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👉 Sample from only #10trays
👉 Well glue absorbed.
👉 High-quality Korean fiber.
👉 Slim base, bases are not twisted together.
👉 Even and symmetrical lashes.
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Deep Black 20 Row Lash Boxes Up to 20mm🔹Order Link in Bio or Below🔹| 7-20mm • 14-20mm • 8-15mm 20 Row Mixed | 8-20mm 20 Row Single Length Lash Boxes by pro|LASH™ _ CLICK LINK IN BIO or Copy Link Below ⬇️ _ Exclusively on Amazon.com Same Day, Next Day or 2 Day, Shipping! ✈️✈️✈️ _ _ • Lightweight • Long Lasting curl • Natural look & feel • Soft & comfortable • DO NOT kink or break • Retain curl wet or dry • Lashes DO NOT stick together • Deep black color • Transfer strip removes easily • Easily make Volume Lashes • 20 lines of innovative eyelashes • Lash boxes close quietly • Natural Taper _ _ Available Sizes: C D CC DD Curls 0.07 | 0.15 | 0.20 _ 8-20mm single size boxes 7-20mm mixed box 8-15mm mixed box 14-20mm mixed box _ _ COPY LINK BELOW FOR ORDERING: Or 🔷Click Link in Bio🔷 ⤵️ _ https://www.amazon.com/20-Row-Extensions-pro-LASH/dp/B07MDR2KLT/ref=mp_s_a_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1547083851&sr=8-21&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=Prolash&dpPl=1&dpID=51dOAf6vVZL&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #lashsupplies #lashesonpoint #lashesonfleek #lashesatlanta #lasheslasheslashes #lashesfordays #russianvolumeeyelashes #brownlashes #certifiedlashtech #yumilashes #falselashes #lookatthoselashes #lasheslove #classiclashes #lashesbyme #houseoflashes #russianvolumelashes #lashesmiami #lashesatl #individuallashes #3dminkeyelashes #longeyelashes #minkeyelashes #minklashes #falselashes #getlashed #gotlashes #3dlashes #3dminkeyelash https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6lekkBPIu/?igshid=1odi365e8sy1e
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7-19mm | 8-19mm | 7-14mm | 14-19mm MIXED BOXES NOW AVAILABLE!! (Order Link in Bio) (All other sizes are available) _ EVERY LENGTH IN ONE BOX! C CURL D CURL 0.07 | 0.15 | 0.20 Professional Premium Quality Silk Mink EYELASH EXTENSIONS by XPRESSION LASHES™ EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon.com SAME DAY, NEXT DAY & 2 SAY SHIPPING! _ ✓ Industry Only 7-19mm Mixed Box ✓ Natural Look & Feel ✓ Natural Black Color w/Natural Sheen ✓ FAST PREMIUM Shipping 24/7 ✓ Get Lashes When You Need Them! ✓ Reliable & Fast Picking ✓ Won't Kink, Bend or Break ✓ Luscious & Soft ✓ Lightweight ✓ Tapered ✓ True to Size Every Time ✓ Resilient Curl ✓ Extremely Durable ✓ 20% More Lashes Per Row _ Available Sizes: 0.07 | 0.15 | 0.20 Widths 7-19mm Mixed 16 lines 8-15mm 3D Volume 16 lines 8-19mm Single Size 16 lines 8-15mm 6D Volume 16 lines 14-19mm Mixed 16 lines 7-14mm Mixed 12 lines 8-19mm Mixed 12 lines 8-19mm Single 12 lines 12 Lines 16 Lines C Curl D Curl _ CC Curl DD Curl _ Click Link in Bio or Copy the link below for direct ordering of all sizes from one listing: https://www.amazon.com/7-19mm-Separate-XPRESSION-Eyelash-Extensions/dp/B073X8MRLV/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1541699397&sr=8-3&keywords=xpression+lashes _ _ _ _ _ _ #lashsupplies #lashesonpoint #lashesonfleek #lashesatlanta #lasheslasheslashes #lashesfordays #russianvolumeeyelashes #lashlife #fullsetlashes #individuallashes #falselashes #lashfill #lasheslove #classiclashes #lashesbyme #houseoflashes #russianvolumelashes #lashesmiami #lashesatl #individuallashes #3dminkeyelashes #longeyelashes #minkeyelashes #minklashes #falselashes #getlashed #gotlashes #3dlashes #3dminkeyelash https://www.instagram.com/p/BuqucQynTF0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gxbgwpnrkx25
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Deep Black 20 Row Lash Boxes Up to 20mm🔹Order Link in Bio or Below🔹| 7-20mm • 14-20mm • 8-15mm 20 Row Mixed | 8-20mm 20 Row Single Length Lash Boxes by pro|LASH™ _ CLICK LINK IN BIO or Copy Link Below ⬇️ _ Exclusively on Amazon.com Same Day, Next Day or 2 Day, Shipping! ✈️✈️✈️ _ _ • Lightweight • Long Lasting curl • Natural look & feel • Soft & comfortable • DO NOT kink or break • Retain curl wet or dry • Lashes DO NOT stick together • Deep black color • Transfer strip removes easily • Easily make Volume Lashes • 20 lines of innovative eyelashes • Lash boxes close quietly • Natural Taper _ _ Available Sizes: C D CC DD Curls 0.07 | 0.15 | 0.20 _ 8-20mm single size boxes 7-20mm mixed box 8-15mm mixed box 14-20mm mixed box _ _ COPY LINK BELOW FOR ORDERING: Or 🔷Click Link in Bio🔷 ⤵️ _ https://www.amazon.com/20-Row-Extensions-pro-LASH/dp/B07MDR2KLT/ref=mp_s_a_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1547083851&sr=8-21&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=Prolash&dpPl=1&dpID=51dOAf6vVZL&ref=plSrch&th=1&psc=1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #lashsupplies #lashesonpoint #lashesonfleek #lashesatlanta #lasheslasheslashes #lashesfordays #russianvolumeeyelashes #brownlashes #certifiedlashtech #yumilashes #falselashes #lookatthoselashes #lasheslove #classiclashes #lashesbyme #houseoflashes #russianvolumelashes #lashesmiami #lashesatl #individuallashes #3dminkeyelashes #longeyelashes #minkeyelashes #minklashes #falselashes #getlashed #gotlashes #3dlashes #3dminkeyelash https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz08E_EhhfK/?igshid=1g3n9x1o70q1l
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