#sad hayley atwell
randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8792
 Hayley Atwell.  – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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starsstillshine · 1 year
starting black mirror in 2023 is very bo burnham funny feeling moment
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ilsaafaust · 1 year
Thoughts on Ilsa Faust in DR. Spoilers.
Thinking about Ilsa Faust's fate in Dead Reckoning and director Christopher McQuarrie's comments about it in the Empire Podcast. As a fan of the franchise and with Ilsa being my favourite character, I feel like I had to write a little something based on the movie and his reason for it. A lot of fans are upset (including me) and I want to write something properly, not just the angry tweets and posts. 
To start off, they wanted Ilsa to die already back when they were making TGM. And his reasoning seems to be that he didn't want Ilsa and Ethan to be romantic. Just that baffles me, if you don't want romance, how can you not just write a script where Ilsa and Ethan stay platonic? They handled it well in Rogue Nation and Fallout, you can see they care for each other deeply, but they don't act on it. We could have had Ilsa on the team, she could have gotten out of the game but was brought back in for some reason, she could have had literally any other story. But the fact that the only thing that seemed to come to mind if he didn't want to make them romantic was to kill her off seems very odd. 
He also talked about wanting to work with Hayley Atwell for over ten years and this fact seems a little too convenient when thinking about why he had to kill Ilsa off. But we'll come back to Grace later. 
He explains that they killed Ilsa off before they even knew the reason why. They killed off one of the most popular characters of this franchise without even having made up the reason behind it. We know that they work without a script, but making such a huge and impactful decision (he says he knew the fans would be upset) without even knowing why baffles me. 
I also need to point out, I would have been fine if she had been given a decent, meaningful death. Yes, I would have been sad, but had it felt worthy it would have been one thing. With how they handled her death in this, I can't be sad. I am just mad. Frustrated. Confused. 
Let's talk about Ilsa's storyline in this film. At the end of Fallout, she got out. In this film, she is disavowed for some unknown reason, and she is brought back into the game with the whole thing about the key. Kittridge says some weird comments about Ethan and Ilsa's relationship, that Ethan has saved Ilsa over and over when it is clearly the other way around. Let's go with this just being Kittridge getting it all wrong and not McQ but.. what do I know.
Ethan finds her in the desert and the whole scene is very rushed, they barely even talk, and.. she just hands him the key? What was Ilsa's plan? Ilsa's purpose? We don't know and we never find out (at least not in part one). Maybe there was more to it, more to Ilsa's story, we know they cut a lot of the movie, and we know for sure they cut at least two of Ilsa's scenes. 
Then she just shows up in the van in Rome before they end up in Venice. 
In Venice, we have Ilsa and Ethan hugging on a rooftop and holding hands on the gondola on their way to the party. For someone who claims that they didn't want Ilsa and Ethan to be romantic, I have a lot of questions. Especially since we also had the desert hug where she is literally on top of him. She is clearly a romantic interest, there's no questioning that. And to be honest, that is basically her only purpose in this movie. 
Now things get a little messy because we arrive at the party. I have always been a fan of McQ's writing of female characters. He did absolutely fantastic in Rogue Nation, Fallout and Edge of Tomorrow. At the party, the villain gives Ethan the choice between Ilsa or Grace. One of them has to die. 
Now, we know Ethan cares about Ilsa a lot, so the choice should be simple, her compared to this woman he just met who kept running away from him over and over and left him to die on a train track handcuffed to a car. The thing is, Ethan Hunt can't make that choice. He cares about each and every individual. 
We've now arrived at the reason why Ilsa dies. And I cannot begin to express my distaste for the cliché writing of having a male character choose between two women, one who is a love interest and the other who is so obviously made out to be the new female lead (and potentially, a new love interest, Ethan/Grace share some suspiciously weird longing looks but the fans are divided if it is romantic or not). 
Ilsa or Grace. Apparently, there can only be one woman on the team, which the previous films have shown us, too. 
I just need to add that they're working against an all-knowing AI, so why isn't "the choice" between Luther or Benji? Ethan's two very best friends, two brilliant tech minds who must be a bigger threat to the entity as well?
In the end, it all comes back to that it's not people that Ethan loses - it's women. And there is only space for one brunette woman on that team. 
So let's talk about the bridge scene. First of all, Grace has been running the entire movie, why would she suddenly stop running when there is a man literally trying to kill her? 
Anyways, she holds him off surprisingly long considering she's just a thief and with how in the previous action sequences she kind of came off as a damsel in distress. Eventually, Gabriel knocks her down the stairs. 
Enter Ilsa Faust. Highly capable spy, Ethan Hunt's equal, a woman who we know is lethal in hand-to-hand combat. We saw her take down Janik Vinter in a knife fight at the end of Rogue Nation and we saw her take down Solomon Lane in Fallout (tied to a bloody chair). 
She even has the advantage of a sword compared to the villain who has a tiny knife. They fight. For some reason, Ilsa manages to get in way too close several times (watch the choreography for the RN knife fight - she's quick, get in, slash, get out, you can't linger in a knife fight) and she somehow doesn't seem to be able to hold off the old villain longer than Grace. 
She gets stabbed in the chest. Ethan finds her dead on the bridge. In the next scene, Ethan looks sad on a rooftop for a few moments. Benji wipes a tear. They never talk about Ilsa again. It's underwhelming in every sense. 
