#sab's writing celebration
talesofadragon · 3 months
Synopsis: Centuries spent at the House of Odin have transformed the eclectic balls into familial gatherings and council meetings into morning tea rituals. The gilded walls of the castle have become home, and its royals, family. Yet, when your wisdom crosses paths with folly, affection is born unexpectedly, senselessly—a trait you’ve never been known to entertain, but one that Thor Odinson wears proudly.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Asgardian!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to sex. Jealousy. Unrequited Love. Love Triangles. LOKI. (we love him, though.)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort | Fluff | Mild Angst
Word Count: 6K (I have no regrets)
Based on this Request from my writing celebration.
All Masterlists | Sab's Wring Fest
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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐍’𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐊 into the queen’s revered gardens, let alone assault her precious snowdrops. But rationale had long been buried deeper than Yggdrasil’s roots, allowing impulsivity to reign over you.
The white petals screeched from the force of your tug, a harsh touch you’d never known yourself capable of administering. But your assault proved relentless, flower after flower limply falling to your side. Ironically, their innocent petals congregated on the fabric of your dress, painting a tinge of beauty over your despondency.
Even in their misery, they refused to be anything but enduring. Pitiful.
“Oh, how delightfully entertaining will it be to gauge Mother’s love for you once she sees what calamity has befallen her garden by your hands.”
“Go away,” you commanded bitterly, back turned to the unwanted presence.
The god behind you neglected to comment on your tone. You heard him shuffle, his feet carefully avoiding stepping on another virtuous plant. He plopped down next to you, elegantly brushing his hands atop the neglected flower stems by your side, reviving them.
“It would be a shame to forgo free entertainment,” Loki smirked, twirling the rejuvenated snowdrop in his fingers.
You craned your head to the right, eyes burning with fire even his Jotun genes couldn’t withstand. “Pity, so many courtesans have slipped from your fingers you now have to settle for my misery for pleasure.”
Loki laughed, his shoulders shaking. His gaze retained his familiar mirth as he answered, “Would your misery be associated with a certain courtesan and an Asgardian prince... fonduing, perhaps?”
“Fonduing?” Your face twisted in disgust. “What in the Nine does that word mean?”
“I heard the spangled American Captain utter it once," Loki recalled. "It’s a euphemism for two people partaking in the biological act of reproduction.”
“What?” you scoffed in disbelief. “It doesn’t make sense.”
Loki’s wry smirk reappeared. “Mortals rarely do,” he confessed.
Your face fell at the reminder of the race you were persistently attempting to forget. Focused on your previous discourse, you had ignored the snowdrops delicately sitting in the palm of your hands. Without a second thought, you resumed your previous ministrations, gracelessly tearing apart petals from the stem.
“You do not happen, by any chance, to be superseding this flower for Thor’s meek mortal friend. Do you?” Loki asked.
“No,” you were quick to reply. “She may be as delicate as a flower, but she’s as beautiful as a Ratatoskr. What do brown eyes remind one of besides tree trunks and repugnant mud?”
“The warmth of an autumn day as the sun embraces the woodlands and shelters its inhabitants from the seasonal tumult to come,” Loki poetically recited, hands drawing figures in the air and a gleam of mischief glowing in his irises.
“Sounds tedious,” you lamented.
It earned you a scoff from Loki, though not for a lack of frivolity. “Midgardians possess this abhorrent concoction called coffee,” he informed, gaining your attention. “It’s a muddy brew that staggeringly increases one’s anxiety threshold.”
“Why would someone create such a senseless horror?”
“Perhaps to use it as a metaphor for a mortal’s brown eyes.”
You scrunched up your nose at the image of the mortal in question. “Fitting. She has such a petite stature. As feeble and brittle as her thirty-year lifespan.”
“I regret to inform you that mortals can live up to a century.”
“Irrelevant. That is still a trifle of our lifespan. And do not get me started on her vexatious disposition. Has this mortal woman been raised in a cave of trolls?”
“Well, this would certainly explain her infatuation with Thor.”
“You are not helping!”
You gathered what remained of the flowers, pelting Loki with the stem and petals. He didn’t deflect your assault, accepting your sour behavior. What you hadn’t accounted for was his retaliation. He pushed your shoulder, slightly rougher than usual, forcing you to land on a bed of flowers.
You groaned, feeling the flora entangling in your hair and their pollen dusting your dress. Loki’s dulcet amusement echoed above your head. A sharp gasp escaped him when you tugged at his emerald green robes and shoved him down. Hard.
“I did not inflict a grain of harm on you,” Loki groaned, swatting the fallen petals, which landed in his hair. “This hurts, Y/N.”
“Your pride or your head? The latter could benefit from some sense knocking into it,” you rebuked.
Loki gazed at you unimpressed. “Now is not an agreeable time to spread your wisdom, Little Goddess. You’ve clearly demonstrated your dwindling abilities when you groaned and moaned about the earthling.”
“I did no such thing! I, astutely might I add, pointed out her subpar qualities that do not mirror what Asgard is looking for in a queen—”
“Thor clearly disagrees.”
“Do not interrupt me, you venomous snake! Thor has always been a dunderhead, overthinking with his brawn and underthinking with his brains.”
“And yet, you were stupid enough to fall in love with him, Goddess of Wisdom.”
“Watch your mouth!” you spat, eyes roving the expanse of the garden to ensure no meddling ears were meandering around. “I care for your brother. But do not confuse care with admiration.”
“Devotion, Y/N. Has the human’s visit caused even your accrued lexicon to recede,” Loki taunted. Had it not been for your skirts in the way and your position on the ground, you would’ve kicked him so hard in certain nether regions that he would’ve sung to Valhalla.
“I stand by what I said.”
“Apologies, Little Goddess. Allow me, as the God of Lies, to refute your statement. Both metaphorically and in the literal sense.”
That filthy little python. You scoffed, perhaps a little more at yourself than him. He elicited the responses he desired, painting a mockery out of you and your feelings. You knew you couldn’t debate the matter with him more than you already had. As the God of Lies and your, unfortunately, best friend, he’d always have the upper hand in this matter.
So, you stood up and dusted your skirts. If you weren't winning, then participating in this debate was of no use. 
“Where are you going?” Loki inquired, an underlying tone of merriment hiding beneath his words.
Your eyes squinted, regarding him with indignation. “You have effectively sullied my mood even further. Your mother’s beautiful flowers do not deserve more ill will at my hands. Therefore, I’m taking my leave.”
If Loki had said anything after your response, your mind had elected to ignore it. Huffing aloud, you marched toward the castle, uncaring for the traces of mud and the wealth of fallen petals that trailed behind. On a regular day, you would’ve been more mindful, casting a simple cleaning spell to polish your appearance and ensure the poor attendants of the Odin Household would not have to partake in more work than necessary. But your anger and heartbreak had been immeasurable enough to deny you any act besides sulking over the mortal woman Thor had ignorantly brought along to Asgard.
The Norns, much like Loki, must’ve been taking pleasure in your predicament. You had rounded the corner, one gilded hallway separating you from the castle’s entrance, when the silhouette of the Crown Prince appeared. 
Unlike the ladies of the court, your admiration for Thor did not stem from his ethereal beauty. It bloomed like Freyja’s primroses, a sturdy seedling that, with time, opened its foliage to a world of wonder and ardor. He was a cosmic presence—a child of the sun, with light and fire dancing around his immaculate frame in wisps of enchantment, leaving every woman breathless. Including you.
“Lady Y/N!” Thor’s voice reverberated in the long hallway, laced with excitement. "I hadn't anticipated your presence today. No wonder the day exudes such radiance."
His comment made heat rise to your cheeks. It was almost as if he had shared his warmth with you, sending it trekking along his words to your heart. You smiled at him, demure and saccharine. But your lips downturned once another presence, one less noticeable or agreeable, appeared behind him.
You cleared your throat, attempting to restrain your unease as you greeted, “Thor, Mistress Foster.”
Norns burn you if you call her by the same title you bear. The earthling, as Loki so eloquently worded it, could not match you.
Without a greeting nor a poised lexicon, the Midgardian inquired, “Why are your clothes dirty?” 
Her question intrigued Thor enough for his eyes to rove your body. The warmth that had settled in your veins morphed into the embers of Helheim. You felt small and brittle under the scrutiny of his penetrating gaze.
“I beg your pardon?” you fired back promptly, indignation concealing the shame you felt at your soiled image.
Your words caused the mortal to pale, head swiveling to Thor’s side in anxiousness and trepidation. “I apologize, my lady,” she rectified her earlier statement. “I didn’t mean to be rude.”
Well, you certainly were, you internally chastised.
Thor took another look at your attire, meticulously examining the fabric. You endeavored to compose yourself, resisting the urge to shift your weight from one foot to another. His hand reached for your arm, his thumb sweeping across your elbow. “Are you well, Lady Y/N? You look… disheveled.”
You immediately retracted your arm, fearing his senses might pick up on your galloping heart. “I am quite alright. I was with Loki in the gardens,” you supplied.
“Loki?” The mortal regarded you with an air of cynicism. Your blood boiled at her brashness. “What were you and Loki doing in the gardens?”
“Have you no tact, you imprudent minger? Although your kind lacks sensibility and decorum, you ought to address those of elevated stature with respect while in their dominion! Neither Prince Loki nor I are your comrades to tolerate such crass mannerisms.”
“I’m… my sincerest apologies, I didn’t think—”
“Thinking is not as sparse on Asgard as it is on Earth. If you find yourself incapable of harnessing a modicum of wisdom when addressing me, then you are in the presence of the wrong Goddess.”
"Y/N," Thor interjected, his omission of your title not slipping past your notice. Nor did you miss the hand that reached out for the mortal girl.
His actions only served to fan the flames of your jealousy and hurt. Almost a millennium of knowing that male, and he had chosen a measly mortal's side over yours.
“Do not patronize me!” you ordered, jamming a finger in his broad, muscular chest. “I am not the right audience for your feigned, princely performance.”
Thor squeezed the mortal’s hand in reassurance, tugging her further to his side—as if to shield her from you. He craned his face lower to meet your gaze. Endearing as you'd always found it, it made you uneasy at this moment.
"You seem overly emotional today,” he inquired, voice low and delicate, juxtaposing his chosen words. “Has Loki said something to upset you?"
You cracked. How dare he?
“Loki may perhaps be the only male in all of Asgard who possesses an ounce of empathy and understanding when it comes to my feelings and disposition,” you snapped back, ignoring how your words seemed to slap Thor in the face. “He has been my best friend for close to a millennium and is one of the princes of this realm. So if I, as a lady of the court, find that your little mortal is besmirching his name, the least I could do is call her out on it!”
Your outburst held more weight than you had anticipated, managing to leave Thor speechless. He regarded you with an air of perplexion, his mouth open—seemingly unsure of what response was fair in this situation. 
You didn’t want to waste any further time in his or the mortal’s company. You grunted, walking away. The sound of your footfall ringing louder than deemed honorable for a lady.
“Y/N, wait!” Thor called out after you, his hand shooting up to grab your arm. Though he was massively built, with the strength and mass of Asgard lying on his shoulders, his shy grasp fluttered against your skin. Featherlike, it tickled your nerves, sending a chorus of tenderness through your pulse.
