#ruler woo jin chul
hanakihan · 9 months
man AB! AU is kinda cracked because just when everything enters relevant part of plot about Rulers and Monarchs mess, those idiots’ (affectionate??) attention focuses on Jinchul because it’s the creator they all mutually kinda hate so there’s that great hunt on who can kill god again (and this time monarchs probably really want to get a score) and it’s literally jinchul trying not to die long enough for jinwoo to arrive and help him because who the fuck those creatures and why they want him so fucking dead
and insane part is when jinwoo arrives only to see jinchul straight up skewered barely alive like AB was and boy does it awaken Ashborn’s trauma so badly it becomes even bigger mess (and no one realizes they also triggered AB’s trauma about his own death)
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stormdragon23 · 6 months
Monarch/Ruler Successors AU
This is just my personal headcanons on this AU since I have my own take
Kind of a mashup of others' ideas honestly, plus a couple of my own though I think they came from one person in particular
Very subject to change as I read Ragnarok. And when I'm finally able to play the game
Choi Jong-In as The Monarch of Destruction, the King of Dragons
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Baek Yoon-Ho as The Monarch of Fangs, the King of Beasts
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Hwang Dong-Soo as The Monarch of the Iron Body, the King of Monstrous Humanoids
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Kang Tae-Shik as The Monarch of Transfiguration, the King of Demonic Spectres
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Eun-Seok as The Monarch of Frost, the King of the Snow Folk
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Lim Tae-Gyu as The Monarch of the Beginning, the King of Giants
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Goto Ryuji as The Monarch of White Flames, the King of Demons
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Park Hee-Jin as The Monarch of Plagues, the Queen of Insects
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Ruler Vessels:
Cha Hae-In
Min Byung-Gyu
Thomas Andre
Liu Zhigang
Christopher Reed > Lennart Niermann
Sung Il-Hwan
Go Gunhee > Woo Jin-Chul
Siddharth Bachchan (Don't have a pic for him, but that's not my fault)
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Open to questions. Because I don't know what else to say
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manawari · 1 year
Did a separate post because the thread is way too long for me.
Thank you for the tag, Leels @tleeaves ! 🩵
Last song: "Missing Blue" by olt | Takuya Okada
Last movie/TV show: Horimiya.
Currently watching: none as of the moment.
Comfort characters: my own characters obviously, Sung Jin-woo, Cha Hae-in, Min Byung-gyu, Woo Jin-chul, Callum, Rayla, Jack Frost, Hiccup Haddock, Kim Dokja, Lloyd Frontera, Shinei Nouzen, and Vladilena Milizé.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet!
Relationship status: single 😎
Current obsession: Solo Leveling (even though I've been obsessed with it ever since I finished reading), but besides that, I'm also obsessed with rare words (bc I'm a logophile), Destruction Successor!Hae-in, Minlee, Choibaek, Jinhae, Ruler Vessel!Byung-gyu, and the Solo Leveling boyband AU.
Last thing you googled: word counter.
@i-bring-crack @stormdragon23 @lobyu @pain-suffering-even @winter-1023 @tiredhyuni @nyashykyun
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slvault · 3 years
Post-Time Travel Recovered Memories AU [Pt.6]
Hae-In has never been so grateful for the fact that her father works overseas and her mother is used to her leaving early in the morning for track practice.
Of course, that's not where she goes. Well, she's not sure where she should go - her feet takes her to Sung Jin-Woo's guild building, but that hasn't been built yet so it's just an empty lot, and then she's halfway to his house before it occurs to her just how creepy that is, then she thinks about her own guild's building but that probably hasn't been built either or at least it's some other business in its place, and then she just ends up halfway across the city, lurking across the street from Go Industries without a clue as to whether or not she should call attention to herself at all.
 Someone notices her anyway. She's thirteen years old with no adult supervision, in an area where no kids should be for at least another seven hours - there's no hiding that. But to her relief, it's not just anyone who comes to get her. The front doors of Go Industries slide open, and the familiar - if younger - figure of Woo Jin-Chul beckons her over. She's not used to seeing him out of a suit - he's only in a semi-casual white shirt and trousers - but his expression is the same impassive calm as always, and Hae-In feels the squiggle of anxiety knotted in her chest since she woke up this morning finally unravel as she hurries across the street.
 "Cha hunter-nim," Woo Jin-Chul greets her, and she's never been so happy to hear her usual address. The man doesn't even blink at how short she is now, or at the sweater, jeans, and sneakers she's wearing.
 "Chairman," She replies, only to pause. Is it still Chairman if Go Gun-Hee is alive and obviously remembers everything?
 Woo Jin-Chul smiles slightly. "My old position will suffice. I was happy to relinquish the seat back to Chairman Go." A flicker of amusement enters his expression. "Of course, none of these positions technically exist anymore."
 Hae-In huffs a laugh of her own as she follows him inside. "When did you remember? Just today? You work fast."
 He's already in touch with Go Gun-Hee, and judging by how nobody stops him from taking her through the building even though there's a lot of not-very-discreet confused glances thrown their way, he even has the run of the place already. As expected of Chief Inspector Woo, she supposes. There's a reason a bunch of stories used to go around about how all the major guilds back in the day had verbally and physically thrown down over signing him before Go Gun-Hee had snatched him off the market.
 "A week ago," Woo Jin-Chul informs her as they take a private elevator up. "I spent the time tracking people down, but it seems it was only today that everyone else remembered. The Chairman sent a car to pick me up a few hours ago, and Master Choi, Master Baek, and Hunter Min Byung-Gyu are making their way here as we speak. Master Lim and Master Ma live farther away so they won’t be able to come today, but the Chairman has already contacted them, and they’ve cleared their schedules for the day so that they’ll be available for a conference call once the others arrive.”
 “So it’s only S-rank Hunters,” Hae-In mutters, but that’s not quite right either considering whose company she’s in. “Or also A-ranks?”
 “As far as I can tell,” Woo Jin-Chul says. “It is only S-rank Hunters. I believe I am an exception because Sung Jin-Woo hunter-nim shared memories of the war between the Rulers and the Monarchs with me in our previous timeline, right before that conference he held, so that might have carried over somehow. The Chairman and I aren’t entirely sure why any of us remember at all since I don’t think we were supposed to, but in the greater scheme of things, I don’t think that matters too much.”
 Hae-In nods her agreement. No, what matters is that they do remember, and what they’re going to do from here on out.
 “What about S-rank Hunters from other countries? They can’t all remember, right? Someone probably would’ve leaked something, and I checked social media earlier. Nothing really stood out.”
 The elevator reaches the top floor, and the doors slide open again. Woo Jin-Chul gestures her ahead even as he continues to answer. “No, I don’t think it’s all of them. But I also find it improbable that only Hunters in South Korea remember. Most likely, it is just the S-ranks who came into contact with Sung Jin-Woo hunter-nim in some specific way that have regained their memories.”
 “…Thomas Andre,” Hae-In says, eyes widening, because everyone had heard about the drama there, even if they’d missed the news reports. Only someone as insane as Andre could anger Sung Jin-Woo to the point of landing himself in the hospital, and then turn around and make friends with that same man and succeed. Rumour had even had it that he'd come to South Korea for a social visit with Sung Jin-Woo, and that was why he'd been around - and willing - to hold that Monarch back from slaughtering Seoul long enough for Sung Jin-Woo to arrive.
 "Indeed," Woo Jin-Chul agrees. "If any S-ranks outside of South Korea remember, he would almost certainly be one of them. Liu Zhigang as well, perhaps. They were probably considered the strongest Hunters Earth could offer, and Sung Jin-Woo hunter-nim got along with both of them. If we were somehow handpicked to serve as his allies, then they would be top candidates. And then there is…" He trails off, and his expression goes odd for a moment, in a way Hae-In can't read. It's smoothed away again almost immediately. "Well, only time will tell what the Japanese S-ranks will do, if anything at all."
