lietuvens · 11 months
feel like im swaggin against my will at this point
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sonsjiwoo · 1 year
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profs-artblog · 1 month
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Artfight 2024 (1/?)
Hemlock for @runatic-lavings
Nightshade for @wizardwine
Knox (and Lynn) for FancyHatching
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stesierra · 1 year
Find the Word tag game!
@flock-from-the-void tagged me! I'll pull from a variety of books because I had a hell of a time finding these words.
My words are: star, sand and write.
I'm going to tag @elizababie, @macabremoons and @dyrewrites. Your words are flinch, blood, and squeeze.
Star: from Mud-Child
The servant's door, as humble as the front was excessive, opened on his fourth knock. He took a step back, left hand clenching on air. With the right he held up the letter, right in the face of the creamy-complexioned woman on the other side. By her dress, a maid.
"I was asked to deliver this here," he said.
The maid only lifted her eyebrows at him, until Bren realized he was holding the letter backwards. It bore no fancy wax seal, but Theobold had drawn a complicated heart on one side. It would, he had said, identify the letter to his beloved's servants.
The woman's face shifted as it came into view. "Oh," she said. "Come in."
Bren stared at her and put a hand up to adjust his battered tricorn. He might not look cursed, but he for gods' sake looked poor. "Come again?
"Milady will want to see you."
"Will she?" he asked weakly. "I'm really not the sort that goes to see fine ladies." He held the letter out hopefully, but she only folded her arms over her ample bosom.
"I'm sure," she said. "We've had worse visitors. Come in, Mr.….?"
"Turnbull," Bren said, surrendering to the inevitable. If he'd just lobbed it at her and bolted the moment the door swung wide, maybe he could've escaped. But Theobold had implied he'd like Bren to play the messenger in the future. Facial papercuts would make a bad first impression.
He still scraped his boots extra well on the doormat before following the maid into the dim warmth of the entry hall. The cozy little hall led to a cozy little stair that wound up and up, stopping only on landings that split into halls lit by little windows and smokeless lamps. The maid led him up all three stories and then down a particularly well-lit passage. It was lined with small doors, each labeled with a number and letter in neat white paint.
"The nobles don't like to see servants everywhere," the maid said when she noticed him staring. "It ruins the illusion."
"What illusion?"
She smiled at him, a cheek dimpling. "That this huge house just stays perfect with no effort at all. Because how could such well-bred gentles soil anything at all?"
"And do they?"
"You have no idea."
They stopped at the end of the hall, where the maid brushed fingers across a white star stenciled onto a red door before stepping aside. "Here. Milady's room."
He said, "I take it from all the creeping about that we're meeting in secret." And what kind of idiots let a battered stranger in off the streets and dumped him secretly in a lady's bedroom?
Sand: from As Immortality Fades
We followed the snow-bright beach. I dared not ride on or near the road this close to Oddbradge, where protesters might lie in wait. If anyone recognized me in our escape from the city, our journey might end before it had even begun.
The stars gleamed against the coal-black sky, and the ocean sighed against the shore, waters rushing in and out. The smell of seaweed and fish reminded me of other happier rides along the white shores of Kathild, but our ride tonight was grim and quiet. Desperation drove us, not the urge for a pretty, scenic ride.
When three hours had passed, I pulled us up and said to my companions, "We should camp for the night and ride on during the day. I think we're far enough from Oddbradge that no one will stumble across us."
Thorm and Dagmod exchanged glances, and Dagmod said, "If we ride by night, people won't notice us going by. It'd be safer."
I shook my head. "Better if we start out as we mean to go on. It's a month's ride east around the Runate mountain range to reach the only entrance to the lavender lands. I don't trust a lantern to lead us the whole way, particularly when we only have a little oil for it. If it dies, the horses will be tripping over their own feet, and we can't afford for one of them to break a leg." If we lost the horses, we'd be stuck walking around the mountain range. At my best guess, that would take two months, and my body would be thirty-eight years old before we even set foot in Sundunvor. No, we couldn't afford to risk the horses.
