#ryuga x king
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beybladefanboy · 8 months ago
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King? The "genuine bey king"? I prefer to call him "Dragon Emperor Consort."
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maukiki1-but-cringefail · 8 months ago
ts one for the gays
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yeonchi · 11 months ago
Kisekae Insights #48: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 6 - After Quartzer
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Starting with W before continuing from Gaim onwards, each Rider series has featured post-series direct-to-video specials known as V-Cinemas, which serve as epilogues or side stories to the main series. In some cases, series have been known to receive streaming-exclusive specials on the Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club years after the series ended. Such specials typically feature new Riders or new forms for existing Riders, and of course, this series is no exception.
There are two blocks of post-series specials, each consisting of a longer and shorter special, that were released in November and December 2022. These specials are set in the new world created by Sougo after the destruction of the main series timeline, with all characters being recreated in the new world. The first block features major crossovers with highlighted franchises (featuring their respective opening themes at the start) while the second block consists of adaptations of the two TTFC Rider Time miniseries written by Chris Chibnall Toshiki Inoue.
Let’s jump into the post-series specials for Zi-O and the true ending for my personal project.
Decade vs Sea Princesses: Revenge of Quartzer
Adapted from Kamen Rider Genms -The Presidents- and -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-.
Unlike the other specials, this special is set in the main timeline instead of the new world created by Sougo.
The Quartzer Riders continue to run rogue in the main timeline despite the defeat of their commanders. The Decade Riders, allying with Shugo, OOO, Birth and the non-Quartzer affiliated Salacian Riders, are tasked with suppressing the rogue Riders. Suddenly, Daniel Camielez (Ryuki) is afflicted with the Game Disease, causing a Bugster Kuroto Dan to emerge from his body. As a result of this, Daniel transforms into Ryuga instead of Ryuki. Genm defeats Ryuga and infects the Salacian Quartzer Riders, turning them into zombies under his control. After Ryuga is defeated, Dark Daniel (who is able to act independently from his host) separates from his body and covers the Salacian Riders’ escape.
In another battlefield, Decade and Diend are fighting the Quartzer Riders alongside Shugo Guardian Form (based on Den-O Liner Form), OOO Yadopangaru Combo (introduced in Soulbound Series 4) and Birth X. Akari’s rogue cousins join the battle on Quartzer’s side, only to be stopped by Accel Booster Form, Bravo King Durian Arms and Gridon Lychee Arms. The Quartzer Riders are captured and taken in by UNIT, but on the way, their cavalcade is surrounded by Zombie Gamers and the remaining Quartzer Riders are taken from it.
Hiroki and Daniel confront Kuroto alongside their allies. During the battle that ensues, Dark Daniel transforms into Ryuga Survive (a recolour of Ryuki Survive), which transforms Dragblacker into Blackranzer. As the other Riders are infected and Ryuga, Decade and Diend are defeated by Genm’s Mighty Critical Strike, time pauses and a Bugster Masamune Dan arrives to confront his son as Cronus. As the father and son argue, Daniel manages to convince the two to work together to achieve their dreams, allowing Kuroto to merge with his father and gain the Genm Musou Gashat. The new power allows Genm to summon his zombified Riders to charge at the remaining Riders; as Hiroki and Kayley transform into Decade Complete Form 21 and Diend Ultimate Complete Form and use the Gekijouban Attack Ride cards to summon all primary and secondary Riders, Daniel and Dark Daniel merge together into Kamen Rider RyukiRyugaSurvive, taking cues from EvilytyLive with the transformation pose of Kamen Rider Century.
All the Riders are released from Genm’s control as they are defeated and transformed. After Decade and Diend launch their shooting Final Attack Rides at Genm, RyukiRyugaSurvive launches the Impulse Dragon Rider Kick, which has Dragranzer and Blackranzer running laps around Genm as the combined Rider bounces off them similar to Drive’s SpeeDrop. With Kuroto’s disappearance, Daniel is cured of his Game Disease and the Quartzer Riders are forgiven since they have been punished enough already.
Zi-O vs Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rider Revolution
Adapted from Zi-O episodes 1, 49 and the Geiz Majesty special.
In the new world, Sougo Tokiwa and Akari Ichigo have become friends after their past conflicts and coincidentally, they apply to be transferred to Canterlot High. Geiz Myoukouin is transferring to Canterlot High as well while Luna Roberts is a local student living with her great-uncle Mark at the homestay house where Sougo, Akari and Geiz will be living in, also known as the clock repair shop 9TO5.
On the first day of school at Canterlot High (Sougo, Akari, Geiz and Luna are wearing the uniform), Akari quickly goes back to get her pencil case as she forgot to take it. It is at this point that Sougo, Geiz and Luna are met by Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito, who inform them of the Minato-Sugaru Rider Championships happening around the island, encouraging them to win and set off on their path to glory. At the same time, Akari finds a Genesis Driver and Lemon Energy Lockseed beside her bed and takes it with her pencil case as she is in a hurry.
At Canterlot High, the students meet Vice Principal Swartz (working alongside Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna) along with two students resembling Heure and Ora (who are also wearing uniform). Heure and Ora show the four around the school as the students are getting ready for the Rider Championships which are happening throughout the first week of school (after summer break). As Ora remarks how she hates how the championships have made everyone hostile towards each other, Sougo and the others realise that they have their own Drivers and collectables, leading Heure and Ora to tell them to enter the championships and beat everyone.
Sure enough, Sougo and his group enter the championships, which are co-hosted by Superintendent Abacus Cinch, Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep Academy, and Vice Principal Swartz. Other teams joining include Team Decade, made up of Hiroki and Kayley from the main universe, and Team Barlckxs, made up of Hiryuu Kakogawa and two obscure figures from my past; in this timeline, Luna’s parents were killed by the Matsunaga Army, whom Hiryuu was a part of, when she was eight years old.
There are a total of five rounds in the championships with 32 teams duking it out. The Rainbooms are Team Wizard, the Shadowbolts are Team Gaim and the Dazzlings are Team Faiz. To get 32 teams, some non-primary Riders, namely Meteor, Nadeshiko, Beast, Sorcerer and Wiseman, are given their own teams supplemented by monsters, while the Future Riders from the main series return, forming their own teams as well.
Throughout the first three rounds, Sougo, Geiz and Luna gradually regain their memories of the old timeline through their Ziku Drivers and Ridewatches, while Kachinebots attack the city, which are defeated by Birth X and Kaixa from the main universe. Akari loses against her opponent in the first round (against Team Gaim, though it was a two-on-one fight for each of them), but manages to defeat Equestrian Twilight Sparkle in the second round. When Geiz and Luna are defeated in the second round against Team Nadeshiko, Kazuto gives the Zi-O II Ridewatch to Sougo so he can turn the tides.
In the third round, Kazuto joins Team Zi-O as they fight Team Barlckxs. During the battle, Sougo transforms with Geiz and Kazuto into Zi-O Trinity when Luna and Akari are at risk of being defeated. It is then that Sougo, Andrew and Luna remember everything of the old timeline; as they talk to Kazuto and Akari about what they know, Kazuto reveals that the births of Gaim to Zi-O took place earlier than normal due to the Rider Championships, adding that he is also investigating who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Sure enough, it is revealed that Kensuke and Akihito are the ones pulling the strings alongside Team Barlckxs.
The fourth round is an all-out session featuring Team Zi-O and Team Decade against Team Wizard and Team Fourze, the latter side bringing their eliminated allies to the battle. In addition to Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito also join Team Zi-O to even out the numbers as Geiz and Luna are given the power of Geiz Revive and Tsukuyomi ABC. Sure enough, Team Zi-O and Team Decade are victorious and will be fighting each other in the fifth and final round.
The fifth round is fought by Sougo and Hiroki as the representatives of their teams. This round will have them running a course as Riders around the island, encountering enemies which they need to defeat before they fight each other upon finishing the course. Sougo is given the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch by Kazuto while Hiroki uses Decade Complete Form 21. During the battle, it’s shown that Decade, like Grand Zi-O, can summon Riders (final forms) by touching the card holders on his armour.
Elsewhere, Kensuke and Akihito are about to create Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi when Ora unknowingly stops them. Hiryuu throws his Revolcane-like sword at the two, but Heure manages to deflect it, making Swartz realise that they are starting to recover their Time Jacker powers. Kazuto reveals the truth to everyone; Kensuke knew that Kazuto would betray him, but Kazuto says that his loyalty has always been with his overlord and nothing more.
Kensuke, working with Kazuto and Akihito, teamed up with Changyue and Hiryuu to bribe Abacus Cinch to allow the Rider Championships to take place, then replicated all the Rider equipment from the old timeline and distributed them to those who were willing to fight in the championships. Kensuke’s objective is to take the powers of the Kamen Riders and Time Jackers so he can become the true saviour and rule over the world. It is then that Swartz betrays Kensuke as well, saying that he was secretly working with Kazuto because he would not walk the same path he did in the old timeline. Kensuke reveals that he can still steal Geiz and Tsukuyomi’s powers through the Future Note, but nothing happens when he writes in it; his abuse of the Future Note’s power to make the Rider Championships happen caused it to overload, rendering him unable to will the future.
Kensuke and Akihito transform and fight Team Zi-O alongside Team Barlckxs. After being informed of the situation, Hiroki forfeits the match so Sougo can hurry back and help his friends. Akari struggles in battle until Narutaki (from the main timeline) arrives and gives her the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed. Kensuke, Akihito and Team Barlckxs are defeated, but the former two show up again at the abandoned warehouse district. Transforming into Another Diend and Another Gold Drive, Kensuke and Akihito summon an army of Kachinebots before they are eventually defeated by the Riders, with Kayley giving Geiz the Geiz Majesty Ridewatch once again.
As the defeated Kensuke and Akihito retreat, Sougo, Geiz, Kazuto and Luna find their power-up Ridewatches disappearing. Kazuto comments that being in a new timeline doesn’t mean that they can use their strongest powers that easily, but Sougo comments that a new timeline also means a new start, meaning that they will just have to work to earn their powers again.
Team Zi-O are presented with the championship cup as the other Riders’ equipment and collectibles disappear, with the exception of Team Zi-O and Team Decade. The next week as school starts for real, Sougo, Geiz and Luna decide to have a race to see who can achieve their dream of being the demonic overlord, saviour or queen first. Akari is asked who she wants to cheer for, but she says that she wants to join the race instead, opting to become a princess since Luna already took the position of queen. Kazuto, of course, backs Sougo, just as he always has been, while he opts to chronicle this new timeline himself.
