mybeautifulpoland · 2 months
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Nowy Sącz, Poland by Piotr Chronowski
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tedrzewa · 4 months
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Nowy Sącz, ul. Grunwaldzka
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Nowy Sącz Kościół św. Małgorzaty, XIV w. foto z 9 maja i 12 lipca 2018
Witraże projektu Teresy Marii Reklewskiej z lat 1979-1981.
Pojedyncze (i większe niż tu) zdjęcia z opisami i tekstami inskrypcji: archanioł 1, archanioł 2 archanioł 3 archanioł 4, archaniol 5 archanioł 6 roślinny 1, roślinny 2 roślinny 3 roślinny 4, roślinny 5 roślinny 6 to zdjęcie publikowane po raz pierwszy anioły orły
Nowy Sącz, Poland St. Margaret Church, 14th c. taken on 9 May and 12 July 2018
Stained glass windows made in 1979-1981 by Teresa Maria Reklewska.
Single (and larger than here) photos with descriptions and translations of inscriptions: archangel 1, archangel 2 archangel 3 archangel 4, archangel 5 archangel 6 floral 1, floral 2 floral 3 floral 4, floral 5 floral 6 is being posted for the first time angels eagles
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cityhikertv · 8 months
NOWY SACZ 2023, Poland Rainy Walking Tour in 4K
Nowy Sącz is one of those cities that provide unforgettable tourist experiences and are full of attractions. It is also one of the oldest towns in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, situated in the picturesque Sądecka Valley.
This is my first 🌧️ rainy walk in fall 2023. Enjoy watching the walking tour in 4K Ultra HD quality with captions! https://youtu.be/hW9E99voS1s
#rainywalk #nowysacz #poland #walkingtour #cityhikertv
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idkimnotreal · 5 months
for people who don't understand the causes of heavy rains in southern brazil. (for anyone who is even aware of it)
we don't have a tropical climate in the south. there is no rain or dry season or monsoons. our seasons are defined by temperature patterns, not lack or presence of rain, like those in other temperate climates. porto alegre is much closer geographically, culturally and climatically to buenos aires than to são paulo and even less so brasília.
the heavy rainfall does indeed have to do with deforestation in the amazon. but the amazon rainforest is only indirectly related to rainfall in the south of the country (as opposed to directly related in the southeast, such as rio - the amazon spawns rain clouds in the summer that cover all of central and nothern brazil - and this is called "SACZ", but these clouds don't cover the south or the northeast of the country).
what happened instead is that the degradation of both the amazon and other natural biomes in the country (such as the cerrado and the pantanal) has disrupted humidity patterns and contributed to the formation of dry heat domes in central brazil (including the state of são paulo) in autumn and spring, when that region of the country is no longer under the influence of SACZ and antarctic cold air waves are not strong enough to reach that far into the continent (and they would be in july and august, during the peak of the austral winter).
these new dry heat domes trap antarctic air in southern brazil in autumn and spring. since colder and warmer air both cause rainfall when moving through an area (and these are cold and warm fronts respectively), the atmospheric "shock" caused by the cold air trying to advance but being unable to break through the hot dome causes rain to pour over a single area. that's what's happening. central brazil is right now seeing very intense, record-breaking heat for autumn. but that is being muffled by what's going on in the south, which is incomparably worse.
so when people blame this on us for "chopping down the amazon"... well, would they say that about buenos aires if this were happening there instead? it's not about the amazon. these places - including the cerrado and the pantanal - are quite far from us and we have little control or awareness over what happens there. so it's part of something much worse that spans the entire globe. and also something related to brazilian culture - our apathetic, accustomed relationship with suffering, and our lack of foresight to avoid it in general.
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semtituloh · 10 months
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Vía Your Street Art Utop
Artista Magister Mors
Nowy Sacz, Poland
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dk-thrive · 2 years
Rain falls, the cobbled streets grow black. Little abysses open between the stones.
