7-charles-7 · 20 days
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De 2021 a 2023, em todo o mundo, 400 milhões morreram devido aos efeitos da vacina covid.
(Dr Karlos Sabillon)
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in-sightpublishing · 9 months
Regner Sabillon
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): The Voice Magazine (Unpublished) Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2017/09/24 Scott Douglas Jacobsen: This is for the voice magazine. What is your name and position? Regner Sabillon: Regner Sabillon. I am academic expert for the faculty of business and the school of computing information system. Jacobsen: How did you find AU and…
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franciscor78 · 11 months
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Lastima grande la eliminación de los #Astros y por ende la de Mauricio Sabillon ,hoy por hoy unos de los mejores atletas que ha parido Honduras
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glendaleaznews · 1 year
Emerging Leader Fellowship Program
https://ift.tt/PNJ5x2S IDA Selects Daniel Sabillon for 2023 Emerging Leader Fellowship Program May 15, 2023 at 05:00PM
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thedeskside · 7 years
Women Who Work: Content Strategist, Jen Sabillon
Jennifer Sabillon is a content strategist who focuses on copywriting and social media content. She helps entrepreneurs strategize their content and personalize their message. Let's get into her journey! What made you want to start your business? What inspired you to do so? I was an English teacher for 7 years before starting my own business. What got me into teaching English was my LOVE for writing! I have literally been writing since I was old enough to hold a pen/crayon/marker/whatever. When I got pregnant with my second baby boy in July of 2016, I realized that I wasn’t spending my time doing something I loved that was worth being away from my babies. Having small children really fuels a person to go for their dreams and have more time to spend with them. So, I decided to go for my dreams of being a writer and create amazing content for people who might not have the time or the desire to write for their businesses! How do you explain what you do to others? In this crazy world called copywriting/content creation, I have found myself doing all types of copy work from website copy to social media content. It is truly amazing the time that a business owner can save by having someone create their content FOR them rather than stress themselves out trying to do it themselves. I create a social media content plan, write the content, implement (schedule), and watch it produce! On the copywriting side, I write newsletters, email sequences, landing pages, etc… If it has writing on it, I’m your girl! How long have you been doing this? I have been working in my own business for 7 months! What is a day for you like? What is your routine? My routine is centered around my sweet boys (2.5 years and 3 months).
I get up and get my 3 month old fed and changed.
The two boys and I head downstairs where I get my 2.5 year old breakfast and MILK (of course) while getting my youngest situated for playtime.
I get myself some breakfast (usually a Pop Tart and a Coke… don’t judge).
After we’re all settled, I get comfortable at my desk and start cranking out the content!
I take some client calls, make connections, network, socialize on FB because why not, and work on my own business material.
Around lunch time, we have lunch and then the boys take a nap!
During their nap, I work on more content and client calls.
After they wake up from nap, we all head back downstairs to get a snack and wait for daddy to come home.
Once my husband is home, we eat dinner and get ready for bed.
The boys go down around 7-7:30 pm.
Once they’re down, my husband and I spend quality time together just enjoying each other’s company!
Then, it’s my favorite time of the day: BEDTIME!
How did you go about starting your business? What were some of your initial steps that you took? So, I started looking at ways a stay at home mom could make money. I began that journey back in November/December of 2017. It was scary to think I might actually capitalize on the opportunities I found, but I was still not sure of my next steps. In January, my husband I spoke about what it would look like if I stayed home, and he encouraged me to start trying out some of the methods of staying home and making money that I had found. I was 30 weeks pregnant, working full time, caring for a 2.5 year old, and still trying to be a good friend and wife! In March, I decided to stop doing the “side hustle” thing and move to full time! My initial steps started with researching the industry, getting my website up and running (as scant as it was), and making connections with the right people! What has been the hardest part of your transition? The hardest part of my transition has been fully trusting myself that I can do this and make the money I was making as a teacher. Having a family with two small children makes any major life transition super scary! I always worry about whether or not I’m going to end up hurting our family or putting us in some hole that we can’t get out of and that’s just not true. Trusting myself and knowing that I CAN do this is what has been the hardest. What has been the easiest part of your transition? Finding support! There are so many amazing and talented and SUPPORTIVE people out there in the online business world that have stepped up to help me in any way possible. What do you think is the most important characteristic to have for someone who wants to take a similar career route to yours? The most important characteristic to have for someone to take a similar career route as me would be perseverance. They must must must be able to push through all of the negativity and downfalls that may come about when they’re in this industry. If they can get through those times, they’ll be golden. What do you wish you knew before starting out on your own path? I wish I would’ve known how much I was going to doubt myself AND how much some people don’t truly value your work. There a lot of people in this world that think everything should come to them for free (or very cheap price), and when you create work that is amazing and you gave it everything you had, it is hard to accept that some people will never be happy! I just wish I would’ve known that before starting so I could prepare myself. Did anyone help you in developing your own business or side business? YES! I have had some amazing and incredible mentors throughout this process. Eva Kalvig is an amazing online business manager (OBM) who was the very first person to believe in me and see my potential (even before I did). Safia Sattar was the first coach I worked with who provided me AMAZING support and guidance in an industry I was completely foreign to. And now I have a group of ladies in the Fearless Sisterhood with a coach, Eveline Traxler, who help me develop and grow each and every day! What is your favorite thing about the industry you work in? I just love the flexibility, connectivity, and creativity that flows from this industry. I have the chance to do what I want pretty much whenever I want! The connections that are made in this industry are second to none, and everyone is always there to cheer you on! And the creativity I feel flowing from not only myself, but from others is something that I haven’t experienced in a very long time! What are some tools that you can live without?
