fringephile · 2 months
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glitchedcosmos · 10 months
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What if I laid down and perished ?!?!
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simder-talia-blog · 8 months
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Light And Shader Fix for EA Cabinets
By bessy at ModTheSims
This mod is a newfound holy grail mod for me, as I have been so very frustrated for an extremely long time with how dark and shadowy everything gets around counters and cabinets when they are placed. I'm so happy to have found this. I had to immediately test it out in my game:
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moonstruckme · 5 months
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Okay I woke up to this?? AHHHHHHHHHH! I can’t believe there are over 5000 of you guys subjected to my stupid rambling every day, thank you so much for being here!!! A celebration is the perfect way to procrastinate my finals, so that will definitely be coming soon :D
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ebechnasheim · 8 months
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Lighting molotovs for the broken youth | source
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cloudyskiiees · 3 months
fun fact! death loop murder mysteries are insane to write
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sp-by-april · 1 month
Ok do you think the boys would have favorites? Like, do you headcanon favorite food, date places, colors, etc? Something mundane but fun to think about to break up your workload <3
Ooooh. Yes!! Let's pick places for dates!! I'm thinking first date, third date, and one-year anniversary? I will think about it and make a post. also like ty for reminding me that funks like this are what myself insert fic are for tbh. Kenny and Kyle just made their bet too 👀
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nyasiamese · 10 months
About Sonic #67
but Sonurge shippers are eating good!!!
like Sonic threatening Surge about burning down Restoration HQ gave off such flirty vibes it’s unreal. Like I’m totally fine with this dynamic. I am happy. My skin is cleansed.
and now to go into my hole and freak out over thems… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(also I get it if you interpret Sonic as being like “try me” but I wanna believe!!!!!!!!)
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rroaddkill · 7 months
I love how @fanficwriter284 draws chucky.. that is all.
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misswoozi · 1 year
Expanding on the Woozi sugar daddy bit, I can picture it because of that clip of him just giving Vernon his BLACK CARD without hesitation. Also important to note is that he just literally carries it around in his pocket. He does not give a single fuck. He very obviously isn't that interested in material things but I think he would love going all out for whoever he's seeing. Simply cause he can. He likes doing things for other people, so there's an emotional satisfation there but also he gets drunk on how incospicuosly possessive it is. I feel like he'd be the type to like dressing up his baby. Paying for manicures so they can leave scratch marks on his back. Giving them presents all the time cause they're such a pretty girl. Paying for dinner. Gifting them whatever they want. He'd have a serious thing for giving them specifically lingerie (ofc), high heels or red lipstick (cause he wants it on his dick by the end of the night wink wink). And he'd like making wagers e.g. "if you do this for me, i'll buy you xyz" "since you were so nice for me, i got you xyz"
Basically, he's a possessive motherfucker.
I literally don't have anything to add. You've created a perfect headcanon here and it suits Woozi's vibe so perfectly. I forgot all about the black card thing BUT YEAH, he handed that shit right over like such a badass lmao you're Huge Brained for this, OP. (In such a weird and specific way, I DO ship Woozi with Vernon but that's a separate topic for another day.)
SO ALL I HAVE FOR YOU NOW IS A FOLLOW-UP QUESTION. Which pretty girl(s) did you have in mind for Mr. Lee Jihoon?
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stop calling Scissor Seven a Chinese anime if y’all keep doing this I would have to start calling Naruto a Japanese donghua
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deepslumbrrr · 1 year
(Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Queue System)
Ah, commissions. Commissions!
According to my backlog, the first commission I ever took—and completed—was back in March 2022. I've been doing this for over a year already. I can't believe it. That's fucking bananas.
Before March 2022, people would often ask me why I didn't have commissions open. To them, it made perfect sense. Not only did I love writing, I was evidently really good at it. In their eyes, the logical progression was monetization—making money doing the thing I love.
Fast forward a year and some change. I've only ever turned down one, maybe two commissions—only because I didn't think I could do a very good job with what the clients asked of me. I always want to be honest with people, especially when said people are throwing dollar bills in my direction. If I don't think I can do something to the ability the client requests of me, I make a point to mention it always.
Other than that, however, I tried to take every commission that came my way. Usually, it was for one or both of these reasons:
I think it's a great challenge to hone my writing skills.
I like making people happy.
