont have to Do much) and/or the ADA being on a mission in another city and like, stopping by the country side OR steering off the road to like lose their enemies and boom they run into atsushi
either way, everyone is Whipped and loves his amazing apple pies
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logancreatesworlds · 5 years
Black Folks Don’t Do That Shit
Author’s Note:  Hello everyone!  So I got this idea after seeing a Tumblr post with Lupita Nyong’o and it kinda just spiraled from there.  Hope you all like it!
Warnings: Some harsh language and that’s it...for now.  😈😈😈
Disclaimer:  None of the images used are mine.
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You shook nervously as your eyes shot open.  Harsh breaths hit your lungs as you tried your best to sit up, your heart drumming as if it were part of a marching band.  Something stopped you.  You looked down at your wrists to see that they were bound to a bed.
You pulled and pulled with all your might, but it was useless. 
Then, the door opened and she walked in.
Your eyes narrowed, “You.”
She smiled, “Yes kitten, me.”
“You drugged me.”
“Yes.  To make you more…compliant.”
She sat down and smiled pleasantly.
Her red lips curled upwards like a Cheshire Cat.
It was almost like things were normal, like she was normal…
But she wasn’t.
She ran her clawed hand up your naked thigh, her bright red eyes alight with undead interest.
You should kick her, fight her – do something, but you didn’t.
Black folks don’t do that shit.
“So sad to see you leaving,” Pepper Potts commented as she watched you pack your last suitcase, her red lips sticking out in a thin line of her pale face.
“Yeah,” you agreed, “But I have to be moving on.  Can’t stay in the same place for too long, right?”
“Well,” Pepper said, “If your path leads you back to New York, you always have a job here.”
“Thank you,” you replied, giving her one last hug.
Today was your last day over at Stark Tower as the Stark family’s personal chef.  Sure, Friday could have done it, but Tony insisted on paying you 15$ an hour to work during the week after tasting your banana pudding.
However, cooking the same healthy ass Californian recipes were just getting too old.  You were forgetting why you enjoyed cooking in the first place.
You quietly sat on the next Amtrak train back to your home – New Orleans, Louisiana.
Time to get reconnected.
“(Y/N)!  Oh my babygirl, you’re home!”
You squeezed her tightly as her familiar scent filled your nose.
Pears, lilac, fresh linen...
“I missed you,” you said, kissing her cheek.
“And I missed you too,” she replied, “Come on in.  I got your favorite cookin’.”
“Crawfish n’ rice?”
“Yup.  And we also have pecan pie.”
“Of which I will be getting the first slice,” a familiar voice said.
While that voice didn’t disturb your mother, it still scared you even now.
“(Y/N),” your mama said, “You remember Sunny, don’t you?”
How could you forget him?
“Of course,” you replied, plastering a falsified smile on your face.
“Good to see you (Y/N).”
“You too.”
A brief, awkward silence washed over the room, but your mother - ever the perfectionist mediatior, quickly ushered you upstairs to help you unpack.
This was going to be a long visit.
You sighed softly as you breathed in through your nose.
The New Orleans air was thick with the scent of car oil, sweat, trumpets and dough frying into beignets.
It smelled like home.
But there was something else in the air.
Children’s laughter, bubbling chocolate, pumpkin rinds...
Halloween, or it would be in thirteen days.
It was fitting, given all the smell of spook in the wind and jack-o’-lanterns on porches.
It was your favorite time of year.
Feeling invigorated, you walked into a farmer’s market and up to a local vendor who was carrying a rather large flower stand with him.
“Excuse me, kind sir?”
“Why hello lady,” he said in that familiar southern accent, “What can I do you for?”
“I’m looking for some translucent orchids,” you said, “Do you have any available?”
“Translucent orchids?  Hmmm roses...daffodils...lilac.  Nope.  No orchid.  Sorry sweetie.”
“Thanks anyway.”
You continued to walk, quietly ghosting through the loud and boisterous crowd.
Despite feeling invisible, you could feel someone watching you - like you weren’t alone.
You wish, you though petulantly to yourself.
You looked upon the fruits and vegetables, fitting in between families of black fathers, ebony mothers and swart children.
They all seemed so happy...
Sighing, you got to the other end of the market and looked back.
For a second, it seemed like the world slowed down.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You turned around and saw a woman.
Now she stuck out.
Her dark skin stood out against the umbrella she was holding and her black outfit was only matched by her tinted glasses.
She looked like the night itself.
Nevertheless, you spoke to her.
“Just not in the Halloween spirit,” you replied.
“Such a shame,” she commented, “New Orleans is a place of magic.  And you seem like you are in tuned with its charm.”
“Me?”  You scoffed and laughed.  “I’m not much “in tuned” with anything to tell ya’ the truth...”
“Well,” she replied, “Perhaps I can change that.”
She extended her hand to you, and in her dark manicured fingers lied a small card.
You read the mysterious writing.
‘The Udaku Family’
“The Udaku Family huh?  Since when do families have their own cards?”
“The couple I work for is a bit...unorthodox.  And they need a new cook.”
You furrowed your brow, “How did you know I was a cook?”