This special was designed to be a pilot to a new hypothetical series featuring Team Zi-O earning their powers again, hence why all their power-ups disappeared at the end (because they were brought in from the old timeline). The implication of Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi being created is an allusion to the Zi-O novel, where the aforementioned Another Riders alongside Another Woz were featured. The prologue was translated by revolutionpotato and nobody else has picked up the novel because they stopped posting after 2022 and nobody cares about Kamen Rider novels. The novel is a Woz-centric story, which is possibly what a Next Time Woz special could have been if Shinichirō Shirakura hadn’t nixed it with the reasoning that it wouldn’t feel like Zi-O anymore if they made it.
Decade vs Zi-O and the Game in the House of Death
A direct adaptation of its original counterpart. Where the original special featured Yusuke Onodera along with pastiches of the Time Jackers, those characters are changed to original characters as I wanted to highlight more forgotten figures from my past (though believe it or not, there have been some that I would rather stay away from).
Between scenes, the Decade Riders (save Narutaki) are in the Reading Room waiting for Hiroki to signal his location to them once he finds the new demonic overlord, the true Sougo. We also get treated to Akari talking about how she and Hiroki are a sex-positive couple.
After Narutaki reveals herself as the true identity of the masked jester, she admits that she has become tired of serving the true Sougo and would join Zi-O and the Decade Riders in the final battle against Ohma Zi-O. Zi-O gives Decade the Ninja Ridewatch because he apparently can’t use it. When Ohma Zi-O defeats the Decade Riders, though, Hiroki finds himself in the same quarry but with a jeep nearby (he ended up in a different pocket dimension).
Zi-O vs Decade and the Seven Sougos
Another direct adaptation of its original counterpart.
A week prior to this story, new world Sougo and Geiz are given Saturday detention by Vice Principal Swartz as they have been falling behind on their schoolwork due to their duties fighting monsters whereas Luna and Akari have been able to catch up. Luna volunteers to join Sougo and Geiz as well while Akari hangs out with the Rainbooms, but on the day, Luna forgot to bring her homework so she went back to get it, which caused her to end up somewhere else when Canterlot High was brought into the pocket dimension. We also learn that after the Rider Championships, humans are being transformed into various monsters thanks to something known as the Kaiju Factor.
The love plot between Sougo and Heure is changed to Heure and Ora playing Magic: The Gathering. Swartz holds a tutorial for the detention students about how to play the game, but by the end, Heure and Ora are the only ones playing. Heure’s life is spared thanks to this.
Micro Chips is shown playing the water coin drop at Sougo A’s mini-carnival, replacing the goldfish catching game from the original. Danielita and Alchemic Flower also appear in this special.
In the original versions of the last special and this one, we had a supporting character named Misa Kuon played by Rena Takeda. In the adapted versions, she is named Charlie Quander and because the actress I (hypothetically) cast for her face claim is a rising talent who is still rather obscure, I won’t go out of my way to name her. However, I will say that Charlie’s actress also plays Windy Adams, aka Kamen Rider Poseidon; I initially had her in mind for Charlie, but later on, I needed an actress for Windy and I didn’t want to bother finding a new one, so I went with Charlie’s actress and left it at that.
At night, Sougo A helps Swartz make food out of monster meat. Swartz suggests that they cook a feast the next time he checks up on Heure and Ora; Sougo questions if this is okay, to which Swartz says that it is because Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are outright having relations with students. There are also original characters named Eva Fukada, Riley White, Brandi Mikami, Johnny Katō and Carter Shimizu. Just saying.
On election day, the ballot box is knocked over, though Micro Chips manages to give his ballot to Swartz. This version highlights that it was a failed election and that Sougo A won in an undemocratic process to lampoon how it was done in the original.
As the true Sougo transforms into Ohma Zi-O, Decade gives Zi-O the Ninja Ridewatch, which allows him to transform into Decade Armor Ninja Form (based on Ninja’s Tri-Battlizer form but keeping the default Decade Armor design). Though Decade is seemingly killed in Complete Form 21 by Ohma Zi-O, he ends up in the Reading Room with his friends thanks to the recall systems they have in their vortex manipulators and Drivers.
The pocket dimension is destroyed and everyone returns to their own universes. Sougo B says his goodbyes to Sougo A before he rides back to his own universe. Since Luna was late for Saturday detention, she will be joining Sougo and Geiz for real; since Swartz sent everyone else home, Sougo, Geiz, Luna, Swartz, Ora and Heure get to work cleaning up the school. And this is where our story ends after 11 years (it would have been 10 if it weren’t for the pandemic and real life getting in the way).
And thus ends the story of Zi-O. Our final two instalments for this run will cover background information on the characters of the series and the series itself.
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years ago
Beyblade One-Shot: Glasses
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(Author’s Note: Another one-shot idea from Tumblr: what if Ryuga needed glasses but didn’t know it because he assumes that’s how everyone sees. As someone with glasses myself, I loved that idea and this one-shot was born. It takes place after Ryuga x King so don’t read it if you haven’t read that.)
Ryuga’s POV
Ryuga was sitting on the couch in the living room, trying to read a book. Right now, he was the only one home. King was at work, Kenta was out battling, and Kenta's, or rather Ryuga's parents, had been gone all day but would be home soon. This was the first day in quite a while where Ryuga had gotten the whole day to himself. It was nice. He cared for his family and all but they could be a little much, especially since he'd been adopted. They'd calmed down after a week or so but they were... ecstatic to adopt him.
Ryuga tried to focus on his book. However, the words were so small he had to hold it right in front of his face to make out what they said. He still wasn't used to reading in general. So text this small was a nightmare. Beside him, Ryuga heard the door open. He spotted two people entering out of the corner of his eye.
“Hey, son!” Kenta's dad greeted.
Ryuga acknowledged them with a nod, not looking up from his book.
“You're… really into that book I see?” He asked.
“Not really,” Ryuga admitted, turning the page.
“Why are you holding it so close to your face?” His mother asked.
“Why does it matter?” Ryuga grunted. The room fell silent. Ryuga heard footsteps right in front of him and glanced up to meet his mother's gaze.
“Ryuga, can you read this?” She held her phone up about an arm’s length away from Ryuga. He squinted, leaning forward.
“Why do you want me to read a cooking recipe?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
He guessed that was what it was from the picture at the top and it was blurry but he could somewhat make out the words ‘banana bread recipe.’
“Can you see what it says, Ryuga?” Kenta's mother asked.
“How could anyone see something that small and far away?” Ryuga grunted, sitting back.
Kenta's parents exchanged a glance.
“What?” Ryuga raised an eyebrow.
“Ryuga… Do faraway objects look blurry to you?"
Ryuga's eyes narrowed. What kind of question was that?!
“Yes, duh,” he grunted, putting his book aside.
Kenta's parents stared at each other again. His mom turned to him.
“Yeah… You need to get your eyes checked.”
Ryuga flinched. “What? Why?” He couldn't help but sound startled: that question was so out of nowhere.
“You're clearly nearsighted,” his mom explained, sitting next to him on the couch. “How long have you had these vision problems?”
“Vision problems?!” Ryuga's tone was defensive. “There's nothing wrong with my vision! I can see just fine!”
“Ryuga, a person with twenty-twenty vision could easily read this from that distance.” Kenta's mom pointed to the phone, which she still held too far for Ryuga to read.
His eyes widened. “…w-what?”
His voice came out in a breath. Ryuga had assumed that everyone had blurry vision when it came to things that were far away and he'd learned to adapt to it. He could usually guess what something was based on colour and outline. It was reading things that were far away that was a struggle for him.
“Have you… had blurry vision all your life, kiddo?" Kenta's dad asked, sitting next to him.
“I assumed it was normal,” Ryuga admitted. Why hadn't he figured this out? He used to live with someone who had glasses! How had Doji…? Ryuga froze.
“You're not going to make me get glasses are you?!” He exclaimed, turning to his mother.
She dipped her head. “Honestly, you might need them, sweetie.”
Ryuga stood up, backing away from the couch. “But I've never needed glasses before!”
“You never realized you needed them before,” his dad corrected him.
“I don't care!” He snapped. “You're not making me wear glasses!" Instantly, he whipped around and dashed toward the front door.
“Ryuga!” His parents called after him.
Ryuga ignored them as he pulled the door open and raced out of the house. Once he was out of sight, he paused to catch his breath. He clenched his jaw. Glasses?!?! His parents did a lot of strange things but making him get glasses; Ryuga didn’t realize these people were capable of angering him quite this much. He continued around the corner but walked into someone.
“Ow!” A voice exclaimed.
Ryuga’s eyes went wide as he recognized King’s voice. He gazed at him. King had fallen to the ground, dropping Variares.
“King?!” Ryuga exclaimed.
King met his gaze with wide eyes. “Ryuga! Hi!” He grabbed his bey and hopped to his feet, seemingly unfazed by his fall.
“I thought you didn't clock out until six?”
King giggled. “I got to leave early! Isn't it great?!”
Ryuga didn't reply. He looked away with a frown.
“Ryuga?” King's smile faded to be replaced by concern. “You uh… You okay, love?” He asked, taking Ryuga's hand.
“My… My parents are making me get glasses,” Ryuga grunted, gripping King's hand.
“Huh?” King tilted his head to the side. “Reading glasses? Nearsighted? Or…” He looked away, muttering to himself, “Dangit what's the other one?”
“They think I'm nearsighted,” Ryuga growled, letting go of King's hand so he could clench his fist. “Because I couldn't see what her phone said from far away.”
“How far away?” King asked, meeting his gaze.
“It doesn't matter. I'm not getting glasses.”
“Why not?”
Ryuga's eyes narrowed.
“…Ryuga, you're not gonna look any less intimidating with glasses and even if someone thought that, you could just kick their butt.”
“King, that's not the problem.”
“Why not then?”
Ryuga sighed. He might as well tell King. It was easy to talk to his boyfriend, so Ryuga found himself telling King nearly everything.
“I've gotten by without glasses for eighteen years,” Ryuga grunted. “Why should I need them now?”
“It… might make your life easier.” King smiled a bit, taking Ryuga's hands. “t's never too late to make a positive change in your life.”
"It's not positive!" Ryuga snapped, shooing King's hands away. King winced. Ryuga froze before continuing without shouting, “I don't need some stupid glasses to see. I manage fine without them.”
“Wait… This is you not wanting to depend on something, isn't it?” King's tone was accusatory. “I thought you were past that.”
That was definitely part of it, Ryuga couldn't even deny.
“That… And…” Ryuga bit back the words.
“And what?” King asked, his tone gentle.
Ryuga clenched his fist. “It's stupid.”
“What's stupid?"
“The reason.”
“How you feel isn't stupid.” King took Ryuga's hand. “Come on, I'm your boyfriend. You can tell me.”
“…I don't want to look like Doji.”