You turned around, a mask of stoicism hiding your feelings. “Yes?”
“I appreciate your inclination to defend my brother, but, I, and Jane, were merely concerned over your well-being—”
“Accusing Loki of maltreatment!” you reminded Thor, swiftly retracting your arm from his grasp.
He sighed, placing both hands on his hips. You loathed how small he made you feel before the mortal. “You are exaggerating.”
“And you are heedless! Whatever Loki and I were doing in the gardens is none of your or the mortal’s concern! What’s it to you both? Maybe we decided to fondue. We do not get in your business, so do not meddle in ours!”
No sooner had the words left your mouth than your legs commanded you to retreat to another room. You didn’t understand why you had said that. Your wisdom melted into a puddle whenever Thor and his little pet were involved. 
When had you become so insensitive?
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Mistress Foster left. Her visit didn’t amass more than a fortnight's worth of frustrations before King Odin had deemed her visit long. If an immortal God such as Odin Allfather perceived these days as anything but transient, then Jane Foster was truly a nuisance in her own right. 
The knowledge of her absence, particularly on this day, overjoyed you. The Vernal Equinox served as a portent of hope for Asgard—embracing prominent figures from neighboring realms in celebration of Asgard’s princes and in anticipation of the future. 
In loose terms, it presented the Asgardian royalty with a wealth of eligible females to choose from as the next princess and queen of the realm. In broader terms, it was another opportunity to observe Loki and Thor merrily charm the ladies to appease Odin and Frigga—while satiating particular desires on the side.
You dismissed your ladies in waiting, taking a deep breath as you pulled open the door. Your feigned smile fell, and the familiar trepidation rose when you saw who stood by the door. 
“Fondue?” Loki snickered, mischief practically waltzing in his bejeweled eyes. “Darling Y/N, had I known you were inclined to roll in my sheets, I would’ve bedded you centuries sooner.”
You grabbed him by the fabric of his tailored robes, pulling him harshly toward your rooms. “I panicked!” you grumbled. It was barely heard over the deafening sound of his amusement. 
“Well, you certainly rectified your error by pulling me into your chambers.”
“Shut up!”
“Ah, my Little Goddess. How exquisitely appetizing do you look,” he joked, purposely raising his voice.
You jumped on him, a screech tearing through your vocal cords. Loki laughed louder, trying to grasp your hands as you assaulted him with your fists. You hadn’t expected him to bite your finger. 
“You bastard!” you seethed, cradling your hand. 
“What was that, Y/N? You want it faster?”
“Ah, tell me how good it feels,” he mused.
You were not impressed. “You are an idiot,” you retorted.
Your argument, if you could call it that, receded rather swiftly. You refused to look at Loki, rolling your eyes and settling them on your vanity. You weren’t frustrated, per se. Loki always had a knack for playing with your feelings like they were puppets on a string. Not in a malevolent way. The matter was, if your gaze caught him, you knew the little impish snake would expose the laughter he had succeeded in digging out of you.
Loki’s voice caught you before your thoughts meandered further. “You’re wearing the wrong colors.”
You looked down at yourself, your silver shoes peeking from the fabric of your long blue dress. It was light azure. Quaint and placid. An exterior representation of the feelings you were chasing. The fabric was tulle, whimsical and, airy like Spring’s birds merrily dancing across cloudless Asgardian sky. Its off-shoulder design, adorned with gleaming silver gems and bishop sleeves, accentuated your elegance and grace. A Goddess. A member of the House of Odin, even if you didn’t have a crown. 
“If you’re insinuating I ought to have worn your brother’s colors, then I regret to inform you, that you were mistaken.”
Loki shook his head as a mischievous shadow passed over his face. “You’d appear desperate. And you, Y/N, are anything but.”
“Then what colors were you referencing?” you asked, brows creasing in thought. “Surely not your own.”
“Mine, no. But the witless oaf doesn’t have to know that.”
You didn’t comprehend whatever it was he was insinuating. Wordlessly, Loki twirled his fingers, a thread of emerald green seidr tantalizing your sight. He flicked his wrist. The magical trail shot from his fingertips to your dress, deftly pirouetting along the light azure tulle. 
The colors changed from blue to green and silver to gold. The boldness of your outfit contrasted with the muted portrait you tried to paint earlier. You studied your dress, eyes roving the fabric before examining Loki’s attire. You almost scolded him for putting you in his colors when you did not intend for your farce to go further than it did. But then you noticed these colors, chosen by Loki, were darker than his. 
It was a subtle contrast, discerned when in closer proximity to the God of Mischief. The royal family could immediately catch the difference. The ladies, though, wouldn’t be able to. Neither would Thor.
“Is this a wise choice?” you asked, playing with the sleeves of your dress. 
Loki took your hand in his, kissing the back of it. “The answer lies with you, Little Goddess.”
Wise, maybe not. Fun? It certainly would be. You couldn’t remember the last time you went to these festivities without constantly having to clutch your heart at the thought of Thor.
“It’s a mutual agreement,” you answered diligently. “This keeps the ladies and Thor away.”
Loki tutted. “This keeps the witless oaf’s mind working. He has stashed his wits so far beneath the surface, the cobwebs have devoured them whole.”
“And you think this alliance between wisdom and mischief will decontaminate his head from thoughts of the impertinent mortal?”
“I believe my brother is a hopeless case. If it works, then by all means, enjoy the fruits of our labor. If it doesn’t, then enjoy the privilege of my company.”
“Your company?” you chortled, wrapping your arm around his elbow. “Lokes, I’ll be gracing you with mine.”
He mimicked your chortle, beginning to lead you out of the room. "I must admit, your presence has staggeringly illuminated my days in Asgard. Father is covertly hoping that I ask for your hand in marriage."
"And Frigga?" you asked, aware of Loki's deep affection for his mother and her opinion.
He covered your hand, which rested on his arm, with his free one, leaning closer to your ear. "She much prefers you with Thor." You blushed, a crimson hue spreading across your cheeks. Loki took delight in your sheepishness. "You could spare me the hassle of sifting through noble ladies by accepting a marriage proposal, Y/N. I immensely enjoy roleplay in the bedroom. And though I do not wish to lay eyes on certain biological regions of my brother, I can indulge you if that is what you fancy."
"I fancy your silence, you brute!" you chastised, stomping on his foot.
Loki barely flinched, but he placed some distance between you both. He opened the door, and before you could venture beyond your bedroom, he positioned himself in your line of sight. "You forgot something, darling." The nickname felt foreign, especially when unaccompanied by your first name. Before you could inquire about it, you felt a shimmer of magic raking through your hair.
"What did you do?"
Loki smiled fondly, passing his fingers through your loose hair. "Turned you from a goddess to a princess."
Your gaze locked with his as you lifted your fingers to your head. There was a weight there, not something unbearable but undeniably foreign. Your fingers traced the contours of what you assumed was a diadem.
"What was that for?"
Loki stepped closer to you, his taller frame engulfing yours, cocooning you with his body heat. His lips settled on your forehead, his fingers intertwining with yours. You blinked, mind racing to figure out the parameters of his new trick. “You’re precious, Y/N,” he confessed breathlessly, his voice almost vulnerable. “More valuable than the troves of Asgard and the magic of Yggdrasil. And by the Norns, whoever forsakes your treasured company deserves to be bereft of your radiance, ensnared by the unforgiving grasp of Helheim for their sacrilege, Little Queen.”
For the first time in your 800 years of life, you found yourself at a loss for words in response to Loki's. His words were carefully chosen, poignant, and endearing, befitting his poetic prowess. Yet, something about the declaration felt amiss; a subtle discordance that unsettled you. It was then, out of the corner of your eye, that you caught sight of Thor.
His cerulean eyes, usually bright with warmth, were now veiled in darkness, glinting with a silver sheen you had never seen before. Thor's demeanor betrayed a mix of emotions, his features clouded with anger and a hint of betrayal. Before you could utter a word, he turned and left, his bloody red ceremonial attire fading from view.
Loki's intentions became clearer then. He sought to deceive Thor. But why would such words incite his brother's ire? And why had Loki chosen to describe you as such?
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This Vernal Equinox proved to be different. You couldn’t categorize it as either good or bad as you had yet to comprehend your perplexing emotions about the celebration. The familiar joviality and folly were missing given that Loki and Thor seemed to have reversed their roles. 
Content with you on his arm, Loki’s charade persisted well into the late hours of the evening. He kept you to his side, not that you minded, twirling, discoursing, and occasionally, joking about the whole ordeal. The nobles, courtiers, and ladies had all presumed you debuting, your green dress a declaration of your choice in contenders. If not for that, then the golden diadem on your head 
Frigga and Odin seemed to know better. The Allfather offered you and his youngest no more than a feeble smile, pleased to see you and Loki together, even though he knew this was all but a farce. The Allmother, while graceful as ever, did not attempt to mask her errant gaze, her bright eyes dimming as she looked at Thor. 
The older son, heir to the throne of Asgard, had forgone merriment in favor of appeasing the ladies. Given that Loki had monopolized your time, all of the wayward bachelorettes traveled toward Thor. No lady was cast aside, each receiving a handful of minutes with the prince. And though that should’ve hurt you, the ache in your heart could only be attributed to the misery Thor wore. 
You and Loki drifted toward Sif and the Warriors Three since Thor had abandoned his usual idle chatter and reckless drinking. Hours later, Fandral was on the verge of passing out, Hogun was inebriated yet still standing, while Volstagg recounted one of the ancient battles on Alfheim to Loki and Sif.
When it was an hour past midnight, you excused yourself from the festivities, claiming you were too tired to continue. 
In truth, sleep evaded you. Your mind inundated with thoughts. But you didn’t allow yourself to entertain one more question or idea, letting your feet guide you wherever they preferred. 
You reached one of the castle’s balconies, a small one on the right side of the ballroom. You could still hear the music from the festivities, although it was a gentle hum. Euphonious and dulcet, serving as the perfect ballad in the backdrop. The sky lit up, gleaming stars strewn across the darkness. You wondered if they were the Norns’ portents. If you could wish upon them and the world would hum in answer. 
The sound of retreating footsteps pulled your attention away from the sky. You knew that silhouette anywhere. 
“Thor?” the word tumbled from your lips before you could fully register what the night had brought. 
Thor’s shoulders tensed. He didn’t respond, almost as if contemplating whether to provide you with an answer or ignore your presence. He sighed, broad shoulders deflating, before he turned around. 
“I apologize, Lady Y/N. I was not aware the area was preoccupied.”
“You need not to apologize, Thor,” you stated, unsure where his usual boldness had gone. “The area is large enough to accommodate both of us.”
It almost looked as though Thor would decline your offer. His blue eyes wandered, from you to the horizon then back. He regarded you in an unfamiliar way, taking in your appearance. You didn’t want him to catch sight of your fluster, so you turned your back to him, getting lost in the sight of Asgard at night. 
When you thought Thor would leave, you heard him make his way to your side. 