She smiled, “You were looking at the fruits and vegetables the most, and you seemed disgusted with the ones that looked too ripe.  Only someone who is planning to cook is concerned with such affairs.”
“Well aren’t you observant?”
“I’m trained to see what’s in front of me.”
“So...your boss is looking for a cook.  When do you want me to come?”
“Tonight,” she answered, “A black Cadillac shall pick you up.”
“But you don’t even know where I live?”
“Don’t worry.  We’ll find you.”
You briefly looked down at the card, “Look lady, I-”
She was gone.
You quietly looked out the window, anxiously waiting for that black car to roll up.
Was this a good idea?  Of course not.
“They were probably sex traffickers looking for an innocent young girl,” your mother had said.
Still, you were going.
Yes, this is how literally every white girl got kidnapped in all the horror movies you watched, but something pulled you towards that woman at the market today.
There was that intuition in the back of your mind...
‘Don’t go to this weird ass house.  Black folks don’t do that shit.’
And yet?  You didn’t listen to it.
Soon, a car rolled up in front of the main walkway.
A Cadillac Sixty Special maybe?
Its black coat shined as the moonlight casted a gentle shadow upon it.
You swiftly got up and exited the house, kissing your mother goodbye on the way.
The woman from earlier was in the driver’s seat.
“You made it,” she said with the same silky tone from earlier.
“Uh...yeah,” you said, clutching your pure strap, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
She smiled and nudged her head towards the back, signaling you to get in.
You swiftly obeyed and soon you were riding into the night.
“So...how long y’all been working for these Udakus?”  You asked as the car drove with buttery ease.
The woman in the front passanger seat answered, “For a long time.”
You briefly looked out the window and asked another question.
“Do you guys always fetch chefs from their houses or...?”
The woman laughed quietly, “You are quite curious, little one.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Little one...?
“That’s an interesting accent you got there?  Where y’all from?”
The first woman gave you answer, “A place far away from here.”
You were quiet after that.
Your mouth dropped at the black and white house that came into view.
Even though the moon and headlights were your only source of light, you could still spot its modern quality.
“Damn,” you mumbled.
The women laughed, “We get that a lot.”
They pulled in and the three of you got out.
That feeling of attraction from earlier now increased tenfold as you got closer to the door.
The door unlocked and slowly creaked open.
Tumblr media
Holy.  Fucking.  Shit.
“Wow,” you commented, “Nice place.”
“We do the best we can,” the first woman said.
“I love the decor.”
“Then you shall make a fine fixture here,” the other answered.
“Now remember,” the first woman turned back to you, “Our employers are a bit strange but they are kind.  Don’t let them scare you.  Take a seat and relax.  They shall be out soon.”
You looked around, “Thanks gu-”
They were gone.
You huffed and sat on the plush roundabout.
What is it with these people and disappearing?
You waited for what felt like hours.
Looking at your clock, you saw the time.
9:45 pm.
Huffing, you laid back and prepared to text your mom that she was right.
This was a dumb idea.
“Nice work (Y/N),” you grumbled to yourself, “You’re in a house owned by some rich ass white folks who you don’t know.  And they are clearly too rich and occupied for you.  Who do they think they are - Will and Grace?”
“Not exactly.”
You gasped and sprung up, whipping around quickly.
The woman standing there was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen.
She was dark-skinned, with an hourglass figure that would make any model weep.
Her bright red dress showed perfectly under the light of the chandelier.
Her hair was shaven with dark curls atop her head and her eyes...
They were red.
“You must be the chef my girls brought me,” she said, her tongue beckoning you with an African accent you couldn’t place, “I am pleased.  They chose well.”
“Oh uh...thank you.  Forgve my rambling please.  I’m usually not that rude-”
You gasped when the woman quickly pulled your extended hand to her with lightning reflexes.
“It is already forgotten,” she said, her honeyed voice filling your ears.
She held your hand an inch away from your nose and took a big sniff.
Her eyes brightened, “You have a lovely scent.”
“Um...thanks, it’s my mom’s perfume.  I wanted to make a good impression.”
She nodded and let your hand go, “Come.  It is time for your interview to start.”
“Yes ma’am.  I have my resume-”
“That won’t be necessary.  All I need is your name.”
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N).  And you are?”
“I am called Nakia.  My two girls who brought you here are Okoye and Ayo.”
“Those are pretty names.”
“If you manage to impress me, then you might learn where they come from.”
Nakia walked you into a large kitchen.
The cabinets were pure oak, the fridge was stainless steel and the island was marble.
She sat down, “Cook for me.”
“What do you want me to make?”
She smiled at you, “Anything you want.”
You quietly sat your purse down and got to work.
You fished out all the dished and ingredients and whipped up one of your favorite recipes.
Nakia watched you interested intent.
You boiled the rice and fried the shrimp.
You sautéed the peppers and onions to perfection before taking them and the shrimp and setting them on top of the Basmatti.
You then set the bowl in front of Nakia along with a glass of wine and handed her a fork.
“Bon appétit,” you said, standing back, “Enjoy.”
Nakia nodded and ate.
Her face was expressionless for most of the meal and when she was done, she smiled at you.
“You’re hired.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head.
“Oh ma’am thank you so much.  But...won’t hyour husband be upset that you hired me without his approval.”
