#rulie: I AM BIRB
baileys-writing-desk · 9 months
Wild’s paraglider
Hyrule finally gets to do what he wanted for so long: to glide through the air like a bird.
Hyrule has never had this much fun in his life.
It is something he’d always wanted to try, since joining the chain, and something none of the other Links would ever let him do.
Only Lanayru would let him.
And the group is here. In Sky’s era. With Lanayru.
He thinks of the mischievous grin on the dragon’s face as he departs from camp, the Champion’s glider in hand. Although he may have gotten permission to borrow the item, he never specified exactly what he would use it for. There are cliffs in this area, sure, but not much higher than ten feet. Wild trusted him to use it for those heights only.
Creeping through the trees like a cat, he notices the yellow and brown in the distance and chuckles. This was his idea, he reminds himself, but Lanayru had approved of it last night. If anyone else finds out, he can blame the dragon.
The sun is high in the sky now, the brilliant blue filtering through the towering tree branches. Birds chirp in the distance, and small animals rustle in the bushes, nearly distracting Rulie as he resists the urge to stop and investigate. But the other Links might come to him…there is no time to dawdle. He is reminded of that as he finally reaches the Thunder Dragon’s clearing, walking up to a mischievous smile and outstretched claw.
“Ho- Rulie, you got it?” Lanayru asks, keeping his voice as quiet as possible. “Here, climb onto my hand.”
Running up to the dragon, and readying the glider on his back, Hyrule obeys. The adrenaline courses through him, heart racing in his chest at his upcoming feat. I can’t believe he’s willing to do this!
“What if it doesn’t work?” he asks suddenly, having not quite thought about it before…
“Then I’ll catch you. I’m not letting you fall a bajillion feet through the air, you silly!”
Oh, right. He might not have considered that, but of course Lanayru did. Surely, the dragon has let him do risky things, but not that risky.
Hyrule takes a deep breath, attempting to calm his excitement, as Lanayru slowly lifts his hand, bringing him all the way up to meet the dragon’s eye level. He then lies down, face-up on the palm so Lanayru can wrap his fingers around his body in a tight grip.
I’m doing it! Hylia, it’s really happening! I’m gonna fly!!
He’s been this high before, in fact much higher, but he doesn’t dare look down. This, after all, isn’t a cuddle session in Lanayru’s beard or a ride on his back. This is much different.
“Alright, you ready?” the Thunder Dragon asks.
Lanayru chuckles, and a whoosh of air meets Hyrule as the dragon gears his arm back, ready to throw the traveler across the sky, and soon he will be-
Oh shit!
Hyrule gasps. Lanayru follows suit, nearly jumping in surprise, but thankfully still manages to keep his grip on the traveler. Who the hell was tha-
“Ah, Link! Wasn’t expectin’ you here!”
“What the fuck are you two doing!?” the Skyloftian shouts, loud enough for Hyrule to hear clearly from this height. “Lanayru, put him down-“
The Thunder Dragon lowers his hand slightly, nearly making the traveler’s head spin. “I promise, this is harmless. Just watch.”
“Uh-huh, yeah- like I’m gonna be fine with you chucking Rulie through the air like- one of Groose’s eggs to my face!”
That was…a weird comparison.
“I’m fine, Sky!” Hyrule yells. “Trust me!”
“Lanayru. I swear to Hylia if you-“
The Thunder Dragon simply cackles. Turning his head away from Sky, he rears his arm back once again, Hyrule in his grip.
Ah, yes, it seems like he’ll still get to fly after all!
“No, don’t, Lan-“ That is all Hyrule makes out, as he is suddenly hurled forward, out of the dragon’s grip and sailing through the sky. He screams with delight as the wind rushes into his ears, blowing his hair every which way.
This is AWESOME!!!!
Of course, this moment is short-lasted, as he quickly begins his hurtling descent. In one swift motion, he opens the glider above his head, holding onto the straps tightly with both hands. He stalls midair, the speed of his fall having dramatically decreased.
