#ryuko layouts
suginami-division · 2 years
Sazanka Zombeez Drama Track 2 - Fantasim Exorcism
Part 2
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【 Outside, Broken Down Manor 】
Standing outside the client’s given address, Shuu stared in awe of the large worn down gate that guarded the traditional Japanese home he had been assigned to investigate. It was seemingly built in the middle of the woods, just past a large field of unidentified plots of farmland. From what Shuu was able to uncover, before the home was sold to the people who the client bought it from, they sold the client’s land to some nearby farmers. And judging from how it looked, the land that was sold was doing a lot better compared to the property around the manor. Looking at the gate, the concrete walls were chipping away slowly from the years of harsh weather it had faced. The bold blue shades of the gate’s tiles flaked and only one of the two lanterns that lined either side of the gate’s wooden doors flickered.
Shuu couldn’t help but be nervous. The very manor just screamed haunted. If a child wandered into the woods and found this manor, no doubt, would they turn and run the other direction. But being a rational, clear-headed adult, Shuu knew that there was no way a ghost would actually reside within those gates… Right?
Ryuko: Hey, Shuu. We’re here.
As requested, Ryuko Umemoto showed up to the address right as the clock struck midnight. In tow with him, was the unexpected face of Professor Maki, looking surprisingly excited to be there.
Ryuko: Why the hell is this place up in the mountains? Couldn’t you have picked a better fucking place to do this?
Shuu: Sensei?! What are you doing here?
Ryuko: You little shit, you ignoring me…?
Maki: Oh, Ryuko here told me about your story and asked if I could ba-
Suddenly, Maki was jabbed in the side by Ryuko. Coughing, Maki corrected himself.
Maki: He asked if I was interested in joining the little adventure. I know a bit of this area’s history, so I figured it would be fun to visit an estate that’s been here for… Well, I would assume a century or so, but will just have to see, won’t we?
Shuu: Aren’t you worried about the ghost hunting part?
Maki: Nonsense. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. A figment of poor, overworked men, hm?
Shuu: How do you… Nevermind. Look, I brought Ryu-Ryu to protect me! So you gotta do some stuff too! Help me out on the investigation!
Maki: If you say so, Mr. Detective. I’ll do my best.
Ryuko: Hurry up and get this shit going. We don’t have all night.
Shuu: Okay! Let’s go catch us a ghost~!
【 Interior, Broken Down Manor 】
Now that the men have entered the mansion, the trio creeped through the halls cautiously. Well, to a degree. Having only brought two flashlights, Shuu was leading the pack with his own torch whilst reading a map of the house’s layout which the client had so graciously offered. Behind him, Ryuko and Maki stuck close together, with Maki grasping the torch and admiring the worn down halls and Ryuko seeming on edge (more so than usual).
The halls and the rooms were terribly deteriorated. While some rooms and halls seemed to be under construction with wall either filled in or completely rebuilt, others appeared to be voraciously consumed by the nature which surrounded the building. Shuu would stop at each room, take a quick walk of the space, before crossing it off and moving onto the next one.
Ryuko: So… We’re just doing a runthrough of some abandoned house?
Shuu: Mhm. Pretty much.
Ryuko: Did you really have to call us over here just for this?
Shuu: Well duh. Client said people have been attacked in here?
Ryuko: And you fucking dragged me out here to get jumped?
Shuu: Possibly~!
Ryuko: Hey, whAT THE-
Maki: Now, now. It’s not all bad. You must admit, it’s fascinating to see how the house had been reclaimed by the woods.
Flashing his light on one crumbling wall with roots ensnaring it within, Maki gently brushed it with his hand and smiles.
Maki: It’s as if we stumbled upon some ancient ruins, long forgotten by our ancestors.
Ryuko: You say that as if we’re Indiana Jones exploring the lost City of Gold or something.
Maki: Well, isn’t it strange though?
At this point their discussion had caught the attention of the detective as well, making him turn to flash his light at the brothers.
Shuu: Strange? What’s strange?
Maki: This place. I can tell renovations are being done here, but it still seems as though this place hasn’t been abandoned long enough for these plants to grow in the home. Just take a look at this.
Flashing his light into a nearby room, Maki pointed out the ceiling light that stayed just out of reach from the plants that seemed to crawl in from the window.
Maki: Electricity became popular in the early 20th century, but these installments look to be from at least the 19XXs… Maybe later.
Ryuko: Your fucking point being?
