#rw seeker
soul-sylver · 1 year
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Atop the Wall
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
How would you design your ocs in a caterator au? (slugcat iterators)
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smth like this? 🤔 gkjldscmkldmgk they were bound to get slugged at some point, it is an inevitable fate for all iterators...
Boreas looks like an aggressively slavic flag slugcat i fucking love it so much. n Euros like the spanish dancer sea slug,,,
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ikkosu · 5 months
combing through inbox (haven’t touched it since I fell decrepit ) so here are some requests wips because I’m too lazy to update the wip post (for now) so have this. also I should uhhh really clear out some asks sjnljlsalnj
WIPS / FICS (not requests)
mamguro sci-fi au
REQUESTS (whew that’s uh, that’s a lot )
tfa shockwave
idw sound wave
g1 shockwave / ravage
seeker trine
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
CW: Looooooong post
This is about me. My termed blog @hypnokinkdoggo is being used to heap abuse and hate speech on me based on my age, disability, 9/11 injury, HIV status, and perceived mental state.
People are actually encouraging others to search for my posts and artifacts and continue harassing and abusing me. Check out some of the more toxic comments that have been slung my way:
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This began with @commonpigeon in August 2022 and has caused me to be ridiculed by more than 9,000 people.
Repeated reports have been ignored.
I'm finding more of these all the time.
Cyberbullying is against the law. So is online hate speech.
I have hundreds of screenshots of what's been posted and I'm gathering more each day. Anti-harassment resources are out there, and I'm using them.
As I muck through this cesspool of violence and hate targeting me, I've been posting excerpts here with context and commentary. Some will be springboards for monographs I'll post here where I will explicate a hate comment and find the connection to our fight against the storm of RW laws etc. coming our way.
I'm not "calling people out" or encouraging others to make trouble for these posters: they're overwhelmingly Gen Z, with all the purity culture, casual cruelty, and lack of self-awareness and basic human decency that years of 4chan and bad parenting and moral numbness and MAGA have wrought on these kids.
But if you look at their blogs, they're trans, furries, queers, kinksters, pup players, artists, fandom experts, writers, students and more who fill their spaces with beauty and musings and song and art of their own creation and self-healing and introspection that's remarkably perceptive, sometimes moving, even profound.
They're capable of compassion and caring about strangers who just might be queer, furry, kinky, GNC, pups, seekers, writers, and fighting for trans rights - *their* rights - in ways not so different from their own.
But they refuse to show that care and compassion to me, and I don't have the slightest idea as to why I've been singled out and targeted for the most horrific and vile abuse I've ever seen in 60 years of hard living.
And it's not because of my identity, or anything I did that was controversial, or any political or cultural stance of mine, or that I behaved in an antisocial way or slurred anyone with hate or threats -
Its because a 20-year-old girl in Scotland found a stoned 3 AM post I made on a religion thread that was, well, a stoned 3 AM post about religion (I was a Lutheran seminarian and LGBTQ+ equality activist in the 90's) Stream-of-consciousness, rambled a bit, but nothing at all remarkable.
She copied my post from the blog where I'd replied, and she reblogged that *stolen* post for the express purpose of "dissecting" it for ridicule by her followers, and they obliged. Hard. Gleefully. Death wishes toward me included. Done just for laughs, for entertainment, for the lulz.
When I posted some of this a while ago, a follower of mine said, "I feel like the worst part is that they're not even like, 'I'm x-phobic and I hate you', this is just like, a Thursday night for them, it seems".
I've spent my life fighting - effectively - for our community from the minute I came out. Queer Nation, ACT/UP, med cannabis, marriage equality, trans rights, I've been there and I'm still here.
I'm not about to give up. There are too many younger than me who have been asking me to share my experiences with them, and I'm eager to do just that. I know how to fight the fascists with tactics you won't find online; they're in my activist heart, and they're yours for the asking.
