#rw atlantis
the-uber-goober · 4 months
Scavenger King Ship Names!!!!
Thank you to @whippiekippy and some people in the Cherrypie Bakery Discord Server owned by @rubicons (sorry for the @s everyone)
Green = Already named
Pink = Made by other people
Survivor x SK: New King
Monk x SK: Angrec, Peaceful Protest, World Peace
Hunter x SK: Anarchy, Pearl n Carry
Nightcat x SK: Cepheus, Saturn, Starry Night
Gourmand x SK: Shared Union
Artificer x SK: Regicide
Rivulet x SK: Poseidon, Atlantis
Spearmaster x SK: Herald, Spear Hill
Saint x SK: Theocracy, Ancient Royalty
Enot x SK: Party Leader, Lovebomb
If you don’t understand a name, feel free to ask for the reasoning!
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groupalpha · 7 days
No, but the added pressure from the rain could flood the area
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TC: Ah... right...
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california-112 · 2 years
Do any of your WIPs contain the word 'yellow'?
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
Yellow? Well, Anon, there are a couple, actually more than I remembered.
SGA (All from the same WIP lol):
He was covered in a thin layer of yellowish dust, lightening his hair and clinging to his skin.
Swab samples from their clothing, skin, and hair isolated the yellow dust, which had been sent for analysis, but their blood work showed no significant levels of anything out of the ordinary, as Carson would have expected with a poison gas.
He bought up a zoomed-in picture of some yellow spheres on his datapad.
Due South (Also all from the same WIP?):
Opening their eyes slowly, the first thing they saw was two dull yellow eyes staring back, belonging to the off-white husky which reclined on the floor next to the bed.
A man stood in a kitchenette, wearing creased black trousers with a yellow stripe down one side, held up by dark braces over a plain white undershirt.
Opening their eyes, Cal was confronted with a pair of huge yellow orbs staring back, accompanied by lots of white fur and a set of massive, sharp teeth, and they did what anyone else would have done in the situation.
Red's War (An original work):
 His shoes had been replaced by flying boots, which now had waterproof trousers tucked into them, and beneath a bright yellow Mae West was a borrowed waxed jacket that was at least two sizes too big.
It bathed Pilot Officer Reynolds with its yellow glow, having the desired effect of blinding him temporarily, allowing Red to jump up and grab him by the shoulders, feeling the young man tremble under his grasp.
The windows in the dark side of the hangar were lit a dull yellow by the work lamps of the ground crew, the light also reflecting off the metal rooves of the outbuildings squatting beside them to create a slight uplighting effect.
The man's eyes were unfocused as he retrieved the item, a yellow card that fell from his fingers as he held it out.
And many more in original works besides, but I didn’t want to make this too long...thanks for this ask, it was fun looking through all my WIPs!
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purpleplaid17 · 11 days
Jess Watches // Wed 11 Sept // Day 349 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Ugly Betty (rw with mum) 4x08 The Bahamas Triangle
In the steamy Bahamas, the love triangle between Betty, Matt and Amanda explodes, and romantic pairings abound. Things should be dreamy at the Atlantis resort, where even Shakira is staying, but Betty has a nightmarish photo shoot after Willie learns her nemesis, Penelope Graybridge, snagged a coveted job, and, even more importantly, discovers Connor is very much alive.
New York Wilhelmina: If anyone tells you there's something called "island time," drown them in their daiquiri and poke their eyes out with the umbrella.
Bahamas Willie, post-sex, tits out: It's island time, Betty. Jump on board, man.
Frasier (with mum) 6x16 Decoys
Donny is now going out with Daphne, which Niles is not happy about. On the plus side, Donny has managed to secure something for him out of the divorce settlement: Maris' lake-front cottage, Shady Glen.
If I confess my love for Daphne to Roz, can I 'pretend' to also be in love with her so we can go on a romantic weekend getaway together?
Burn Notice (rw with L) 1x01 Pilot
Michael Westen, a contract agent for various agencies including the CIA, finds that a burn notice has been issued for him. Stranded in Miami, he takes the case of a caretaker accused of stealing millions from his boss.
Detective Bautista vs. The Devil. Featuring: a yogurt-enthusiast/ burned spy, his hypochondriac mother, his explosive once-Irish ex-girlfriend, and their roguish sugar-mommy-loving bestie.
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levisgeekstuff · 9 months
Aquaman: Geen groot succes langs de Noordzee
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Met de recente release van de film ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom’ is het een uitgelezen moment om eens in de geschiedenis van deze held te duiken. (badum tss 😅) Hoe is Aquaman ontstaan? En welke comics zijn er van hem in het Nederlands verschenen? 👉
De geschiedenis van het personage leest als een soort Griekse tragedie: Na als baby te zijn aangespoeld op Mercy Reef, werd Arthur - zoals hij genoemd werd door Tom Curry, de vuurtorenwachter die hem grootbracht - zich bewust van zijn bijzondere afkomst: zoon van een Atlantische vrouw en een man van het vasteland. Omwille van zijn blonde bleek hij uit Atlantis te zijn verbannen. Een van Aquaman’s grootste vijanden is Orm, de ‘Ocean Master’, die ook Arthurs halfbroer is. Niet lang na zijn huwelijk met Mera verwelkomden ze Aquababy jr., maar tragisch genoeg werd hij vermoord door Black Manta, een andere aartsvijand van Aquaman. Overmand door schuldgevoelens stortte Aquaman zich met nog meer toewijding op zijn rol als beschermer van Atlantis en strijder tegen het kwaad. De dood van Arthur jr. bracht Mera tot aan de rand van een inzinking. Uiteindelijk verlaat zij Aquaman, die ook nog eens zijn koningstitel in Atlantis verloor.
Aquaman dook voor het eerst op (wederom: badum tss 🙈) in 1941 in het Amerikaanse ‘More Fun Comics’ nummer 73. Toch was het pas twintig jaar later, in 1961 met ‘Showcase’ nummers 30 en 31, dat Aquaman echt begon te schitteren. Deze succesvolle uitgaven leidden in de VS tot zijn eerste eigen serie in juni 1962.
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Die eerste reeks schopte het bij Classics meteen ook tot een Nederlandstalige versie. Al moet daarbij gezegd worden dat Classics er inhoudelijk wel een beetje een boeltje van maakte. De eerste delen volgen netjes de Amerikaanse uitgaven vanaf het begin, maar vanaf nummer 13 begint de reeks aan een soort inhaalbeweging met (toen) recenter werk. Daarbij werd de volgorde echter uit het oog verloren en werden de nummers nogal lukraak opgenomen in de Nederlandse Aquaman serie. Best verwarrend. Zo is één van de langere, doorlopende verhalen uit de reeks onleesbaar als je de gewone nummering volgt. Best is die Aquaman Classics in volgorde 14, 15, 16, 26, 28 en 20 te lezen. 
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Ondanks die verwarrende manier van uitgeven is de Aquaman reeks van Classics best de moeite. We zijn getuige van enkele belangrijke momenten uit Aquaman's leven: zijn kroning tot koning van Atlantis, zijn huwelijk met Mera en de geboorte van Aquababy Arthur jr. Tekenaars als Nick Cardy en Jim Aparo brachten de serie ook naar een aanzienlijk niveau.
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Nog in de Classics periode maakte Aquaman zijn opwachting in Superman Classics 9 en 12, Batman Classics 108, de 1e Superman Pocket en het ‘Superman Super Album’.
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Stille waters…
Daarna zou het, op enkele gastoptredens in de Superman serie van Baldakijn Boeken en de 'DC versus Marvel' miniserie bij Juniorpress na, jarenlang stil blijven. Een gelijkaardig verhaal dus zoals bij DC collega Wonder Woman. Ook in de VS bleef het na ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ in de jaren ‘80 stil rond Arthur Curry. Op enkele miniseries na verscheen er ook in de VS weinig tot geen nieuwe verhalen. Tot 1993. Dat jaar verscheen de miniserie ‘Time and Tide’ van Peter David, waarin de ontstaansgeschiedenis van Aquaman werd opgepoetst. De serie werd een groot succes en zorgde ook voor de start van een nieuwe doorlopende serie. Helaas kregen we daar niets van te lezen in het Nederlands.
