#rustblood fancestor
lichtbogens · 2 months
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Old piece, @paletteoforder's Esposada
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jandro-of-ale · 2 years
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First Ancestor Redesign! Here's Cecile's Ancestor "The Oracle". For him, I changed quite a bit. I altered the outfit substantially and shortened the hair length as well as giving small jewelry in the color of his matesprit! Stay tuned for the dancestor version of him soon to come out!
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experimentaltrolls · 6 years
Sorry I’ve been so dead, have some fancestor introductions i guess
The Heretick/Name Unknown: Ancestor of Scoria Fialam, they were a scienstiff and known for controversial research. They also dabbled in alchemy and were convinced that it would solve all of Alternia’s problems. However, their stubborn and opinionated nature got the best of them when Overseer Steeljaw had them culled for derogatory comments toward the Messiahs.
Overseer Steeljaw/Alekto Vetala: Ancestor of Akliss Vetala. She started life as an ordinary citizen in Saint-Eloize back when it was a theocratic city, but was punished with enslavement after speaking out against a corrupt politician. She became famous as an arena fighter, despite doing it against her will, and eventually escaped with the help of her kismesis the Tauntress (@sanguinariuswhiplash’s character). She settled down with her and became a supervisor for a lab under a false identity.
The Satirist/Melete Opulen: Ancestor of Taalya Opulen. She started a hemoanonymous theatre troupe that originally started to get some of her lowblood friends good jobs and a decent quality of life. She became more famous than she ever expected, with plenty of highblood fans. She was ultimately assassinated by Countess Dovetail (@tiny-trolls’ character), but her troupe set the standard for Alternian satire to this day.
The Ferryman/Medeia Scelis: Ancestor of Aziell Scelis. She was a scam artist who was known for holding fake slave auctions. Became a founder of a highblood mob alongside Countess Dovetail. After the Countess was culled, leaving her in charge, she was killed by trolls who did not want a lowblood ranked higher than them.
The Chimaera/Siphae Procel: Ancestor of Uranie Procel. She was a geneticist who worked on creating bloodlines of telekinetic rustbloods able to power ships as well as the best goldbloods. However, she also performed other experiments on herself, and continued to do so until she became more monster than troll and forgot who she was. Ultimately, she was sealed up inside her lab with several of her test subjects and left to die there.
The Initiate/Revell Mephos and Lalari Samiel: Ancestor of Celant Mephos and Hadaly Samiel. They were a DID system, and Lalari became one of the first members of the Amabilian Church and the best friend of Cardinal Amabilis. Revell was also an Amabilian but she didn’t agree with some of the Cardinal’s more controversial beliefs. Both were tortured and ultimately culled since Lalari revealed abuse going on in the sect she was raised in.
Cardinal Amabilis/Lilium Zuriel: Ancestor of Caella Zuriel and Kierla Vascos. She lived at a time when there was a high demand for jadeblood slaves, and a few groups that were allegedly Mother Grub worshippers were little more than fronts for slavers. She formed the Amabilian Church as a way to protect jades, and she got the Empire to crack down on the jadeblood slave trade. She also fought to allow Fleet enlistment for jades, and was against lowblood enslavement as well, a position which caused controversy. She was culled by the very slavers she fought against.
Oijiev Roesia: Has a few descendants. She’s a subjug from a carnival nearly completely exterminated by a virus created as a bioweapon. She cut off her own arm in a ritual to stop the virus, and fled the carnival. She tends to accidentally throw her voice when speaking, and prefers to speak through a semi-sentient marionette named Euaath. She has powerful chucklevoodoos that cause hallucinations and intense fear, which Euaath can amplify. She is still alive and lives with her matesprite Guarra
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 6 years
My Fantroll Ancestors (and Dancestors)!
