michaelnordeman · 3 months
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Sätra perennpark in Stockholm, Sweden (June 30, 2013).
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atsvensson · 1 month
Sju personer har åtalats för mord i Sätra, Stockholm
Åklagare har väckt åtal i ett ärende där en man i 20-årsåldern sköts till döds i Sätra centrum i södra Stockholm den 7 augusti 2023. Sju personer har åtalats för inblandning i mordet. Utöver det åtalas även tre personer för grovt vapenbrott. Samtliga åtalade är häktade. – Utredningens framgång bygger till stor del på att övervakningskameror visar händelseförloppet. Även initiala…
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daniellpyy · 6 months
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eseemeese · 2 years
Varg - Red Line II (127 Sätra C) 4 w/ Yung Lean [NE39]
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Yolanda: Satra, Gavle.
Sätra, Gävle.
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j7m1na · 2 years
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medvetennarvaro · 6 years
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michaelnordeman · 1 month
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Canada Goose/kanadagås. Sätra in Stockholm, Sweden (August 25, 2013).
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filtrkids-blog · 6 years
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@tianasalmon, 15, från @high15official - Sätras svar på @beyonce 🤩🔥 och yngst i @melodifestivalen ‼️ . Läs hela artikeln på: www.mitti.se #mittisöderort . #high15 #nodrama #melodifestivalen2019 #melfest #mello #mittise #tianasalmon #stageacademy #sätra #beyonce #filtrkids https://www.instagram.com/p/BsK-7HyH3gH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e2wk8chl7s7v
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antifainternational · 4 years
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21 years ago today, antifascist Björn Sölderberg was shot to death outside of his apartment in Sätra, Sweden by three nazis.  Full story here.  NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE! 
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theshatterednotes · 7 years
Varg - Red Line II (127 Sätra C) with Yung Lean
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trcrmaddctn-blog · 6 years
Lennart Persson, The Vampire
Responsible for murdering and drinking blood from his two foster sisters Camilla (34) and Anna (19). Also ate pieces of Anna’s body.
Gävle Sweden, March 30th & October 25th 2005.
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Something was wrong with Lennart’s legs when he was a kid and therefor he had to spend a lot of his childhood at the hospital. There are no specific details of what exactly had happened or what treatment he was receiving etc. There’s also no public explanation as to why he lived with a foster family.
People described Lennart as being different from a very young age, for example when kids would draw their snowmen with carrots for noses, Lennart colored his black and drew fangs. An old classmate said that most kids thought his family was weird and didn’t want to come over or even hang out with him. Lennart couldn’t make any friends so he spent most of his time with his family and siblings. He wasn’t social at all until he became a teenager, which is when he gained an interest for circuses, talked about how he loved country and told people he wanted to visit Nashville.
Around this time, his family became increasingly perceived as different. The school contacted the local health and environmental protection department to report that all of Lennart’s clothes would stink of cat urine every day. According to notes from the department, the stench of cat urine was terribly strong in the family house. There were piles of fecal matter and dried urine on all floors. They had over 60 starving cats with diseases, injuries and lumps of said feces in their fur.
When Lennart turned 18 years old his foster parents got him an apartment in Skutskär. He isolated himself and began to have thoughts of killing people.
In the police hearings Lennart mentioned that he was harassed by kids after moving out, for being introverted. They would pound and knock on his door, so one day he opened the door, grabbed two of the kids and threw them outside. He said he wanted to kill them, but grabbed a baseball bat and hit their parents front door until it broke instead. He said that if anyone had been around he would’ve beaten them to death. The parents decided not to report this incident to the police.
During that time, Lennart wasn’t seeing his two foster sisters Camilla and Anna very much, but they were often in his thoughts. He has always claimed that he never thought of them sexually, but during the investigation they found an anonymous letter with pornographic content that had been sent to Camilla. Whether it was proven to be written by Lennart is unclear. Either way, Lennart’s colleagues from a resturant that he had been working in claimed that Lennart had told them he got a 14 year old girl pregnant, but that he and his girlfriend would adopt the baby because the girlfriend was sterile. He told his colleagues that he lived with both of them and then showed them a picture of the two. Later, they were able to identify one of the two girls from the picture as Anna.
Lennart’s desire to kill kept increasing and he started to become scared of people. He said he couldn’t trust anyone and felt paranoid, and that he would always carry a knife in his pocket. At one point he started thinking he’d get worse if he stayed in the apartment, so he stopped paying rent until he was kicked out by the landlord so that he could move back to his foster parents. He lived in their shed and would only come inside the house to eat, shower and take care of a dog. He would often buy movies, and sometimes he’d sit and burn them up right outside the shed. No one in the family knew why, but they didn’t ask either.
