#saarovar wilderpathing
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saarovar · 20 days ago
During the Applin Company's travels, we ran into... the turtle event.
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In which the group found a random snapping turtle in the middle of nowhere. The turtle could speak, and explained to them that he was a PRINCE who was cursed to be a turtle, and that a kiss would set him free... After some discussion over what to do with it and whether or not to trust it...
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Miguel decided he was going to take it upon himself to help the turtle.
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In a magical flash, the turtle turned into.... not a human prince, but a Drauven prince.
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...who then ran away screaming that he was going to get revenge on whoever cursed him to be a turtle, leaving Miguel to deal with whatever emotion he seems to be experiencing after the kiss.
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...Therion's never going to let him live this down, is he?
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saarovar · 21 days ago
So we start with scholar Darius (Scholarius) cooped up alone in a tower because there are monsters. He starts writing in a book because it's uh... there I guess, I'm not really sure why he wants to write in a book. Though one bit of dialogue stuck out here, considering how Therion's story ended...
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But this is the start of the campaign, he's not going to die just yet, he'll be FINE. Meanwhile, Alfyn is heading home to the nearby town when he sees smoke rising from it.
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Apparently they met as kids in this campaign. Cute. :3 I was then given a CHOICE as to whether to make this a friendship, a rivalry, or a romance... ...so I picked romance. :3
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Alfyn ended up rushing into town to try to find Therion.
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He did make it eventually to Therion's house and knocked on the door.
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...yeah there's probably a reason the door is locked, he doesn't want people coming in. XD This is THERION we're talking about, after all.
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Therion explained that there was a monster in the garden for some unexplained reason, and asked Alfyn to grab something to use as a weapon. ...so Alfyn grabbed a frying pan, and the two of them with frying pan and bow fought off the monster together. At this point, they both gained their first level, which resulted in...
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Realising that if monsters were suddenly appearing here, they were likely appearing everywhere, however, Alfyn and Therion decided to head to the tower, where they assumed Darius was.
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...if Therion remembers who Darius is, that is. They also appear to be trying to communicate with each other in the language of apple, which is funny.
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And thus, they travel onward, to go get Darius!
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saarovar · 21 days ago
As soon as the Applin Company set off, they headed back to town to recruit a fourth member. So with Alfyn, Darius, and Therion already in the party, who else could we add to fit with this group? :3
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MIGUEL! The "Hotheaded Goofball." He's going to be trained as a hunter -- I'm not letting him be weird with magic like Darius is. :P His personality scores are from highest to lowest: Goofball, Hothead, Greedy, Coward, Snark, Romantic, Leader, Loner, Poet, Healer, Bookish. His hooks are Brash, Clown, and Physical.
Annnd Alfyn checks in on him, immediately upon introduction. :3
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Miguel wants to come with.
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And of course, who are they to say no to him? :D
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...The mental image of him following them around awkwardly hoping they give him a weapon, though... XD
So they helped him get his stuff together, and Therion trained him as a hunter (well I'm assuming Therion trained him, there aren't any other hunters here)!
And thus, they set out yet again, with yet a fourth member travelling along beside them! :D (Nothing could go wrong here, certainly!)
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saarovar · 21 days ago
As Alfyn and Therion were travelling to Scholarius' wizard tower, I got the opportunity to make Therion either form a friendship or a rivalry with Darius. :3
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We rivalling! >:D
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Why would that be? Hm... I wonder... :3
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*dramatic rivalry start screen!* (I'm not sure why I didn't get this for the romance but I did for the rivalry. Interesting.)
Back in the tower, Darius decides he wants OUT of there monster or no, so he grabs a weapon...
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...and finds out that he has magical potential of which he was until then unaware! Go Scholarius!
After fighting through the enemies blocking his way to the door, he left the tower, only to find Alfyn and Therion had just made it there to rescue him. Or... well...
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...you know, I'm not sure whether they were coming here to rescue him or just hang out, but our group is now united (and debatably getting along but oh well, they're stuck together for this campaign because we said so).
Alfyn, who seems the best equipped to lead out of the three of them, decides to strategise about going back into the tower to take out the rest of the monsters.
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...don't look at the frying pan. It's his STRATEGY frying pan, it helps come up with plans. The frying plan, if you will.
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...of course, Therion seems to have a plan already anyway so they just ended up going with the direct approach (no matter how sceptical Alfyn and Darius seem).
With a frying plan, a bow, and Darius' newfound aptitude for magic, the three of them managed to get rid of the rest of the monsters in the tower with ease. It was then that they realised... they're stuck together and they might as well think of a name for their little group--
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--guys what are you talking about. N O. I ended up naming my group myself -- after some suggestions about apples from friends which spontaneously morphed into suggestions about Applins, the group became known as The Applin Company.
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Inseparable, the text says. These three, inseparable. Welp, GOOD LUCK, GUYS. XD
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saarovar · 20 days ago
Now with a new guy on their team, the Applin Company began their travels again.
Miguel seems to get along well with Darius, much to Therion's displeasure.
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Great, now there are two of them. :3
During their travels, the conversation eventually turned to farming, and Therion (who was not paying attention in the slightest) was asked what he would farm if he were a farmer. I got... a few options.
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...*mental image of planting sheep and seeing if they grow*... We ended up picking the sheep option just to see what he'd say, and he went on about using the wool to make his own clothes for a bit. Which does bring to mind... tailor Therion? Or would Alfyn work with the clothes? Hmm...
With three thieves (or... well... two hunters and a Scholarius), travelling through tight spaces was relatively easy!
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...mostly. But wow, Theri looks amused by Alfyn's plight. XD
Conversations with this group are also interesting in other ways...
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M I G U E L .
...W-Well, it's probably fine, he's not doing any harm right now... to them... is he?
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saarovar · 21 days ago
Since I'm starting as a new legacy (and because I like to play them in order anyway) I'm starting with the Age of Ulstryx campaign. Our starting three heroes will be Alfyn, Therion, and Darius (because why not).
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Here is Alfyn, the "Goofish Peacemaker." His personality scores are from highest to lowest: Healer, Goofball, Snark, Hothead, Bookish/Romantic (tied), Leader, Poet, Loner, Coward, Greedy. His hooks are Potential, Loyal, and Dreamer.
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Therion, the "Snarky Loner." His personality scores are from highest to lowest: Loner, Snark, Greedy, Hothead, Romantic, Coward/Healer (tied), Goofball, Bookish, Poet, Leader. His hooks are Thorny, Distant, and Wanderlust.
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And Darius, the "Hotheaded Greedwagon." His personality scores are from highest to lowest: Greedy, Hothead, Loner, Snark, Goofball/Leader/Romantic (tied), Coward, Bookish, Poet, Healer. His hooks are Distant, Darkheart, and Proud.
Additional note: I made Alfyn a warrior and Therion a hunter, while Darius is a mystic (basically a mage). So uh... scholar Darius AU I guess? I have no idea. XD
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saarovar · 21 days ago
So I started playing Wildermyth again with my friends! :D But here's the thing -- I'm making a legacy of Octopath characters and seeing what happens to them if I stick them in the Wildermyth world. Thusly, I will be calling it Wilderpath. :3 This may mean I'm posting a lot of this, so the tag I'm going to use is #saarovar wilderpathing (for easier finding of it, or if you don't want to see it). But it's going to be a lot of screenshots of anything I find cute or funny as I play the Octopeople in the Wildermyth campaigns, if you're interested! :D
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