simmerforever93 · 1 year
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Good Ole SimPD, responding to a 911 call. They decided playing in puddles was more important than the dead body in the basement and the murderer that was still on the premises. Lolol Thanks @Sacrifical ultimate violence mod 
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khadijaaaaa · 3 years
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You can’t tell me these 2 pictures don’t give off the same energy 😭
The first picture is taken from my Serial Killer LP on Twitch!! 🔥 
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xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 21
MATURE CONTENT for violence
Sora was walking through the foyer, whistling Don’t Think Twice, daydreaming of Kairi. 
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Sora walked by the mirror hanging in the foyer and stopped in his tracks. He could’ve sworn he seen someone and he noticed there was a certain darkness he recognized surrounding it.
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Sora: I think Kairi was right...something doesn’t feel right.
Bride Hannah: You don’t deserve her...
Bride Hannah: You two can never be together...
Sora put his fists up and looked all over. He didn’t see anything but he could hear someone.
Sora: Leave us alone!
Bride Hannah: I’ll chop her to bits and make you watch....hehehehehe.
Sora: I don’t know who you are, but I swear if you put your hands on her, I’ll make sure it’s the last thing you ever do!
Kairi: Sora....help me....
Sora: KAIRI!
Sora ran around the house frantically searching for her. He passed the dining room area and noticed Kairi frozen with darkness surrounding her.
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Sora: Kairi...are you okay?
Sora tried to walk towards her but he was stuck, frozen the same as she was.
Sora: Kairi! Hold on! Please don’t hurt her!
Ven and Axel came flying in when they heard Sora’s cries for help.
Sora: Guys, save Kairi! I’m stuck!
Axel: On it!
Bride Hannah appeared in front of Kairi. Kairi’s eyes were closed but she was still standing.
Hannah approached Kairi and when she tried to grab Kairi, light began to shine around her.
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Kairi was still completely and totally frozen but the light got bigger, the closer Hannah got to her. Hannah grabbed her and she cried out in pain. The light burned her.
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In seconds, Kairi and Hannah were both thrown into the air, light completely engulfing them. After the light disappeared, Kairi was gently brought back down and Hannah was gone.
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Sora was finally able to move and he panicked. He ran over to her and held her in his arms.
Sora: Kairi!
Kairi was still unconscious.
Sora: Someone tell me what is going on!?
Riku, Roxas and Xion came running to the house.
Riku: I can!
Axel: You missed a good light show.
Sora: Riku, tell me what’s going on!
Riku: This is just the part that affects you and Kairi the most, there’s way more going on around here. Anyway, Bride Hannah is a killer ghost and she goes after true love, like you and Kairi. 
Sora: Why us!? There’s tons of people who love each other in the world!
Riku: I said true love. I think everyone here can agree, you and Kairi share a love like no other. It’s the strongest kind of love. I’ve seen it first hand what your love with each other does. Of course, she’s coming for you two!
Sora: So what do we do!? I knew if we got together, she’d get hurt again!
Riku: Sora, forget that! It doesn’t matter if you two were together or not, it doesn’t change your feelings for each other or what you have! It affected you guys long before you made it official, so stop with that.
Sora: How do I protect her from a killer ghost!?
Kairi started to wake up.
Kairi: Sora...what happened?
Riku: I have jobs for everyone. For now, here’s what we’ll do. Ven, you and Aqua go search the library archives. Xion, me, Sora and Kairi will go into town and try and get information from these scientists. Sora, do not leave Kairi’s side and same goes for her to you. Axel, go into town and try to talk to locals and find clues.
Axel: Roger that, Master!
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Riku: Sora, check this out!
Sora: Ehh...what is that?
Riku: I’m not sure but I should snap a photo.
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Kairi wandered over to the curio shop. Sora and Riku told her everything that happened. The only thing she couldn’t figure out was why Hannah couldn’t hurt her. There’s more to the story, she believed. Kairi approached the shop owner and began chatting with him.
Shop Owner: You have the aura of light.
Kairi: Umm...thanks, I guess. Can you tell me where I can find these scientists that were involved at the secret lab?
Shop Owner: You can find them by town square usually. They won’t tell you anything though. But I have a solution to that! This is a bug, you plant it on them and you can listen to their conversations.
Kairi: Oh cool! I’ll take one!
