delicatevalentine · 2 years
blank space » team flood (finale)
Blank had been worrying her for what felt like days now, although the unusual circadian flow in this realm made it difficult to judge. It began with just a few offhand comments about the dangers of the living world. Then came the guilt-tripping remarks about how everybody left them, in the end. Then, the casual questions about whether they might consider staying. And finally, it became an insistence. 
“I, Perses, will protect you.” 
And with that, Hilda knew there was no reasoning to be done. 
Because Blank’s -- Perses’? -- protection looked a lot like brute force. 
Hilda didn’t want to hurt him. In their time here, she had grown fond of the peculiar amnesiac. She would have even considered bringing him with them, if that was what he wanted. But if he was the only thing standing between her and finally returning home... Well, she had no choice. 
She swung. 
[ Hilda attacks Perses using Freikugel. Roll: 13 — Hit! -4HP ] [ Perses HP:  50 → 46 ]
And as she suspected, Blank didn’t seem to have any reservations against hitting them back. 
[ Perses counterattacks using Again the Martyr. Roll: 17 — Crit! -4HP ] [ Hilda HP: 10 → 6 ] [ Hilda is inflicted with -4 dexterity and -2 avoid until Round 3 - Player Phase. ]
A wave of magic engulfed her before she could escape from its range. A jagged knife of ice was born from the ground. The force of its emergence sent Hilda stumbling to the ground. She looked up in despair, just in time to catch a glimpse of the frozen shard that was headed straight for her. It sliced into her forehead and sent waves of pain through her whole body. Blood dripped down into her eyes, obscuring her vision. 
“Blank... Perses...” she said weakly. “Please...”
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nagargent · 2 years
they forgot to leave us clues!
scavenger hunt: 1 plank of wood, sheet of cloth or bundle of herbs per post!
Their group splits up fairly swiftly, faster than Julia can ascertain her bearings and decide what to do with herself. She prefers to take her time, think things through. The abyss looked frankly terrifying, she wasn’t a particularly strong swimmer and if she was being truly honest she was probably too soft-hearted to go hunting. No, it’s probably for the best that she searched around for any materials they could use to set up camp.
About to set off alone, she notices another person lingering alone. A young girl, with shining turquoise eyes.
“Hello there. Are you unoccupied?” Julia asks tentatively with a light tap on the girl’s shoulder. Smiles to try and set them both at ease, although she wouldn’t like to guess how well that was working. “My name is Julia. I was going to look around and see if I can find anything useful. You’re welcome to join me, if you’d like. Hopefully, with two of us working together we’ll collect twice as much!”
Julia holds her hand out, waiting for the green-haired girl to take it if she pleases. Which is when she spots something laying on the water-logged grown beneath their feet. Greenery, sprouting beneath the cracks. Edible too, if she’d correctly identified the plant. What a lucky find! She bends down, reaching to pull out as much as she can without disturbing the roots beneath. Oen day they’d grow back and surely aid another lost soul.
“Looks like we’re off to a good start. They’ll need to be dried out first but these herbs are edible. Pretty tasty, too!”
@ninocence (+1 bundle of herbs)
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delicatevalentine · 2 years
it’s a piece of cake to make a pretty base » team flood
Welp! Whatever the case, your first priority should probably be to finagle some manner of base camp, as well as rations, right?
1 Post = 1% of Progress (Max 20%)  Requires 1 Plank or 1 Sheet of Cloth per post
As Hilda wandered back towards camp, she saw that they had made little progress with the actual base construction. It appeared that some of the group had already split off to investigate other aspects of the landscape and had yet to return with the necessary materials. 
“Hm! Well, not to worry. Felix and I had a little luck over there.” She tugged on the piece of sturdy cloth that was still sticking out of his pocket and held it up to the present team members triumphantly. With a flourish, she laid it down on the ground, then stared at it with a thoughtful expression as though she expected it to pop up into a fully-formed tent. It did not. 
“Well, every little helps!” she said cheerfully, her eyes already wandering for another excuse to avoid work.
-1 piece of cloth +1% camp construction — 1% @pheraean @artificidel @aegisshieded @nagargent @disgracedvessel @cursedbluebird @ninocence @etoilerrante @shadoll @nabataprophet @grimstalkr
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