But what makes it worse, is the fact that in the next scene, the team asks Grace to join the team. Not going to get into the writing of that whole scene, but the thing is, they do it in a way that is basically "look what happened to Ilsa." and the things they say honestly make the team seem very cold-hearted considering Ilsa just died. And we know the team is not cold-hearted. Yes, there's a mission and they need to focus on the job, but they really didn't have to do it like that.
When I tell you I have a bad taste in my mouth, boy, do I mean it. Ilsa dies and in literally the next scene she is replaced by Grace. 
Now comes the talk about her death which McQ describes as "very heroic". I'll admit, in one way, I get why he thinks it is a heroic death. Ilsa sacrificed herself to save someone else, that would be a worthy ending for someone who dedicated their whole life to saving the world, saving people. 
What baffles me is how he doesn't see how poorly executed the whole ordeal was, which is what fans and a lot of critics are upset about (see list of articles criticizing it here:  https://www.tumblr.com/rebeccalouisaferguson/723559978545414144/list-of-articles-criticizing-ilsa-fausts?source=share ) 
Is it fridging? In one way it is; Ilsa is Ethan's love interest and we know "the choice" between Ilsa and Grace happens because Ethan cares about her. McQ also mentioned it happening to up the stakes, so..
Yes, she also died because she decided to save Grace, but there's more than one reason for her death.
I feel like what also needs to be mentioned is that article with editor Eddie Hamilton who said they cut a "badass" line from Ilsa when she arrived at the bridge. They cut it because it lowered the audience's expectations for what they were about to see. "In the audience's mind, you know that Ilsa is going to kick some serious ass. She kicks a bit of ass, but not a lot. It's not a complete, devastating, ass-kicking, which you hope Ilsa is going to give at some point." They later removed this bit from the article because of backlash. We, the audience, know that Ilsa is better than and so do they. 
We know they're doing damage control, a lot was cut from the delayed Empire part two podcast. Somehow, the more they talk about it, it gets worse.
I know this movie is only part one and there might be more explanations for all of this in part two. But with what we've seen in this film, they fumbled her death so badly that the one thing that would make sense is that it is all a trick and she comes back in part two. There are many theories on that, but I'm not going into details or speculating on that here. 
A testament to how badly they executed her death is that people literally can't believe they'd fail her character this badly. McQ who we all thought was a brilliant writer. McQ who wrote one of the best female characters we've seen in years only to throw her out as if she was garbage. No matter what happens in part two, one thing is for sure. 
Ilsa Faust deserved better.
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illuminussy · 1 year
The writers did the love of my life Ilsa Faust so dirty and I will NOT forgive and forget this!!! How dare you!!! Deadass!!!
Her death could have been valid-- but the unceremonious final fight scene? The unceremonious lack of reflection and/or emotional response from the other leads? The fact that they just replace her with Hayley Atwell's character in the squad 2 seconds after she's dead, even making room from Atwell's character to do that before she's even dead? Asking Ethan to choose between Ilsa and Grace when he's known Grace for like 1 day, and Ilsa is a beloved character and the only person who comes close to being his female equivalent in the series, like that's a reasonable question? And carrying on the horrible Boy's Club of spy movies in which female characters are replaceable going from film to film in a franchise (Bond notoriously does this, and now Mission fell back into that pattern as well)???!!! Ugh! Disgust! Sadness! This makes me unhinged. Ilsa was that bitch. Wifey. GIVE HER THE LOVE AND RESPECT AND CEREMONY SHE DESERVES!!!
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Just some thoughts after watching Mission:Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Part 1 tonight...
Okay, first of all: I absolutely LOVED it! Like the whole movie and I know that I will watch it multiple times in the cinema. I mean, yes, it was exciting, of course, it's M:I, but also really funny. My friend and I had to try so hard sometimes not to laugh out too loud. The car race? Amazing. Probably because I love car races in movies in general (even though I am always sorry for all the innocent cars and other things that get destroyed), there are always many funny one-liners, this time no exception.
But let me come to the point that is the reason why I'm writing this. Ilsa. My beloved. I have so many questions (Why the eye patch in the beginning?, for example) but first: No, you can't tell me you're really FUCKING dead!! There were a lot of reasons why I wasn't really, really sad when she "died". One was because so many things were happening immediately after that, there was no time to be sad, even for the audience. Another is; I don't really believe she's dead. I was always half expecting she'd appear in the next second. Like Paris. Apparently, she's not really dead either. And now I have one year, in which I can keep on believing she's still alive.
I mean, I finally get a few (very few) beautiful Ilsa/Ethan moments (this hug, when she realised it's Ethan in the dessert!! was my favorite because unexpected, because not in the trailer, iirc; but also the little looks they give each other), and then this happens!! AHHH. I'm sorry, I just can't handle this Ilsa-loss
Even though it meant less Ilsa, I was positively surprised by Grace. When the movie was promoted and Hayley Atwell seemed more important than Rebecca Ferguson, I was seriously disappointed, partly upset. But Ilsa aside, was Grace actually a really good character. She made me laugh, I didn't want her to die (nor Ilsa), and I the end in the train I wasn't just concerned about Ethan but also about her.
What I did realize was that Grace is kind of like Ilsa was in the beginning. Or at least similar. I realized it when Grace wanted to leave the party, was attacked by two men, and Ethan came to help her. The moment she was free and the men fought with Ethan, she left the scene instead of now helping Ethan. I feel like this is something Rogue-Nation-Ilsa would have done too.