Adam Zagajewski, from “Evening, Stary Sacz” Eternal Enemies transl. by   Clare Cavanagh (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008) (via Vale of Soul Making)
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fotograffx · 2 years
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#nightwalk #fabryka #nowysacz #fujifilm #bwphotography #poland #streetphotography #trip (w: Nowy Sacz) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_dU-SLjxu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Dorota Seydenmanowa, z domu Berlinerblau (ur. 1 sierpnia1898, 1899 lub 1900 w Warszawie, zm. 1943 w Nowym Sączu) – polska malarka żydowskiego pochodzenia. Dorota Berlinerblau ukończyła na pensji w Warszawie 6 klas. Studiowała w krakowskiej ASP (1920–1927) Podczas pobytu w Paryżu w 1925 r. przystąpiła do Komitetu Paryskiego. Należała do kapistów, którzy najwierniej stosowali program swojego ugrupowania oraz pozostawali pod silnym wpływem koloryzmu francuskiego. Malowała przede wszystkim pejzaże i martwe natury kolorystyczne, o bardzo intensywnych barwach, niekiedy bliskie pointylizmu. Była przyjaciółką Hanny Rudzkiej-Cybisowej z okresu studiów. W czasie II wojny Hanna Rudzka–Cybisowa, która pomagała prześladowanym, pod przybranym nazwiskiem Trzaskowskiej ukrywała Dorotę Seydenmanową. Na skutek *denuncjacji, Dorota Seydenman nie chcąc ryzykować życia Rudzkiej-Cybisowej wyjechała do kuzynki do Rabki, tam jednak została wydana i mimo aryjskiej urody i dobrych dokumentów osadzona w więzieniu w Nowym Sączu. Zginęła około Nowego Roku. Na aukcjach jej obrazy pojawiają się niezwykle rzadko i osiągają ceny do 10 000 złvia Wikipedia *Donos, denuncjacja – poufne lub tajne (anonim) pismo oskarżające daną osobę lub instytucję, skierowane do osoby lub instytucji dysponującej sankcjami wobec oskarżanego w nim. Stanowi gatunek literatury stosowanej.
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Dorota Seydenmanowa, née Berlinerblau – Polish painter of Jewish origin. Was killed in 1943 in Nowy Sacz around New Years @abwwia
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ingatlah · 3 months
Harashta Haifa Zahra Miss Supranational 2024, Ini Profil dan Biodatanya
INGATLAH.COM – Harashta Haifa Zahra tengah menjadi sorotan publik setelah berhasil meraih gelar juara dalam ajang Miss Supranational 2024. Prestasi ini mencatatkan sejarah sebagai wakil Indonesia pertama dan seorang muslim yang memenangkan kontes kecantikan bergengsi ini. Gadis yang akrab disapa Tata ini dinobatkan sebagai pemenang pada grand final yang digelar pada 6 Juli 2024 di Nowy Sacz,…
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tedrzewa · 4 months
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Nowy Sącz, ul. Graniczna
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life-of-architecture · 10 months
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Nowy Sącz ul. Fabryczna foto z 16 lutego 2020
Na trzech pierwszych zdjęciach południowy szczyt, resztki dachu i ankier na ścianie hali fabrycznej z 1906 r. Należała do Józefa Rossmanitha, który otworzył tu swoje przedsiębiorstwo najpierw pod nazwą Odlewarni Żelaza, Stali i Metalów, a rozszerzywszy działalność, z czasem przemianował na Fabrykę Maszyn, Wyrobów i Konstrukcyi Żelaznych. Maszyny fabryczne napędzał nurt Młynówki, nieistniejącego dziś sztucznego strumienia zasilanego wodą pobliskiej rzeki Kamienicy. Koło wodne fabryki miało moc 42 koni mechanicznych. Na dwóch ostatnich zdjęciach frontowa elewacja stojącego obok fabryki domu Rossmanithów z lat 1912-1914 r. projektu Zenona Adama Remiego, z kutą balustradą balkonową, prezentującą możliwości firmy.
