#sIIIIgh time for a nap or somethin
derelicthorror · 4 years
probably coincidence but man are there a few
so Warframe and the Aurora Cycle series by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. specifically, about the fact that i’ve been listening to Aurora Cycle bc audiobooks keep my adhd brain somewhat settled and dude are there so many similarities like if you were to tell me that the authors were both huge wf players i would completely believe it alright like. okay
a list of things about the aurora cycle that give me warframe vibes, in no particular order (beware spoilers like in general im just spoiling everything)”
- Knock-off Void (or “Fold,” in this case). Used to make travel exponentially faster but it is Very Hazardous! 
- So hazardous, in fact, that only children/teenagers can be conscious while in the Fold and still retain their sanity. Adults, after a while, will start to go Insane(tm)
- Local Teen Develops Mysterious Powers After Being Involved in a Void Jump Accident That Leaves Settlement Ship She’s On a Hulking Derelict Floating In the Black
- said powers are Too Much at first and need to learn to be controlled and Also Later Involve Empathy
- knockoff infestation but this one is plant-based!! an ancient plant hive mind monster thing that is settled mostly on outer rim planets but seeks to Consume All and also it can possess ppl but leave them w the appearance of normality a la Emissary arc (if i remember right from what i read on the wiki)
- local elf/klingon hybrid struggles with bloodlusty tendencies, what he refers to as “the war within” as opposed to the “war without” the ensemble is dealing with in-plot
- much of the plot helped along by the Ancient Race of Golden Lords that Came Before
- said Golden Lords of Bygone Days essentially created/activated Local Protagonist Teen as a Weapon/Savior (subversion here though in that these orokin aren’t nearly as jerkish as the orokin were)
- the main protag was supposed to settle on a planet called Octavia okay thats it thats the sole basis for me going conspiracy brain on this ALRIGHT THATS IT
- jk i know there are more but thats what i got off the top of my head pfft
it’s probably just me, too! but you know what, half of my enjoyment of the series comes from going ‘ah thats just warframe’ every 10 minutes re: the worldbuilding like it’s become a game at this point
also Aurora Cycle isn’t terrible, but, and i say this with love, i’d say if you want a better time, probably check out their Illuminae series instead or actually just play warframe bc it’s got so many similar veins anyway (and anyway warframe has the business and u got to love that dude)
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phoneboxfairy · 4 years
Love in Quarantine ch 2
(Oh boy there’s a lot of sexytimes in this one.) Ao3 link to chapter 1 -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/23417971/chapters/56125711
That first night in isolation, Lucy had a dream. She was in bed with a certain man, and that man was proving to be more adept than she could have ever imagined. Warm hands relieved her of her clothes then worked over her breasts, tweaking aching nipples and kneading the supple skin. She tangled her hands through scruffy pink hair. Moaned. “Natsu...more...please…”
“More? You got it…”
Dark chuckle as he moved downward. His mouth found a nipple while his hands claimed her ass. One rather adventurous hand slipped between her thighs and explored the center of her growing arousal. She whimpered feeling a warm finger plunge into her core.
Gods, she needed him. Needed him to pin her down and ease that sweet ache in her pussy.
Then she woke up. Opened her eyes. Saw him dozing with his arms still curled around her, felt one hand stroking her thigh even as he slept. Definitely felt his hungry cock nestled against her leg.
Maybe being single for such a long time made her brave. Maybe she was just horny.
She slipped off her pajamas, then moved on top of him and started kissing him.
"Oh Natsuuu~..."
"Hmnh. Mornin, Lushy. What’s up?"
"I have a surprise for you..."
He opened his eyes slowly, glanced at her bare body. Then his eyes widened.
"Wow. That’s a nice surprise."
"Thanks." Deep kiss. "I think I know a fun way to get through this week…” “Okay...what’s that?” “Let's get to know each other, Natsu."
Instant comprehension.
"Yes. Please."
"I’m glad you agree. Now..." She rubbed against him, felt him stiffen, heard the low growl he let out. "Lay me down."
Nod. He set her down gently on the bed. She spread her legs, exposed herself with a gentle finger, tracing over her soft pink folds.
Natsu was drooling.
"You make me so horny. I..I hope you realize no one else has this effect on me...Do you like what you see, Natsu?"