I'm glad that Benji had his bomb defusing scene. When he's under pressure he often has funny lines, and while I know that Benji isn't just there for the funny lines, I appreciate and love them. Also I love that we had multiple (at least two??) times when Benji gave Ethan directions while Ethan ran/drove. My immediate comparison was "like in MI3", one of Benjis first actions, but then I realized that he also does it in Fallout, and it's even more iconic there.
I was seriously confused by Paris. It's probably due to something I missed at one point, but like, what does she even do (aside from having too much fun when driving a car that is too big through streets that are too small, with the intention of apparently killing two people in a yellow Fiat 500, while looking like a maniac)?? I really didn't get it.
Okay, I would love to say more about Ilsa but also about everyone and everything else, maybe another time, I need to sleep...
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
The Receipts: The Supermoon of Doom (Sept 2015)
So, I realized I wasn’t going to be able to just leap into the messy active part of the Chris/Jenny timeline in 2016 without first looking through what came before it. Namely, the weird overlapping with Minka’s last go-around in 2015. So, here it is, the beginning of it: September 2015!
September 2 – Chris attended the premiere of Before We Go at the Arclight Theater in Los Angeles.  He looked hot in that Italian suit, but his sad eyes said all that needed to be said about what he now felt about his first directing venture.
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Sept 5 – Chris and Minka are papped walking her dogs outside her house in WeHo
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Later that day, Chris hosted a Labor Day Weekend BBQ at his L.A. house. Minka attended. She stayed at his house that weekend. At some point, one of her friends visited and took a pic in the famous backyard.
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Sept 11-13 – Las Vegas (?)
Sept 13 – Chris makes a pair of tweets showing he had been in Las Vegas over the weekend. It Is unknown if Minka was with him. (This timing lines up with other trips taken to Vegas at the same time of year to celebrate the birthdays of both Scott and Tara.)
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Sept 14 – Chris appears on ‘The Talk’ to promo Before We Go
Sept 17 – Chris appears at a Fila event in Shanghai, China, with Scott and Guillermo accompanying him
Sept 25-26 – Chris attends the Salt Lake City Comic Con, his first convention appearance. He and Hayley Atwell spend the weekend being awesome together.
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Sept 27 – Gifted begins pre-production and rehearsals in Savannah, GA
For those who don’t remember their astronomical events, this day was also a supermoon event. Jenny went wild with the tweets because of it.
JS tweets from Sept 27th:
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And the deleted third one I don't have a screencap of: "What if my pussy vibes so hard w the SUPERMOON that is grabs my heart & they dance out of my underpants & across the dinner table & into the sea"
So, whatever else was happening, the supermoon had Jenny really preoccupied with her pussy. Good to know.
Sept 28 – Jenny makes an IG repost of bts Gifted rehearsals
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And that's September 2015!
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shortsuff16 · 1 month
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Reblog Organization
- Dodger losing toy under couch Twitter video
- Favorite fandom moments: Chris kicked out of bar video, Hayley Atwell scare, Chris in deep throat shirt
- What’s my party trick Interview
- 2003 Skin pilot ep
- The Orphan King - Never released movie
- Avengers BTS video
- Twitter video - Learning Cap vs Cap fight
- High fiving little kids video
- Not Another Teen Movie commentary
- Watching Fox News Twitter video 2021
- Drunk 28 days later AD 2009
- Cute Ghosted Ad
- London movie premiere video
- Drunk in Boston videos 2009
- Jay Leno car + GIFS
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Interviews (text)
- 10 Questions with Chris Evans
- 2005 interview includes Slama
- Playboy 20 questions
- Challenging women are sexy Magazine
- Infamous Edith EQ interview July 2011
- Push interview 2009 Magazine
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GIF sets
- Dancing at Tara’s wedding GIFS
- Cherry Pick those lines - Oh it’s you! GIFS
- Love the stache - Do you tho? GIFS
- Am in a bowling alley? GIFS
- Bad bitch - Dumb bitch- Sad bitch GIFS
- Quickfire Gucci Guilty interview GIFS
- Jimmy Fallon Beer Pong GIFS
- Chris Hemsworth calls troublemaker GIFS
- Defending Tom Brady GIFS
- I’d fuck me GIFS
- Call of Duty GIFS
- Film photography gifs 1997 - 2019 GIFS
- Long hair Chris Gifted GIFS
- Fallon - “We’ve already seen his woody” GIFS
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Photos (ideas)
- Wig for Snowpeircer
- Twitter photo + Hiding muscles in sweaters
- Chris highschool photos
- Gray Man injured arm Instagram photo
- Tiff for Knives Out 2019
- Don’t be afraid of Covid?! Twitter
- Deleted Ig photos - Dodger & Gray Man
- Gotta skedaddle First Avenger Meme
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- Portugal house bookshelves & table
- Carlisle house IS L&D house + Chelsie wedding photo.
- Carlisle Pool under construction
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- 2023 Halloween Costume - Sweeney Todd & Mrs Lovett.