“My husband is a hermet.  But despite that we are equals.  And trust me...”
Her smile widened.
“He will like you.”
And that is all for now my lovelies!  Hope you stay tuned for the next part.  Please feel free to tell me if I should just delete this.  I’ve been throwing this idea around for a while now...
@macfizzle  @wakanda-inspired  @bribrisback  @kumkaniudaku  @black-is-beautiful18  @weasleyginerva @kissesbooboo @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy @dreamingoftchalla  @lavitabella87  @pastelpanda19  @chocolatemonkeyrainbows @blackreaders-assemble @blackmissfrizzle  @laketaj24 @eerythingisshaka @blackgirloneshots  @sisterwifeudaku  @destinio1  @pocmarvelworks  @black-mcu-imagines  @black-is-beautiful18  @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove  @wakandalivesforever  @iwrite4poc  @siriuslycollins  @wakandas-vibranium  @100kindsofblake  @muse-of-mbaku  @naturally-bri  @helperofthenight  @dumbchick  @sweettea-and-honeybutter  @drsunshine97  @pastelastronomy24  @plussizeappreciationfics  @royallyprincesslilly  @afro-royalty  @tenaciousarcadeexpert  @shinyanchorface  @scarlettlullaby16 @hennessystevens-udaku @stark-red19 @marvelheaux @valynsia
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Themed surveys are the shit y’all. There should definitely be more of these.
Where is your country? My country is in Asia – specifically in Southeast Asia, which I recently learned a lot of people outside Asia aren’t aware of. We’re situated just right below China and we neighbor Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia. How big is your country? It’s moderately large, but when you consider how many we are, we are an extremely small country. What is the population of your country? 109 million. I’m not sure if this is still updated, but we’re around the 12th most populated country in the world. Compare that with how we’re only the 77th in terms of size. How would you describe the landscape? We are an archipelago, which means our country is essentially a collection of thousands of little islands – 7,107 in total. Side note: this means it’s always been extremely hard to make an attempt to be ‘united’ as a nation, due to the fact that we are literally separated from one another. But besides that, yeah we’re made up of a lot of islands which means going from one province to another typically requires you to travel via plane, boat, or ferry. Aside from the tiny islands that we have, our country has three main islands, of which the small ones are a part of – Luzon (which is where Manila is and where I live), Visayas, and Mindanao. The Philippines is also part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which means we have a number of active volcanoes and that we are prone to hurricanes – and we do get them, badly, every year. We also have a number of mountain ranges consisting mostly of tropical rainforests; these ranges, while beautiful, make traveling from province to province quite a challenge.  Which part of your country do most people live in? Oh Manila, without a doubt. Most people, especially from the provinces, want to move to Manila because it’s the economic hub and everyone has an ideal image of it bearing opportunity for them. Unfortunately it is never what it seems and Manila is instead filled with the urban poor, some homeless and some living in shanties or illegal settlements. A lot also live in the cities surrounding Manila in a region we call Metro Manila (or, officially, the National Capital Region) to have closer access to Manila, and also because these cities have proven to give them a better life as well.
Tell me about the main industries there. The main economy is agriculture, but since then we’ve been making a shift to manufacturing and the service industries. While the shift looks good on paper, it has since meant that our farmers have been neglected and they remain extremely poor despite the effort they put into their work. Our biggest exports are sugar, coconuts, rice, bananas I think?, pineapples, and mangoes.  Tourism is also an important industry and unfortunately we’ve been hit hard by the coronavirus. Nevertheless, significant tourist spots include Boracay, Puerto Galera, Palawan, Siargao, Baler, Vigan, La Union, and Baguio. Lastly – while it’s not an ‘industry’ per se, millions upon millions of Filipinos also try their luck abroad as OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) for better opportunity and higher pay. As a result, their remittances to the country is one of the biggest things that contribute to our economy every year, because these OFWs are usually the breadwinners and thus send money to their families, which obviously end up pouring into the national economy. What agricultural products are produced by your country? I’ve already mentioned them, but we’re essentially powerhouses in producing rice, sugar, coconuts, corn, rubber, several fruits such as pineapples and bananas, and a type of material called abaca.
Food and drink
What traditional dishes are served in your country? Which is your favorite? What’s the recipe? We have many, considering PH has a very rich native culture. A lot of our dishes have been inspired by Spanish and Chinese culture, such as lechon (whole roasted pig) and afritada (meat and veggies in tomato sauce) for Spanish cuisine; and siopao (a bread-like dumpling), siomai (our version of Chinese dumplings), and pancit (noodles) for Chinese cuisine. But besides those, we also have come up with our own such as dinuguan (pork blood stew), sisig (chopped pig’s cheek skin, ears, and liver), and sinigang (meat or seafood in sour broth). My personal favorite is kare-kare , which is oxtail and vegetables in peanut sauce. I dunno how to cook it but both my grandmothers have the best recipes.
What drinks is your country famous for? We’re not particularly known for our drinks as much as for our food, but we do have sago’t gulaman and taho. Fruit shakes are also widely popular, and so is coconut juice. We also produce several variants of coffee, such as barako and arabica.