For a useless cringe pervo insane grandpa on death's door whose ancient presence here is scandalous, I've got a good supply of wisdom and understanding. But with this, I am at a loss, and no one I know can figure it out.
I'm fighting for my own justice here. Thanks for reading. Peace.
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I've been in a lot of fandoms, and a lot of shitty ones at that, and I can pretty confidently say that the rw//by fandom is one of, if not the, worst.
You'd think it'd be cause of the really loud, toxic ppl like Lilith and Seeker, but no, what makes this fandom the worst is the inability for others to hold those ppl accountable. To say no, we don't want ppl like that in our fandom, screw off. Instead ppl who hear about the harassment that goes on will either A. ignore it cause its 'not their problem' B. think it's okay because it's happening to rwde or some other critic or C. take the first excuse the harasser gives so they can sweep it under the rug and pretend the fandom is perfect as is.
Frankly I don't really wanna be in a fandom where harassment of an actual human being is seen as okay because of their opinions on a cartoon. Nice shiny paint rw//by fandom, I'm sure the wood underneath totally isn't rotten, right?
Hey anon!!! I’ve seen some horrible shit in fandoms but RWBY fndms shitty behavior takes the cake for the exact reasons you said, the fans refuse to hold anyone accountable or even accept it’s happening. They’ll say everything wrong ever is solely the critics fault and tell us if we weren’t so cringe maybe we wouldn’t get death threats.
It is 20fucking23 can we stop trying to justify bullying and harassment of people we don’t like? Why can’t we just block and move on why do we have to look for excuses to justify shitty behavior instead of calling it out for what it is?
RWBY wants to be all about trusting love….unless it’s someone they don’t like then harassment is fine justified even and that is beyond fucked up.
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sycamorality · 1 year
another ask i thought of after sending the previous one
what games besides rw do you like
i like minecraft :]
i used to play it a bunch but recently i just... can't get myself to? void knows why. loved doing hardcore, modded hardcore, half heart hardcore ... u name it. i did Things. and it was fun. fond memories
cattails too! wildwood stories is coming out in a few months.... that's gonna be so fun to play
century age of ashes is fun sometimes. i do like competitive games, i used to play time of dragons before it became abandonware (which sucks because it was so much fun. i spent so much time playing it when it was on facebook of all things) and honestly best time of my life. love games where you can be a dragon/have dragon and fight people. its fun. but you're never getting me to touch a regular fps game. y'better give me a dragon or i'm not touching it
otherwise other games ive played "recently" (within the last 3 years) are henry stickmin, spore, purring quest, slime rancher and a bunch of among us back in mid-late 2020. i met one of my current friend groups through it! really fun
otherwise uhmmm. not sure? i used to play animal jam and a few roblox games a bunch when i was younger
speaking of roblox let me name a few games i play on there actually
sekaiju is SUPER fun, it's like. pokemon but not pokemon and you get to be silly creatures. there's so many typings and it gets hard to remember matchups but eh. also theres LORE. and there's args. actual args that the devs make. it's insane. it's a successor of sorts to doragon's garden and fierce and i played both'a those and they were also fun
shard seekers is fun to just chill in. i like being silly dragon
arcane odessey and world of magic were also fun, though i havent played those in a while
ive also played creature survival games like malgamation's island and creatures of sonaria (please never play cos the community is awful nowadays, void forbid a minawii spam calls and gives you a headache 'n you kill it, suddenly everyone's at your throat because minawii is like. most people's favorite creature an dohhh theyre so innocent they didnt do nothing. anyway)
i used to play pokemon fighters ex back when that was still a thing. prime days ass kicking with the speediest fucking jolteon you've ever seen. now it's monsters of etheria and i still play it from time to time, i love the electric kitty. totally no bias or anything because its like if jolteon was a cat
there's also dragon adventurers, i don't play it a bunch but it's fun just hopping on and running around w any of my dragons
& sometimes i play rp games like foxkin valley, felandia, sundown island, be an alien renewal, dragons life and the early access wof game (though those two not as much as the others)
honestly you could prompt me on any of the rp games & i'd show you the characters i have in them. i'd also be willing to show any of the dragons i have in dragon adventures or creatures i have in sekaiju. they're silly to me
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i-am-nickelbolt · 9 months
Bronze to Mythic: Khans of Tarkir, draft #6
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Back to the queues after a couple of weeks... 5-3.
