The border of our hearts
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Chapter 2 - Prelude for Play
Present time 
Down Winery was as tranquil as it gets. Wind delicately caressed ripe grapes, ready to be picked any day and made into finest wine in the region, little critters that made this part of land their home, were lazing around sunbathing, tending to themselves or their offspring. Even dangerous beings like slimes that frequent near the outskirts were calm and content with such fine weather. Summer was truly upon land of freedom, the only thing that disturbed overall serene scene was the master of the winery, fiery locks so untamed moved with the rhythm of the horse. Diluc Ragnvindr, heir to those lands, was aggravated, angry even and the cause of those troubles were many. 
“ Hello master Diluc” one of the maids stopped sweeping the porch from remains of earlier delivery of wheat. “ Shall we prepare afternoon tea?” He gracefully got off the horse, and gave reins to the horse keeper before answering with a heavy sigh, “ yes, please. And tell Adelinde to prepare me a bath, thank you” he didn't even see the girl bow slightly to him before opening massive oak doors, not wanting for interruption Diluc quickened his steps and practically leaped towards the second floor, going straight to the master bedroom.
Diluc wasn't so old yet, he was barely in his twenties, and yet the stress that came with managing the business caught up to him - that's what most would think. The stress came mainly from his nightly alter ego. Protecting his beloved country was the reason his sleep schedule was absolutely rect. Some time ago one of his spies stopped reporting, and that in itself would already put the young master at edge, but to add to it, the spy was located in Snezhnaya’s capital. Diluc could not travel to the nation of snow, his adventures when he was 18 made him gain a permanent ban of crossing Mondstat - Snezhnayan border. 
The fall of a well-built body, that could throw a weighty claymore, made the mattress on an oak-framed bed slightly jump, and the old furniture whimpered in protest. Deep crimson threads spilled upon a fresh and fluffy cushion, a handsome face burrowed into welcoming plush and finest silk.
“Uhh” a muffled groan resounded around the room, Diluc turned around and gazed upon the ceiling, just like in his childhood he tried to focus on a single spot and organize his thoughts. 
“ I have no way to check if Silia is okay, I can't go to Snezhnaya myself, and sending someone else is too risky. If they discovered one spy, they might have discovered others." Behind the window, the sun was slowly ending its journey upon the sky. It was still early, but in an hour or two the horizon would be painted in many colours, and Diluc would have to go off to the city. Hopefully, it's going to be a peaceful night for him and the residents. 
Pressure on his temple signalled another headache incoming. He had to get some sleep, his body, though strong, could not withstand another sleepless night. He was drained, the harvest season, the Fatui, the Abyss order. All on his single back, like a weight that cannot be shaken off. Eyelids become heavy, too heavy to fight the drowsiness, gentle breeze lulled to rest, as if Barbatos was singing him the most beautiful lullabies for dreaming the most beautiful dreams.
Dark, so dark in here 
sun, where is the sun?
 Can't see
can't catch … breath
cold, so cold, can't feel my hands, my legs, my body
dead? Am I Dead? Father? Father ! Help! Father, help me! Please!
Cold cold cold coldbreatcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldicoldcoldcoldcoldcan’tcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcold
She woke up gasping, the third day in a row and the same nightmare. She didn't scream any more when she awoke, just laid in her bed and looked at the ceiling. This nightmare was a memory, one of more cruel trials she was subjected to as a child. Ruvlovs needed to be more resistant to cold than an average person, and so they have to train from their early childhoods. Most of the trials are bordering torture, but it is just a prelude to what they have to be subjected to later on in their lives. 
She raised from the bed, there was no point in lazing around when she had to be up in a few hours anyway. Walked over to the table where the documents laid, recently they had managed to detect someone who was too nosy for Fatui's standards, everyone in Snezhnaya is a gossip to some extent, that's how people survive, by sharing information with each other, but snooping around the Royal archives is unacceptable. 
Ruvlov was guessing who the girl might have been working for. Only one name came to mind
“Ragnvindr, are you trying to thwart my plans again?” she drank the already cold tea that was left over from her earlier document reading session. Diluc Ragnvindr was perhaps one of the biggest thorns in Fatui's side, and she constantly found signs of his scheming while reading the reports from Mondstat. She had to admit, it was starting to get tiresome to read about the political failures of her subordinates and about "a very influential, dangerous and hot-tempered man with an exceptionally sharp tongue and sword."
Fortunately, during these 5 years of her post, she learned to cope with it. All you had to do was redirect his attention elsewhere, and he would rush to play a hero. This often worked, but such an influential and wealthy man as Ragnvindr had many tricks, they were particularly annoying during the last major campaign at Mondstat that was supposed to gather information about the Abyss order movement. For some reason, there were more attacks on the border than previously. Shneznaya and the land of freedom were divided by a big mountain range, it was extremely difficult and dangerous to climb it, a perfect place for organization such as the Abyss. Of course, the moment she sent soldiers to scan the area, and they crossed onto Mond’s territory, they were quickly chased off by the red head. 