"Hell yeah, Lucy. I love it ‘bout as much as I love you." His voice was little more than a dark, sexy growl.
"Then get over here."
He didn't waste any time. In a flash he was practically on top of her. He positioned himself so that her long legs were over his shoulders and his face was mere inches away from where she wanted...no...needed him the most.
She almost protested. Almost demanded that he got to the point and fucked her until she couldn't walk. But...Something stopped her. Something very specific.
You see, Lucy had never been orally pleasured before, and frankly she wanted to experience it firsthand. Why not now, especially when her partner was so willing?
“Lucy? Do you want this? We can do somethin’ else if you don’t…”
“I would’ve stopped you if I didn’t want it. Go on, please.” To emphasize, she leaned back on the bed, gazed down at the boy, no, the man who meant so very much to her.
He started out slow. He kissed her inner thigh, let his hands stroke and squeeze her butt. One hand shifted and ventured forward. Lucy felt Natsu’s warm fingers brush over the skin below her navel, right where the waistband of her panties usually rested. The touch made her tremble. “Nah...Natsu?” “Yeah?” “Kiss me there. Wh..where your hand is.” “Alright.” He chuckled, then did what she asked. At the same time he moved his hand again, opting to stroke her outer lips. “How’s this?”
“Amazing…” Amazing was right. She sounded and felt like she was in heaven, and he had only barely started touching her. “A...a little lower, please?”
No verbal response. He shifted downward, slowly tracing his tongue over and around her hood.
She mewled, seeing stars with each touch.
So THAT’S what all the fuss is about…
"Holy shit...mmmm..."
"Mmmm is right. You taste incredible. And you’re so wet. I should start callin’ ya Juicy.”
Even in such an intimate situation his words made her giggle. She reached over and ruffled a hand through his hair.
“Thanks, dork. Now keep going. That feels….mnnnh.” Squirm, mewl. He kept going, kept savoring her in ways she never imagined.
That was when she felt a surge of warmth from his tongue. And that was when she realized that hooking up with a fire dragon slayer definitely had its perks.
She shuddered, arched her back. He got the hint and kept teasing slick folds with warm tongue. At the same time he stroked over her skin, which only added to the incredible sensations she was feeling.
Honestly, Lucy would have been quite content with laying there and enjoying Natsu’s very talented mouth for hours. But, again, she hadn’t been with a man in far too long, and had never known pleasure quite like this.
She knew she was close, knew she couldn’t last much longer this round. Shudder. He noticed. Paused long enough to take her hand, then went back to teasing. She could hear him growling with each motion, felt the vibrations against her skin.
And that was all it took for passion to claim her. She tangled her fingers through his hair, gripped their clasped hands, trembled as she whispered his name.
As her body calmed down and her trembling subsided, Lucy heard Natsu chuckling again.
“Always wanted to try that.” “You mean you’d never tasted a girl before…?” She glanced down and saw him shake his head, this rather proud grin on his face. “Huh...well, that’s surprising. You’re pretty good, amateur or not.” “Thanks. We should do it again sometime.” “Definitely. Mnnn…” He stroked over her folds, sending a surge of warmth through the sensitive skin. “Now what’re you doing?”
“Helpin’ ya feel good and cleanin’ ya up a little bit.” To emphasize that last bit he flicked his tongue over her. “You taste delicious by the way.”
Lucy had no complaints.
She was sated, she should have been exhausted.
But she wanted more.
“Hey Natsu?” “Yeah?” “Get up here. Now.”
“Yes ma’am.”
In no time they were face to face. Lucy pulled Natsu into a kiss, tasted her own essence on his lips. That only fueled her fire. She pulled him closer. Nibbled his lip.
“I need you.” “You can have me.” He nuzzled his nose against hers. “Spread your legs.”
“Okay…” She did as she was told, feeling a little exposed and more than a little turned on by the whole situation. “W...wait, Natsu. Your pants?”
“Oh shit. Hold on.” He unzipped and shucked them off then kissed her. “Better, Luce?” “Mmm, much. Not quite perfect though…”
Natsu might have been a bit dense but he knew what she meant, knew just what would make this situation perfect. He rubbed against her, letting her feel his throbbing length against her still tender core.