 And ah, now Hae-In gets it. She's not sure she wants their help either, but at the same time, beggars can't be choosers. Their whole planet is at stake; they need to gather any help they can get, and say what you will about Goto Ryuji and his guild but you can't deny that - once Awakened - they're all strong enough to lend a hand. If they're willing. But Sung Jin-Woo saved their entire country despite what they'd attempted to do to South Korea. Surely even they can't be so shameless as to try and stab them in the back a second time after knowing that. What even would be the point anymore?
 "Here we are," Woo Jin-Chul stops them in front of a set of doors at the end of the hall. There are bodyguards standing in front of them, and she can practically feel their baffled suspicion and disdain, but Woo Jin-Chul steps in front of her without making it look deliberate, and the almost bored but uncompromising stare he pins on them in return makes them twitch and glance away.
 They step aside, and Woo Jin-Chul opens the doors and ushers her inside.
 The man who stands to greet her is a sight for sore eyes. Hae-In had never had much to do with the Chairman, but he'd been capable and powerful, a solid rock at the head of South Korea's Hunter corps, and while Woo Jin-Chul had been a competent leader for the short time he'd been in office, losing Go Gun-Hee had still been a blow.
 "Hunter Cha," Go Gun-Hee smiles, and his face - while still weathered with age - has fewer stress lines and no scars, and there's almost no grey in his hair. "You're the first to arrive aside from Chief Woo here." He motions at the table, laden down with coffee and tea and various pastries, all fresh. "You can help yourself while we wait for the others. And in the meantime, if you're amenable to it, perhaps we can compare notes, so to speak."
 Hae-In spots the open laptops on the nearby desk and the neat lines of black that look vaguely like a timeline. She straightens. "Yes, sir!"
 It seems reasonable to assume that everyone got the same bundle of memories recounting the war of the gods and Sung Jin-Woo's life, and for those who hadn't lived to the end of their previous timeline, they might've even gotten a run-through of what had happened in those following months, but probably not every single detail of it. And it would just be easier for everyone to stay on the same page if they have notes to refer to once they have to start working out a plan of action.
 However, "About Sung Jin-Woo hunter-nim though…" Hae-In brings up, because nobody else has yet. Does he know? Have they contacted him?
 Go Gun-Hee looks equal parts amused and resigned for a moment. Woo Jin-Chul clears his throat. "Officially, Sung Jin-Woo hunter-nim has run away from home as of three weeks ago." Hae-In stares at him. Woo Jin-Chul shrugs back almost fatalistically. "We believe he should still be around somewhere, preparing for the upcoming war, but it's been a difficult task to locate him. I'm working on it."
 A slew of computers in a side office backs up his words, and after a slight bow to both of them, the man retreats with a mug of coffee and a determined stalk to his stride.
 Well, Hae-In supposes if anyone can find a man-turned-boy-hiding-the-fact-that-he-is-actually-an-immortal-shadow-king, it would be the person once in charge of monitoring  and reining in every dangerous individual in the country while keeping an eye on all the ones outside of it.
 (An hour later, three more S-ranks pile into the room, and Hae-In isn't sure if the awkward deer-in-the-headlights look on her guild leader's face upon catching sight of his tiny thirteen-year-old vice-guildmaster greeting him with a customary salute is more embarrassing or hilarious. Baek Yoon-Ho of course has no qualms laughing at him.)
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laryna6 · 3 years
The AU where instead of rewind Ashborn stays awake, they save the dad, head out to pin the monarch’ forces between the shadow army and the rulers’ forces and earth doesn’t get wrecked -
Jin-Ah has Trauma and Sung Jin-Woo knows his parents would have liked him to be able to get an education instead of... this, so when Jin-Ah goes to university for pre-med Sung Jin-Woo enrolls at that same university for languages/linguistics (basically Jin-Ho goes over and offers them a big check). This way, she knows he’s there on campus/in screaming distance, but they’re in in different areas so overprotective big brother hovering doesn’t bother her.
Ashborn is auditing Jin-Woo’s classes since that seems interesting and they want him occupied with stuff bc the suicidal thoughts re. wanting to ‘sleep forever.’
The problem is: Freshman Composition/the required course that’s there to protect teachers against students who don’t know how to essay.
Jin-Woo has forgotten everything he learned in high school about how to essay. Explanatory writing? Getting his thoughts across? He spent the last several years doing absolutely none of that. It is a plot point that he can’t communicate shit. Also he’s unaware of general social stuff to the point where there is so much accidental sexual innuendo in his first handed-in essay. So much. The poor TA is terrified thinking he’s flirting.
So. Uh. How do you tell the most powerful hunter in the world who everyone knows the experts are sure is a monster lord at this point that he has to take remedial classes?
The obvious person to consult is Woo Jin-Chul, as this is his job, so the essay gets slid across his desk and he’s O.o remembering how people were bitching about Jin-Woo not talking to reporters and not explaining shit and going THANK GOD THAT BOY KNEW WHAT HIS LIMITS WERE because imagine if he HAD talked to people/done interviews, IMAGINE HAVING TO DO DAMAGE CONTROL ON THIS LEVEL OF COMMUNICATION FAIL and all the weird ideas people would have gotten from the miscommunications.
So he’s like yeah... the media would be all over remedial classes... a private teacher is easiest to keep private because Jin-Woo doesn’t deserve people mocking him for the damage he took trying to keep his family alive...
Also Jin-Ho can help! He’s a good communicator/proposal writer etc, he knows rhetoric.
As per the canon epilogue Igris is... trying to help, but he was a career soldier so.
Ashborn’s essay on the other hand gets ‘wtf is this sentence structure?’ but the head of Gate Studies or w/e at the university who is getting consulted because p sure these two are monsters is like ‘this is translated from runic/monster tongue.’ Since Ashborn knows conversational basically-every-language from turning tons of people into shadows in prev timelines, but prose language is different from how you speak conversationally and all his experience writing stuff is from back when he was the Greatest Fragment, so when he’s composing formal writing he thinks in his native language and then translates into Korean.
Which. All human languages follow like, certain instinctive grammar patterns? They’re aliens, theirs is different. So yeah, there’s going to be a lot of stuff where ‘literally no human language does stuff this way only runic.’
But in addition to that, even in translation Ashborn’s writing is obviously a different dialect from what they’ve found in the dungeons because a. dungeon stuff is all from monster culture and b. dungeon stuff is informal graffiti/notes/maybe journals while when asked to do formal writing Ashborn is going to be doing formal legal writing.
Since rulers are concerned with rule of law as per how they were designed, which raises the possibility that the gov’t they were running was constitutional instead of being based on ‘bc we said so.’
Anyway, the scholars are *grabby hands* so despite risk of death asking Ashborn if they can get the untranslated version, which he likely has on him/in a binder bc wrote that out by hand before typing up translated essay.
Monsters are made to destroy and rulers to preserve, and that likely shapes their worldview and therefore how they perceive and describe things, so like... very obvious differences in like, how sequences of events are described, the optimum change being natural growth rather than forcefully imposed.
Also base 9 counting system? Everything they’ve seen has been base 8 - monsters from the eight monarchs. While the ruler side counting system used to be eight rulers and then the creator... but after realizing the creator was a dick they decided to switch to base 8 and no one told Ashborn bc he was dead at the time.
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pain-suffering-even · 3 years
modern AU jobs for the gang
what jobs/positions/etc would they have if the rulers and monarchs were never a thing? well...
(this list is a little long, just a heads up)
Choi Jong-In: arsonist Forensic scientist
Baek Yoon-Ho: I know in canon they mention him being a firefighter? which i kinda see, since he seems like the type to want to help people. but, besides that, I could also see him as a EMT or something along those lines
Min Byung-Gyu: He would 100% be a nurse. He gives me tired and slightly unhinged med student vibes
Cha Hae-In: Personal trainer perhaps? Or a martial arts teacher?