Diep(ere) gronden
Pas in 2014 zouden we Aquaman weer terugzien in een Nederlandstalige comic. Uitgeverij RW Lion was toen al een tijdje bezig haar fraaie DC hardcovers. Ook de 'New 52' Aquaman reboot reeks van Geoff Johns en Ivan Reis kwam daarbij aan de beurt en vulde 3 albums.
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Persoonlijk ben ik wel een grotere fan van de daaropvolgende reboot, de DC Reborn reeks. Daar werd resoluut voor een blockbuster aanpak gekozen die ook fans van de eerste Aquaman film moest aanspreken. Helaas bleef het daarvan in het Nederlands bij RW Lion slechts bij één album. 
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Voor de volledigheid geef ik ook nog mee dat Aquaman opduikt in de meeste Justice League uitgaven van RW Lion en Dark Dragon Books. Maar al bij al voelt de publicatiegeschiedenis van Aquaman in het Nederlands dus een beetje als een storm in een glas water (OK, laatste badum tss, beloofd 😉).
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Hopelijk komt er in de toekomst nog wat vertaald materiaal bij. Zo hoop ik persoonlijk dat Dark Dragon Books de 90’s miniserie ‘Time and Tide’ overweegt in haar nieuw aangekondigde ‘DC Classics’ reeks. 
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Yow! Di bulan Mei nanti, ada 2 hari libur nasional loh! Pertama, Senin 1 Mei buat merayakan Hari Buruh Internasional. Lumayan nih, setidaknya bikin kita dapet long weekend buat nambah-nambah libur setelah Lebaran. Terus, Kamis 18 Mei juga ada hari libur buat merayakan Kenaikan Isa Al Masih. Jadi Jumat 19 Mei kemungkinan jadi "kejepit" buat hari libur. Nah, buat kalian yang pengen liburan singkat setelah Lebaran, ada kabar baik nih! Ada promo Diskon Tanggal Muda (DTM) yang bisa bikin liburan kalian jadi lebih hemat! BACA JUGA: Selama Libur Lebaran, Dinas Pariwisata Gunungkidul Targetkan PAD 1 Miliar Lebih Yuk, manfaatin jatah cuti kalian buat long weekend dan jalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat seru bareng keluarga atau teman-teman. Kalian bisa cek di tiket.com buat beli tiket masuk Ancol, Jakarta yang udah bisa dibeli online lho! Tiket masuk kendaraan, tiket masuk individual. Atau annual pass semuanya bisa kalian beli dengan harga yang murah banget! Selain itu, kalian juga bisa beli tiket buat wahana atraksi di dalam Ancol. Seperti Dunia Fantasi, Sea World, Jakarta Birdland, Atlantis Water Adventures, atau naik Gondola buat liat pemandangan Ancol dari atas. BACA JUGA: Yuk ke Museum Geologi! Tempat Wisata Edukasi Menarik di Bandung Kalo kalian di Bandung, bisa cek Lembang Park & Zoo. Sebuah,  kebun binatang terbesar di wilayah Bandung! Di sana, kalian bisa naik kuda poni. Bisa juga, memberi makan gajah, atau main-main ke Rabbit House. Harganya juga terjangkau loh, cuma mulai dari Rp108.500 untuk orang yang punya tinggi minimal 80cm. Terus, buat kalian yang pengen liat komodo tapi males jauh-jauh ke Pulau Komodo. Kalian bisa cek Solo Safari di Jawa Tengah! Di sana ada 20 ekor satwa dilindungi termasuk komodo loh! Ada juga pertunjukan satwa dan area petting zoo yang seru banget buat interaksi sama satwa. BACA JUGA: Semarak Hari Raya Idul Fitri di Objek Wisata Palembang, Seperti Apa? Tiketnya juga gak mahal-mahal banget, cuma mulai dari Rp75.000 per orang. Yuk, manfaatin momen long weekend dan DTM buat jalan-jalan seru ke tempat-tempat keren di Indonesia! Berikut ini adalah tambahan alamat dari objek wisata yang bisa kalian samperin pada Libur Nasional bulan ini: Ancol, Jakarta: Jalan Lodan Timur No.7, RW.10, Ancol, Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14430. Lembang Park & Zoo, Bandung: Jalan Baru Lembang No.50, Gudangkahuripan, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40391. Solo Safari, Jawa Tengah: Jalan Jogorogo - Tawangmangu KM. 3, Klodran, Gondangrejo, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57792.
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 1004: Atlas (suite):  Part III / III
"The Great Knights have three levels, Knight, Baronet, and Baron. The Knights have enough coordination to attack, but need someone to coordinate their attacks. The Baronet does that, but needs someone to provide overall battlefield command."
"And?" Weiss nervously, eagerly asked, "Could we purchase a Unicorn?"
"No." Pietro replied, "But I can provide you one for - testing purposes." Pietro said with a smile. "They have all passed laboratory testing, but need better information from the field. The Unicorn needs the higher level of intelligence for the more complex gravity manipulation."
"How smart are the regular horses?" Ruby asked.
"About as smart as a horse, though less skittish." Pietro replied.
"They can be quite skittish." Jaune replied.
Pietro then turnd to a screen and used his scroll to turn it on, "We're working on the Pegasus and Bicorn models." A Pegasus, and a more goatlike model appeared, "The Bicorn will hopefully be able to climb like a goat."
Ruby raised her hand, "Why do Jaune and Weiss get horses?"
"I don't know what makes you think..." Weiss voiced.
"Have you seen the way he is staring at the Kelpie?" Penthesilea asked.
"They have the most equestrian experience." Ciel neutrally stated.
Ruby huffed but nodded.
"I am worried about maintenance." Jaune stated.
"They are designed with technology perfected in Penthesilea's new frame." Pietro said, and he looked lovingly at his daughter. He then looked back to the others, seeing Jaune looking at Ruby.
"You can ride with us." Jaune said to her.
"I can?!" Ruby asked, and Weiss sighed.
"Of course you can."
Ciel looked into her scroll. "Ciel?" Taj asked.
"We have a couple of things for you to take back to the castle." Ciel stated.
* * *
Penthesilea hugged her father.
"We'll see you at the wedding." Jaune said to Pietro.
"Please take care of my daughter?" Pietro asked him.
"Of course." Weiss asserted.
* * *
RW + JI + PC walked along, with a Kelpie and Unicorn walking behind them. Taj stepped off of the airship's gangway and just stared at them. "They're not going to shit on the airship, are they?"
"Oh, no." Ruby stated, "They're robots. Like Penthesilea?"
Taj just stared at them for a few moments, "If they shit, I'm going to be pissed."
"Oh, pssht." Ruby stated.
He breathed in for a moment before looking back to the group, "I can't fly three trips in a day."
"Didn't you, in the military?" Ruby asked.
"If I had to, but one, I had a co-pilot who took over, and two, it's really not safe."
"What about when you went to Vacuo?" Ruby asked.
"I flew there just to get rid of them. I then flew to a nearby town to stay in the inn. On the way back I stopped over at Atlantis."
"It's real?" Jaune asked, and Taj sighed.
"It's not just real, it's essential to the peace and safety of Solitas."
"Then why doesn't anyone know about it?" Ruby asked.
"Because General Ironwood wants to keep it a secret." Taj replied, and simply shrugged. "Anyways, if you want me to haul the, uh, horses back, I'll have to come back tomorrow morning."
"We will be in Mistral." Weiss said, as she gave Ruby a worried look.
"I always wanted to spend a night in Atlas." Penthesilea stated.
"But, you're from Atlas?" Ruby asked.
"Father and the General were always so protective of me." Penthesilea said shyly. "And Atlas was always so glamourous."
"Did you not spend time here in tournaments?" Ciel asked.
"At the tournaments." Penthesilea stated, "I never got out to see Atlas." She then looked at Weiss, who nervously looked away as she developed a shifting blue flush.
"I might have a coloured perception of the city." Weiss uttered.