If my companions disagreed, none of them voiced it. They slid down from their saddles, dropped their rucksacks and tended the animals. Then we laid a tarp on the snowy sand and set up our tent, which was made of two layers: on top tarred waterproof linen canvas, underneath stitched together leather, the fur still on. It was plush golden fur, imported from the northern countries overseas, and still coated with the natural oils that made it waterproof.
This was my hunting tent, used on the rare occasion when I wanted to head to the countryside with only a small retinue instead of my whole court. The tent fix six jammed side-by-side. It made our pack mule essential, for the whole thing, including poles and rope and stakes, weighed ninety pounds.
Once the tent was up, we laid out our bedrolls, and by silent agreement, my bodyguards arranged theirs with me in the middle. In disguise or not, I was their queen and theirs to protect.
Write- from Cast Out
The troupe-leader handed my message slate back to me. She had written, "We don't need another mouth to feed. You're bringing in a goose, so you can stay. But not the other one."
I frowned at her, but her expression was unyielding. She was middle-aged, her skin dark as clay, her curly gold hair kissed with orange, and she held her chalk with strong, assured fingers. A single ivory stud pierced her lip. She had told me her name was Abursa. It suited her.
Thesil leaned against a tree nearby, her arms folded tight across her thin chest. Her foot scuffed the ground at regular intervals.
I wiped out the troupe-leader's message and wrote my own. "I assumed we would be working for our meals in some way. My goose won't be our only contribution."
Abursa shook her head when she read the tablet. She scribbled and shoved it back at me. The motion startled the tiny white ass that pulled her cart, and it flicked its ears forward. "I've seen your friend's type before. Convinced she's here by mistake. She'll lie down and die before she learns a useful trade. Tell your friend to shut up. I hate whiners."
I started and glanced at Thesil. I hadn't realized she was speaking. I called, "Thesil. Please be patient."
Abursa made a face, and I wondered what Thesil had said in response. I wrote, "I have skills. I can read and write, as you see. I have able arms and legs." I hesitated and added, "I'm a painter."
Her eyes lit up when she saw my message. "Painter? Silk-painter?"
"Tempera, on wood."
She grinned as she wrote. "You should've said to start with. You are welcome to join my troupe. I have a spare tent for you, even."
I swallowed my astonishment. Mother had told me no one outside the cities could afford art. But I wasn't going to question my luck. "And Thesil?"
She frowned. "The whiner? Why are you helping her? Why do you care?"
I wish I knew. But what I wrote was, "I'm not joining without her."
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Out Of Character Ask
So…since the Treasures of Ruin are also introduced as a new legendary quartet in Scarlet and Violet, what will their lore be here? A number of cursed artifacts, with the “main” four being the ones that the ancient Paldan king held on to and their “modern” appearance being from the shrines being opened and a number of them scattering all over, some even managing to get onto and hide on planes or boats to get to other regions?
Obviously, they’d immediately be on the Dangerous Legendary Permit given their very nature, as even if they end up proving surprisingly docile when not angered, they’re still incredibly dangerous living artifacts that are called the Treasures of Ruin for a reason, down to their signature Runation attack. Also, horrible first Legendaries for the same reasons.
I do have plans for the Treasures of Ruin, basically that they propagated freely for a while and many were born from cursed artifacts, but all of them were locked away. The sheer disturbance of the Paradox Event will affect more than just the paradox Pokemon! I actually was going to post about that weeks ago, I honestly just forgot...thanks for reminding me! Lol.
But yeah, they'd end up classed as Dangerous and Bad Beginners immediately. Even Chien Pao, playing innocently as it does, is incredibly deadly. Not for the faint of heart!))
