#rwby crititical
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I think the writers, beyond being shit at what they do, simply forgot to keep track. Or they're lying. This is in response to the "They knew in Vol 1 that Atlas would fall yadda yadda yadda" post. The question here is now, did we know all the way back in Vol 1 that Atlas was a floating kingdom? I don't think we did? Clarify for me, por favor.
I don’t necessarily even believe they knew back then that Atlas would fall. The post was more of a “pretending this is true” scenario which I realize I did not make all that clear. I especially doubt the truth of the statement because RWBY didn’t even seem to know what it was trying to do back in volume one and only seemed to get its footing in volume 3. One of my many issues with the statement that I vaguely hinted at in that post is disbelief that the statement is even true given how the first volumes where all over the place in terms of what they where trying to do and what they where building up the big bad to even be. We know for example the maidens where conceived during volume 3, I imagine most things about Salem was created during that time as well so them knowing specifically Salem would walk by James and not even give him the time of day back then really timeline wise is extremely sus and feels like they’re lying.
I just don’t even get WHY the writers are lying about stuff like this. What’s the point? What does it give them? Why are they going out of their way to piss off James fans? What is the point besides being a class A asshole? I mean they could just have the timeline wrong, I mean they don’t have a RWBY bible (which is just insane for me to think about) so them not remembering when they came up with ideas wouldn’t be completely out their either since they can’t seem to remember a LOT of things like using Marrows semblance, Torchwick stealing all of the dust, Blake’s personality etc. it’s just....sad and painful thinking about how little it seems CRWBY cares about this show or it’s characters. They get done so dirty more often then not and I have to wonder how someone could do that to something they had some had in helping create. It’s honestly mind boggling to me.
#RWDE#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood#rwby crititical#crwby critical#anti crwby#RWBY critique
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just saw a take in the anti-rwde tag so bad i had a whole allergic reaction /hj
it was about how rewrites are NEVER good because it ignore's the writers' work, and that if you make rewrites you never actually enjoyed the content.
like okay, i guess AU writers hate the content they pull from! because AUs do technically count as rewrites, just probably not what OP was thinking of (*cough* fixing rwby *cough*). actually, technically all fanfics are rewrites to some degree! fuck it! everyone who writes fanfic is actively ignoring the writers' hard work! damn!
sorry for disagreeing, but i personally think making rewrites means you're more passionate than if you were to just passively consume the content you were given! because you're putting effort into ignored characters, dropped plot threads, unexplored worldbuilding and lore, etc.! who are you to judge if someone's way of appreciating content is wondering how things could have gone differently, expanding on what the writers' didn't pay attention to? there is NOTHING WRONG with wanting to rewrite something, whether it's because you're just curious about how things could go differently or if you're unsatisfied with what you got. hell, even the rewrites i HATE i still hold some respect for because damn, take it from someone who tried and gave up, making rewrites is HARDDDD, ESPECIALLY for a show like rwby with so many characters and other factors to take into consideration
anyway, sorry for ranting in your askbox lol, i'm just so....jesus christ that take made me MAD.
Hey anon! First off never EVER apologize for ranting in my inbox! I don’t mind, I know sometimes venting out your frustrations can help you feel better. I do that a lot on my blog when something annoys me so I get how therapeutic it can be.
Secondly I have never gone into the anti-rwde tag because I know I would die after a few posts. I will stick to the RWDE and James Ironwood tags where I belong lolZ.
Regarding the meat of this ask, holy shit I just- why just why? How can you look at a show like RWBY that regularly and actively takes things like themes and character arcs and say that someone making a rewrite doesn’t love the original subject? People don’t waste time on things they don’t care about. We have limited free time to do shit we’re not going to waste it working on a project that does absolutely nothing for us.
I have a morbid curiosity for what they think of AUs because how this person describes it, they should be even worse then rewrites because aus fundamentally completely overturn what the original work was. It’s all about taking the characters you love and plopping them in something completely different from their canon universes. It is literally about exploring the infinite possibilities that a universe holds. Personally I almost exclusively write in Aus in anything longer then a one or two shot. They’re just so much more interesting to me to explore because I love seeing how minor things change the bigger picture and what these characters do.