"This sounds like a plan." Jaune stated. He then turned to Aurora.
"Thank you for your concern, but I can billet here for a night."
"Take care." Weiss said to her.
"That's my line." Aurora said with a smile.
* * *
The two Cheval Knights stepped into the airship. The rear doors / ramp closed upwards. Jaune turned to Ruby, Penthesilea, and Ciel. He kissed Penthesilea passionately, leaned down to kiss Ruby passionately, and turned see Ciel look at him longingly. He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. Aurora watched them walk to the city elevator, and looked back down to her scroll.
"You're coming with us." Ruby said, and turned around to see falling rose petals and a smiling Ruby right in front of her.
* * *
Jaune sat in the middle seat. Hunched over so his antlers did not hit the ceiling. "I really don't think this was a good idea."
"Do you think we are going to get ambushed?" Ilia asked from the aisle seat.
"No." Jaune replied, "Well, now that you mention it, yeah. I mean me, in the middle seat."
"You have two arm rests." Weiss said.
"Well, yeah..." Jaune voiced, "I mean, thank you." he said. Weiss with the window seat put her arm on his. Ilia looked over for a moment before copying her.
"I can't exactly protect you if I have to get around you." Ilia voiced, "No offence, but you take up a lot of space."
"Also doesn't really need protection." Ruby giggled.
"It makes her feel better." Jaune stated.
"I... do?" Ilia asked, "I honestly don't know what to say."
"Maybe it's what you were meant to do?" Ruby asked.
"Protect Jaune?" Ilia asked.
"Protect." Jaune stated.
* * *
Jaune looked up at the sign, "Huangse & Heise. This should be it." Jaune walked up to the doors and opened both of them up before ducking to step inside.
"Can I help you?" the clerk judgementally asked, until he saw Weiss behind him. His manner immediately changed, "I apologize for my rudeness. How can we help you?"
"Jaune Arc," Jaune stated, "here for the reading of Nabu Lesi Ren's will."
"Oh, I apologize Mr. Arc. It seems you are difficult to contact."
This caused Weiss to smile brightly.
"That's on purpose." Jaune stated.
"Of course." the clerk stated. "Well, it seems you are the only one mentioned in the will, so we will be ready to read it in a few minutes."
"I'm what?" Jaune asked.
"Whatever you did for her was enough to make you the sole inheritor." the clerk replied.
"I what?" Jaune asked.
"Perhaps if we had a seat?" Weiss asked the hunched over Jaune.
"Yeah..." he voiced.
"If you would prefer, we could read the will out here?" the clerk asked.
"Yes, please." Jaune stated.
* * *
A man in traditional Mistralan garb with folder of papers came out. He deeply bowed, "I am Wei Huangse, executor for Nabu Lesi Ren's last will and testament. If I might ask, how did you know her?"
"I didn't, really." Jaune replied, "Okay, yeah, we met a couple of times, but... but does the will say why she choose me?"
"Because, and I quote 'you braved the brazen fires, caring not for your own destruction.' It seems you impressed her with your moxie."
"Isn't that... unusual?" Jaune asked. He heard Weiss breath judgementally for a moment, but when he looked over he saw a supportive gaze. He then looked back to Wei.
"It is actually quite common for people without family." Wei replied. "Some choose charity, but for less charitable individuals, they will often simply pick a person whom impressed them in some way."
"Oh, uh, cool." Jaune replied as he stared into space. A moment later Weiss kissed him on the cheek and he snapped back to reality. "So, um what did I get?"
"Her residual estate." Wei simply stated. "Aside from her considerable retainer, she was a woman of her own convictions."
"Meaning she liked privacy." Ilia stated.
"Very much." Wei stated. "She purchased a former water tower, which she was using as her residence. As of right now, you are the official landowners."
Jaune made to stand up, but paused, "Wait, does that mean I have to pay property taxes?" he asked.
"As it is currently classified as a water tower, there is no property taxes. If nothing is done with the property in the next six months, it will be taxed for vacancy."
"Uh-huh?" Jaune asked.
"Any liens?" Weiss asked.
"No." Wei stated, "The property is free and clear."
"Okay?" Jaune asked, "If I wanted to, I don't know, treat it like a house, what kind of property tax would I pay?"
"We have prepared projections." Wei stated, "But that would entirely depend upon the bureaucrats." He then stepped towards him, handing him some papers and a key.
* * *
Jaune stopped in front of the brick builidng and looked up. "I don't know what I was expecting, but I guess this is it."
"The water tower is inside." Ilia stated, and the others looked at her. Jaune then stepped up to the front door and unlocked it with the key. The rusty, heavy door opened with a loud thud, and the dank odor filled their noses.
"Did she truly live here?" Weiss asked, and Jaune ducked to step inside. He let out a loud sigh that echoed about the brickwork.
"This is what I was talking about." Jaune stated. "She had nothing to live for. Though, knowing her, there might be some traps. Ilia?"
Ilia used her Semblance to completely vanish and step into the tower. Jaune turned back to Weiss and opened his left arm. She rushed in and he wrapped it around her. He used his right arm to close the door with a thud.
* * *
They watched from the shadows as the door closed.
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gefdreamsofthesea · 4 years
The Wise Woman's Tarot arrived yesterday and I just finished the book. It is being sold on etsy. There are a limited number of sets left.
The cards are large: 6 1/2" x 3" and the cardstock is bullshit thin, bendy, and glossy. The minors have color coded borders: cups are blue, wands are red, pentacles are brown, swords are black, court cards are Maiden, Seeker, Shaman, and Priestess.
Most of the majors have not only been renamed but also reordered. There's no Emperor card (The Star is in his place.) There are two Empress cards (one representing sexuality and the other nurturing). The Devil and the Hierophant have been combined in the Oracle. There are way too many changes to list. Flash Silvermoon explains these changes as representing the shift from wholeness to separation, matriarchy to patriarchy, and something to do with Crowley, I'll address this in a moment. The minors, however, are true to RWS tradition.
The book is comprehensive and discusses card meanings, spreads, how to do readings (including a section on how to read for your pets) and tables that have information like the animal guides for each of the majors, astrological correspondences, there's even an appendix for the border designs for the majors and how they relate to the card (look closely and you'll see them). I really like that the manual is spiral bound so you can lay the pages flat.
I'm finding it difficult to describe the art. The style is closest to the Daughters of the Moon. There are some cards I really don't like (Oshun as the sensual Empress) and some cards I really like (The Valkyries in the 7 of Swords). There is a lot of racial diversity, the majority of the goddesses are young-ish but there are some elders, and I would say a good mix of different body types (including warriors who have actual muscles) but I still wish there were more fat women.
Okay, so now it's time to discuss the, shall we say, narrative of this deck. I could try to be nice but honestly I can't think of another way to say this other than it's absolutely bonkers. The tarot, says Silvermoon, is an ancient teaching tool that matriarchal societies used to preserve their teachings when patriarchal societies invaded. These matriarchal societies included Lemuria and Atlantis, who built Stonehenge and the pyramids by using sound to telekinetically move stones into place. Also Atlantis had magical crystal generators made of quartz I am not making this up it's in the book.
So basically the major arcana is this herstory from when everyone was whole (and also we were all hermaphrodites intersex) until The Patriarchy happened and Amazon warrior cultures were needed to protect the matriarchies. The Patriarchy remade tarot to be patriarchal but naturally its True Matriarchal Origins are hidden in the symbolism.
One thing I do like about this deck is that while many of the cards depict goddesses or legendary figures, some just have regular women. The Two of Cups has Israeli and Palestinian women with the cups and caduceus, in harmony instead of in conflict. The Four of Wands has two Ashanti women in front of their house. That said, there's also some outdated/offensive language like the E slur instead of Inuk/Inuit. There are also a lot of goddesses and such from living traditions (Silvermoon does not stop talking about Oshun) which I would say one of the problems of creating a multicultural deck, but especially a goddess-based deck. Speaking of Oshun, her depiction in this deck is one I really don't like. She's sort of splayed out/contorted with a river coming out of her vulva, and people are bathing in it. It just looks so weird. Also have I mentioned there are a lot of naked boobs in this deck? Another thing I'd like to note is that one of the spreads in the book is a "health spread" which assigns different body parts to astrological houses that you can use to diagnose health problems. I don't recommend doing this for a bunch of reasons. The other spreads in the book are pretty typical. I want to read for my pets now.
