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#club #fun #quincyschultz #aschaffenburg #djsteph #runffm #tasksquad #allthewayup #prettyboy #cruxpistols #friday #goodpeople #goodtimes (hier: Quincy Schultz)
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Checkt die neue Ausstellung der beiden Homies @zrodyr & @theturtlejoe "Extending Perspektives" mit spektakulären Bildern. Anmeldung zur Vernissage (morgen 19:00) über Facebook - Links & Infos findet ihr uff'm Blog. #frankfurtbrudi #frankfurtdubistsowunderbar #explorefrankfurt #exploreffm#frankfurt #runffms
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#club #fun #quincyschultz #aschaffenburg #djsteph #runffm #tasksquad #allthewayup #prettyboy #cruxpistols #friday #goodpeople #goodtimes (hier: Quincy Schultz)
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#club #fun #quincyschultz #aschaffenburg #djsteph #runffm #tasksquad #allthewayup #prettyboy #cruxpistols #friday #goodpeople #goodtimes (hier: Quincy Schultz)
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Ausverkauft. Zusatztermin. Zusatztour. Wieder ausverkauft. Nimo sprengt aktuell alle Rahmen! Gewinnt jetzt noch Tickets für das ausverkaufte Konzert am Donnerstag (29.03.) in der Batschkapp. Anfang 2016 veröffentlichten wir mit dem mittlerweile 22-Jährigen ein Interview unter dem Titel „Vom Handyvideo zum 4K-Musikvideo-Debut„, das seinen steilen Aufstieg nun gute zwei Jahre später nochmals mehr verdeutlicht. Wem der Name Nimo bis dato nichts sagt, der checkt am besten nochmals das Interview. Alle anderen wissen, dass er bei allem nochmals eine krasse Schippe draufgelegt hat – Beats, Videos, Stimme. Alles auf Top-Level. Beweis: NIMO – K¡K¡ ZUSATZTOUR 2018 Donnerstag, 29.03.2018 Einlass 18:30 – Beginn 19:30 Batschkapp, Gwinnerstraße 5, 60388 Frankfurt AUSVERKAUFT Facebook-Event Kollege Capo wird am Donnerstag übrigens auch mit von der Partie sein! – GEWINNSPIEL �� Ihr habt die Chance 2 x 2 Tickets bei uns zu ergattern. Verratet uns einfach unter unserem Facebook-Post, mit wem ihr zusammen zum Konzert wollt. Viel Glück! In „K¡K¡“ könnt ihr hier reinhören – und es hier auf alle Fälle kaufen. Stödödödööööffff. NIMO Facebook – Instagram – Twitter – YouTube – auf RUN FFM Um bei weiteren stabilen Konzerten und Events in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Teilnahmebedingungen: Unter allen Teilnehmern werden 2 x 2 Gästelistenplätze für das Konzert von Nimo am 29.03.2018 in der Batschkapp verlost. Einsendeschluss ist Mittwoch, der 28.03.2018 um 14:59 Uhr. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen, die zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Teilnahme das 18. Lebensjahr vollendet haben und in Deutschland wohnen. Die Verlosung findet unter allen Einsendungen statt – doppelte Einsendungen werden als eine gewertet. Die Teilnahme ist in keiner Weise an den Erwerb von Waren gebunden. Mitarbeiter und Familienangehörige der am Gewinnspiel beteiligten Firmen sind von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Veranstalter ist nicht Facebook, sondern RUN FFM. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Barauszahlung. Der Veranstalter behält sich das Hausrecht vor. Durch die Teilnahme an den angebotenen Gewinnspielen erklärt der Teilnehmer sein Einverständnis mit den Regeln des Gewinnspiels. Der Beitrag K¡K¡ Zusatztour am 29.03.18 in Frankfurt: Gewinnt Tickets! erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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Seit Oktober 2016 organisiert der Verein neben e.V. die Veranstaltungsreihe geBARbbel, zu der in wechselnden und außergewöhnlichen Locations Frankfurter Sportler, Musiker, Moderatoren, Rapper, Sänger, DJs und andere Persönlichkeiten, die es geschafft haben sich selbstständig zu machen aus dem Nähkästchen plaudern. Dieses Mal findet die Veranstaltung im Torreto Barbershop statt und Dani von Planet Radio, Moses Pelham, DJ Ray-D und Alex Torreto vom Barbershop werden aus ihrem Erfahrungsschatz berichten. Als Rahmenprogramm gibt es eine Zaubershow mit dem Magier Selim zu bestaunen und für den Magen gibt es Futter von Safak Erbasli. Bisher haben unter anderem Dennis Smith, Erhan Dogan, PU, The Krays, Selim, Fresh Fruits Movement, Credibil, Rola, DJ BasH-O, Mijo oder DJ Juizzed ihre Geschichte geteilt. Die Veranstaltung findet alle zwei Monate statt und sorgt in gemütlicher Atmosphäre für spannende Dialoge auf Augenhöhe. NEBEN E.V. – GEBARBBEL TEIL 8 Montag, 12.02.2018 Beginn: 17:00 Uhr Torreto Barbershop, Alte Gasse 38, 60313 Frankfurt Eintritt frei Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Der Beitrag Neben E.V. präsentiert: geBARbbel Teil 8 am 12.02.18 im Torreto Barbershop! erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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Als „Wochenend und Sonnenschein“ der Comedian Harmonists zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht wurde, dachte noch lange niemand an Deutschrap. Kunststück, zu Uromas und Uropas Zeiten war das Liedgut eher melodieorientiert, wo heute die Texte doch mindestens denselben Stellenwert aufweisen. Sonnenschein kann man im Januar bei uns vergessen, aber dafür kriegen wir sogar mitten in der Woche ein Weekend. Wie das? „Das Bett“ machts möglich und präsentiert am Donnerstag, dem 25.01.18 den Rapper Weekend mit einer Show seiner „Keiner ist gestorben“-Tour 2018. Er lässt nach zwei Jahren Album-Abstinenz wieder von sich hören und hat nichts von seinem scharfen Blick und seiner spitzen Zunge verloren. Wo der Alltag seine grausigen Häupter Routine, Fließband, Stumpfsinn und Vertaktung emporreckt, spießt er sie treffsicher auf die Lanze seiner Lyrics. WEEKEND Webseite –Facebook – Instagram – Twitter – auf RUN FFM Und was bei vielen