Pack 1, pick 1 Ivorytusk Fortress over Armament Corps and Timely Hordemate. Apparently Armament Corps has a significantly higher win rate, and Timely Hordemate is below average. Pick 2 Sandsteppe Citadel (over Flooded Strand), perfect. Pick 3 Ainok Bond-Kin over Dead Drop. I like Dead Drop but probably the least in Abzan, and Bond-Kin is a premium 2-drop. Pick 4 Raider's Spoils. Pick 5 Mardu Hateblade over Mardu Skullhunter. Getting a 1-drop warrior that trades for whatever rumbles with it is nice. Pick 6 Kin-Tree Warden over Mardu Warshrieker, which is a mistake. I was thinking about it being a warrior and a morph to trade off, but it's so unlikely to make my deck. Pick 7 easy Scoured Barrens. Pick 8 Salt-Road Patrol. Pick 9 Unyielding Krumar, which I've been noticing plays a lot better than it looks. It's still replacement level, but it's a good wheel. Followed up with pick 10 Rush of Battle and pick 11 Krumar #2. Solid start.
Pack 2, pick 1 Butcher of the Horde! Nice broken rare, over Mardu Hordechief. Pack 2 really disappointing Mardu Hateblade over Thousand Winds (which I'm so far away from playing), Burn Away (it's expensive...) and UG and UR lands. Maybe should have taken Burn Away... Pick 3 Ponyback Brigade over Sultai Flayer. Pick 4 Kill shot over Alabaster Kirin, which I think is *the* pick which tanked the draft. This card sucks, it was stuck in my hand in awkward spots in my games. Don't draft kill shot in aggro. Pick 5 Bloodfell Caves over Abzan Battle-Priest. I think Battle Priest kind of sucks, a 4 mana 3/2 is just not where you want to be. Also, notably, I passed a second Icefeather Aven. Blue has been very open in this direction. Theres a world where my first five picks were Icefeather, Thousand Winds, Jeskai Windscout, Master the Way, and 2nd Icefeather. Pick 6 Scoured Barrens over Pine Walker and Savage Punch. Pick 7 Scoured Barrens, pick 8 Mardu Hateblade. Man, Temur was open this pack...
Pack 3 Ponyback Brigade over End Hostilities and RW and BW lands. Pack 2 Chief of the Edge over Seeker of the Way. Pick 3 Bloodfell Caves. Pick 4 Ride Down. Pick 5 War-Name Aspirant. Pick 6 Ankle Shanker. Pick 7 Highspire Mantis. Wrapped up the pack with an Alabaster Kirin, Disowned Ancestor, and a Wooded Foothills on the wheel. This pack was pretty good to me. My deck had some holes and I did come up a little short on playables, but definitely have the power in the right draws to do some damage in the queues.
My first loss, I kept a slower hand, and they had Highspire Mantis into Mardu Heart-Piercer (which was just a massive blowout) and a follow-up Feat of Resistance. I couldn't recover from these savage beats.
My second loss was one of those frustrating games... The board was at parity, I had Ankle Shanker, Ivorytusk Fortress, and Butcher of the Horde facing off against a wider board. Neither one of us could attack. I drew like 4 lands in a row, and my opponent drew like, creature, creature, make 3 warrior tokens, Trumpet Blast. I had so many draws that would have just won me the game on the spot.
My third loss I made a bad attack that forced a Mardu Hateblade activation that messed up my curve, they got to double spell (creature plus removal) and I never drew my 4th land.
