#sad to call 20 year old media older but let’s be realistic.
epsilonnot · 1 month
my pet peeve is when fic for older fandoms is unceremoniously updated to modern technology
like. do your research and find out what 2004 was like, or tag it as ‘modern au’ like a civilized person
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bestreviews2u · 5 years
The Truth Part 3 – Spot reducing exercise equipment, belly fat and fat binders investigated.
Spot Reducing Exercise Machines...
This is Part 3 in a 7 Blog Post series where we’ll discuss the Truth about spot reducing exercise equipment, belly fat and fat binders.
We’ll first talk about some of the more popular exercises and spot reducing exercise machines that promise to reduce belly fat.
In the second part we’ll discuss why they don’t work.
The 3rd part of our discussion will deal with what does work.
Let’s start with popular exercises and exercise machines in our quest to lose unwanted belly fat.
We are constantly bombarded in the media with the latest and greatest ab cruncher and spot fat reducing equipment.
It gets shoved into our faces by TV Infomercials, YouTube Videos and full page ads in our favorite magazines.
The most amazing thigh reducer machine or ab cruncher equipment (modeled by some slick muscular power couple) shows us just how easy it is to spot reduce your fat.
Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to look like those models, fit, healthy and awesome abs to top it all?
Whether you search for how to lose belly fat for men, how to lose belly fat in a week or how to lose belly fat in women, the results always seem the same.
Buy this stair climber machine to magically make your bum fat “disappear”!
This “super ab cruncher” will give you a six pack in no time!
Even better; “You’ve been doing it wrong, buy my insider info on how to do crunches to get your six-pack back in 4 weeks”!
Then, weeks later and a lot of money wasted you’re not much better off than when you started, still stuck with your band of belly fat.
We come to the sad realization all the enticing promises add up to simply nothing.
It’s time to investigate why all the exercises and spot reducing exercise machines that promise to reduce belly fat just doesn’t work.
We’ll also take a closer look at what does work.
Why Spot Reducing Exercise Machines don't work...
How do we get rid of unwanted belly fat without all the so-called spot reducing equipment?
We all want to carve off that extra slab of fat on our belly.
We might even think with just 10 minutes a day as promised by some of the hype we’ll be melting off the fat on out thighs and belly in no time.
Well, sadly it just can’t happen that way.
The only thing exercises like sit-ups and crunches as well as so-call “ab crunchers machines” do are to tighten and tone your muscles. 
That’s an excellent beginning - unfortunately the fat in that specific spot will not magically disappear. 
By all means, don’t let this stop you from exercising at all!
Any form of exercise is better than no exercise at all. 
What then is the secret to burning more body fat, and ultimately your belly fat?
The secret lies in building your large muscle groups: glutes, quadriceps, back, chest and hamstrings.
Quick Note:
The secret lies in building your large muscle groups: glutes, quadriceps, back, chest and hamstrings.
I’ll explain in 13 easy to follow steps:
Muscles require a lot of energy to maintain.
The more muscle you have to maintain, the more energy is required. 
Where does your body get that energy from?
Your body gets the energy from your blood stream. 
Where does your blood stream get the energy from?
Your blood stream gets the energy from several different places.
First of all, it gets its instant energy from the sugar already in the blood.
This however gets used very quickly during heavy use. 
Once the sugar in the blood is used up, the liver then releases its supply of sugar into the bloodstream.
This energy is also quickly depleted within 10 minutes or so of heavy work or exercise.
Your body now looks for sugar from the easiest place to make and convert something to energy or sugar.
This area is your fat, but not necessarily the fat right where the muscle is being worked on.
It utilizes fat from all over your body, not just a single area.
It is of utmost importance to remember this last point, your body utilizes fat from all over your body, not just a single area.
Whilst doing 30 minutes on a gut buster machine will build and strengthen your ab muscles, it won’t burn the fat adjacent to your ab muscles. 
You’ll lose inches, but that’s your muscle toning up - not just your fat burning off.
You can lose inches and strengthen your body with this kind of equipment, but to expect to spot burn fat from any specific part of your body is totally unrealistic.
In fact, you’ll most probably first notice a loss of fat from your face.
You’ll then notice fat loss from areas such as your arms.
