somerunner · 1 month
I follow some variant on the Golden Rule with regards to personal posts. If I post something personal I expect someone to like and un-like it to indicate they’ve seen it. Since I have almost 18,000 likes, I just like personal posts and never un-like them.
The issue is that I don’t know if this is rude or intrusive to the people whose posts I like. So idk. There was one post in particular, a month or more ago, where someone posted a disturbing personal anecdote, so I just tossed a reblog in my drafts so I could remember it. Instead of tossing the like into my likes folder, which will never realistically see the light of day.
Poll time! Most of my mutuals won’t see this but I might as well make a poll for it.
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runnercomics · 3 months
Day 3 - Jig
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loverboy-ish · 6 months
loneliness of the long-distance runner shadow come closer so i'll run on further
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brookekingma · 6 years
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Long run Sunday. Here’s to getting after it this track season
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viper5000 · 6 years
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Up up up #Run #runefunbr #runningwomen #runnerducks #runninghermosillo #Runway4Peace #RunnersRio #runningsober #runrestrun #runewark #runcycleswim #runningwithmoxie #runpa #runningdownspineline #rundlest #runnerpost #runph #RunnersBeLike #Runaway365 #runningacrossthesahara #RunningRebels #runwaybound #runpower #runwaysage #runformovember #runawaywithleia2017 #runbeyondordinary #runnermother #runafter #runaround (em Luso, Aveiro, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn9jdlPnDAZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jnftesuymnzo
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stampycapp · 8 years
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Repost from #stampycer @78_charo - 2/19🏞軽めのTrailRunning.🏞 seeyou...😀 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 #running#runner#runnerpost#runhappy#runnersworld#instarunner#stampycer#marathontraining#womensrunningcommunity#worldrunners#smile#enjoyed#多摩湖#狭山湖 🌳🌳🌳🌳 🌞 http://ift.tt/2l9l2hs
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iismags-blog · 12 years
You Know You're a Runner When.....
Your know you are a runner when you notice things like the X and C keys on a keyboard are right next to one another. 
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somerunner · 23 days
I'm doing a reading for a class that I withdrew from. It's an excerpt from a book about teaching, and the excerpt itself is about the refusal to learn. The author goes into detail about the difference between refusal to learn and failure to learn, and about why refusal to learn is a concept with its own merit. The price of refusal and its reward are pretty intertwined - you don't get to participate as fully with people who do learn, which can be a wanted or unwanted thing; you are set apart in status from those who learn, which again can be wanted/unwanted; you don't have your mindset changed, etc. etc.
I found it a very fascinating excerpt, though I haven't finished it yet.
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somerunner · 14 days
I don't have a very popular blog -- roughly 60 followers not counting bots, and about ten of those are ones I actually see in my Activity feed. So I check my Activity feed compulsively, and occasionally I see that one of my older (well, one-year-old) posts has been reblogged.
And you know, I always wonder how people find my older posts. If you click the header (the area around the OP/reblogger’s icon) an old post, then ones from just before it also show up, as if you’ve teleported through their dash to that date.
Sometimes my recently-reblogged older posts have a tag, so I imagine that whoever reblogged it just found a tagged post they were interested by and started trawling all of my posts with that same tag. But on occasion, they reblog an old post with *no* tags. I can only imagine they were trawling one of my tags and took a detour. Clicking one of the specific posts, then letting the same-time posts fill the screen to resume scrolling on (speaking of that, I need to tag all my posts so they’re easier to trawl through). Or maybe it just showed up in the For You page.
I've posted at least one other post about page-trawling, but I don't know if I'll find it, so I'm posting this separately. I think lurking/archive-trawling should be easy to privately do without getting any comments about it, especially since I lurk and trawl too, but it's (i.e. old-post reblogs) happened a few times recently and I guess I just wanted an excuse to remark about it.
Carry on lurking as usual.
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somerunner · 2 months
One of my favorite tropes is when characters have traits or mannerisms that reflect their parents. Even if these traits are bad, or their parents are generally bad, for some reason it just makes me smile to see the similarities between characters and their parents. Maybe it’s because it gives me hope I can live up to my own parents; maybe it’s because it indicates that everyone rubs off on each other over time, leaving a legacy behind in how they influence each other; maybe it’s some other reason.