Hey you know everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and they literally don’t hurt anyone just like how rewrites and AU’s aren’t hurting anyone. They’re a way someone expresses their love for whatever it is the rewrite or Au is for just like fanart. Just because their are certain things one would change doesn’t mean they still don’t enjoy the base media the rewrite is for. Their is always something that we love in it what’s why we create for it.
I may not like every rewrite or au or whatever for any fandom I love but I still respect the work put into it because these fics take a lot of work and time and effort and writers do this for free. Their is no way to get any compensation for fic writing yet people do it anyways because they love the thing being written about and this is how they express that love. That whole sentiment is just insane for me and reeks of a mega fan refusing to understand that their precious show might not be perfect and that sometimes people might have a better idea for something. Or even if it isn’t it still has value and these mega fans are just wrong about it not having value. As I said it takes time and effort and people won’t waste time on something they don’t care about or enjoy it helps no one and trying to pretend otherwise is just insane to me.
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I have to laugh my ass off at people like that lore-of-silver-eyes jerk when they call themselves "analysts" and then proceed to shit on genuine actual analysis and critiques of things. Especially unsolicited like that and in such a bullshitty and condescending tone. Behavior like that would get them kicked out of most professional review columns and blacklisted from the industry.
It’s both sad and funny all at once. Every time they reply to a post they always say something about me as a person and try to write it off as a critique and it’s like ?????? That ask wasn’t even really a critique it was just anon venting out some sadness about James and I responded as is how a normal blog functions. But it’s always posts like that one that seem to get people the most riled up for some reason. But yea their are some things it’s just so silly and pointless to critique and a post lamenting the poor treatment of the blog owners favorite character is definitely one of them. If us critiquing your favorite show is so damn distressing then block me and the RWDE tag and you won’t have to see it anymore.
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I just love how mega fans insist we’re only trying to force James into being nonwhite because we want to hate on the show more and ignoring how we, and fucking Jason his Va and the guy whose face was used to create James, all have believed from the beginning he was likely mixed race. The manga fucking even thinks so but nah clearly we’re just haters fabricating more reasons to be haters :/
#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood#rwde#RWBY bashing#rwby crititical#crwby critical#hate in the fandom#toxic fans
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So as I said last night I started making a meta post about the dust embargo sparked by another James hater in the tag but I noticed something and my response kept coming back to this thing I noticed and I realized my discussion was focusing way to much on this detail I noticed that is only sort of mildly connected to the post I’m referencing so I decided to make a post talking about this detail I noticed instead and the interesting implications it could have had. Now I realize people have likely talked about this already given this scene was in volume 4 but I’m late to the fandom so I have no idea if people have talked about this and I’m not about to search through years of posts to confirm this or not.
While working on the meta post I noticed that the container Weiss opens on the smugglers ship had the Schnee Dust Company logo on it.

Now you’re probably wondering why this caught my attention and why I was so interested in this. It caught my attention because the animators had to specifically add this logo onto the container. They could have simply not placed a logo on the container but they decided to place the SDC logo specifically in the container and more curiously it being inside the container rather then prominently on the outside like normally would be done on shipping containers.
I feel this is important because it tells me that given Jacques greed and what lengths he’s willing to go for power I would not be surprised if Jacques was on some level working with smugglers to ensure his dust is getting out of Atlas and sold. We also know James is not popular amongst the Atlas elite right now so their is further speculation to be made depending on if only the Atlesian military controls air traffic or if civilians are also involved that possibly some Atlesians look the other way if they suspect any sort of smuggling happening in order to also line their own pockets.
Now we technically don’t know if this is the case but I can’t stop coming back to the point that the logo was purposefully put in. Why would the containers have the logo if they didn’t come from the SDC and given that Jacques never mentions dust being stolen from his factories it’s not that big of a stretch really to think Jacques is sneaking behind James’s back and having smugglers move dust to get around the embargo. Especially given the total lack of a dust shortage we actually see within Remnant when their should be given how the show implies the SCD is the only dust company in Remnant since we never see nor hear about any other dust companies that are still in business.