“ I still need to gather information about this place, but sending more of my man will only result in your anger, is that right, Mr. Ragnvindr?” Her intense gaze was solely focused on the portrait of a very handsome young man with big, sharp eyes. 
“ I suppose, it is time to take those meters into my own hands” Ruvlov delicately took a map and rolled it in. “ I hoped we would not have the pleasure to meet, but you made your move a long time ago, so now it's my turn to torment you some.”
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anonymusfanficwritter · 8 months
The border of our hearts
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Chapter 01 - Awaited
In Snezhnaya “Ruvlov” was a word reserved for only one person in the nation. it was a title, a name, a symbol for Sneznayans, the lady or the lord protected the nation, as per 500 year old contract between a mortal and a great cryo sovereign. in the time of need the power bestowed upon that brave soul transcended the death itself - every first born of the lineage descended straight from the first one is able to use the primal cryo power. with time a word meant to just describe this source of power and circle of rebirth, “Ruvlov” became something…more.
She looked just like him, she knew, everyone around her knew. Like as if he was skinned and his flesh sewed onto her face. Her Father, Rodion Ruvlov laid in a pool of his own blood just a room away. The power was transitioned, she felt that. The pain was excruciating to the point she lost consciousness, but after she awoke it was like the never lasting winter made home in her heart. No pain, no emotions, no…interferences for The Great Plan. The only thing left now was to proclaim oneself, to walk into the Zapolyarny Palace and show everyone how capable she truly was, was that what she wanted? Was the reason she trained every day, till her hands were bloody from sword fighting, her legs numb and broken from dancing, her brain damaged for the purpose of bringing pain to people opposing her nation. her nation, home, responsibility to it, that flows in her blood, the duty that she had to carry on alone till the day she dies from her child's hands, just like her father did. her father - awful man, cold, stern and unloving, to her or her brother, finally dead just like every other ancestor. And the worst thing was - she was starting to understand why he was like that, will she become the same? 
The girl looked at herself in the mirror, horror af a view, truly. Dead eyes, blood on everything that can be seen and no expression or remorse for her doing. That what the cryo power truly is, it protects one’ emotions, heart, the human vulnerability that Ruvlovs can not have, but for them it's not a suppression of emotions - its eradication, locking in the dark corner of consciousness. 
“ siostro*?” Andrei’s voice came through a heavy oak door, she didn't respond at first, she didn't know how. how was she supposed to talk with her brother after she wasn't the same person anymore?
the door opened revealing a young boy, almost same age as her, one could say they were almost twins, and yet that would be a mistake.
only the oldest child could become a Ruvlov, hold the legacy of the cryo dragon, and so Andrei being younger six months did not inherit the traditional Ruvlov looks. he had his mothers eyes - yellow like gold from shneznayan’s mines. he was supposed to be the one, the legitimate child from aristocratic lineage not her. and yet here we are.
“Andrei. Why did you enter?” it sounded more harsh than she intended, but that was not something she could help with. Her brother stood in the doorway looking at her, he wasn't sure what changed in her but it was apparent that something did, the room felt colder and the storm behind the closed window seemed to still. 
“ So you did it?” he started “ You killed him, so now…” his eyes turned from her to the closed door of the side room, a strong smell of blood started to linger, as if someone was just done butchering a pig.
“ I need to go to the palace, take care of our father while I'm absent.” it wasn't a request. 
The girl walked to her room, the room that she will not miss. Small den wasn't meant to be occupied by anyone, at night it was difficult to sleep, feeling Sneznaya’s harsh winters. Undressing her soaked clothing, her body didn't shiver like it used to ,and yet it was icy cold to the touch. She opened her closet and looked at one dress different from others she owned - it was a beautiful piece of art, white like the first snow, a present from Pierro for “ when she will be ready”. It wasn't long, the perfect length to comfortably run or jump, no sleeves, top was cut in shape of a hearth. In that she left Ruvlov’s mansion. she should have been freezing, bare shoulders and knees and yet her skin didn't even bloom. People looked at her, understanding, knowing what that march meant - she was the one, the one they awaited. Some kneeled, some started to pray, others turned thay gaze not to look at something so pious,but she just kept walking. Ascending towards the palace of ice, guards opened the gates for her arrival, light steps made little sound in those dead facades. Finally she stood, in front of her archon, the archon she was supposed to serve. To cherish and protect. 
“ Like my father now there is me, Ruvlov graces my name and ice flows within my body. I swear to you and to Snezhnaya to serve, like my ancestors before my birth. I give my life and soul to you, My Lady.
“The promise of 500 years befalls us again…” Tsarica looked at the young child, it was the first time she stood there as not just a girl, but a warrior, a weapon she was bred to be. something in the Archon’s heart saddened, so young and knows the hardships of this world already. like with each of them she hopped this one will be last.
 “... and no matter what comes to be, Cryo sovereign will come to your aid, that i declare.”
Ruvlov’s Icy gaze fell on a man standing close by, from now on they were destined to work together, to make sure The Great Plan will succeed, mabe out of all her predecessors she will be the successful one .
siostro - sister
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