#ruvyzat x reader
karls-writing-space · 3 years
Hello, Isee your new blog! Very nice! I got a request actually jajaja- Sarvente/Ruv(seperate and/or poly if you're good with it) from the Mid-Fight Masses Mod in fnf x reader scenarios who has wings and gets embarrassed/blushy easily and they hide themselves in their wings?
Hello Hello!!
Please I adore Sarv and Ruv!! [I had a lot of fun writing this-]
I can definitely write separate and poly for this!! Thanks for your request!
Sarvente and Ruv [Seperate + Polyam] With A Winged S/O Who Gets Embarrassed/Blushes Easily + Hides Themselves In Their Wings.
Let me start this off by saying - she thinks this is adorable.
You get embarrassed/blushy easily and you hide yourself in your wings?
My goodness, this absolutely precious.
When she first noticed/found out about this, she just went s o f t. Her smile was very soft and loving.
"Awww, ___! That's - You're so cuuute~! Do it again! Blushblushblushblush~"
She would use this to her advantage. Not in a blackmail-y way, but in a way that she could continue to coo over
Sarv would drop a few (rather cheesy) pick-up lines or whisper sweet things in your ear to try and get a reaction out of you.
She would also give you little kisses on your forehead, cheeks, or nose.
Definitely would also nuzzle you or hug you randomly just to see you get all blushy and watch you hide in your wings.
When she sees this, she will smile triumphantly, seemingly glad that she was able to make you blush like that.
This lovable demon would also tease you when you hide in your wings.
"Awww, c'mon, ____! I wanna see your pretty faaceee~!"
"But you're so cute when you're all blushy and flustered and such~!"
When embarrassing you, most of the time, she doesn't really intend to do so. When she does, she will apologize, but also coo over you hiding in your wings.
If she does intend to try and embarrass you, Sarv tries not to go too far as she doesn't want you to get upset or make you uncomfortable. It would be best to tell her your boundaries before she does something like this. She will respect them!
Say someone you knew was making you uncomfortable while trying to embarrass you. Sarv would notice and would politely ask the person to stop.
"Pardon me, but I think you're making ___ rather uncomfortable. Could you please stop trying to embarrass them?"
If that person doesn't stop, she will raise her voice at them and either get Ruv to remove this person from the church, or remove them from the church
After that, Sarv will try to comfort you and/or would try to get your mind off of what had happened.
I'm gonna be honest - when you first hid yourself in your wings, he thought that he had said or did something that made you uncomfortable.
You see, Ruv here isn't very familiar with the emotions of others, save for himself and Sarvente. So, seeing how you hid in your wings when he complimented you made him think he did something to upset you.
You're going to have to explain to him that you got embarrassed and/or blushed easily, and you hide in your wings when you blush or are embarrassed.
Ruv nods as he adds this into his knowledge about you. He'd then give you a small smile.
"That's...cute, ___."
He really does think that it's adorable, and this guy's going to use this to his advantage.
He won't use it as much as Sarv does, but he will intentionally make you blush just to see you hide in your wings. Every time you do this, this man's heart just m e l t s. It's one of the most precious things he has ever seen you do.
Ruv would drop a few pick-up lines at the odd time, or would remind you that he loves you. He would try a few flirty lines to see how you would react.
This guy would also throw more compliments your way to both be a loving boyfriend and in hopes that he could see you blush and hide in your wings once more.
He would slightly tease you about your reaction, though, not too loudly. He doesn't want to bring unwanted attention to the two of you.
His teasing is all in light-hearted fun, really.
When it comes to embarrassing you, Ruv kind of feels bad for doing so. While your reaction is cute to him, he worries that he said something wrong.
"Sorry... Did I make you uncomfortable?"
If he did, he will apologize and internally cuss himself out for making you feel like that.
If he didn't, he will nod, and will still be wary of what he says to you.
This guy really cares about you, and he doesn't want to accidentally make you uncomfortable.
Polyam (Sarv x Reader x Ruv)
When these two find out that you blush/get embarrassed easily and that you tend to hide in your wings during these times, both of them would coo softly.