The last area you’ll actually start to lose from is your belly, sad but true.
Again, it’s thus of utmost importance we realize that our bodies are simply incapable of losing fat in one area or “spot” alone!
Quick Note:
It is of utmost importance we realize that our bodies are simply incapable of losing fat in one area or “spot” alone!
What does actually work to lose unwanted belly fat?..
The question we now need to answer is “What does actually work to lose unwanted belly fat?”
Weight loss is actually a highly complex arena with lots of factors that comes in to play.
Nutrition is first in line and is essential to combine with exercise.
Exercise, more specific the right kind of exercise is one of the most important factors.
Stress reduction is also an often overlooked factor that has a HUGE impact on weight loss.
Then there is age.
As our bodies’ age we burn less energy and are physically less active.
A 50 year old person simply cannot compete physically against a 20 year old where exercise is concerned.
This leads to another question, what do you do if you are older, too old or physically incapable to follow a strict nutrition and exercise regime?
How do you answer questions like “how to lose belly fat for men”, “how to lose belly fat in a week” or “how to lose belly fat in women”?
To help you out we’ve found and researched an excellent all natural fat binder.
I’ve made an in depth review on fat binders that provides you all the detail
You can read my full review by clicking on the link below.
Fat Binder Review
Just to recap...
Just to recap, in this blog we covered:
Spot reducing exercise machines
Why spot reducing exercise machines don't work
What does actually work to lose unwanted belly fat
Should you be in a hurry to find out more about fat binders and how it can help you lose belly fat, you can read my full review.
Fat Binder Review
You can also watch the video here...
Before you go...
Because we know what a battle it is to lose unwanted belly fat I’ve also added a free gift just for you, my eBook entitled:
Make it Happen ​​
​How to Stop Making Excuses and Achieve Your End Goals
Your Free Gift
to get You Started on Your
 Weight Loss Journey
We all know how difficult it is to lose Weight - RIGHT?!
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The post The Truth Part 3 – Spot reducing exercise equipment, belly fat and fat binders investigated. appeared first on My blog.
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donnagcosby · 6 years
Hey Y’all! How’s life?! No… Really… How’s life, if you can read this I want to know. I’m turning 29 & per usual it’s time for my annual blog post. I know I missed last year that’s honestly because 28 was hard, like REALLY HARD. I thought I was going to lose my shit at 27 & didn’t I lost it at 28 instead. I had just moved back home to little oh Stratford, America. I felt like a failure because only people could see me as a failure not because I was one. I had just left 3 months of homelessness in Arkansas only a handful of people knew that. Only a handful of people will read this & maybe understand why I was so jaded when I came back to Oklahoma from Arkansas. I didn’t leave my house from October until around my birthday time in March in 2018 & that’s when all the things I had avoided for 6 months hit me, when I turned 28. I had just turned my back to all the hurt, all I knew I was living back with mom & dad, with grandma & grandpa next door & for the first time in those 3 lonely months I didn’t feel like I was going to get hurt or abandoned. So that’s to make up for my lack of not posting on my 28th birthday but we’re past that now YAY!!! (Side Note: the best thing that happened to me in my 28th year was gaining a precious addition to my family, my child the one, the only Bella Rea. She’s the best thing to happen to me, mainly because I have to grow up to take care of her, dogs are a lot of work. Especially when yours is the highest energy breed on the planet {Miniature Australian Shepard, Blue Heeler}. So now onto 29; guys, gals, friends and strangers HELLO, my name is Donna Gale Cosby and I’m not scared to be one year closer to thirty. Fuck the 20’s to be quite honest bring them 30’s on! I thought I’d be terrified to almost be 30 but instead I’m really excited! I’m changing a lot in my life currently. For anyone who knows me I’ve always been very earth conscious, I mean ask the people who have ridden in my car when I come to an immediate stop to make them pick up the trash they threw out the window or my brother who I had the honor of living with singly on my recycling obsession. I’m extremely proud of myself for wanting to take care of the home God has given us. Maybe it’s the farmer’s daughter in me, maybe it’s the granola, hippie, crunchy in me whatever of those words you use to describe me I won’t be offended people often think those words hurt they don’t one bit they actually bring me pure joy. I feel like every time I write this yearly post, I make a reference how I feel the call to write and blog more often and most of the time I don’t. I’m going to try and get a blog in once a month this year, I