Frustrating losses, but I do think 5-3 is pretty fair for this deck. The mid-game was a little weak and my mana wasn't great. Anytime I make my gems back, I've met my goal.
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canyon-of-chaos · 11 months
Does anyone wanna hear about my survival horror idea? Cmere and have a listen
I don’t have a name for this one, but basically you play as a creature person that i have nicknamed “The Beast”, and she’s looking for a group of missing other creature people who tried to start a life on this mysterious giant island. Anyway it’s full of dangerous animals, and Beast ends up crash-landing the plane a while away from the settlement the group belonged to. This is where the game starts!
anyway here’s a Beast early concept
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the main gimmick of the game is that shadows are pitch black, and both you can hide in them without being noticed, but other things can as well. It’s useful!
Creatures can only see you if you’re in the line of sight, which is different for every type. They cannot see you in shadows.
Creatures (and you) can hear everything around them, but it’s most useful in front (or whatever side they have ears on.) The beast usually hears best behind her but the ear direction might be able to be switched.
things that kill you
first creature i came up with. It can’t hear for nothin but the moment it sees you it’s immediately on it’s way to your location. Idk what this one looks like yet but it’s head probably is just Eye and Mouth. Probably looks a bit like watchers from HZD.
Feather Chaser
jus a raptor. Not very big compared to everything else, but they live in groups. Probably player character height. You can tame these :D
Shade Lurker
sits in the shadows and waits for other creatures to hide with it, then eats them.
Prey Creatures
Prey are little kill fodder, either to feed Beast or the multiple horrors to distract them. here are some below
I forgor this one (Anglermice??): Inspired by lantern mice rw. They’re plentiful but fast, and they make noise when killed that attracts nearby predators. They also glow, which can be used to reveal things in shadows
that’s all i got for now, bye folks
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jasaarsitekvilla · 2 years
WA 0811.9891.300 Jasa Desain Gambar Bandung
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acompassrosa · 2 years
Decks I Used in January 2023
I thought it might be interesting to take a look back at what decks I used last month and what stood out to me-- especially since one of my goals this year is to spend more time with more of the decks in my collection.
Decks I Used Only Once:
Golden Lenormand Oracle- I used this for a Grand Tableau reading for the first quarter of the year. If you’re familiar with Lenormand, the readings are often relevant for 3-6 months. As such, I try to do them quarterly. This was a really fun deck to use, I happened to have a free day when my floor was completely clean so I could use HUGE deck. (A grand tableau consists of the whole deck and these cards are oracle sized) I’ve always wanted to do this and I have zero regrets about it. I feel like this 100% justified my having this deck in my collection. The images are charming, Victorian style images with playcard insets. 
Augenblick Tarot- this is one of those decks that I always want to spend more time to but just have not been able to make time for. It’s a square deck on a nice stock and the images are all cropped down tourism photos. It’s definitely one of the coolest decks I own and I love the readings I get with it… but it takes time. I would honestly love to spend a month deep diving into this one, but I have not really had the headspace for that recently. So, I just pull it out now and again for one-shot reads. 
Heavenly Bloom Tarot- A newcomer to the collection, an absolute stunner. I definitely want to work with this one more but there are two obstacles: slippery card stock and a weird, overly long, card shape that makes shuffling difficult. I’m already working with this deck more in February though, so hope is not lost!
Star Seeker Tarot (Pocket Edition)- This was a repurchase that arrived at the very end of the month. I had the full size first edition and passed it along to a friend the moment the pocket edition was announced… and then forgot to actually buy it until now. I love pocket/mini decks and I am thrilled to have this one. I am sure I’ll have more to say on this one later in the year! 
Decks I Used Lot: 
Mystical Manga Tarot- This was such a stand out for me in January! I love it! I got this sometime in the last two years, having looked at it for ages before purchasing. I got the Traditional Manga Tarot at the same time and at the time that stole my heart and shove the Mystical Manga Tarot to the sidelines. I am so glad I gave this deck a change to shine– the colors are so fun and I love the literal framing of the cards so much. It’s a great, fun deck to play around with and the court cards in particular are a lot of fun.