“I wish to apologize to you, Y/N,” he whispered, uncertainly. Not because he did not mean it, no. You knew Thor well enough to tell when he was lying about something. Your friendship with Loki illuminating his brother’s traits further. Thor leaned on his side, the banister supporting his weight. His demeanor was brittle, a far cry from what you had known. Your breath was lost in your throat, unsure whether you should gasp or sob. A step forward and there would be no distance between the both of you. You never wanted to hug him more. “Had I known you and my brother were…” He paused, taking in a shaky breath. “...Courting. Had I known, neither I nor Jane would have adopted such an insensitive tone before.”
You shook your head, fingers tingling to reach out for him. “We’re…Loki and I we’re…” But you couldn’t complete your sentence. A part of you imploring to deny Thor’s claim. Another fearing Thor’s distance if you admitted the truth. 
“An odd combination,” Thor smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Mischief and Counsel. Wisdom and Lies.”
“They’re opposite sides of the same coin. Perhaps, that’s why they work better than expected,” you defended, unsure why. 
Thor nodded, the same meek smile unerased. He looked down at his feet, strands of his blond hair covering his face. It had grown taller from the last time he had cut it on Midgard. Now resting upon his shoulders. As if he needed more weight to bear. 
“I must admit that he might be the luckiest one between us both. And he does not even know it?”
Your hand shot up involuntarily, clutching at the golden jewels across the bodice of your dress. “How so?” you asked, your thumb circling the fabric in a futile attempt at soothing your heartache at Thor’s tone. 
One of Thor’s hands glided across the banister, landing where yours had laid. While his gaze held your face, your eyes couldn’t help but land on his larger hand. “Loki presumes I cannot tell his ire at the court ladies galivanting to my side. He has always been too forlorn to understand that numbers have mattered not to me.” His hand dared to reach for yours then, a featherlike caress that made your heart gallop faster than Sleipnir. “Those who choose me over Loki desire nothing more than the throne. I have nothing else to offer. No wit, no literary aptitude, or poetic charm. I am nothing but brutish and capricious. It takes a no great amount of ardor to love my brother. It takes a kingdom to love someone like me.”
You retracted your hand, the action so unexpected and harsh, Thor jumped back in surprise. He opened his mouth, perhaps to apologize, but he closed it when he saw the expression you wore. Silver misted your irises, decayed and morose, mirroring the disheartenment that haunted you. 
“How can you say that?” you questioned—shrieked, even. Tears cascaded down your cheeks, your hands clawing at your dress because of the pain you felt. “Who…who made you feel as such?”
“No, Thor! You cannot utter such insidious words in my presence! You are kind, tender, and caring. A summer’s breath, warm and ecstatic. In your fierceness, you wield passion, and in your tempest resides the strength to protect. You are worthy of many things, Thor Odinson. And love is atop that wealth. I would forgo the world’s realms and riches to bask in the light of your affection.”
The words that traversed the distance between were not measured nor were they second-guessed. You had not the time to question your affections, wondering if it was worth bringing them to light or not. But you needed Thor to understand that what he felt, the dejectedness and loneliness, were unwarranted. 
You need to touch him, embrace him—assure his heart that he was worthy, and if you couldn’t do it physically, then your words had to suffice. 
Thor stood there, his expression a mix of shock, confusion, and something akin to hope. He reached out tentatively, brushing away the tears from your cheek with his thumb. “Y/N…”
You allowed his thumb to trace the skin beneath your eyes before wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace, burying your face in his chest. Once, you thought to yourself. Even if this was a lie, I’ll gladly entertain it, just this once.
“Those ladies who crave your affections for the crown are not worthy of you. Even if you were the second son, even if the Norns had created you a mortal, you would still be worthy, Thor. You would still be loved.”
Thor’s hands traveled from your back. One moved up to cradle your head while the other rested on your lower back, cradling you closer to his chest. You could hear his heartbeats frantically drumming against his rib cage. Almost as if they were loud enough to create their own melody.  
You felt Thor plant a kiss atop of your head, close to where the diadem lay. He swayed with you in his arms, hold on you tightening and unwilling to let go. “You’re precious, Y/N,” he recited the words with complete reverence. Their familiarity registered, but you didn’t have time to question him before he continued, “More valuable than the troves of Asgard and the magic of Yggdrasil. And by the Norns, whoever forsakes your treasured company deserves to be bereft of your radiance, ensnared by the unforgiving grasp of Helheim for their sacrilege, Little Queen.”
A sharp gasp escaped your lips. “What did you just say?” you questioned, still nestled in his protective embrace.
“Loki did not compose this prose,” Thor confessed, his eyes dark with hesitation. “I wrote it. Two hundred years ago. For you.”
“What?” you breathed, the word splintering with emotion.
“I…I have always felt a connection to you. A sense of calm. Your wisdom and grace, but above all, your charm and wit captured my heart before I even knew it.”
“You never said anything,” you reminded, blinking harshly against the realization.
“How could I?” Thor’s thumb brushed the side of your mouth, drawing a choked whimper from you. “You are elegant while I am rough. A prince by title, but not by manner—”
“Do not belittle yourself in my presence.”
Thor chuckled softly, his gaze just as gentle.
“You are the Goddess of Wisdom, Little Queen.” That nickname—the Norns damn it—stirred emotions in you that you had never felt before. “What wisdom would there be in associating with the God of Thunder?”
“Is that why you distanced yourself?” The question was thick with unspoken feelings. “Is that why…why you chose Jane?” Over me. Your thought was left unspoken.
Thor’s expression darkened with remorse, his features shadowed by regret. “Have you never noticed the similarities between you two?”
“What similarities?”
“She is a smart woman. Accomplished, fastidious, attentive, and resilient despite her delicate appearance. Just as you are.”
“She is a mortal,” you countered. 
Thor nodded solemnly. “She cannot be made a queen. Not in the eyes of the Asgardians.”
“Then why—”
“It would be easier to gauge her choice.” Thor shifted his weight from one foot to the other. You realized too late that he was pulling away, keeping you at arm’s length. “As I said.” His gaze traveled the expanse of your body, regret permeating the air suddenly. “Those who choose me do it for Asgard’s throne. Those who choose my brother do it for love,” he reiterated, brokenly. He added in a more fractured tone, “You look stupendous in emerald green, my lady.”
“Viridian,” you corrected, evoking his bafflement. “It’s viridian green, a darker shade than emerald. Truthfully, I had opted for my own colors. But Loki approached my chambers before I could leave, and he all but decided to trick the court to his own advantage.”
“You’re not… you’re not courting Loki?”
You shook your head. “No. He and I have long been friends.”
“Friends,” Thor repeated, but there was a shift in the air when he said the word—as if Valhalla’s gates had opened and the angels descended to Asgard, humming their dulcet ballads.
“Tell me that’s not what we were,” you ventured, figuring that courage ought to accompany wisdom. “Tell me after all that was said and done that we weren’t just friends.”
You expected Thor to flounder, to grapple with an answer to your demand. “It wouldn’t make sense,” he attested. “It wouldn’t make sense if that were all we were, Little Queen.”
The angels of Valhalla must have roared, not sung, because as soon as Thor had breathed those words, tentative and full of fealty, his lips captured your own. You understood then, the complexity that arose from his role as God of Thunder. Your lips were in a fray, lapping at each other, wet and thunderous as you were conquered by his veneration. His large hands grabbed at your bottom, hoisting you up in the air. Your dress didn’t allow you the pleasure of wrapping your legs around his waist, but that didn’t stop you from clutching at his clothes, his hair, his soul.
Thor’s lips caressed your own. There was no set direction to their motion, almost as if he couldn’t decide whether to take it slow or devour you whole. The noises you made, the noises he made, small and mellow, reverberated in the empty space, adding to the symphony of your love and desire.
You didn’t want to pull away. Latching to the thunder and lightning invading your senses, getting lost in the storm.
A shiver ran down your entire body, accentuated by Thor’s teeth nipping at your lower lip. “Y/N,” he whispered breathlessly.
Your eyes opened, your image framed by his irises—protectively and vehemently.
He settled you on the ground, lips widening at your sight. “My colors suit you best.”
You didn’t understand what he had meant until you looked down. Your clothes had changed color. Again. The accent of your attire shifted to a bold red and silver.
“You best not attempt to produce an heir tonight, brother,” Loki sounded from behind Thor. He wore a smug smirk, leaning against one of the balcony pillars. Of course that bastard followed you. “Our chambers are nearby, and I do not need to hear my brother and best friend fondue.”
You blushed, cheeks turning crimson. Thor didn’t even spare Loki a glance, focusing his attention on you. “Little Queen, you look magnificent in my colors strewn across every inch of your body.”
And before you could help yourself, you boldly claimed, “I would look even more magnificent with your love marks strewn across every inch of my body.”
Thor’s eyes darkened, a primal yearning painting his irises with desire. He tugged at your hands then, pulling you to his chest. “Let me mark you with centuries worth of love, Little Queen. Allow me to show you what lesser beings cannot do.”
“Show me, my God.”
You drowned in his ardent storm, uncaring for the waves, noise, or the chaos. It was senseless. Everything you never were. Everything Thor was. Everything you, deep down, longed to feel with him.
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Thank you @crazyunsexycool for this request! It was so fun to write for Thor, you can tell since this turned out to be 6K words🥹 I couldn't stop! Seriously, this might've been my favorite fic ever! Thank you for participating in my celebration. ♥️
I might extend my writing celebration if more requests come in. For all those interested, please feel free to follow the link!
I hope you like this one, witchlings. Okay, byeeee.
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gojonanami · 9 months
thinking about gojo planning a christmas celebration for megumi and tsumiki with you and it’s the first year without suguru so gojo’s a little in his feels but being with you three cheer him up. and it’s like a cute little family. and of course you two end up under mistletoe.
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
fortnight. ln4. smau. final.
lando norris x model reader
request: please can i request a fic with lando norris and smau with a theme of the song fortnight? maybe she’s a model and neither of them live in the country they’re visiting so they agree to have a good two weeks before leaving but they don’t want it to end? sorry if this is too much just have fun if you do take this and thank you! 🩷
in which it was only ever meant to be a two week thing but both you and lando start thinking about forever.
faceclaim: lily rose depp
part one
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liked by landonorris, y/bff, sabrinacarpenter and 1,302,991 others
y/ninsta: i can't believe that i am writing this but i am going to be on the cover of vogue. this is every model's biggest dream and it is coming true for me
view all 3,742 comments
sabrinacarpenter: oh my god i am so proud of you
y/ninsta: thank you so much sab
landonorris: proud of u
liked by y/ninsta
y/bff: my baby is gonna be a cover girl
y/ninsta: i still can't believe it
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liked by user13, user14, user15 and 23,481 others
y/nupdates: y/n spotted outside her new york apartment with flowers. when the delivery driver showed up she looked so excited. i'm hoping someone is treating our girl how she deserves to be treated
view all 204 comments
user14: what if they are from lando
user15: this is so cute omg
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y/ninsta posted a story
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written: it is my motherfucking birthday
ln4updates posted a story
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written: lando spotted in the lobby of y/n y/ln's apartment on her birthday our landoy/n hearts are full
landonorris posted a story
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written: time to celebrate my girl
*three months later*
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liked by y/ninsta, oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 898,872 others
tagged y/ninsta
landonorris: what started as a fortnight together ended up with her being stuck with me forever
view all 7,829 comments
y/insta: i'm so obsessed with you
landonorris: love you angel
user16: ANGEL oh my god
oscarpiastri: you were down bad from day one
landonorris: shhh she doesn't need to know that
y/ninsta: baby i already knew
user17: this is the fittest couple ever
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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mayghosts · 2 months
🎉- pleasseeee sabrina w/ lunch🙏 and the homoerotic friendship/its complicated trope i am begging🙏🙏🙏
LUNCH: (Sabrina Ionescu x reader)
Summary: You and Sab have been close friends since she moved to New York, but lately things have felt… different
Warnings: its porn with a plot 🫶😁
AN: part of my 500 followers celebration!! I don’t write a ton of smut, so...!!