I would like to talk about the Lovers for a second. The Lovers depicts three people (again Silvermoon uses the h word) that are flowing into each other. At the bottom of the card there is a heart with the silhouette of two women having sex. She talks about people experimenting with gender, destroying the patriarchal nuclear family, and the only time the word "transgender" appears in the text, in a positive sense. There's no "woman-born-woman" nonsense, no hyperfixation on "blood mysteries" (menstruation is mentioned a few times throughout the deck), there is still some cissexism where woman = uterus and vulva but there isn't a huge focus on motherhood that I've seen in other decks (note: Silvermoon was a lesbian who had a ton of furry children).
In sum this deck is....something. If you're looking for a feminist deck with more updated terminology, I'd recommend Thea's Tarot (with its great companion guide by a nonbinary author). I'm not sure I can wholeheartedly recommend this deck but it's an interesting piece of feminist tarot herstory.
TERFs don't get to touch this post.
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vazquezzjorge · 3 years
Saiba onde assistir todos os jogos de futebol hoje, domingo – 13/06/
Horario de todos os jogos de hoje - Jogos de Hoje - Futebol na TV - Guia de Jogos de Futebol na TV
Grupo 3. ABC FC. Grupo 4. CS Sergipe-SE. Retrô FC. Grupo 5. Goianésia GO. Nova Todoz EC. Porto Velho EC. Grupo 6. Rio Branco FC. Boa Esporte. AA Caldense. Grupo 7.
Saiba quais são os jogos de hoje (12 de junho) dentro e fora do Brasil
Santo André. Boavista SC. Grupo 8. Marcílio Dias. FC Cascavel. Rio Branco. Denizlispor Horario de todos os jogos de hoje Besiktas U Ankaragücü U Hatayspor U BB Erzurum U Galatasaray U Alanyaspor U Karagümrük U Fenerbahce U Trabzonspor U Kasimpasa U Göztepe U Basaksehir U Antalyaspor U Antep FK U Konyaspor U Malatya U Birligi U Sivasspor U Rizespor U AS Rodos. GAS Ialysos. Apollon Pontou. PO Triglias. Niki Volou. PS Kalamata. GS Kallithea. AEP Kozanis. AO Egaleo.
AS Santorinis. AO Episkopi. Atromitos U Aris U Orfeas Xanthis. Acheron Kanal. Poseidon Mich. PK Vantaa.
Kokkolan PV. FF Jaro. IF Gnistan. Atlantis FC. Reipas Lahti. Grankulla IFK. Ilves II. Salon Pallo. FC Honka II. Hoario Jazz. Kemi City. Vaasa IFK. SJK II. FC Honka U Komeetat U TPV U GrIFK U HJK U Vantaan U KuPS U PPJ U Halkian Alku. FV Bad Honnef. SpVg Porz. FV Endenich. TuS Mondorf. FC Spich. SSV Merten. SC Rheinbach.
FV Wiehl. SV Wachtberg. RSV Weyer. Steinbach II. Waldgirmes II. SG Kinzenbach. SV Bauerbach. FC Waldbrunn. FV Biebrich TSV Michelbach. VfB Marburg. TuBa Pohlheim. FV Breidenbach. Spvgg Eltville. FC Cleeberg. FC Ederbergland.
GW Nottuln. TuS 05 Sinsen. SV Mesum. FC Gievenbeck. SC Herford. Delbrücker SC. TuS Tengern. VfB Fichte. TuS Hiltrup. SC Hoario. Rödinghausen II. VfL Theesen. Lüner Horario de todos os jogos de hoje. SV Sodingen. SC Neheim. FC Iserlohn. Concordia Wiemelhausen. TuS Bövinghausen.
YEG Hassel. Wacker Castrop. SV Hohenlimburg. BSV Schüren. FSV Gerlingen. SpVg Hagen ve Westfalia Wickede. RW Deuten. San Horario de todos os jogos de hoje. FBC Melgar. CA Horario de todos os jogos de hoje. Almirante Brown. CA Mitre. CA Estudiantes. CA San Telmo. Guillermo Brown. Barracas C. CD Riestra. AA Estudiantes. Nueva Chicago. All Boys. Villa Dalmine. Tristan Suarez. CA Temperley. ContГ­nuo Jrs.
Horario de todos os jogos de hoje Güemes. San Martin. Gimnasia J. San Martin T. CD Maipu. CA Alvarado. CD Morón. Brown Adrogue. Instituto AC. Chattanooga FC. Albirex Niigata. Fagiano Okayama. Kyoto Horqrio.
Mito HollyHock. SC Sagamihara. Matsumoto Yama. JEF Utd. Tokyo Verdy. Ventforet Kofu. Machida Zelvia. Blaublitz Akita. Ehime FC. Omiya Ardija. Tochigi SC. FC Ryukyu. Yokohama SCC. Fujieda MYFC. FC Imabari. Kagoshima Utd. Gainare Tottori. Nagano Parceiro. Fukushima Utd. Kataller Toyama. Roasso Kumamoto. Yokohama F. Shonan Bellmare. FC Tokyo. Urawa Reds. Vissel Kobe. ReinMeer Aomori. Sony Sendai. Iwaki FC. Matsue City. Honda FC. MIO B. Kochi Utd. Honda Hogos. Veertien Mie.
Suzuka PG. Verspah Oita. Sapporo FC. Sapporo Uni. Shintoku FC. Nippon Express. Tokachi SE. Akita Cambiare. TDK Shinwakai. Gonohe FC. Tono Club. NP Hira. Sendai Sasuke. Iwaki Furuk. Mikawa SC. Nagai Club. Soma SC. Ricoh Tohoku. Morioka Zebra. Dogizaka FC. Ganju Iwate. Omiya SC. Shichigahama SC.
Saruta FC. Fuji Club Yokkaichi Univ. Ogaki K'. FC Gifu 2nd. Nagoya SC. Nagara Club. Chukyo Univ. Toyota SC. Tokoha Uni. Tokai Gak. FC Ise-shima. Kobe FC. Moriyama Sam. Takasago Min.
Kyoto Shiko SC. FC Awaji-shima. Kyoto FD FC. Easy Akashi. Andrews FC. KanDai Club ' Ococias Kyoto. FBIJ Hiroshima. Olhe aqui agora Hiroshima. Yonago Genki. IPU FC. FC Yanagimachi. Tadotsu FC. FC Tokushima. Nakamura Club. KUFC Nankoku. J-Lease FC. Kaiho Bank. Kyushu Mits. Okinawa SV. K'moto Teachers. Zulia A fonte original. Estudiantes de M.
Dynamo Brest.
Guia de Jogos na TV
Torpedo Zhodino. O Médéa. NC Magra. JSM Skikda. WA Tlemcen. MC Alger. JS Saoura. JS Kabylie. US Biskra. Wydad AC. Raja Casablanca. RS Berkane. FC Samtredia. Dinamo Tbilisi. Gyeongju KHNP. Cheongju FC. Gimhae FC. Pyeongtaek C. Busan Trans. Cheonan City. Daejeon KoRail. Gangneung Cit. Pyeongchang Utd. Gangwon Res. Seoul Jungnang. Chungju Citizen. Pocheon Citizen.
Yeoju FC. Miami FC. Louisville City. Memphis Real Monarchs. Oklahoma City. Tkdos Horario de todos os jogos de hoje. New Mexico Utd. Bold FC. El Paso. Switchbacks FC.
Orange County. Oakland Roots. Phoenix Rising. Tacoma Defiance. San Diego Loyal. LA Galaxy II. Jeonnam Dragons. Bucheon FC. Ansan Greeners. Busan IPark. Gyeongnam FC. Gimcheon Sangmu. Forward Madison. Richmond Kicker.
