#rupert raymal duprees
avionvadion · 1 year
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Base coloring and backgrounds are done! All that’s left is the shading/proofreading. Woo~! Here’s some sneak peeks. 
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avionvadion · 1 year
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Outlines for the next Webtoon chapter are complete! My hand is now dead, though. Honestly surprised I got it done in one day. Huzzah!
Dragons are ridiculously hard to draw. T_T Which saddens me, because I love them so.
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Here’s some WIP sneak peeks of the next chapter.
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avionvadion · 10 months
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Base coloring is done!
...This chapter has a lot of butterflies for some reason. I guess I'm just in a butterfly mood, lol. How to combat all the angst and tragedy??? Butterflies. Butterflies everywhere.
I wonder how confusing this all looks without context.
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avionvadion · 1 year
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I had the strong urge to draw some cute scenes with Daddy Rupert and his hoard of adopted children, so! Here it is, lol.
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avionvadion · 11 months
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"Need a lift!?"
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Spoilers for when they first meet in the new timeline? Mayhaps. In a more comedic form, anyway. But I've been wanting to doodle it for forever SO. Boom.
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avionvadion · 1 year
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Rupert says, "Hey, did ya'll know?"
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"The next chapter (two, technically) for The Red Kingdom: Scarlet Pages has just been posted."
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"You didn't know? That's a shame, because..."
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"Two more dragon fae designs have been revealed!"
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avionvadion · 2 years
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No particular reason for this except that I had the really really strong urge to draw the duo in some wedding fae garb, and had some new brushes I wanted to try out. I also almost, almost put Rupert in a veil. But I decided on laurels instead. And you can’t tell because of the dress, but Irene’s barefoot too. 
Because in the Red Kingdom universe, fae don’t wear shoes.
Rupert’s outfit is honestly probably just two really long pieces of magic silk wrapped around his torso and tied up to resemble a gown. You’ve got the white piece, which wraps around his chest once and then drapes around his hips like a skirt (giving a nice view of his legs, particularly the right one) and then you have the slightly blue one wrapped around the white that’s around his chest, then wrapped around his waist and tied into a ribbon. And then a matching shawl. Because elegance.  
...It’s five am and I needses to sleepses. Good night. XD 
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avionvadion · 2 years
Chapter 33 has been posted! Woo! Would have been done earlier, but I got super nauseous sick and didn’t have the strength to finish shading anything. 
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More Favorite Frames are below! There are quite a few this time, lol. 
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avionvadion · 2 years
This song felt super fitting for Faith. 🤣 I probably should have put Astarias in the “people to protect” line, but y’know what it still works. She and Rupert don’t always get along, but she’s protective of him.
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avionvadion · 2 years
The next chapter of my webtoon, The Red Kingdom: Scarlet Pages has been posted!
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A few of my favorite frames are below the cut.
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avionvadion · 2 years
The next chapter has been posted! 
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More of my favorite frames are below the cut. 
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Backgrounds are done~! Have some more sneak peek frames, lol. Very out of order. 
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Sneak Peak WIP of the next chapter. 
It is roughdrafted! Woo! 
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Episode 2 has been fixed up and updated! 
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Guess who updated the prologue while still waiting on the reference sketch from her sis??? This lady, right here. Woo! Finally. Now I just need to fix up the next four chapters and we’ll be good, lol. 
Damien, Rhycelia, and Sasha make their appearance! Though Sasha is fast asleep so... they don’t really do anything but look cute. And grown-up Amelia~! She’s so pretty. Daddy!Rupert owns my soul. 
Okay, that’s a lie. Rupert in general owns my soul. Literally, 2016 me was coming up with the character design ideas and I drew Rupert and I just- smacked down a backstory for him on the spot. Ahhh, good times, good times. And then every time I drew him he just kept getting taller and taller until he settled at his height of 6′5. Truly, it was meant to be. 
Hopefully you guys enjoy the new version of the prologue much more. 
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