Expect double the teasing when you hide in your wings. Sarvente would tease you (lovingly) more than Ruv, but that doesn't mean big Russian boy won't tease you about it.
Sarvente's teases will be rather childish, while Ruv's would tend to be more straight-forward.
"Dawww~! Is someone all blushy-wushy~?"
"Look at you...~ Aren't you precious~ ... Wait. Sarv did you say 'blushy-wushy'-?"
Both of them are careful with their teases and remarks - they don't want to upset you or make you feel any sort of negative emotion.
Ruv would focus on your body language and tone while he, Sarv, or both of them are making you blush. If he sees that you're starting to look uncomfortable, he will let Sarv know.
"Sarv. ___ doesn't seem too comfortable with this anymore/right now."
"Oh? I'm so, so sorry, darling! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!"
They would definitely give you compliments in hopes to see you blush. They think that blushing plus compliments equal a good thing.
If someone was purposely embarrassing you publicly and making you uncomfortable, Ruv will glare the person down and either (bluntly) tell them to quit it, or will demand that they leave you alone.
Meanwhile, Sarv is asking if you're alright and shooting that person a glare of her own. How dare that person make her and Ruv's darling uncomfortable.
These two are protective of you and they both love you so, so much.
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darkpi-evan · 3 years
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Ruv & Sarvante, but their roles were swapped
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nyx-writes-fnf · 2 years
Hii could i request ruv,tabi, alydrx,agoti reacting to s/o being suicidal or depressed? Its okay if you dont wanna do it
these are just gonna be hcs because I don't feel super duper comfy writing a whole ficset-
When he finds out, he understands completely because he's felt like that before too.
He holds you close and comforts you during depressive episodes
Any attempt on your own life ends in him talking you down and comforting you through the emotional high afterwards
He does his absolute best to keep you feeling alright at all times
He gets help from Sarv with making sure you're alright and more often than not will leave you with his jacket to hold close with you need to
With you almost 24/7 I stg
Will 100% patch up any and all S/H wounds.
All over you in his own way, sticks around whenever he can even if he isn't very comfortable with too much touch.
He gives you his hoodie sometimes, will hold you whenever he feels like you really need it
Like Ruv, he'll patch up any injuries made by attempts or S/H
He fucking SOBS when he finds you trying to off yourself. He will pull you away from it with zero hesitation
Anyone who's made it worse for you as of late gets their shit kicked in
Comforts you as best he can during episodes, even if he's unsure exactly how to do it
Surprisingly good cook and will make you your comfort foods to make you feel better
Zero hesitation to keep you from anything you could hurt yourself with
Very protective, eyes on you 24/7 if he can
If he's not around to watch you and keep you a-okay, he gets his brother to do it
Will try to make you comfort food but isn't good at cooking so just ends up buying you both food (he usually disregards agoti in this aspect and the angry squeak it gets makes you laugh)
You had a sui attempt? He's holding you and not letting go for the next week, he hates the thought of losing you
Patches up wounds whenever necessary
Just like his brother, always makes sure to keep you from anything you could use against yourself
Protective in the same way
When his eyes aren't on you, he asks Aldryx to keep an eye on you
Makes you snacks (and always gets mad when aldryx forgets to bring him food too)
Any attempt at any form of self injury (including sui) and he is clingy as hell. You're not leaving him and he's gonna make sure of it
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ruv | can you even be this guy's friend? let's find out
- here’s the one where you do the impossible and pry loose some of that personality from the big icy guy in the hat.
- calling ruv guarded is somehow both an understatement and inaccurate. he’s not out here about to start sharing his deepest feelings and thoughts, but a lot of that is mostly because if he doesn’t care about you, he just doesn’t bother? having traits?
- he will be prickly, and he will be cold, and sometimes he might cross the line into straight-up being rude. it’s a near-fool’s task to step into the inner circle that, canonically, is only populated by sarvente, but you’re patient. you’re so, so patient. and maybe a fool, too?