- Alba deleted ig photos
- Vanity Fair looking at 🍒
- Vanity Fair - Chris calling Alba’s name
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- What is he like in bed? Anon look
- Tattoo guesses anon
- Hair plug theory anon
- Look for Push commentary
- Jenny Slate flirty exchange Twitter - After 1st breakup
- Peeing when filming Cellular? Jay Leno
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Hayley Atwell Talks Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise, Captain Carter and More on Happy Sad Confused
Hayley Atwell recently appeared on Happy Sad Confused with Josh Horowitz where she discussed her role on the latest instalment of Mission Impossible, and Captain Carter’s untimely demise in Doctor Strange among other things. Watch the interview below:
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'Andrew Scott’s career has been a slow yet steady one. Like many other British actors, he started in the theater and had small roles in both movies and TV. With his talent, little by little, he earned better roles until they hired him to play Moriarty in Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock. For many, he came out of nowhere, but by then, he had been a working actor for more than a decade.
After that role, many new opportunities arose: a villain in Spectre, and especially, his performance in the second season of Fleabag. With that, some new, interesting offers came. Later this year, he’ll be Ripley in the Netflix adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s character, made popular by Matt Damon. This year, he should have gotten a nomination for an Academy Award for his incredible performance in All of Us Strangers. Today, we’re looking at his TV career and his best performances in that medium.
10. The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
The Hollow Crown was an interesting project: using Shakespeare’s plays about the different English Kings, with every episode being about one of them. Ben Wishaw had one of his best performances ever playing King Richard II, and so did Jeremy Irons as King Henry IV.
This Role Wasn't His First Shakespeare Rodeo
The actor has worked in the theater before, so this wasn’t his first time saying the words of Shakespeare, and it shows. Scott appeared as King Louis XI of France in the story of Henry VI (Tom Sturridge), and he makes his Louis both regal and noble yet capricious and irascible, making his time on screen count while also moving the plot along.
9. Band of Brothers (2001)
Produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, Band of Brothers is still one of the greatest TV shows about war, even all these years later. The show follows the Easy Company of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division during World War II.
The Actor Leaves a Mark
The show was one of the first chances for many actors who would become known, from Simon Pegg and Damien Lewis, to Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, and Andrew Scott. The actor only appears in one episode, “Day of Days,” as John “Cowboy” Hall. They say there’s no small part, only small actors, and Scott proves it here, as even if it’s a small role, the actor leaves a mark, especially on the audience and the character played by Damien Lewis.
8. Black Mirror (2011-Present)
Black Mirror has become the smartest sci-fi show on TV. Every episode is its own thing, and that allows for great closed stories like "San Junipero" or "The Entire History of You" and getting fantastic actors to play those parts. Bryce Dallas Howard, Mackenzie Davis, Jesse Plemons, Daniel Kaluuya, Hayley Atwell, and Scott are just some of the actors to appear in this anthology series.
The Actor Plays Tragic, Broken, and Devastated, Spectacularly
Scott was the lead actor in season five's “Smithereens,” playing a tragic character named Chris. The character is a ride-share driver who kidnaps a worker at the social media company, Smithereen. The actor plays tragic, broken, and devastated, spectacularly. As the story goes forward, he portrays even more dark and sad layers to this character, who is completely lost in life after a tragic accident.
7. Oslo (2021)
Based on the play of the same name written by J.T. Rogers, Oslo is a TV movie about the secret negotiations in the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. The accords wouldn’t have worked without a Norwegian couple, diplomats in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mona Juul (Ruth Wilson) and her husband, Terje Rød-Larsen (Scott).
He Plays the Doting Husband With Grace
Scott is great at playing the doting husband, who is trying to help while acknowledging their roles might put both him and his wife in trouble. As the host, his character tries to take some weight off the conversations by creating a space with free-flowing whiskey and food, and the actor sells that idea and how much in his element is when he’s able to know more about the people who are with him, and not their position in the negotiations.
6. The Pursuit of Love (2019)
Written and directed by Emily Mortimer, The Pursuit of Love adapts the book of the same name written by Nancy Mitford. This is the story of two cousins in 1945, Fanny (Emily Beecham) and Linda (Lily James), as the two couldn’t be more different and want different things in life.
He Steals Every Scene He’s in
Scott has the most eccentric and fun character in the whole show, Lord Merlin, a neighbor for whom the word dandy was created. The character and Linda are two peas in a pod, and Lord Merlin tries to protect her from her many romantic adventures, good and bad. The actor steals every scene he’s in, as his Lord Merlin always knows what funny things to say, loves parties, and even dyes his pigeons in strange colors. If you’re still not convinced, watch his introduction in the show to understand how crazy the character he plays is.
5. School of Roars (2017-Present)
School of Roars is an English-animated show for kids. Their lead characters are five monsters who go to Monster Preschool to learn how to deal with many problems, from not breaking things to not being a sore loser.
Scott’s Voice Acting Talent on Full Display
It might feel weird to find the actor who has played Moriarty and the “Hot Priest” and who is going to be playing Mr. Ripley, doing voices in a kids' show, but such are the talents of Andrew Scott. The actor has done voiceovers before, and in this show, he voices many adult characters. He’s the narrator, but also Mr. Snapper, Mr. Bogglelots, and Mr. Marrow, having his voice-acting talent on full display and proving he can do anything.
4. Modern Love (2019-Present)
Modern Love is one of the most underrated series on Prime Video. Based on the weekly column of the same name, published by The New York Times. This anthology series is all about those kinds of stories with an incredible cast, from Anne Hathaway to Dev Patel, Tina Fey, Julia Garner, and Andrew Scott.