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Standing at your kitchen counter, you could hear the shower turn off. As you waited for Sabrina to come out you settled onto the living room couch, flicking through the Netflix menu.
Ever since you two met at a party last September, you had become somewhat inseparable. However, with Sabrinas busy schedule and your constant need to travel for work, you guys often found yourself having sleepovers to make up for the lost time during the day. Tonight was just like any night, except for Sabrinas weird behavior.
She came directly from practice, her wet hair in a messy bun and a tee shirt and sweats. Even though she had showered at the arena, she asked to shower again, which was nothing new. It was just the way she looked at you when you opened the door, the slight dusting of pink on her cheeks when you handed her a sweatshirt and PJ shorts to borrow, and the way her eyes lingered as you closed the door behind her.
Maybe you were crazy. Maybe you just didn’t pay enough attention to the details. Maybe things had always been like this. You were probably projecting. Still, in your gut, you knew something had changed. Something is different.
You stood to flick off the lights. Leaving only a soft glow from the salt lamp on the counter and your tv to illuminate the small living room. Grabbing the candy and miscellaneous snacks you had bought earlier, you settled back onto the couch. Waiting for the girl to come back out to finish the last few episodes of Bridgerton.
You smiled, hearing your bedroom door click open. Turning to nag the girl for taking forever, you suddenly felt your mouth watering at the sight of her. Donning your favorite Navy hoodie and a pair of white pj shorts that fit you perfectly (but were a little too short on her), you could feel your cheeks heat up. Pushing the multitude of impulsive thoughts that arose at the sight of her to the side, you grinned at her. “Took you long enough! I bought a bunch of snacks when I went out earlier so feel free.”
She hummed at your words, flopping next to you on the couch. “Did we finish Bridgeton last time I can’t remember.” She immediately scooched next to you, plopping her legs ontop of yours under the blanket. “Uhh yeah… I think we have a few more episodes left! Hold on lets see.”
You clicked anxiously at the remote. Things had been tense between you two before, but you always assumed it was one sided. Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself here, a look and a blush dosen't mean she wants you. Unless....
Staying focused on the TV was harder then you thought it would be. The weight and warmth of Sabrinas legs served as a constant reminder to your predicament. As you zoned out at the wall above the TV you could feel her eyes watching you.
You turned your head to smile at her, "What Sab?" She was silent for a moment, she had that same look on her face from earlier. Gently, she pulled you in, tugging on your sweatshirt. "You are the prettiest girl I know. You know that right?" You sucked in a breath, clenching your jaw at the words. Attempting to pull yourself together you glanced at your lap, before looking up at her again. "Sabrina what are you saying?"
"Kiss me, please?" You let her pull you ontop of her. She quickly licked her lips, gazing up at you. Cupping her face in one hand you rested your other hand around her neck. "Is that really a good idea?" You wanted to kiss her so bad, but things like this never end well. Softly you stroked her cheek with your thumb, waiting for her to make a decision. Maybe you could kiss her? I mean you really wanted to. You watched her lips as she spoke.
"I don't mean to make you uncomfterable if you don't want to I just-" You quickly cut her off mid scentence with a quick kiss. She looked about as shocked as you felt. "So I guess thats a yes?" Grinning at her you leaned in to meet her in the middle.
What started as a light and airy kiss, quickly delved into an intense and hungry kiss. Holding your hips in a death grip, Sabrina kept pulling you closer and closer. The space between you felt nonexistant, with your hands now tangeled in her partly dry hair.
Pulling away from the kiss, you immediately made your way to her neck. Sucking deep purple and red marks into her pale neck as she squirmed beneath you. You could feel her hands slipping under your shirt as she guided you back up to her lips. "Off please." You hummed at her words, letting her pull your sweatshirt off.
Once again you found yourself lost in the kiss. Both of you moving in perfect sync, and her hands all over your chest was enough to distract you from Sabrina flipping you two over and laying you back on the couch.
She pulled away for a moment. Her blonde hair was dangling around her face and her lips were slightly swollen and red. Moving away from your lips, she started her ruthless attack on your neck and colarbones. Her actions left you dizzy in the head, you faintly murmered "God Sab, you're so perfect."
You could feel her smile against the skin on your sternum as she listened to your reactions. Gently skimming her thumb over your nipple, she came back up to capture your whine with her mouth. As she continued to tease you, she slipped a knee between your leg, which only caused you to emit a more embarrasing string of sounds.
"Fuck, you sound so pretty baby." As she pulled away, she made her way back down your torso, leaving red and purple marks in her wake. As she reached the waistband of your pants, she looked up at you. You whined, "Please Sab..."
Grinning at you she responded, "Please what baby? Want me to fuck you?" You nodded eagrly at her words, lifting your hips so she could slide your sweats off.
Situating herself between your thighs, she immediately got to work nibbling on the inside of your thighs. Lovingly, you pulled her hair out of the way, savouring the whine she let out when you accidentally tugged a bit. "C'mon -brina please?" You bucked your hips slightly as her nose brushed your cunt. Listening to your request, she slowly pulled the waistband of your underwear down. Licking a stripe up your pussy.
Immediately your hands found her hair as she continued to tease you with her tounge, before she started with slow circles on your clit. "Fuck baby, you like that?" the whimpers you let out were straight up pornographic as you attemped to buck your hips for more. "More baby please" you tugged at her hair gently causing her to let out a small whine.
She swapped her hand for her tounge, speeding up the pace as she slowly dipped one finger into your cunt. Slowly, she began to pump the finger before adding a second. Your grip on her head only got tighter as you moaned her name over and over. "Fuck Sabrina, I'm so close!"
The desperate tone of your voice and your grip on her hair only seemed to drive her as she reached a hand up to toy with a nipple. Bucking your hips slightly, you squeezed your thighs around her head, cumming hard. She slowed her pace, fucking you through your orgasm.
Pulling her fingers out of your dripping cunt, she hovered above you, gently pressing a kiss to your lips before getting up to find a towle. Gently she cleaned up your mess, before helping you into bed and cuddling you close.
As you lay there, drifting off to sleep, you couldn't help but think how this would all work out tomorrow. As well as how you were gonna get her moaning your name next time.
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jflemings · 3 months
Hello , thanks for the hcs... There is so much potential to piper storyline...will you be willing to share anymore cute piper with Arsenal teammates...
Love your writing very much
🍫 and 💐 for the fics ... thank you so much for so many amazing fics
— awfc and piper headcanons!
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piper’s world
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫀 ⋅ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
- lotte is a big help when piper is learning to read
- piper gets emily to do her hair a lot after the first time she does it
- when alessia first moved to arsenal, piper mistook her for leah since they’ve both got blonde hair and wear it in a ponytail. she grabbed onto lessi’s legs and held on until she realised she wasn’t leah
piper ran off in embarrassment and wouldn’t look lessi in the eye for ages
- vic and viv teach piper bits of dutch
- leah was never able to get piper to wear an england jersey but after the world cup, piper outright refuses
- piper tried to convince beth and viv to bring myle to training even though she knows they can’t
“pip you know she can’t come”
“they’ll never know!!!!”
- piper had the hardest time understanding katie and codi’s accents
- cloe, stina & kyra’s chants are piper’s favourites
- manu likes to carry piper on her shoulders
- lia is piper’s most trusted secret keeper
- sometimes piper will follow kim around like a baby duck
- after amanda announced her pregnancy, piper started saying hi to both her and the unborn baby.
“hi mandy, hi baby”
- caitlin thinks it’s funny that piper has a mix of an australian, canadian and british accent, especially when she can’t decide how to pronounce a word
- frida, viv, lia & lotte being so calmly spoken really helps with piper’s nerves whenever she’s in an unfamiliar situation
- piper calls sabs smiley
- before jen left she’d hold piper in the air like an airplane and run around making engine noises
- piper’s plane and bus buddy is usually you, for obvious reasons, but she does also gravitate towards kyra
- cloe was a little awkward around piper for a little while but piper didn’t mind. she thought it was funny
- katie gave piper an ireland jersey and was painfully reminded of went down during the world cup game against aus
piper kept bringing up her vs raso and giggling about it
- for piper’s 3rd birthday the girls organised a big picnic at the park
- piper always convinces teyah to fork out cash for vending machine snacks and drinks
- after winning the conti cup, katie cleaned the trophy out and then filled it with apple juice so piper could feel included in the celebrations
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heruntoldfeelingss · 1 year
Love is not grand gestures - for me it is "I know how you like your coffee or tea/ Did you eat?/ I made your favourite breakfast/ let's go on a beach to watch the sunset/ I'm listening to you/ looking at you across the room/ putting the blanket over you while you're asleep/ randomly holding hands while walking/ playing and singing your favourite song/ hugs out of the blue/ keeping the meds on the table so you won't forget/ sticking cute love notes to make you smile/ watching you sleep like a baby/ hearing you rant about anything and everything/ making you laugh till your stomach hurts/ holding you while everything seems to fall apart/ writing letters/ sending 'i miss you' text on a random afternoon/ buying and gifting the things you've got on your list/ letting you take the window seat/ losing the game to see that twinkle in your eyes/ cooking together/ dancing together even when we don't know the steps/appreciating and celebrating each others existence.
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Mohabbat koi mushkil amal nahi- mere liye mohabbat ye hai k- "mujhe pata hai aapko chai ya coffee kaisi pasand hai/ aapne kuch khaaye?/ Aapka manpasand naashta bana hai/ samandar kinaare chal k suraj ko gurub hotey hue dekhne chalein/ jii sunn rahe hai aapki baatein/ aapko kamre k kinaare se dekhna/ aap jab sorahe ho toh aap pe blanket odh jaana/ achanak haath thaam lena/ aapka mann pasand geet lagana aur gunguna na/ bas yunhei galey se lagana/ aapki dawayi table pe rakhna k kahin aap bhool naa jayein/ aapko kisi bacche ki tarah sotey hue dekhna/ aapke dil ki har baat sunn na/ aapko hasana/ jab sab galat horaha ho toh aapko thaamey rakhna/ chiththiyaan likhna/ "aapki yaad aarahi hai" waala message kisi dopaher yuhi bhejna/ aapko vo saari cheezein tohfe mei dena Jo aap lena chahrahe ho/ aapko khidki waali jagah dena/ har baazi haar jaana, aapki muskaan k khaatir/ saath milkar kuch khaana bana lena/ ekdusre k hone ka shukr karna aur ekdusre ki qadr karna.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
My Proud Girlfriend
a/n: honestly I didn't know how to write this but I tried...My request are open by the way so feel free to request anything
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Florence Pugh x woso!reader; AWFC x CANWNT!Reader
Summary: I don't know how to resume that. Maybe just Flo is a proud of her gf
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 4380 (sorry)
'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?' was the first thing you saw when you opened Twitter two days after your victory against Chelsea for the Conti Cup. A fan tweeted two screenshots from an Instagram story. The first story was a post reposted from the official AWFC's account; it was a picture of you and Sabrina D'angelo with the trophy with a little quote: "Proud of my girls, #COYG❤️🤍" The second was also post reposted but this time it was from the official Canada Soccer team's account, a picture of you, Sabrina, Jessie Fleming, and Kadeisha Buchanan; this time the quote was simple: 🇨🇦💘.