Kairi bought the bug and approached Sora and Riku. 
Kairi: We need to plant this on one of those scientists!
Riku: How do you propose you’re gonna get close enough to do that?
Kairi: With a little bit of a woman’s touch!
Kairi winked and started walking to the town square, and Sora and Riku followed.
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Axel talked to most everyone who wanted to conversate with him. No one really knew anything, that didn’t already know. He walked into one of the bars and ordered a drink. After he got his drink, he started walking to the lounge area and bumped into a girl.
Axel: Whoa, I’m sorry!
Girl: Oh no! I just bought this drink! Totally wasted! Thanks a lot!
Axel: I’ll buy you a new one! Relax! Sheesh!
Axel bought the girl a new drink and even though they got off on the wrong foot, they started chatting for a while and found they actually liked each other.
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Axel: I never got your name.
Girl: It’s Alice.
Axel: My name is Axel. Well it’s actually Lea but everyone calls me Axel.
Alice: Axel doesn’t sound like a nickname for Lea.
Axel: It’s kind of a long story.
Their faces were coming closer together.
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They leaned in and Axel grabbed her and kissed her.
Axel never really thought of himself as the settling down type, but maybe this girl would change that.
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amburger0927 · 5 years
Strangerville/Halloween CHAOS! - The Sims 4
We try out the zombie apocalypse mod and the life tragedies mod by Sacrificial to unleash some chaos in Strangerville!
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deehsims · 2 years
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Life´s Drama Mod  |   06 august 2022      
Ess mod do sacrificialmods, adiciona 11 situações dramáticas diferentes que podem acontecer em torno do seu sim estrelado por NPCs da cidade e adiciona uma atmosfera animada nos bairros de seus sims
📌Mod Original: https://sacrificialmods.com/life-s-drama-news.html
📌Tradução: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3353382/
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fabtiffsim · 5 years
Jo Stein
@SacrificialMods makes great mods, and my weird little brains have been twisting and turning with fear and joy. The Documentation of the Zombie Apocalypse in my Western-imspired Vampire town. Wha? #simlit #ts4 #zombie #abduction #whaa
Hello pals I have been playing with some very violent mods! So there’s blood and violence and strange paranormal things happening, please practice self care!
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Jo Stein had used the powers of Irresistable Slumber on one of the sick. Ms. Em was slaying them with two large cleavers. A few villagers were injured and starting to show signs of sickness. But Jo Stein was nowhere to be found when those…
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bloggerthesimmer · 3 years
Questa challenge l'ho fatta in onore al mio proggrama preferito di Alta infedeltà.
1) crea la tua inità famigliare non importa quanti sim sono ne di che sess@ sono l'importante è che se vuoi creare molti sim il massimo in un inità famigliare sono 8
CONSIGLIO: se volete controlare più di 1 unità famigliare potete scegliere uno scenario vuoto per mettere lì le vostre unità famiglirì.
2) la tua unità famigliare al'inizio del gioco il massimo di soldi che possono avere è infinità o 45.000 simoleon
AVVISO DELLA CHALLENGE: Questà sfida l'ho creatà per creare un po'di drama nelle nostre partite ed ovviamente amo fare storie con il mio gioco è i film anime di drama è amore sono i miei preferitì è quindi se vi piacciono le sfide è il drama questa è perfeta,quando io ero adolescente vedevo il programa di altà infedetà.
3) potrai usare tutte le mods è contenuti personalizzati che vuoi ma i soldì inizialì non potrai aumentarlì con le mods di soldì
MODS CONSIGLIATE: potrai usare tutte le mods che vuoi di belleza è contenuti personalizzati di tutti i tipi è una mod che io amo usare a me sono le mods di @sacrificalmods
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i diritti della sfida sono ovviamente per la creatrice cioè per me non puoi prederti tu i diriti miei
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lollyracket-archive · 5 years
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(this is caused by the super fun life tragedies mod by sacrificalmods)
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xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 20
MATURE CONTENT for sexual content, nudity and violence
About a month had passed and Sora and Kairi were finally starting to forget the things that had previously happened. It felt good for both of them to fall back into their usual habits and even though it was terrible what had happened, it brought them closer together. Namine on the other hand was still struggling and she continued to push Roxas away, no matter how hard he tried. The Guardians decided it was best to leave college and move away to Strangerville. They all got regular jobs and tried to move on from the everything in their past. What they didn’t know was that Strangerville didn’t get its name from just anywhere. Riku got a job in the military career and he was catching on to odd things that were going on in the town. And Kairi had a terrible feeling about the house they were living in, but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. It was like something or someone was constantly watching her.