What alcoholic drinks are produced in your country?Again, not really internationally renowned for drinks but Filipinos LOVE their beer. Popular favorites include San Miguel Pale Pilsen, San Mig Light, and Red Horse. Tuba and lambanog are notable local alcoholic drinks but tbh they’re so native and mostly consumed in the province that as a city girl, I don’t even know what they’re made of, and I mostly read of them in books lmao.
Are there any stories behind traditional foods? Not really. But essentially, Filipinos have historically lived in the wild, with some provinces more remote than others; and a lot of people are generally poor. That means it’s in our blood to have to make do with what we have, which is why a lot of our dishes are composed of things that may be conceived as weird by others, such as duck embryo, chicken intestines, or pig’s cheeks. We’re not ‘uncultured’ or ‘disgusting,’ we’re only from a different culture with very different origins than that of the West.
What is the political system in your country? I just know we live in a democracy, but the official system name for our government is apparently a unitary presidential constitutional republic; thanks, Wikipedia.
Who is in power at the moment? Unfortunately we currently have a garbage of a President, and an internationally notorious one at that – Rodrigo Duterte.
How is your country dealing with the current financial crisis? I honestly don’t know how to answer this. The Philippines has never been one of the top dogs when it comes to global economy, and as far as I know we’ve always played it safe when it comes to this, so we don’t really get seriously hit when financial crises happen.
What can you say about the leaders of your country? Miserable. Most of our senators did not deserve a seat, but there they are. As it stands, we have a TV host, a boxer (Manny Pacquiao, no less), a former police chief, and an actor in the Senate. A number of personalities in the entertainment industry have also found careers in politics. This means a lot of the things that are urgent and need lots of rational decision-making are always handled poorly and haphazardly. A lot of politicians are known to be corrupt, stealing millions of money and spending more than they earn – but they always get away with it, the ones who are supposed to be the watchdogs of corruption are also their allies. The genuinely good politicians are always overpowered, silenced, arrested, killed, ostracized – and lose elections.
The elections system is just as sad. Most, if not all, candidates, appeal to emotion and literally exploit the poor by using them as talent in their commercials to show the other poor people watching TV that they are on their side – and because the poor don’t have access to education and don’t know any better, they end up voting for them, even though these candidates don’t actually give a single fuck about the poor. Many spend hundreds upon millions for TV and radio ads for 30-second spots. Election violence, vote buying, and ghost voting are widespread.
How would you describe the capital city and any other main cities? Manila is a sad shell of what it used to be. Look up photos of Manila in the 50s and 60s, and you’d see it looks no different than the streets of Los Angeles or New York. Today it’s neglected, overpopulated, congested, and resided by people who were once filled with hopes and dreams about Manila. There’s a side of Manila that is beautiful and pretty wealthy – the part along Manila Bay – but this side is only riddled with Chinese businessmen, most of whom treat Filipinos like shit. Quezon City, Makati, and Ortigas are the economic and financial hubs surrounding Manila and for the most part these cities are known as the hip places and it’s where the youth and adults hang out. It’s where the malls, bars, restaurants are, and these cities are the ones shrouded in Western influence; but because people do flock to these places, the cost of living is extremely high from parking fees to condominiums. The major city in Visayas is Cebu and in Mindanao, Davao; but given that I’ve only been to Cebu once, and Davao never, I can’t say much about them. What special attractions can be found in each city? Manila has Rizal Park and tons of museums but the city itself isn’t a favorite among foreign tourists; these people usually go to our beaches like Boracay and Palawan, or the cities that offer a more local scenery, like Baler, Bohol, and Ilocos.
Sports and games
What is the most popular sport in your country? How do you play it? Basketball, FOR SURE. Every barangay or municipality has their own basketball court – literally. Filipinos are just basically obsessed with it whether it’s the NBA, the PBA, or basketball even at the collegiate level. Are there any sports or games unique to your country? Very few. We’ve mostly gotten eaten up by Western culture and patronize sports such as basketball, boxing, and volleyball. The only traditional sport I know of is arnis, which even I know very little about except for the fact that it’s a martial art that involves sticks. When is the best time to watch them? I’ve never watched a game of arnis. And I generally don’t watch sports, so I’m not the best person to answer this lmao. How well does your country do in international competitions? I don’t follow a lot but we’ve made our mark here and there. Obviously Manny Pacquiao is a boxing legend, but we also have Hidilyn Diaz for weightlifting, Efren Reyes for billiards, Paeng Nepomuceno for bowling, Carlos Yulo for gymnastics, and Lydia de Vega for track. Are there any sports that foreign visitors practice in your country? I don’t think so. Is football (soccer) popular in your country? If so, which are the best teams? Not really.
Is the weather very different in different parts of the country? No. It’s mainly tropical, with extremely humid summers and it’s moderately cold by the end of the year. Only cities with high elevation, like Baguio and Sagada, get EXTREMELY cold during the Ber months, which makes them popular vacation spots during Christmas haha. Sometimes the temperature will dip down to 10 or 9 degrees Celsius, which is a huge deal here.
Can you describe the seasons? We don’t have the conventional ‘seasons’ y’all have. We have two main ones – warm and wet. Wet is just the season with typhoons, warm is either summer, or a period with no typhoons. Pretty straightforward.
