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orugami-draws · 8 years ago
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One of the projects I had to do.
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edgelad-blog · 8 years ago
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Omg I dyed u guys
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alidajustlife · 8 years ago
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Det er forskjell på folk (og hånda mi ser nok verre ut på bildet enn det den faktisk er) #rt17 #rt2017 #russ2017 #muffins (ved Vestre haugen)
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tetitwin-blog · 7 years ago
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Добрались до Урала в Кунгурскую ледяную пещеру. Надели на себя все, что можно было, но все равно замёрзли ☺️больше всего меня порадовал экскурсовод с милым уральскими акцентом, отпускающий шуточки о тёмных туннелях с заблудившейся женщиной и спасателем-стариком, который тоже боялся темноты, когда жив был, камнях, падающих на грешников и скользких ступеньках, на которых, если поскользнешься, удачно выйдешь замуж за шведского принца. Ну так говорят... #russ2017 #exploringrussia #кунгур (at Kungur Ice Cave)
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norsethundergod · 8 years ago
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Latte.... nothing else to say ❤ #starbucks #soyalatte #russ2017 #drammensrussen #drammen #norway #denxéro #denxero #partytonight (at Starbucks Norge)
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kennysound · 8 years ago
Second knot, the feared bath before the 1st of May 😂 It's freakin freezing 😂😂 #russ #russ2017 #why #socold #cold #river #water #freezing #may # fun #love #life (at Mjøndalen)
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vargas1212 · 8 years ago
Russ = dum i hue?
Russ = dum i hue?
Etter 13 års skolegang, skulle man tro at det var kloke og begavede mennesker som avslutter eksamen i løpet av våren. Men mye tyder på at det i hvert fall ikke var sunn fornuft som preget pensum. Hva er det de driver med på skolen, i så mange år? Hva er det læreren forteller elevene? Er det fortsatt unødige ligninger, bibelvers og nynorsk som er en unødig stor del av læringen? Snakkes det ikke om…
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studywithcaffeine-blog · 8 years ago
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april 24th 2017 // the newspaper for the senior class of 2017 is ready! have any of you guys heard of the term “Russ” before? this year i am celebrating my “russetid”, and it’s starting friday, i’m so excited! i also got a notification in the mail about a health check, so soon I’ll be ready to donate blood! // day twenty-four of the April study challenge!
How do you like to study for tests? What methods are your favorite?
Ugh, I hate studying for tests. Mostly because my preferred method is really time consuming and that is exhausting. Senior year I don’t have too many tests. The ones I have in Norwegian are all essays written in mocks and such, therefore I must admit, I don’t really study for them. I may look over the power point prestentations my teacher has made available for us, but that’s it. For economics and management I will read the few theorethical chapters, and study the different formulas for the rest of the subject. And for classes like history, psychology and religion, where I have the most tests, I will write notes of the the entire chapter(s), and write down vocab. And that’s it, really. It is a method that really works for me!
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inspireif · 8 years ago
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Another One from #sliderbandits, my humble self and the #askerfarvehandel team 🌴 #russ2017 #russebuss #sanpedro #askerfarvehandel
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happilyartsy · 9 years ago
Heia Felix (Hello Felix) 
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tetitwin-blog · 7 years ago
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В Казане начинается та Россия, которая меня так интересовала, где начинается смешение культур и традиций. Вечером в огнях она удивительная. Здесь таблички на разных языках, вкусная традиционная выпечка и красивая молодежь. #russ2017 #exploringrussia #казаньбрал (at Kazan, Tatarstan)
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norsethundergod · 8 years ago
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I love my name.. perhaps it fits me 🤔😇😈 #russ2017 #drammensrussen #denxero #denxéro #tequila #filterexplosion
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kennysound · 8 years ago
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Ready for my time as Russ 2017 😃 Feels weird but awesome 😆💜💜💜 #russ2017 #russ #norway #graduate # (at Mjøndalen)
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norsethundergod · 8 years ago
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Følg denne brukeren 😄❤ @dxd2017 #russ2017 #denxero #drammensruss
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inspireif · 8 years ago
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Manhattan Project With #sliderbandits and #askerfarvehandel #Repost #askerfarvehandel with #askerfarvehandelteam #manhattenproject #russebuss #graffiti #russ2017 #norgeslengstelounge #Romerike #askerfarvehandel
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