Phantasma Tarot- Gods, this deck is beautiful. I love all of Paulina Fae’s decks but this one is perfect. It’s borderless, which is how all her decks ought to be, so you can really see all the intricacies of the artwork. This was a close second to the Mystical Manga for favorites, falling short only because I feel like I need even more time to fully appreciate this beauty. 
Traditional Manga Tarot- As mentioned above, when I first got this and the Mystical Manga Tarot it was the immediate standout of two similarly themed decks– and I stand by that! In general it’s still my preferred of the two, but it just didn’t stand out as much to me in January. 
Tarot by Caro- I feel like this deck needs more love from the tarot world in general. It is such a fun, funky alternative to the RWS. The art style is amazing, the shuffle is flawless, and it reads like a dream. It’s only lower on this list because I used it less than the other decks. 
Le Beau Monde Tarot (Standard and Mini Editions)- This is an old reliable for me and it is always a joy to work with. I actually read with this one a lot in January, but because I already expect good things from it… it just didn’t stand out as much as the others when I look back on the month as a whole. This deck is not for everyone, being both regency romance themed and a pip deck, but something about the suit choices (candles, parasols, fans, and reticules) just speaks to me. I get such clear images from working with this deck and I love her dearly. 
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kaisumisucreations · 3 years
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aand my hunter oc yet again, for now named seeker. now if i could just solidify their design instead of changing parts of it constantly.
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littleblackqrow · 5 years
💍 + listen we've been flirting with the subject i just wanna see your thoughts
where they get married
Anywhere but Atlas, probably. Possibly a forest location like Forever Fall, or Patch.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
It wouldnt matter if it was in Forever Fall, but probably a spring day, with the ceremony being early afternoon.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
Birdseed gets thrown at them instead of rice. I imagine Carolina might do the something borrowed, something blue. Qrow also tells her that if her wedding dress gets torn at any point during the ceremony or reception that’s a sign of goo luck (apparently that’s a Welsh thing)
what their wedding cake looks like
Donut designed it. Its extra af, and probably a couple tiers high. Cake topper has a fox and a crow
….who smashes cake into whose face
They both do it
who proposed to who first
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
Honestly they probably walk down together, unless Carolina wants to be more traditional about it.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
Carolina probably wears something aqua and flowing, perfect for dancing in. Qrow is wearing a grey double breasted suit with a red cravat because I like the look of cravats, dammit 
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
Again, Donut absolutely designed most of it along with Tai. There’s a lot of flowers, and a lot of Red and Blue everywhere because of course Qrow has a lot of red in his colorscheme
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
Myrtle has to be a part of the bouquet because apparently that’s another Welsh tradition. Roses and sunflowers are probably involved somewhere too, but I’m no good with flower arrangements so I have no idea what that would look like.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
I can see this going any way. Qrow’s not very poetic so he might opt for traditional just to be safe.
if anyone’s late to the wedding
Grif’s almost late to no one’s surprise. Raven also shows up at the last second
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Qrow has Tai and Raven in his party and Yang and Ruby are involved somewhere, idk where. Carolina has Church and Wash
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
Clothing? They all have very different fashion senses an eventually everyone just sort of gave up on trying to get a uniform look.