Lim Tae-Gyu: Competitive archer (probably won a few silvers and a gold at the olympics and afterwards he immediately retired)
Woo Jin-Chul: Accountant. or! or a math teacher! but i imagine he'd be too tired to deal with kids, so
Go Gun-Hee: The korean equivalent of a DA. i was gonna say judge but that doesn't seem up his alley, so
Yoo Jin-Ho: I mean... he's rich... that aside, he'd probably start a company with his money, probably for bioengineering research stuff. anything to help people, yeah?
Sung Jin-Woo: Well, he'd still be how he was at chapter 1, so... hm... maybe a librarian or something like that? i'd imagine he likes books a lot
Thomas Andre: Can you imagine this man in the real estate market... selling houses... "oh you're the construction worker?" "nah im sellin this house!" and the buyer would like. visibly pale. because this man would still be built like a brickhouse i can guarantee it
Laura: Architect/interior designer (she probably flips houses with Thomas and he splits the profits with her)
Christopher Reed: Marine biologist + animal/environment activist
Lennart Niermann: Hair stylist
Liu Zhigang: Blacksmith. he'd be so good at creating swords
Goto Ryuiji: Grumpy but diligent manager at an office
Reiji Sugimoto: Aspiring musician/singer
Akari Shimizu: Either an entomologist or a pediatrician, though i feel like the latter is too obvious since she's a healer
Kenzo Tanaka: PE teacher + school counselor
Atsushi Kumamoto: Probably part of a cleaning service
Ippei Izawa: Twitch streamer. he just. gives me those vibes. gaemer
Kei: Psychologist + profiler
Kanae Tawata: Tattoo artist
Minoru Hoshino: Works at the same office as Goto. one of the few to put up with his grumpiness
Mari Ishida: Lawyer. she'd either be loved or hated since she's a stickler for rules and procedures
Tatsumi Fujishima: He'd work as an engineer for NASA perhaps, or maybe try and start his own robotics company. You know those robot dogs? yeah. yup. he'd love that
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shadow-sovereign · 3 years
Spoilers for end of Novel
This fic would be a Jin-Woo/Jin-Chul one-shot, set after the Monarchs have been defeated. No time travel in this one, so everyone still has their magic.
In the novel, after the time travel thing, there weren’t normal gates, but other species would still occasionally show up. Trying to take over, I think. It’s been a while since I read the end of the novel. And Jin-Woo would go out and deal with those invaders in secret.
Well, in this au, I imagine invaders would still show up, drawn to a world that has magic. But now, Jin-Woo doesn’t need to hide what he’s doing and maybe the local Hunters show up and help. Without gates regularly popping up, they’d be looking for stuff to do.
This au isn’t meant to be plot heavy though, that’s just background setting. The main focus is the growing relationship between Jin-Woo and Jin-Chul, who regularly meet and have become friends, both of them developing feelings but not sure when to voice them.
The catalyst for them getting together would be...Jin-Woo growing wings!
Because I love wingfic.
We know Ashborn had wings back when he was a Ruler, but that they burned off after his death. They never regrew, but what if that was a choice of his? That either consciously or subconsciously, he prevented them from regrowing?
But Jin-Woo wouldn’t even know that’s something that could happen and thus, ends up growing wings. What I have in mind is that after a gate shows up, he’d defeat the enemies and then enter the gate to their homeworld. Take the fight to them, make sure no other soldiers of their species will show up again.
While there, he encounters soldiers that can fly and it triggers him to grow his own wings. By the time he comes back to earth, he’ll have learned how to hide them. Not quite cloaking, but kind of out of phase with the physical world? Invisible and intangible.
But when visiting Jin-Chul, the other man notices some kind of shimmer behind Jin-Woo. Kind of like the ripple in the air you sometimes see over the pavement when it’s really hot out. He asks what it is, and Jin-Woo ends up showing him his wings.
And perhaps during the fight, his wings got a bit ruffled, feathers out of place, dirt and blood on them. Since Jin-Woo has only recently grown the wings, he doesn’t know how to take care of them, especially by himself. So, Jin-Chul offers to help him.
Neither of them is expecting how sensitive his wings are. ;)
Jin-Woo’s reaction leads to them confessing to their growing feelings and some sexy time.
[Wait, I almost forgot to mention how I envision his wings!]
[Since Jin-Woo isn’t a Ruler, I don’t think his wings would grow in silver or white, but rather a deep black. He is the Shadow Monarch, after all. And rather than having six pairs of wings, I imagine just the one, larger pair.]
(I do plan to write this one shot at some point, but it might be a while since I’m currently writing two multichaptered fics. x.x)
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 나 혼자만 레벨업 - 추공 | Solo Leveling | Only I Level Up - Chu-Gong, 나 혼자만 레벨업 | Solo Leveling (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cha Hae-In/Sung Jin-Woo, Sung Jin-Woo/(?) Characters: Sung Su-Ho, Sung Jin-Woo, Ashborn (Solo Leveling), Park Kyung-Hye, Sung Jin-Ah, Woo Jin-Chul, Go Gun-Hee, The Rulers (Solo Leveling), Thomas Andre (Solo Leveling), Liu Zhigang, Cha Hae-In, Igris (Solo Leveling), Beru (Solo Leveling), Bellion (Solo Leveling), Tusk (Solo Leveling) Additional Tags: SJW/CHI is canon in LN, not in another dimension, Undecided Relationship(s), Dimension Travel, Time Travel, Fluff and Crack Summary:
[Day 4 : Dimension + Time Travel]
[Warning : spoiler for LN ending]
 Ashborn : All the Shadow Realms across all dimensions were actually connected to each other. But there was a barrier that became the boundary between dimensions, and usually, no Shadow Monarch(s) wanted to break through the barrier without a good reason.
LN!SJW : And yet, here was my son, crossed the barrier just for playing hide and seek with his nannies.
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(m) korean names; mix n match
90+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names!
– common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something– some people just like the sound of them!\
(female version here!)