Union Omaha. Revolution II. FC Tucson. Dee Wolves. Cerro Largo FC. CA Fénix. FC Flora U Tabasalu U Viimsi JK U FC Nomme U Kalju FC U Maardu U Ida-Virumaa U Harju JK U TJK Legion U Kalev U Pärnu Vaprus.
Napier City R. Hartlepool Utd. Sarpsborg Viking FK. Odra Opole. Gornik Leczna. Radomiak Radom. Hogos Kielce. GKS Horario de todos os jogos de hoje. LKS Lodz. Puszcza Niepolomice. Acompanhe de perto os jogos da Copa do Nordeste e veja quem vai ficar com a taça "Orelhuda". O Campeonato Inglês pode ser considerado um dos mais johos do mundo. Além jogis, tanto o Real Madrid horario de todos os jogos de hoje, quanto o Barcelona tem muita torcida no Brasil.
Saiba tudo sobre os jogos de hoje em La Liga. O Campeonato Italiano ainda é um dos nacionais mais importante da Europa. Com grandes clubes do ojgos internacional, com camisas em que diversos jogadores brasileiros construíram sua história.
Saiba como e onde assistir os jogos de hoje do Campeonato Italiano. Saiba como assistir aos jogos de hoje da Copa Sul-Americana. Acompanhe todas as informações hohe onde assistir, como assistir e quais os Liga Europa. Saiba todas as informações sobre os jogos da Copa do Brasil. A Supercopa do Brasil é transmitida pelos canais do grupo Globo.
Trata-se da primeira taça em disputa da temporada do futebol brasileiro. O Mundial de Clubes é o maior campeonato toxos clubes do mundo, verifique este site conta com os campeões de todos os continentes brigando pela taça.
Saiba como assistir os jogos do Mundial de Clubes. O futebol feminino vem se consolidando cada vez mais no Brasil. Saiba as informações sobre o jogos do Futebol Feminino. Confira a lista completa dos jogos de hoje e saiba como assistir e onde assistir. Por isso, veja a lista completa com os jogos de hoje e onde assistir os jogos de hoje.
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groupalpha · 3 days
*I casually appear.* I was hungry so I drank da void
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TC: I'd... suggest not to do that.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
TC: WOAH that's... a lot of unfamiliar... plants?
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queen92teresa · 3 years
Brasileirão ao vivo, resultados Futebol Brasil -
Resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro serie a - Veja os horários dos jogos de hoje, domingo (30) - Jogada - Diário do Nordeste
Busca de Notícias Pesquisar. A mais completa. Visite bet Programa de fidelidade. Visite Betway. Com ferramentas exclusivas. Visite Betfair. Bet Maker cria apostas inteligentes. Visite NetBet. Visite Betano. Kokkolan PV. FF Jaro. IF Gnistan. Atlantis FC. Reipas Lahti. Grankulla IFK. Ilves II. Salon Pallo. FC Honka II. FC Jazz. Kemi City. Vaasa IFK. SJK II. FC Honka U Komeetat U TPV U GrIFK U HJK U Vantaan U KuPS U PPJ U Halkian Alku. FV Ver post Honnef.
SpVg Porz. FV Endenich. TuS Mondorf. FC Spich. SSV Merten. Resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro serie a Rheinbach. FV Wiehl. SV Wachtberg. RSV Weyer. Steinbach II. Waldgirmes II. SG Kinzenbach. SV Bauerbach. FC Waldbrunn. FV Biebrich TSV Michelbach. VfB Marburg. TuBa Pohlheim. FV Breidenbach. Spvgg Eltville. FC Cleeberg. FC Ederbergland. GW Nottuln. TuS 05 Sinsen. SV Mesum. FC Gievenbeck.
SC Herford. Delbrücker SC. TuS Tengern. VfB Fichte. TuS Hiltrup. SC Peckeloh. Rödinghausen II. VfL Theesen. Lüner SV. SV Sodingen. SC Neheim. FC Iserlohn. TuS Bövinghausen. YEG Hassel.
Wacker Castrop. SV Hohenlimburg. BSV Schüren. FSV Gerlingen. SpVg Hagen Westfalia Wickede. RW Deuten. San Martín. FBC Melgar. CA Mannucci. Sport Huancayo. CA San Telmo. Guillermo Brown. Barracas C.
Almirante Brown. CA Mitre. CA Estudiantes. Tristan Suarez. CD Riestra. AA Estudiantes. Nueva Chicago. All Boys. San Martin. Gimnasia J. CA Temperley. Chacarita Jrs. CA Serif. Brown Adrogue. Instituto AC. San Martin T. CD Maipu. CA Alvarado. CD Morón. Albirex Niigata.
Classificação Série A
Fagiano Okayama. Kyoto Sanga. Mito HollyHock. SC Sagamihara. Matsumoto Yama. JEF Utd. Tokyo Verdy. Ventforet Kofu. Machida Zelvia. Blaublitz Akita. Ehime FC.
Omiya Ardija. Tochigi SC. FC Ryukyu. Yokohama SCC. Fujieda MYFC. FC Imabari. Kagoshima Utd. Gainare Tottori. Nagano Parceiro. Fukushima Utd. Kataller Toyama. Roasso Kumamoto. Fase intermédia - Jogos de volta. Yokohama F. Shonan Bellmare. FC Tokyo. Urawa Reds.
Vissel Kobe. ReinMeer Aomori. Sony Sendai. Iwaki FC. Matsue City. Honda FC. MIO B. Kochi Utd. Honda Lock.
Veertien Mie. Suzuka PG. Verspah Oita. Nippon Express. Tokachi SE. Gonohe FC. Tono Club. NP Hira. Iwaki Furuk. Mikawa SC. Nagai Club. Soma SC. Ricoh Tohoku. Ganju Iwate. Omiya SC. Shichigahama SC. Saruta FC. Fuji Club Yokkaichi Univ.
Ogaki K'. Nagoya SC. Nagara Club. Chukyo Univ. Tokoha Clique. Easy Akashi. Andrews FC. Ococias Kyoto. SRC Hiroshima. Yonago Genki. IPU FC. FC Tokushima. Nakamura Club. KUFC Nankoku. Kaiho Bank. Kyushu Mits. Okinawa SV. K'moto Teachers. Monagas SC. UCV FC. Dynamo Brest. Torpedo Zhodino. O Médéa.
NC Magra. JSM Skikda. WA Tlemcen. MC Alger. JS Saoura. JS Kabylie. US Biskra. Wydad AC. Raja Casablanca. RS Blog aqui. FC Samtredia. Dinamo Tbilisi. Gyeongju KHNP. Cheongju FC. Gimhae FC. Pyeongtaek C. Busan Trans. Cheonan City. Daejeon KoRail. Gangneung Cit. Pyeongchang Utd. Gangwon Res. Seoul Resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro serie a. Chungju Citizen.
Pocheon Citizen. Yeoju FC. Charlotte Ind. Jeonnam Dragons. O futebol feminino vem se consolidando cada vez mais no Brasil. Saiba as informações sobre o jogos do Futebol Feminino. Confira a lista resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro serie a dos jogos de hoje e saiba como assistir e onde assistir. Por isso, veja a lista completa com os jogos de hoje e onde assistir os jogos de hoje.
Confira a lista dos jogos de hoje e saiba onde assistir ao vivo. Início Telecom Esportes Futebol. Assista ao vivo no EI Plus Experimente por 7 dias! Saiba como assistir ao vivo. Assine o EI Plus! Onde assistir os jogos de futebol hoje? Quem joga hoje? Assista aos jogos e campeonatos ao vivo e online!
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lunarnolisa · 3 years
Guia de Jogos na TV - Hoje - Ao Vivo e Online » Mantos do Futebol
Hoje tem jogo serie a - Jogos de hoje - 13/06/, | Transfermarkt
Pervaya Liga. Uzbekistan Pro Liga. Liga grupo 1. Liga grupo 2. Oberliga Westfalen. League 2. Pershaya Liga. Wiener Stadtliga. Tiroler Liga. Liga interregional - Gruppe 2. Liga interregional - Gruppe 5. Liga interregional - Gruppe 6. Swiss U18 Elite League. Central Youth League. Hong Kong First Division. Ettan Norra. Ettan Södra. Landesliga Wien.