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444names · 2 years
hindu and egyptian deities BUT excluding "y"
Adha Adjet Adjwer Adurti Adurus Agara Akant Amahma Amanga Amani Amanta Amat Amatri Amatta Ammana Ammiti Amut Amuta Amutet Anar Anatep Anda Andni Anet Anga Angan Anhis Anika Anikan Anna Anta Antati Apari Apet Apetet Appar Apri Araet Arah Araha Araman Aran Arandi Arani Aras Ariama Arma Armavi Artani Arti Aruni Arutu Aset Asha Ashana Ashapa Asher Ashi Ashitr Asiti Asta Astan Asva Asvai Aswar Atgeb Atret Atris Baala Baasu Baati Babit Bagala Balala Balam Balami Bali Balini Balit Balki Bata Bati Besa Besat Beshis Bets Bhada Bhaf Bhai Bhais Bhaka Bhal Bhala Bhali Bhani Bhati Bhiti Bhuli Bhumi Bhura Bhurti Bradha Brahak Brami Brat Brati Brau Brava Bravan Bucha Buchhi Budra Budrah Bukala Buket Chaf Chai Chakau Changa Chatta Chhi Daksh Dangan Dania Dant Datef Dedevi Dema Devis Devnat Dhaini Dhal Dhana Dhash Dhiti Drata Duli Duruna Geren Ghan Gupa Gush Hadi Haikun Hairri Hapis Happa Harah Harjau Hash Hati Havi Hedevi Hehek Hehi Hephi Hesara Hetah Hets Hoba Honta Horunu Hoth Iahati Iani Imet Imeth Imha Imhep Imhoth Imut Ingan Inji Innuma Irabit Iria Iush Iushi Jagni Jagus Jagush Jhumah Jhut Jumaha Junari Juniis Kala Kalala Kamanu Kamu Karavi Karjun Kashi Kati Khaini Khbet Khek Khes Khet Khis Khmet Khnani Khnut Kira Kubet Kunira Laji Laksha Lala Lalki Latri Maal Maasu Maatu Madi Mahan Mahu Makani Makhi Maksh Malaka Malara Mali Mana Mangi Mani Mantat Mara Maravi Marti Mashu Maspa Mavi Mavish Maviti Meer Meheh Mehi Mehira Meshta Meteta Mhanu Mheket Mhoth Mika Mina Mini Minia Minji Mita Mitri Mneb Mneneb Mnep Mnet Mohi Mohis Mohish Monti Mooka Moor Mukat Muna Mundar Mundni Muni Mura Mutar Mutep Nani Nara Nari Narna Nata Nati Natmit Natri Neba Nebat Nebati Neenet Nefnu Neheh Neitha Neitri Nekhor Nenhin Nesat Neshi Niama Niis Niket Nirris Noor Nurga Nutser Osret Padrat Pana Pani Panira Pari Paspa Path Pati Patus Pefer Pefera Pephi Praha Prati Prika Pris Ptat Ptawet Purumi Puth Radhi Radra Raet Raha Rahma Rami Rani Ranta Rapa Rasis Rath Raval Ravar Ravita Rbha Rbhuma Rena Renper Rensnu Rudhis Rudhu Runat Saaker Saasha Saish Samji Sara Sari Sateja Satr Satris Savah Savar Savasu Savis Seka Seket Sekhep Senan Senef Senep Serali Sertu Sesh Shal Shata Shatef Shet Shini Shmet Shnupa Shnura Shth Shthi Shva Shvata Shvis Siaha Siamut Simen Skatri Skau Skhoti Soba Sobasu Sobat Sobet Somaf Somati Suran Surava Svahma Swara Swat Swinna Tadi Tahma Tanna Tari Tata Tawer Tawera Teneit Tenen Teped Tesmet Thita Thortu Tvani Tvar Tvarti Ugani Ugra Umbodi Undu Uneg Unevi Urunia Usat Ushith Vaha Vakset Vaksh Vali Vamadi Vana Vara Varu Vati Veena Veer Veerti Veesh Venak Venpet Ventet Venti Venu Vitah Vitani Vitri Wadi Wara Waraji Wera Weret Werket
same thing but longer names