feel that’s a reasonable goal, that’s one huge thing about my age, my goals are becoming most realistic. I’ve always been a talk aloud over achiever. I want to stop that this year, I want to silently journal those this year and only speak out loud to a few people my crazy big unrealistic dreams. I want to find my select few of people just like Jesus did and stick to telling them all the things that run through my crazy brain. I want to be more intentional with my relationships because the older I get the further my best of friends get away. I have 2 absolute been with me thick and thin best friends. One lives in Georgia the other in Montana, those ladies know the complete full and absolutely ridiculous Donna Gale. I love you both shout out!!! I have another circle of friends, friends that have been with me for awhile too, I’m not discounting you by any means, just know my Merideth Grey and Cristina Yang relationship is with 2 gals and I can’t help that. Things I’m already doing that I’d like to continue doing this year would be recycling, learning to be more frugal, becoming and embracing my minimalistic lifestyle more and more. I want to continue being the old lady I’ve been the past month getting up between 5 & 6 to watch the morning news, I like knowing what’s going on around me! Things I want to start doing better are going to the gym or just working out in someway more in anyway possible, I want fit Donna back ASAP, but I have to be realistic and realize she’s gonna take a couple of months. I also want to journal better, I want to write down my everyday life and embrace it. Say what makes me happy and what makes me sad. I have extreme depression and finding the root to that is something I want to learn. I want to be more earth conscious, I want to see ways I can be better, I want to inform more people how they can come alongside this journey with me and make it less difficult for them no matter where they are in life. I want to continue living my gluten free lifestyle with passion, getting back to cooking has been hard to me after the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and the unclear but very clear to me diagnosis of celiac disease. I’m an old lady and I’m proud! I have to take care of myself. I want to bake, cook, and juice to my heart’s desire. Yes, I love juicing thank you Arkansas for the found love of the taste of chard and beets! I could write a whole blog dedicating it to Arkansas learnings and loves. I would encourage anyone to get out of your comfort zone and move to a place where you know no one and embrace what it will teach you. Just don’t go homeless in the process, that’s not fun, you learn A LOT but it’s definitely not the greatest time of your life. I want to continue drinking enough water. I most importantly want to get CRAZY OILY, for anyone who’s been following me on social media lately you know I’ve stepped into the Young Living with arms wide open and a heart wide open ready to learn. This isn’t a fad that will last a couple of months, this is something on my earth awareness list that makes me a true believer even more in natural medicine. My goal is to get off medicine completely, but I feel that would be truly unrealistic due to all my conditions with bi-polar disorder. YES, let’s talk mental health, I am an advocate because I have it. If you ever want to talk mental health hit a sister up, I’m totally down for it all. I visit and psychologist and I love him. He helps me appreciate who I am as a person. I see a counselor, it makes me feel like I’m helping myself not that I’m a failure. You’re not a failure for asking for help. I feel there are two things I could go on and on about that’s mental health and physical health. They’re my passion. I’m passionate for people and people deal with these issues EVERYDAY. I want to be for the people, like guys I’m running for President or something. Speaking of running for President get registered to vote and go vote! You have a voice, you are being heard, even if it’s just by one person, even if that one person could be me. I want you to know you are loved and you are worthy, and everything is going to be okay. One thing about my “blogging” is it’s random and all over the place, I don’t necessarily stick to one topic or idea, this is just how my brain works sorry not sorry. Another thing I want to accomplish in this upcoming year is getting out of debt, man one thing I don’t like talking is money because I’m bad at it, like REALLY bad at it. Thankfully I have people on my team that are not. That’s what I would encourage you all to do, make up your team, your squad and let them all be different and talented in every way. We all need people, no matter what. Don’t try and do it all alone that’s first no fun and extremely difficult. 29 will include making up my A team, I already have a pretty good lineup, I have a few starters but I want more. I want to make it to the playoffs, I want to win this championship. I want to walk across the finishing line of 29 knowing I put in all the effort for 30 to rock my socks off. I love you.
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