U19 Boys Veja esta pГЎgina. A-League Finals Series. Premier League. Nigeria Professional Football League. Primavera 1. Campionato nazionale Under Serie D - Girone A. Serie D - Girone B. Serie D - Girone C. Serie D - Girone D. Serie D - Girone E. Serie D - Girone F.
Serie D - Girone G. Serie D - Girone H. Serie D - Girone I. Promoción de ascenso a LaLiga. Selecionar data. Kingsley Coman. Florian Megerle. Grupo C. Macedónia d. Grupo D. Grupo B.
Grupo H. Coreia do Sul. Egito Hoje tem jogo serie a Grupo A. Volta Redonda. Grupo 1. GA Sampaio. CS Sergipe-SE. Nova Mutum EC. Porto Velho EC. Rio Branco FC. Boa Esporte. AA Caldense. Santo André. Boavista SC. Marcílio Dias. FC Cascavel. Rio Branco-PR. Denizlispor U Besiktas U Ankaragücü U Hatayspor U BB Erzurum U Galatasaray U Alanyaspor U Karagümrük U Fenerbahce U Trabzonspor U Kasimpasa U Göztepe U Basaksehir U Antalyaspor U Hoje tem jogo serie a FK U Konyaspor U Malatya U Birligi U Sivasspor U Rizespor U Apollon Pontou.
PO Triglias. AS Rodos. GAS Ialysos. Niki Volou. PS Kalamata. GS Kallithea. AEP Kozanis. AS Santorinis. AO Episkopi. AO Egaleo. Atromitos U Aris U Orfeas Xanthis. Acheron Kanal. Poseidon Mich. PK Vantaa. Kokkolan PV. FF Jaro.
IF Gnistan. Atlantis FC. Reipas Lahti. Grankulla IFK. Ilves II. Salon Pallo. FC Honka II. FC Jazz. Kemi City. Vaasa IFK. SJK II. FC Honka U Komeetat U TPV U GrIFK U HJK U Vantaan U KuPS U PPJ U Halkian Hoje tem jogo serie a. FV Bad Honnef. SpVg Porz. FV Endenich. TuS Mondorf. FC Spich. SSV Merten. SC Rheinbach. FV Wiehl. SV Wachtberg. RSV Weyer. Steinbach II. Waldgirmes II. SG Hoje tem jogo serie a. SV Bauerbach. FC Waldbrunn. FV Hoje tem jogo serie a TSV Michelbach.
VfB Marburg. TuBa Pohlheim. FV Breidenbach. Spvgg Eltville. FC Cleeberg. FC Ederbergland. GW Nottuln. TuS 05 Sinsen. SV Mesum. FC Gievenbeck. SC Herford. Delbrücker SC. TuS Tengern. VfB Fichte. TuS Hiltrup. SC Peckeloh. Rödinghausen II. VfL Theesen. Lüner SV. SV Sodingen. SC Neheim.
FC Iserlohn. TuS Bövinghausen. YEG Hassel. Wacker Castrop. SV Hohenlimburg. BSV Schüren. FSV Gerlingen. SpVg Hagen Westfalia Wickede. RW Deuten.
Jogos de Hoje
San Martín. FBC Melgar. CA Mannucci. Sport Huancayo. CA San Telmo. Guillermo Brown. Barracas C. Almirante Brown. CA Mitre. CA Estudiantes.
Tristan Suarez. CD Riestra. AA Estudiantes. Nueva Chicago. All Boys. San Martin. Gimnasia J. CA Temperley. Chacarita Jrs. CA Güemes. Brown Adrogue. Instituto AC. San Martin T. CD Maipu. CA Alvarado. CD Morón.
Albirex Niigata. Fagiano Okayama. Kyoto Sanga. Mito HollyHock. SC Sagamihara. Matsumoto Yama. JEF Hoje tem jogo serie a. Tokyo Verdy. Ventforet Kofu. Machida Zelvia.
Blaublitz Akita. Ehime FC. Saiba todas as informações sobre esse jogo e onde assistir todos os próximos jogos da Libertadores. Acompanhe de perto os jogos da Copa do Nordeste e veja quem vai ficar com a taça "Orelhuda". O Campeonato Inglês pode ser considerado um dos mais equilibrados do mundo. Além disso, tanto o Real Madridquanto o Barcelona hoje tem jogo serie a muita torcida no Brasil.
Saiba tudo sobre os jogos de hoje em La Liga. O Campeonato Italiano ainda é um dos nacionais mais importante da Europa. Com grandes clubes do futebol internacional, com camisas em que diversos jogadores brasileiros construíram sua história. Saiba como e onde assistir os jogos de hoje do Campeonato Italiano.
Saiba como assistir aos jogos de hoje da Copa Sul-Americana. Acompanhe todas as informações sobre onde assistir, como assistir e quais os Liga Europa.
Saiba todas as informações sobre os jogos da Copa do Brasil. A Supercopa do Brasil é transmitida pelos canais do grupo Globo. Esportes Onde assistir seerie jogo do Corinthians? Saiba em qual canal vai passar Qual canal vai passar xerie próximo jogo do Corinthians? Esportes Onde assistir ao jogo do Palmeiras? Saiba em qual canal vai passar Qual canal vai passar o próximo jogo do Palmeiras?
Futebol ao vivo Campeonato Brasileiro: bem aqui assistir Palmeiras x Corinthians hoje tem jogo serie a Como assistir ao jogo entre Palmeiras x Corinthians online?
Fabio Marckezini 12 de junho de Utilizamos cookies essenciais e tecnologias semelhantes de acordo com a nossa Política de Privacidade e, ao continuar navegando, você serei com estas condições. Configurações OK. Manage consent. Fechar Privacy Overview Achar website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
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jhansisanderson · 3 years
Tabelas de Classificação Brasileirão Série A | Futebol
O resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro da serie a - Tabela do Brasileirão | Série A | UOL Esporte
AS Rodos. GAS Ialysos. Apollon Pontou. PO Triglias. Niki Volou. PS Kalamata. GS Kallithea. AEP Kozanis. AO Egaleo. AS Santorinis. AO Episkopi.
Atromitos U Aris Campeonafo Orfeas Xanthis. Acheron Kanal. Poseidon Mich. PK Vantaa. Kokkolan PV. FF Jaro. IF Gnistan. Atlantis FC. Reipas Lahti. Grankulla IFK. Ilves II. Salon Pallo.
FC Honka II. FC Jazz.
Kemi City. Vaasa IFK. SJK II. FC Honka U Komeetat U TPV U GrIFK U HJK U Vantaan U KuPS U PPJ U Halkian Alku. FV Bad Honnef. SpVg Porz. FV Endenich. TuS Mondorf. FC Spich. SSV Merten. SC Rheinbach. FV Wiehl. SV Wachtberg. RSV Weyer. Steinbach II. Waldgirmes II. SG Kinzenbach. SV Bauerbach. FC Waldbrunn. FV Biebrich TSV Michelbach. VfB Marburg. TuBa Pohlheim. FV Breidenbach. Spvgg Eltville. FC Cleeberg. FC Ederbergland. GW Nottuln. TuS 05 Sinsen.
SV Mesum. FC Gievenbeck. SC Herford. Delbrücker SC. TuS Tengern. VfB Fichte. TuS Hiltrup. SC Peckeloh. Rödinghausen II. VfL Theesen. Lüner SV. SV Sodingen. SC Neheim. FC Iserlohn. Concordia Wiemelhausen. TuS Bövinghausen. YEG Hassel. Wacker Castrop. SV Hohenlimburg. BSV Schüren. FSV Gerlingen. SpVg Hagen Westfalia Wickede. RW Deuten. San Martín. FBC Melgar. CA Mannucci. Almirante Brown. CA Mitre. CA Estudiantes. CA San Telmo. Guillermo Brown. Barracas C. CD Riestra. AA Estudiantes. Nueva Chicago.