Adari Aditan Adjettari Adraji Adurus Akalat Akalis Akasha Akshthor Amalamut Amanet Amanu Amatibapi Amiket Aminji Ammatamava Amnehini Amuna Anana Andni Andrati Anefnu Anena Anesha Anhont Antara Antawep Anukamanut Anumbhurga Anurga Anutseswat Apathini Apishen Appan Appara Appatri Apriat Apurun Araet Aragushu Araha Arahes Arahet Araja Arashta Aratesavis Aravakshvi Areneshiva Arihat Arikalaji Arishmehi Armathi Arnali Arnarmatri Artet Artut Ashesmete Ashnu Ashth Ashtra Ashuvan Aspati Atgebabhi Atrikas Baalamala Baata Balatawera Balati Balitha Balki Bappani Batriti Beertartet Beket Bekhek Bethavi Bhais Bhakshikum Bhana Bhandura Bhanetu Bhangi Bhata Bhateja Bhatgebaal Bhathadra Bhati Bhuli Bhupannata Bhura Bhurga Bhuru Bhuts Bhuva Bhuvam Brahehet Brati Brava Bravis Buchiti Buddharati Budhat Bukal Bukami Chagani Chara Chith Demaaha Detejapat Devit Devna Dhairis Dhala Dhanna Dhapedevis Dhappatesh Dhash Dhatentu Dhath Dhati Dhurga Dhushika Dimehindra Drahatri Drajaja Dranta Gadrajagni Galallatmi Gales Gandrali Garis Ghata Ghatati Ghatusa Gupadithi Guphth Guphtharau Hadanara Hangandi Happatri Haput Haravana Haret Harmani Hashwari Hekhotep Henevi Hepri Herantu Herketwer Heshi Heswamalla Heswara Hetwer Hezmuna Hezmunast Hezmut Hobali Hobapisher Horti Hotikama Hrika Husari Iamatmet Iatum Imeheh Imehek Imehetta Imenet Imetetete Imhehet Iraha Iraji Iranda Iravasta Irrtara Irrti Ishinji Ishis Ishmanum Ishurtut Iushvat Jaganati Jagni Jagusat Janala Janvasa Japer Japishan Jaupta Jhushalli Jumahai Jumbodi Junen Kalashi Kalaxmitri Kamanut Kambikesha Kanda Kandni Kanva Kasimhodi Katmeh Keten Khattat Khehikasva Khenna Kherkamna Khesha Khmahanu Khmanati Khodaket Khoti Kirajapi Kubraet Kunilaksha Laket Lanatr Langan Lardraneh Latenarka Maaharia Maakshna Maalama Maali Maddha Mahaneb Mahavantep Mahenhi Mahma Mahmet Makameneh Makshatri Makshwara Malama Males Mananal Manarti Mandarjum Mandevna Maneita Manikalli Manira Manna Matet Mathoda Matmeer Matranta Matravi Matta Mavat Mavita Meeren Mehebuda Mehedet Meheneva Meher Mehesha Mehetu Mehitreneh Mehma Mehmet Menatetut Menenekher Menhobapis Menhonsnut Menkanatar Menpededu Mikal Mnara Mneheka Mneneshuva Mohis Mohit Monsnurga Monta Mookalamma Mookamatr Mookamitr Mookamuta Moorunambi Mukeretu Munarah Munda Muneg Murgal Murgana Mutet Nakshi Nalar Narta Nasta Natmi Natris Nebdjwer Nebuddha Neera Neeret Nefer Neger Nekhek Nenatala Nepra Neshan Niishindi Nikau Nirat Nooka Nukalaman Nuptara Nutanga Osret Panda Pangi Paral Patriti Petep Prahma Pramahanu Ptannati Purti Pusar Putumal Radjwer Rahairri Rahandi Rahet Rahuli Ranamit Randrath Rapishar Ratgerenet Ravathara Rbhapri Rbhati Rbhish Rbhuthoti Reneshmet Renhotenu Renhoth Renka Rensha Retenu Revat Runat Sairasva Samananen Sambhani Samma Sarala Saraser Savanehi Sekal Sekerundit Seket Senhoteth Senta Serama Serta Sertum Seshandi Seshas Seskamet Settan Shavalit Shinda Shiranum Shish Shiti Shitresmet Shtri Shwara Shwawetep Siamahal Simet Simha Siragan Sirrit Sithi Skhakhek Skhortenka Sobabi Sobal Sobaniker Sobeer Sobet Somakshu Sopdemani Sopdevi Subikara Subrauphta Suravakser Surgani Svantaris Svasu Svati Swaddha Swamaaksha Tahma Taranna Tawer Tawets Tejagni Tejani Tenna Tethan Thandi Tvanat Tvani Tvantu Tvatenatri Ugravar Umatatmet Umati Undar Unebdjet Ushapet Vaishi Vakshis Vamah Vanar Vandet Vandi Vanhini Vanta Vanutathan Vardra Varunati Veenti Veerevi Veeshavari Visivasiri Vivanput Vivarutha Warahma Wepwadit Wepwarut Werah Werappan Werennu Werets Weruddhal Werun Wosiran
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lom-journal · 4 months