“Oh!” King staggered back, his eyes wide. Then his horror melted into sadness and unshed tears glistened in his eyes. “Oh… Ryuga…” He reached a tentative hand toward him.
“I know,” Ryuga grunted, looking away. “I know that's ridiculous.”
King fell silent. He rested his hand on Ryuga’s arm. Ryuga met his gaze. King didn’t speak for a few moments, rubbing Ryuga’s arm as he seemingly struggled to think of a reply.
Then King forced a smile. “Would it make you feel better if I said there's no way you could possibly look like him when you're so handsome?”
Ryuga flinched. “Tha- that's not… You don't even- I!” His face grew hot and he suddenly couldn’t form a sentence or even a rational thought.
King draped his arms over Ryuga’s shoulders. “You'll still look handsome with glasses, my emperor. Maybe even more handsome.”
He pressed his lips against Ryuga’s cheek. Grabbing King’s shoulders, Ryuga tilted his head to the side and leaned in for a real kiss.
“So was I helpful?” King asked as he backed out of the kiss.
Ryuga bit his lip. “I… I suppose.”
King really didn’t help, not with his response at least, but having someone he trusted listen to him did help a little. King smiled and tried to lean in for another kiss. Ryuga pressed his hand over King’s mouth.
“We shouldn’t do this in public,” Ryuga sighed.
King stepped back with a sigh. “Right…” He smiled again. “Want to go home then?”
Ryuga looked away. “Not right now.”
“Why not?”
“It’s only been a few minutes since…”
“Oh.” King apparently didn’t need Ryuga to continue. “Okay, wanna just… go for a walk then?”
Ryuga dipped his head. King and Ryuga made their way out of the neighbourhood and out toward the forest.
“So… how's work been going for you?” King asked, taking Ryuga's hand.
Ryuga stared at him. “I don't have a job?”
“Well yeah but you've taken a few of those blader for hire jobs. How are those?”
“They're okay,” Ryuga replied. All the jobs so far had been boring but it was nice having his own money to spend.
“You thinking it could be a career?” King asked with a smile. Ryuga just shrugged. “‘Cause I don't wanna be the only one of us with a job and I don't think you'd wanna be a house husband.”
“Husband?” Ryuga's face reddened as he raised an eyebrow. “Who said we were getting married?”
“W-well…” King giggled, resting his hand on the back of his neck. “I didn't mean right now or… or even soon. Just like… one day. I'd like to.”
Ryuga froze. He couldn't deny that he wanted a life with King but was marriage really necessary? Besides, there was one problem with that.
“Is… that even legal?” Ryuga asked, biting his lip.
“Er… I… n-nevermind.” King fell silent.
Ryuga and King walked together for a while longer before it started to get dark. They made their way back toward the house. When they got there, Kenta’s parents were sitting in the living room, seemingly waiting for them, while Kenta was sitting in the kitchen gazing at his Sagittario. 
“Ryuga…” Kenta’s mother met his gaze.
Ryuga glared at her. “What?” he growled, clenching his fist. King shut the door behind them, slipping past Ryuga and walking away.
Kenta’s dad gazed at him with uncertainty. “Are you…?”
“Still mad?” Ryuga cut him off. “Yes.”
“…I was going to say 'okay,'” Kenta’s dad replied. “Are you okay?”
Kenta’s mom bit her lip. “Do you… want to talk about-”
“Okay, well you're still getting glasses.” His mother’s tone was stern and her eyes narrowed. “You need them, Ryuga.”
Ryuga bit back a growl. “Whatever,” he sighed, his gaze dropping to the floor.
“Wait what's happening?” Kenta looked up, his eyes wide. “Ryuga's getting glasses?”
“He’s nearsighted,” his mother explained, dipping his head.
“They think I'm nearsighted,” Ryuga grunted, walking toward his room.
“Kiddo, I'm sure the optician will say the same thing,” Kenta's dad replied.
Ryuga rolled his eyes instead of replying.
“We scheduled your appointment for next week,” Kenta’s mother informed, “I know it upsets you but you need-”
Ryuga whipped around. “I don’t want to talk about it!” He snapped. Kenta’s mother winced, instantly stabbing Ryuga’s heart with guilt. “I… I need some space,” he muttered, opening the door to the basement and instantly closing it behind him.
Ryuga walked down the stairs slowly. He wanted to run: he wanted to get to the safety of his room as quickly as possible, and not even risk his parents or brother trying to talk to him right now. Even talking to his boyfriend sounded overwhelming right now. Wait… his boyfriend!
Ryuga stopped at the foot of the stairs, peeking around the corner. King was sitting in the far corner. His gaze was fixed on his phone and his legs were right up against his chest. Ryuga sighed and walked into the room. King gazed up at him, his blue eyes wide with anxiety. Without a word, Ryuga laid down on the bed, rolling onto his side and tugging the blanket over himself.
“Should I… um…” King’s tone was cautious. “Sleep on the couch tonight?”
“Please,” Ryuga muttered, closing his eyes. “I need space.”
King let out a sigh. Ryuga heard him stand up and walk toward him.
“Alright.” King’s voice was surprisingly close to him. “Goodnight, love.”
“Goodnight,” Ryuga replied.
And with that, King left the room.
Later that week, Ryuga endured the terribly boring process of getting a prescription. In all honesty, he forgot most of it. All he really remembered was looking through several different lenses, some of which made his vision clearer than glass and sharper than a blade. Like the things he saw through the lenses were far closer than they really were. It was startling.
Now he was sitting at home with Kenta and King, watching Yugioh. They had all had a long day of battling and wanted to catch King up on Yugioh GX, also known as the best Yugioh show. So far, that is. Apparently, there were seven Yugioh shows… Ryuga was going to be trapped watching this show for the rest of his life at this point. He just couldn’t stop himself.
Across the room, the front door suddenly opened. Ryuga glanced over his shoulder.
“Hey kiddos,” Kenta’s parents greeted as they walked in, closing the door behind them.
“Hi mom! Hi dad!” Kenta greeted cheerfully.
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. His parents being home now could only mean one thing…
“How have your days been?” Kenta’s dad asked, grabbing some kind of case from his bag.
Ryuga tuned them out, glaring at the ground. He knew what they’d done. He just wanted them to get the pleasantries out of the way and give him the stupid things already so he could get it out of the way.
“Oh, here, Ryuga.” Kenta’s dad took a step toward Ryuga, holding a little case in front of him. “We got your glasses.”
Ryuga popped the case open and sure enough, inside there was a pair of black, rectangular glasses. He flinched. These glasses… looked so much like… like… Ryuga shook his head. Looking away, he took the temples of the glasses in his fingers.
“Aren't you gonna try them on?” Kenta's mother prompted.
Ryuga glanced up. Everyone was staring at him expectantly. He let out a sigh; there was no getting out of this. Unfolding the glasses, he closed his eyes and practically plopped them on his face. He blinked his eyes open. Instantly, he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening. Before everything blurred together. Now every shape and colour popped out at him at once and he could make out every little detail as if it were all right in front of him. He could see everyone’s eyes on him. So clear and bright… despite his parents being several steps away.
“Well…?” Kenta’s dad prompted after a while of silence. “See any better, kiddo?”
“Can you see my handsomeness better?” King asked, from beside him.
*I was always able to see that.*
“It's… different.” Ryuga’s voice came out in a breath. He didn’t know how else to really describe it other than detailed. *Does everyone see this well? Have I really been at a disadvantage all my life?!*
“So they're working?” Kenta’s mother grabbed her phone. “Here, what does this say?” she asked, holding her phone up.
Despite being a noticeable distance away, Ryuga could clearly read the words on her screen.
His eyes narrowed. “Mom, stop making me read your cooking recipes.”
“It's baking and it's just an example,” Kenta's mom insisted.
“Here, read this.” Kenta grabbed a card out of his pocket. Standing up off the couch, he took a few steps back to stand beside his mother and held up the card.
Ryuga let out a sigh. “Winged Kuriboh. If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the graveyard: for the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage. There, happy now, Kenta?”
Kenta stared at him with bright awed eyes.
His mother glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “You had him read a Yugioh card? Really?”
Ryuga raised an eyebrow at her. “You had me read a cooking recipe. Really?”
“What's the difference?!”
“Well, the glasses seem to work,” Kenta's dad cut in cheerfully.
“How do they… feel?” King asked, his tone cautious.
“They ‘feel’ like glasses.” Ryuga stood up, gripping the ends of the glasses in his fingers. “Do I have to wear these things all the time?”
Kenta’s mother nodded. “You should. At least outside of the house.”
“But we'd prefer if you wore them at home as well,” his father added sternly.
Ryuga frowned. “Dad, that's not necessary.”
“It'll be better for your eyes if you wear them regularly,” he insisted. Worry slipped into his tone.
Kenta’s mom let out a sigh. “Can you at least do it for us, Ryuga?”
“Ugh, fine, whatever.” Ryuga turned away.
“Thank you, sweetie.”
Ryuga clenched his fists. He knew he could never quite hate his parents but this was probably the closest he had gotten in a while. Sure these glasses helped him but it wasn’t help he needed or wanted. And these glasses… they even looked like the ones Doji had worn! Of course, Ryuga couldn’t really see the glasses themselves when they were on his face but that reminder alone made him sick to his stomach. His eyes widened.
Turning away, he went downstairs to be alone and more importantly… He stopped beside the mirror. Ryuga’s head was hung low, the glasses nearly sliding off his face. Shaking, he raised his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted his reflection. Ryuga turned around.
The dark glasses popped out at him and suddenly, all he could see was Doji's cold gaze staring him down. Ryuga jerked back. He yanked the glasses off, closing his eyes in a desperate attempt to block out the images to no avail. Harsh cold laughter echoed in his ears. Ryuga barely bit back a yelp as a bout of shivering wracked his body.
Ryuga whipped around, his heart pounding out of his chest. King was at the foot of the stairs. *When did he get there?!* Silently, Ryuga placed the glasses on the dresser and sat down on the bed. King sat down next to him.
“Ryuga, you look nothing like him." King's tone was firm. "You’re nothing like him in any way."
“I know… I just…” Ryuga trailed off. He knew it was baseless fear but he couldn't help it.
King scooted a little closer, resting his hand on Ryuga’s shoulder.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asked softly.
Ryuga dipped his head. King sighed and wrapped his arms around Ryuga. He also rubbed him a bit in an attempt to comfort him though to Ryuga, just having him here was enough.
Despite what his parents told him, Ryuga didn't wear his glasses all the time. He only wore them around his parents. They couldn't enforce it when they weren't around, despite Kenta and King making it no secret that Ryuga wasn't always wearing them. He didn't care. In his mind, he had good reasons not to wear them. He didn't want to be reminded of Doji, he didn't want others to question him, and he didn't want to become dependent on them. Because as much as he hated to admit, the glasses did help him see.