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae)
北 north, northern
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass
輩 generation, lifetime
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished
百 one hundred
범   (beom/bum)
犯 criminal; to commit a crime
凡 ordinary, common
비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly
卑  humble, low, inferior
肥 fat, plump; fertile
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore
甫 begin, man, father, great
輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings
卜 fortune, prophecy
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
변 (byun/byeon)
變 rebel; change, transform, alter
卞 excitable; impatient
차 (cha)
茶 tea
差 different, wrong
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god
川 stream, river
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money
淺 shallow, superficial
賤 cheap, worthless
철 (cheol/chul)
鐵 iron; strong, solid, firm
哲 wise, sagacious; wise-man, sage
대 (dae)
代 replacement
臺 tower, lookout
貸 to lend, borrow, pardon
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road
島 island
都 elegant refined
徒 disciple, follower
桃 peach; marriage
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
동 (dong)
棟 support beams of a house
東 east
冬 winter; 11th lunar month
洞 cave; grotto
童 virgin; child, boy
銅 brass, copper, bronze
凍 to freeze, congeal
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak
彦 elegant
은 (eun)
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth
恩 kindness, mercy, charity
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great
誾 respectful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering
固 strength; solid, strong
孤 orphan; solitary
故 ancient, old
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer
河 river, stream
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae)
海 sea, ocean
害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love
希 rare; hope, expectations
稀 rare, unusual
姬 beauty
熹 warm bright; glimmer
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage
花 flower, blossoms
和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
嬅 beautiful
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt
玄 deep, profound
호 (ho)
呼 sigh, breath, exhale
好 fine, excellent
戶 family, household
護 to protect, guard, defend, shelter
胡 reckless, foolish; wild
虎 tiger; brave, fierce
豪 brave, heroic, chivalrous
昊 sky, heaven; summertime
皓 bright, luminous; clear
祜 blessing, happiness, prosperity
환 (hwan)
煥 shining, brilliant, lustrous
患 suffer, worry
歡 joy, happiness, pleasure
換 substitute; change, exchange
幻 fantasy, illusion, mirage
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn
人 people, mankind, man, population
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness
認 to recognize, know, understand
寅 respect, reverence
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe
財 wealth, riches
宰 to slaughter; to rule
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
장 (jang)
長 leader; to excel in
奬 prize, reward
腸 emotions; sausage, intestines
障 shield, barricade; separate
丈 gentleman, husband
墻 wall
樟 camphor tree
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed
資 property; wealth
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent
紫 purple, violet; amethyst
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil
紙 paper
志 determination, will
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor
宙 time as a concept
洲 island
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
준 (joon)
駿 noble steed;
俊 handsome; talented, capable
遵 honor; obedience
峻 stern; high, steep, towering
濬 deep, profound
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment
程 journey, trip
精 essence, spirit
征 invade, attack, conquer
靜 gentle, quiet, still
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled
貞 loyal; virtuous pure
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant
汀 beach, bank, shore
禎 good omen, lucky
종 (jong)
終 ending, finale
宗 lineage, ancestry; ancestor
鍾 glass, goblet, cup
鐘 clock; bell
縱 to indulge in
강 (kang)
疆 boundary, border, frontier
强 strong, powerful, energetic
康 peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
剛 hard, tough, rigid, strong
鋼 steel; hard, strong, tough
姜 ginger
기 (ki/gi)
麒 legendary auspicious animal
汽 steam, vapor, gas
器 receptacle, vessel; instrument
奇 strange, unusual, uncanny
機 machine; moment, chance
起 to rise, stand up; to begin
棄 to reject, abandon, or discard
忌 jealousy, envy; fear
欺 to cheat, deceive, or double-cross
祈 to pray; entreat, beseech
飢 hunger, starvation, famine
冀 to hope for; wish
岐 majestic
璣 a pearl that's not quite perfect
琪 a type of jade
琦 gem, precious stone, jade
氣 spirit; air, steam, vapor
記to remember, record
基 strong foundation, or base
技 skill, ability, talent
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle
警 guard, watch
鏡 mirror, glass
卿 noble
炅 brilliance
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve
憫 pity, sympathy
敏 clever, smart
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck
明 light, bright, brilliant
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five
午 noon
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
汚 filthy, dirty, impure
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
사 (sa)
四 four
使 messenger
死 die; death; dead
士 scholar
思 think, consider, ponder
師 teacher, master
私 secret, private, personal
絲 silk, fine thread
:沙 sand, pebbles
蛇 snake
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign
邪 wrong, evil, vicious
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest
賞 reward, prize
傷 wound, injury
常 common, normal, frequent
象 ivory; elephant
喪 mourn
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen
裳 beautiful
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm
恕 forgiveness; mercy
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
석 (seok)
夕 evening, night, dusk
石 stone, rock, mineral
惜 pity, regret, rue
昔 ancient
奭 red; anger
碩 great, eminent; large
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade
仙 transcendent, immortal
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind
鮮 fresh, new; rare
璿 fine jade
璇 star; beautiful jade
성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor
城 castle; city, town
誠 sincere, honest; true, real
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred
盛 abundant, flourishing
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory
承 succeed
乘 rise, ascend
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning
信 trust, believe
新 new, fresh, modern
神 spirit; god, supernatural being
晨 early morning, daybreak
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise
時 time season; age, period, era
施 grant, bestow, give
詩 poetry
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away
笑 smile, laugh
素 white silk
昭 bright, luminous
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree
守 defend, protect, guard
收 gather collect; harvest
秀 refined, elegant, graceful
壽 old age, long life
殊 different, special, unusual
태 (tae)
颱 typhoon
太 very, too much; big; extreme
態 manner, attitude
殆 dangerous, perilous
怠 idle, negligent
泰 great, exalted, superior
兌 cash, money; to exchange, barter
胎 fetus, embryo, unborn child
특 (teuk)
特 special, unique, distinguished
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status
偉 great, robust, extraordinary
危 dangerous
威 power; powerful; dominate
慰 calm, comfort, console
衛 guard, protect, defend
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring
園 garden, park, orchard
原 beginning, source, origin
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
苑 park, garden
瑗 a ring of fine jade
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull
雨 rain; rainy
優 superior; excellent
宇 house, building, structure
愚 stupid, foolish
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy
羽 feather, plume; wings
佑 to help, bless, protect
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety
旭 brilliance, radiant
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight
煜 bright, shining, brilliant
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune
雲 clouds
云 clouds
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark
野 open country, wilderness, field
惹 irritate, offend
열 (yeol/yul)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide
映 to reflect light
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak
影 shadow, reflection; photograph
泳 to dive, swim
詠 sing, hum, chant
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver
靈 spirit, soul
瑛 crystal, gem
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice
利 gains, profit
李 plum
易 change
異 different, unusual, strange
梨 pear; opera
泥 earth, mud, clay
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
용 (yong)
龍 dragon; symbolic of emperors
勇 brave courageous fierce
容 looks appearance; figure, form
庸 common, ordinary, mediocre
傭 servant; to hire, employ, charter
溶 overflowing with; to melt, dissolve
熔 to melt, fuse, mold
瑢 gem ornaments, usually used for belts
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure
遊 wander, roam, travel
柔 soft, gentle
維 maintain, preserve
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh
尹 govern, oversee, direct
胤 heir, successor
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kdramacollections · 6 years
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I’ve always liked history, so when I caught whiff of this movie, I didn’t hesitate to watch. I have to say that I absolutely enjoyed every bit of Warriors of the Dawn, everything stood out in this film. I was able to somehow connect to each character as I followed the story, and each actor/actress performed exceptionally well. 
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Before I get to what’s happening in the above photo, Warriors of the Dawn focuses on a group of proxy soldiers, these are individuals who are paid to take the place of another in the army. Warriors of the Dawn is set during the Seven Years War which began in 1592 and ended in 1598 (this isn’t a typo). During these volatile years, lower class men would take the names of aristocrats and nobles, hence the name proxy soldiers. 
The opening scenes, introduces us to a group of men in battle, we later learn that these individuals have offered their services and so they ended up fighting in a war. There is much talk of returning to their families, however this does not happen due to the sudden invasion of the Japanese army. Things begin to get a little bit complicated as King Seonjo, pictured above, flees the capital and leaves his son Prince Gwanghae in charge of the royal court. 
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Now that King Seonjo has deserted the capital, the country seems to be falling into ruins, and to make matters worse, the Japanese are quickly advancing. The proxy soldiers are then tasked with getting the Prince and what’s left of the royal court to an army base, on the other side of the country. This is a mission which seems to have failure stamped all over it, however in order for these men to get paid, they have to do what they’re told. 
The journey to the army base is not an easy one; the proxy soldiers are getting even more restless as the court officials aren’t that kind to them, the royal court seems to growing in numbers with the new refugees, and Prince Gwanghae is finding it hard to believe that he is now the Crown Prince and de facto ruler of Joseon. 
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During their trek through the mountains, the Crown Prince often questions his existence, he wonders if his position is secure as he’s the son of a concubine. The many worries which this young royal has, is often heard by the leader of the proxy soldiers, To-Woo. The two later realize how similar they are, and such similarities allow them to work well together. 
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With the Japanese hot on their tails, the Crown Prince and his proxy soldiers have decided to fight with everything they’ve got. This very decision doesn’t seem to be a sensible one, as they’re outnumbered, and even outgunned. These scenes were really well done, you’ll see the desperation, and even the will to live in everyone’s eyes. 
You’ll find yourself getting into the small battle as you cheer for the underdogs, and hope that they all make it out alive. 
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Yeo Jin Goo plays the character of Prince Gwanghae, the son of a concubine, and later de facto ruler of a war-stricken country. Yeo Jin Goo was able to portray his character’s desperation, sadness and depression really well in this film. You can find Yeo Jin Goo in Reunited Worlds, and keep an eye out for his upcoming drama Absolute Boyfriend. 
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Lee Jung Jae plays the character of To-Woo, the leader of the proxy soldiers, and a man who’s willing to fight for the weak. Lee Jung Jae is a seasoned actor with many projects under his belt, so he was able to perform exceptionally well in this film. You can find Lee Jung Hae in the movie Operation Chromite, and Along With the Gods: Two Worlds. 