This could have been such an interesting point to explore, James finding out about Jacques smuggling out dust and the real reason Jacques is so angry about Atlas boarders being shut down completely is because now he won’t be able to snuggle out dust anymore. It would really well explain why Remnant wasn’t feeling the effects of the Embargo until the mains got to Atlas and would further show that Jacques is willing to do anything out of greed. It would also help further establish the corruption within the elite the show again claims is their but that we don’t really see. We see them being snobbish and such but corruption is just not something all that present. I just think this could have been a really good plot thread to explore the continue some all to important world building and help establish why dust is still seemingly pretty readily available in Remnant despite the embargo. It would also be interesting to explore this whole thing from James’s perspective. He’s trying to figure out how dust is getting out of Atlas but he and his people keep hitting road blocks from the elite and the rest of the council either couldn’t be bothered to assist with this because they possibly even have something to gain from the smuggling.
Sadly everyone involved in this is dead and given how the show this far hasn’t explored the should be shortage of dust I don’t have a lot of hopes for them actually exploring this moving forward. I think the writers just kind of forgot to show their is a dust shortage and are hoping we will continue to not notice even moving forward.
#rwde#rwby bashing#RWBY critical#rwby crititical#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood
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Nitpick November is over but I still can't get over the weirdness of all 4 kingdoms retaining their status as kingdoms despite losing their monarchs or overthrowing them ages ago. The only time this is somewhat addressed is with the Crown in the books who want to restore the monarchy and even then this contradiction is overlooked. It's like if the United Kingdom broke apart and became republics but England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland still continue to call themselves kingdoms out of tradition.
Yea I do have to agree their that is kind of weird. Why are they kingdoms still? The answer probably is kingdom sounds cooler and more fantasy like then country but since their is no king or queen ruling the use of kingdom makes very little sense. Also to add onto this just the leadership situation is very confusing. It sounds like the council in essence governs the kingdoms but why is their no figurehead above the council? Just all of the politics of the kingdoms are confusing and never get explained and it’s very frustrating.
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About the post of ironwood extra by being lowkey, i think it was also what i enjoyed original about him. They should have given him either a completely inane semblance (he can change the color of his eyes or he can make himself 2kg lighter) or completely bonkers (he can bleed like a shounen protagonist, as a quentin tarantino extra, as an allusion of the tin-man) and either left the gun alone or make it that it transform as a minigun, a pocket size puter).
But honestly, i didn't even knew his semblance existed until i read it in your post. I think its never mentioned in the show and comes from an interview?
Their has been so much discussion of better semblances to give him that aren't offensive and are still passive so that someone besides Qrow can have one. Their was just so much they could have done and yet they went with freaking Mettle of all things not only was it a wasted opportunity but it was also extremely offensive. But having a weaker semblance actually shows how strong he would have been because he doesn't have this super power that gives him buffs during a fight its just him holding his own and that's pretty badass and why as you said so many people loved him.
Ohhhhh don't worry a lot of people had no idea about his semblance because it was never mentioned in the show and was only discussed in an interview. Not even his VA Jason knew about James's semblance which really makes the whole thing feel like a last minute toss in.
#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood#rwde#Rwby bashing#rwby crititical#rwby criticism
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I remember at least the maidens not being a thing until V3 so I can imagine the relics also where not a thing until then either. I think the answer to that is they couldn’t and therefore didn’t and are either lying for forgot completely and I’m honestly not sure which is worse. Forgetting things like this severely harms the story and messed up the flow but lying....it just shows the writers don’t care about their fans.
I think the writers, beyond being shit at what they do, simply forgot to keep track. Or they're lying. This is in response to the "They knew in Vol 1 that Atlas would fall yadda yadda yadda" post. The question here is now, did we know all the way back in Vol 1 that Atlas was a floating kingdom? I don't think we did? Clarify for me, por favor.