Ryuga made his way upstairs, clutching L-Drago. Kenta and King were both on the couch, their gazes fixed on their respective beys.
“Kenta, King,” Ryuga prompted.
Kenta looked up from his bey.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” he replied, getting to his feet.
“Same!” King called, raising his hand. “Let’s go kick some bey!”
Ryuga nodded and pushed open the door. All three of them were about to go to a tournament today. A tournament that by Gingka’s description, ‘everyone you’ve ever known’ would be battling in which was Gingka’s way of saying ‘I know way more people than you do but you’ll recognize all of these people.’ Still, it meant there would be strong, possibly legendary, bladers participating. So Ryuga was excited.
“Hold it!” Ryuga was barely out the door when his mother called after him.
He looked over his shoulder. “What?”
“Ryuga…” She sounded disappointed. “Your glasses.”
Ryuga frowned. Taking them out of his pocket, he put the glasses on without breaking eye contact.
His mother smiled. “Thank you.”
Turning away, Ryuga walked out the door. Kenta and King followed. Once they were out of sight of the house, Ryuga took the glasses off and stashed them in his jacket pocket.
“Ryuga!” Kenta protested.
“I always battle without them,” Ryuga grunted, zipping his jacket. “I’ll be fine.”
Inwardly though, Ryuga was a bit nervous. This tournament wasn’t being held in the usual stadium: it was being held in a stadium Ryuga had never been to and thus wasn’t used to. Without optimal vision, battling could be a struggle, especially against someone like King, Kyoya, or Kenta.
King rested his hand on Ryuga’s shoulder. “Remember, if you put them on and your opponent judges you, just kick their butt.”
Ryuga smiled a bit. The three of them fell silent as they made their way to the stadium: a bigger newer stadium that towered over them like a coliseum. King and Kenta stopped outside, gazing in awe at it. Ryuga could tell it was big and he could see a blur of blue and white. He squinted. However, it didn’t help anything become clearer.
“Ryuga!” King wrapped his arms around Ryuga. “You’ve got to see this!”
Ryuga frowned. There were people around them, some random people passing by on the sidewalks with others waiting in front of the stadium. Ryuga recognized many of them even from a distance. Gingka was with Madoka, Tsubasa, Yu, and Reiji, along with two boys, one blond and one brunet, that Ryuga vaguely recognized as legendary bladers. Ryuga didn’t want any of them seeing him with glasses.
“I can see it now,” Ryuga replied, stepping toward the crowd of bladers.
Gingka’s eyes lit up at the sight of him. “Ryuga! You made it!”
The others looked up at Ryuga, their reactions ranging from happiness to fear. Madoka and Yu both smiled. Reiji hid behind Tsubasa, who gazed in concern. The brunet and blond that Ryuga didn’t care to remember the names of stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Hey, guys!” King greeted with a wave.
“Hi!” Kenta added, bouncing forward.
“Hi King! Hi Kenta!” Gingka greeted, shaking their hands.
King turned to Tsubasa. “Reiji, you can come out,” he prompted, holding out his hand.
Reiji cautiously peeked out from behind Tsubasa. The eagle boy frowned.
“Say hi to your friend,” Tsubasa replied, walking out of the way.
Reiji stiffened. “Hi King,” he greeted, taking King’s hand. With his other hand, he pushed his hair out of his face to meet King’s gaze.
Ryuga walked past the crowd as they all chattered amongst themselves. Eventually, the tournament began. Ryuga’s first battle was against Tsubasa. He struggled to see their beys in the huge stadium, which without glasses seemed as big as a lake, but he knew Tsubasa’s fighting style so he managed to win. Kenta and Yu had managed to defeat their first opponents as well.
Now they were watching the final battle of the first round: Gingka versus King. Gingka was a long time friend of Ryuga’s and getting to battle his ultimate rival would be nice… but Ryuga was obviously rooting for his boyfriend. He couldn’t see the stadium at all from this crowd. So he was relying on sound and Madoka’s analyses for this battle, which was at least something.
“Special move!” Gingka called, “Pegasus Cosmic Tornado!”
“Variares! King of Thundersword!”
The two blurs of light collided in an explosion. The audience shielded their faces. As the smoke began to clear, there were gasps in the crowd.
“What is it? Who won?!” Ryuga demanded, squinting and leaning forward.
The smoke had cleared but the stadium was way too far away for him to see much more than two blurs that he knew were King and Gingka. Cheers rang out from the crowd.
“It’s all over folks!” Blader DJ announced. “King wins this match!”
Ryuga shot up. “YES!” He froze, then sat back down, dipping his head.
“Delayed reaction much?” Yu asked, raising an eyebrow.
“And with that, we move onto the second round!” Blader DJ cut in. “The first match will be Ryuga versus Reiji!”
Ryuga stood up. *This shouldn’t take long…*
“Hey…” Yu spoke up. Ryuga glanced down at him. “Go easy on Rei-Rei.”
“Why?” Ryuga grunted, his eyes narrowing. He would normally scoff at a request like that but Yu sounded so nervous.
“He’s kinda scared of you,” Yu replied, “And this is his first big tournament since getting Serpent back.”
Ryuga dipped his head. He made his way down into the huge stadium, taking his place in front of it. Reiji approached much later. The snake boy walked slowly and even though he was far away, Ryuga could tell Reiji was shaking. Ryuga tried not to let his impatience show. When Reiji finally reached the stadium, Ryuga raised his launcher. Reiji froze. Then he quickly mirrored the movement.
“B-bring it, Ryuga!” Reiji’s voice quivered. He shook his head, his hair swinging over his eyes.
“Three… two… one… let it rip!”
Ryuga and Reiji launched their beys in unison.
“Dark- or- special move!”
Serpent raced toward L-Drago, a lime green glow surrounding it.
“Meet the attack L-Drago!”
Ryuga’s bey followed his command, charging toward Serpent and crashing into it with a screech. Reiji yelped in alarm as a burst of wind whacked into them. Ryuga laughed a bit. Serpent was flung back, barely landing at the edge of the stadium.
“Did you actually think you could beat me?!” Ryuga asked, grinning a bit too widely.
Reiji winced. “No…”
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. “That’s why you fail. Finish him off, L-Drago.”
L-Drago raced toward Serpent. A ball of lime green light encased Serpent right as L-Drago clashed with it. The light expanded then exploded. Ryuga staggered back, hearing Serpent race away as he shielded his eyes. He squinted. Reiji’s eyes narrowed in determination. Ryuga smiled.
Ryuga sent his bey racing after the light green streak of light that followed Serpent like the tail of a comet. Serpent smacked L-Drago from behind. Before L-Drago could retaliate, Serpent began looping around Ryuga’s bey, trapping it in place.
“Take that!” Reiji exclaimed, sounding out of breath.
“That won’t stop me!” Ryuga retorted, commanding L-Drago to attack at every angle.
Serpent was knocked back. L-Drago instantly attacked again, driving it further and further across the stadium. Serpent struggled to fight back. Finally, with one more fierce attack, L-Drago flung Serpent out of the stadium.
“Ssserpent no!” Reiji gasped, falling to his knees in front of his bey.
Ryuga snatched his bey out of the air. *Two down, two to go.*
Tsubasa and Yu rushed past Ryuga as he made his way back up to the bleachers. Next up was King’s battle. Ryuga didn’t catch the name of his opponent and from this distance, he couldn’t hope to recognize him but he figured this would be an easy win for King.
That assumption went away as he heard King struggling. He couldn’t see it but Chris’s bey didn’t seem to be affected by King’s attacks at all.
“Special move! Sword of Ares!”
There was an explosion then an annoyed growl from King.
“Special move! King of Thundersword!”
“Special move!” A raspy voice called out. “Barnard’s Loop!”
A massive blur of colours materialized in the air above the stadium, looking almost like a face. Then another burst of light wracked the stadium.
As it died down, Blader DJ spoke up. “And the winner is Chris!”
Ryuga stiffened with anger, his jaw clenching. He barely held back a growl. *How dare he!*
“What the heck was that?!” King exclaimed as he sat next to Ryuga. “His stupid bey wouldn’t move no matter how many times I hit it!”
Ryuga’s eyes widened. King was able to fight toe to toe with Ryuga as both an opponent and a partner yet this “Chris” guy gave him trouble?
King let out a groan. “Now I can’t battle anymore.” He turned to Ryuga. “Can you beat that guy for me, Ryuga?”
Ryuga dipped his head. “Gladly.”
King smiled. “Thank you.” He pulled Ryuga into a side hug, nuzzling his head against Ryuga’s shoulder. Ryuga tried not to smile.
Sure enough, Ryuga and King got their wish as the first semi-final was Ryuga versus Chris. Prying away from his boyfriend, Ryuga walked down to the stadium.
“First we have the legendary blader of the Winter Constellation with his Phantom Orion: It's Chris!” Blader DJ announced as they walked. “And his opponent, the Dragon Emperor himself who needs no introduction: it's Ryuga!”
Ryuga stopped in front of the stadium.
“So it's you!” Chris exclaimed, his eyes wide.
Ryuga raised an eyebrow. “Am I supposed to recognize you?”
“You tried to absorb all my power for yourself on Beyster Island!”
Ryuga actually did remember that but only because of a more potent memory tied to it.
“Nope. Not ringing a bell,” Ryuga replied, shaking his head.
Chris let out a growl. “Whatever. It won't go that way this time.”
“Good!” Ryuga grinned. “I prefer it when they put up a fight.”
Chris raised his launcher. “I'll make you regret that wish.”
“Three! Two! One! Let it rip!”
Ryuga and Chris launched their beys, which landed on opposite ends of the huge stadium.
“Go, Phantom Orion!” Chris called.
L-Drago and Orion smacked into each other with a screech. Chris's bey remained steady. After a while, both beys swayed backwards out of the attack. L-Drago swooped back in. It smacked into Orion again and again, sending up sparks as the fusion wheels screeched against each other but still Orion didn't budge. Ryuga sensed something different about Orion. It obviously had the power of the star fragment in it but there was something else that was making it so resistant to L-Drago's attacks. Orion knocked L-Drago back.
“Ryuga!” Madoka's voice called from the crowd. Ryuga glanced over his shoulder. “Orion's fusion wheel is free rotating! It rotates separately from the performance tip and spin track creating less friction! Normal attacks won’t work!”
“What?!" Ryuga exclaimed. "That's not how friction works!"
“What are you? A science major?” Chris retorted, making Ryuga glare at him. “That's how Orion works.”
Ryuga clenched his fist. He wished he could see Orion more clearly so he could debunk this nonsense.
