mamasvce · 5 years
Their Reality
Versace never thought marriage was going to be easy, or without trials and tribulations. It seemed like the entire marriage with Brim as a constant battle. However, when she wasn’t with him she felt it. Their matrimony was weird, but to say she didn’t love him would be a disrespect to herself. 
The kids got back from LA earlier that morning, and with Brim being back in town she knew the kids wanted to see him. That night she was also invited to a private viewing for a new line. The driver pulled up to the loft and Sace took it all in. This was her first time coming to his house since they were separated, and the vibe was weird. It felt like she wasn’t supposed to be here, but that was a form of acceptance of their situation. 
Moncler, two now, was sleep in Versace’s lap when her assistant opened the door. Monica grabbed the baby, so she could gather Fendi. Brim had took their son, because he’d come out the house to meet them. Her assistant went back to the car so they could get the kids settled.”He’s going to need to eat before he wakes up, and watch her because dad said she was getting a little sick.” Sace explained as she was taking Fendi out her carseat. 
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 5: Been a Minute
After the last time Sace talked to @ccbrim they'd just been communicating through email. Being completely honest, she was jealous of how openly he flirted with with that new rapper on IG. Things got crazy between the both of them, but she was still his manager at the end of the day, so business had to be handled. However, she did miss communicating with him in person. That was her lil baby, so she stood on the elevator, up to the studio, in hopes this wasn't a bad decision.
Before walking in she took a deep breath. Peeking her head in, Versace smiled when he saw it was her. "Hey money maker." She chuckled, and took a seat. "How are things going?"
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svcev · 6 years
Tag drop
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mamasvce · 5 years
EP 1: The Rebirth ft @asiaswaggdout
["Let me grab my purse." Sace starts laughing. "Yes America, ya girl Versace NEAL is back." She stood there and stared in the screen smirking. "Anyways tho, I'm meeting up today with a friend to catch up. The last time you guys saw me I was married and thriving, but the weak crumble when a passive bitch offers pussy. I'm still recovering, but with two babies it's no room to feel sorry for myself."]
Sace's work day was over and now she wanted an end of the day drink. When her marriage crumbled she did, and months later she still had her days where she broke down. It wasn't long until she knew who the other woman was, and had to deal with the fact that they traveled in the same circles. That was the sole reason she communicated with Brim through text, and only answered a facetime when she was with the kids.
The mogul was a changed women, so Sace tried her best to go high, but she had her moments when she went low. "Yea, I'm waiting for a friend but go ahead and give me a shot of Henny and an apple martini." She smiled at the waitress and went back to her phone when she was finished ordering.
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mamasvce · 5 years
Turning Tables
Versace hated that it came to this point. When she got married she thought the two of them would growing old together. It almost brought her to tears as she thought about it. On the drive to the first mediation she had the car silent. It was just her, and her lawyer Carmen. This wasn’t necessarily her field, but the two had known each other since college. The both of them were clear on the game plan, and understood that this would be quick. 
When they pulled up the paparazzi were all outside, and Sace knew it was going to be a shit show, but nothing like this. Her security opened her door, first Carmen got out then her. “Clear the way!” Her Security, Big Joe shouted out. The duo made it into the office, and joined Brim and his lawyer. 
“We’re sorry for the delay, but my client wants to make this as quick as possible. She turning down your proposal, and wants nothing from you. Joint custody, alternating weeks, trading kids off on Sundays at 6:00 pm. The properties in Vegas, and Miami are to be sold and profit split evenly.” Versace let her lawyer talk and couldn’t even look at her ex-husband. 
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mamasvce · 5 years
At the Office
Between being a full time mom of two, and a business owner Versace was never alone, or even had a chance to breathe. It was a blessing her sister was in town, and took the kids off her hands. However, Versace ended up going to the Boutique to do a little in house work. 