Okay, but where is the problem? The account that posted those screenshots was a Florence Pugh fan account; those screenshots were from Florence Pugh's Instagram. Okay, I think we need to go back in time to see what happened.
There are a lot of things you love in the world, and winning a match against Chelsea is clearly one of them. You joined Arsenal in 2020 with Lotte; the defender convinced you to come with her, and even if you had some plans to play for Portland Thorns, you wanted to play with your captain in national selection, Christine Sinclair.
After the final whistle, you quickly run to Sabrina, the other Canadian on the team and one of your best friends. You did it; you beat your rivals after a frustrating draw in the first London derby of the season and a knockout in the FA Cup. You didn't have the time to pull away from the goalkeeper before the rest of the team crashed into you two; obviously, they wanted to congratulate the player of the match and the author of two subliminal assists.
"You're heavy!" Sab said it under all the gooners, and you laughed.
"Okay girls, let our fantastic keeper breathe a little," Kim said, and everyone left your body and let you stand up before they all hugged you one by one.
"We did it!" you said after you turned to the other Canadian, and before she could reply, some Chelsea player came to congratulate you. To their surprise, you gave Magda and Pernille a solid hug, and the Swedish chuckled lightly.
"What was that for?" Magda said, and you pulled away.
"It's just that I realize that I didn't properly thank you for keeping an eye on Jessie." You replied, and they 'aww' at your confession.
"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing," Pernille said, and they released you. With Sab, you made your way to the two blues' Canadians. Jessie noticed your cocky smile, and she already cursed herself.
"No, don't start it now, Y/n." Jessie said, and you raised your arms while Kadeisha and Sabrina laughed beside you. Jessie and you are known to always act like sisters, so of course when one of your teams wins against the other's, it's always chaotic.
"I don't want to upset you or anything, but Janine was certain Arsenal would win today." You said it, and you heard the defender gasp, which made you laugh more.
After a lot of teasing and a quick interview, your two captains lifted the trophy with a loud cheer from the supporters. Today was definitely a day you would remember.
This night, you were celebrating with the girls. Well,  you were kindly bullying Kathrine and Gio when your phone vibrated on the table far from you, but fortunately for you, Lotte was near it. The defender quickly grabbed it when she noticed the name on the screen. She crossed the room to join you with the young girls and handled your device, mouthing, "It's her". She didn't have to explain more before you grabbed your phone and left the room for somewhere less noisy.
"Hey," you said after you accepted the facetime.
"Hey baby!" Florence greeted you back. "How is my pretty footballer?" she asked, and you blushed.
"Pretty good, and how is my beautiful actress?" you asked, and she grins.
"Pretty good too, but I miss you," she replied, and you felt a little sad at her confession.
"Me too, sweatheart," you said, and you took a moment to admire her before she spoke again.
"You said you had a big game today; tell me how it was." your girlfriend said. You immediately started to tell her everything about the day and your match. You told her about how you teased Jessie, and even if she didn't fully understand all you said, the actress couldn't help but feel butterflies when you told her how you gave the two assists and that they elected you player of the match. And when you asked her about her day, she came back to reality. "Oh, I didn't really do anything. It was a day off, so I just stayed home with Billie; she missed you too, by the way. I talked with my mom, and she said that she would see you soon." She explained, and you nodded.
You were about to reply when Lotte and Sabrina came. "Y/n, it's time to go back home," the keeper said, and before you could reply, the two girls approached you and pushed their heads in front of the phone.
"Hey Flo, how are you?" Lotte asked loudly, and you rolled your eyes at her while your girlfriend chuckled.
"Very good, and you?" but when the defender wanted to reply, she was cut by your other teammate.
"Do you know she misses you a lot?" Sabrina said, and even after you gently punched her arms, she didn't stop there. "The last week she cried because it's been too long since the last time you saw each other," she told her, and you cringed.
"Don't listen to her, babe; she doesn't know what she says."
"Oh, of course I know, the walls are not thick; I can even hear when you-" before she could finish her sentence, you hung out, and the British laughed while you gave a glare to the Canadian.
When you were back in your shared apartment with your favorite goalkeeper, you texted your girlfriend.
You: just back at home
Flo💖: how was the party?
You: very very good, Katie taught me a lot of new tricks
Flo💖: I hope she didn't make you drink too much 
You: don't worry, Kim was here to stop her when she needed
Flo💖: I'm relieved to know that
Flo💖: I'll thank her here when I see her.
You: For what?
Flo💖: for taking care of you
You: I'm not a baby anymore 😑
Flo💖: yeah I know, but it's always less stressful to know that there is someone to take care of you even when I'm not with you 
You: you start to act like I'm a child or something like that
Flo💖: sorry it's just that I don't like to be so far from you
You: you're very clingy sometime
Flo💖: youre the one who say that? 🤨
You: shut up
Flo💖: Love you ❤️
You: Me too ❤️
You: I'll sleep good night
Flo💖: Good night
Flo💖: i'll try to come to see you play soon
You: you don't have to
Flo💖: you're my girlfriend and I really miss you so trust me I will
You: thank you 💞
After that night, you were the principal subject of a lot of conversation. They all wanted to know why you exiled yourself during the party, but thankfully, Kim, your second mom, as Sab loves to say, sensed that you were uncomfortable and helped you every time.
On the pitch, you were in heaven: three victories in the league just before two matches away against Bayern. Really great opponent on paper, and after a loss at the Allianz Arena for the first leg, you were more inspired for the second leg, and Stina was thankfully for that because she was the target of one of the best passes you ever made, and she scored. After Frida's goal a little earlier, you were leading 2-0, and you almost scored a third for Arsenal, but Grohs' reflexes surprised you.
A few days after this game, Jonas announced that you'll have a media day, but a little special this time. He didn't say more, so when the day came, you were a little stressed; they wanted all the squad, even the injured one. You were sitting like for the team picture for the preseason; you were between Gio and Sab, and you couldn't help but annoy a little the Brazilian, even if she didn't mind; she was used to it now until you started to tickle her.
"So, we will have a fan who will come to interview you about the season; the questions were asked by the fan on Twitter and Instagram; if you want to reply, you can just raise your hand and she will let you talk." A member of the staff said and you all agreed. When you were waiting, you started to tease Gio again and Khaterin, who had joined her a few seconds earlier, until the keeper nudged you to gain your attention, but you didn't have time to ask why she did that because you heard a familiar voice.
"Hello, I'm Florence Pugh, and I'm a big fan of yours." She introduced herself, and you rubbed your eyes to be sure you weren't daydreaming about her. "So I'm here to ask you some fan's questions. I think they explained everything to you, so when you're ready, we can start." she said, and her gaze never left you.
She started with some usual questions, and you didn't make an effort to reply; you were just there admiring the woman who stole your heart a few years ago. "So a new accurate question. Is that true that Y/n and Jessie Flemming are a thing?" she asked, and you came back to reality when you heard her tone. Of course, because you and Jessie are always so close, some fans misinterpret it, and a lot of theories emerge everywhere.
When you felt all your teammates' gazes, you knew you had to reply, and even if you knew that Florence was not jealous because she had already met Jessie, you couldn't help but feel stressed. "What? No clearly not. Jessie is like the sister I never had, so yeah, we're best friends but nothing else." Your reply was clear, almost like you were trying to convince your girlfriend 
After that, there were a bunch of other questions, until another one was especially for you: "Does Y/n have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" Again, every gaze was on you, and you blushed lightly.
"Yes, I have a girlfriend, and she's the best in the world. She is busy because of work, and we don't actually live on the same continent, but she's always there for me. She calls me every night and texts me every morning; she loves to hear me talk about football, even if sometimes I know she doesn't fully understand. She's always beautiful, and she's an amazing woman; I really love her." You replied shyly, but you didn't look away from Florence, and she knew you meant it.
"Aww, it's too cute." Lia cooed, and you blushed harder.
"Our little baby grows up so fast; she already has a girlfriend." Leah said while wiping a false tear, and you rolled your eyes at her antics.
"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm nearly 24." You protested.
"Yes, but you are still our little baby." Katie added, and you didn't know how, but she managed to move without being detected and pinch your cheek.
In front of the group, Florence was laughing at the interaction. Of course, she already saw you flustered every time Christine pampered you too much, but this time it was more hilarious.
"I think we need to meet her. She needs to gain our approval if she wants to steal our little rising star." Katie said, and you smirked. It was funny because she was actually in the same room.
"Yeah, why not? I'll text her," you said casually before you exchanged a look with Sab and Lotte.
"It's funny that you said that because the next question is, who's THE baby of the team?" Your girlfriend asked, and you were ready for a wave of accusations.
"It's definitely Y/n." They all said it together, and you gasped. Of course, you were ready for that answer for some people, but even Gio, Katherine, and Victoria? That was a betrayal.
"What? Since when?" You asked dramatically, and they all laughed.
"Come on, you've been the baby of this team since the first time you stepped here." Lotte said.
"Wait, we have the same age, so if I'm a baby, you're too." You countered. "And now we have Gio and Katherine. And even Laura is younger than me." You added desperately.
"Yeah, but you have two team moms." Sab said, and you gripped your chest like you had a heart attack.
"Wow, even you?" Florence was watching, and she was literally trying not to laugh at your poor defense. "For your information, I have only one mom here, and it's Kimmie. Then I literally take these two—"you pointed to the Brazilian and the Danish beside you "—under my wings. So I think I should upgrade from baby to big sister." You said totally serious.
Leah and Lia seemed to think about it before they agreed, "Yeah, why not, if you insist?" The blonde said
"But don't worry, that doesn't mean we love you less; you're still our little baby," Beth said, making everyone laugh, and you groaned.
After a few minutes, the interview was over, and everyone started to leave except you and the Canadian keeper.
"So, you have a girlfriend, uh?" Florence asked you, and you nodded, "Too bad I wanted to ask you out, like on a date, just you and me tonight." She said dramatically.
"I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is very protective." You replied.
"If I remember correctly, you said she was beautiful." She took a step toward you.
"Yeah, I said that."
"And what else?"
"She's... pretty, like it's very unbelievable. She has a cute raspy voice. She can be clingy, but only when she misses me. And she's a great actress." You were only a few inches apart from each other until Sab cleared her throat.