Saturday May 25/24****Shot Forgotten Tomorrow now! ****Peter ran locally today-Janet and Dan board the Boat Today, 1Week, knitting cruise to Alaska for Janet rest for Dan!***** Larry Showered Wednesday! Tomorrow Shower! 🧼 or today if feeling better! ******Flatware Handles Mineral Bath Today!
Peter and the gurls up at 5:00 a.m. and me shortly after. 7:00 a.m. ****I took 2x T’s and aping med at 7:30 a.m. ****I took my 2 xT’s at 10:30 a.m. an hour early I took 2xT’s at 2:30 🕝 p.m. **** I took 2x T’s at 6:00 🕕 p.m. no poop so far at 8:15 a.m. Peter’s going to run locally and no Yoga 🧘 today tomorrow instead ! Sore today? Peter left for his Runat 8:30 a.m. Peter back home from Run at 9:25 a.m. We got back from shopping at 10:25 a.m. and I had to go ****Poop💩💩a good one! It’s 11:20 now and we’ve had a good breakfast fried egg and toast and now looking at our I-Pads! I laid down for an hour around 11:20 a.m to 12:20 p.m. Peter resting at 1:23 p.m. I gave the flatware a MINERAL bath today and lots of Laundry 🧺 and bedroom mirrors ! Next bedtime and thru the night ! We had burgers and salad for dinner tonight!
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fun-with-melody · 10 months
Using Orgasm Ruination
Using Orgasm Ruination
Many people practice orgasm control or tease and denial games but have you ever sought to use orgasm ruination?  It’s a not so popular fetish and one my Master’s slave Damon enjoys and I have assisted him in helping with it.  Whether it’s a well placed kick to the crotch or using caging or mind games this can be a really fun way to mix it up. Enjoying orgasm ruination is not for everyone but it may be for you. This may be considered an extreme form of playing with edging.
Using Orgasim Ruination with Contraptions
Firstly cock cages can be a very effective way of using orgasm ruination for men by not letting them achieve erection.  Chastity belts are the female equivalent. The submissive could sit and watch porn or live sex for hours which will never physically be able to happen. These devices don’t permit touch or physical stimulation of any kind thereby using orgasm ruination by denial. For most, this might torture but for those who love it can be the ultimate edging and tease and denial game of all time. Some Masters/Dominants also use this as a form of control over their submissive’s sex for their pleasure and to ensure their faithfulness and commitment.
Using Orgasim Ruination by Force
The second method for using orgasm ruination that I have seen used is by utilizing direct force. Whether it’s physical blows or being too rough these are perfect ways to ruin any orgasm. Witnessing my Master’s male slave be kicked in the nuts so hard that it stopped him dead in his tracks was my first demonstration of using orgasm ruination and made me wince watching it. This is an extreme form that only hardcore masochists will enjoy and is not for the faint of heart or beginners. I have had this used on me on a much smaller scale with my Master using too large of toys on me as I neared climax stopping me due to discomfort.  Using Ice or extreme temperatures can also work for some to stop any fun. These physical methods definitely are effective in using orgasm ruination.