I heard that @mirkstrolls was starting a Fancestor week, so I thought I'd share some info about the handful of Ancestors and Dancestors that I have! So far I've only posted proper info for one of the descendants, but oh well. I'll try to get the others done soon. Now, just to clear this up - I know Ancestors and Dancestors are supposed to have the same name. But I am lazy and wanted an easy way to tell them apart, so they have different names. The Cleanser - Alveck Eichel, Ancestor of Alfonz "Al" Eichel. He's an assassin with a strong moral compass. He doesn't care much about whether his morals line up with the morals of others, and would happily kill very high-ranking trolls if he thinks they're corrupt. Not a subjuggulator, just an assassin. Alizar Eichel - Alfonz's Dancestor. Hatched and raised on Beforus, not a subjug. He is very very very stressed, so he smokes a lot of troll weed and is actually very chill. He likes old cartoons and is scared of using actual weapons. He's kinda artsy and loves his friends. He's an absolute mess, but he's harmless. His temporary moirail is Vortex "Tex" Parker, who belongs to @cakedashes-trolls The Revolter - Asiakk Rivren, Ancestor of Akitos "Aki" Rivren. He's a violetblood who really hated how lowbloods were treated and tried to start a third revolution - he only got a handful of followers before someone tried to kill him. He wasn't the best at being secretive. He barely managed to survive the attempt on his life, and went into hiding with his new jadeblood matesprit.   Arksen Rivren - Akitos's Dancestor. He lived on Beforus. He's not violent, he's just very rebellious. He's practically allergic to order, and will do everything in his power to cause mayhem. He's not mean, he's just an agent of chaos. Ahclan's kismesis.   The Deserter - A????? Careon, Ancestor of Acanoo "Aca" Careon. He was ridiculed by the other jades and eventually ran away from working in the brooding caverns. Not long after, he happened across The Revolter/Asiakk and helped him. He also convinced Asiakk to go into hiding, and the two of them became matesprits and hid from everyone else.   Ahclan Careon - Acanoo's Dancestor. He stayed in the brooding caverns of Beforus and has a love of rules and order. He's the mom friend and worries about his friends doing stupid shit. He can be very bossy and sometimes treats his friends like grubs - he's just so used to dealing with grubs. Arksen's kismesis. The Devoted - Tugrir Baaran, Ancestor of Trosky "Troy" Baaran. A rustblood who was sent as part of a colony group for a newly-conquered planet. He wound up as a servant for one of the planet's native leaders. He and the leader became fast friends, and due to Tugrir's knightly nature, he ended up being the leader's body guard. Said leader eventually tried to revolt against The Alternian Empire, and Tugrir died trying to protect his friend.   Trafey Baaran - Trosky's Dancestor. Raised on the generally peaceful Beforus, Trafey spends most of his time in the library, doing research about history. He loves tales about knights, but doesn't actually want to be one, and has zero fighting skills. He's just a big shy nerd.
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 6 years
Fancestor Week Day Three: Designs!
So far, only one of my idiot Ancestors has a full and proper design. So we’ll start with him. 
The Cleanser/Alveck is a an assassin. He’s very sneaky, that’s kinda his whole thing. But he also needs to be agile. So he’s got a shirt and pants with knee-high boots. He’s also got a big coat thing with a hood, so he can be sneaky. A belt for Aesthetic. And gloves so he doesn’t get fingerprints anywhere. Mostly I just wanted him to look cool. He’s got his left eye covered with his hair cuz he’s dumb and edgy, which is the opposite eye that Al has covered. 
The Revolter/Asiakk was a highblood and is now in hiding. He barely made it out of that assassination attempt, and is now very injured, thus the missing eye/horn/arm. He’s got simpler cloths now, which are purposefully torn. And, of course, a cape with a hood for when he needs to hide his face/fins. He doesn’t wear his blood color anymore. He and Akitos both have long hair. 
The Deserter/Actoda had been working in the caverns as a doctor, so he’s gonna have a double-breasted coat. Which he then covers with a hooded cape because he’s also in hiding. He also doesn’t wear his blood color anymore. He and Acanoo both have glasses. 
The Devoted/Tugrir is a knight with a very rich and powerful boyfriend. So he has very good and fancy armor, especially for a rustblood. Other than that, I don’t have any of his design planned. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 6 years
Fancestor Week Day Six: Death
I actually don’t have a lot planned for their deaths, but I’ll share what I have. 
Alveck was most likely murdered or culled. I haven’t decided yet how he should die, but he’s definitely dead by now.  
Asiakk very nearly died from an assassination attempt, but was saved by Actoda. They both went into hiding and eventually died of old age. 
Tugrir, though, actually has an interesting death. His boyfriend was a local leader of the native species of the planet Tugrir was sent to. And one day, said boyfriend (who *really* needs a name) decided to rebel against the Alternian Empire that was taking over his home. Tugrir, of course, helped him. But the Empire quickly squashed that little rebellion, and Tugrir died trying to protect his boyfriend. He was getting kinda old for a rustblood anyway. 
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