What is the best time to visit? It depends on where you’re going. Going to Baguio, for example, is the best during the colder months (October to December) to really maximize the colder weather. Going to the beaches is ideal in April to June.
What languages are spoken in your country? Nearly 200, but official languages are Filipino and English. What language do you usually hear on the streets? Filipino. But it depends where I am, too. In wealthier cities, I’ll hear English more. How many people speak English in your country? A good number; I’d say 60-70% can understand or speak basic English. Those who can speak it conversationally comprise a smaller amount. Some still live in pretty remote areas and thus have no concept of English.
Is there a particular national costume? Can you describe it? Yeah, for the woman we have baro’t saya, and for the men we have the barong Tagalog. Just Google them lmao.
Are there any special local dances? What are they like? Several ones, like tinikling (a dance where you have your feet play with bamboo poles routinely beat together or tapped by two other people) and cariñosa, a romantic dance. But due to the Western influence here, people are more prone to get into hip-hop or contemporary dance more. Are the people generally friendly? Without a doubt, yes. Filipinos are extremely known for their hospitality. If a tourist were to knock on our door right now we would definitely let him in, make him dinner, and my mom would probably ask me to give my bedroom to him for the night. What are some special customs or traditions in your country?
We have the mano po, which is when younger individuals would greet their seniors/superiors by taking the older person’s right hand with their right hand, and placing the back of the older person’s right hand it onto their forehead. It’s a significant sign of respect and to avoid doing it is extremely impolite.
We also have the concept of community spirit, or bayanihan. Basically, if one is in need, everyone in the same community steps up and helps. The quinetessential example for this is when one has to move their hut to a new location (Filipinos before were nomadic), all the neighbors swoop in to help lift the hut and carry it all the way to the new place. 
Courtship was an important step in traditional society, and the man would do a harana, or serenade the woman while playing the guitar, in front of her house while she looks out her window.
Noche Buena is the traditional midnight meal (kinda like our version of Thanksgiving) that we have by the end of Christmas Eve to usher in Christmas Day
Po and opo are filler words used to denote respect, and is always affixed to the end of sentences when speaking with elders. It’s not required, but of course you’ll look like a disrespectful asshole if you don’t use it with older people.
What can you tell me about the history of your country?
Pre-colonial Philippines was rich and vibrant, and one that would be considered pretty fucking progressive even today – transgender people were welcome, women were of a higher social status than men, among others. 
This all changed when the Spaniards came and tl;dr ruined everything for us. They wiped out our folk religions, literature, songs, legends, epics, and everything good that we had going. Friars abused us physically, sexually, and economically; everyone was forced to convert to Catholicism; early newspapers were shut down; forced labor was imposed; anyone who disagreed with their rule was killed.
After 333 years we were sold to the US for $20 million. Americans gave us the modern education system, a modern government system, a richer literature, religious freedom, and of course, the English language. But they also brought us colonial mentality and materialism, which persists to this day. Americans were also racist towards us and the only reason we have international schools today is because these were actually started up by American soldiers so that their’ kids would have schools that didn’t have native Filipinos in them. 
By WWII, Japan destroyed the Philippines, leaving us to start from scratch. They bombed Manila, raped our women and young girls and made them sex slaves, brutally murdered everybody else who weren’t women and young girls, stole everything from us, and established a puppet government in Manila to bully us further. The only reason they gave us independence was because US had dropped atomic bombs onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and they had no choice but to surrender.
Three colonizers has left us pretty traumatized, something we’ve never truly recovered from to this day. Our political system is shaky, our sense of identity is lost, we’ve never been truly ‘united’ as a nation, and the Catholic penetration has made us a widely conservative, pro-life, anti-LGBT country.
Did your country gain independence from another country? If so, when and how did this happen? See above.
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led123123 · 4 years
my video.. would be uploading.. 46 minutes..
it’s 2.5 GB
lol okay.. so.. you know.. this dude.. was 1v1 ing this dude.. so.. like.. I though that he did some damage to him.. but he didn’t do any damage.. he was shooting him with a pistol and he was in caustic gas.. so he didn’t hit him at all. so that’s why he had full hp.. 
jumpu!! jumpu!! xD
good upload
fuck.. придётся покупать суб за 5 доляра... god..
the wingman game lol.. I am a f*cking god in this game with this gun
I found.. it on the start.. with lvl 3 heavy mag and best sight for this gun I mean though.. it’s better than the default sight.. with default sight I probably wouldn’t hit as many shots
and lvl 3 mag on the start
today I peeled potatoes.. I got a little bit faster.. at peeling potatoes
I wish I was really fast at doing that
it takes time.. but they taste very good
I wonder if I’m gonna sleep after eating
the rain happens when cold air meets warm and wet air I think
leave console gamers alone. they already have difficult lives already 
“Япония: -10 конец света 
Россия: -43 пиздуй в школу “
“ -30 мы не выживем 
Якуты: В - 45 дети едят мороженое🖖🏻 
Сама якутка “
omg. I feel so sorry xD
that’s so sad
impostor?? he called elon musk impostor??
that’s so heartbreaking that he won’t go to mars
send elon musk to mars right now
I bet she would want to eat potatoes.. but she doesn’t have time to make them
she could just eat good meal in a bar or any cheap restaurant 
I went once to canteen.. near school.. 