aktuellen Artisten zur Floskel erstarrt ist, kommt bei ihm immer noch so unverstellt rüber wie beim Gewinn des deutschlandweiten Battle-Contests VBT Splash Edition 2012. Eine ehrliche Haut eben, ohne Intellektualitäts-Verdacht, dafür aber mit einer ordentlichen Portion Rhythmik. Was gibt es Besseres, um dem Hamsterrad-Modus zu entfliehen? WEEKEND Donnerstag, 25.01.2018 Beginn:��19:45 Uhr Das Bett, Schmidtstraße 12, 60326 Frankfurt 24,90€ zzgl- Gebühren – Tickets Facebook-Event Um mit weiteren coolen Events in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. PS: Diese Ankündigung wurde ghostgewritten von meinem Vadder. Shoutout! Der Beitrag Weekend kommt am 25.01.18 ins Bett! erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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, , , , Welcome to the 11th episode of Hits Of Tomorrow! Once again I collected music video recommendations from all over the globe . You’ll find some thoughts about the songs and a Spotify + Youtube playlist to play during Christmas eve to make a good impression in front of your family ☺️☝️. Skurr! This one is the last episode of this year and probably the last one for me in quite a while. Beginning in January I’ll start a job as a web platform consultant which will be challenging and very time consuming. But don’t worry. I can’t stop loving this music. To keep in touch with me follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Spotify. This time our journey leads us from America, to the Netherlands, Germany, France and to Iceland. Thanks to everyone who gives me valuable input and to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura. Click the artists‘ name to get to their Facebook/social media pages. Enjoy YPHOT #11 and have some nice holidays! Listen to all the music the Spotify/Deepsify playlist Hits Of Tomorrow, or in in the Youtube playlist YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS HITS OF TOMORROW #11. (US) Loaf Muzik – Rollin (Prod By KidzinBrooklyn) The single “Rollin” performed by Shine Sinatra and Kidaf is rider music, which takes you straight to the grimey streets. The Loaf Muzik Collective are creatives from New York who combine the spirit of the Golden Era and the vibes of the New School. (US) Chynna – practice Chynna is a former model and now a rapper from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The vibe of „Practice“ reminds me of the A$AP Mob and makes me feel like flying through the dark space in slow motion hounted by glowing red eyes. (US) Hoodrich Pablo Juan – God Damn (Prod. Zaytoven) Hoodrich Pablo Juan is a rapper from Atlanta whose latest release is „Designer Drugz 3“ (recommendation!). I can’t really describe what it is, that gets me excited about this song since it’s super simple, repetitive and monotone, but it gets me dancing. (NL) KEIZER FEAT. SUPERGAANDE – WAT NOG MEER? (PROD. FRAASIE) Shoutout to Laura who’s always keeping an eye on the dutch playlist Fissa and sends me the songs as soon as she thinks that I like them. „Wat nog meer?“ with its driving rythm and diverse sound patterns is the perfect soundtrack for a sexy dance. (GER) 4SQUAD × BACI – BLOCK51 (prod. by AL.Calabrese) Baci is part of the 4Squad group from Cologne (Kölefornia) and as soon I turn on „Block51“ I get in a good mood. I have to think about the P. Diddy Bad Boy era and Tequilla. It has an old school R&B/Rap flavor and the change of rhythm keeps it exciting. (FR) Zola – Belles Femmes It was kind of hard for me to find any information about Zola but apparently he’s from Paris and he released his first video just in August this year. „Belles Femmes“ with its Zelda vibe gets me making „pfiu pfiu“ while shooting with my finger guns. (GER) LOUIS VUITTOM – OH GIRL Louis Vuittom is a rapper and videographer from Aschaffenburg. When I listen to „Oh girl“ I just close my eyes and enjoy the vibe. The mulity layered voice and sound design is diverse with a lot of love for the detail, but still keeping it simple. (NL) Jacin Trill – rozeswoesh (prod. 808milli) Is this mumble rap? At least I’m not even sure if he’s actually saying something in the hook and when I listen to the song without the video I imagine a fluffy round small pink pokemon singing it. „rozeswoesh“ is another good mood „pfiu pfiu“ song. (IS) Auður – I’d Love Shoutout to NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND! Her radio show on BLN.FM is always a great digging inspiration for me. „I’d Love“ from Auður is a bitter sweet pillow talk symphony which has The Weeknd vibes. Check his album „Alone„! (US) smrtdeath & lil aaron – smrtdeath & lil aaron Smrtdeath and Lil Aaron are two emo rappers from Los Angeles. This tune is super catchy and will stick to your mind if you want or not. Recently they released the „BOYFRIENDZ“ tape with Lil Lotus. Check it out if you feel their sound! I hope you enjoyed YPHOT #11 For more music see my previous YPHOT posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. We’ll see and hear each other next month! Der Beitrag YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS – HITS OF TOMORROW #11 erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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Am 8. November spielte Goldroger gemeinsam mit seinen Produzenten Dienst&Schulter im beschaulichen Ponyhof in Sachsenhausen. Der erste Live-Auftritt in Frankfurt nach dem „Avrakadavra“-Release. Unsere Autorin Viola traf die drei sympathischen Jungs vor der Show um über das Tourleben und ihre musikalische Arbeit zu quatschen. Im Ponyhof ist es voll. Goldroger steht an diesem Mittwochabend auf der Bühne. Die Stimmung ist ausgelassen. Die Gitarrentöne verzaubern das Publikum. Der Beat wummert gut abgemischt – alle tanzen. Ein ungewöhnlicher