“If it did, the fusion wheel wouldn’t work!” Ryuga snapped. “You’re either a liar or an idiot!”
Chris's confident posture wavered for a split second.
“Go L-Drago!”
Ryuga's bey raced around the stadium, blue flames appearing around it as it charged into Orion. Chris's bey staggered back.
“Fight back Orion!”
The bey slipped away from L-Drago, making it wobble. Ryuga squinted. Orion seemed to have disappeared from the stadium even though Ryuga could hear it spinning. But where was it?! He looked around wildly. There was a clashing sound. A small blur dashed past L-Drago then looped back around again to hit it. It kept disappearing. Then reappearing and smacking L-Drago around like a ragdoll.
“NO!” Ryuga snapped, his heart skipping a beat.
He grabbed his glasses from his pocket and quickly put them on. They were covered in dust and smudges but that didn't stop Ryuga from spotting Orion a few centimetres from L-Drago.
“Huh?” Chris asked.
Orion suddenly stopped. Ryuga took the opportunity to attack Orion. There were some confused gasps and mutters from the crowd.
“Did-did Ryuga just put on a pair of glasses?!” Blader DJ asked.
L-Drago raced around the stadium, a huge ball of fire roaring to life around it before smacking into Orion and driving it high into the sky. There was a harsh screech, like the wail of a dying animal. Then an explosion of blue flames. The fire whipped at Ryuga's face and the force nearly tore his jacket off. Chris let out an alarmed gasp.
When the smoke cleared, L-Drago and Orion were both still spinning and a harsh grinding sound was echoing through the stadium, like a piece of metal was caught in a machine. It seemed to be coming from Orion and was making Ryuga's ears bleed.
“Gah- wha-” Chris's eyes were the size of dinner plates as he stared at Ryuga. “What did you do to my bey?!”
Ryuga smiled. “So there is something connecting the fusion wheel and performance tip. Finish him off L-Drago!"
L-Drago began barrage attacking Orion, which staggered under each hit. It was moving normally and still made that grinding noise. Ryuga wasn't entirely sure what he did or how exactly this bey worked but he was sure of one thing: he had this match in the bag.
"I won't let you win!" Chris exclaimed, his eyes wild. "Special move! Barnard's Loop!"
Four bright circles of light appeared one by one in the shape of the Orion constellation. Bright red and white lights flared to life. It took the shape of a huge face with gleaming eyes and shark-like teeth. Ryuga could now see it clearly: the move that defeated King. His eyes narrowed.
“L-Drago! Dragon Emperor Soaring Claw!”
L-Drago raced toward Orion and its huge special move, the two colliding with a shockwave that shook the ground beneath them like an earthquake. Ryuga barely stayed on his feet. As the dust cleared, he spotted L-Drago spinning in the centre of the stadium. Orion meanwhile landed beside Chris.
“It's all over!” Blader DJ exclaimed as the crowd went wild. “The winner of this fierce match is Ryuga!”
Ryuga snatched up his bey, a smirk gracing his features. Chris fell to his knees.
“Dang it!” He exclaimed, smacking the ground with his fist.
Ryuga turned and walked toward the crowd. His friends, King, Kenta, Madoka, Gingka, and Yu were walking toward him.
“Ryuga, you wear glasses?” Gingka's words were like a slap in the face.
Ryuga had completely adjusted to the glasses and forgot he had them. Taking them off, he nodded.
“Since when?” Yu asked, tilting his head to the side.
“A few weeks ago actually," Kenta answered before he could.
“Why haven’t you worn them until now?” Madoka asked.
“I didn’t want people to question me,” Ryuga muttered, trying to wipe the lenses clean on his jacket. It was futile. Cleaning glasses seemed to be one of the hardest tasks known to man and try as he might, they would never be fully clean.
“Are we… making too big of a deal out of this?” King asked, stepping closer to Ryuga.
“Yes,” he replied, giving up on cleaning the glasses as he put them back on.
“Isn’t it kind of a big deal though?"
“Gingka!” Madoka snapped at him.
“Not really,” Yu cut in with a shrug. “They’re just glasses. Wear ‘em with pride Ryu!” He smiled, throwing his fist in the air.
“Hey, Madoka…” Chris muttered as he walked toward the group, clutching his bey. “Can you take a look at my bey?” he asked, holding up Orion.
Madoka nodded. “Sure.”
She and Chris walked out of the stadium side by side. Curious, Ryuga followed.
“Where are you going, Ryuga?” King asked, trailing after him.
“I… I want to know how Orion works,” Ryuga admitted. *And I want to get away from the others before they ask me more questions about my glasses.*
He and King followed Chris and Madoka out of the stadium. Madoka sat down in the grass. Grabbing her tools, she began untwisting Orion's face bolt, allowing the other pieces to come apart. Two little ball-shaped pieces fell off of the spin track.
“What the?” Madoka muttered, scooping them up.
“What is it?” Chris asked, sitting in front of her.
Ryuga and King sat down as well, leaning forward to observe the bey.
“These little metal bearings.” Madoka held up the metal pieces. “Have these always been there?”
Chris shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Haven’t you ever taken apart your bey and looked at it?” King asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Chris shook his head. “Never got a chance.”
Madoka held up the bey, gesturing to each piece as she spoke. “These bearings connect the fusion wheel to the performance tip for the bey can still create enough friction to spin but they’re small enough to go unnoticed and make the fusion wheel a freely rotating one.”
Ryuga found himself nodding. This explanation made way more sense than the scientifically impossible one she and Chris had given earlier.
“But…” Chris sounded perplexed as he stared at Orion. “I was told the fusion wheel spun completely separately from the rest.”
“What moron told you that?” Ryuga asked, his eyes narrowed. “A bey like that wouldn’t be able to spin.”
“So… why did Orion suddenly start spinning like any other bey in the middle of the battle?” King asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Because my ultimate move knocked the bearings out of place,” Ryuga explained, dipping his head. “That’s why it was making that weird noise.”
“That’s what I’m trying to fix,” Madoka muttered, trying to twist one of the bearings back in.
King turned to Ryuga with an impressed look. “Dang, Ryuga. You know your stuff when it comes to science.”
“Not really,” Ryuga grunted, “I just know a lot about Beyblades."
“That is science, Ryuga,” Madoka replied, not looking up from her work.
“I… I suppose.”
King chuckled into his hand. “Don’t worry, Ryuga. I happen to find nerds very attractive.”
Ryuga glared at him. “Don’t call me a nerd.” King was partly doing that because Ryuga was wearing his glasses. He knew it.
“But you are!” King insisted.
“Am not!”
“Are too!” King booped Ryuga’s nose.
Ryuga jerked back, shaking his head and grunting in protest. King scooted toward him. His arms looped around Ryuga. The two of them were face to face, only centimetres from each other’s lips. Ryuga stared at him. King really did look more handsome through his glasses. King tilted his head to the side. Ryuga closed the gap, taking King’s face in his hands as he kissed him.
“Uuuuuuuh…” Chris stared at them with a bewildered expression.
Ryuga and King backed out of the kiss.
“Or… uh… oops…” King smiled cheekily.
Chris blinked. “…after Among Us, I really shouldn’t be surprised.”
“No one was surprised,” Madoka's tone was dry. “We all saw it coming."
“Heh…” King smirked. “It’s not my fault I’m so irresistible.”
“King,” Ryuga grunted.
“Okay, okay, you won me over too.”
“You fell for me first if you remember. If your mind can go back that far.”
“As a matter of fact, it does not. Better kiss me to bring back my memories.” King leaned in, puckering his lips. Ryuga accepted the kiss.
“And the final match will be Kyoya versus Ryuga!” Blader DJ's voice called from the stadium.
Ryuga and King backed out of their kiss.
“I’d better get to that.” Ryuga stood up.
“Knock ‘em dead, love!” King blew him a kiss.
Ryuga nodded to him before he entered the stadium. Kyoya had already taken his place there, his launcher raised and his eyes narrowed. Ryuga took his place as well. Then with a jolt realized he still had his glasses on. Ryuga froze. Everyone had already seen him in the glasses and he needed them to see, especially when his opponent was someone as powerful as Kyoya. Suddenly, Kyoya let out a sigh. Lowering his launcher, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his own pair of glasses. Ryuga's eyes widened. Kyoya put on the glasses, which were much rounder than Ryuga's glasses. He stared at Kyoya.
“Well, I don’t want you to have an advantage!” Kyoya exclaimed, raising his launcher again. “Now take aim!”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Kyoya,” Ryuga grunted, raising his launcher.
“And three!” The Blader DJ cut in. "Two! One! Let it rip!"
Ryuga and Kyoya launched their beys.
(Author's Note: And that's the end. I'm gonna leave the winner of this battle up to your interpretation because these two are pretty evenly matched in my mind and it seemed like a good place to end this little mini-story. Don't know if I'll do any more of these but I hope you enjoyed this one!)
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appie00 · 4 years ago
I was once again inspired to draw a Ryuga x King ship by @beybladefanboy newest story. I felt like adding a little comedy to it tho.
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I'm actually pretty proud of this piece. I got the inspiration for this from this.
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I didn't add the mustache mostly cuz it looked weird.
Anyway, I hope you guys like it! ^^
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R.I.P Masamune
(Click Pic for better quality)
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artiestartart · 3 years ago
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@beybladefanboy Very excited for tomorrows edition of Ryuga's Big Gay Crisis
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beybladefanboy · 3 years ago
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Some have you have never paid someone to draw the first piece of fanart of your rarepair and it shows.
Some of you have never shipped a rare pair and it shows.
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beybladefanboy · 1 year ago
The thing I love about the name “Royaltyshipping” is that it’s LITERALLY The Dragon Emperor x the guy who literally named himself King 😂
I ship it for the pun!
Yep, the name was very much chosen for that pun :)
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johannepetereric · 3 years ago
Suddenly, I’m tacking “Silas Carlisle is Kyoya’s kid” to my fic based solely on my Discount Kyoya joke.
And a related plot.
Sometime 7+ years after Shogun Steel (the anime), Kyoya and his 6-year-old stumble on a Magic Thingy, which then transports them to the Burst universe.
Stuck in this new world where nobody knows his name, Kyoya thinks of it as an escape from Ryuga and an opportunity to Start A New Life. They eventually get from Japan to the city BC Sol is in (or are conveniently dumped there, you pick). An kindly old but childless couple, the Carlisles, find them and take them in. After months of paperwork, the two are now living full-time with the Carlisles. Kyoya Carlisle (nee Kishatu, in the MFB world, cuz Ryuga forced him to Or Else) and Silas Carlisle. This Silas’ birth name is the deadname in the cis way. New Backstory. Silas scarcely remembers Ryuga, for the best, and King, Shun, Mimi, Benkei, Gingka cuz Memory Is Like That. So Kyoya tells him the stories himself. The two bring up their pre-Burst past to nobody, not even the kindly couple, not to anyone. Of course, in order to not stick out, Leone is converted into the Burst format, and Kinetic Satomb is born (Baby’s First Bey is back in the old universe).