He Perfectly Sells His Character’s Evolution
Scott’s biggest role is in the episode “Hers Was a World of One,” where he plays one-half of a gay couple adopting the future baby of pregnant Karla (Olivia Cooke). The actor plays the uptight member of the couple; the one who isn’t comfortable with the arrangement, especially when she moves with them. Once they live together, his character has many problems with Karla’s way of life in the third trimester of her pregnancy. Scott and Cooke have great chemistry together, and both perfectly show how their characters find common grounds and evolve just before she goes into labor.​​​​​​​
3. His Dark Materials (2019-2022)
Based on the novels by Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials was a TV series about Lyra (Dafne Keen), an orphan girl who is looking for a missing friend and finds a conspiracy to get the most important material in the whole world, Dust. In this alternate reality, every character has an animal companion named daemon.
The Actor Is Having the Time of His Life With This Character
He’s an explorer; he’s a powerful being; he has lived many lives. The actor is having the time of his life playing this magical character with a traumatic past, as it allows him to display all his acting talents. Scott appeared in seven episodes as John Parry/Jopari, a marine and explorer and father to Will (Amir Wilson), one of the most important characters in the show. Fun fact: the show has a Fleabag reunion, as Scott’s character daemon is voiced by Phoebe Waller-Bridge.
2. Sherlock (2010-2017)
Sherlock was the latest look at the famous character. This time, by moving him to present-day London. It has a breakout performance by Benedict Cumberbatch as the detective, with the support of Martin Freeman as Watson. The show had three 90-minute episodes a season, and its last season was in 2017. Even then, audiences are still hoping it might come back.
He Played Sherlock’s Nemesis, Moriarty
Scott appeared in nine episodes as Sherlock’s nemesis, Jim Moriarty, in the performance most first saw him in. This Moriarty was a much more unhinged and cruel villain, a full-on sociopath whose only objective was to kill Sherlock, and Scott sold the hell out of that character. The creators were so impressed by his performance that they kept adding him in new episodes, so he could continue doing his crazy Moriarty thing, tormenting the heroes and creating absolutely Machiavellian plans.
1. Fleabag (2016-2019)
Scott was the most important part of Fleabag’s season two, after Phoebe Waller-Bridge herself, as he played the “hot priest”. The character was as complicated a mess as the show’s heroine, and that’s why they understood each other and fit together so well, so much so that he was the only one who could see Fleabag was breaking the fourth wall and looking at the audience every once in a while.
A Nuanced and Beautiful Performance
For many, Fleabag is one of the greatest TV shows of all time, and Scott’s performance had a hand in that. His priest is not the typical one, as he’s conflicted and has his own crisis of faith. He’s also in love with Fleabag. The actor is able to convey those conflicting feelings perfectly, with nuance, and show them to the audience all at once. His “It’ll pass,” is one of the most devastating yet beautiful words said by the actor in his career, as it says everything it needs, making for one of the best endings in TV history.'
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I don't care for Peggy Carter. I think as a character, she's just okay. I'm pretty indifferent about her. But Jesus Christ. The "Peggy Carter bad because Hayley Atwell bad" discourse is so exhausting. You can dislike a character. I dislike many characters. But going after the actress and accusing her of things repeatedly on this blog is so weird to me because I have no idea what any of us is supposed to do about it.
*If* Atwell is guilty of anything (again, *if*) I'm sorry to tell you we don't have the power to do shit. "But there's evidence-" We still can't do shit. It's not our job. Police exists, judges exist, lawyers exist, etc. Something similar happens with Tumblr's security. Sometimes users and blogs get hacked here, I'm sure you're familiar with some cases. Some people lose their blogs, some others are lucky and get them back/never lose them to begin with because they're still logged in and change their passwords, but I'm sure you're already familiar with the ridiculous amount of bots and... well, sometimes users get hacked. Plenty of people constantly complain about how Tumblr's security is not safe because they have day one exploits and vulnerabilities that staff refuses to fix, which makes this site a laughing stock for hackers. Okay. If staff refuses to fix them, what the hell are we, the users, supposed to do? We can't fix their shit for them. Staff needs to do better, not us. The fuck. There is no use in screaming at me or any other user about it. All I do is reblog superhero stuff. Complain to staff, not to us. Similarly, there is no use in screaming at us about how bad Hayley Atwell is and how bad Peggy Carter is. Because we can't do jack shit. Is it really so hard to understand? We're just trying to watch superhero movies, here. And she happens to be an actress playing a character.
At the end of the day you're just being repetitive. You're not engaging in constructive debate or making anyone agree with you. Giving us 3000 potential "better love interests than Peggy Carter" or repeatedly attacking Atwell is not going to have the effect you think. It's sad. It feels like some sort of wish fulfillment for you. I get it, the MCU has attractive people, we can dream. Self-insert fics exist for a reason and are valid. It's cool. But don't try to censor people or tell them how they should think or feel about a particular character. I am friends with people whose ideas about certain characters are completely different from mine, but we have fun debating because... these characters aren't real.