Using Orgasim Runation with Mental Games
Lastly, your mind is the largest sexual organ you have.  They say sex is a mind game and when dealing with using orgasm ruination, I have to agree. Nothing kills the moment quicker than bringing a beloved relative to the mind at the wrong time. Removing a blindfold revealing that your partner isn’t who you thought it was can also cause the ruination of any orgasm. These mind games are a very quick way to use orgasm ruination in any scene.  These extremely sadistic tactics are not for everyone and require much planning and negotiating prior to completion. I recommend an extended amount of time for aftercare to prevent lasting trauma for the submissive or damage to the D/s relationship when using orgasm ruination.
Want to play with using orgasm ruination…Call me and let’s see if you can take it!
Mistress Melody
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electricregalia · 11 months
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Repostober! 20!
Artfight from 2021! This was for @/runatic-lavings!
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lun-8blog · 1 year
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hello! This is Lun8 Dohyun! We made our debut today! Debuting feels like a dream... I will work really hard and grow a lot in the future, so Runate! Will you join us?
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lietuvens · 1 year
cil day of mani uzmet leo draugs un nevaru atrast narkostikus kurus gribu. jaiet uz laundromat drebes mazgat ta ka fight club. burtiski visu dienu gulu pie kristianas. vakar biju uz lustsickpuppy bet biju pargurusi, pedejas divas dienas ari majas tikt ir sarezgiti, jo jabrauc uz citam pilsetas dalam pec atslegam un nakti (vairak jau no riita) kristiana jaielaizh. nabags strada visu laik. man ik pa bridim piezogas besis un kaut kadas shizo domas ka visi mani ienist pat svesinieki. juutos kaa greeks. bet ir cil. jatais muzik ar horh un ar vien leo draug . es nemaku taisit muziku ar citiem cilvekiem tho. bet horh muzik un man muzik man skiet recigi savienotos xdd lazy autotune on witchhouse. es neesmu edusi visu dienu jo ja eju ara tad neeju atpakal un man taa patik gulta gulet un izvairities no visiem. man bail no marger un tom un visiem tiem krutajiem un spicajiem jo es nemaku but vai nemaku runat un kluseju. esmu dzirdejusi ka daudziem liekas ka es sezu un visus ienistu un besos un ka man nekas nepatik un sada doma man liek vel vairak ierauties sevi un gribet paslepties.
sonakt sapni bija markuss un helena jau kuro reizi bet soreiz parka zale un es ar helenu draudzejos un markuss velejas saligt ar mani mieru (jo es joprojam esmu dusmiga uz vinu tbhhh) caur to ka katrs no mums iesit viens otram divas stipras plaukas. es vinam teic lai plauka mani cik grib bet ka vinam nesitisu jo negribu lai vinam ir gandarijums par jebko lidzigu closure. makes you think huh. tas viss kamer guleju planas drebes plana sega uz tattoo galda.
mani dzemperi ir pie leo un tas ir loti talu. es driz nosalsu pavisam
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sonsjiwoo · 1 year
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teenagewine · 1 year
vel viena diena ar izmazgatu telefonu kms/// me and my spanish friend r doing fine ir divaini uzreiz paarlekt paari talkin fazei un tad tikai to sakt kad tu isti nezini par ko runat bet paliek labak un vieglak. mums autism parallel play katram sava datora. ir recigi kad kadu satiec tikai kadu sesto reizi un viss ir tik miilji ka gribi teikt es tevi milu bet nevari jo tu to cilveku nezini. tpc vnk vakara cuvax man nomet i like you un es vinam pretim. vakar kreizi daudz ketaminu snaucu un nemaceju runat / bij jauki tho. loti patik ar vinu bucoties utt vins tads miilsh un vinam dzimsanas diena vienu dienu pec beates (un divus gadus pirms)
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sahilgill · 2 years
Kedarkantha Trek
History of Kedarkantha
In general, Uttarakhand is splattered with exquisite spiritual sights. Lord Shiv’s Bull avatar wandered withinside theregion. He attained theshape to get away from the Pandavas and contemplated withinside the valley in his disguise. But ,as soon as his peace become disturbed because of the locals, he fled from Kedarkantha to Kedarnath.