And everybody but these two are Betas (no smell n’ all), and I’m pairing Silas with Valt (starts as Simp, but Valt and Shu might agree to poly with him). The heat is explained away as “a mysterious sickness~”
Extra plot if I’m feeling Generous:
King, Shun, Mimi, and Benkei stumble upon the Magic Portal Thingy and also get transported. Right around just after Valt joins BC Sol.
Or just King.
They barge into BC Sol, in the gym, on a non-canon day. King, smelling the familiar smell of his (self-imposed(?)) little brother, calls out Silas by his deadname. Silas, playing dumb cuz New Life and Nobody Knows, gets Angwy and tries to kick him out too. Too bad King is too strong. Silas has enough. So he marches up to King, and yells, “I don’t know how you know my old name,” he dies but won’t tell, “but my name is Silas now. Silas Carlisle.” And proud of it!So Silas gives him the condition, “I’ll fight. If you can beat Free.” Cuz you know how strong Free is. King obviously agrees, also cuz Fun Bey Battle.
“Here are the conditions, I’ll be ref,” King is not rushing him, “Free’s Drain Fafnir is a left-spinning Bey that steals the spin strength of his opponents.”
“That’s no problem for the King of Beyblading.” Points hsughtily at himself and laughs evilly.
“The Bey Battle you will be fighting is a 2-point system. First to 2 is the winner. If you get a Stadium-Out—a Ring-Out Finish—then Free gets 1 point, and vice-versa. If you get a Sleep-Out Finish, he gets 1 point, and vice-versus. If Fafnir explodes—a Burst Finish—then you get 2 points, thus winning the match. Obviously, a tie doesn’t count.”
“No problem for the King, Silas!”
King, obviously tremendously improved since Fury, is quite the match for Free. To the shock of everyone (except Silas, who only has mild surprise cuz Suspicions From The Stories). No Burst Finish cuz Free is Like That, but he was at the end forced to put his all into it! Or he did Burst, idk. Three battles were needed. King narrowly won, 2-1.
So Silas heavily sighs and says, “Christina, I have to check out early. Gotta take King to Daddy, per our agreement.”
And the settlement is in the city, a good walk away. They see Kyoya, the oldest Omega goes into a panic, and King catches him. They later move inside to a private-ish room of the Carlisle residence to Spill the Beans.
So in this AU, Silas is less pessimistic and is more, “Never give up on an opportunity. You gotta take them, whatever the cost, even if it has a less-than-1 percent of success!” which is inspired by their hidden backstory, of course. And now with this intervention, King sticks around for his Daddie and Little Brother and we continue fucking up canon.
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years ago
Ryuga x King Chapter 12 - Return of the King
(Cover art by Zadi Jyne)
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(Author’s note: Yes, this pun was incredibly obvious and no, I haven’t read or seen Lord of Rings.)
Ryuga's POV
“Libra! Sonic Shield!” Yu called out.
Flickers of green light appeared around Libra and Eagle. Before L-Drago and Sagittario could reach them, the flickers materialized into a sphere of energy around the two beys. Ryuga and Kenta’s beys scraped off the ball of energy. They spun in opposite directions around the stadium as the shield around Eagle and Libra disappeared.
“Yeah!” Yu exclaimed, throwing his hand in the air. “It finally worked!” He held his hand out, catching Libra as it flew toward him.
“Good job, Yu!” Kenta replied, snatching up his bey as well.
Ryuga and Tsubasa did the same.
Yu smiled. “Thanks for helping us practice for the tournament,” he replied, putting his bey away.
“You two would make a really good team,” Tsubasa added, nodding to Ryuga and Kenta.
“They would,” Yu agreed with a shrug. “But Ryuga’s totally gonna pair with King.”
“If he ever gets here,” Ryuga grunted. It had been a few months since King left and he’d said nothing about coming back even though the tag team tournament was in a few days now.
“And I’ve agreed to be on a team with Gingka,” Kenta added with a shrug.
“Fine, fine,” Yu replied, “But you two really gotta consider teaming some other time.”
“Apparently Ryuga can’t team with anyone that doesn’t have a left rotating bey,” Tsubasa replied, his voice thick with sarcasm.
“That’s not why…” Kenta started to protest.
Ryuga glared at him in a warning. Across from them, Yu was giving Kenta the “cut it out” signal.
“Why then?” Tsubasa asked, raising an eyebrow.
Kenta looked away. “Uh, nevermind.”
“Anyways, thanks for training with us,” Yu cut in swiftly. “We really appreciate it!” He started to walk toward the exit to the coliseum, gesturing for Tsubasa to follow.
“No problem, Yu!” Kenta replied, clearly forcing a smile. He went around the stadium and walked to Yu’s side. Ryuga trailed after them.
“We still on for GX tomorrow?” Yu asked.
“Of course!” Kenta exclaimed, with a smile. “I want to see the end of season three! It’s been so crazy…” His smile faded and he shivered a little.
“That’s what makes it fun,” Ryuga remarked, with a smile.
Kenta let out an exasperated sigh. “Why do you only like Yugioh when it’s messed up?”
Ryuga shrugged. Maybe it made him sound terrible, but the show was the most interesting when it was dark and messed up.
Yu chuckled. “See you then, guys!”
He and Tsubasa walked away, waving. Kenta waved back. Ryuga gazed at L-Drago. His bey had several scratches on its fusion wheel. He rolled his eyes. Ryuga hadn’t had many intense battles lately, he’d mostly spent the last few months training, mostly on his own but sometimes with Kenta and Yu. *Where did these scratches even come from?* He started to make his way toward the bey shop.
“Where you off to Ryuga?” Kenta asked, remaining at Ryuga’s side. Ryuga showed him the scratched up L-Drago. “Oh… meet you back home?”
Ryuga dipped his head.
Kenta giggled mischievously. “Okay, see you then.” Before Ryuga could ask what that was about, he turned and walked away in the direction of the house.
He continued toward the bey shop. A cool breeze blew through the air, taking some crinkled dead leaves with it. Ryuga readjusted his black jacket. His thoughts wandered toward King, as they so often did these days. The two had managed to keep contact during these past months despite the absurd time difference between them. 
Ryuga hoped he would come to visit soon. The WBBA announced that they were hosting a tag team tournament a few days from now, although sign-ups still hadn’t begun. Ryuga found that odd. Usually, sign-ups for bigger tournaments started at least a week in advance. He wasn’t complaining though. He would need a partner in order to sign up and Ryuga only wanted one partner: King, who hadn’t said anything about coming back to Japan yet.
Ryuga pushed the door of the bey shop open. It was empty, thankfully, save for Madoka who was standing at the front counter.
“Hey, Ryuga,” Madoka greeted him with a wave.
“Tsubasa's not here for once I see,” Ryuga replied, placing L-Drago on the counter.
“He has been over here a lot lately,” Madoka admitted, looking away. She twirled a strand of her hair around in her finger. “Not that I mind. Tsubasa's a good guy. He's so… you know?” Madoka smiled as her cheeks turned red. “Er- well, no. I guess you wouldn't know.”
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he’s not my type.”
It took him a second to realize what he said. Then he stiffened. Ryuga looked away, trying to stop himself from shaking.
Madoka’s eyes widened. “Wait… You…?”
Ryuga nodded. There was no point denying it now, after all.
Ryuga let out a sigh. “Yeah…”
“I thought so,” Madoka admitted, her gaze shifting to L-Drago. “But I didn't want to assume.”
Ryuga finally looked up to glare at her. “Because it's weird, I get it.”
“I don't think you're weird for liking King,” Madoka replied, evenly meeting his gaze. “You’re weird for other reasons.”
Ryuga chuckled a little. “How dare you.”
“Anyways…” Madoka took L-Drago in her hand and gazed at it. “I guess L-Drago’s scratched up again.”
Ryuga shrugged. “Apparently.”
“You ever think it’s because your idea of training is destroying rocks?” Madoka asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Is that not normal?”
“Not really.”
“Good.” Ryuga smiled, leaning against the counter. “Wouldn’t want people thinking I’m normal.”
Madoka let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh my gosh.” She held up L-Drago and stepped out from behind the counter. “Well, I should be able to fix this quickly.”
Ryuga nodded. Madoka went downstairs while Ryuga walked out of the shop. Tsubasa was just outside.
“Ryuga?!” He looked startled for a moment before his eyes suddenly narrowed in suspicion. “Why are you here?”
“Why do you care?” Ryuga rolled his eyes as he passed him.
“You were just with Madoka.”
“Yeah, she’s my friend.” Ryuga whipped around, suddenly annoyed. “Will you get over yourself?!”
Tsubasa looked taken aback for a moment. He bit his lip. “Just… a friend?”
Ryuga’s jaw dropped. “Uh, wait-” He burst out laughing. “Wait, you thought- you thought-” He failed to catch his breath, exploding into laughter again.
Tsubasa let out an annoyed grunt.
“Oh, I get it!” Ryuga exclaimed, gripping his stomach. “You're into her! You think-” he paused to chuckle. “You think I'm stealing her from you, don't you?!” Ryuga continued to cackle.
“No!” Tsubasa exclaimed, turning redder than a cherry. “It's not like that!”
Ryuga managed to catch his breath. “Because clearly, two people of the opposite gender can never just be friends,” he remarked, sarcasm dripping into his voice. “Wow, Tsubasa. Great outlook to have.”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Tsubasa grunted, looking away and pushing his hair in his face. “It was dumb. I'm sorry.”
The door to the shop was pushed open.
“What's going on out here?”
“Gah!” Tsubasa staggered back. “Ma-Madoka!”
Ryuga bit his lip, trying not to laugh. *Oh this is perfect…*
“Is everything alright, you two?” Madoka asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Um…” Tsubasa stared at her, taking another step back.
“Do you have something to say, Tsubasa?” Ryuga asked, smirking as he took a step toward him.
“Shut it, Ryuga,” Tsubasa growled, glaring at him.
Ryuga just smirked harder. “Or maybe I should tell her for you?”
“Madoka, I think you're really smart and pretty!” Tsubasa exclaimed.
“Um…” Madoka looked away, turning red and twirling her hair around again. “Thanks. I think you're pretty too…”
“Um… Do you want to go out sometime? …together?”
Madoka smiled. “Sure. I'd like that. That tea shop recently opened up. Wanna go try it together?”
“Y-yes!” Tsubasa nodded. “That-that sounds good…”
“Great! I'm gonna finish up L-Drago’s repairs but we can go after that! See you then!” Madoka called, walking back to the shop.