People are going to like what they like and ship what they ship, just like you do. Maybe you're struggling and feel like this is the only thing giving your life meaning, because I don't understand being this invested and fixated on a particular thing (and I say this as an autistic person. Hyperfixation has been a trait of mine since childhood, but I was never this full of hate - I've hated people, but not to this extent). I get it. No, really. For so long I've been emotionally attached to the GOTG because they are my comfort characters. But I never want to become a shitty person for them. I like them precisely because they make me better. I don't mean to say this in a condescending way, but get help. If you can't accept that people have different opinions, you are going to live a very unhappy life.
No fandom is perfect, clearly. But the world is crazy - wars, pandemics, suffering. Let's maybe try to be a little kinder to ourselves and each other. I expect this advice to be ignored, but I want to put it out there regardless. I think we need to humanize each other more often, especially when we're online. That includes actors, directors, etc. Ignore Hayley Atwell if her existence makes you this angry. You'll be happier. Let's not spend our limited time on this floating rock in space being angry all the time.
And for fuck's sake... it's fiction. Don't forget.
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msclaritea · 9 months
Patrick Stewart Calls Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Filming 'Frustrating and Disappointing' - IGN
Ryan Dinsdale
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2024 9:50 AM
POSTED: JAN 4, 2024 9:42 AM
Professor X actor Patrick Stewart has called his experience filming for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness "frustrating and disappointing", though may still return to the character for the upcoming Deadpool 3.
Speaking on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Stewart was asked to confirm if he, like some other actors filming for the Marvel Cinematic Universe entry, were actually interacting with their colleagues or just playing the part solo.
"It was alone," Stewart said, shaking his head. "I think the big scene, each one of the leading actors had the same experience. They were shot on their own. It was a frustrating and disappointing but that's how it has been. The last few years have been challenging."
The "big scene" Stewart references saw Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange appeal to the Illuminati for help, which in this multiverse was made up from the likes of Stewart's Professor X, John Krasinski's Mr Fantastic, Lashana Lynch's Captain Marvel, Hayley Atwell's Captain Britain, and more. Each member of the Illuminati was then cut down by a savage Scarlet Witch, played by Elizabeth Olsen.
Despite the poor experience, Stewart admitted conversations were happening surrounding Deadpool 3, the upcoming Marvel entry starring Ryan Reynold's Deadpool, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, and seemingly a lot more of the characters from the X-Men films.
Stewart was first asked if he knew how many times Professor X had died in his eight film appearances before laughing at the answer: four, meaning a 50% death rate. "I don't know [what that implies]," he laughed. "But I do now have every confidence that he's still around."
Deadpool himself wasn't around for the Mutant Massacre crossover, but it's a story that would make for good fodder for the next movie. In this story, the X-Men join forces with several other Marvel heroes to prevent Mister Sinister's mercenary squad the Marauders from slaughtering the sewer-dwelling Morlocks. It's a conflict that would pair well with Wade's habit of protecting mutant underdogs. Given how Deadpool 2 and X-Men: Apocalypse have both teased the arrival of Sinister, it's about time we see this twisted geneticist pop up somewhere in the X-Men cinematic universe.
The first storyline on Deadpool's relaunched 2012 comic started the series off on a bizarre note, as Wade had to deal with the reanimated corpses of America's past presidents, not to mention the pesky ghost of Benjamin Franklin. Somehow, the franchise just doesn't seem complete until we get to see Deadpool and Abraham Lincoln go head-to-head in the boxing ring.
When neither Cable nor Deadpool's comics were selling particularly well in the early 2000s, Marvel combined them together and instantly reinvigorated both characters. The opening storyline in Cable & Deadpool set a strong example for the series, pitting the two unlikely friends against one another over possession of a virus that can remake the physical appearance of anyone exposed to it. If Cable is going to stick around this franchise, there are far worse places to look for inspiration.
Deadpool 2 featured a tease for "M-Day," a disastrous event in Marvel's comics where Scarlet Witch all but wiped out the mutant race. Why not lean into that tease and give us a full-blown adaptation of House of M, the story that culminated in M-Day? The bulk of this story explores an alternate reality where Magneto and his family reign supreme. We'd like to see how Deadpool fares in a world like that. That's not to mention the long-term consequences House of M could have on the larger X-Men universe..."
Why? Because I discovered months ago that the entire Star Trek franchise has been under the thumb of the Cult of Scientology for years. Not sure about the original, but for those who don't know, it had some very subtle Queering, so I'm pretty sure they wanted to fully queer Kirk and Spock in the reboots, but ended up just doing a side character. In addition:
David Birkin, having not one, but two appearances, playing Captain Picard as a child.
Bryan Singer, a known Pedo and serial assaulter, remaining attached to the X Men franchise for years (and they are linked)
Majority of the actors being British, where Scientology and it's Satanic roots come from
Ian McKellen joined in promoting the actress, Ellen Page, as Transgender
IGN, a COS partner, actively engaged in harassment of Benedict Cumberbatch, through negative articles and by repeatedly tweeting a short video, detailing one of the most traumatic events in his life (the kidnapping in Africa)
A character in Strange New Worlds (note, the piggybacking of his mcu character) La'an Noonien Singh, who it seems 'whined' about being bullied because of her 'infamous' last name. Pre-Programming. If they bullied the actor once, they did it a 100,000 times on social media, because of his name
One of the Strange New Worlds writers, also wrote the last project that Tom Holland did, which gave him so much trauma, he decided to take a year off, for which the Cult tried to threaten him using social media
His tormenters also used trolls to accuse the British actor, again repeatedly, of stealing a role, Khan, from BOTH East Indians and Mexicans. After years of this we finally realized that if anyone was guilty of that, it has been Richardo Montalban. He is European Spanish...white European. So, it was another lie
Picard also engaged in that new, strange, activist writing that Hollywood has been into, whereby they ruin an iconic, white male character
They even try AGAIN, to promote Elizabeth Olsen, in this article. Let me make it plain, so that there's no mistake about this, because our group IS privy to info, sometimes and so far, it's usually correct. Elizabeth Olsen wasn't just acting as a meme thirsty actress on DS2. She acted as a SPY for Disney competitors. Now, if any of the COS partners, like Universal or WB want a piece of that chick, they can go ahead.
