thebigbadspike · 2 years
One and four hearts?
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"...let's not look too hard into that, yeah?"
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knotfodder · 11 months
Starter for @rxndomfxndoms
Bruno tilts his head as he takes in the naked sight of the muscle god in front of him. Often times, that saying is an exaggeration to describe someone's beautiful and godlike physique. Bruno runs a hand across the other man's plump ass, squeezing it firmly before giving him a playful slap. Bruno wasn't new to having older and bigger men than him share his bed, but a literal god was something he wasn't sure he was capable of doing. The small man's hands continue to inspect Thor's ass, a hand brushing in between the god of thunder's thigh. "You look so good like this, Thor."
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wantxmore · 11 months
Closed Starter (Muse: Razvan)
Razvan liked owning a house; it made his job as a sex worker much easier to do. He was also pretty good at managing the money that he got from said profession. That's how he ended up with a good house, where he essentially had the second floor all to himself. He had a bedroom, a very nice bathroom, and the extra room was essentially a studio for when he would take photos or video for his online content. After all, while he did bare it all (for a price), he liked to have some semblance of privacy when it came to his personal life.
The first floor of his room was pretty standard. Living room, kitchen, a half bathroom, dining room and small office. Down in the basement was where he his tenants resided. Two bedrooms with a shared bathroom, a smaller living room and a laundry space. Being so far from his roommates made it easier to have sex without them having to hear it...most of the time. It was no secret what he did for work to the tenants, and he'd actually told them before they agreed to live with him. Last thing he needed was to be around others who had an issue with such things.
The other perk of being a sex worker was that he made his own schedule and that allowed him to be home as the new tenants began to move in their things. Sure, having his own place was nice but he did like living with people.
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daddysbarrp · 2 years
Black Briefs for Night - Angel X Riley
"Look, I know you're doing this undercover thing in the fraternity but you don't have to try that hard to fit in. Plus the- briefs are- you know- revealing."
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screwthejob · 2 years
I mean, I wouldn't mind knowing.
"You and lots of others my friend. But uh...not sure if I'm comfortable with sharing that information with you just yet.."
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alexkilmartin · 2 years
Closed starter for @rxndomfxndoms based on this.
Gabriel walked up to his submissive and simply said, “Pick two cards.” before he scattered a small deck of them onto the table in front of them. Each card had something written on them related to either medical kink or watersports or both such as: enema, catheter, speculum, urinal, etc. It wasn’t the first time he had done this, nor did he think it would be the last. Could Gabriel have simply decided on his own or picked two cards himself? Sure. But there was a part of him that enjoyed the challenge of the spontaneity. And he enjoyed knowing that whatever his submissive chose, he had chosen his own fate. “Tell me what they say,” he said, once the submissive had picked them.
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needtosin · 2 years
@rxndomfxndoms​ liked this for a starter from kyro.
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Givin' his knuckles a firm crack, Kyro took yet another step back to once again increase the distance between them. "Personal space. Have ya ever heard of it? Didn't know I needed to spell it out for you that you are gettin' a little damn close for my personal comfort. What do you want? This conversation hasn't proven beneficial to me at all and I'm losin' my patience."
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foxbaited · 2 years
@rxndomfxndoms​ liked for a starter!
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“everyone says to never trust a fox. they’re crafty. in old stories, foxes tricked wolves---” and the fox could continue to go on, mimikyu is TRYING to distract the other with talking. sometimes it worked.
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart... Xander
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Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
💗💗 A little
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them)
💗💗 A little
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them)
💗 Very low - 💗💗💗💗 High
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent
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daddysbarrp · 2 years
Open Mic Night - Sam x Avery
Avery didn't usually work open mic nights. He didn't have anything against them and if anything, the crowd was more open to experimenting in their drink choices when they had to be audience like instead of aimless.
It had been a pretty calm night. A couple of poets, one guy on a keyboard, one guy trying out his stand up act. And then a blond guy named Sam who had done a good job with a guitar.
After all was said and done, there was only one tab left to close and that was Sam's.
"Congrats tonight. You sounded very good-" Avery complimented. "These are for you." He laid out four distinct phone numbers. "I wrote little descriptors on the back if you need your memory jogged."
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
“No, no, we aren’t doing that yet.”
A frustrated groan rumbled in his chest, glaring at Xander. "Then fast forward to the point where we are."
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
Right Here
"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes."
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
Xander moaned a little when Spike tugged on his hair one more time. He took his free hand and placed it on top of Spike's and started guiding it up his thigh. "Yeah I want you feeding from me to be more naughty."
If he wasn't already aware of how confused this had all become Spike would have been more surprised at how little the moan bothered him now. In the beginning he would have thrown up his hands and told the other to get out. Now? He didn't want to think about it too deeply but what he knew was it wasn't off putting.
The hand that covered his was warm. Guiding his touch. It felt...kind of nice.
Spike leaned in close, lips barely brushing his ear. "I want your blood."
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
"I mean, uh..." Xander's eyes were transfixed on Spike's fingers running up and down his thighs. Even tilting his head downward a bit and feeling Spike's other hand tugging on his hair felt good. "I do like it when your fangs are buried in me. I'm not going to refuse if you want to sink them into more naughty private places."
"Be completely honest, Harris" Spike threw his own words back at him with a sly smile, tugging on his hair again for emphasis. "Part of you wants this to be more naughty."
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
Xander's breath hitched when Spiked tugged on his hair. Sure Anya and even Faith had done that before but it just felt differently with Spike being the one to do it. He looked deeply into Spike's eyes not sure of what he was about to say. "If you're afraid of people seeing your bite marks on my neck maybe you should just undress me and bite me somewhere that only the two of us will be able to see?"
His gaze began drifting slowly, thinking about where else was good to feed from. "Bet you'd just love that, wouldn't you?" he teased "getting me to put my mouth on you in places noone will see. Thighs got a nice, plump femoral vein in 'em." With his free hand Spike traced a couple fingers over his leg where the vein was. It suddenly dawned on him why Xander tasted so much better now than when they'd started. He definitely was better than pig blood but something had bee missing. Fear. It made blood taste great but while the boy had been somewhat scared by his own request there wasn't enough fear. His arousal would send adrenaline coursing through him too though. Spike allowed his hand to move more to his inner thigh, his touch light. "Or maybe you'd rather I drink from this one?"
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thebigbadspike · 2 years
Xander pulled away just enough so that his lips were ghosting across Spike's neck. "It scared me at first. But now... just don't turn me okay. I'll let you do anything else you want to me, just not that."
"And be stuck with you for eternity? Not bloody likely." His snark fell a bit short. The words were there but they didn't pack their usual punch. How could they? With Xander teasing his neck, insisting Spike do whatever he wanted. A hand moved up to grip the hair on the back of his head, with a swift jerk he pulled Xander's head back. "...gonna need to be careful 'f I'm feeding from you more," he breathed low, gaze focused on the pulse point beating just below the surface of his throat. Waiting. Begging him to sink his fangs in. "You're sure you can keep the marks covered?"
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