All Boys. Villa Dalmine. Tristan Suarez. CA Temperley. Chacarita Jrs. CA Güemes. San Martin. Gimnasia J. San Martin T. CD Maipu. CA Alvarado. CD Morón. Brown Adrogue. Instituto AC. Chattanooga FC. Albirex Niigata. Fagiano Okayama. Kyoto Sanga. Mito HollyHock. SC Sagamihara. Matsumoto Yama. JEF Utd. Tokyo Verdy. Ventforet Kofu. Machida Zelvia.
Blaublitz Akita. Ehime FC. Omiya Ardija. Tochigi SC. FC Ryukyu. Yokohama SCC. Fujieda MYFC. FC Imabari. Kagoshima Utd. Gainare Tottori. Nagano Parceiro. Fukushima Utd.
Kataller Toyama. Roasso Kumamoto. Yokohama F. Shonan Bellmare. FC Tokyo. Urawa Reds. Vissel Kobe. ReinMeer Aomori. Sony Sendai.
Iwaki FC. Matsue City. Honda FC. MIO B. Kochi Utd. Honda Lock. Veertien Mie. Suzuka PG. Verspah Oita. Sapporo FC. Sapporo Uni. Shintoku FC.
Nippon Express. Tokachi SE. Akita Cambiare. TDK Shinwakai. Gonohe FC. Tono Club. NP Hira. Sendai Sasuke. Iwaki Furuk. Mikawa SC. Nagai Club. Soma SC. Ricoh Tohoku. Morioka Zebra. Dogizaka FC. Ganju Iwate. Omiya SC. Shichigahama SC. Saruta FC. Fuji Club Yokkaichi Univ. Ogaki K'. FC Gifu 2nd. Nagoya SC. Nagara Club. Chukyo Univ. Toyota SC. Tokoha Uni. Tokai Gak. FC Ise-shima. Kobe FC. Moriyama Sam. Takasago Min. Kyoto Shiko SC. FC Awaji-shima. Kyoto FD FC. Easy Akashi. Andrews FC.
KanDai Club ' O resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro da serie a Kyoto. FBIJ Hiroshima. SRC Hiroshima. Yonago Genki. IPU FC. FC Yanagimachi. Tadotsu FC. FC Tokushima. Nakamura Club. KUFC Nankoku. J-Lease FC. Kaiho Bank. Kyushu Mits. Okinawa SV. K'moto Teachers. Zulia FC. Estudiantes de M. Dynamo Brest. Torpedo Zhodino. O Médéa. NC Magra. JSM Skikda. O resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro da serie a Tlemcen.
MC Alger. JS Saoura. JS Verifique aqui. US Biskra. Saiba como assistir os jogos do Mundial de Clubes. O futebol feminino vem se consolidando cada vez mais no Brasil. Saiba as informações o resultado dos jogos de hoje do campeonato brasileiro da serie a o jogos do Futebol Feminino.
Confira a lista completa dos jogos de hoje e saiba como assistir e onde assistir. Por isso, veja a lista completa com os jogos de hoje e onde assistir os jogos de hoje. Confira a lista dos jogos de hoje e saiba onde assistir ao vivo. Início Telecom Esportes Futebol.
Assista ao vivo no EI Plus Experimente por 7 dias! Saiba como assistir ao vivo. Assine o EI Plus! Onde assistir os jogos de futebol hoje? Quem joga hoje? Bem-sucedidos em seus compromissos de meio de semana, embora tenham utilizado estratégias diferentes, Grêmio e Athletico Paranaense duelam neste domingo, 13 de junho, cumprindo a tabela da terceira rodada da temporada da Série A do Campeonato Brasileiro.
O início […]. Quatro dias depois de duelarem pela sobrevivência na Copa do Brasil, Red Bull Bragantino e Fluminense voltam a ter seus caminhos cruzados. Qual time se classifica para Sul-Americana ou para Copa do Brasil?
Lista de Jogos de Hoje do Brasileirão Série B com placar e tabela oficial
Que time leva o título? Sites de apostas. Copa América Informações relevantes para sua aposta! Paulo Matuck junho 11, Leia mais
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nostroviadrop · 5 years
I found like a dozen of my old custom magic sets, I was gonna do a post about them but I suddenly remembered how hard it was to do so. Without a several page world guide and a month long spoiler season there's no good way to display the information.
Gonna do it anyway.
Name: Lore: Mechanics
Amaghelo: Mediterranean prosperity and peace treaty threatened by sinister mystery: three colors, shards, Going wide vs artifact matters
Starfall: Gatewatch tries to stop Aliens from invading the Mediterranean: same as set 1 but updated for war
Lianhe: Gids and Jace end up as generals on opposite sides of Chinese Mythological war: wb vs rug, late game transform into dragons/gods
Destinies of Lianhe: Chandra must do world saving quest with Sun Wukong because her friends are idiots or injured: set 1 but now with quests!
Mykoriza: Nissa befriends a sentient mushroom world who has a terrible secret: gwb Land Creatures vs rw knights & ub merfolk
Shikulaq: Gatewatch accidentally wakes up an elder levitation planeswalker while defending Inuit folklore from Ob Nixilis: Casting creatures from graveyards as auras
Kizekon: WILD WEST BABY: legendary creatures matter, new exalted cowboys vs -1/-1 counters outlaws, guns
Qumatz: Gatewatch must stop Mayan apocalypse time travel cycle: enchantments matter and cycling
End of the Fatecycle: Well they failed at that AND accidentally left Liliana to repeat a full 100 year cycle: enchantments and graveyards matter
Milele: Wakanda/Atlantis reawakens, clashes with Polynesian islands and wubrg fish people: wub Instant and sorcery cards played as creatures vs wubrg soulbond
Abrunstat: The monotheistic assassins guild and new Wakanda witness the birth of a god: gwu Instant and sorcery cards as creatures, vs ubr opponent creatures death triggers
Unnamed Norse world: is several planes stacked like legos: rwu vs gub vs gw vs br improved level up
Unnamed Buddhist world: superhero monks keep world safe from greedy warring factions: No color & mono color vs multicolor
Unnamed Russian world: tbd story: a new take on tokens
0 notes
harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Djarot Geram Dengar PNS Ikut Pesta Gay, "Itu yang Saya Sebut Pengkhianat"
Djarot Geram Dengar PNS Ikut Pesta Gay, "Itu yang Saya Sebut Pengkhianat"
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Plt Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Djarot Saiful Hidayat mengaku belum mengetahui adanya dugaan seorang Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) turut digerebek polisi saat pesta seks sesama jenis (Homo Seksual) di‎ PT Atlantis Jaya, di Kompleks Ruko Permata Blok B 15-16 Kelapa Gading RT 15/RW 03 Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta Utara, Minggu malam (21/5).
Meski demikian, Djarot mengaku geram dengan adanya pesta gay, dan dia pun menyebut PNS yang diduga terlibat itu sebagai penghianat.
“Itu yang saya sebut pengkhianat,” kata Djarot di Kramat Raya, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (22/5).
Bekas Walikota Blitar ini meminta kepada masyarakat Jakarta agar membantu pemerintah, jika mendapati penyimpangan-penyimpangan seperti itu.
Diwartakan sebelumnya, PNS ini menggunakan sepeda motor plat merah. Kini sepeda motor tersebut telah diamankan dan dipasangi garis polisi bersama 36 sepeda motor lainnya.
Motor tersebut diketahui merek Honda Supra X dengan pelat nomor B 6469 POQ. [ipk] rmolj
Sumber : Source link
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sanchez37lauren · 3 years
Cruzeiro Esporte Clube
Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite - Rodada da Série B tem jogos na Capital e Coxim neste domingo - Esportes - Campo Grande News
Football League. Super League 1 K G' Ethniki Play-off. Kakkonen - Lohko A. Kakkonen - Lohko B. Kakkonen - Lohko C. Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite SM-sarja. Regions Cup. Landesliga Mittelrhein Staffel 1. Verbandsliga Hessen-Mitte. Westfalenliga 1. Westfalenliga 2. Veja esta pГЎgina Bicentenario.