Trello - the FREE version is amazing! There are “Power Ups” you can purchase, but the free version is amazing on it’s own! Organization = awesomeness.
Drift is super cool scheduling tool that has a bot who interacts with the potential client that really makes the process easier and more personable (in my opinion). Plus, not a lot of others are using it, so it’s unique! The one that I use is FREE, and it is great!
CANVA - from an inexperienced graphics creator’s standpoint, this is an amazing tool. There is not much of a learning curve, and the graphics that are produced are great for the purpose I need them. I do have the paid version for magic resizing, but the free version is amazing, too.
Google everything! Let me tell you, without Google Drive, I’d be LOST!
What do you have on your desk or working space right now? My computer, papers, supplies (tape, stapler, pens, etc..), fake flowers in a pretty little vase, a Coke (I told you), and some Cheez-its. What do you want other women in similar situations to know about your chosen career path? That while this might not be the easiest thing they’ve ever done, it is totally doable! Trusting in yourself will you get a long way! But, know that everything you see on social media about going from $0 to six figures in one month is simply not realistic! It might happen for a very small percentage of people, but the average person won’t see that! So they have to remember to turn off the blinders and see the realistic side of this business - success takes time! Do you have any other additional key points that you think would be beneficial to readers? Please notate them below! This entire process is SCARY, but it is really rewarding. You’re going to get clients that don’t like your work, don’t like your working style, or vice versa. But that’s okay because they’re not meant for YOU! Keep rockin, find your core group, and get yourself a mentor! You’re going to do fabulous things, and believing in yourself is the FIRST step! You can learn more about Jen on her website. You can also contact her through Twitter or Facebook.
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cr0wra · 4 years
Dos semanas después del paso del Huracán ETA por Honduras, con aprox. 2.9 millones de afectados (en un país con 9 millones de habitantes), con zonas aun inundadas, viviendas soterradas, multiples rescates, abando y desamparo gubernamental, tras perdidas humanas, animales, agrícolas y de infraestructura, la pesadilla retorna. Llega la noticia de una nueva amenaza ciclónica. La alerta roja se levanta a nivel nacional. Quienes alcanzaron a limpiar sus hogares del lodo y humedad, nuevamente huyen; los albergues crecen, la necesidad abunda, en los boulevares se refugian con toldos bajo los arboles quienes hoy ya no tienen hogar, y el fin de semana previo al 16 de nov. el país entero sufre de ansiedad y estrés, bajo un sol que no sentimos por una semana entera, la llegada nuevamente de ese manto gris que nos haría pasar una vez más horas de amarga incertidumbre, dolor y desolación.
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Copán Ruinas quedo incomunicada y con graves perdidas de cultivos, tras el paso de loa huracanes ETA e IOTA.
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Carretera CA-11 que conecta la ciudad de Santa Rosa de Copan y Gracias, Lempira, colapso.
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La Lima, Cortes. Así amanecio la Colonia Reyes Sabillon el 18 de noviembre del 2020 tras el paso del Huracán/Tormenta Tropical IOTA. La ciudad de La Lima seguía con zonas bajo el agua y sin recuperarse de ETA, cuando este nuevo ciclon ataco.
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Aeropuerto Internacional Ramón Villeda Morales de San Pedro Sula/La Lima, antes y después del IOTA. La central aérea ya había sido terriblemente afectada tras el paso de ETA, lo que influyo en que acabase como hoy (19 de Noviembre del 2020) se encuentra. Se estima que la limpieza tardara aproximadamente un mes.
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Río Chamelecón, salida al Sur de San Pedro Sula. La primera imagen se aprecia como quedo el rio y sus alrededores luego de las inundaciones causadas por el Huracán ETA, en la segunda imagen (18 de Noviembre del 2020) se aprecia como nuevamente su cause se desbordó, dejando graves inundaciones en muchos puntos de la capital industrial.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Gelatinous Giant
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“The Gelatinous Giant from The Phantom Tollbooth” © Natalie Sabillon. Accessed @nsabillon​ here
[Commissioned by @menaceomysterio​, continuing the Phantom Tollbooth roster of Demons of Ignorance. Not a sahkil like the last few entries, but I bet that the sahkils would have a field day with one of these.]
Gelatinous Giant CR 15 CE Aberration This mountainous mass is vaguely humanoid, but dominated by an oversized head with a slavering maw. They are translucent, and their skin has the texture of the surrounding environment.