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Kairi: Sora, do you ever get a strange feeling here?
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Sora: No...I don’t think so.
Kairi: I just get this terribly bad feeling...
Sora: Don’t worry I’ll protect you, I promise.
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Ven and Xion were talking in the foyer of the house. 
Xion: This house gives me the creeps.
Ven: C’mon it’s not that bad!
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All of a sudden Ven caught fire.
Ven: Ahh!
Xion: Holy shit!
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Xion grabbed a fire extinguisher and Ven snatched it from her hands.
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Axel: What’s all the ruckus about? Whoa!
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Ven finally got the fire put out. 
Ven: Axel, were you playing with fire in the house again?!
Axel: Don’t look at me! I didn’t do that!
Xion: I’m telling you guys, something strange is going on!
Xion saw Namine running around the corner and into the living room and Roxas was following behind her.
Xion: Roxas, wait! What’s wrong with Namine?
Roxas: That’s what I’ve been trying to find out! I’ll be right back!
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Namine stood in the living room, crying.
Roxas: Namine, you can talk to me. 
Namine: I can’t. It’s hard for me to look at you. I don’t deserve you.
Roxas: Stop! 
Roxas grabbed a hold of Namine and hugged her.
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Roxas: That’s not true at all. I love you, Namine.
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Namine stayed still in his arms with tears falling from her cheeks.
Namine: I love you too...Roxas...
Roxas pulled her in and kissed her hard on the lips.
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Namine: But I CAN’T!
Namine pushed Roxas away.
Namine: I’m sorry Roxas but we can’t be together.
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Namine turned to leave and Roxas grabbed her arm.
Roxas: I’m not gonna give up on you and I won’t stop fighting for you. You were there for me when I needed someone. Now I’m gonna be there for you because you need someone.
Namine: Roxas...
Namine and Roxas both jumped and jolted to the foyer where Ven, Xion and Axel were.
Roxas: What happened!?
The look of fear was on all three of their faces and Roxas and Namine both looked straight out the broken door to see a terrifying sight.
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It was a ghost bride with a chainsaw, she was covered in blood and she looked pissed off.
Xion: We need to find out what’s going on around here.
Roxas turned to look at Namine and she was gone. He turned around to see her running up the stairs. He sighed.
Roxas: Yeah, let’s go.
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Xion: Okay, maybe we should start asking around and trying to find some clues.
A man approached Roxas.
Man: hsjshdjfslkjfdlsifhsjh..!!!!!!!
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Roxas: WHAT THE-!!
Xion: That is not normal.
Xion and Roxas took off and ran around the corner, they saw an old saloon called 8 Bells.
Xion: Maybe we should go in here.
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Xion and Roxas came in and saw Riku sitting at a table, talking to a co worker and Xion noticed it was a girl, she started to get a little jealous.
Xion: Riku, what’re you doing here?
Riku: Oh hey guys! I started noticing some very strange things and I was asking one of co workers about it.
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Xion and Roxas sat at the table next to them.
Xion: Well, fill Roxas in because we’ve had some weird things going on ourselves today! I’ll be right back!
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Co Worker: I don’t know much, but I do know that there is a secret lab and I’m not sure what kinds of things were being done there, but there was an accident and ever since then weird things have been happening.
Old Man: There is a ghost was wanders at night, they call her Bride Hannah. People have been getting sick and turning into cannibals and there are people who look kinda possessed.
Roxas: Yeah, I think we had a run in with Hannah and a possessed guy.
Co Worker: Be careful of Hannah. It’s been said, she goes after any two people who are so in love and fated to be together. The story goes she found her fiance on their wedding day cheating on her and she killed them both with a chainsaw and then killed herself.
Riku: Wait! Roxas, you said you saw Hannah?! Where!?
Roxas: Yeah, why? And it was at home.
Roxas: That must be why she’s hanging around home! We need to get home and warn them!
Old Man: Those scientists working around here know way more than they let on!
Co Worker: You could also check the library archives about Hannah.
Riku: C’mon we gotta go! Grab Xion!
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