“the weather was warm and the sky was very clear”
“autumn seems to be just passing by”
same thoughs
fUck I hate this game!!!!
so hard to get points
what do people have in their heads.. to go 1v2.. guys.. what the f*ck do people like that have in their head..
they go 1v2 and die.. and they leave me 2v3
he literally scanned people with bloodhund.. so he saw them.. and goes 1v2
1 person dies solo.. 2nd person goes 1v3 dies solo. 
2nd game same teammates that die solo 1v3
no.. that’s actually 3rd game.. god.. jesus.. 
“go fight” xD
they die solo and tell me to fight 2 squads.. xD
he shoulesn’t even go in knowing that our teammates is dead
trash teammates.. 3rd time in a row.. 
omg.. I don’t even know what is go0ing on in this game..
I got burned with 2 termite nades.. how could I be so unlucky.. god.. 
2 kills.. 2 assists.. top 4.. only 64 points.. what more do you need.. so little points.. god.. I lose 36 points 3 times in a row.. because my teammates die on start.. what am I supposed to play 1v fucking 3??
this time I was only lucky that I didn’t play with platinum 4s.. I was lucky I got platinum 3 players in team.. 
fucking platinum 4 players..
the hell with this hoe
I don’t even wanna play honestly..
wow.. diamond and plat 1 ez
ez.. I got fried with hemlok.. 
so pointless.. time time.. platinum 4s.. but.. top 5. they wasn’t as bad as other teams.. 
1 kill top 5.. +9..
but it’s platinum 4s.. 
but.. tbh.. diamond 4s.. is the same.. 
if I play too much then my fingertips are gonna.. not have bloodflow.. and they gonna get hard and bleed..
and my teeth would also start to hurt.. because I would not move and become numb.. if I play 
it seems super pointless to me.. but.. I’m alone and bored.. you know.. nothing else to do..
fuck.. I was supposed to own people with wingman.. god.. not running with hemlock all the time.. god..
dude 2 burst shot me.. with hemlock last game.. 
disco bania wraca dzisiaj
każdy czeka
w wielkim stylu
omfg these comments..
“ xBosokx  ​trzymaj mnie bania wraca wale salto “
“ Młody FeRoX  ​bania wraca ołł jea “
“ Sebx20032 days agoLegenda powraca “
“dawać mi tu krula banie!!!!”
“ pvdzian1 day agoPieniadze sie skonczyly to baniak powraca xd “
“ Dawaj mi ten film już “
“ On wrucił król polski nareszcie “
“ Powrót następcy Masnego Bena “
disco bania. ostatnia nadzieja polskiego disco polo powraca
what else am I supposed to do..
watch videos all the time??
I have 2 options.. to watch videos.. and to play game.. but I could go outside today honestly.. I’ve been thinking about going outside.. doing something.. like.. doing whatever 
impossible.. it’s like.. impossible.. she really outsmarted all geeks in cambridge??
to be honest.. that’s just another university tbh.. just like any other university.. I though it’s like.. impossible.. but turns out that that’s just another university.. and.. to be honest.. like.. all the university knowledge is bullshit anyway...
wow.. that is so revolutionary
this was the content I asked before.. when I mean.. “revolutionary”
they can’t teach anything else.. than anyone.. like.. knowledge is.. subjective.. I mean.. like.. everyone is a human.. and people are subjective.. like.. like animals.. they are driven by emotions.. 
so all the teachers.. they’re not robots.. they are no better than any other person that lives on a countryside.. they’re not smarter.. than a person who lives on a farm.. they’re not smart
they’re not any better than a farmer..
they both eat.. 
bedside table. this is what I miss
how is she able to be top 1.. if I spent so much time learning.. then I would be super negative.. 
stretching in the morning.. that’s a good start. I think it’s important to do that. I mean.. for me it’s true too
she has flat stomach what the heck
wow she looks as fit as like.. some really fit fitness instructor
top 1 cambridge university. that’s revolutionary 
yes.. I mean.. plain paper makes it look clearer
I liked plain paper.. 
nobody needs this.. university knowledge..
nobody needs to study this.. I mean
if you want to learn you can learn anything you want or anything that you need on the internet.. or by yourself.. university is shit.. useless..
chill out. xD
these dudes don’t miss..
dude who downed me with hemlok
now I eat my cake.. it’s sweet.. and I like sweet right now.
puffed rice
it looks like worm’s cacoons
I didn’t even see wingman at all in all these last 10 games that I played right now..
I didn’t even see one wingman.. god..
maybe I saw it once.. ye.. I saw it once.. I didn’t hit as many shots as I wanted..
I had it once.. it was pretty good. I didn’t hit as many shots as I wanted.. because I haven’t played like.. idk how much.. and.. that was my first game.. 
so I didn’t hit as much 
damn.. I don’t feel.. I mean.. I feel.. like.. I need to feel something.. and if I play game.. then.. 