Primera Nacional. J2 League. J3 League. Copa da Liga Japonesa. Japan Football League. Liga de Futebol Hokkaido. Tohoku Soccer League Div. Liga de futebol tohoku Div. Liga de futebol tokai Div. Liga de futebol kansai Div. Liga de futebol chugoku. Liga de futebol shikoku.
Liga de futebol kyushu. Primera División. Vysshaya Liga. Ligue Professionnelle 1. Botola Pro Inwi. Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga. K3 League. K4 League. USL Championship. K League jogos da serie b de hoje a noite. USL League One. Primera División Apertura. U17 Eliitliiga Esiliiga. Premium Liiga.
New Zealand Central League. Play-off Serie C. National League Playoffs. Fortuna 1 Liga. Premier Liga. Pervaya Liga. Uzbekistan Pro Liga. Liga grupo 1. Liga grupo 2. Oberliga Westfalen. League 2. Pershaya Liga. Wiener Stadtliga. Tiroler Liga. Liga interregional - Gruppe 2. Liga interregional - Gruppe 5. Liga interregional - Gruppe 6. Swiss U18 Elite League. Central Youth League. Hong Kong First Division. Ettan Norra.
Ettan Södra.
Vasco da Gama - Tabela de jogos e Resultados
Landesliga Wien. U19 Boys Division. A-League Finals Series. Premier League. Nigeria Professional Football League.
Grêmio tenta acabar com o aproveitamento 100% do Athletico-PR no Brasileiro
Primavera 1. Campionato nazionale Under Serie D - Girone A. Serie D - Girone B. Serie D - Girone C. Serie D - Girone D. Serie D - Girone E. Serie D - Girone F.
Serie D - Girone G. Serie D - Girone H. Serie D - Girone I. Promoción de ascenso a LaLiga. Selecionar data. Kingsley Coman. Florian Megerle. Grupo C. Macedónia d. Grupo D. Grupo B. Grupo H. Coreia do Sul. Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite U Avaí FC. Grupo A. AA Altos. Volta Redonda.
Figueirense FC. Grupo 1. Grupo 2. Grupo 3. ABC FC. Grupo 4. CS Sergipe-SE. Retrô FC. Grupo 5. Goianésia GO. Nova Mutum EC. Porto Velho EC. Grupo 6. Rio Branco FC. Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite Esporte. AA Caldense. Grupo 7. Santo André. Boavista SC. Grupo 8. Marcílio Dias. FC Cascavel. Rio Branco. Denizlispor U Besiktas U Ankaragücü U Hatayspor U BB Erzurum U Galatasaray U Alanyaspor U Karagümrük U Fenerbahce U Trabzonspor U Kasimpasa U Göztepe U Basaksehir U Antalyaspor U Antep FK U Konyaspor U Malatya U Birligi U Sivasspor U Rizespor U AS Rodos.
GAS Ialysos. Apollon Pontou. PO Triglias. Niki Volou. PS Kalamata. GS Kallithea. AEP Kozanis. Olhe aqui Egaleo. AS Santorinis. AO Episkopi. Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite U Aris U Orfeas Xanthis. Acheron Kanal. Poseidon Mich. PK Vantaa. Kokkolan PV. FF Jaro. IF Gnistan. Atlantis FC. Reipas Lahti. Grankulla IFK. Ilves II. Salon Pallo. FC Honka II. FC Jazz. Kemi City. Vaasa IFK. SJK II. FC Honka U Komeetat U TPV U GrIFK U HJK U Vantaan U KuPS U PPJ U Halkian Alku.
FV Bad Honnef. SpVg Porz. FV Endenich. TuS Mondorf. FC Spich. SSV Merten. SC Rheinbach. FV Wiehl. SV Wachtberg. RSV Weyer. Steinbach II. Waldgirmes II. SG Kinzenbach. SV Bauerbach. FC Waldbrunn. FV Biebrich TSV Michelbach. VfB Marburg. TuBa Pohlheim. FV Breidenbach. Spvgg Eltville. FC Cleeberg. FC Ederbergland. GW Nottuln. TuS 05 Sinsen. SV Mesum. FC Gievenbeck. SC Herford. Delbrücker SC. TuS Tengern. VfB Fichte. TuS Hiltrup.
SC Peckeloh. Rödinghausen II. VfL Theesen. Lüner SV. SV Sodingen. SC Neheim. FC Iserlohn. Concordia Wiemelhausen. TuS Bövinghausen. YEG Hassel.
Wacker Castrop. SV Hohenlimburg. BSV Schüren. FSV Gerlingen. SpVg Hagen Westfalia Wickede. RW Deuten. San Martín. FBC Melgar. CA Mannucci. Almirante Brown. CA Mitre. CA Estudiantes. CA San Telmo. Guillermo Brown. Barracas C. CD Riestra. AA Estudiantes. Nueva Chicago. All Boys. Villa Dalmine. Tristan Suarez. CA Temperley. Chacarita Jrs. CA Güemes. San Martin. Gimnasia J. San Martin T. CD Maipu. CA Alvarado. CD Morón. Brown Adrogue. Instituto AC. Chattanooga FC.
Albirex Niigata. Fagiano Okayama. Kyoto Sanga. Mito HollyHock. SC Sagamihara. Matsumoto Yama. JEF Utd. Tokyo Verdy. Ventforet Kofu. Machida Zelvia. Blaublitz Jogos da serie b de hoje a noite. Ehime FC. Omiya Ardija. Tochigi SC. FC Visite o site. Yokohama SCC. Fujieda MYFC. FC Imabari. Kagoshima Utd. Gainare Tottori. Nagano Parceiro.
Fukushima Utd. Kataller Toyama. Roasso Kumamoto. Yokohama F. Shonan Bellmare. FC Tokyo. Urawa Reds. Vissel Kobe. ReinMeer Aomori. Sony Sendai. Iwaki FC. Matsue City. Honda FC. MIO B. Kochi Utd. Honda Lock. Veertien Mie. Suzuka PG. Verspah Oita. Sapporo FC. Sapporo Uni. Shintoku FC. Nippon Express. Tokachi SE. Akita Cambiare. TDK Shinwakai.
Gonohe FC. Tono Club. NP Hira. Sendai Sasuke. Iwaki Furuk. Mikawa SC. Nagai Club. Soma SC. Ricoh Tohoku. Morioka Zebra. Dogizaka FC. Ganju Iwate. Omiya SC. Shichigahama SC. Saruta FC. Fuji Club Yokkaichi Univ. Ogaki K'. FC Gifu 2nd. Nagoya SC. Nagara Club. Chukyo Univ. Toyota SC. Tokoha Uni. Tokai Gak. FC Ise-shima. Kobe FC. Moriyama Sam. Takasago Min. Kyoto Shiko SC. FC Awaji-shima. Kyoto FD FC. Easy Akashi. Andrews FC. KanDai Club ' Ococias Kyoto.
FBIJ Hiroshima. SRC Hiroshima. Yonago Genki. Saiba todas as informações sobre os jogos da Copa do Brasil. A Supercopa do Brasil é transmitida pelos canais do grupo Globo. Trata-se da primeira taça em disputa da temporada do futebol brasileiro. O Mundial de Clubes é o maior campeonato de clubes do mundo, pois conta com os mais informações de todos os continentes brigando pela taça.
Saiba como assistir os jogos do Mundial de Clubes. O futebol feminino vem se consolidando cada vez mais no Brasil. Saiba as informações sobre o jogos do Futebol Feminino. Confira a lista completa dos jogos de hoje e saiba como assistir e onde assistir. Por isso, veja a lista completa com os jogos de hoje e onde assistir os jogos de hoje.
Confira a lista dos jogos de hoje e saiba onde assistir ao vivo. Início Telecom Esportes Futebol. Assista ao vivo no EI Plus Experimente por 7 dias! Saiba como assistir ao vivo. Assine o EI Plus! Onde assistir os jogos de futebol hoje? Quem joga hoje? Assista aos jogos e campeonatos ao vivo e online! Futebol Americano.
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