Ryuga was frozen for a moment. *Did I just hook those two up?* He raised an eyebrow. *Is that the weirdest thing I’ve ever done or just on the list somewhere?* Ryuga shrugged. Tsubasa was staring at the ground, trembling from happiness.
“Smooth,” Ryuga teased, starting to walk away.
Tsubasa glared at him. “Well, I'd like to see you do better.”
“Hi, Ryuga!” Ryuga yelped in alarm as arms were suddenly flung around him. “I was looking for you!”
Ryuga gazed at his attacker, his heart bursting out of his chest when he was met with a pair of shining blue eyes.
“King?!” Ryuga stared at him for a moment, barely able to believe what he was seeing. But here he was. King had his arms around him and was staring right at him. “W-when did you get here?!”
“Heh, surprise!” King gave him that bright smile. “I’m here for a week for my sixteenth birthday!”
*He was planning to surprise me the whole time?!* Finally, registering the whole situation, he pried King off him and took a step back.
King glanced at Tsubasa. “Oh, hey Tsubasa!”
“Hey…” Tsubasa stared at them in confusion.
“Aren’t you happy to see me, Ryuga?” King asked, turning back to him with that cheerful smile.
“I… I…” Ryuga suddenly didn’t know how to form words anymore. His mind was a completely blank slate. All he could do was stare thoughtlessly at King.
“Heh, still shocked?” King smirked as he raised his eyebrow. “You shouldn’t be, you know. Seeing you again is the best birthday gift I could ask for.”
Ryuga’s face heated up. “Great, great,” he grunted, looking away. “We can start training for the tournament then.”
“Oh yeah! That’s on the same day as my birthday. Anyways, I saw this tea place on the way here, I don't think it was there the last time I was here. Wanna go try it together?”
Ryuga’s heart skipped a beat. “Right now?” he asked, struggling to bite back his panic. “Can’t we go somewhere else?”
“Oh…” King tilted his head to the side. “Not a tea fan?”
“I'm not in the mood for it right now.”
Tsubasa cleared his throat. “Because that's where Madoka and I are going.”
“Wha- Tsubasa!” Ryuga glared at him.
Tsubasa just grinned and snickered into his hand.
“Oh, you guys wanna come with us?” King asked, smiling innocently.
“King n-” Ryuga started to protest.
“Sure,” Tsubasa cut him off, smirking triumphantly. Ryuga could only glare at him in response.
“Great! We’ll meet you there.” King gestured for Ryuga to follow him before prancing off like a deer in a meadow.
Ryuga let out an exasperated sigh. However, he swallowed his pride and followed King.
“Did you really have to invite them?” Ryuga grunted once he’d caught up to King.
“Why not?” King asked with a shrug. “I thought Madoka was your friend. Besides, it’s been so long since I’ve seen anyone here.” He smiled. “You’re not the only person I missed, you know.”
Ryuga’s eyes narrowed. Unwanted jealousy instantly rose within him.
“Of course I missed you the most though,” King remarked, as if he somehow knew what Ryuga was thinking. “You just gotta be the best at everything don’t you?” It was clear he was teasing.
Ryuga rolled his eyes.
King smiled. “I missed you too.”
He suddenly stopped walking to hug Ryuga from the side. Ryuga stopped walking. Before he could say anything, King shifted to hug Ryuga properly, resting his head on his chest. Ryuga rested his hand on King’s head. He gazed at the scruffy blue hair, suddenly overcome with the temptation to ruffle it. King giggled as he did.
“Nice jacket by the way,” he informed, resting his hand on the sleeve of Ryuga’s black jacket. “Where’d you get it?”
“I stole it,” Ryuga replied, starting to walk again.
King giggled. “No, really?” Ryuga didn’t reply. King’s smile suddenly faded. “Ryuga, come on man. That’s not funny, stealing is illegal.”
“Relax. It was Kenta’s mother’s,” Ryuga replied with a shrug.
King sighed in relief. “Oh thank goodness.” Then his eyes widened. “Wait, you still shouldn’t be stealing from your mom!”
Ryuga just chuckled. He didn’t bother correcting King; he seemed determined to always refer to Kenta’s parents as Ryuga’s parents. It was too much effort to get him to quit. When they reached the tea shop, King leaned on the wall outside, waiting for Tsubasa and Madoka. Ryuga leaned on the wall beside King. A few people passed them every now and then, coming in or out of the shop. Eventually, Ryuga spotted Tsubasa and Madoka approaching.
“Hey, guys!” Madoka greeted with a wave.
“Um… I forgot to ask, who’s paying?” King asked as they approached.
“Can’t you all pay for your own tea?” Madoka asked, casually handing Ryuga the repaired L-Drago.
King looked down at the ground.
“I don’t have money,” Ryuga replied with a shrug.
“I do,” Tsubasa answered, “I’ll cover it.”
“I’ll help,” Madoka added, pushing the doors of the shop open. She and Tsubasa walked in first, while King and Ryuga followed. The four of them placed their orders and got a table near the back of the shop, right beside a window.
“How long are you staying in Japan?” Ryuga asked, gazing at King.
“Just a week… and um…” His gaze suddenly dropped to the table. “We couldn’t get a hotel this time…”
“Where will you be staying then?” Madoka cut in, tilting her head to the side.
“Masamune is staying with Gingka. Toby and Zeo aren’t sure yet…”
“And… you?” Ryuga prompted, raising an eyebrow.
King suddenly went red. “Um… I was thinking…”
“Oh…” Tsubasa’s eyes went wide.
“I mean…” King bit his lip, shivering a little. “If it’s okay…”
Madoka turned to Tsubasa. “Does he mean…?”
King glared at her. “Not in the same bed or anything!” he exclaimed, his face getting even redder.
Ryuga stiffened, realizing what he was asking.
King stiffened. “Or… maybe not. It’s fine, I can just ask Gingka.”
“The couch is free,” Ryuga replied with a shrug.
King was silent for a moment before smiling. “Thanks.”
The group fell silent as a waiter walked by and handed them their tea. Ryuga took his, jasmine tea, and immediately took a sip. King tried to do the same. He yelped the second his lips touched the tea, sliding his cup away.
Madoka chuckled into her hand. “It’s still too hot, you know.”
“Ryuga’s drinking it,” King grunted, gesturing to him.
“That’s because Ryuga’s insane,” Tsubasa replied, with a shrug.
Ryuga glanced at King. “Shouldn’t you know that by now?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Tsubasa turned to Ryuga. “So… you’re admitting it?”
Ryuga shrugged. “I see no reason not to,” he replied, taking another sip of his tea. In reality, he just had a higher tolerance to heat than most people. He wasn’t entirely sure why. It was just something that had always been for him.
“Anyways…” King pushed his cup of tea aside and gazed at Ryuga. “Since I’m here, can we watch the Battle City finals?”
“We need to train for the tournament,” Ryuga replied, his eyes narrowed.
“We can train tomorrow!” King insisted, scooting his chair closer to Ryuga. He stared at him with those huge puppy dog eyes. “Come on, I held off watching those finals for like a month for you. I wanna know what happens, dangit!”
“It’s that important to you, huh?” Ryuga asked, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled a little. “You nerd.”
King’s face turned red. “Hey, you’re the one who got me into the show in the first place!” he exclaimed.
Ryuga took a sip of tea.
“Aren’t you also watching the sequel with Kenta and Yu?” Madoka asked, raising an eyebrow.
Ryuga froze. Placing his cup down, he glared at her.
“…shut up.”
King giggled into his hand. “There is no escape from magic cards. They will consume our souls one piece at a time until there is nothing left.”
Ryuga froze. *He’s joking but it’s entirely true…*
“That’s a little overdramatic,” Tsubasa replied, taking a sip of his black tea.
King chuckled into his hand. “I just thought it was funny, man.” He smiled as he took a small sip of tea.
The four of them continued to chat idly as they drank their tea. Once they finished, Tsubasa and Madoka paid and the four of them made their way out of the shop.
“Well, this has been fun.” Madoka’s tone was upbeat.
Tsubasa gazed at her. “We should do this again sometime…” His gaze suddenly shifted toward the ground. “Just the two of us.”
King giggled. “We were that annoying, huh?” he teased, raising an eyebrow.
“N-no…” Tsubasa replied, looking away.
Madoka gazed at him with a smile. “I’d love to, Tsubasa.” The two of them smiled at each other in this sickeningly sweet way.
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “Alright, King, let’s give the lovebirds some space.” He gestured for King to follow.
However, King froze, his wide-eyed gaze shifting between Tsubasa, Madoka, and Ryuga.
“Wait, they’re-”
“And that would be your cue to leave,” Tsubasa cut him off, his eyes narrowed.
“Shoo, both of you.” Madoka shooed King away with her hands, who flinched back with a yelp.
“Okay, okay.” King shuffled away.
Ryuga smiled as he trailed after him.
“When did those two become a couple?” King asked, tilting his head to the side.
Ryuga shrugged. “Today.”
“You were there?” Ryuga stiffened. “Ryuga…” King suddenly grinned. “Did you hook them up?” Ryuga looked away, not wanting to answer. King started giggling. “Oh my gosh, you totally did.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Ryuga insisted, his eyes narrowing.
“How did this happen? I wanna know.” Ryuga let out a warning growl. King just shrugged. “Well if you’re not gonna tell me, I’ll go ask them.”
King turned to walk away. In the blink of an eye, Ryuga whipped around and grabbed King’s hand to stop him. King froze. He stared at Ryuga with wide eyes. Ryuga froze as well, only now processing what he did. He let go of King.
“Okay…” King sounded a little taken aback. “I won’t ask… sorry…”
*That’s not what it was…* Ryuga realized. In that split moment of impulse, Ryuga was thinking only one thing: don’t leave.
“Do what you want,” Ryuga grunted, turning away. “But I’m going home.”
He walked away. King trailed after him, catching up to him quickly.
“You can just tell me you don’t want me to leave,” King replied, a smirk growing on his face. “You don’t have to grab me.”
Ryuga’s face heated up. *Stop reading my mind!* The two of them fell silent as they made their way toward Ryuga’s home.
Ryuga pushed the door open. Kenta and his parents were all sitting on the couch.
“Hey, Ryuga-” They spotted King, swiftly switching languages. “And King!”
“Hi, King!” Kenta greeted, waving.
“Hey…” King bit his lip, his gaze suddenly dropping to the floor. “I’m staying for a while…”
“He couldn't get a hotel,” Ryuga informed, closing the door.
“Oh…” Kenta’s mother dipped her head. “Well, he can stay here. How long will you be here?”
“Just for a week. For the tag team tournament.”