And ALL THIS, I actually just kept to myself, specifically out of respect for SIR Patrick Stewart. I should know better and if Hollywood doesn't stop pushing these actors to do and say stupid shit in public, they won't have anyone left, worth having any respect for. Good God, he even uses the same narrative that Olsen used during DS2 promotions, where she complained about the Green Screen. What's so ironic is that for an actor to show they can stay in character and work, using a Green Screen is to show real skill in your craft. These two say they can't hack it.
Deeply disappointed in this man.
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cherienymphe · 11 months
no cause i understand your frustration 100%. as soon as i saw your first post about him i looked up his name and scrolled down and first thing it shows is an article about the snl script. like people these days just have no imagination or critical thinking skills whatsoever and need help with everything, and it's genuinely sad.
I've literally thought this for a while and I knew I'd get called all kinds of names for it but it's literally so annoying bc if you have time to come in my inbox and ask me about information that's so easy to find...you have time to find it and read it yourself. I see it on tiktok too and it's insane. Someone will literally be in the comments going what does X word mean and they'll sit there and wait for a reply instead of just going to google and googling said word.
It was like 2 years ago someone on twitter told me that Hayley Atwell was problematic. I replied "wait what?" and in the few minutes it took them to reply I had already ran to google and found multiple sources and evidence to back up what they told me 😭 so not only could I confirm what they were saying was true for myself, but if I told someone else the same thing it's something I'd have 100% confidence in repeating
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 11 months
Hello! I am the anonymous person who wrote on October 24 that I finally saw Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One. And I did it in the cinema (finally) Initially I was going to limit myself to the first two paragraphs, but then… I'm terribly sorry, hahahaha
TLDR: I really enjoyed the movie, but I have questions about it.
I must say right away that it's completely useless for me to evaluate Dead Reckoning Part One without the upcoming eighth part. This is a movie where a lot of things happen and nothing happens at all 😄 Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise put the characters in their places throughout the film, and now absolutely everything depends on the eighth part: if it fails, then the seventh part will fail. Chris and Tom have been saying lately that whenever they release a new film, they always want to outdo themselves with a new film together. Well, let's see what they will do with the eighth part, because splitting into multiple parts is something new for them.
That's why I can't say anything about Ilsa Faust: it's weird and sad and the most monstrous moment in the entire franchise, but at the same time we have no context at all. As I said, a lot depends on the eighth part. In the worst case scenario, only the first six missions will exist for me.
What bothers me most is the camera choices in this film. I mean, I get why they chose digital cameras, given the difficulties of shooting the Train Scene, the Motorcycle Jump, the Rome Car Chase. But if Fallout looked large-scale and majestic, DR didn't give me that feeling. However, I appreciated the dynamics during the conversation scenes. And these action scenes are freaking amazing. And I just love Dutch angles. I just hope the eighth film will give us great scenes on IMAX cameras like Fallout did, or at least we will see an improved version of the seventh film.
Mission Impossible wouldn't be Mission Impossible if it weren't for a bunch of small details that I would like to return to this franchise for. In this regard, the seventh film was no exception. Three things that have come to my mind right now:
In my opinion, Dead Reckoning Part One has a cool way to create dynamics by splitting into two moods: there's a dark direction in one scene, and Ghost Protocol-style humor in the next one. Humor is once again used to poke fun at the rules of the franchise (the Shea Whigham thing is great. How come they didn't think of this before)
Vanessa Kirby is amazing as Hayley Atwell, lol. This episode reminded me the little scene where Benji pretends to be Solomon, but when Henry Cavill figures it out, Sean Harris starts acting like Simon Pegg which is one of the hilarious things in Fallout.
During the scene where Gabriel makes a comically pompous speech, the sound went off in our cinema hall for a second. People were like, “Huh?”, but then the sound came back. I think that was The Entity broking into our cinema and breaking the fourth wall, lol. But seriously speaking, did you pay attention to the sound of the Entity after the closing credits? I wonder if it's just a reference or something more? I won't mind if it turns out that the Entity hacked the seventh movie and somehow Ilsa is alive.
So, I'm looking forward to the eighth film for which Tom and Chris will have to shoot the biggest stunt in the franchise: the reasonable return of Ilsa Faust.
Hi! Glad you watched the film and really happy you enjoyed most of it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I agree about digital cameras and since they are getting 3 weeks of IMAX for MI8 hopefully it will be shot for IMAX, the feel is definitely different. And yes, of course, hopefully things get explained and expanded in the next film so we can see the whole picture and decide how MI7 ranks in the franchise.
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ilsaafaust · 1 year
My first thoughts straight after watching Dead Reckoning!  
I am so disappointed.