Małżeństwo Rossmanithów. Urodzony w czeskiej Opawie, w spolonizowanej rodzinie niemieckiej, Józef poślubił Etelkę Adelajdę von Bartfai z węgierskiej rodziny Grünwaldów, z Bardejowa. Stąd w domu z kutym balkonem mówiono wtedy głównie po węgiersku.
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Załoga fabryki w drugiej dekadzie XX w. Pośrodku widoczna prawdopodobnie Maria Maak, główna księgowa, a po śmierci Józefa Rossmanitha w 1914 r. kierowniczka firmy. W latach świetności, w fabryce pracowało 60 robotników. W 1920 r. zastrajkowali, czym wywalczyli sobie ośmiogodzinny dzień pracy.
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Ogłoszenia reklamowe firmy z 1906…
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…i 1912 r.
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Nowy Sącz, Poland Fabryczna Street taken on 16 February 2020
First three photos show the southern facade, remains of the roof and an anchor plate on the wall of a factory hall built in 1906 r. It was a property of Józef Rossmanith who started his business here first as Iron, Steel and Metals Foundry and after diversifying the production renamed it Factory of Machines, Iron Products and Constructions. The factory equipment was powered by a waterwheel generating 42 hp thanks to nonexistent today Młynówka, an artificial stream supplied by the nearby Kamienica river. Two latter photos show the front facade of the nearby Rossmaniths house from 1912-1914, designed by Zenon Adam Remi. The wrought iron balcony used to present the factory's abilities.
[the married Rossmanith couple] Józef, born in Opava in a family of polonised Germans, married Etelka Adelajda von Bartfai née Grünwald, a Hungarian from Bardejov. Hence the default language of their household behind the iron balcony was Hungarian.
[the factory crew in 1910s] In the center is most likely Maria Maak, the main accountant and after Józef Rossmanith's death in 1914 also the main manager. In the prime years up to 60 people used to work there. In 1920 they went on a strike that ended succesfully with an agreement for the 8h workday.
[the Rossmanith factory's ads from 1906] [and 1912]
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blogynews · 1 year
"The Startling truth behind Poland's Elections: Unveiling the Unsettling Doubts Surrounding Ukraine's Aid"
In Poland’s upcoming general election, there has been a growing reservation towards Ukraine, particularly from right-wing candidates like Ryszard Wilk. Wilk, who is running for Parliament in Poland’s southern town of Nowy Sacz, represents Konfederacja, a group that opposes aiding Ukraine due to what they perceive as a burden on Poland and its taxpayers. This sentiment marks a shift from last year…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"The Startling truth behind Poland's Elections: Unveiling the Unsettling Doubts Surrounding Ukraine's Aid"
In Poland’s upcoming general election, there has been a growing reservation towards Ukraine, particularly from right-wing candidates like Ryszard Wilk. Wilk, who is running for Parliament in Poland’s southern town of Nowy Sacz, represents Konfederacja, a group that opposes aiding Ukraine due to what they perceive as a burden on Poland and its taxpayers. This sentiment marks a shift from last year…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"The Startling truth behind Poland's Elections: Unveiling the Unsettling Doubts Surrounding Ukraine's Aid"
In Poland’s upcoming general election, there has been a growing reservation towards Ukraine, particularly from right-wing candidates like Ryszard Wilk. Wilk, who is running for Parliament in Poland’s southern town of Nowy Sacz, represents Konfederacja, a group that opposes aiding Ukraine due to what they perceive as a burden on Poland and its taxpayers. This sentiment marks a shift from last year…
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evikdpriagung · 1 year
Mister Supranational 2023
20230716 #1 14.06 WIB197/365 Days 12,142 The conclusion of Mister Supranational 2023 has been done by with Ivan Alvarez @ivandeuce of Spain 🇪🇸 took the title. The final was took place in Nowy Sacz, Poland on 15 July 2023. For the semifinalists, agak kaget juga karena ada yang sebenar y so pantes in top 20 but just leave it away. Top 10 cukup strong, shocked Adib cannot make it since i am not how…
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