“Natsuuuu…” She mewled.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop teasin’ ya.” True to his word he stopped. He gripped his cock, brushed against her opening, pushed into her sloooowly. Sharp inhale. “...holy shit, Lucy…”
It felt so good, so incredible, Lucy couldn’t even verbalize aside from letting out little moans and sighs. He shifted his head and started kissing and nibbling her neck. Feeling his teeth scrape against her skin only made the whole thing hotter. She ran both hands through his hair.
“Talk to me.”
“Talk…?” “Yeah...let me know if you like it or not.” His voice was little more than a growl.
“Natsu I am not gonna talk the whole time. If you want to know, watch. Feel. Listen.” She lowered her voice. “...Move.”
“Oh..oops. Knew I was forgettin’ somethin’…” His first movements were slow bordering on cautious.
“You’re not gonna hurt me, Natsu…” She stroked his hair. He took the hint then went faster. “Mnnn, so good…” “Want more…?” “Ye...yesss...ohhhh.” Faster still. She arched her back, closed her eyes. He’s incredible…
That was an understatement. He was aggressive yet gentle, acknowledging her needs while sating his own impressive appetite. Even as he fucked her he caressed her breasts, kissed her neck, jaw, and mouth.
“You’re so warm and wet, Lucy… I never wanna stop.” “Then don’t.” She pulled him into a kiss. At the same time she reached down and began pleasuring herself, each stroke creating more of that wet warmth they both craved.
He growled, let out a dark chuckle against her mouth.
“Keep rubbin’. I want you to come first.”  
Lucy had no arguments or complaints about that. She rubbed sweet circles around and over her clit while he ravished her starving pussy with his cock.
They moved together, sharing the delicious friction as passion began to overtake them. Lucy cried out, whimpered his name, then collapsed, trembling, into the pillow. Seconds later Natsu shuddered. She felt his dick twitch as he filled her with his seed.
"Lu...Lucy..." Just above a whisper. Then he crashed, burying his head in her shoulder.
For a while they lay together in silence aside from breaths that went from ragged to relaxed. Lucy stroked over Natsu's back, a combination of comfort and affection.
He peeked up at her.
"You okay? I didn't overdo it, did I?"
"You didn't. I'm fine. Wonderful, in fact. You're pretty incredible, you know?"
His expression softened, complete with a little blush. He shifted and pulled her into a warm embrace, then kissed her forehead.
"You're pretty damn incredible too, Lucy."
"Thanks..." She snuggled closer. "So. What do you want to do today?"
"Right now I wanna be lazy and hold ya. I bet we can find something fun to do later on, though."
"Mmm, true. Love you, Natsu."
"Love ya too, weirdo." Gentle kiss. They cuddled together, and eventually dozed off in one another's arms.
Neither minded. They had a whole week of time. Mid morning naps were definitely welcome.
Natsu and Lucy woke up around noon, a messy tangle of sheets and limbs. He had a snack while she went to the bathroom to freshen up.
She also had an ulterior motive.
"Open, gate of the maiden! Virgo!"
"Yes, princess? Are you punishing me?"
"Not now, not ever. I want you to find me some celestial clothes, something cute and sexy to work out in."
"I have the perfect outfit." She poofed to the spirit realm and back in less than a minute, then handed Lucy a small pile of clothes.
"Thanks, Virgo. I owe you one."
"Any time, princess." Virgo bowed then disappeared, leaving Lucy to get dressed. Tiny shorts barely covered her panties but accented her ass and legs. The cropped tank top offered comfort, support...and a nice view of side boob. The outfit was paired with fingerless workout gloves, low rise socks, and a pair of running shoes. Her hair was tied back in a long, messy ponytail.
Lucy glanced at her reflection, wiggled her hips, and smiled as she left the bathroom.
Natsu took one look at her and damn near dropped his drink.
"Wow. You look great."
"Thanks." Coy giggle. "I thought you might want to spar with me again."
She took advantage of his gaze and did a slow, deliberately sensual stretch.
"I definitely wanna do more than just spar with ya." The way he growled sent a delicious tingle down Lucy's spine straight to her clit.
"You're going to have to earn that, hothead." She sauntered to the sink, poured a glass of water, took a drink, then deliberately poured it over her cleavage. "Oops."