I need to feel another 
I’m gonna play music.. 
this played on random shuffle. xD
top 1 lol
lol we just.. didn’t fight.. and they fought.. and we just rotated to the ring first.. and they fought each other. xD
we just rotated to ring early.. lol.. this dude.. of course.. he hit all wingman shots on me.. and hit a headshot.. of course..
ok.. that wasn’t a headshot.. what the fuck.. he hit all hit shots.. what the fuck..
he hits all wingman shots on wraith.. of course.. 
4 shots 
on full speed.. 1, 2, 3, 4 and I’m dead..
on full speed.. he hit all. what kind of superhuman does it have to be.. to be able to do that..
we just rotated first.. lol..
I hate rice with eggs..
but it’s just one egg.. 
and yes.. next time I’m gonna make rizotto I’m gonna cook rice in pot.. 
because I don’t have a cover for a pan.. and.. it also.. gets burned a lot.. on pan
I forgot that wraith.. takes.. +5% more damage.. 47 damage.. so it wasn’t a headshot.. he hit 4 wingman shots in a row.. shooting at full speed..
how are these cheaters so good..
finally a win.. lol.. we did an early rotation.. and they kept sitting.. outside the ring.. and they started fighting each other..
noob team keeps fighting when ring is closing..
fuck disco bania is starting..
idiot pathfinder
wingman on zipline is not accurate.. g7 scout too
“cały ten internet śmiga” xD
shit.. my brother did that..
instead of playing i can meet these new people damn
2 interesting people in a row
my last game was not my proudest moment..
omg she looks so chinese f*ck
she looks like geisha here
I know this hairstyle.. that’s japanese/chinese hairstyle.. 
she looks like from a “hero” movie
wow she looks like.. hm.. japanese ammo with misa
no.. more like.. jinna.. kim.. even the last name fits.. wow.actually.. but.. jinna kim.. said she’s.. like.. korean.. is kim.. is kim.. I think kim is like.. chinese.. name.. chinese or korean.. there’s probably not much difference
wow she looks like jinna kim.. kim like kim-chi.. lol and kimchi is like korean or something..
so much like jinna kim
I mean.. she’s probably her age.. 
in this movie.
wow I have such a heartburn today.. shit.. all day.. since like.. 6 hours.. ago.. when I ate cake.. 
and for some reason my legs feel like a spent all day at the gym doing leg day..
I can barely get up.. ffs..
jinna kim
that looks like strawberry syrup
omg. I have such a f*cking heartburn.. all day..
I know.. I actually know why.. last time I had it.. was when I was wearing a belt.. and this time.. I know what I did.. I pulled my pants high so it was pressing my stomach.. and that’s why it pushed.. stuff from my stomach to my throat.. 
I need looser pants.. my sister gave me some tight pair.. 
look in waist.. or more adjustable..
I need looser pants..
hero is chinese
I told you
jinna must also be chinese maybe
wow all the asians have shiny black hair
they’re always shining the same way
shitty mic
crappy mic guy
“we all have that one friend”
with a shitty mic
oh f*ck.. I can’t heard this bullshit
shitty mic friend
“tech deals uploaded:  Ryzen 9 5950X @ 5GHz — Radeon RX 6000 Details — 1000 HP Hummer EV Revealed — Rogue One News 10-23-20 “
wow I need to get interested in the.. pc parts market.. after recent.. updates.. sh*t.. my shit is gonna get obsolete
thank god I never buy expensive stuff. 
but ddr4 at least won’t get obsolete at least.. I checked it 
what the f*ck they have 2nd channel what the f*ck..
well.. probably nothing changed.. the 2080 got cheaper.. and that’s it probably..
because 2080 competes with 3080 etc 3070 3090 etc.. but if they release.. 3060.. god.. that may be an issue
3070 is not even out yet.. but it’s gonna get released together with 3060.. f*ck..
f*ck.. I should have actually sold my old card
I need looser pants..
f*ck.. but I know how to send stuff.. I know how the delivery company works.. what wrapping they accept (there are many companies some accept only normal boxes)
so I can sent it already.. now I know how to do that
I learned that one company would accept everything
and I have a printer now.. but.. like.. I don’t have wifi.. on my computer.. so.. only in laptop.. ok.. I’ll use laptop maybe
and I also wonder how to send packages without printing the sticker.. also.. because there’s also something like that possible in this company
thank god that only 3080 release is most popular.. nobody is gonna wait for 3060 and 3070.. lol.. I just can’t wait to see that I was wrong..
each bag has registrar.. which registers if the bag landed in the correct bag.. after being pushed to the bin..
if it doesn’t register then it would light red
if it ended in the wrong bag
and they have to check.. if there aren’t any red lights
she looks like geisha
wow I mean.. I didn’t realize.. that anna akana also has normal dark asian shiny hair
f*ck I didn’t even realize that before
they are very dark
“ 240p - the metalest of resolutions. “
goulish language.. that's really old obsolete language that nobody is using any more
her instrument is really cool.