Warriors of the Dawn was directed by Jeong Yoon Chul who also worked on Skeletons in the Closet and A Man who was Superman. The script for this film, was co-written by Shin Do Young, along with director Jeong Yoon Chul. 
If you’re interested in Prince Gwanghae’s story, then here are some dramas/movies you can check out:
The King’s Woman - starring Ji Sung 
Masquerade - starring Lee Byun Hun
Goddess of Fire: Jeonji - starring Lee Sang Yoon as the young Prince
The King’s Face - starring Seo In Guk
Plot: 5/5
Acting: 5/5
Cinematography: 5/5
Total: 15/15
(Credits to the owners of the pictures, I took them from slist.kr, pinterest, goldposter, mymbuzz, cineplex, hancinema, and themoviebd)
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hanakihan · 1 year
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I did say I’ll sketch jinchul in Empyrea’s aesthetic so here we are (albeit no tablet at hand so awful sketch on phone it is)
my hand hurts but just you know Empyrea has beautiful back window
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truyenvn · 4 years
Truyện Tôi Thăng Cấp Một Mình: Top 9 Ma Thú “Đông Fan” Nhất
Truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình có lẽ là một trong số ít các tác phẩm có thể biến phe phản diện thành phe chính diện, đầy kịch tính, đầy máu và nước mắt cùng vô vàn pha hành động chất lừ! 
Bài viết dưới đây sẽ cho bạn đọc cái nhìn tổng quát nhất về các Ma thú được cho là mạnh mẽ và thú vị nhất tính đến thời điểm hiện tại của webtoon.
Ant King
Vua Kiến là một Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ, là nhân vật phản diện chính ở arc Jeju, nó có thể dễ dàng giết chết các thợ săn hạng S như một trò đùa, một số người đã ngã xuống khi đối đầu với Vua Kiến là Goto Ryuji, đánh văng thợ săn Cha Hae In. 
Vua Kiến được sinh ra từ quả trứng của Nữ hoàng Kiến – Ant Queen ở đảo Jeju. Đây là một trong số ít các Ma thú có thể giao tiếp với con người.
Vua Kiến là một trong số ít những “đứa con” mà Nữ hoàng Kiến đã dành nhiều ma pháp nhất để có thể trở thành một Boss mạnh mẽ nhất. Đáp lại “thành ý” này, Vua Kiến đã giết không ít thợ săn của Hàn Quốc và Nhật Bản – thứ hạng đa phần là cấp S. 
Sau khi Vua Kiến bị Sung Jin Woo – nam chính của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – giết chết và được kết xuất bóng, đã trở thành một trong những binh lính thiện chiến nhất trong đội quân bóng của Jin Woo thì được “đặt tên” là Beru (fan Việt quen gọi là Ber). Beru là một trong những chiến binh Bóng đầu tiên đạt cấp bậc Chỉ huy Commander – nhờ vào khả năng giao tiếp.
Hồi còn sống, cũng như khi đã chết và trở thành một trong số các chiến binh Bóng của Jin Woo, Beru sở hữu nhiều năng lực mạnh mẽ vô cùng: khả năng hấp thụ năng lực, kỹ năng và sức mạnh của người bị nó ăn; khả năng bay lượn; khả năng biến đổi kích thước cơ thể tùy ý; khả năng triệu hồi các sinh vật khác nhờ quyền năng của nhà Vua…
Một trong những khả năng “khá phiền” của Vua Kiến là khả năng tự chữa lành luôn phát huy tác dụng nhanh chóng, khả năng này Beru có được là nhờ vào việc ăn một phần cơ thể của Min Byung Gyu. Cũng nhờ việc ăn Min Byung Gyu mà Beru có thể giao tiếp bằng tiếng người (tiếng Hàn, nhưng chưa thông thạo lắm), sau đó nó còn ăn thêm Goto Ruiji (thợ săn cấp S của Nhật Bản) và từ đó có được khả năng giao tiếp tuyệt vời bằng tiếng Nhật.
Trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Avaricious Vulcan được biết đến là một Ma thú cực kỳ mạnh mẽ, canh chừng các tầng sâu của Lâu đài Quỷ, cụ thể thì Avaricious Vulcan tọa lạc ở tầng thứ 50.
Ở Lâu đài Quỷ, Avaricious Vulcan là một trong những Ma thú đầu tiên có thể đem đến kha khá rắc rối cho Sung Jin Woo nhờ vào tốc độ và sức mạnh cực kỳ dũng mãnh, Avaricious Vulcan cũng đã giết được các chiến binh Bóng của Jin Woo.
Rất tiếc là khi Avaricious Vulcan chết, Jin Woo đã không thể kết xuất bóng của gã này vì linh hồn của hắn đã bị nhiễm bẩn.
Cùng với Vua Kiến, thì Baruka cũng là một trong số ít các Ma thú có khả năng giao tiếp với con người. Baruka là thủ lĩnh của một đội các Yêu tinh băng – là một đám goblin bát nháo lấy việc giết các thợ săn làm tiêu khiển. 
Baruka không chỉ là một Ma thứ có khả năng giao tiếp, mà nó còn vô cùng thông minh khi có thể khéo léo sử dụng kỹ năng tàng hình để đi theo Kim Chul như một người dẫn đường, trực tiếp trở thành người dẫn dắt để các Yêu tinh Băng có thể tiếp cận và tiêu diệt các Thợ săn.
Thông qua một cuộc giao tiếp cưới Jin Woo, Baruka đã tiết lộ rằng trong đầu hắn luôn có một giọng nói vang vọng, thôi thúc hắn đi giết hết tất cả con người, thế nhưng giọng nói đó lại không thể gáy nổi khi gặp Sung Jin Woo. 
Thứ hạng của Baruka khá mơ hồ nhưng thông qua việc hắn có thể đấu với Jin Woo trong thời gian dài kha khá, đối đầu với Iron và Igris thì có thể Baruka thuộc tầm cao nhất của rank A cho đến rank S, tuy nhiên điều này chỉ là suy đoán của rất nhiều fan đọc truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình. 
Sung Jin Woo cũng thừa nhận rằng Baruka khá mạnh và có thể là một “leader” hoàn hảo khi đối đầu với một đám toàn những kẻ rác rưởi, và dù đã cố gắng nhiều lần nhưng Jin Woo đã không thể kết xuất bóng của Baruka và biến hắn thành một trong số các chiến binh Bóng của mình.
Blood-Red Commander Igris
Chỉ huy Blood-Red Igris là một trong các số ít các Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, khi Jin Woo xuất hiện trong một hầm ngục nơi anh phải hoàn thành nhiệm vụ Job Change Quest thì Igris đã ở sẵn đó, trông chừng một ngai vàng trống.
Trước kia Igris từng là Ma thú phục tùng mệnh lệnh của Ashborn, mãi cho đến khi Ashborn thực hiện việc khảo hạch sự tương thích trong cơ thể của Jin Woo để truyền lại sức mạnh của ông. Để làm được điều đó thì AShborn đã phải lấy đi khá nhiều năng lượng của Igris, đồng thời để cho Igris trở thành người test Jin Woo. 
Và đó cũng là một trong những mệnh lệnh cuối cùng mà Ashborn giao cho Igris, lúc này ông cũng đã từ bỏ chiến tranh và quyết định sẽ tha thứ cho các Ruler (vì đã kết bè phái giết chết Đáng Sáng Thế), hứng thú với chiến tranh trong ông cũng nguội lạnh. 
Vì từng là một con người, một chiến binh trước khi trở thành một Ma thú phục tùng dưới trướng của Ashborn, Igris dù không nói ra nhưng lại chất chứa nhiều cảm xúc trong lòng. Đầu tiên là anh không biết mình nên vui hay buồn với quyết định của Ashborn, ngoài việc chấp hành mệnh lệnh vô điều kiện, anh đã không thể làm gì hơn. 