- don’t give him things, tbh. ruv is a hard-wired hitman and guy on the lam, and so closed off that offering him a snack or a drink will do Absolutely Nothing. he Will Not Accept and he might even think you an eye-roll deserving kind of naive, if he doesn’t just slap the offending object out of your hand.
- what might work is, over a very long period, you microdose him on your presence. despite the earth-shattering baritone, ruv is very quiet and given to listening to things. the best thing to do is to talk to him - at him, even - without expecting a response. little anecdotes; light musings.
- (he’s a cat but like the worst one in the world honestly. this process is excruciating)
- after you’ve been very patient - brief visits where you hang on the outskirts of the church, moving slightly closer in the tiniest increments every single time - you might have made enough of an impression on the tall spook that he might deign to respond to you.
- it’ll be an easy question that does it. the weather lately’s been very pretty, don’t you think?
- “it’s snow.” his voice is low and gravelly, and not even paired with eye contact. he’s staring off into space. “there is nothing special about it.”
- a milestone! Ruvyzat Is Unimpressed By Snow. groundbreaking
- you collect the tiniest pieces of ruv over months, maybe years if you’re dedicated. favorite color? “pink. purple.” does he like hot chocolate? “no.” he can do knife tricks, right? “yes.” no further elaboration.
- get the guy used to your chatter, and then sometimes, just ghost right in to his space and spend your visit in silence. how comfortable your silence with a person is a good indicator of how comfy you are with each other.
- ruv’s shoulders might drop, just a little, as he leans against a wall. he does have a knife, today, and he does twirl it between his fingers at an angle where you can see it. is it related to your interest in it? who knows?
- day 384832483: during a bitter winter, when your jacket is just a bit too thin to be comfortable and you’re honestly about to head home, ruv crosses the gap between you in one (1) step and, with a “you’ll freeze. here,” drops his jacket right onto your head.
- maybe it’s not complete devotion, and absolutely it’s not a fixation. but you’ve done what ruv doesn’t expect anyone else in the world to do, and that is prove yourself trustworthy.
- he’ll repay that trust tenfold, too! you need a guy killed? he’ll kill a guy for you. where is the guy you need killed. tell him.
- you might only want a hug from time to time, or maybe even to hear him sing, but at this point he’s willing to go the extra mile to murder.
- he. he’s getting the hang of it
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
Can we get "P", "L", "S" for Ruv, please? And maybe a letter of your choosing too?
Ofc, Anon! Haven't writtenddd anything for Ruv in a while lol.
And a letter of my choosing? How about... "G"!
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SFW Alphabet -
"P", "L", "S", and "G" for Ruv!
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P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Ruv is a fairly patient guy if he isn't in a rush for anything, or if he isn't angry.
Unless someone hurt his S/O or Sarvente, Ruv doesn't have too much to lose his temper over, save for a bunch of emotions that he keeps all bottled up. Is it healthy to keep that bottled up? No, but he doesn't wish to come off as weak in front of people.
He would be really patient with his S/O, Sarvente, or people he cares about in general.
They wanted to do something with him that required a lot of time? He would do that thing with them for as long as it lasts - or, at least until Sarvente calls him over for something.
He wouldn't rush anything and would let people take their time with what they needed to do. His S/O tends to fumble their words? Ruv will let them take as much as they need to speak. Someone is a slow walker? He'll let them take their time.
He wouldn't be impatient with anyone unless he was in a bad mood, or if they were just testing his patience.
Ruv seems to be very collected when he isn't trying to harm or kill anyone. He physically doesn't show emotions, so he appears to be stoic as hell. Others can't tell what this tall, Russian man is thinking or feeling.
However, he does have a problem with bottling up his emotions. If he were to lose his patience in front of his S/O, Sarvente, or both of them, Ruv will just explode or shut down completely.
If he was to explode, he will yell. The walls and roof would shake violently from the volume of this man's voice.