"Oops is right. You're really playin' with fire now, Lucy."
"Good thing I love getting burned, huh?" Naughty giggle. She stepped in to a fighting stance then gave a "come here" finger wiggle.
They got right to sparring. Natsu rushed. Lucy sidestepped. They exchanged kicks and parries that got more creative as the battle continued. At one point Lucy distracted Natsu with a well timed flash of boob, then pinned him to the wall just like she had the night before.
She hadn't counted on his ability to distract her...until a certain warm hand stroked up the bare skin of her inner thigh.
She moaned. He grinned then took advantage of her distraction and pinned her against that wall.
“I barely touched you and you’re already fired up.” That brave hand wandered, cupped her ass, grazed against her bare midriff. “You’re putty in my hands, Lucy. I love that.”
“What’cha waiting for, Natsu?” She gazed up at him, eyes dark, lips pouty. “You want me, you can have me.”
“I love that too. Now hold still.” He reached down and tugged on her shorts and panties and let them fall to the ground. “Step out of them.” “Okay…” So he has a dominant side...I like that...She did what he asked, then reached to take her shoes off too.
He stopped her.
“Keep those on.”
Weird request, but okay…  She shrugged, made sure he was watching her, and took her top off. Right away Natsu followed suit by dropping his pants. Then he scooped Lucy into his arms, one strong hand holding and squeezing her ass.  She wrapped her legs around him, nuzzled his cheek, whispered his name.
He responded with a kiss as their bodies united. At first they started out slow, the same cautious lovemaking they had enjoyed that morning.
But Lucy wanted something new, different. She had a hunch Natsu wouldn’t object. After all, he was the one who had decided to try having sex against the wall…                                                                                            
So she whispered something into his ear and draped her arms around his neck, stroked her hands over his bare shoulders and back.
“Take me, Natsu. Go wild. I’m all yours.”
“Wild, huh…” His voice was dark, low, sexy as hell. “I’ll give ya wild…” His grip on her strengthened. His mouth wandered, lavishing kisses and attention on her mouth, jaw, neck, and boobs. At the same time he moved faster, thrusting inside her at nearly full strength.
Lucy was loving every sweet moment of it. Getting laid wasn’t a new experience. Actually enjoying it, being savored and satisfied all at once, however, was.
Their romp up against the wall didn’t last long but that didn’t make it any less incredible. Natsu sank to his knees, cradling a trembling Lucy in his arms the whole time.
The right guy makes all the difference… although I never would have guessed Natsu would be the right guy… She wasn’t about to complain. Sure, he was a hothead and could be a bit of a dunce, but she wasn’t exactly perfect either. Perfect didn’t matter.
What mattered was the fact that she was completely in love with her best friend.
She glanced up at him and whispered something, three little words that were barely audible.
“You say somethin’, Luce?”
“Yeah. I, uh, said I love you.” Their eyes locked. Lucy slipped her hand over Natsu’s neck, felt his pulse under her fingers. He smiled.
“Is that so…” He leaned a bit closer and that smile morphed into a sneaky grin. “That’s good, cuz I’m pretty sure I love ya too.” “Just ‘pretty sure’, huh?” She was teasing, knowing full well he would tease right back.
“Yeah.” She waited for him to go on, to elaborate, to say anything else at all, but he just kept grinning. Right when Lucy was starting to feel more than a little impatient, Natsu kissed her.
All of her frustration and impatience flittered away in a heartbeat, replaced with the warm, sweet feeling of love. She sighed against his mouth. He chuckled.
“Now I’m positive I love ya.”
“Natsu you are such a dork…” “So? You’re a weirdo and I still think you’re hot!”
"Mm, thanks." Lucy giggled and leaned into another sweet kiss. The pair snuggled and smooched for a while, at least until the sound of Lucy's tummy rumbling got Natsu's attention.
"You haven't eaten anything today."
"No, but I wasn't hungry until now." Shrug. She didn't skip meals, not normally. Today had been a rare exception. "I was a bit busy quenching certain other appetites."
"Alright, that's fair." He grinned then got up, pulled her to her feet, and put his pants back on. "Get dressed, weirdo. I'll make some grub."
"Okay, dork." Nose nuzzle. Finally, reluctantly, she slipped out of his arms and went to the bathroom to put some comfy clothes on.