Anblick für die deutsche Rap-Szene: Szenecodes, Kopfnicker und der HipHop-Arm – Fehlanzeige. Dafür buntes Publikum und eine super Live-Show. Im Backstage zuvor sitze ich mit Goldroger und Moritz und Hendrik von Dienst&Schulter im Interview. Hier in Frankfurt eröffnet ihr euren zweiten Teil der Tour, was waren denn die Highlights des ersten Teils? Hendrick: Köln! Goldroger: Ja! Hendrick: Um ehrlich zu sein, die richtigen „magic-moments“ waren die November Dates. Es war das erste Mal, dass wir unsere Musik live gespielt haben. Es waren drei sehr geile Konzerte in Köln, Berlin und Stuttgart. Sie waren alle drei super besucht und das erste Feedback auf das Album. Das war eigentlich schon das Beste. Ab dann ist es viel Routine. Wenn man seine Songs das 125. Mal spielt, ist das halt nicht mehr so krass. Goldroger: Eigentlich richtig krass abgezockt. Das ist dann schon der dritte Teil unserer „Avrakadavra“ Tour (lacht). Wir verkaufen zu wenig Alben, deshalb müssen wir die ganze Zeit touren (alle lachen). Wie sieht euer Touralltag aus? Moritz: Wir fahren selber mit der Karre rum. Fahren von Stadt zu Stadt. Packen alles aus, bauen auf. Das ist schon viel Arbeit. Abends hat man dann so eins, zwei Stunden, die wir jetzt mit dir verbringen. Versuchen was zu essen und dann spielen wir auf der Bühne. Was macht ihr, wenn ihr sie nicht mit mir verbringt? Goldroger: Dann trinken wir Vodka. Ändert das viele Touren euren musikalischen Output? Goldroger: Ja voll. Moritz: Ich glaube, wir haben ein besseres Gefühl, was wir jetzt für Musik machen wollen. Worauf wir Lust haben, was wir live spielen wollen. Man bekommt ein gutes Gefühl für Auftritte und was live funktioniert. Was funktioniert live? Moritz: Das ist sehr abhänig. Goldroger: Viel Gitarre! Das funktioniert immer gut! Moritz: Stimmt. Ich muss viel dudeln. Wir wollens ja nicht poppig machen, aber man muss schon mit dem Publikum interagieren. Hendrik: Das ist ja auch eine Sichtweise, die man gar nicht hat – wenn man vorher nicht viel live gepielt hat. Da sitzt man halt im Studio und macht seine Musik für sich alleine. Das ist auch cool. Aber die Komponente, dass Leute deine Songs hören und darauf reagieren, bringt einen dazu nocheinmal ganz anders darüber nachzudenken. Das ändert schon etwas im Schaffensprozess. Man passt nicht alles daran an, aber es ist einfach eine weitere Komponente, die man mit einbezieht. Hat Dienst&Schulter ein anderes Soundbild, wenn ihr für andere Künstler produziert? Hendrik: Naja, wir produzieren ja kaum für andere (lacht). Goldroger: Ich erlaub das denen nicht! Moritz: Momentan geben wir ja Vollgas Richtung Goldroger. Das ist das, wo wir am meisten Bock drauf haben. Wir schicken auch schon mal Beats an andere, wie man das so macht im HipHop. Aber mehr reizt uns eigentlich zusammen in einem Raum an einem Album zu kochen. Das ist für uns reizvoller. Vergleicht ihr euch dann auf der musikalischen Ebene? Hendrik: Selbst wenn man Musik hört, ist das nicht mehr wie früher, dass man einfach stumpf Musik hört. Das gibts zwar auch, aber meistens hört man analytisch hin und fragt sich, was hat der Künstler da gemacht, was ist das? Ist das Cool oder ist das nicht cool? Man bewertet die ganze Zeit und ist nicht mehr so frei, wie man das mal war. Goldroger: Außer bei Jazz. Hendrik: Ja außer es ist Musik, die super abstrakt ist. Wo man keine Paralleln zum eigenen Produzieren sieht. Das ist das gleiche wie bei Konzerten, bei Artworks bei allem zieht man eine Parallele. Man speichert Sachen, die man cool findet ab, um vielleicht irgendwann später mal auf so eine Idee zurückgreifen zu können – in einem eigenen Kontext, es besser umsetzen zu können, aber ja… GOLDROGER Facebook – Instagram – YouTube Guckt ihr euch oft Konzerte von anderen Rappern an? Goldroger: Nicht nur andere Rapper, wir gucken uns generell gerne Konzerte an. Ich bin aber auf ewig verstört. Ich kann nicht mehr einfach auf ein Konzert gehen und ein coolen Abend haben. Ich guck mir das immer analytisch an, wie ein Footballcoach, der an der Seitenlinie steht. Meistens ist das super frustrierend, wenn ich einen anderen Rapper sehe und der hat eine mega geile Show, dann denk ich mir so: „Ahh, ich will auch so ne geile Show haben.“ Gibt es so viele Rapper, die gerade so gute Shows haben? Goldroger: Die haben dann gutes Licht. Hendrik: Wir haben in letzer Zeit auch nicht so viele Deutschrapshows gesehen. Goldroger: Doch, Cro! Hendrik: Ja okay, Cro war krass. Goldroger: Der hat sogar ne Hebebühne und da sind auch noch Scheinwerfer drunter, die sich auch noch drehen können! Da denk ich dann: Scheiße, dass kostet ja ein Vermögen, aber ist schon cool. Da hör ich gar nicht auf die Musik (lacht). Ich guck nur noch was die Leute machen, das hat mir den Spaß echt ein bisschen genommen. Was war das beste Konzert im letzten Jahr? Hendrik: Das schlechteste war Gorillaz. Goldroger: Ja, definitiv. Das schlechteste war Gorillaz. Oh mein Gott, das war so traurig. Da war die Fallhöhe aber auch krass, weil man so mega viel erwartet, wenn man auf so ein Gorillaz-Konzert geht. Das war echt richtig scheiße. Moritz: Ich weiß nicht, wann Anderson Paak war, aber das war geil. Hendrik: Anderson Paak war 2016. Goldroger: Ja, das war geil. Hendrik: Das war ein richtig krasses Konzert. Moritz: Für mich war es, glaub ich, Thundercat dieses Jahr. Goldroger: Bei mir war es Tame Impala. Wir haben aber auch super viele Konzerte verpasst, weil wir selber welche gespielt haben. Super nervig! Hendrik: Ich fand auch einfach so vom Feeling her das Moderat Konzert ziemlich geil. Wir haben auf dem Pulsopenair gespielt, waren alle relativ betrunken und haben das dann gesehen. Könnt ihr euch in den Vergleich mit anderen Rappern setzen? Hendrick: Das kann man schlecht vergleichen, weil wir in kleineren Venues spielen und eine viel kleinere Produktion haben. Wenn wir das Budget hätten, was andere für ne Rapshow haben, dann würden wir es bessere machen. Das ist natürlich jetzt auch einfach zu sagen, wenn man selbst noch nie so eine riesige Produktion gemacht hat. Goldroger: Mit mehr Geld wären wir noch viel besser. Ich glaube das ist die Quitessenz. Der Beitrag „Mit mehr Geld wären wir noch viel besser!