“Tag team tournament, huh?” Kenta’s dad gazed at his son. “Kenta, Ryuga, you two are a team right?”
“No…” Kenta shook his head. “I’m on a team with Gingka, he’s with King.”
“Oh…” Kenta’s dad almost sounded disappointed.
His mom raised an eyebrow. “You and King seem… close.” Ryuga stiffened at the suspicion in her tone.
“Yeah, we’re the only people with left rotating beys,” he explained swiftly. “It makes us a good match.” King stepped up beside Ryuga, nodding vigorously.
“How old is he?” Kenta’s mom asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m turning sixteen in a few days.”
Kenta’s dad smiled. “Oh, happy… early birthday, King.”
King smiled. “Thanks.”
Kenta’s parents stood up, letting King and Ryuga sit next to each other on the couch. Kenta scooted toward them.
“Hey, when is your birthday Ryuga?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Ryuga looked away. “Um…”
“You don't know?” Kenta’s mom cut in, sounding concerned.
“I know the month,” Ryuga shrugged, “It doesn't really matter.”
“Wanna just pick a day?” Kenta's dad asked, switching to Japanese.
The conversation completely switched to Japanese now.
“So we can do something for your birthday, of course,” Kenta's dad answered.
Ryuga rolled his eyes. “So you can all make a big deal out of something trivial? No thanks.”
“It's not trivial,” Kenta’s mom insisted, her eyes narrowed.
“We won't make a big deal out of it but we want to at least get you something.”
Ryuga let out a sigh. “Fine, November… November twenty-fourth is my best guess.”
“Early happy birthday.” Ryuga was surprised to hear King speaking Japanese. He turned to him.
“You understood all that?” Ryuga asked, switching to English.
“Most of it. Told you my Japanese is improving.” A grin grew on his face. “And I know what would make it even better.”
Ryuga let out an exasperated sigh. “Yugioh?” King nodded. “Fine,” he grunted, grabbing the remote.
“Woohoo!” King cheered, throwing his hands in the air. “Battle City Finals here we come!”
(Author’s note: Yes, I ship TsuMado and have been for a while now. Reread that scene from Ryuga’s Return where Tsubasa checks on Madoka and Ryuga with this context and you’ll see what I mean. Also, “November twenty-fourth” is an easter egg for something revolving around the show, brownie points to whoever can figure out what it is.)
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beybladefanboy · 4 years ago
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write your rarepairs. fill that ao3 tag with rarepairs. convert people to your rarepair by making good content of it. draw your rarepair. love your rarepair. even if you are the sole person who made it up with a few people in japan drawing fanart, you have so much power and control at your fingertips by wanting to create. sure, you’ll have to make your own meals while people into popular ships can filter by precise tags to get exactly what you want, but you have something they don’t: you can make your own fandom experience enjoyable and make several people happy in the process by making that counter go up for pieces of content.
i don’t care if your favs don’t even look at each other in canon. if you see narrative parallels between them and you think they complete each other, let the content do the talking.
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juliafernandez · 3 years ago
Beyblade Metal Fight: My favourite ships..
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Gingka x Madoka
A great blader paired with the greatest bey genius. Now, that's a power couple right there! This is got to be the cutest couple in the whole Beyblade franchise and I’d claim it’s the most canon ship. The moment Gingka met Madoka, they hit it off so well that they were almost always seen together from that point. I literally thought they were dating or something. Madoka and Gingka were really great friends and backed each other up when needed. When Madoka was literally crushing over Alexi, Gingka’s expression to Masamune was like ‘wtf is happening here, dude!’ By the way, I was surprised by how they stayed together most of the time and barely had any arguments throughout the Metal Fight series. And I just loved how they were still in touch even after a few years in the Beyblade Shogun generation.
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Kyoya x Hikaru
I don't know if I'm the only one to notice this but Kyoya seems to enjoy battling Hikaru and being around her. When they first met at the survival battle, Kyoya was low-key trying to flirt with her being like “You should be an amusing opponent” and then during their beybattle saying “Wow...sweet attack!” And this was made obvious in the series that they are very similar and had a lot in common through Kyoya’s dialogues like “…you read my mind” and “…my thoughts exactly”. I’d say they're a semi-canon couple. I’m not sure about Hikaru but Kyoya definitely had a crush on her. I think her blazing determination really got to him. Even after she lost against him in the tournament, he said “Well you gave me somewhat of a challenge…” Our king of beasts was actually impressed by her blading skills and recognised her as his equal... And he wasn't saying that just to be nice...Like he ever cared about those societal norms! If he said something, he really meant it…And Hikaru knew that. I felt she said to him through her smile "Well...guess you're not a gone case after all!"
Before Kyoya’s battle with Ryuga, Benkei was trying to show him the battle between Hikaru and Ryuga, he seemed to not be being able to watch her suffer and asked Benkei to turn if off…And I don’t think anyone; especially he and Tsubasa ever thought any less of her when she decided to quit blading…They really knew what she'd gone through after that battle against Ryuga…But I think Hikaru started blading again soon after the Metal Fury otherwise she'd have been shown as the Director of WBBA instead of Tsubasa and I also think that Hikaru and Kyoya are secretly a couple in Shogun.
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Sophie x Wales
Sophie and Wales are the most amazing and aesthetic looking couple in my opinion and it's definitely a canon ship. The way they complement each other in every way, even in beybattles, is mind blowing. Their coordination in battles is worthy of watching, they literally fit together like a puzzle. And Wales is such a gentleman. When he offered to carry Madoka’s luggage at the airport, my heart melted. And Sophie is the definition of a fine lady. If these two aren’t made for each other, I don't even know what makes sense in this world.
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Mei Mei x Chao Xin Their dynamic was really funny, I initially felt they're more like thick friends but their pairing isn't that bad either. I remember Madoka saying “They're made for each other” or something like that. Anyways, their tag team was really great in Metal Fury and only Chao Xin could correct those weird English words Mei Mei spoke sometimes. It can't be argued that they look really cute together.
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get-loved-123 · 3 years ago
Character Playlist
Good Guys:
Dynamis: Dahlia - Chanmina
Aguma: Strings - Iyla
Tsubasa: Birds - Imagine Dragons
Ryuga: Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money
Sophie: Tightrope- Greatest Showman
Hikaru: Follow You - Imagine Dragons
Kyoya: Treat Myself - Victoria Justice
Gingka: Life Sucks - Ha:tfelt
Wales: Connection - OneRepublic
Chris: Show Yourself- Frozen 2
King: Knight - Maddox
Bao: Rainbow - Kesha
Yuki: Stars Over Me - Bol4
Masamune: Chance - Hayley Kiyoko
Madoka: Lucky - Aurora
Kenta:  You’re Gonna Go Far Kid - The Offspring
Yu: Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
Tithi: Oath - Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G
King Ryo: I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
Johannes: Hello Kitty - Avril Lavigne
Jack: Looking At Me - Sabrina Carpenter
Dashan: King - Chanmina
Toby: Monster - Irene & Seulgi
Chao Xin: Love On the Brain- Rihanna
Damian: I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set If Off
Mei Mei: Revolution - AleXa
Chi Yun: I’m Just A Kid - Simple Plan
King Xing Fu: Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Queen Lai Fan: Hello - Joy
Queen Valentina: The 1 - Taylor Swift
Mama Hiromi: Mom - Meghan Trainor
King Richard: This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars
Prince Nathaniel: Cinderella - Steven Curtis Chapman
Queen Crystal: BAD SAD AND MAD - Bibi
Queen Vivian: After School - Weeekly
Princess Eda: Hard Times - Paramore
Isabella: When I Fall In Love - Bol4 
Hiroshi: Hey Brother - Avicii
Demure: hope ur ok - Olivia Rodrigo
Nile: Nice To Have A Friend - Taylor Swift
Elliot: telepatia - Kali Uchis
Gaia: What Type of X? - Jessi
Yuri: Black Mamba - aespa
Percy: brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Leo: Sun Goes Down - Lil Nas X
Corrie: People I Don’t Like - UPSAHL  
June: Crush - Carys
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beybladefanboy · 3 years ago
My boyfriend @yuki-carey​ mentioned this idea (and his own fear of spiders) and I instantly went “oh I never had a problem with spiders. I grew up with the live action Charlotte’s Web, I always just saw all spiders as Charlotte.” And proceeded to go on and on about about how much I loved this movie.
Now I’m just thinking that King and Ryuga have the same dynamic.
King: Oh look a spider :D
Ryuga: *tripping and knocking over fifty things* GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME.
Or, alternatively: 
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I was going through some notes on my phone and found this???
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cakesteaandhoney · 5 years ago
Lately, I’ve been craving an RP within the Voltage Inc universe, and I figured some people might also wish to do the same. Want to drop and OC or self-insert? It doesn’t matter to me. Want to do an AU where chosen character’s x, y, and z are vampires while our characters happen to be thrown into the gang war between werewolves and vampires? Your OC is Eisuke’s long lost sister that was never mentioned in his main story and now she plots for revenge and teams up with my OC who’s trying to get information on the mysterious occupation that is rumored to take place within his hotel? Cool can’t wait to do it. You want to rp with a guy from one title but I’d prefer having my OC be with a different guy from another title? That’s what cross overs are for, baby. Want to do more than one rp if you get inspiration for another one? Let me know and I’ll be down to do it. Got another Au you want to do? Let me know and I’ll most likely be on board.
I mainly Rp on discord, but I wouldn’t mind RPing on other messaging apps like WhatsApp and Line. I just don’t RP on Tumblr, solely for the fact that I don’t like the format for RPing on here. I’m 23 and in college, but I’ll take the time to RP with you at least once a day if I can. If I’m unable to I will let you know so I don’t leave you hanging. I can do both nsfw and sfw within a roleplay, but if you wish sex comes into the mix, please be 18+ because where I live 18 is the legal age for such activities. Don’t have any rules so far, that way we can create the rules ourselves when we start building our world. If your interested send me a message so I can reply with which platform you prefer out of the ones I listed. Curious but slightly hesitate? Send me a message as well and I’ll try to answer whatever questions you have! Below is a list I complied with guys so far I can RP as. More to come when stories are read and I feel as if I can write for the character.
Dreamy Days in West Tokyo
Pirates in Love
Class Trip Crush
Love Letter from Theif X
Serendipity Next Door
Finally in Love Again
Our Private Own Room
Kissed by the Badded Bidder
Star-Crossed Myth
King of the Heavens
My Last First Kiss
After School Affairs
My Forged Wedding
Metro PD Close to You
Our Two Bedroom Story
In Your Arms Tonight
Butler Until Midnight
Bad Boys Do It Better
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beybladefanboy · 3 years ago
A summary of Ryuga and King’s battle
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