Ah, that second one, though. That's where I get into trouble. That's where I ended up in the situation I'm in right now. Approximately 100,000 more words to go until I clear my commission queue, and I have no one to blame but myself.
Okay, let me rewind a little bit.
From March 2022 until about July of the same year, I had a slot system. This meant that up to eight people could commission me at any one time until slots were CLOSED and no one else could reach out to make a request. I'm sure you're aware of how it works. I know you're smart like that, baby.
But here's a secret: I'm not very smart myself.
Somewhere along the way, I made an absolutely stunning realization: if I don't use a slot-based system, then MORE people could commission me. That way, I could make MORE people happy with my work!
So I tried it out. Instead of a slot-based system, I went with a "word count" system. That meant, for example, that my budget for writing commissions per month was somewhere around 70,000 words. Once I reached that amount—whether two people wanted 35,000 word stories each, or seven people wanted 10,000 word stories each—I would be closed for business until the queue's completion.
This didn't really pan out. I was unable to say No to a few last-minute commissioners, because I like making people happy. As a result, I went over my 70,000 word budget to around 90,000 words in one and a half months.
Horrifying, right? Don't worry, it gets worse.
Because one year after I first opened commissions, in March 2023, I had another genius idea. My best one yet. It sounded like this: commissions are always open! Yippee! Wow! Great job!
The logic made sense at the time. Altogether, it looked like this:
Commissions are ALWAYS open,
No more than 15,000 words per person,
Because of the above, please allow UP TO two months for delivery.
In my head, this was something of a "writing rolodex." I would always have something to write and work on, because I would ALWAYS have a commission, and I would ALWAYS have a commission, because slots were ALWAYS open, and because slots were ALWAYS open, I had two months maximum from the date of payment (a rule I insisted UPON MYSELF!) to get 'er done.
Well let me tell you, dear reader, I am the biggest damn fool on dog's green earth.
Not only did I end up with almost 150,000 words to write within two months, I could finally detect the strain and toil that I had managed to keep away for so long. I was getting tired and people could see it.
I love writing, and I love making people happy. I love both things a little too much. I thought if I always said Yes, then everyone would be satisfied with me. Everything would be just fine.
Well! Things! Are! Not! Fine!
I'm not collapsing or anything, but the strain is there. I will complete every last commission, of course, and I'll do my utmost to ensure a (relatively) speedy delivery. But by God, my commissioners are patient people. I'm truly thankful for them, and my readerbase. You inspire me every day of my life.
I like putting smiles on people's faces, especially with my writing! But this always-open-commission-thing is gonna have to... not be a thing anymore. It's unsustainable. I see that now.
It's difficult to sound modest when the reality is that my writing is in high demand. If it wasn't, I would be in this mess—up to my eyebrows in vowels and consonants. Once again, I'm truly grateful to all my readers and the people who pay me to put words in front of them. I'd love to continue writing for a long, long time.
This unfortunately means that some people won't get commissions each month. There will be less smiling faces. I'm picturing a line of people waiting outside a lemonade stand. Only some of you will get lemonade, because I only have so many lemons. Sorry in advance, but maybe the guy down the road has fruit punch or something.
Unlimited Comm Works is taking its toll, so once this queue is done and dusted, I'll return to using a proper slot system—maybe with a bit of a spin on it. I'll definitely need a bit of a break, nothing too long.
As I wrote out this long post, someone messaged me asking when commissions are opening again. Commissions WILL ONLY OPEN AGAIN once I've cleared my present queue, which you can always find on my public Trello board linked here.
It would be irresponsible of me to take on more work when the saintly commissioners I have now have been immensely patient with me.
One more thing: commission prices will be increasing...somewhat.
I'd like to point out that I still charge below the average of two cents per word. I myself, at present, am only comfortable charging 1.75 cents per word, because I'm, like, y'know, umm, quirky like that :3
Here is a tabled breakdown of how much commissions will cost when they properly open again.
Once again, everyone, thank you for your kindness, patience, and attention. It's silly to think this all started when I wrote some very naughty words in an—apparently—pretty swell manner. What isn't silly is just how blown away I am by your support.
Love ya. ✨
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
It's just me or it was sadder when Meredith told her kids Derek died than Derek's death? Like I cried more in that episode!!! 😭💔
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otiksimr · 4 months
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Chikorita line
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haemonart · 4 months
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Happy pride month!! :D
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bogos-bint3d · 1 year
Man. Man. Ok when's season 6.
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