“ – Interview mit Goldroger und Dienst&Schulter erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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2015 war Yoscha auf dem Tapefabrik Festival – 2016 war die vermeindlich letzte Sause – 2017 berichtete Viola – und 2018 heißt es erneut HipHop Klassentreffen! Am 10.03.18 findet im Schlachthof in Wiesbaden das Tapefabrik 2018 Festival mit dem Motto: „Untergrund aus Prinzip!“ statt. Hiphop-Liebhaber und Rapnerds, Vinyljunkies und Beatfanatics kommt rum auf “die größte Jam des Landes”. – Totgeglaubte leben länger. TAPEFABRIK: Webseite – Facebook – Instagram – Twitter – YouTube Das Lineup ließt sich bis dato wie folgt: Lakmann, T9 (Doz9 & Torky Tork), Betty Ford Boys (Dexter, Suff Daddy, Brenk Sinatra), Retrogott, Motion Man und Kutmasta Kurt, Hiob und Morlockk Dilemma, Architekt, Prezident, Negroman, Veedel Kaztro, Wilczynski, Marz, Tufu (Beatset), Bluestaeb, Wun Two. Sobald es Updates zum Lineup gibt, findet ihr sie hier auf dem Blog. Haltet die Äuglein offen! „Geselligkeit spielt an diesem Abend eine mindestens genauso große Rolle wie die Künstler. Auch wenn ich den ein oder anderen Sprechgesangsartisten verpasst habe, habe ich dafür ein gutes Gespräch geführt. Dazu kommt, dass sich viele der Rapper nicht im Backstage verkriechen, sondern durchaus unter den Besuchern zu finden sind. Die Tabefabrik schafft eine Atmosphäre, bei der ein enges Verhältnis zwischen Künstlern und Fans entsteht und die Kluft zwischen beiden keine mehr ist. All love.“ – Review 2015 Freut euch auf alte Helden, die man einfach nicht vergessen kann, freshe Newcomer, die man sonst selten zu Gesicht bekommt, Crews und Labels, die in einzigartiger Kombo auf der Bühne stehen und ein Bühnenbild, dass wie in jedem Jahr für diesen einen Abend entworfen und gebaut wird. Ab geht die Lutzi! TAPEFABRIK 2018 Sonntag, 10.03.2018 – Einlass 16:00 / Beginn 17:00 Schlachthof Wiesbaden, Murnaustraße 1 , Wiesbaden AK 36,00 € / VVK 30,00 € zzgl- Gebühren – Tickets Facebook-Event Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Der Beitrag Tapefabrik Festival 2018 Ankündigung erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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Welcome back to the tenth episode of YOSCHA PRESENTS: HITS OF TOMORROW! These hits are recommendations from all over the world (, , , , , , , , ) and don’t worry if you don’t understand the language. They use their voice as an instrument and you can feel the emotions they want to express. Enjoy the tunes! This time our journey leads us from Italy, to Germany, America, Portugal, France, The United Kingdom, Russia, Turkey and Nigeria. Thanks to everyone who gives me valuable input and to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura. Click the artists‘ name to get to their Facebook/ social media pages. Enjoy YPHOT #10! Listen to all the music the Spotify/ Deepsify playlist Hits Of Tomorrow, or in in the Youtube playlist YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS HITS OF TOMORROW #10. (IT) SUGO GANG – 420 (Prod. NΛRDI) Ehyyy. Uhhh. Yaaah. Thats how I feel about this hit from MamboLosco, Nashley, Edo Fendy and Kerim produced by NΛRDI. Christopher Caravella, do you wanna be my official Italian plug? You’re always delivering that tasty stuff! Grazie! (GER) HAIYTI – 100.000 Fans The first song I ever heard of Haiyti was „Szeneviertel“ and I was so excited that I immediately bought her tape „Havarie„. Sometimes I have the impression that less releases would be better but this one is convincing from the looks to the sound. (GER) Faron – Hola Hola Faron just turned eighteen but already has a sound design like the big ones! I’m already looking forward to the upcoming release „Glumanda“ . Shoutout to Igor Botur from Trap Or Die for sharing it (btw: next party in Frankfurt is at 25.11.17)! (US) Bill $aber – Red Light, Green Light Bill $aber is from New York (Buffalo) and you’ll probably like him, if you enjoy Night Lovell music. I don’t know how many layers of his voice are on the track but it sounds incredibly dark and full. I imagine a deamon talking like that. (PT) Karetus x Wet Bed Gang – Maluco When I showed the Karetus x Wet Bed Gang collaboration to my sister we we’re twerking in the fucking kitchen. This one gets you dancing from minute one but if your still not moving from minute 2:40 please unfriend me. Thanks! (FR) Kalash – Mwaka Moon ft. Damso Kalash and Damso have such melodic and warm voices that this tune almost has a lullaby character. Shoutout to Felix Englert who was the first one putting this one on my timeline before I tumbled over it everywhere else. (UK) Ramz – Barking Ramz song „Barking“ (suburban town in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham) is one of the catchiest tunes I have heard in a while. Luckily the lyrics are easy to learn so you can sing along by the first time listening to it! (RU) T-Fest – Улети I found this one by digging the Russian Shazam Top 100. Kees de Koning (Top Notch) gave me the hint to check Shazam because I asked Romain Bilharz (Island Africa, Island France) where to find out more about the sound of the different African countries. (TR) Ezhel – Şehrimin Tadı I really like the diversity of the beat and Ezhels rap parts. Shoutout to Helen from TheMessage my official plug for