“It worked!!” he shrieks, giggling. “Look, I’m doing it! HAHA!!”
The view of the forest below, of the green pointy trees and luscious grass stretching out for ages, almost takes his breath away. He may have seen it all while riding Lanayru, but nothing will ever match this feeling, of floating through the breeze on his own as if he has wings. Letting the glider slowly carry him towards the ground safely. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would experience this unique sensation.
…And judging by how Sky reacted, this will likely be the only time.
“Great job, Rulie!” he hears Lanayru’s voice call out from behind. “See, Link, I told you it would be alright!”
Whatever the Skyloftian says in response, Hyrule doesn’t hear. He has drifted far into the forest now, approaching the tops of the trees…and now he must focus his landing so he doesn’t faceplant right into one. Carefully he tilts the glider strings just slightly, barely missing the top branches of a large oak. Lanayru would not be pleased if he crashed, and most certainly not Sky.
At last, he slows to a stop and his feet touch the ground. Closing the glider up, he makes a mad dash back to Lanayru. The yellow of the dragon’s robe flashes in the distance. Holy shit, I flew far!
“Over here, thunder man!” he shouts, nearly out of breath. “Look, I made it! I totally stuck the landing—phew!” His cheeks become hot and sweaty as he steps back into the clearing. Lanayru is beaming with delight, but Sky…Sky still does not look content. Whatever the dragon said to him earlier apparently hadn’t mattered.
“Okay, whose idea was this?” The Skyloftian glares at the two, arms folded across his chest.
Unwilling to admit it was his own, Hyrule immediately points at Lanayru. Of course, the dragon does the same to him…We must look so stupid right now-
“Rulie, don’t lie like that,” Lanayru teases. “Take the blame.”
Hyrule simply scoffs, lowering his hand. “Liar liar, pants on fire!”
“Sweet Hylia, am I gonna have to separate you two?!” Sky exclaims, throwing his hands up in frustration. “It’s like I’m dealing with five-year-olds!”
“Oh, come on, boy!” The Thunder Dragon chuckles. “We were just gettin’ the fun started. I was gonna have him try it from up in the clouds next!” He pauses at the horrified look on Sky’s face. “Ah, don’t worry, I’ll bring Eldin to catch him if something goes wrong.”
Wait what-
He isn’t quite sure if that’s something he would like to try…Lanayru’s ambition is strong, but the traveler has his limits.
“Lanayru!” Sky shouts the dragon’s name for what seems like the fiftieth time today. “I swear to the Golden Three, if you do that—“
“Okay, okay, I won’t! You caught me, Link.”
“Well, good.” The Skyloftian sighs, appearing a bit more content. “Man, you two are just- I love you both to bits, but ugh!!” He giggles slightly, and Hyrule figures he isn’t truly mad at them. And separating the dragon and hero, when their time together is extremely limited, would be incredibly mean and unlike Sky at all.
“That’s our goal!” Hyrule exclaims. “Right, thunder man?”
He hears the dragon’s booming laughter in response. They only mean to annoy Sky lightheartedly; it’s what siblings do. At least it must be, or else the chain wouldn’t be teasing each other on the daily.
Sky approaches him, hands outstretched. “Here, I’ll give this back to the Champion.”
Oh, right. The glider.
He slowly hands it over, wondering what else he could have done if Sky hadn’t caught them. Definitely not Lanayru’s idea, though…I’ll bring Eldin to catch him? He hasn’t even met Eldin, let alone ridden him!
“I should probably head to camp…” Sky briefly glances behind him at the openings through the dense forest. “But you better not do more crazy stuff while I’m gone.”
“Can’t guarantee that, boy,” Lanayru replies, earning a teasing stare from the Skyloftian.
As Sky begins to turn away, Hyrule glances up at the Thunder Dragon, and they both give each other a cheeky smile.
It had gone reasonably well.
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