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Church and Raven tell embarrassing sibling stories. Wash and Tai actually try to be serious, and Sarge gets up to speak but forgets why he’s there and turns it into one of his rants before they cut the mic.
who catches the bouquet( s )
One of the girls (Yang or Ruby) does
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
A combination of silly and serious. They bought disposable cameras and put them on the tables so that the guests could take the pictures
what sort of food they have at the reception
Grif made them barbecue since there were a lot of people and they were already out doors.
who cries first during the ceremony
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )what their rings are like
Carolina is the best dancer, and it can get pretty wild with people like Nora and Sarge involved
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
Neither of them thought about this so Donut had to step in again with magnets and programs and a whole lot of other knickknacks.
where they go for their honeymoon
lmao idk, Vacuo, probably, its the one location we havnt seen yet
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
When you get the Blood Gulch idiots together there’s always going to be something memorable that happens, but specifics are hard to pin down
who officiates the ceremony
Oz/Oscar maybe
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gefdreamsofthesea · 4 years
The Tarot of the Kingdoms is here!
This is an 80 card deck by Paige Ozma Ashmore and published by Red Feather (Schiffer). The cards explore the "kingdoms" of various elemental beings. The Majors are archetypes, the suits (air, fire, water, earth) feature fairies, dragons, mermaids, and tree beings respectively. The extra cards are the Soul (the "suit of self") and the Universe. One important thing to note is that Wands are Air and Swords are Fire in this deck.
I backed the original Kickstarter for this deck (which failed) so it's nice to hold it in my hands. The art is just so soft and pretty!
The deck loosely follows RWS (with the switched suit associations) but I don't think I would call this a beginner's deck. Some cards are really nice as art pieces but I don't see the traditional meanings in them. Judgement, for instance, depicts a woman in a cave adding her handprints to others on a wall (like those neolithic cave drawings). I love the piece but it doesn't really say "Judgement" to me. Also there were some cards where I was just like "What is actually happening here?" And in the Devil I thought the coyote was a fox (a fox or wolf made more sense).
There are some poc in this deck but it's still a very white deck (I counted eight cards and most are majors), it's also a very hetero deck although the World card has two ladies together, having a chat, and the merman in the two of water is very femme. One thing I love is that the King of Water is holding a child. I will tolerate (presumed) heterosexuality if there's art of nurturing fathers. There are also a couple cards with pregnant women in them, and some nudity, if either of those things bothers you.
I think I would recommend this if you like soft, fairy tale themed decks. If you're looking for something more diverse, I'd recommend the Star Spinner Tarot (especially for queer rep), the Tarot of the Divine, or the Star Seeker Tarot (for the same soft, dreamy quality).
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bixbiboom · 4 years
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Today’s tarot pull: the seeker of coins (the page of pentacles for RWS). Prosperity and abundance, and new opportunities! Very interesting, given the situations I told my deck about while I was shuffling… #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailytarot #threadsoffate 
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radramblog · 4 years
Cube Philosophy- Multicolour
For those unaware, cube is a way of playing Magic where you essentially build your own draft environment. Rather than drafting sealed booster packs, you make a set of cards- the Cube, as it were- and draft that, letting you sculpt a particular and typically more powerful draft environment that can be replayed over and over. I’d argue cube is the most personalized and enjoyable part of magic, as it lets you both put your game designer hat on for a bit and lets you express your own ideas for fun magic and drag other people into playing cards you personally love.
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When it comes to designing a cube, a question that always comes up is how many multicoloured cards do I run? It can be attractive to put a huge number in- multicoloured cards are often more powerful, they’re often lots of fun, with splashy or unique effects. The problem is that you end up with diminishing returns (not the card, the concept)- more multicoloured cards will attract someone into a set of colours, sure, but it comes with the downside of an increased number of unplayable cards sitting in those sets of colours that no-one is playing. As well, people can feel like their draft is a little on rails if the best option every time is the multi in their section. A lesson I learned from my first cube is that you need to support every card in the cube- I had a cycle of 3-colour cards in it, which almost never got played because the manabase options in the cube didn’t support 3 colour decks well enough.