HipHop for Turkey . She says he’s the only one with that kind of sound over there. (NG) Olamide – Wo!! During the Global HipHip Moment conference during ADE Beats, Romain Bilharz (Island Africa, Island France) mentioned that many people are talking about Afrobeats, as if I would be a thing from one country. Africa has 54. This one is from Nigeria. I hope you enjoyed YPHOT #10 For more music see my previous YPHOT posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. We’ll see and hear each other next month! Der Beitrag YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS – HITS OF TOMORROW #10 erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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Who is Nick Weaver coming all the way from Seattle over L.A. to Germany wearing an Eintracht Frankfurt Jersey in his Tour promo video? He is an artist, he is a performer, he is a producer and a guy like you and me. Check out our interview for information about his HipHop approach, his self-perception and the tour dates in Bad Nauheim on the 10th and 11th of November 2017. In 2016, 330724 Spotify listeners streamed 9.8 years of his music. The first release that I found online was „Forever Automatic„ in 2012, followed by his debut „Day One, None“ in 2013, by “Yardwork” 2015, „Prowler“ in 2016 and „Photographs Of Other People“ 2017. Besides that you can find side projects and freestyles on his Youtube account. You’ll find the tour date infos at the end of the article. NICK WEAVER Website – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Spotify – Soundcloud – Youtube – auf RUN FFM When asked about the style of his music he says it has a Kendrick Lamar, James Blake and Jamie XX touch and is for any fans of Hip-Hop, R&B and even Electronic Music. The list of artists he likes and is inspired by is long and diverse: From Depeche Mode, Mozart, N.W.A., The National, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Jay-Z, Nas, Biggie, Mobb Deep, to Eminem.* Let’s jump in with the interview. Can you tell me something about your family- and your educational-background? I grew up outside of the city of Seattle in the United States. I have two older brothers, a mother, and a father – they all live in Seattle area. My father was a scientist for the United States Geological Survey and my mother was a writer/technical editor. I studied marketing at a college in Seattle, which lead me to a business career before I got super serious about music when I moved to L.A. It seems like you had a productivity boost since 2016 judging from you youtube output. What happened? I became much more self-sustained as an artist. I taught myself how to produce instrumentals, so I could pretty much do it all. That process was (and still is) so inspiring and motivating to me. It re-ignited my creativity; the desire to try new stuff. What do you think people feel when they listen to your music? I hope they hear someone who puts a lot of themselves out there. Music is such an incredible thing to be able to do, so you really gotta go all in. I hope people hear someone who really loves the process of making music, and someone who is constantly working at creating their own style of sound. You seem to be a dedicated person thinking about you inspirational and motivational talks on Youtube. Why did you decide to share those thoughts with your audience? I love talking about the process of being creative. I love sitting down with fellow artists, business owners, even friends who have big dreams in other fields. It’s motivating, and it keeps me driven. I created the #WorkFlow series as a way to let people see that side, and to show them that “Nick Weaver” the artist is also very human. In Yardwork BTS: Ep 4 – The Show you say the following: “Everyday shit that I know a lot of people relate to. It’s just real life shit. Keeping that theme, maturation, coming of age, figuring out what is important in life and sort of casting away the rest of the bullshit.” Would you say that you are a normal guy? I would like to think so, yes. Everybody has their own quirks and eccentric parts to them, I have no shortage of my own. I like that about people though. It’s not hard to figure out that you are a sports fan. On your IG are a lot of pictures showing you in jerseys of many different teams. Are you also practicing sports? I used to play a lot of sports – soccer (properly called football in your country), and basketball. I am short, so I always play sports with a big chip on my shoulder! There is one thing that we are especially interested in: Where did you got this awesome Eintracht Frankfurt jersey from? Good choice! Haha, I knew RUNFFM would like that! So in the States you can actually order the Bundesliga kits without sponsor logos on them. Eintracht Frankfurt is my team for life! When I toured Germany in 2016 I promised myself that if I got to see a Bundesliga team play at home, that team was going to be my squad – and it just so happened to be Eintracht that I got to see. The fans were so amazing, it was like a spiritual sporting experience for me. Frankfurt has been my team ever since. I even got to see them do a friendly match in my hometown against the Seattle Sounders. How did some of your videos end up at the german entertainment and gamer channel RELOADIAK? Christian (RELOADIAK) is a homie. He has been such a great support to me. He initially found my music when it was featured in a Super Street Magazine car video a few years back. He really liked it and contacted me about asking to use it. He had so many amazing fans there that really liked my music, so we built a relationship where he was cool with posting some of my content on his channel. Which kind of relationship do you have with Germany? What