Khi đối đầu với Jin Woo, Igris đã rất ngạc nhiên với tinh thần quyết chiến đến cùng của Jin Woo, đồng thời, chính đôi mắt sắc lạnh đầy cương quyết của Jin Woo đã thoáng làm anh ngỡ ngàng và hoàn toàn mất tập trung và sau đó là bại trận. 
Esil Radiru
Esil Radiru là con gái của tù trưởng Radiru và là một Ác ma quý tộc được tìm thấy tại Hầm ngục thuộc Lâu đài của quỷ cấp S. Esil gặp Sung Jin-Woo lần đầu tiên tại tầng 79 của Lâu đài Quỷ, khi đội của cô cố gắng loại bỏ đội quân Bóng tối của anh ta, nhưng do sức mạnh của Jin-Woo, toàn bộ đội của cô đã dễ dàng bị giết. Chết nhanh nhất trong số trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình! 
Cô cũng suýt bị Jin-Woo giết, nhưng vì anh thích tính cách của cô và cô cũng đã cung cấp nhiều thông tin hữu ích nên anh đã tha mạng cho cô. Esil Radiru có tính cách cởi mở và trung thực, do cô ấy dễ dàng tin tưởng những lời của Jin-Woo. 
Mặc dù sống trong Ma giới, Esil Radiru có một tính cách rất điển hình của một cô gái. Điều này được thể hiện khi cô ấy dễ dàng đỏ mặt khi Jin-Woo nói rằng anh ấy sẽ “mượn” cô ấy và một lần khác là  khi cô hỏi tại sao Jin Woo quyết tha thứ cho gia tộc của cô. Anh main rất tỉnh và đẹp trai của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – Sung Jin-Woo đã trả lời: Vì tôi thấy cô đáng yêu!
High Orcs
Ở truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, High Orc lần đầu tiên xuất hiện trong ngục tối của Cổng Hiệp hội Thợ săn, nơi Sung Jin-Woo đi cùng với đội B của Hiệp hội Thợ săn với tư cách là một Porter.
High Orc là những Ma thú hình người mạnh mẽ được tìm thấy trong các Hầm ngục Hạng A. Các Orc thường cao và to hơn người bình thường, có mắt đỏ, da đỏ, cũng như hình xăm khắp cơ thể. Lãnh đạo của họ (và là Trùm của Ngục tối Hạng A) là một Pháp sư cấp cao, Kargalgan.
Không giống như hầu hết các quái vật ở nhiều hầm ngục khác, những con ma thú này có trí thông minh. Thể hiện trong cuộc chiến giữa Đội B của Guild High Orc và các Hunter, High Orc đã phớt lờ những người chặn ở tiền tuyết và đi thẳng vào tuyến sau. 
Nhiều chi tiết cho thấy rằng nếu đối đầu trực diện với các Thợ săn hạng A thôi thì phía thợ săn chưa chắc có thể nắm phần thắng, trừ khi Sung Jin Woo xuất hiện. Chuyện đời không như các bạn Orc mong muốn, Jin Woo đã ở đó, về sau cả đám đã trở thành một phần trong đội quân Bóng của nam chính truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình.
Ice Bear
Nếu bạn đọc truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình và cảm thấy yêu thích chiếc Bóng Tank to bự thì đây là “quá khứ” huy hoàng của anh chàng. Ice Bears là Ma thú thứ hai mà Sung Jin-Woo và nhóm quái vật của anh gặp phải bên trong Hầm ngục Cổng Đỏ.
Ice Bear tấn công theo bầy đàn và được nhìn thấy nhiều nhất trong rừng, và đặc biệt là trong các hang động. Trước khi Jin-Woo đến và chinh phục hầm ngục này thì số lượng của quân đoàn Ice Bear cũng khá hùng hậu.
Thủ lĩnh của bầy Ice Bear là một con Gấu trắng lớn với vết sẹo trên mắt trái và 2 vết sẹo lớn xuất phát từ vai và dài xuống ngực, tạo thành một chữ ‘X’. Sau khi chiến đấu hết sức cuồng nhiệt cùng với Igris thì nó đã bị giết bởi Igris và bị Jin-Woo đã kết xuất bóng, kể từ đó Ice Bear có tên là Tank – chính thức trở thành một chiếc “xe tăng” trong đội quân bóng của Sung Jin Woo.
Trong khi Tank được “đưa” vào đội nhờ công lao của Igris thì Kaisellin đã gia nhập quân đoàn Bóng của Sung Jin Woo nhờ công của Iron. 
Trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Kaisellin khi còn sống là một con rồng bay, vật cưỡi của Quỷ Vương tại Lâu đài quỷ. Trong lúc Jin Woo đang chiến đấu cùng Quỷ vương thì Iron đã nhanh chóng xử xong con vật cưỡi này. Sau cùng Jin Woo đã kết xuất bóng của nó và đặt lại tên là Kaisel, một chiến binh Bóng cấp bậc Hiệp sĩ hạng A.
Kamish – “ngôi sao mới nổi” của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – là một Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ xuất hiện sau khi Vụ vỡ ngục xảy ra trong một cánh Cổng hạng S đầu tiên xuất hiện ở Hoa Kỳ, nó đã phá hủy một phần phía tây của Hoa Kỳ và giết hàng trăm Thợ săn Tinh nhuệ của nước này. Kamish được coi là tai họa tồi tệ nhất của Nhân loại.
Kamish đã từng là một trong những người lính của Dragon Monarch, như anh ấy đã thú nhận khi Jin-Woo kết xuất Bóng của mình. Thông qua cuộc trò chuyện ngắn giữa anh ấy và Jin-Woo, Kamish cho hay rằng mình thấy biết ơn vì đã phục vụ Shadow Monarch, đồng thời bày tỏ sự buồn bã khi phải ra đi.
Khác với các Ma thú khác của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Kamish mang một lòng căm thù mãnh liệt đối với Con người, đặc biệt là khi anh ta bị Jin-Woo coi là một chiếc Bóng, thể hiện qua việc anh ta cố gắng sử dụng một đòn tấn công cực hiểm lên đám thợ săn. Lòng căm thù đó càng tăng lên khi Kamish nhớ đến nỗi đau mà các Thợ săn đã gây ra cho anh trước khi chết. 
Tuy nhiên, hiện tại vẫn chưa rõ liệu sự căm ghét của Kamish dành cho Con người là do Lõi ma thuật được cấy vào người bởi những Ruler hay chỉ do bản thân anh ấy.
Được gọi là tai họa tồi tệ nhất của nhân loại, Kamish chắc chắn là một Ma thú cực kỳ mạnh với nhiều khả năng đáng kinh ngạc, thế nhưng trên tất cả, việc Kamish sở hữu một trí thông minh tuyệt vời không thua kém gì con người mới đáng nhắc đến nhất. 
Thể hiện ở việc Kamish đã tiết lộ với Jin Woo rằng trên thế giới có nhiều người được thừa hưởng sức mạnh của các Ruler, muốn Jin Woo đề phòng, chứng tỏ trí nhớ và khả năng phân tích vấn đề này hoàn toàn khác xa đám Ma thú bình thường.
Trên đây là một số ma thú đã xuất hiện trong webtoon hành động ly kỳ hấp dẫn này, hành trình chinh phục các ma thú của Sung Jin Woo càng kéo dài, độc giả của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình càng có nhiều cơ hội thưởng thức nhiều trận đấu kịch tính giữa main và các ma thú ngày một mạnh mẽ hơn.
source https://truyenvn.com/tin/truyen-toi-thang-cap-mot-minh-top-9-ma-thu.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=truyen-toi-thang-cap-mot-minh-top-9-ma-thu
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hanakihan · 1 year
I’ve been having a fever, so have a bit of jinchul meeting AB and becoming their successor
a small warning tho, there’s not really graphic description of gore and abstract decaying descriptions as well as AB being cryptic and Jin-Chul having near hysteria
Everything smelled of rot here.