She had just finished getting dressed when her communication lacrima chirped. She glanced at the notification, saw that it was a message from Levy, and went to open it, glad for some contact with life outside of the little dorm.
'You two having fun? ;)'
The words made her blush, heart racing. Still, she tried to play it cool. Tried.
'Yeah. We've been relaxing, playing games, and getting to know each other.'
'Oh I bet you have.'
Play cool, calm down...
'You know, Mira's room is next to yours..."
Instant comprehension. Mira had exceptional hearing. Not quite dragon slayer levels, but pretty good regardless.
'Is it true, Lu-Lu? You and Natsu?'
Leave it to Levy to ask such a question and manage to be tactful about it. They were best friends, and Lucy figured she deserved to know the truth.
'Yeah, it's true. Don't tell anyone else yet, okay?
'K, fair. I want details! What's he like...?'
Truth. Lucy couldn't help smiling at all that had happened since last night. The two friends chatted for a while longer, finally bidding temporary farewells when Levy had to get dinner.
Lucy was blushing a pretty deep red when Natsu sat next to her and handed her a plate.
"What's up?"
"Oh, uh... Apparently Mirajane could hear us earlier. She told Levy and...I guess word travels fast..." She nibbled her spinach wrapped chicken, trying to act chill.
Natsu shrugged.
"That's cool."
"What do you mean, that's cool? I...I'm not sure how comfortable I am with people knowing about my sex life..."
Tears brimmed her eyes. She was about to burst into tears when she felt the warmth of his hand on her shoulder.
"This ain't a fling for me, Lucy. I meant it when I said I love ya." Gentle squeeze. "You can't honestly tell me that you wanna go back to just being friends."
"...No." A single tear slipped down her cheek. He leaned in and kissed it away.
That did it. Lucy set her plate down and pounced, threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.
He stroked her hair.
"You okay?"
"Y...yeah." Sniffle. "I...Natsu, I love you as so much more than a friend."
"Duh. I kinda figured that out already, Luce. And guess what."
"The feeling's definitely mutual."
A tender kiss proved just how mutual it was. He kissed her nose then handed her back her plate. "Still hungry?"
"Yes. Thanks." She made herself comfortable, snuggled up next to him, and ate.
He's a pretty decent cook... No surprise. He had lived alone for years, so he had to have some sort of culinary skill for the sake of survival.
Speaking of skill... out of the corner of her eye she noticed him tinkering with something, got a whiff of smoke.
"Whatcha doing?"
She expected him to show her, but instead he hid it. Flashed a sneaky smirk.
"It's a surprise. You'll see soon enough."
"Okay, fair." She put her now empty plate on the coffee table, then cuddled back up next to him. "You can go back to fiddling if you want. I promise I won't peek."
"Nah. I'll work on it later. I've got a different kind of fiddling to do."
As he spoke he shifted, pulled her into his arms.
"Oh, really? What did you have in mi-iiiiii..." One warm hand had slipped under the skirt of her sundress. Talented fingers explored the curves of her ass then shifted, daring to venture between her thighs.
"No panties, huh. Naughty naughty, Lucy."
Any reasonable response evaporated when his fingers found her pussy, stroked over sensitive skin that was certainly warm and wet thanks to her loverboy's boldness.
"I bet you can be just as naughty, Natsu..."
"Damn right." Growl.
Lucy took her dress off then unzipped his pants. She stroked his cock, impressed by how hard he was and quite proud that she had that effect on him.
Then she took his hand, lifted it to her mouth, and flicked her tongue to taste her own wetness. His cock twitched. He couldn't, or wouldn't, take his eyes off her.
She let go of his hand, let him lick her juices off his fingers. Then she shifted, moved to his lap.
Guess I'm taking the lead this time. Not that she minded. The idea of riding him, of dominating the mighty fire dragon slayer, was delicious. Irresistible.
She rubbed against him, felt the heat of his cock against her hungry little slit.
She exhaled. He growled her name, obviously ready for more.
For that matter so was she...
Much later, after passion had run its course, the pair shared a bath then fell asleep snuggling. The same bed that had caused so much stress the night before was now a welcome comfort.
This was going to be an interesting week...but at least they were spending it together...
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