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The way I prefer to handle multicolour cards in cube actually looks a lot like how multicoloured uncommons are handled in most standard draft sets- they effectively serve two purposes, signposts and reasons to be in the pair. There is a third type of card I have deliberately excluded from this section- efficient staples like Terminate are at a minimum as while they are a reward for playing their particular colours they are not enough value in the slot, especially as they aren’t often significantly better than another random spell in monocolour- Terminate isn’t a high pick when its next to Cast Down and Dismember. There are a few cards like this in my cube, but they’re mostly there because I didn’t know what else to throw in, and they’re on my mental chopping block if I get something better going.
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Signposts therefore are indicators of what the colour pair is trying to do. Since a lot of my archetypes are a bit unusual, these can help to point newer players into the directions I intended. Staple cube archetypes- red aggro, green ramp, blue control etc- are of course still options, but my multicoloured section indicates a specific direction that is supported in both colours that may not be initially obvious. As an example, my Azorius section has both Pride of the Clouds and Skycat Sovereign- strong indicators that those colours want you to play Flying creatures. It’s important to me that each of these cards be basically fine on their own- sometimes building the X deck doesn’t work out, and you don’t want all of your X cards to be useless if they do, because that’s not a good or fun draft experience. Those two King Mufasas are fine since even if you aren’t playing a skies deck they are still solid evasive threats that shit tokens out if you have nothing better to do, but I wouldn’t play something like Empyrean Eagle, since without other Fliers that card doesn’t do anything. Even monocoloured flying payoffs such as Gravitational Shift can have other uses- Shift in particular can be brutal out of the sideboard against an aggressive deck without many fliers in it.
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The other purpose multicoloured cards can serve is reasons to be in the pair, also known as payoffs. These are your powerful cards that are both rewards for drafting well as well as incentives to switch colours if one is running around late. This is your Fractured Identity, your Vraska, Relic Seeker, or your Archon of Valour’s Reach- splashable bombs that say “congratulations, you get to play this now”. However, this also includes more flexible cards than you would normally have access to in monocolour- cards like Knight of Autumn or Izzet Charm, that reward you in a different way. They might be glorified efficient staples but they have the advantage of doing more than one thing for you.
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The other thing I have in my multi section is a loose Hybrid section. Hybrid cards are kind of the opposite of multicolour, in that they are actually less restrictive, but for convenience they go in the same section on the list. My idea for these is that they are more generically useful since they are more generically playable in more generic decks, but I’m not sure how well I hit that. It might take a while to clean this up, however, especially considering the only decent Orzhov one is a certain overpowered overpriced kitty (Lingering Souls will do for now).
I’ll go ahead and give a brief summary of my 2-colour archetypes before I go, but I think it is important to know that even if you are in these colours, you don’t have to do exactly that deck! Blue-White might support Skies, sure, but there are still counterspells and wraths aplenty for the ol’ Azorius no fun allowed deck.
Azorius (WU): Fliers, with a slight Blink subtheme. Damaging face and holding up protection is its own reward.
Dimir (UB): Evasion/Tempo with a bunch of Ninjas. Combat damage triggers are their own reward.
Rakdos (BR): Aggressive Aristocrats. Needs some more support. Pinging your opponent to death is its own reward.
Gruul (RG): Slower Midrange with a Wildfires subtheme. Blowing up everybody’s lands and creatures while still being able to play the game afterwards is its own reward.
Selesnya (GW): Faster Midrange with a Humans subtheme. Advent of the Wurm used to be my favourite card and therefore is its own reward.
Orzhov (WB): Doesn’t really have a specific theme outside of hand hate and being really grindy. Stripping your opponent’s hand of all its answers is its own reward.
Golgari (BG): Another less specific one but has graveyard stuff going on. Frankly, getting to play BG midrange is its own reward.
Simic (GU): Flash matters/Draw-Go. Being able to play mostly at instant speed is its own reward.
Izzet (UR): It’s spellslinger, of course it is. Being paid off to play your colours’ best cards is its own reward.
Boros (RW): Tokens/Go-wide. Being able to have a Boros deck with a lategame, or one that isn’t especially aggressive to begin with, is its own reward.
My personal cube list can be found here.
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