Once he finishes lashing out, Ruv will quiet down and become very apologetic. If loud noises scared or triggered his S/O, he would feel immensely guilty for scaring/triggering them and would try to make it up to them somehow. He'd also cuss himself out in his head.
If his partner allowed him to, or if Sarvente was free, he would tell him how he was feeling to try and get it all off his chest and possibly try and get them to help him with what was eating at him.
L - Little ones (How are they around children?)
I think some kids would be scared of Ruv. Especially the kids who dare disrespect his S/O, the church, or Sarv.
There are some kids that come over to the church for Children's Church that actually like Ruv, though.
He's surprised that kids even like him. Sarvente thinks that it's cute.
The guy is a little awkward around kids, as he doesn't really know what to do around them. He'll talk to them every now and again, but he'll just stand back in the church and observe.
Sarvente is much better than him with kids.
The most that he's interacted with kids, aside from Children's Church, was throwing stones at the bikes of some disrespectful little shits kids.
If the kids were doing a craft based off of what they learned in church and they asked Ruv what they thought of their art, Ruv will give them a thumbs up and compliment it.
"Ruv! Look at my art! Is it pretty?"
"...Looks good, kid."
"Ruv! Ruv! What about my art?"
"...Looks nic- Wait. Is...that Biker Jesus?"
This made the kids laugh, and Ruv was just confused. What did he say that was so funny?
Sarvente just smiled, tittering along with the kids.
If the kids wanted to talk to him about something in general, he'll stand there and listen to them. Occasionally, he would respond to them, but for the most part, he just stood there and listened.
S - Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ruv is protective of his S/O. And when I say he's protective, he is PROTECTIVE.
If someone dares to try and harm them, Ruv will beat their ass [or kill them, depending on if their intentions to harm his lover was to fatally wound them.]
If his S/O plans on going out somewhere late at night, or with people he doesn't know or trust, he will constantly check in with them via their phone, or follow them to where they were headed secretly
It's to make sure that his partner is safe and so that nobody could hurt them. And if someone did try to put their hands on them, Ruv would be out there to fight that person himself.
Nobody - and I mean NOBODY - hurts his S/O.
His S/O was someone who hurt them/is hurting them in some way, Ruv will try to keep them away from that person, and possibly end up putting the person who has hurt his S/O on life support.
If Ruv had a S/O who knew self-defense, he would lower his protectiveness a little. He would still be protective over them, but he knew that they could protect themself if they were in any danger.
It doesn't mean that he wouldn't help them win that fight. He would definitely give them a hand by diverting that person's attention or even joining in on the fighting himself.
G - Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Ruv is very gentle with his S/O.
The guy is strong as HELL. If he cracked an egg, it would end up turning into dust. The only things he is careful with is his S/O, Sarvente, and any belonging that belong to his S/O and Sarvente.
Anything else? The man will not really care if he destroys them with his strength or not.
During hugs or cuddles, Ruv will try not to hold his partner too tightly. His hugs are rather loose as he worries that he could hurt his lover with his embrace.
If he wants to hug his lover a little tighter, he will ask his S/O if they were fine with that first. If they were, Ruv's hug would become slightly tighter, but not enough to become a bone-crushing hug. it would be almost as tight as a kid clutching their beloved stuffed animal to their chest.
If Ruv was to accidentally squeeze his lover too tightly, he will immediately release them from the hug and apologize repeatedly He wouldn't stop until his S/O assured him that it was fine, which would take a while.
"Ruv, I said that it's fine. You don't need to worry about it."
"I know... But... Sorry."
"Ruv, please-'
Emotionally, on the other hand... oh boy.
This guy isn't the most subtle person on the planet - he's a very straightforward person.
If he sees his S/O do something dumb or that makes them look dumb, he will call it as he sees it.
"___, you're acting like an idiot"
There are times that his straightforwardness has made his S/O upset with him, which he really wasn't going for. He will apologize to them if he had made them upset.
He doesn't mean to upset them, it's just how he speaks.
Ruv wants to try to be more cautious of what he says to his S/O, but his straightforwardness is just like "Nope, they need to know (xyz)."
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