Maki: It’s not too farfetched for plants to ruin a home’s infrastructure over time. But for trees to spread from inside the estate rather than outside…
Again, Maki points his light to another room, away from the outside with different small trees somehow taking root in the dirt-covered tatami floor.
Maki: …I’d be inclined to believe there is something bringing things into here.
The air in the room chills at Maki’s hypothesis. At least, it seems like it does for Ryuko, the only person who seems to be comically perturbed by Maki. But before Ryuko can shout out a vulgarly decorated question, Shuu lets out a shrill scream. In turn, the brothers look to Shuu, who’s standing at the door to a room.
Ryuko: What?! What the fuck did you find?!
With a wink and a little shit-eating grin, Shuu laughs out.
Shuu: Sorry, I got spooked by a spider.
Pointing his light upward, Shuu shows the two the aforementioned arachnid dangling from the ceiling in front of Shuu’s face.
Shuu: You do bring up a good point though, Maki! To be honest, between all the human tracks, there’s a lot of other things.
Ignoring Shuu and Maki’s apparent interest in the forestation of the structure, Ryuko opted to charge at Shuu, grabbing him the the collar while the hanging spider hung between them.
Ryuko: Hey, cut this shit out! You’ve been ignoring me since we gotten here. You think this is some kind of-
Without hesitation, Shuu simply lets out a puff of air, letting the spider drift smack into Ryuko’s face. With a screech, Ryuko drops Shuu to free his hands so that he could quickly remove the spider from his face. All Shuu can do is laugh at the animator’s predicament. However, Maki found none of it amusing, instead sighing at Shuu like a disappointed parent.
Ryuko: You fucker! You wanna fucking go?!
Shuu: Oops, I made Ryuko angry~
As soon as Shuu uttered those words in a teasing manner, the white-haired man lunged at the blonde, only to be dodged. Laughing at Ryuko’s newfound energy, Shuu sprinted down to the end of the hall, before turning around to shout at Ryuko.
Shuu: If you’re so angry, why don’t you come get me? Teach me a lesson, why don’tcha?
With that, Ryuko charges at Shuu like a madman. The two take off into the darkness, leaving behind an exasperated Maki.
Maki: Well…
Looking around, Maki saw that as they goofed off, he was left with only one thing to do.
Maki: Let’s go see the garden. Usually places like this have beautiful garden either to the side or in the center of the home…
On his own, Maki wandered the halls, admiring the manor and what it had made together with mother nature. Although the darkness of the night made for an incredibly uneasy atmosphere, he couldn’t help but be at ease with the foliage around him.
Finding the garden wasn’t very hard. In fact, as Maki walked closer and closer to the garden center that stood in the middle of the house, he couldn’t help but notice how familiar all the halls and rooms were. Each of them visited before they had split up… Almost as if Shuu had intentionally avoided coming to the garden. As Maki stopped and stood at the tattered sliding door that lead out, he was interrupted by a haunting groan, followed by a shrill scream…
ー Elsewhere, in the Manor ー 
Out of breath, the lesser in shape of the two was left behind in the dark. Exactly the last place, the shamefully scared ex-gangster, Ryuko didn’t want to be. Being not that great with horror and spooks, this building was exactly the last place he wanted to spend a night. But with how hopeless Shuu was, what choice did he have? Now that the petite man was completely out of sight after hearing that frankly, horrifying scream, Ryuko was left in the dark, alone, and unprepared.
Ryuko: Shiiit… Hey, assholes! Where the hell did you guys go?
No response. Exactly what he wanted. Slowly, Ryuko went through the hall. Without the light of the flashlights, it was difficult to simply walk around without stumbling over a root or a loose piece of concrete. The entire place, without a light, was a deathtrap for Ryuko.
Ryuko: I’m going to murder Shuu for ditching me… Maki too.
Suddenly, a loud grunt echoes from behind Ryuko. As he freezes in place, the man slowly turns around, only to be greeted by a pair of glowing eyes.
Ryuko: Oh, fuck no.
Staying absolutely still, Ryuko looked at the thing dead in the eyes. His head lowering slightly, the animator watched as the eyes did the same, lowering slowly down to the ground. That’s when it suddenly bolted straight towards Ryuko. 
Ryuko: Bring it, you demonic piece of shit.