Just outside of the media room, Katherine and Gio were spying on you. Laura stayed close to them to be sure they didn't do anything stupid. "Wow, I didn't know Y/n could be so flirty." Gio whispered, and Katherine nodded.
"She's so different from how she's with us." The Danish added
"What are you talking about?" Laura asked, and the young players almost screamed in fear at the sudden voice.
"Wow, you scared us," Katherine said, and the Austrian apologized.
"So what were you talking about?" She repeated.
"Y/n seem very flirty with the interviewer." Gio whispered, and Laura looked at you.
"But didn't she say she had a girlfriend?" She asked.
"Yeah, she had, but this woman is just an actress." Lotte replied, and the three almost screamed because she came out of nowhere.
"What are you doing here?" Laura asked.
"I couldn't find you anywhere, and I started to worry you could do anything stupid." She admitted, "And for Florence, she's an actress; she played in Marvel movies, and you know how much Y/n loves those movies."
"So do you think she's just being a fangirl?" The Brazilian asked.
"It wouldn't be too weird from her." The Austrian replied.
"And what would not be too weird?" You asked, and now the four girls screamed. "Wow. Okay, what's happening here?" 
"You scared us." The Danish said that, and you examined them.
"What are you doing here? I thought the training would start in a few minutes." You said, and your best friend looked at her phone.
"You're right, we need to go now." Sab said, and you rushed to the practice pitch, followed by the girls.
Later that day, you spent the afternoon and night with Florence; she had to fly back the next day, so you decided to spend your free time together. You were cuddling on your bed, and everything seemed perfect. Florence was running her hand through your hair, humming a little tune from a random song.
"I'm sorry that we didn’t have a proper date." You said out of nowhere.
"Don't worry, I know you were tired with your training," she replied. "And to be honest, I think it was a great day." She sat up, and you mimicked her. "I mean, it’s been a long time since we've seen each other, and I’m glad that we spent it here, just together. Don’t get it wrong; I love the girls, and your teammate seems really important to you, but I just need you right now."
Honestly, you didn't know you could fall deeper for someone, but you were glad that it was her.
"Yes, but I think maybe I can introduce you properly to them tomorrow." 
"I would love that, but I have to decline."
"Why?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because I have to take a flight back to New York because I have a few interviews for the next few weeks that start in two days." She explained, and you pouted.
"That means you'll not be able to see our next match."
"I'm sorry, babe, but I promise when my last interview finishes, I'll jump on the plane to come back. You know we can't stay far away from each other for too long."
"I know, but I just wanted to spend more time with you."
"I know and I'm sorry, but I'll make up for that, I promise." After that and a few kisses and "I love you' exchanges, you both fell asleep. Unfortunately, when you woke up the next morning, she had already left.
Two days later, she had an interview, and the journalist surprised her in a good way. "So, Florence, you just came back from a little trip in England. How was it?"
"Oh, it was really cool. I saw my family again; it's been a while, and I could see my girlfriend," she replied.
"Oh, it's surprising," they chuckled. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but does your girlfriend play soccer in England?" They asked, and Florence's eyes were wide open.
"Yes, but how do you know that?" She was obviously surprised. Of course you didn't really hide your relationship; it's just that nobody really asked you both about it. Her family adored you, and she had already met your national team, who were the closest thing you can call a family.
"Some of our coworkers found a tweet that showed some stories you made after the victory of Arsenal against Chelsea, and you maybe don't know, but after that, everyone started a treasure hunt to know why you posted this. And after a little research, we found this," they told her, showing her a tablet with a publication from your Instagram account. It was a picture you took before you left for London; there was you and Lotte on this, and we could see an arm around your waist, but we couldn't see who belonged. But when we touched the screen to see the person tagged, Florence was tagged on the arm. Your girlfriend laughed at this.
"Wow, I totally forgot this picture. To be honest, we didn't really hide our relationship; it's just that we didn't talk about it because we were both focused on our careers, but yeah, she's my girlfriend, and I love her a lot, even if she loves Billie more than me," she joked.
"I don't really watch soccer, but I saw some edits about her on Tik Tok, and she seems pretty good at this," they said, and your girl friend smiled.
"She's the best; yeah, I think now she's the best." After this little intervention, the interview continued; they talked about her new movie and what she planned for the future.
A few weeks later, it was the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals. After a draw in the first leg against Wolfsburg in Germany, you needed to win this game. You were in the changing rooms when you received a text from Florence.
Flo💖: good luck for your match, and I have a surprise for you.
She sent you a photo of her wearing an Arsenal jersey.
You: Wow, babe, you are stunning 😍
You: And thank you; I think I needed that.
Flo💖: always ❤️
The Emirate Stadium was sold out, all the conditions were reunited for a great game. A little girl with a little Arsenal jersey was sitting beside her mom; she was distracted when someone sat beside her. The little girl's eyes were wide open when she realized who they were; she hit her mom's tights frenetically, and when the older woman looked at what happened, she was also shocked. Florence noticed the little girl's shirt, and she smiled. "We have the same shirt," she said, and the kid noticed on the back of her jersey, 'Y/l/n 24'.
"She's my favorite player," the girl said.
"Me too." Florence said she was exited. "I'm sure she'll score today," she announced.
"Of course she will." The conversation was cut short when the players entered the field.
The match was hard; of course you didn't plan to win the first half, but now it was the last minute of the second half of extra time. 2-2 was the score in the first leg, and it was the score now. There were a lot of fails, and it was obviously because you were all tired; you lost Laura a few minutes earlier, and the universe seems to believe in the victory the Germans had until this moment. After a great tackle, you passed the ball to Lotte, who found Frida with a great cross. The Norwegian pushed the ball until she found herself just in front of the penalty area; she didn't think twice and quickly shot. Unfortunately or fortunately, Frohms extended herself and pushed the ball out of the area again, but while she was still on the ground, you came out of nowhere. Your body reacted before you, and you did a perfect volley in the opposite upper corner.
Everything seemed unreal until you found your teammates' bodies crashing into yours. In the stadium, everyone was euphoric, and Florence was almost crying. When you came back from your trans, the ref whistled, and the match started again. You almost conceded another goal, but Lotte was quick to kick out the ball, and after that, the delivery, the final whistle. The joy erupted from the stands; everyone wanted to hug you, but they restained themself until you reached Sab after a little run. You jumped into her arms like you did after every big win, and you started to cry. After that, you congratulated the opponents; they were really hard to beat. When the families started to make their way on the pitch, you were requested for an interview.
"Y/n congratulation for this victory and your gaol. How does it feel to beat one of your favorite teams after this crazy match?" she asked. Florence made her way onto the pitch with Sab and Lotte.
"Thank you; honestly, I don't know what to say." you said "It was so hard; I gave everything I have; that seems so unreal." you added.
"The next step will be harder; you'll face Barcelone; they won against Chelsea two years ago; do you think you can beat them?"
"Honestly, I don't know; we'll both try to win our second champion's league. I don't know how, but I know we will try everything to beat them, even if they have good results against English teams."
"Okay, thank you. You just scored the winning goal; do you have anyone you want to celebrate with?"
"Yeah, my girlfriend, but she's in New York, so..." You couldn't finish when you felt a hand on your waist. You turned around to find Florence next to you with a goofy smile. "What are you doing here?" you asked, and you hugged her. Someone gave her a mic, and the interview continued.
"Wow, Florence Pugh, it's a surprise to see you here, but now that you're here, what did you think about this match?" the journalist asked.
"To start, I think I need to congratulate all the girls; they gave everything. Honestly, I came because I promised to see her play, but I found myself more and more implied in the game; it was amazing, and this goal was perfect. I see her practice every summer in the garden of the house, but it's something to see her play." Florence replied, and you almost forgot you were in front of everyone while you intertwined your fingers with hers. "I know she was frustrated after the first game, and now she made me fall for her again," she added, and the interviewer didn't have the time to react before you kissed the hazel-eyed girl gently.
"What?" almost all your teammates yelled, and you looked at them. You smiled widely, and you placed your hand on Flo's waist.
"Guys, let me introduce you to my girlfriend. Flo, these are my teammates, but you already know them." you said.
"The actress?" Katherine asked, and you laughed.
"I knew it!" Viv said, and everyone looked at her a little surprised. "I noticed how you looked at her, and I don't want to talk about your tweet about how she's so perfect." she explained, and you blushed.
"Wait, when she came, she immediately congratulated Lotte and Sab." Lia remarked.
"They started to date before we came here." Lotte explained.
"And every time we played in the USA, she came to see Y/n." Sab added.
"That means you've had a girlfriend for at least three years, and you didn't say anything?" Leah said, and you rolled your eyes.
"You never asked." you countered. "Now I think we need to see someone," you said, and everyone agreed.
Later that day, you were in Beth and Viv's apartment, and the girls stole Flo to ask her some questions about your relationship. Everything was alright, and you prepared something special in case you won the final against Barcelone.
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hansensgirl · 10 months
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psstt! — minors, do not interact! 18+ only, just like my blog. do not plagiarize, copy, translate, repost, copy or recreate my writing on any other public platforms. heed the warnings, and remember you are responsible for your media consumption.
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info. — fuck-fest fridays are parties that typically take place on fridays. they include numerous activities sponsored by mr. hansen himself! he often makes appearances, too. they take place in @hansensgirl's inbox, replies, and posts with the tag #sabs fuck-fest friday.
activities. — we play ask games, talk about anything (except for sensitive topics and celebrity gossip), share headcanons, trade concepts (i write some + they are sent in), discuss my fics, and much more! this is a time for having fun and fostering engagement.
time. — they typically start at 3:00 pm (EST), but this time is subject to change according to the day (look out for posts regarding this).
the date for the next fuck-fest friday will be added. previous date: 17.11.23.
don't forget to bring a plus-one! mr. hansen hates an empty dancefloor.
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⨳ NAVIGATION. ⨳ @hansensfics. ⨳ NEON PALM. ⨳
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hand-picked-star · 3 months
The 13th Annniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard: Historical AU
Whispers of the Heart | Chapter 06
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I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 6
The Rajputs had organized a puja for the betterment of their younger son's married life, one day before the wedding.
The Maliks were also present with the future bride. Aman and Anjali had known each other since childhood. When their friendship turned into love, they couldn't tell, but they were glad that it happened, and their elders had also blessed their union. Thinking about them, Khushi couldn't help but exhale a heavy sigh, wishing things would have turned out similarly for her too.
Her Amma's voice broke her distraction, "Titliya, ja sab ko bulake la. The puja is about to start and call Arnav too. Tell him I asked him to come downstairs and sit in the puja." knowing very well that Arnav wouldn't reject his Roma chachi.
Suvadra Malik snapped in response to the comment, "Why invite someone to a puja who doesn't believe in God? Main nahi chahti ke us nastik ke aulad ke bajayse yeh puja barbad ho jaye. I only want good things to come to my Anjali Bitiya's married life."
Khushi was about to protest when her amma caught her hand and quietened her with a shake of her head. When Khushi looked at Suvadra the next moment, she realized everybody was already there. The dark look that fell across Arnav's handsome features made her realize that his Nani's rebuke hadn't escaped him.