I don’t necessarily even believe they knew back then that Atlas would fall. The post was more of a “pretending this is true” scenario which I realize I did not make all that clear. I especially doubt the truth of the statement because RWBY didn’t even seem to know what it was trying to do back in volume one and only seemed to get its footing in volume 3. One of my many issues with the statement that I vaguely hinted at in that post is disbelief that the statement is even true given how the first volumes where all over the place in terms of what they where trying to do and what they where building up the big bad to even be. We know for example the maidens where conceived during volume 3, I imagine most things about Salem was created during that time as well so them knowing specifically Salem would walk by James and not even give him the time of day back then really timeline wise is extremely sus and feels like they’re lying.
I just don’t even get WHY the writers are lying about stuff like this. What’s the point? What does it give them? Why are they going out of their way to piss off James fans? What is the point besides being a class A asshole? I mean they could just have the timeline wrong, I mean they don’t have a RWBY bible (which is just insane for me to think about) so them not remembering when they came up with ideas wouldn’t be completely out their either since they can’t seem to remember a LOT of things like using Marrows semblance, Torchwick stealing all of the dust, Blake’s personality etc. it’s just....sad and painful thinking about how little it seems CRWBY cares about this show or it’s characters. They get done so dirty more often then not and I have to wonder how someone could do that to something they had some had in helping create. It’s honestly mind boggling to me.
#rwde#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood#rwby crititical#crwby critical
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@desolateslove we all get a little salty sometimes! I get being frustrated because yea sometimes people just don’t have time to create and implying that makes me less of a fan is gatekeepy as hell. Yea I know a lot of people just look for reasons to be pissed off. Like if you don’t like em don’t read em.a few you tubers and said this and it’s true, no one can’t force you to consume content. And even if they can you don’t have to agree or let it change how you feel about the media that content was about.
just saw a take in the anti-rwde tag so bad i had a whole allergic reaction /hj
it was about how rewrites are NEVER good because it ignore's the writers' work, and that if you make rewrites you never actually enjoyed the content.
like okay, i guess AU writers hate the content they pull from! because AUs do technically count as rewrites, just probably not what OP was thinking of (*cough* fixing rwby *cough*). actually, technically all fanfics are rewrites to some degree! fuck it! everyone who writes fanfic is actively ignoring the writers' hard work! damn!
sorry for disagreeing, but i personally think making rewrites means you're more passionate than if you were to just passively consume the content you were given! because you're putting effort into ignored characters, dropped plot threads, unexplored worldbuilding and lore, etc.! who are you to judge if someone's way of appreciating content is wondering how things could have gone differently, expanding on what the writers' didn't pay attention to? there is NOTHING WRONG with wanting to rewrite something, whether it's because you're just curious about how things could go differently or if you're unsatisfied with what you got. hell, even the rewrites i HATE i still hold some respect for because damn, take it from someone who tried and gave up, making rewrites is HARDDDD, ESPECIALLY for a show like rwby with so many characters and other factors to take into consideration
anyway, sorry for ranting in your askbox lol, i'm just so....jesus christ that take made me MAD.
Hey anon! First off never EVER apologize for ranting in my inbox! I don’t mind, I know sometimes venting out your frustrations can help you feel better. I do that a lot on my blog when something annoys me so I get how therapeutic it can be.
Secondly I have never gone into the anti-rwde tag because I know I would die after a few posts. I will stick to the RWDE and James Ironwood tags where I belong lolZ.
Regarding the meat of this ask, holy shit I just- why just why? How can you look at a show like RWBY that regularly and actively takes things like themes and character arcs and say that someone making a rewrite doesn’t love the original subject? People don’t waste time on things they don’t care about. We have limited free time to do shit we’re not going to waste it working on a project that does absolutely nothing for us.
I have a morbid curiosity for what they think of AUs because how this person describes it, they should be even worse then rewrites because aus fundamentally completely overturn what the original work was. It’s all about taking the characters you love and plopping them in something completely different from their canon universes. It is literally about exploring the infinite possibilities that a universe holds. Personally I almost exclusively write in Aus in anything longer then a one or two shot. They’re just so much more interesting to me to explore because I love seeing how minor things change the bigger picture and what these characters do.