Jin-Chul remembered hot searing pain, the cracking of his own bones and muscles tearing like an old cloth that wasn’t needed anymore. Before losing consciousness to darkness from shock of pain, he saw his own limbs twisting in ways they clearly shouldn’t be for a human.
To think he was killed like an unwanted doll some child got bored of and decided to see how long it will take before it falls apart. Well, he did expect death as one of endings to his extremely stupid decision of coming to double dungeon Hunter Sung fell a victim to because of course it’s his job to jump after S ranks when they do something. He doesn’t regret his own death, now that he thinks about it (he’s able to think?), but dragging others with him leaves him with a strong taste of bitterness on his tongue (his own blood?).
What he didn’t expect is to still be able to open his eyes after them supposedly falling out of his sockets from pressure. And he does wish his sockets were empty still because light that meets his is painfully white, even burning in its brightness. He instinctively closes them and frowns, bringing up his shaking hands to his face only to feel his cold fingers and lack of equipment. As he moved, he heard a really loud scrapping noise and crashing of metal pieces in absolute silence around him, feeling how some weight disappeared off him.
Jin-Chul took a long minute to stay with his eyes closed, trying to listen to what happens around him and wondering why he’s still alive.
Then again, is he truly alive or is it some agony hallucination he’s having as his mind went into shock from pain?
He really doesn’t want to think about it too much, not in his last minutes before he completely succumbs to agony and finally dies. Maybe he should think about something nice, but then again when something nice happened in his life?
Still facing down, he slowly lowered his hands, and opened his eyes. First thing he notices is a cold white marble floor he’s been sitting on this whole time, so stark white under his dirty bloody suit pants. He’s barefoot for some reason and it’s freezing, he can’t see his toes but he feels dried crust on them. Trying to move only made crust crumble a little and intensify bloody smell that mixes with already strong rotting scent.
(Was he rotting or is there something else that’s been rotting?)
Then he looks at his shaking hands, so pale and almost bloodless, cold to touch and so artificial to his own body. At first he didn’t even notice white ruined shirt he’s wearing but then same dark red crust (was it his own blood?) on torn sleeves made it look like his own hands were torn off and attached as an afterthought.
(He starts to feel like an old reattached doll more and more and he doesn’t like it.)
His hair is a mess from what he feels, but at least this messy curtain hides him from blinding light and need to face his surroundings right away, and he’s grateful for that. There’s also a dull pain in his forehead and he frowns once again, but this time he also feels crust crumble here too, and then warm blood leaks down his brow and in his eye, so he wipes it off with his hand. It’s disgusting and definitely not how he usually would’ve done it, but right now he doesn’t really care. He’s dying anyway so at least he’ll die in small comfort he can find.
(Curse this damned statue and it’s ridiculously giant stone book—)
There’s still that strong smell of rot around him but he’s not really bothered by it. It doesn’t make him gag and want to cover his nose. It’s sickeningly sweet and foul, with hint of wetness and dust to it. He awkwardly wonders if it’s actually his own scent.
「To think that a mere human can find their way into my grave.」
Jin-Chul twitches and goes completely still, holding his breath and staring down at his own hands. In silence a myriad of voices, male and female, elderly and childish, worldly and outwordly was an explosive cacophony that left his ears ringing. It was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, so close yet so far, embracing him fully but also staying away. He knew that something was addressing him, but he was too stunned to even react as echo of words danced around further and further into nothingness. He must’ve stayed silent for too long for the voice (voices?) to speak up again.
「You shall not fear, human. Rise your head up and face your God properly.」
Jin-Chul really wanted to go hysterical right now, because at the end of the day facing a God (is it truly a God, though?) in his dying moment absolutely wasn’t on his list. He really would’ve preferred to stay like that, facing down and just waiting for eternal nothingness, but something commanding in this voice (voices?) and looming shadow over him made him slowly rise his head.
He almost screamed seeing a gigantic white figure looming over him.
A man (woman? something?) with long, snow white hair that fell around them in a silky pool, almost merging with marble in color. Jinchul was partly glad that it blocked most of searing light from above and hid him from whatever was happening outside. Some of loose locks fell on Jin-Chul too, like a small waterfall, on his shoulders, arms and legs, as if he’s a stray butterfly that got caught in a spider web. A figure had empty glowing eyes, and staring back in them Jin-Chul saw sea of stars, so bright and vibrant in their long lived glory, yet so dangerous and distant.
Both kept staring at each other, none making a move or speaking up for a long time. That’s exactly when Jin-Chul noticed that his heart isn’t even beating and that all this time he wasn’t breathing. Realization didn’t terrify him as much as he would’ve expected.
Rotting scent intensified with this figure looming over him, and Jin-Chul, unable to hold eye contact any longer, lowered his eyes. This time he noticed that this being had several wounds in their chest, all empty see-through holes with golden crust around them. There’s white nothingness instead of meat or muscles, but marble ribs are visible, covered in golden cracked roots with blooming glowing flowers on them.
Looking down even more Jin-Chul absentmindedly notes that he can see their marble spine laying on floor further back with what was left of their flesh and robes. That would explain the rotting scent mixed with flowery sweetness.
‘So… the God can also die?..’
And then Jin-Chul snapped his head back up, staring in same unchanging eyes in fear. Can a God read minds? Did he offend them? Devoid of any emotion face didn’t tell him anything, instead proceeding to stare back.
「Humans truly are fearless creatures. To think you’ll dare to openly stare at my body and have such thoughts, yet We feel no offense in that. No wonder He decided to chose a human as His successor.」
Words traveled further into nothingness without leaving a God’s closed mouth. Jin-Chul kept sitting here unmoving, feeling how something cold and liquid touched his hand. His gaze unwillingly lowered, surprised to see a pool of liquid gold slowly accumulating around him and this being, flowing from holes he previously saw. It’s cold, yet at the same time it eases a subtle pain in places where it touches. Jin-Chul states in wonder and uneasiness as gold on his hand erases old ugly scars and eases pains in knuckles.
「We and you are dying, human. Tell Us, do you wish to perish with Us into nothingness or continue your existence?」
So he’s truly dying.
Jin-Chul wonders if it would be easy to just perish. To forget all this pain, and agony and just rest?
But then he’ll leave others alone. To die. To die painfully just because of his awful decisions. He’s afraid of death, he’s afraid of what comes after it. He remembers how Hunter Sung described death to him, out of nowhere when they were drinking tea.
Oh and tea and all small comforts that make life enjoyable and good. He remembers all warm greetings and sweet goodbyes, he remembers all those connections he formed in his life, bad and good, wrapped around him just like silky waterfalls he’s tangled in now. It hurts in all best ways, the memory and feels of what it means to live and be a human, and intensity of it is enough to make his heart beat one more time and for him to take a shaky wet breath to give a proper answer.
He stares back into golden universe, with certainty and no fear, eyes wet with unshed tears and lips quivering in crooked smile.
All it takes is a mere second of nothingness before figure above him hums in some sort of satisfaction and allows themselves to smile. And then skin on this beautiful face starts to rot in ugly charred black, as if being burned like a piece of paper, leaving behind marble bones and gold. Body falling apart as if a stone statue being broken to pieces, hair burning into decaying flower petals and gold flowing in waterfalls, drowning Jin-Chul in it. There’s no more bitterness and rot on his tongue, as flowers bloom in his mouth, filling it with sickening sweetness and making him drunk.
Jin-Chul remembered pleasing coldness, the cracking of his own bones and muscles sewn together by golden roots. Before losing consciousness to embrace of gold sea from relief, he saw a God giving their last gift before being reborn.
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hanakihan · 1 year
I woke up with thought of Ruler!Jin-Chul—
Him and Sung Jin-Woo being star crossed lovers across lives—
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slvault · 3 years
Post-Time Travel Recovered Memories AU [Pt.3]
Jin-Chul doesn't need the week. The first night he goes to bed after popping a painkiller for a stubborn headache that won't go away, he dreams of an alternate future that will hopefully never happen again, and he wakes up with all his memories intact, plus a little extra. 
