#rvnthiscity 01
midwinter-michizo · 4 years
@rvnthiscity | Starter After scoping out most of Cotes and what he could access of Fibonacci, Tachihara decided it was a good idea to check out the other two wards. He decided Archimedes was next. It was his first trip into the ward and he was wary, but not noticeably so. One wasn’t apart of various gangs, military groups, and mafia organizations while being noticeably guarded.  He needed information, though. He’d gathered about as much as he could by walking around and observing. He needed to be able to ask questions. He walked down the street, keeping his eyes out for anyone that might seem like they knew a lot and were willing to tell a lot.  He intentionally brushed shoulders with a man that looked about his age. He pretended to be startled, widening his eyes and stumbling back a step. “Sorry,” he said, giving a sheepish grin and rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m a little new around here. Don’t really know my way around yet.” A bold face lie, of course. He always made sure to keep track of where he was and where he was going, especially in a new place. But it was easiest to gain information from lowered guards and sympathy. 
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tragiccxmedy · 3 years
@rvnthiscity | Starter Sasara was making his way to the shops, trying to decide what he wanted to eat. Some ramen sounded good right now. He wondered if anywhere around here sold any?  He was keeping an eye out when he spotted something completely different from what he was looking for. Though, this was much better than ramen. Or worse, depending.  “Ichirooo!” he called, waving a hand above his head to catch the teen. He trotted over and thumped Ichiro on the back with a big grin. “Fancy meeting you here!” Well, that was two out of the three Buster Bros he’d met here so far. Provided Rei wasn’t here, too, then the DRB should either tie or result in their favor. 
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differingrealities · 4 years
@rvnthiscity || starter~
Che’nya liked interesting people. And so, how lucky it was for him that this place was home to so many interesting people! 
This particular person had caught Che’nya’s attention from quite a ways away. At a glance, he seemed like a normal human, but as Che’nya peered at him, leaning way too close with little care for personal space, it was obvious what had caught his attention.
“Your eyes... They’re very interesting~!” His ears twitched in amusement. “Is that magic? Or contacts, perhaps? Or simply natural~?”
The stranger’s eyes were a striking shade of both red and green. Che’nya knew what heterochromia was, but seeing someone with two different eye colors in person was incredibly fascinating to him. Should he perhaps be more courteous and not stare so closely? Maybe! Was he going to stop? Nope!
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san-ta · 3 years
@rvnthiscity Aoi had discovered that the intraspace was actually pretty entertaining to be in. Not to mention, the battle arena was a good place to actually keep his mind sharp enough for combat.  So here he was, avatar geared up with light clothing that was easy to move in. He bounced on his feet as he awaited the announcement of the next fighters- himself and a stranger who had also signed up for the arena.  Soon enough, the announcement came, and he walked into the arena confidently. He rolled his shoulders, raising a hand in a wave at his competitor. “’Sup,” he greeted.  He hadn’t changed much about his avatar. It was really just a replica of him in a new outfit. He figured he didn’t especially need to hide his identity in the virtual space, especially considering calling himself Santa was already hiding his identity. 
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