Anyway, the main examples that come to mind here are Kaladin’s curmudgeonly attitude and mostly-inflexible code of honor (both inherited from Lirin, and the second partially also inherited from Hesina), Miles Morales thinking of his parents‘ and uncle’s words at critical moments in the Spiderverse movies (and also him and his dad walking down stairs instead of taking risky parkour jumps), and Yerin’s whole manner of speaking (inherited from the Sword Sage, a father figure).
Funnily enough the thing that brought this thought up was Varic Vallenar and his father Benri having a pettiness/oneupmanship contest every time they talk. It’s just funny and endearing to see them both act so calm while inwardly seething, and both care about their charges so much (Varic’s charge being “the safety of the galaxy” and Benri’s charge being “the financial state of the corporation, and guaranteed cooperation from his son”)
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somerunner · 16 hours
I keep forgetting that I’m best fueled by spiteful compliance. Not malicious compliance, no sabotage-by-the-rules, but just…powering my work ethic with resentment.
My class just had a lecture on using generative AI to create illustrations in the classroom. Also known as something that you can do with stock images and clip art, which have both existed for decades.
EDIT: I forgot to explain why the above two paragraphs are related. Anyway, I’m struggling to care about my classes and do work for them, but by being fueled by anger at this lecture, I think I’ll actually get assignments done on time this week.
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somerunner · 2 months
Sometimes I just have an idea or project and think “oh this is a good idea” and commit to it for an hour or two, or sometimes a few days. And then I give up on it, because it’s fickle.
This is a rather common affliction, I’m not unique in that regard. So I would be very surprised if this got more than a few notes.
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somerunner · 2 months
I ran my first marathon rather recently, along with the other guys in my family. All of them had done far more training than I did, so they ran far faster than I did.
I hoped to beat 4 hours, but I hadn’t done enough long runs in my training — I had the energy to go fast enough, but my legs couldn’t take it. I had to start walking every so often halfway through mile 20. My legs were killing me. I got around 4:15, maybe 4:20 as my final time.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting how similar the experience was to a 5K, which I’ve run a lot of.
First off, pacing: during the first third of a 5K cross country race, you should not feel any pain or even mild discomfort. Well, unless that works for you. But for me, the first third should feel easier than a normal walk (because your tolerance for speed is bumped up by race-day adrenaline). The middle third, you should start feeling normal discomfort. Like the end of ann easy workout, or the beginning of a medium-hard workout. And the last third, you should be equally out of breath as you are in pain. If you’re more out of breath than pained, you didn’t do enough aerobic exercise. If you’re more pained, you haven’t trained your muscles up to their limit. Anyway, the level/equality of pain doesn’t matter as much as just trying to keep the same pace as the first two thirds of the race.
Second, talking: you sometimes just have short conversations with people that are at your pace. Asking if this is their first race, saying the weather or the course is nice, etc. This really helped to keep my mind off the pain, especially after I hit the wall.
I guess the main point of this post is to say that I’ve run a marathon now. And I’ve got no diligence to practice. I’m gonna go do that now.
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somerunner · 24 days
Trawling the tags for 4D Golf and for Hyperbolica.
Anyway you would probably like both of these games! They’re explorations of non-ordinary space (in the case of 4D Golf it’s still Euclidean, just four-dimensional, hence the odd qualifier) and are a ton of fun.
Also, 4D Golf has a level editor that’s extremely good. I made a few garbage levels myself when it first came out. I haven’t played it since getting all of the achievements, but I should. It’s a lot of fun.
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somerunner · 1 month
I’ve done this run two miles to a climbing gym, climbed, and run back more than seven times over the past few weeks. I haven’t done anything longer than five miles for…a month or two, maybe? Not sure how well I’ll handle something like 10 miles, but I want to do that sometime soon. ———
I don’t feel worthy to attend the temple, and I don’t really study scriptures or pray real hard. I just read Moroni 2 (one of the shortest chapters in the BoM) and pray something quick and rote to start/end the day. So, as something of a supplement and alternative to adequate worship, I’ve done a few runs to the nearby temples in Provo and Orem.
The reason I bring this up is that it’s a 10 mile round-trip to the Orem temple, and the only time I’ve done it before I had to stop for eight-and-a-half minutes at the temple to catch my breath. I want to make this run continuous, but I’m wondering if I’m there yet.
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somerunner · 1 month
Cottage cheese is amazingly delicious. I am sorry for all people that have this source of joy barred from them for any reason, including just not liking it that much. And I am doubly sorry for those that, for whatever reason, ate it often enough that it no longer brings them joy.
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