It's still a lot, and he takes the whole of next day assimilating, trying to get used to being twenty-two and back at KNPU again. He never did finish his last semester here before Awakening as a Hunter, and it doesn't look like he's going to finish it this time around either.
 He's torn between tracking down Go Gun-Hee and tracking down Sung Jin-Woo. He doesn't know if the former remembers, and he doesn't know if the latter will appreciate Jin-Chul barging in on his business.
 But… it's not just his business anymore, is it? The Rulers have ensured that much, and yes, Sung Jin-Woo gets the final say, and even if he agrees to Awaken - Reawaken? - Jin-Chul, he'll still only be an A-rank and not of much use on the frontlines. But he thinks he owes it to Sung Jin-Woo to offer what little services he can, and the first step to that is figuring out who else remembers and what Sung Jin-Woo is planning to do.
 He spends the next six hours on his laptop, hacking into different cameras and pinning down his former boss' daily routine. Go Industries is a multinational company but its CEO works at the main branch in Seoul most of the time. Jin-Chul knows what he's looking for so it isn't hard to find Go Gun-Hee, even if he is surrounded by bodyguards. The man goes about his business as usual, and it doesn't seem like he remembers. Jin-Chul isn't sure what to do about that so he switches tracks and taps into the traffic cam across from Sung Jin-Woo's apartment building instead.
 It doesn't consciously occur to him that Sung Jin-Woo would be a teenager again until he spots a little girl no older than seven - should be six at this point, Jin-Chul calculates - return home with her mother. He would be fourteen right now. That… will take some getting used to.
 Jin-Chul never actually sees him though. He sees the mother, the sister, even the father, and it takes him a while to realize how… grave their expressions are. He waits until dinnertime comes and goes and the lights in the apartment switch off for the night, and there is the possibility that Sung Jin-Woo simply never left his apartment today, but Jin-Chul checks his calendar, and yes, it's a school day, so unless he's somehow sick…
 It's nearing midnight when he hacks into the police database and pulls a missing persons case for Sung Jin-Woo, fourteen years old, labelled a runaway as of two weeks ago. Included is a copy of a note apparently left on the Sung family's dining table, telling them he had something to do, assuring them he would return in time, and asking them not to worry.
 Jin-Chul leans back and double-checks his mental timeline. There's nobody in the world who can remember the other future and not remember the date the first Gates appeared - July 15th, approximately two months from now. Without the Rulers' interference, that date will probably pass without the previous life-altering upheaval, but it won't be gone entirely until the Monarchs are no longer a threat. It would buy Earth the illusion of safety for months, maybe even a few years, but if they aren't stopped, then sooner or later, the Monarchs themselves will open Gates for their monsters, for their armies, and humanity will once again be just as woefully defenseless as they were the first seven times Earth had been turned into a battleground for the two higher species without a drop of mana to even put up a fight. They literally won't even know what hit them.
 So did Sung Jin-Woo leave early to confront the Monarchs? Is he already fighting right now? But the Cup of Reincarnation turns back time ten years. By his calculations, Sung Jin-Woo should've returned just a little over three weeks ago. Surely that's not enough time to gather what he needs.
 Then again, he is the Shadow Monarch. Does he need food? He's still alive so he must need some kind of sustenance. And even if he doesn't, clothes and other essentials should probably be something to consider, right? Even godly beings can't go without everything, and as far as Jin-Chul could see, the time travel option had been a last-minute do-or-die decision that he'd insisted the Rulers give to him. It wasn’t as if he would've had any time to make provisions before coming back, he'd literally been on the brink of death at the time, and Sung Jin-Woo has never struck Jin-Chul as someone who didn't at least try to prepare for every eventuality. It doesn't seem like him to go straight from returning to the past to diving headfirst into a war, especially when he has the time to do otherwise.
 So, maybe he's still around. Maybe he'd left this early so he wouldn't have to sneak around his family, but he's still somewhere on Earth… readying himself and his shadow army to wage a one-man war against the forces looking to wipe out all of humanity.
 Jin-Chul heaves a sigh. With that teleportation ability of his, he could be anywhere. But… Jin-Chul won't say he knows Sung Jin-Woo well, but he knows him well enough to be certain of the fact that there's nothing more important to him than his family. If he's still here, he'll be close enough to check up on them, and even if he does that via teleportation, he - or some very abnormal shadow movements - still has to show up every now and then. Jin-Chul just has to keep an eye on… everything.
 How fortunate that that was basically half his job description in his previous future.
 He doesn't have nearly as many resources at his disposal as he'd become accustomed to though, and even the tech isn't as advanced. Go Gun-Hee’s backing would be highly appreciated right about now.
 Jin-Chul gives himself a stern shake and gets back to work. No use whining about what he doesn't have. He'll just have to make do with what he does have, and hopefully that will be enough. Who knows - maybe the Chairman will remember eventually. Maybe other Hunters will too. Jin-Chul just has to watch out for that as well.
 In the meantime, finding Sung Jin-Woo is his top priority. Regaining lost memories doesn't change anything if all they can do in the end is sit on the sidelines and wait to be saved.
 (That was their whole problem in the last go-around, wasn't it? All they could do was hope and pray and leave the burden of saving the world to Sung Jin-Woo, as if it was something owed to them, as if that man hadn't already gone above and beyond time and time again. They'd left it all to him, too weak to do anything themselves, and all the thanks he'd ever gotten for it had been a wasteland of a battlefield bathed in his own blood and a deal negotiated with a bunch of angel-lookalikes that had thought nothing of letting him fight alone all over again to save a world that wouldn't even know to care.
 Jin-Chul doesn't know what he can do, how he can help, how he can make a difference. But at the very least, he has to make sure Sung Jin-Woo knows - anything Jin-Chul can do to alleviate some of that burden, anything at all, he would do it gladly. And this time, he isn't taking no for an answer.)
 (One very caffeinated and mostly sleepless week later, Jin-Chul has tracked down every single once-future S-rank Hunter in South Korea, and Go Gun-Hee finally calls his cell and tells him he'll send a car by to pick him up. They have a lot to discuss.)
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laryna6 · 3 years
Solo Leveling Vampire AU
It doesn’t even take a significant canon divergence, just, “As we all know, the Architect is an asshole.”
Baek Yoon-Ho’s awakening being tiger-themed must have been designed that way, since the awakenings are all artificial powersets created by the Rulers.
The Architect had to observe enough re. humans to know the language, and vampires are a big pop culture thing. ‘Oh hey undead are new on our world, but here there are legends going back forever of a kind with a ‘king’ that turns others into more of its kind... perfectly fitting for the Shadow Monarch & terrifying for the humans.’
Sung Jin-Woo waking up, remembering being killed on the altar, and there are fangs? The nurse who stops by doesn’t make him crave blood, so there’s a sigh of relief, but then the two Hunter Association guys come in and aargh, yes, he’s craving blood.
Themed/special awakenings like this are basically always S-rank, and he knows that S-ranks can get away with murder/can get whatever they want while E-rank Sung Jin-Woo couldn’t even get a freaking cup of coffee before risking his life.
Hunter Association tries to keep the S-ranks satisfied so they stay in the country, so. Better hope they’re better at providing blood than they are coffee. Sung Jin-Woo cute but 100% done version getting to go ‘we both know I’m an s-rank now gimme your blood’ at Woo Jin-Chul.
Very relieved his sister doesn’t make him hungry at all - it’s a mana thing, only awakened and monsters. Once he gets the necromancy/Shadow Monarch job, drive to turn monsters/powerful Awakened into his cute minions~ Igris the Blood-Red is ‘really?’ appropriate.
He is internally AARGH as per canon that he can’t drink wine/beer anymore, because he Needs A Freaking Drink.
SO MUCH in-universe porn. SO MUCH. Jin-Ho can’t even FIND people talking shit about him on the internet, search results are drowned in thousands of pages of thirst.
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