made you tour here and not in another European country? The fans I have in Germany are so supportive. They show me so much love on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, FB, everywhere. I love them for that. They created the opportunity for me to go somewhere else in the world and play music. I can’t even describe how grateful I am for the fans! The tour had to be in Germany! It seems like you’re doing more than just rapping. You contacted me, I saw storyboards on your IG, you are playing instruments and you are producing? Is it a necessary evil or do you need to be in control of all the work? I think independent artists should be in control of as much as they think they can still be happy with. I certainly think there are things like videos and photography that you need to leave to the pros. But there are so many tools these days to help you create your content. It’s all one YouTube tutorial away. Even if your doing a lot on your own you probably have a team or people that you trust and work with. Who are these people and how do they help you? My manager Austin Hurwitz is a lifesaver, extremely professional, and an incredibly hard worker. He keeps me honest about my process too. My good friend Ryan Skut shoots a ton of my stuff. He shot all the artwork for the Photographs Of Other People project. I still have a core group of my best childhood friends and my family who come to all of my shows in my hometown in the states, that support after all these years means so much. Do you still have your full time job and what is it about? I have been lucky enough to do music mostly full time at this point in my career. Every once in a while I do contract work on the side for corporate event planning. The first video on your Youtube channel supports a foundation called “Growing Veterans”, you released an EP dedicated to the movie “The Rock” and you can be seen shooting a rifle on your IG. What do you think about the army and weapons in general? You really did your homework on me! Growing Veterans is a great organization in the States started by my childhood friend Christopher – a US Marine veteran who wanted to help other military veterans back home. The USA still does not give our military veterans the resources they need after service. They struggle with mental health, finding work, and many other problems when they come home. Chris created Growing Veterans to find work for former military folks in agricultural and farming industries. Our military has endured a lot on behalf of our country’s decisions, it’s important for me to support groups like Growing Veterans. Despite that IG photo, I am very anti-guns. Somehow, someway, the United States is going to have to figure out how to decrease gun violence. Literally as I write this answer, I am seeing a news update about another public shooting in a church. Gun violence is the saddest most senseless shit, and the United States needs real leadership to change this issue. NICK WEAVER GERMANY TOUR „HipHop Jam VII“ Freitag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Jugendhaus Alte Feuerwache, Johannisstrasse 5, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event „Fashion by relict with Nick Weaver DJ Set“ Samstag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Fashion Caffe Bar, Reinhardstraße 10, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event To get an even more tangible picture of your persona I would like you to share something about you that you do not highlight on social media. Guilty pleasures, secrets, things that you want to improve? I love old video games. I just bought a Super Nintendo yesterday, because I still have all my old SNES games from growing up. And I’m not talking about that little “Super Nintendo Classic” that comes pre-loaded with 20 games. I went and bought the OG system on eBay. I still miss my Honda Civic, which is immortalized in my Prowler, Yardwork, and Day, One None albums. I owned that car for 10 years, a whole decade! I am going to get a tattoo of it. I just recently watched the entire Friday Night Lights TV series for the first time. It’s the closest thing to a soap opera that I vibe with. Thank you for your time and the intresting insights! Thank you so much for this opportunity, I know it is in on short notice as well so I really appreciate you doing this! *If you would like to know even more about Nick Weaver you can check out his interviews with respectmyregion, distinctionmgmt, illuminati2g and therealhip-hop. Thanks to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura for cross-reading! I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Der Beitrag Have you met?! with Nick Weaver erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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I’m happy to finally share my experiences of the Amsterdam Dance Event with you. Let me give you insights of the live performances and conferences, my personal and business meetings and my praises and critics. Enjoy the report about the third edition of the ADE Beats festival dedicated to Hip-Hop’s Global Moment. My ADE adventure started on thursday with the TopNotch X Noah’s Ark X Universal Music festival. The Waterkant venue is a cozy bar directly at a canal where James Watss and Leafs performed after a Yung Felix DJ set. Again they proofed my theory that I don’t need to understand the lyrics in order to feel the music. ADE BEATS Website – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – auf RUN FFM On friday I visited the talk “Hip-Hop’s Global Moment” by Romain Bilharz, CEO Island Africa, Island France and Motown France, and Kees de Koning, founder and owner of Top Notch in The Netherlands, who were talking about the topic that I’m