Arnav never cared much about religion, Seeing his mother on her knees, praying day and night for the betterment of his father, filled him with a mix of hope and desperation. Her whispered pleas, her tear-streaked face, and her unwavering faith became a haunting backdrop to his childhood. Yet, despite her devotion, his father betrayed her, shattering their family. That betrayal caused his mother to choose death over her children. The bitter irony of it all—the unanswered prayers, the blind faith met with infidelity—gnawed at him. He felt abandoned, not just by his parents but by the very idea of a benevolent higher power. In that crushing moment of disillusionment, he swore off religion, cursing the heavens that had turned a deaf ear to his mother’s relentless prayers.
But despite his disbelief in these "riti riwaj", he was determined to ensure his sister's wedding proceeded smoothly. He chose not to give his Nani any reason to cause a scene, prioritizing a seamless and joyful celebration for his sister.
Seeing no other vacant place, Arnav sat beside Khushi. As the puja concluded and the crowd dispersed, Khushi subtly shifted towards Arnav, her voice lowered to a whisper.
"I am sorry you have to hear that.''
''I won't have to tolerate her after tomorrow, now will I?'' he stated, rolling his eyes.
Khushi smiled at his somewhat optimistic yet sarcastic tone of voice. "For that, I am glad."
After sometimes she started again, "She is wrong you know" when she didn't elaborate, Arnav looked at her with questions in his eyes.
"You are not your father-" she stressed " You never will be"
"How do you know?"
She chuckled, "For a change, I know you better than her and - " she paused to gather herself.
''and I believe in you.''
She gazed at him as a soft, tender expression crossed his face, conveying a multitude of unspoken emotions. She yearned to convey to him the significance he held in her life. With wistful thoughts, she silently mused if only he could see himself through her eyes. She hoped for her unexpressed feelings to reach him, emanating from the depths of her heart.
She looked so pretty today, with a green-bordered yellow saree and a green bindi. Of course, Arnav noticed. She had flowers in her braid that day. Arnav's heart gave a twist as the reason drawn to him.
'Can you sit idly and watch while someone else takes her away?' the voice wondered.
'Shut up,' he said, closing his eyes momentarily. But he couldn't ignore the intoxicating aroma emanating from her. He realized it was partly her and partly the flowers, and decided that he liked her smell the most when it was purely hers, without mixing with anything else.
Buaji spent the entire morning urging her to get ready. She styled her hair and adorned it with flowers. Even though it was a simple piece, her Amma's gold necklace felt like a heavy burden around her neck. She didn't want to dress up for Mr. Ganguly. Every fiber of her being rebelled against the thought of establishing someone else's 'haq' over her. It felt like a part of her was being torn away. How could she make Buaji understand that she was no longer fit for anyone else in the world, no matter how many flowers she pinned in her hair? That He had ruined her for all other men.
One time when she was 14, a similar puja for the betterment of crops was ruined. That ceremony took place in a field slightly far from the village. All of them went there and Khushi was so excited to see all the jalebi and golgappa stalls. However, all the merriments were disrupted by a dacoit attack. People were panicking and running to and fro. When the dacoits attempted to grab Khushi and Manoroma, Akash Vai and Arnav intervened. This resulted in one of the dacoits hitting Arnav on the head, causing a lot of bleeding. Fortunately, the dacoit attack was brought under control by the timely arrival of the village people.
They rushed to the Rajput Haveli and a doctor was called. He examined Arnav's head and face and found out the source of the bleeding. It looked like except for the cut below his left eyebrow, his head and the rest of his face were unscratched. The doctor stitched the cut. The cut wasn't too deep, but he lost lots of blood as it was on the face and soon after developed a nasty infection. The whole household didn't sleep that night. Manoroma spent the night sitting beside him as he kept shivering due to a high fever. Khushi didn't know what to do but stared at him from the corner of the room. Buaji kept saying, it was difficult for him to survive the night. Khushi prayed to Devi Maiya repeatedly and even swore on her life to save him. When he opened his eyes the next day, she cried out of relief. Even though weak he asked her why she was crying.
"I don't want the dacoit to take you away too," she said. To this, he laughed meekly "Don't worry, Phati Sari, You aren't going to get rid of me anytime soon."
As Khushi was watching Arnav helping the workers set up the mandap, she silently wondered whether he would make such a promise to her if she asked again.
Arnav was always like that: always helping around the house. He assisted Babuji in the garden, did the grocery shopping, and took on big responsibilities in arranging every event. These were not his tasks, but he did them anyway. In doing so, he exuded a commanding and authoritative aura, as if everyone was supposed to bow to him and acknowledge the "laad governor" that he was. Khushi silently laughed at his demeanour. Laad Governor, Her Laad Governor. She mused fondly.
Arnav always demanded attention wherever he went, didn't he? She thought to herself, at least he had her full attention every single time. Whenever he walked into a room, the conversation stopped and a stunned silence filled the space. Only the 'dhak-dhak' of her heart remained. He made her feel exposed and safe at the same time.
She understood why he helped around the house so much. He wanted to show his gratitude for everything Babuji and Amma had done for him. It would be a shame as a best friend if she didn't understand that. And sometimes she wondered if this was the reason why he was not willing to consider them being together, or if he just couldn't see her as more than a friend. After all, falling in love with someone was not in one's hands. Maybe Arnav just couldn't love her as she loved him.
But one could never be certain about things like that, could they? Just like how wrong she was in her previous assessment of him not caring about whether she got married to another person or not. He clearly was affected; she just didn't know the extent of it or what to make of all this. For example, for the past half hour, he had been glaring at her and her companion, clenching his jaw, and grinding his teeth, making his jaw more prominent. Khushi couldn't help but speculate whether he was angry or jealous as she observed him closely. She didn't dare to hope for the latter reaction; she didn't want to build castles in the air.
With a heavy sigh, she shifted her focus to the man in front of her. Dhruv Ganguly was undeniably handsome; no one in a million years would deny that. Still, Khushi, sitting across from him, couldn't help but scrutinize him. Maybe Bua Ji was right; her 'sanak' had finally gotten to her head.
She couldn't help but notice how he had a round, clean-shaven face, unlike the angular one with stubble. He smiled too much, and his nose wasn't sharp enough. He didn't have a defined jawline, nor did he have piercing eyes that could hold her gaze and make her feel warm all over. His eyes didn't brighten with excitement when she spoke, or flash with rage when she contradicted him, or show amusement and curiosity when she spoke about her favourite book. His eyes didn't conceal any dark secrets either. Instead, he wore black-framed glasses and talked with a downcast gaze. He had a nervous tic of fixing his glasses with his index finger. And alas! His hands were all wrong too—too slender, too light-skinned, too soft-looking. Most importantly, this man couldn't raise his left eyebrow singly when he asked her something. Khushi chastised herself; she was nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.
Dhruv Ganguly had no flaws. He was perfect: handsome, well-mannered, and well-educated, except for the absence of a scar right beneath his left eyebrow.
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@featheredclover @phuljari @arshifiesta @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @chutkiandchotte @arshiradio @titaliya
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savethegrishaverse · 9 months
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Hello Third Army members! By now, you’ve probably seen our twitter party adverts on how each day we will celebrate a different piece of the Grishaverse - And now, we are bringing this party to Tumblr!
We at the ‘Save Shadow and Bone’ Coalition are going to spend each week giving out prompts and boosting content about our Grishaverse, and we need your help! Come join us, send us your fanfics, post your art, and make sure to use hashtag #Third Army so we can see each post!
This week (January 7th to January 13th) we want to talk all about parallels! Between Shadow and Bone ships like the slowburn of Kanej, to other fandoms ships Like Locklucy or Wolfstar. Let’s compare characters like Kaz Brekker to Yennefer of Vengerberg, and draw parallels between Alina Starkov and She-ra! I want to hear all you have to offer on the subject! Under the cut are more prompts for you to check out!
Writing prompt: “As the cut sliced through the heartrender with such ease, with an efficiency that she had only seen from the Darkling’s own hands, Alina wondered if she had actually destroyed the Black Heretic - or merely become him.” Continue the story! Write what you think would happen to Alina, now that she has used merzost and can summon shadows!
Writing prompt: Suddenly, your favourite Grishaverse character is stranded in another universe! How do they adapt?
Art prompts: Many Saints in our culture have stained glass windows depicting their stories - Saint Michael, Saint Agnes of Rome, Saint Peter, etc. Draw up your own stained glass window for our Sankta Alina!
Art Prompts: draw chibi or anime style SAB characters! Cross them over with popular shows like Jujitsu Kaisen or Death Note!
Photoshop Challenges: Edit the Grishaverse cast to look like they're in another fandoms show! Or, throw your favorite characters from other sources of media into the Grishaverse!
Photoshop Challenges: Let’s play a round of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’: dress up a Shadow and Bone character in costumes from other shows/movies!
Video Edit Prompt: Do a Shadow and Bone or Six of Crows spinoff intro in the style of another show?
Engagement prompts: Analyzing Alina’s story, we see several moments where she shows true compassion, but also true anger and grief. She shows that there cannot be light without darkness, but there also cannot be darkness without light. Hope has no weight without fear, but fear cannot extinguish hope. This seems to be the theme of how Alina and the Darkling exist throughout the bulk of the story, and once he is gone the balance is taken with him. How would this affect Alina going forward?
Just as Inej has her knives, what other characters stand out when picking their weapons?
Share your happy or hopeful stories about Grishaverse as a fandom space, and tell us how the campaign has effected you! Tell us all about the friends that you've made, and the kindness you’ve seen within the fandom!
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
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Lynnea's 1k Follower Celebration
i don't know what to say. i'm so grateful for all of you and words really cannot express how much you all mean to me. i can't believe you guys have chosen to follow me, and that you've allowed me to reach this milestone, which is so incredibly huge for me, when i haven't even been here for a year yet. i still cannot believe that. funny story, when i made a tumblr account, i originally planned to not post anything at all and planned to just stalk blogs and act like a bot. but somehow, i've got all of you right now. and its so insane to me. all of you are the sweetest and kindest people i have ever met and i really do not deserve you guys. so thank you i love you guys so so so much <3
send me the emoji in my ask box until the end of june!
🍇 - tumblr games (cym, kmk, would you rather, etc.)
👾 - i'll assign you a grishaverse character and a sab cast member based on vibes
🌌 - give me a grishaverse character and i'll make a meme for you OR give me a sab cast member and i'll make a reaction meme for you
🌂 - (moots only) send me photos that remind you of me and i'll do the same for you
🔮 - give me a random word and i'll tell you a random memory i have related to it to get to know me
💜 - (moots only) i'll write you a letter!
🎶 - tell me anything or ask me anything
feel free to spam me multiple times in my ask box <33 and i know its mostly grishaverse themed and i have a lot of swiftie mutuals so sorry about that!
tagging some mutuals!