Also,nearbyrumoursays that the Trishul of the Lord, erectedwithinside thevalley,continuesthelocationsecurefrom destruction. Therebecomeenoughevidenceof theirperceptionin 2013whilstthe valley sufferedexquisitelossesbecause ofthelargefloodswithinside theregion,howeverthe Kedarnath templebecomenow no longerharmed.
About the Kedarkantha Trek
This is oneof thesetrekswhereinyou mayclimb the summitwithinside theharsh winters. It’s a4-day amateurtrek in Uttarakhand, which takes you to the frozen Juda ka Talab and the snow-clad paths. The magicaldawnfrom the 12500feetKedarkantha summitlooks likeheaven. Youalso canget theperspectivesofnumerouspeaks like Pangarchulla and Har Ki Dun from the summit.
Thewantto connect toyourmorecauseand theperceptioninreligionisany suchconnectingaspectthateven thoughyou’renow no longera Hindu,you mayexperiencethereligionallroundyou. Itunitsthetemperforwhile youbeginyour climb.
The forestedflooringof thelargemountain peaks, with meadows of Pine Trees andviablesnow kissing the hills, makes for abeautifulbackdropin yourcommunaladventure. Also,properafterthe bottomcamp, you’llbeginwitnessingbeautifulpanoramicperspectivesallsphericalofwell-knownmountain summitsalongside with the river Tons, that'sfedvia way of means ofglaciers.
Kedarkantha Height / Altitude
Kedarkantha is an altitude of 3800 meters intopandgivesa 360-diplomaview of Pangarchulla, Har ki Doon and Swargarohini peaks of theexcessiveHimalayas.
Best time to visit Kedarkantha trek
Although Kedarknatha trekmay becompletedat any time of the year, it’sdesiredwithinside thewinters from January to Marchbecause thetrek isblanketedwithinside theblanket of snow andprovidea fewbeautifulsnow-packedperspectives.
It is oneof thesetreks in Indiawhereinyou may without problemsdiscoverblizzardclose toDelhi in winter. Also, the trek has themaximumappropriatecampsites. Hence,recallto take yourpersonal tenting equipmentand campwithinside thewildin thistrek.
In thesummer time seasonmonths of April – June, the temperature varies from 3°C toeight°C indaylight hoursand -five°C to -1°C atnight time. Post monsoon season of September to December witnesses’ temperature of -four°C to 6°C indaylight hoursand -eight°C to -15°C atnight time. For JanuaryuntilApril, theclimateis -6°C to 2°C indaylight hoursand -10°C to -18°C atnight time
The Beginning Point – Sankri Village
You’llmustfirstattainDehradun from Delhibothvia way of means ofbus,teach, flight, ornon-publicshipping. After that, you head to Sankri – fromwhereinthe trek begins. Thenormaldistance of the trek from Sankri to Kedarkanthaheightisabout25 Kms,blanketedina completeoffour-fivedaysat the side ofJuda Ka Talab.
Delhi to Sankri via way of means of road
Sankri is a small village2 hundredkmfarfar fromDehradunwhereinhikingfor Kedarkantha, Har Ki Dun Trek, and Rupin Pass starts. Thedirectionfrom Dehradun to Sankri is Dehradun – Purola – Mori – Naitwar – Sankri. Theadventuretakesabout7 hoursvia way of means ofroad.
Theforceisa completelyscenicdirection. Sankri village itself is steeped inherbalsplendorand anight timelivehere's arequisite. Enjoy the small hamlet!
By Public Transport
Of course,you would possiblyneedto take publicshippingto startyour trek – for the same, there aremore than onealternativestoattainyourbeginningpoint.