Under his breathe his mumbled threats were overshadowed by the thunderous thudding of footsteps quickly approaching him. Closer and closer it got, seemingly having horns pointed directly at Ryuko like some man was running at him with a dozen knives. And in and instant, Ryuko would swivel on his feet, dodging the mysterious weaponry and connecting his fist to the side of the glowing figure’s eyes.
With a thud, the thing was knocked out.
ー Elsewhere, in the Manor (Again) ー 
Having heard a scream in the darkness, Shuu was quick to sprint ahead of Ryuko. He knew Maki was left alone, possibly helpless on his own. Ryuko could handle himself, Shuu knew that. Maki was another situation altogether, so when Shuu had found the much larger man leaned against the wall, breathing heavily Shuu couldn’t help but worry.
Shuu: Maki! What happened?! Are you okay?!
No offense to Shuu, but Maki did not appreciate having Shuu suddenly appear. The detective’s loud shouting, together with the fright he just experienced all combining into a small panic… It was making it hard for the professor to breathe properly. At least, Shuu was quick to catch on, lowering his voice to softer tone, still showing his concern.
Shuu: I’m sorry. Look, let’s get out of here. I can come back and do this on my own…
Surprisingly, Maki shook his head. Although it was hard to actually speak at this point, he was able to shakily point a light to the open door to the garden. Illuminated there was
Bright eyes,
Large, sharp antlers,
A very large, very angry,
It has it’s head lowered, as though to charge at the two in that very moment.
Shuu: Hey hey hey… Sensei, why couldn’t you have warned me…!
Right as Shuu screamed it out, the deer charged forward. Doing his best to save the situation, Shuu shoved Maki out of the way, the two of them collapsing on the floor. And on cue, Ryuko appeared, looking incredibly disheveled and beaten up.
Ryuko: There you are, you assholes!
Shuu: Ryuko! Save us!
Taking one look at the deer, who seemingly had gotten stuck in the wall by it’s antlers, the man saw it as an opportunity to avoid getting into more fights. So, he quickly runs to the two, helping the wheezing Maki up and shouting at Shuu.
Ryuko: Fuck that! Let’s get out of here!
Uplifting the giant silvery-haired man, Ryuko supported Maki and started to lead him out. However, Shuu didn’t seem to be following along. In fact, as Ryuko turned his head over his shoulder, Shuu looked to be holding a camera, walking back at a snail’s pace.
Ryuko: Hey, what the fuck are you doing?!
Seemingly in bad timing, the muscled animal unlodged itself from the wall, shaking it’s head and turning to the trio. Immediately, Shuu seemed to recognize the danger he was in and started to turn, running towards the brothers to catch up.
Shuu: Okay, I got my real evidence! Let’s get outta here!!
And onto his face, Shuu tripped and fell. In a knee-jerk reaction Ryuko snarled and stopped helping poor Maki, who seemed to be able to stand on his own fine, although the teacher was slowly hobbling for the exit. Shuu scrambled to sit upright, facing the charging deer in absolute terror in his eyes when suddenly, another figure appeared in the area and slammed into the side of the charging buck.
To everyone, but mostly Ryuko’s surprise, the ‘demon’ or rather the other stag which Ryuko had punched out had interrupted the oncoming attack in favor of assaulting the other deer. Soon, the two animals were facing each other, slamming their antlers together in a vicious fight.
The moment was perfect. Yanking the detective to his feet, Ryuko quickly dragged Shuu and his brother out of the manor, the three of them running as far away from the wood covered home.
【 Alert Private Investigative Agency 】
Several days have passed since their romp in the dilapidated manor. The three of them are relaxing in Shuu’s office, with Maki calmly drinking some tea and Ryuko reclined back in the other couch. Shuu stood by his desk, talking on the phone excitedly before hanging up. With a slam of the wooden surface, making both men jump at the loud disturbance, Shuu excitedly shouts out loud.
Shuu: We solved the case!
Shuu: Oops, sorry for spooking you Ryu-chan~
Ryuko: I thought I make it crystal fucking clear, I don’t like getting… 
Maki: Scared stiff? It’s really not that difficult to do, brother dear. You’ve always been a jumpy person since we were little.
Shuu: Aww! Little scaredy-cat Ryu-Ryu~!
Ryuko: Shut the fuck up. Both of you.
Both of them couldn’t help but laugh at how embarrassed Ryuko was at their teasing.
Shuu: No, but I’m serious! They took our evidence and accounts and they were able to find the deer in the mansion and take them away.
Maki: Take them away, you say?