preaching since 10 episodes of YPHOT. Like Romain would say: “Emotion is universal”. I met like minded people from The Netherlands, France, The United Kingdom, Spain and many more. They had titles like “change agent” or “musician psychiatrists” that I didn’t even know were existing. Moreover, the ADE has a huge delegate database where all accredited people are listed so that you can do research to link up with each other. I put a lot of effort into setting up my ADE account on the website but sadly the ADE app was not connected to the same database. Besides that I had a hard copy map, a general daily program and specific venue information sheets. A more consistent and personalized information policy, so that I don’t drown in info, would be nice next time. It would be super awesome if the ADE could stream or record the conferences so that I can enjoy the ones that I missed. All in all it’s outstanding that the ADE creates a platform for people from all over the world to connect with people who share the same interests. I’m already looking forward to the Amsterdam Dance Event next year. Thanks to ADE and all of the beautiful people I got to know! Shoutout to Zanillya for the hallway rap performance, to the producer Lpaca for the most outstanding business card, to Mohamed Halidi from uncuthiphop, to the psychiatrist Patricia Hermans, to student Eekfe De Bont, to marketer Harold de Boer, to the change agent Eddie de Graaf for the inspiring conversations, to the lawyer Maya Hernandez Moreno for the incredible business card marketing game, to the ADE Beats general manager Aldo Bruining for the information, to Romain Bilharz and Kees de Koning for the exciting talk about Hip-Hop’s Global Moment, to Saul Van Stapele for the entertaining moderation, Maarten Greve for organizing the Hackathon and my Hackathon team Linda, Jessica, Skip, Gael and Glenn. I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! The cover pic for this article is by Outsider.i – Isabel Janssen. Der Beitrag Hip-Hop’s Global Moment – ADE Beats Report erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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From the 18th until the 20th of October the ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) takes place for the 22st time (since 1995). Even if the event calls itself an “electronic music platform and the biggest club festival in the world for the whole spectrum of electronic sub-genres“ they’ve included HipHop related program as well. I’m happy to introduce you to some of the performing artists and conferences worth taking a look at. The first time I visited the ADE was by mistake last year. I just wanted to spend a nice touristical day in Amsterdam with my girlfriend, but we ended up pulling an all-nighter visiting free festival venues after wondering about all exciting daytime playground activities (to be seen in my facial expression in the picture below). After the introduction of some of the Dutch performing artists (you might already know some of them from YPHOT) I’ll give you some more general information about the festival and three HipHop related conference recommendations which are in line with the development that I’m addressing in my monthly series “HITS OF TOMORROW“. Bizzey – Traag ft. Jozo & Kraantje Pappie (prod. Ramiks & Bizzey) You hear this one in the clubs all the time. Listen: You’ll understand why! Adje & Architrackz – Silence Carribean vibe combined with a dark voice. Smooooth! Afro Bros & Finest Sno – Breek Je Bakka Afrobeats, catchy melodies and rap. Shake your boteeeh! ANBU – GEEN FOCK (prod. Jiri11) They would be Young Thugs favourite artists from NL! Lil Kleine – Loterij ft. Ronnie Flex (prod. Jack $hirak) If they look familiar to you it’s probably because of “Stoff und Schnaps”. There will be artists like Craig David, Daft Punk, FKA Twigs and Dwele from the US , artists like Bonkaz and Lethal Bizzle from the UK , UZ from CN and even more artists like Aziz Wrijving, GLOWINTHEDARK, Equalz, SBMG, Diquenza, Jonna Fraser, NoizBoiz, ROLLÀN, Young Felix, Yung Internet, Yung Nnelg, James Watss from the NL . Conference Recommendations: Hip-Hop’s Global Moment: Kees de Koning X Romain Bilharz 20/10, 13:00 – 13:45 Melkweg (M6 Panel Room) | Lijnbaansgracht 234A, Amsterdam Hip-Hop’s Global Moment A lively conversation with Romain Bilharz, CEO Island Africa, Island France and Motown France, and Kees de Koning, founder and owner of Top Notch in The Netherlands, on the emerging and exciting new opportunities they see for creative talent in a world that is rapidly getting smaller. Sony Music presents: The Growth Of Urban Latin & Reggaeton Worldwide 20/10, 17:00 – 17:45 Melkweg (M6 Panel Room) | Lijnbaansgracht 234A, Amsterdam A panel discussion hosted by Sony Music on the growing influence of reggaeton and urban latin music on pop culture worldwide, their strategies to further grow this market and the great potential the company sees for the future of urban latin music in non-Spanish speaking markets. With Alex Gallardo (Sony Music Latin, ES), C. Tangana (ES) and Servando (VE) as speakers. This Is Not America: Exploring The European Hip-Hop Market 20/10, 17:00 – 17:45 Melkweg (M5 Panel Room) | Lijnbaansgracht 234A, Amsterdam Never before has the Hip-Hop industry been this universal. In a world that is rapidly getting smaller, artists and music professionals from all over the world find their place within the Hip-Hop scene, influencing its sound and sonic direction, content and accent, and way of doing business. German input comes from Jakob Paur the online editor and deputy editor-in-chief from the JUICE Magazin. General information: Festival: ADE’s festival program covers the whole spectrum of electronic subgenres, with