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Anna & Camilla
30th of March 2005, Lennart took two buses to Sätra early in the morning to visit his sister Anna. He claims he had no bad intentions and went there to meet her newborn son. After coming inside, he and Anna went to the kitchen where she started talking about her life. Suddenly Lennart pulled out his knife and started stabbing her, ‘’I couldn’t stop. I just kept stabbing her’’. Tommie, Anna’s boyfriend, came to see what was going on. When he saw Anna on the floor and Lennart with a knife in his hand he got scared and fled the scene, ‘’He should’ve done something. He’s a coward. But I would’ve killed him too’’ Lennart said, ‘’Then I did the worst part of it all. I bent over her and started drinking her blood. Then I cut pieces of her’’. When he realized Anna was on the brink of dying, he grabbed her and hugged her. After some time had passed he lay her down and started looking for Anna’s baby with the intentions of killing him as well, but couldn’t find him. He got on the next bus, and as he sat down he heard the ambulance driving by and towards Anna’s place. When he got to the stop where he would switch to another bus, he ran towards a restroom at a library where he would wash his bloody hands. He was surprised that no one was reacting to his bloody clothes. When he got home, he kept a piece of his jacket to smell at the blood but got rid of the rest. The first night he stayed up all night, waiting for the cops, but they never came. Lennart claimed that there was no reason why he chose Anna, and had she not opened the door he would’ve picked someone else.
When he found out that Tommie had been arrested for the murder of Anna, he felt relieved and started making new plans. He made his own calendar and circled the date that he killed Anna and the day that would mark a year after. He had also marked 30th of October, planning to kill someone on halloween.
He attended Anna’s funeral and left flowers for her.
Tommie was held in custody under immense pressure from the police for two months before being released.
On the 25th of October 2005, Lennart felt that the urge to kill was unbearable. He had gotten close to hurting his family members and kids in the area many times. ‘’The day that it happened, I was driving around in Skutskär and looking for someone I could kill and drink blood from. I looked for children first but there was always a parent around which I’m glad for. Then I remembered Camilla’’.
Lennart then went over to Camilla’s place. She was doing the dishes when he came, and her daughter was at school. She had been surprised when Lennart came inside, asking why he came so suddenly. He took his newly bought knife and started stabbing her multiple times. Camilla begged him to stop, but when he did it was only to wash off the knife and his hands because the handle had become slippery. After that, he killed her before looking for her daughter. When he couldn’t find her he ran back to Camilla,’’I drank her blood. Then I went back to the bathroom to clean myself up’’. After a while he got on his bike and returned to his shed feeling happy, ‘’I’ve done it, I’ve consumed blood, I’ve satisfied myself and the demons have left me alone’’. When he’s back he burns his clothes, and at night he’s convinced that the cops are going to come and arrest him. But they don’t. ‘’I was scared I’d feel the urge again. In pure desperation to not kill again, to not harm a child, I tried to kill myself’’.
Lennart tried to commit suicide by drinking detergent and cutting his wrists. When he felt weak and dizzy, he went outside and saw police officers that were on their way to see him. 
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During interrogation Lennart confessed to drinking both of his foster sisters’s blood and eating pieces from Anna’s body. When he was asked why he never reached out for help, he responded that he had always been afraid to do so and thought he would get better if he kept himself away from others, isolating himself.
Lennart went through psychiatric investigation after being arrested and was considered to be a seriously psychologically disturbed person.
Lennart was sentenced to involuntary psychiatric care without possibility of being released without approval from court. There’s a reassessment every six months.
Three months after the verdict Lennart had asked for permission to visit his family, but it was denied. He hasn’t asked to leave the hospital since.
In 2009 he was still considered as psychologically disturbed as when he was committed four years earlier.
‘‘Naturally I hope I’ll get better, but it’s going to take a long time before I get out of here. I think I have to stay at least 14-15 more years’‘ he told a news source (also in 2009). He also says he doesn’t feel like he’s gotten any better yet, ‘‘I think and dream a lot about blood and murder. It’s very vampire-y. There’s not a single day that I don’t feel the thirst for blood. I may think it’s gross, but I can’t do anything about it’’. He claims he thinks about Anna and Camilla frequently, ‘‘I feel a little regretful sometimes. My dark side led me to a path there was no return from. I can understand what I’ve done and why. They were easy targets, it’s that simple’‘. During the interview they noticed that Lennart was talking fast and smoothly. He wasn’t hiding anything and even sounded proud when he said ‘‘I’m a vampire and a cannibal, I realize that. Sometimes I do think that it’s an awful thing to feel thirst for blood’‘.
‘‘I have it good here. Nowadays I’m allowed to be around the other patients. During the first year I was locked in my room and isolated’‘ he said, ‘‘I also have daily telephone contact with my family, and sometimes they come to visit me. The doctors say it’s good that I’m not thirsty for blood constantly. But if you’re a vampire then you’re a vampire, there’s nothing to do about it’‘.
In 2013 Lennart’s condition had been stabilized through medication, but was still considered to have a high risk of committing violent crimes if released. The compulsory psychiatric care was to be continued.
There are no recent public news about what or how Lennart is doing now.
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atsvensson · 4 years
Frikännande dom för dubbelmord i Sätra
Frikännande dom för dubbelmord i Sätra
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se-mats · 5 years
Sätra subway station
Sätra subway statioin, Sweden, and its surroundings
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stansage · 7 years
Stansage studio in #sätra #sagerecords #musically https://youtu.be/E3VvkJLdDM0 (at Ottossons Städ)
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