Maki couldn’t help but glower at Shuu’s words, but the detective was quick to clarify.
Shuu: They’re being taken to a care center for wild animals. One deer needs some treatment after being punched in the face…
Looking at Ryuko, the ex-gangster could only shrug, seemingly saying with his body-language that it had what was coming for it.
Shuu: But! They’re in trusted hands.
Maki: That’s… Good to hear, Mr. Detective.
Shuu: Right? I might have had a hand in that. I mean, as soon as Ichigo heard about our adventure, she wanted to see them at the center she likes to frequent so… It all worked out in the end!
Ryuko: So. No demons or ghosts. Just some pissed off deer?
Shuu: Yup! I mean, it was easy to tell from the moment you stepped into the house.
Both men looked at the smaller one in confusion.
Ryuko and Maki: Easy?
Shuu: Yeah! The entire place was covered in animal tracks, I just couldn’t make out what specifically with all the human footprints mixed in! Plus some of the walls seemed to worn down by some sort of tool such as, I don’t know… Antlers? I know some deer do that to mark territory, so I just figured some big animal was in there. I just needed to find it. And we did! Even if it was super scary~
The men seemed to be speechless. Shuu’s laughter about the situation died down, a concerned expression donning his features once the awkward silence had settled in.
Shuu: Eh? I thought at least Maki had figured it out. With his theory and all…
Maki: No, I was assuming a squirrel, maybe even some birds had taken nesting there. Usually they’re the sort of animal to bring invasive plants to places and drop them.
Shuu: Really? I mean, I guess I see how you could assume-
Leaping over the arm of the couch, Ryuko started to slowly approach Shuu with a scary look. Immediately, Shuu began to babble.
Shuu: I-I mean, I told you my evidence? I guess I failed to mention about the weird noises and then the neighboring farmers who bought the farming land around the property complaining about their crop being eating and-pLEASE DON’T BE ANGRY AT ME!
Slowly, Ryuko raised a hand and set it down on Shuu’s shoulder. A stern expression on his face, he grumbled out in a vaguely threatening tone.
Ryuko: Next time you invite me to this shit, you’re paying me extra. Got it?
Shuu: Absolutely! I p-promise…
The End
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cakezitos · 3 years
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¥600 горячий ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏🌶
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ichosogf · 3 years
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⌕ ˓  ryuko layouts ⌗
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xi4ngling · 3 years
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svzalulu · 3 years
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𖤐 ꒰ M3SSY L4Y0UTS ꒱ ↻ / ♡ if you save!
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mi6sumi · 3 years
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daisyachi · 4 years
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( R3Q )
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daidai · 3 years
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Mako ( ◜‿◝ )
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shutterandpencil · 3 years
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“I Love Lemon”
Well, with nothing to do, she wakes up later in the morning, however, lemon tea was involved. Perhaps, she could use a bit more extra boost.
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bakwc4t · 4 years
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eun-bin · 4 years
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ㅤ ㅤㅤ⌕ ˒ㅤ kpop girls + anime layouts ^_^
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ryukodragon · 5 years
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Some rough poses/layout made for my portfolio! Naptime for psychic cats~
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rachenfv · 5 years
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ಌꦿ▒⃟꩓᪵῾ེ⃔⃠red anime packs
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requests are open!!
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xi4ngling · 3 years
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🍊 🧀 🍜 Emo Characters W Emo Hair .ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ
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amo-ridere · 4 years
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"How we see Ryuuko vs How Satsuki sees Ryuuko" See, Satsuki sees Ryuuko, as a baby with emphasis on "baby", something precious and needing protection, while, though she is indeed smol and precious (being a chibi), Ryuuko can hold her own just fine and is quite independent, on top of being a year younger than her Big Sis #killlakill #nendography #RyukoMatoi #SatsukiKiryuin #Funny #chibiryuko #nendoroiddoll #nendoroid #rement #rementbaby #IGlayout https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjDH00p3fA/?igshid=vzvciwml4htl
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createinfinity · 5 years
‘  yes,  i remember my wings breaking  &  being destroyed.  i was powerless to stop it. ‘ - Hawks @ Ryuko? - @aidonneus
growling suggestions
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“Are you alright?”
The words come before she can think about it, her body moving on instinct too. She wraps her arms around Hawks and brings him close, stroking his wings gently. He seems to be in one piece, but she’s worried about him. She wants him to be okay.
Ryuko presses a gentle kiss to his lips. “Do you want me to get anything for you?”
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