over 2,200 artists performing in 120 of Amsterdam’s finest music and nightlife spaces. In 2016 the festival attracted 375,000 festival visitors from around the globe, which makes it the world’s biggest club festival. Playground: ADE Playground provides entertainment, engagement and plenty of surprises for the legions of music fans visiting the ADE. The mostly free daytime program features dance music-related exhibitions, films, documentaries, DJ showcases, gear master classes and artist Music Talks. Conferences: ADE’s conference tracks offer the business and inspiration platform featuring dedicated programming for business professionals, start-ups, aspiring producers and musicians, students, VJs, visual artists and stage designers. In 2016 the conference welcomed 550 speakers and 7000 delegates. I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! Der Beitrag Dutch HipHop Videos – ADE Special erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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It’s again the first friday of the month which means it’s time for the ninth episode of YOSCHA PRESENTS: HITS OF TOMORROW! These hits are recommendations from all over the world (, , , , , , , ) and this time we have four newcomers countries to this series: Iceland, Puerto Rico, Korea and Australia. Enjoy the music! Sometimes I have the impression that my network embraces the whole world. I feel like I know the music from all over the world, but then I just check the lineup for the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). I assumed that a dutch festival for electronical music can tell me nothing about their HipHop scene but my research proved me wrong. It seems like that there is unlimited creative potential and that is something which gives me an optimistic forecast for our future. This time our journey leads us from the the Netherlands, to Iceland, to the United States, to Puerto Rico, to the United Kingdom, to Korea, to Italy and to Australia. Thanks to Lenny and Charlotte for giving me feedback, thanks to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura and thanks to arianoknows (Your hastag game inspired me!). Click the artists‘ name to get to their Facebook page. Enjoy YPHOT #9! Listen to all the music the Spotify/ Deepsify playlist Hits Of Tomorrow, or in in the Youtube playlist YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS HITS OF TOMORROW #9 (NL) Yung Felix – Kow Gwe (ft. Aziz Wrijving) „Kow Gew“ is dedicated to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura (yes, she’s my girlfriend). Every time this song comes up she starts shaking what her mama gave her and honestly – who can blame her? You will do the same! (IS) Aron Can – Fullir Vasar „Fullir Vasar“ is a split video for two super spherical hits. I recommend to close your eyes and to allow yourself to fall into the vibe. You’ll probably like it if you like The Weeknd. Someone knows where the video was shot? I need to go there! (US) Bobby Raps – Desensitized „Desensitized“ is also a split video with an artist having The Weeknd relations. Even if the song is composed with multile complex intense expressions of the artists you will have no doubt about what to feel. I was destroying my imaginary interior design! (PR) Farruko, Bad Bunny, Rvssian – Krippy Kush „Krippy Kush“ is the feel-good-flex-soundtrack. The 350 Million views can give you an impression about the „reach“ of the „spanish culture“. Thanks to my cusin Claire (who lives in Mexico) for letting me know where to start my research! (UK) Sneakbo Ft Giggs – Active „Active“ is a Mad Ting! A threatening banger for the strangers in the night hitting shady strip clubs. Of course everyone can enjoy the song but that’s the picture painted in my head listening to this song. Could be on the Sin City soundtrack! (KR) Hoody (후디) – 한강 (HANGANG) „Hangang“ has a cheesy R&B flavour and takes you straight back to the nineties. Thanks to my friend Marc (Souluvmuziq mastermind) for sharing this finding. I recommend to check out our (sadly only german) interview with him. (IT) Enzo Dong – Italia Uno Fist thing I did listening to „Italia Uno“ was picking up my phone. Fake call someone and use your other wide spread arm to dance in circles where ever you are. Thanks to Christopher from the WTP! facebook group for opening the „Italian Rap“ thread. (AU) Split Figure – Brûlée feat. LBFRmikey „Brûlée“ feels like sitting in front of Gengar who’s hypnotizing you. Thanks to Ethan from the WTP! facebook group for sharing his video. Check Soundcloud for his latest EP „Crème De La Crème“ and hit him up if you got these phonk beats! (NL) Ares – Camera’s „Camera’s“ has a melodramatic but welcoming vibe recommended to enjoy with closed eyes. Besides the Lyrics Ares is responsible for the production (in cooperation with Skiba), the mix and master, the direction and the editing. Crazy! (UK) scarlxrd – THE PURGE [Prod. RVFF FVRGO] „The Purge“ is a masterpiece of disturbing aggressive Energy. scarlxrd is part of the new generation of rappers including screaming and other elements formerly beeing closely attached to Metal music into their style. (NL) Cloud Cukkoo – Obsessions This one is a personal (off-topic) recommendation. I got into contact with Jori (the lead singer) in order to support them while touring through Germany. I failed… It’s a shame because their music is incredibly powerful and lovingly composed! I hope you enjoyed YPHOT #9 For more music see my previous YPHOT posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. We’ll see and hear each other next month! Der Beitrag YPHOT: YOSCHA PRESENTS – HITS OF TOMORROW #9 erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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