Hey you know everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and they literally don’t hurt anyone just like how rewrites and AU’s aren’t hurting anyone. They’re a way someone expresses their love for whatever it is the rewrite or Au is for just like fanart. Just because their are certain things one would change doesn’t mean they still don’t enjoy the base media the rewrite is for. Their is always something that we love in it what’s why we create for it.
I may not like every rewrite or au or whatever for any fandom I love but I still respect the work put into it because these fics take a lot of work and time and effort and writers do this for free. Their is no way to get any compensation for fic writing yet people do it anyways because they love the thing being written about and this is how they express that love. That whole sentiment is just insane for me and reeks of a mega fan refusing to understand that their precious show might not be perfect and that sometimes people might have a better idea for something. Or even if it isn’t it still has value and these mega fans are just wrong about it not having value. As I said it takes time and effort and people won’t waste time on something they don’t care about or enjoy it helps no one and trying to pretend otherwise is just insane to me.
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With how man WOR videos their are I can’t even keep track of them all. But even when I still was enjoying Ruby the whole Beacon Vault is extra hidden just....it felt off and kind of like a weird explanation. At the time I was willing to ignore it cuz I was still enjoying the show you know but now? The line is even worse.
As for the Atlas stuff I really don’t know anymore. All I can say for sure is on some level CRWBY is lying to us and I do not like it one bit. The fans of the show deserve better then to be lied to all the time. Fans care about this show and these days put more thought and care then any of the writers ever bother to do. Honestly I need to do the same because at this point it’s almost certain it’s a lie when they say it was planned from the beginning. Theirs just so way some of this stuff can be and they’ve even said some of it wasn’t. It’s ridiculous they keep insisting they did since it only makes them look like terrible writers and that is not something you want your fans to think about you.
Hahaha Yea you said it. Saying “Atlas will probably fall somehow” isn’t a plan it’s a bullet point and if you base an entire season off of a bullet point we’ve got a problem. Cuz that bullet point is vague and at this point to get to the bullet point you had to destroy multiple characters and pissed off a lot of people. That’s not a good writing plan.
I think the writers, beyond being shit at what they do, simply forgot to keep track. Or they're lying. This is in response to the "They knew in Vol 1 that Atlas would fall yadda yadda yadda" post. The question here is now, did we know all the way back in Vol 1 that Atlas was a floating kingdom? I don't think we did? Clarify for me, por favor.
I don’t necessarily even believe they knew back then that Atlas would fall. The post was more of a “pretending this is true” scenario which I realize I did not make all that clear. I especially doubt the truth of the statement because RWBY didn’t even seem to know what it was trying to do back in volume one and only seemed to get its footing in volume 3. One of my many issues with the statement that I vaguely hinted at in that post is disbelief that the statement is even true given how the first volumes where all over the place in terms of what they where trying to do and what they where building up the big bad to even be. We know for example the maidens where conceived during volume 3, I imagine most things about Salem was created during that time as well so them knowing specifically Salem would walk by James and not even give him the time of day back then really timeline wise is extremely sus and feels like they’re lying.
I just don’t even get WHY the writers are lying about stuff like this. What’s the point? What does it give them? Why are they going out of their way to piss off James fans? What is the point besides being a class A asshole? I mean they could just have the timeline wrong, I mean they don’t have a RWBY bible (which is just insane for me to think about) so them not remembering when they came up with ideas wouldn’t be completely out their either since they can’t seem to remember a LOT of things like using Marrows semblance, Torchwick stealing all of the dust, Blake’s personality etc. it’s just....sad and painful thinking about how little it seems CRWBY cares about this show or it’s characters. They get done so dirty more often then not and I have to wonder how someone could do that to something they had some had in helping create. It’s honestly mind boggling to me.
#rwde#james ironwood#ironwood protection squad#pro james ironwood#pro ironwood#general ironwood#general dadmiral#dadmiral ironwood#rwby crititical#crwby critical
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