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mamasvce · 5 years
My Brother
With everything that she was dealing with, Versace was still shocked when Passion let her know Reggie was back. She hadn’t heard from him, or even got a pop up. Being Sace, she felt like she should have been the first person he came to see. However, she had her people track him down for her. When she received an address she pulled up without an invite. The alpha in her always took charge without waiting for input. 
She was in front of the door, and knocked until he answered. 
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mamasvce · 5 years
Versace had more than a lot going on in her life, and at times she felt like she was going to pose grip of it all. However, she always found it in her to keep fighting.
Versace pulled up to Cleo's warehouse with her black and red Range Rover. The ladies had business to discuss, because the last time they talked it was about life. This meeting was about business and getting to the next bag. "My love." She smiled, all the drain of a busy day behind her.
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mamasvce · 5 years
EP 5 | How’s the Family
Versace was off in LA taking care of boutique, and her little angel Moncler. It was more than she thought it would be, so of course she went radio silent on her friends. She had a new responsibility, but now that he was a year old she felt like she could get back to the grind. However, when she touched down she heard an old friend was in town and invited her to the office. 
“Send her in!” 
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mamasvce · 5 years
Us Time | 203
It was Versace’s night with the kids, but it was getting close to her and Brim’s Anniversary, so the gifts had to start coming in. He was working tonight, but she pulled up to the studio with a little git box, and made her way up. When she got there she walked in and instantly cheesed, because she knew he wasn’t expecting her. 
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mamasvce · 5 years
EP 6 | Another Issue
Versace had been working overtime, because she was adding another rascal to the bunch. She was excited, and when she let the world know over the internet she didn’t expect him to take it the way he did. In her opinion, Brim took things to the extreme and always wanted to be in control. 
She unlocked their home door. 
“Where my two men at?” 
She said, sliding off her heels at the door, and walking into the living room where the two of them were at having father and son time. 
“Hey loves.” 
Versace leaned down, and gave the both of them a kiss.
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 5: I'm Here for You
Sace knew about everything that was going on in the media, and she knew the GG had been going through it. With dealing with Reggie, her career, her own stuff, she hadn't gotten around to checking on GG. "Hey love." She hugged her tightly when she finally answered the door. "How you feeling?" She walked into her residence.
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 4: New Faces
There was a new boy on the scene that Versace didn't know nothing about. He was nice on the eyes, and had an aggressive demeanor about him that she liked. He was rough around the edges, but could be polished.
Sace did her researched, and found out heh was at the gym. When she arrived he was where they said. She chuckled. "Madden?"
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 5: DR with Love
Time and time again she was continuously taking time out of her day for her friends. Reggie was like her little brother she was constantly worried about. Nobody could make her hop on a flight just to make sure they were ok, but him. The next time she comes to DR it will have to be on vacation.
Finding the hotel was more difficult than she wanted it to be, but she thought that he just wanted privacy. Finally arriving in front of the hotel door she knocked and waited for an answer.
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 4: Eat Up
Versace was working with an artist personally these days, and anytime she managed an artist hands on that meant she believed in them wholeheartedly. Brim was her baby and she knew that there was a place in R&B for him, but she needed him to beleive that. His nerves was stopping him from stepping out on faith, but she hoped that after a good meal and words of encouragement he would be good.
When the door bell rung she grabbed her glass of wine, and made sure her breast weren't popping out too much. "Hey scrub." She chuckled, giving him a hug.
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svcxxv · 6 years
EP 5: Baby?
Being a mother is something that Versace has always wanted. In her last failed marriage towards the end she had an abortion, because she didn't want to try to save the marriage with a baby. Spent fifteen years with that man, and now that it was over she was starting to realize that her clock was starting to tick. With all the success she had at this point in her life it was time that she do something for herself. Going to the doctor to see about potentially getting a sperm donor was where she was at. It was something she figured she try before going through IVF. It was a decision that she thought long and hard about, and being single and grown meant that nobody else's opinion mattered. All she needed to know now was what is the next step.
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