I didn’t have internet for 2 hours.. or 1 hour.. 
anna’s songs
she’s a good singer
wow. her songs are insane
her songs are on the same level as avril lavigne and britney spears
interesting music writing. she had very good writer
the person who wrote the music.. 
she had a good music writer
and producer post producer and everything
all her songs are just 3 minutes :/ that’s  a bit disappointing
oh. I was listening to this one.. this one was the first one I heard
I really liked the U sound
that’s how I started liking her singing
but the other ones that I heard right now are also really good. 
this one is her biggest release right now
but I saw the thumnail long time ago already and the song is really good
but it’s short. shooting footage.. is.. like.. it’s difficult to get enough footage so she makes short songs
they should do long version just for listening without video
this is not the best cut scene in example
jesus christ she’s amazing
who wrote these songs. that must have been some really good musician
this is a really good take
her hair look like one kpop artist here
she’s so good
I watched a video today from a person who does modeling.. about modeling for clips like these
is that the same girl??
wow she played in both movies.
she looks like jinna kim 4 real
plastic rubber swords.. lol..
lol.. steel doesn’t bend like that..
they assumed that viewers don’t know that they’re using rubber swords??
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strawberryrockyroad · 4 years
Hey if i wrote soft Cliff/Pete(Jack) fanfiction would y'all be into that
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rijekapizza · 7 years
K8 – Ah, Gvardijan, the unholy amalgamation of a pizzeria, Mexican food place, and a proper restaurant. Frequently touted as a high quality pizza place smack dab in the middle of beautiful Trsat (next to the church so you know it’s the good shit). My partner and I embarked on an epic journey to track down and tackle this beast of a place, by which I mean we took a 2 and rode it for about 10 minutes. The restaurant itself has a nice aesthetic, which might have been amplified by the fact that it was a real beautiful day outside. Anyway, we arrived, sat down and proceeded to have a giggle at the names of the foodstuffs, which ranged from the dad joke tier to the borderline retarded. I will not type down names for the fear of causing a laughter-induced aneurysm on our prized readers, but rest assured I only slightly wanted to kill myself when I was forced to say the name of the cheese pizza I ordered to the waiter. Now, in a bout of absolutely abhorrent unprofessionalism, my partner decided to roll a D20 to choose which pizza to order (because, and I quote – “I can only write a funny review about a margherita so many times!”). So the fucking casual rolled a “nonica” (you laughing yet?), which is the codename for a cheese pizza with some fermented mushrooms on top. I confess to having a very slight, very smug feeling of schadenfreude as I watched him try to chow it down. I, however, stuck to my principles. Death before dishonor, innit? The pizza itself was easily the best one we’ve reviewed so far. It was very much reminiscent of Delta because the cheese had a similar pretentious twang to it, but it was quite well baked and the sauce was also delicious. They’re also pretty much reasonably priced (you can get a “recesijska” which is basically a margherita that’s smaller and cheaper) and the overall experience was quite pleasant. I did, however, receive a rather shocking mouthful (this seems to be a recurring thing whenever I hang out with Morg) when I bit down on my olive and found out it had been marinated in wine. No idea why they’d do something like that, but hey – free booze. Not complaining. Much. Overall score: 8/10. I’d totally come back and order something HILARIOUS like a pizza called “vrag te zel”.
Morg - It all started off a little over a year ago. I've known my current BFF for a year and we decided to celebrate the anniversary by going to a pizzeria near where he lived. Upon seeing that they had a choice of a hundred pizzas my hands found themselves holding two ten sided dice before I even realized what's happening and I rolled for a random pizza right then and there. The moment was magical, but the disgusting, possibly peanut butter-y nutty pizza that followed was much less so. Apparently coming up with a hundred pizzas is no easy task and I bet what I ordered was put into the menu only as a joke and the chef got a hard finally being able to put his nuts in my pizza. And boy there was a lot of nuts, so much I started placing them on the side of the plate because they tasted like eating little bits of cinnamon sadness. Despite protests from my bff I ate the entire...thing... and heck, even managed to guzzle up all the nuts so hard I’m surprised I didn't end up in Mike Pence's therapy camp. Gvardijan remained in my mind and nightmares for a long time after that. I recommended it to my partner because after that time, my buddy and I returned many a time for small "Recession" pizzas which were admittedly really good and cheap. Arriving to it, it was a beautiful day and we sat outside, enjoying each other’s company and the harsh rays of the Sun. I learned from my lessons and decided to keep my professional attitude. But as soon as I saw the 100 pizza list and a nod from my partner my sweaty palms were holding a d20, I saw my hand rolling nervously like a gambler and my eyes darted across the list. And then I rerolled because I ain't made of money and it sounded kinda bad and look it's not a set rule, lay off me alright you can make your own reviews. I rolled up something that looked much better...on paper. On plate it looked like someone spilled a different meal on my pizza and it tasted like the chef thought I was fucking his wife. My partner got the usual margherita and was smiling in that smug way that would’ve ticked me off had I not been crying inside looking at the delicious meal and her professional attitude. But alas, Live by the dice, Die by the dice. I ate the meal with the same attitude a starved North Korean farmer eats rice. And with half as much enthusiasm. Every now and then my mouth would hit a section of the pizza where there's only cheese and tomato sauce and it would be delicious! I'm sure there's a moral somewhere here but nay if I know, for I am but a hedonistic addict. Overall Score: 8/10 despite my constant failures I refuse to seek help for and only express through brief flashes in online pizza reviews that no one should worry about also I forgot to mention the waiter didn't pour our water I drink too much.
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