By Bus
Two buses runat oncefrom Dehradun to Sankri, one atfiveAM and one ateightAM from the Mussoorie Bus stands in Dehradun. Bus fare isroundRs 300/- and takesround10 hours toattainSankri from Dehradun. Buses run from the Mussoorie Bus Stand,that'sfourkmfarfar fromISBT and a1/2 ofkmfarfar fromthe railway station. Dehradun isnicelyrelatedwith Delhivia way of means ofbuses anyways.
By Cab
A cabpricesroundRs 5500/-and mightaccommodate4to5people. You canee-e booka cab from Dehradun.
By Train
You can takean immediateteachfrom Delhi to Dehradunwithinside thenight timeafter whichcapturea bus to Sankriwithinside themorning. Thehigh-qualityalternativeis to take Nanda Devi AC Express which leaves at 11:50 PM and reaches atfive:fortyAM in Dehradun.
Suggested Itinerary for the Kedarkantha Trek
Thehigh-qualitymannertorevel ina trek is with a plan that hasa fewroom for movement. The Kedarkantha Trekpreferablytakesroundfour-fivedays and encompassesa number ofthebestperspectivesand themost luxuriouscampsitesalongsidethemanner.
Onmaximumdays you won’t be hiking longer thanfour-fivehours,supplying you withenoughtime toloosen upandexperiencethesplendorat the side ofbondingtogether along with yourfriends. Of course, Icouldstronglysuggestgetting amanualfor relievingyourmaking plansrequirement.
If you’renow no longertravellingviaapackage dealtour –you would possiblyadditionallywantto conveyyourpersonaltentingequipment. However, the Kedarkantha Trekis reasonablydoable, andamateur-friendly. So,expensivetrekkers, don’tworryand take one step forward!
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ASP.NET is a web based application framework developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites. It also allows you to use a full featured programming language say C# or VB.NET to build web based applications.
.Net Technology contains following topics at TCCI
Introduction to .NET Framework,
Name Space
Basic of Application
Windows Forms and Controls,
Web Services
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ASP.NET provides a programming model, a comprehensive and software infrastructure to build up robust web applications for computer systems and mobile devices.
IT works on top of the HTTP protocol, and uses the HTTP commands to set a browser-to-server bilateral communication and cooperation.
ASP.NET used to produce interactive, data-driven applications over the internet which consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and labels for configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages as per usages.
Microsoft .NET is a software component that runs on the Windows operating system. Programmers produce software by combining their source code with .NET Framework and other libraries.
Visual Studio.NET is Microsoft’s flagship tool for developing Windows software. Visual Studio provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for developers to create standalone Windows applications, interactive Web sites, Web applications, and Web services running on any platform that supports .NET.
Visual Studio.NET introduced by Visual studio .net is a tool for developing .NET application by using programming languages such as VB, C#, VC++ and VJ#. Etc.
Microsoft .NET consists of four major components
Common Language Specification (CLS)
Framework Class Library (FCL)
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
NET Tools
ASP.NET page is made up of a number of server controls which contains HTML tools, text, images etc. ASP.NET runtime controls and determines the association between a page instance and its state executes. An ASP.NET page is an object of the Page or inherited from it in a program.
All the controls on the pages are also objects of the related control class inherited from a parent Control class. When a page is run, an instance of the object page is created along with all its content controls as program flows.Example: <html xmlns="www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head runat="server">               <title></title></head><body>               <form id="form1" runat="server">               <div>                               <%                                              Response.Write( "Happy to learning Asp.Net");                                %>                </div>               </form></body></html>
Happy to learning Asp.Net
TCCI provides best teaching in .Net terminology through different learning method/media as per students convince.
For More Information:                                          
Call us @ 9825618292
Visit us @ http://tccicomputercoaching.com   
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finngualart · 3 years
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I know that I hung on a windy tree nine long nights, wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin, myself to myself, on that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run.
No bread did they give me nor a drink from a horn, downwards I peered; I took up the runes, screaming I took them, then I fell back from there.
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