#runs slightly faster than normal which is both good for me and ijcreases anxiety in people lol
mejomonster · 3 years
Well guys neurofeedback really works I really did store all the panic attacks in pre 12 year old trauma stress stored in the vagus nerve sisksdkdk
I've had like 10 neurofeedback sessions and now even when my mom yells at me I can 1 remain alert and not have a massive panic attack 2 not full on sob 3 actually stay level headed enough to stick to my own side and needs and get through a conversation. Like is it perfect? No I'm still getting overwhelmed and need to let out a shout. Is it better? Fuck yes because full on panic attacks before id lose verbalisation and start blaming myself and people pleasing and just full nightmare scenario.
Anyway just. Anyone thinking of trying neurofeedback, especially if you got hell level panic or anxiety attacks that CBT and DBT and Mindfulness techniques never fully helped, it definitely has been helping me. I imagine the prior practice with those other techniques is part of why it's working faster than expected. But yeah just like my panic attacks were so intense and unmanageable to such a huge degree before, that even though they rarely happened I was terrified of if they would. So it's nice to know now one of my biggest triggers I can get through so much more functionally than before.
Not everyone's lol stress is in the vagus nerve btw ahh when my neurofeedback practitoner did my brain map scan. She found that the area of the brain that affects the vagus nerve happened to be where I had the most stored past stress that was being held onto. And so she decided to try a vagus nerve reset protocol for me instead of the usual neurofeedback treatment for panic attacks/anxiety she does, since the vagus nerve also affects that stuff and I have mega stomach issues and pain and the vagus nerve affects that too.
Well it was a good call cause 1 treatment took my stomach pain from 10 to a 5 and since has kept it there, and I've noticed so far from these sessions the hugest difference in my anxiety and panic attacks - they went from 10 in severity when they happened to now a 2-4. When I'm anxious now I'm calm enough to know I'm scared and think logically like cbt or dbt strategies would say then get myself to do the anxious thing anyway. When I'm scared to upset someone which used to make me panic, I can now rationally think of my own needs and the necessity to be more firm and continue to bug people/contact people/ask MORE to help myself even if im afraid. Which before was just.. one of the hardest goddamn things for me to do, so for it to even be possible is a big improvement.
Neurofeedback may also be helpful for adhd etc, I mainly went for the application to treatment of complex ptsd and trauma cause I'd read up on ptsd treatments and results and it seemed like something i hadn't tried yet that helped with intense panic attacks and triggers get so severe that rational strategies like dbt just aren't helping or aren't helping enough. And while the person I see mentions quite a lot of benefits of it, I can't say for sure it can fix my gut functionality (which is the ultimate outcome for me now - treatments until I have improved motility and no base pain from nerves), but I can say it immediately noticeably lowered the pain level and my anxiety levels. That said, the typical treatment did not seem to do anything for me - I only got results once we focused on my vagus nerve and the general area in my brain that affects that and was holding all the stress. So if you do try out neurofeedback like if your brain map shows a particular area with more stuff going on it might be worth focusing on it.
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