From the start, the film is a mess. The writing is pretty bad, to be honest. The humour doesn't quite click like the others but most of all, the plot is.. what?  
They really shouldn't have gone with AI. God, I wish they hadn't. That opening. Meh. 
Oh and here's two halves of a key. That keeps getting pickpocketed. They're really important but no one knows why. They try to explain it so many times but none of us gets it. That's how dumb it is. 
Uh, so is Ethan like the head of the IMF now? Like wtf, the whole bit about the IMF is confusing and bad. The choices they apparently all had to make? Nah. That flashback? Nah. 
An arms dealer hosts a party in Venice? And posts two guards outside the door? Sure. Why not. 
One of the biggest letdowns is what they did with the female characters. I've always praised McQ for his writing of female characters. You'd think that having Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Pom Klementieff and Hayley Atwell would be great. But no. 
The biggest letdown is obviously the treatment of Ilsa Faust, a fan favourite. Ilsa has always been written so well. Remember how they deleted the kiss in Fallout because it made Ilsa weak at Ethan's expense? 
And yet Ilsa's very short storyline in the entire film, no wait, in the first half only (?!) is that she is killed in order to hurt Ethan? And the reason why is because an AI is making Ethan choose between two women, only one can live…
Talk. About. Making. Her. Weak. At. Ethan's. Expense. And bad writing. 
Also, we have Kittridge saying Ethan is always helping Ilsa out of trouble when it is *literally* the other way around. Did I mention bad writing or is it just Kittridge getting it all wrong? 
They fridged the best character of the franchise? And then, in the next scene, Ethan looks sad for a moment, Benji wipes a tear and then the next moment, the team convinces this stranger, this thief, who kept running away from Ethan.. to join the team? I-. No words. 
They had every chance of making Ilsa join the team. She was out of MI6. Literally, all we've seen of Ilsa with the team has been great? Fallout? She smiles and seems happy to be with them and they work so well together. But no, kill Ilsa for no reason and have this sort of damsel in distress *replace* her? 
Sure. Because we can't have two women on the team. Wow. 
Not to mention Pom as Paris, who is this kickass, cool baddie who turns… Good when Ethan saves her life? Okay. 
Vanessa Kirby doesn't have much to do either, unfortunately. 
I don't wanna get too much into it with Grace, but the forced moments between her and Ethan are so cringe. Like, he just met her and all she's done is run away from him but yeah, let's have these moments where we say each other's first names and look like we're about to cry and oh, are you okay? 
To me, it doesn't even really feel like a Mission: Impossible movie. Something feels off. And with the writing.. It's like they had these three big action scenes, the desert, car chase and the train scene and they didn't know how to put them together?
I know M:I is fun action and it's always been a bit over the top but.. The train sequence. When Gabriel times that fall? And just as Grace is about to get shot Ethan crashes into the train. I-. 
Sorry but.. This doesn't do it for me.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
I had a topic for Sunday discussion but I'm not sure if it'll start a war or something😬
Endgame ending: yay or nay?
Personally, I think Nay. Peggy already had a family. She had already moved on. I understand it was something he never got to have, never got to experience but so much time had passed. And it's not like he had nothing. He had Bucky and Sam. Bucky still needed him, I feel.
ohhhh yes this is critical, but I agree with you!
I might be a little biased because I am not a fan of Hayley Atwell (i liked the Agent Carter series but yea...) so i need to reflect this from different angles:
I understand Steve's wish to be with Peggy, okay? I do! This man has been saving lives while totally neglecting his own forever. And the first time he even talks to a lady that is actually interested in him, he is about to enter the most life-changing experience in history. She's his first love, and it's hard to get over that, especially if you don't have any other serious relationships along the way of getting over it. So when he saw an opportunity to settle down and retire the shield, he went back to the one thing he knew would work out. The only woman he built an intense and "real" romantic relationship with. I don't blame him - this is the stuff fanfics are made of... but I'm still not a fan of this outcome.
Because he literally abandoned a whole timeline for this experience. And it makes me so sad for Bucky and Sam. Especially Bucky - don't get me started on this. And I know Steve just wants to experience what he's probably read in books about and what people have told him and what old Peggy had told him, but is it really worth neglecting all the other experiences he's made for it?
'cause if you ask me - and here's another controversial opinion- I would have shipped him with Sharon tbh . She's a badass. And these two had chemistry as well!
Steve would have found love in the Earth 616 Universe. He would have, he was just not experienced enough (and maybe even too scared) to pursue it.
this is also something that doesn't sit right with me. Because he had his nomad era - we all know what I'm talking about - and to imagine him going through meaningless one-night-stands while always grieving the love he's lost (and thus preventing him from finding new one) is shattering me
so in conclusion, while the Peggy ending seemed stupid to us and probably EVERYONE else in the mcu, it was the safest and fasted option for Steve to finally get that bit of happiness he's been missing all his life. And while going back in time and reversing claiming her as the one that got away, choosing to leave everything behind to be with a girl that liked him while he was still scrawny awkward Steve, is probably the most romantic thing ever, it's also kind of cowardly and douchey. I'm not mad, I'm just a little sad they chose this ending instead of give him the courage to move on.
so... i guess it's a nay from me too.
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dark-l1ght3r · 1 year
Wow that’s so sad. Anyway, you know who REALLY wasn’t served well by MoM?
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