@ketterdam-snack-bar @locklylemybeloved @aro-manita-muscaria @daisy-joness @i-like-it-when-men-beg @loverswillowed @the-cardigans @swiftie-as-a-coursing-river @lee-says-things @tinyexpertcoffee @faeruine @swift-of-crows13 @fandomynerd @thegoodbitch @firebrand-witch @magik-knives @thesunandstarss @morozovamaximoff @collectingthestars @haunted-pdf @sparklezfallsinlovewithbooks @dam-bluecookies @seraphicsolitude @iknowitwontwork @seriouslyalexanderlightwood @fireflyxrebel-writes @simplydifficultme @grishaverse-chaos @what-ho-christopher-put-in @romanticvampire @heartrender6 @tisthedamnseasns
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talesofadragon · 4 months
𝐒𝐚𝐛'𝐬 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭
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Hi friends!
Earlier this month marked two years since I joined Tumblr! 🥳 My original plans did not retain the amount of love I have received, the amazing fic writers I've encountered, or the fandoms I've fallen in love with and contributed to.
I try as much as possible to actively write, and even though it gets tough to stick to a schedule, I love getting the chance to share my work with this lovely community.
In celebration of my two-year mark, I'll be hosting "Stories by the Fire", a two-week writing celebration! If you're eager to participate, check out the below attractions, choose a number/song, and send me an ask!🙌🏻
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐧
Get to know the blog!
What inspired you to start this blog?
How did you come up with the name "Tales of a Dragon"?
Who is your favorite character to write about?
Which of your works was your favorite to write? Most challenging? Least favorite?
What do you find most rewarding about sharing your stories?
Are there any specific messages or themes you hope readers take away from your stories?
Can you share a memorable interaction you’ve had with a reader or follower?
Will you be exploring new characters/fandoms?
What surprised you the most during your writing journey on here?
Do you have any unpublished works or ideas that you’re excited to share in the future?
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬
Choose a character I've never written about and pair them with the song lyrics provided below. Send me your pairing, and I will write a little drabble! You can send more information in the request.
HARRY POTTER: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Tom Riddle.
MCU: Loki Laufeyson, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Dr. Strange, Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man).
ACOTAR: Rhys, Cassian, Azriel, Eris, Tamlin.
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬
Blue – Billie Eilish
“I try to live in black and white, but I'm so blue I'd like to mean it when I say I'm over you.”
Favorite – Isabel LaRosa
“I swear you're heaven, but boy, you're no angel You take me places only we go.”
One of the Girls – The Weeknd, JENNIE, and Lily-Rose Depp
“Give me tough love Leave me with nothin' when I come down.”
Friends – Chase Atlantic
“And what the hell were we? Tell me we weren’t just friends. This doesn't make much sense.”
Middle of the Night – Elley Duhé
“These burning flames, these crashing waves Wash over me like a hurricane.”
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince – Taylor Swift
���It's you and me, there's nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince.”
Souvenir – Selena Gomez
“You're giving me chills at a hundred degrees It's better than pills how you put me to sleep.”
Beach House – The Chainsmokers
“Oh, darling of mine Where have you been.”
Boyfriend – Dove Cameron
“I'm gonna steal you from him I could be such a gentleman.”
Infinity – James Young
“Can't be touched by no one I'd like to see 'em try.”
I Wanna Be Yours – Arctic Monkeys
“Secrets I have held in my heart Are harder to hide than I thought.”
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𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬
Pick one of my stories (one-shots and series) or pick one of the characters I write for and request a prompt of your choosing! If you're not sure what to ask for, here are a few prompts to kickstart your imagination!
Character A and Character B discover they are expecting a child, but their joy is overshadowed by fear and uncertainty
Character A is forced to make a difficult decision that puts them at odds with Character B, testing the limits of their loyalty and trust
Character A is injured in battle, and Character B must nurse them back to health
Character A and Character B receive a mysterious prophecy foretelling the birth of a child who will bring either great prosperity or untold destruction to their kingdom
Character A surprises Character B with a charming weekend getaway to a quaint countryside cottage
Character A and Character B stumble upon an old trunk filled with childhood mementos
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This celebration will last till the Ninth of June! Send in as many requests as you like. Let's have some fun!♥️
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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gojonanami · 9 months
Ethics Professor Suguru is literally my dream man 🥵🥵🥵
honestly same i wish he existed - like can we pluck him from that fic and make him exist because its not fair :(
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
i’ve been a taylor fan since 2013 ish,
i know she’s a grudge holder but if she was willing to make up with kanye for a brief period she’s not gonna be wishing ill upon a 20 year old, or purposely managing her business tactics like having paramore or sabrina open for her.
hayleys been around taylor forever, and sabrina may have about as many followers as liv but sabrina isn’t about to start selling out arenas just yet.
and maybe, she did ask olivia, and she said no. she was clearly working on guts, besides we have no way of knowing. and i feel like taylor the queen of being slut shamed probably resonated with sabrina for that.
it also would be extremely dumb of taylor to have stepped back from attempting to claim the music that she did of olivia’s considering her whole schtick as of recently is artists owning their work. if she didn’t when the comparisons were made it would read as though it’s okay for artists to “steal” (i use that loosely because i think olivia didn’t intentionally steal anything, just sampled without listing that credit) when it’s someone taylor likes.
i just feel like they’re all smaller artists than olivia, even haim. like gracie opened for olivia, olivia didn’t need a taylor boost
dkm, i’m just saying it’s tiring seeing people talk about a 33 year old beefing with a 20 year old.
i’ll eat ass if i’m wrong and she says fuck taylor or something in that article but wholeheartedly think it’s not as deep and people make it out to be.
honey taylor and olivia had a huge private fight and taylor bullied her into giving her writing credits on deja vous and i know for a FACT, that for olivia, it was a huge fucking deal. in photoshoots everyone would be advised- no taylor music on the photoshoot playlist or olivia will have a meltdown. it DEVASTATED her. i've gotten loads of info on this and done all sorts of research into this. now it may not be that deep to taylor anymore, but it was enough for taylor to write a song about how she felt threatened by olivia and yes i do think it's part of why sab got asked to open for eras. taylor absolutely DID NOT ask olivia to open for eras, where are you even getting this?
olivia DID NOT SAMPLE deja vous. she mentioned that the way taylor screamed in the song helped inspire the bridge. it gave taylor a TINY in where she was able to threaten to sue for royalties and olivia's team gave up fast because they didn't want a legal battle with taylor. god i'm sorry but if you're gonna hang around these parts and send in long asks i am gonna need you to get with the evidence-based gossip vibe. you are ill informed on this situation and don't need to be rattling off fanfic about how there is no beef when we all know there is one and i have published all the evidence in succint tiktoks and pod episodes.
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fiora-miriel · 1 year
Thank you @aloveforjaneausten for tagging me in this fun game:
you make a 24h poll with the names of your wips, let it run its course, and then write a sentence for every vote the winner receives. Which sounds like it could be good for me, because I have been dragging my feet on some things
There are 4 contenders here!
Old beliefs (Shadow and Bone, prestory. My sleeper fic. My rentry into fandom)
All this devotion (Shadow and Bone, Darklina)
Dragon diaries (House of the dragon, crack fic. what if the dragons could with each other talk basically)
Celebration, pt 2 (House of the dragon, sequel to this fic)
@fairy-anon-godmother @ncarnesir @grandlovescheme @anamazingangie and whoever is in the mood for this :)
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yap yap yap
This is just one of the few documents I’m writing once again to process my emotions. Even before, writing has always been my company when my thoughts get loud. And in med school, there’s not a time when you’re not studying and if there were chances that you aren’t, it’s highly likely that you’re choosing to sleep to makeup for every sleepless night. But there are also times, when you get lucky enough, that you have a couple of hours to yourself. And this is one of those times (long weekend kasi, I have time).
So, a quick life update.
Life so far has been okay. I passed the boards. We’re #RMT2024! Grabe. It’s nice to actually put a closure to those four years I’ve spent in college. Looking back, I did enjoy my time. It was worthwhile and chaotic, to say the least. But, like any other life experiences, be it good or bad, it made me who I am today and I couldn’t imagine a version of me other than who I am today. Originally, the goal was to top the boards, but life happened. And sometimes, dreams get traded for something more precious. So, you can say that I hoped the stars would align for me but at the same time, I was quite scared that my dreams get realized, the deal I had with faith would get broken. And, I’d rather not top the boards than my other prayer not happening. It was bittersweet. But you can say, I wasn’t wholeheartedly desiring those dreams. Yes, I speak in codes and indirect phrases but, this letter is only really intended for me. I know future me would understand what I was referring to. But without that in mind, in taking the boards, I always believed that if it’s for you, then it is for you. Being a topnotcher in the boards was someone else’s story and that wasn’t for me. I am okay with that. A little sad with the fact, but I’m okay. Imagine juggling med school, sacrificing the only two months you have to be sane before the world of healthcare consumes your soul once again. Doing this to study for the boards, that’s already amazing as it is. And for that, I am proud of me. I am proud that I took the risk, I answered bravely and I admired how my faith never faltered as I took the boards. It was funny because I had a lot of mishaps prior to taking the boards, but all is fine now.
(Scrolled through tiktok for a couple of minutes. I started writing this because I was feeling kind of sad awhile ago, but I feel like writing did help and the tiktok fyp distracted me from those negative emotions that I now feel a little better. Actually Im okay now ulit.)
Okay, so this will have probably a different tone than what I was writing awhile ago because my emotions turned a complete 180. See. Writing does help.
Anyway, just to continue my story about boards, I’m happy that Im now an RMT. I just wish that I had more time to celebrate that win. Kaso wala eh, med school was already starting so the readings were piling up and the exams were lining up. Your fresh board passer, needs to review again. This time for the challenge that third year poses.
When it comes to med school, I am now in third year. And revalida is just two years away now. REVALIDA’s SCARY. SO, I think Im putting a little too much pressure on myself to digest everything. That sometimes, I forget to remind myself that I am only human, allowed to make mistakes and be a little slow sometimes. Hindi tayo leapmed student who was a brain speed that’s greater than the average person. But ayun, sab inga nila, if youre the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. So okay lang at ana medyo mediocre tayo this time. There’s peace too in mediocrity. But of course, if you want to be stellar, I know I have it in me. Sadyang, Im getting old, Im now 25. Most times, I have already been daydreaming about settling with my own family. Someday soon. HAHAHAHA Also, probably the reason why I was sad before writing this was because I didn’t finish reviewing the materials for the exam a few hours ago, so my scores did pass. But it was exacty passing. In med, it feels like sometimes you’re okay to be mediocre but not to mediocre at the expense of your grades. So, it’s kind of chill and not chill. You just have the find the balance. Also, the revalida being closer now and my ability to diagnose diseases not being at par to my level stress me out that’s why I think it manifested as frustration and sadness when I didn’t reach my goals. But med school’s like that, ITS SUCH A ROLLER COASTER RIDE. One moment you get a perfect score, the next one, you don’t pass an exam. And it’s normal. Just don’t normalize it too much.
Anyway, you have your people in med school. The few that keeps you sane. And I will always be thankful that A4 is my subsec. This is a group of people who are just too good to be true and I’m lucky that I have them with me.
So ayun, I guess that’s the only update for now.
Okay na kasi ako. Thanks writing!
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