Gelatinous giants are not quite ooze and not quite giant, being something in between and very self-conscious about it. Despite their enormous bulk and great strength, they are creatures of perpetual worry and doubt. They are ambush predators, and use this opportunity to snatch and consume prey, but not before terrorizing them. A gelatinous giant is happiest when it can cause others to feel the same sort of dread that it does on a regular basis.
A gelatinous giant can change the color and texture of its body at will, granting it impeccable camouflage in any environment. They tend to prefer isolated places such as mountain ravines, lonely coasts or even the ennui of abandoned cities. The simple act of revealing themselves can cause fear, which they amplify using Intimidate checks. From there, combat is an effective, if not imaginative, combination of grabbing and swallowing opponents one by one. Gelatinous giants have tightly wound emotions, and a prepared party can turn its affinity for fear against it and render it a gibbering wreck.
Gelatinous giants are around forty feet tall, but can squeeze themselves into surprisingly small cracks and crevices. They are fond of treasure, as they take comfort in the acquisition of material goods. If they are on the losing end of a combat, many gelatinous giants will attempt to bribe the victors into going away and leaving them with their lives.
Gelatinous Giant               CR 15 XP 51,200 CE Gargantuan aberration Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +25, tremorsense 30 ft. Aura frightful presence (60 ft., DC 20) Defense AC 30, touch 6, flat-footed 30 (-4 size, +24 natural) hp 230 (20d8+140) Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +15; -4 vs. emotion effects DR 15/piercing; Immune paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, stunning Defensive Abilities amorphous; Weakness emotional sponge Offense Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +24 (2d6+12), bite +24 (2d8+12 plus grab) Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks swallow whole (2d8+18 bludgeoning plus overwhelming dread, AC 22, 23 hp), trample (2d6+18 bludgeoning, Ref DC 32) Statistics Str 34, Dex 11, Con 24, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 10 Base Atk +15; CMB +31 (+33 bull rush, +35 grapple); CMD 40 (42 vs. bull rush) Feats Cleave, Dazzling Display, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Shatter Defenses, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Climb +20, Intimidate +35, Perception +25, Stealth +27, Survival +25; Racial Modifiers +10 Stealth Languages Common, Giant SQ camouflage, compression Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Camouflage (Ex) A gelatinous giant can make Stealth checks without cover or concealment, and receives a +10 racial bonus to Stealth checks. Emotional Sponge (Ex) A gelatinous giant suffers a -4 penalty on all saving throws against emotion effects. Overwhelming Dread (Su) A creature swallowed by a gelatinous giant must succeed a DC 22 Will save every round or be paralyzed for 1 round. This is a fear effect. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
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ghostie-drawings · 7 years
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Aesthetic post for my character, María.
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loumargi · 6 years
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Grégorio Sabillon
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7-charles-7 · 20 days
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“De 2021 a 2023, nos países ocidentais, cerca de 200 milhões morreram devido à vacina contra a covid. Em países não ocidentais, outros 200 milhões morreram. A prioridade do plano genocida dos banqueiros era exterminar a população branca mundial. Uma vez mortos, que eram os únicos que poderiam representar uma oposição real, eles teriam ido matar os negros e pardos. Para que seu plano funcionasse, eles precisavam injetar dezenas de vacinas em cada pessoa, mas não conseguiram chegar a esse número.”
(Dr Karlos Sabillon)
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emoxnews · 2 years
The US has arrested and charged former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández
The US has arrested and charged former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández
US authorities have arrested former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández and charged him with drug and trafficking charges after he was extradited to the United States on Thursday. Former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez (2-R) is escorted by Secretary of Security Ramon Sabillon (R) to a US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) plane during his extradition to the United States at the…
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blairemclaren · 3 years
Luis Sabillon Death - Obituary, Cause of Death
Luis Sabillon Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Our hearts are heavy as we say farewell to coach Luis Sabillon........Read more
Luis Sabillon Death – Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Our hearts are heavy as we say farewell to coach Luis Sabillon. Luis brought his knowledge and his gentle guidance to soccer sidelines for more than 30 years, including a term as our technical director. Prayers for comfort to his family. Thanks for sharing him with us! Through a social media announcement, DeadDeath learned on September 27,…
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Sabillons Drywall And Paint LLC Bluffton, SC, 29910 (843) 420-9797 Sabillons Drywall And Paint LLC located in Bluffton SC. The company provide drywall installation, drywall repair, interior and exterior painting services, removal of popcorn texture ceiling, house painting. The services commercial and residential. Painting;Stucco;Tile Job;Wood Floors;Wood Floor Installing;Commercial Drywall Installation,Exterior Painting Services,Interior Painting Services,House Painting Services,Commercial Painting Services Palmetto Bluff Bluffton, SC;Brighton Beach SC;Pritchardville SC;Okatie SC;Limehouse SC Drywall Service, Drywall Contractor, Drywall Installation Service, Drywall Installation, Drywall Repair Service
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