#rwrb is jsut that book for me
cultofsappho · 1 year
in the year 2023, why are people still tagging their hate posts???
if you don’t like rwrb, good for you, leave the tags alone so we can enjoy our trashy romance in peace, ty.
unless you have some genuine thought provoking analyisis/critique of the way something was handled, go somewhere else. i’m down for constructive criticism. there are absolutely things to critique surrounding rwrb, doubly so w the movie. but there’s no need to ruin people’s fun for enjoying something meaningful to them just bc you didn’t like it. 
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piningeddiediaz · 3 years
Ohh you also like rwrb? What do you like about the 2 idiots in love 🥰 I personaly thought some things in the book are way too gringe and random or exagerated but I loved the characters and the story of A and H 💘
like? oh boy like doesn’t even cut what i feel for this book. you should have seen me a year ago - this tumblr was practically a shrine to rwrb. i could write a thesis on how much i love that book.
and i could say a lot of profound things about the writing style etc etc but the truth is i was in a really bad place when i first read it and it got me out of a hole i couldnt climb out of. more than once. it’s my go to book when im sad, i’ve read it so many times i have most of it memorised.
and it’s nothing to do with the story - you’re right some of it is quite cheesy and exaggerated (though i think thats part of the charm! casey mcquiston takes every trope under the sun but somehow does it better) - it’s about alex and henry. about their relationship. before reading rwrb i was a very firm believer in fate and destiny and soulmates. i was (still am) a hopeless romantic who believed in love at first sight and rose petals and violins when you meet The One. and tho pynch had already kind of introduced me to the idea, it wasnt until i read rwrb that i really understood that love is a choice that you make, and The One isn’t just someone you randomly bump into at a coffee shop or whatever. the person who chooses you, keeps choosing you no matter how hard it is? thats The One. for me, love is choosing to stay. at the time i read rwrb, that message was something that i really needed to hear. it’s just such a feel-good book ukno? it’s got its sad moments but it’s so hopeful! and alex is my spirit animal - my friend convinced me to read rwrb by telling me she found the male version of me and she is absolutely right! and henry is the kind of person i want. in a lot of ways, firstprince kind of reminds me of pynch in that once they realise and admit their feelings for each other its an upward curve. despite the setbacks, they help each other grow. they understand each other’s interests, passions, desires and dreams and not only do they accept it, but they actively encourage it. henry understands alex’s dreams of being in congress and tho he himself wishes for a life outside the limelight and doesnt really understand why alex would want to be the subject of so much scrutiny in the first place, he is nothing but supportive. not in the resigned ‘i guess i’ll suck this up for you’ way, but because it is a part of alex and he loves him which includes loving his dreams. because he understands alex’s reasons, and he loves him for it. that is so so important to me, that’s what i want. rwrb was a big neon sign saying DON’T SETTLE.
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