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utau-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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krash-8 · 3 months ago
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shh they’re eepy…..
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knedl-iz-lignja · 7 days ago
Dumb little animation of a moot fucking around with Ruko
Weekly occurance of Ruko sneaking coffee at 4 am only to forget they ran out (totally not bc of her crippling addiction)
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knedl-iz-lignja · 1 month ago
Ouuuuhhh they make me sickkkkkk
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i caved and i got another rukoluka commission…..
art is by @revolocities, thank you so much!!! ;__;
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pikosheadpatter · 3 months ago
how to draw.... rukoluka
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ask--ruko · 8 years ago
When did you first meet Luka? was it an accident, or did the "creator" introduce you?
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“So I guess you could say it was an accident?”
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knedl-iz-lignja · 28 days ago
Ouhhhhh they're so cuteeeeeeeee zjjaozlwjl
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Luka and her big kitten boy.
I’ve been getting feelsy over their relationship in Synchronicity (灬♥ω♥灬)
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What about Ritsu Namine or Yuko Rokune?
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): RukoRitsu
other ship(s): none
#noromo ship(s): none
fav headcanon(s): none yet!
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): RukoRitsu :>
other ship(s): RukoTei, RukoLuka
#noromo ship(s): Ruko & Teto, Ruko & Rook
crack ship(s): Ruko and my fanloid oc Sasayaki :>
fav headcanon(s): Since VAVerse!Ruko is a cyborg, her age is listed as twelve because that’s how long she’s been one. 
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utau-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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rukoluka propaganda
(/silly, you don't have to answer this lol)
Yea sure I'll post that
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krash-8 · 3 months ago
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so @vampire-gummys and @pikosheadpatter were doing this with their ships so i had to join in ofc (it’s rukoluka if u can’t tell lol)
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knedl-iz-lignja · 1 month ago
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Ruko doodle page i made while too bored to actually study for my exams
also obligatory RukoLuka
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altomareslatios · 9 years ago
i haven't made any rukoluka headcanons in a long time so i'm going to remedy this right now
• ruko is an absolute child at heart even in their mid twenties onwards and they love to do childish things like eat overly sugary cereal, make blanket forts and shoot their girlfriend with nerf guns. they have a lot of spare time because they have trouble holding on to a job because of their dreamy, wandering demeanour. luka by contrast is a serious businesswoman who only sheds her stern facade for ruko and will often de-stress by engaging in said childish activities with ruko in her spare time.
• honestly I am so passionate about synchronicity rukolukas. ruko is sworn to defend luka to her final breath and never questions her position, cutting down opposition in the name of her master. luka is completely taken by her soldier's devotion, and while she would never betray a hint of her attraction to her observant warrior, their union as warrior and master eventually blossoms into affection. they become the couple trying to bring about the end of the world and it scares everyone absolutely shitless. luka is slain in their final conflict with len's group and ruko is left purposeless and wistful, wandering the earth without purpose or intention until she withers away to nothing and passes away
• i've been watching lots of korra lately so that's the reason for this one but. easygoing and gentle earthbender ruko standing as an anchor to their hot-headed firebender girlfriend luka. they first met when luka used to be a member of a dangerous triad and made the mistake with her group of thugs of trying to mug ruko, a talented bender who tried to see reason with them despite all odds (and beat the tar out of them when they didn't). she was convinced to abandon her deviant ways after she was taken with ruko's earthly and understanding demeanor, and began to accompany ruko in their wanderings across the world
• the AU in which ruko is a shapeshifter, often preferring the form of a dragon to honor the memory of their late partner, the last of the dragons who were hunted to extinction by humans. they hate humans for this and use their dragon shape to terrorize villages and towns as punishment for their slaughter. luka, by contrast, is a maiden who has spent time amongst dragons, unbeknownst to her bloodthirsty comrades. in this, she made a promise to one of the last of the beings to continue the line of dragons no matter what, and has been caring for the world's last dragon egg. following ruko's bold attack on the largest city where luka lives, the egg hatches, and luka makes it her mission to deliver the baby dragon to the shapeshifting warrior turned bitter by the loss of their partner. upon her arrival, she is one of the rare few to see ruko in their human form, collapsed with grief over their dragon partner's tomb. ruko immediately shifts back into her dragon form and almost kills luka without hesitation before realizing the creature in her arms is a dragon. ruko orders luka to leave as they take the dragon into their care, but luka insists she stay to share what she learned long before. ruko begrudgingly accepts, and while she initially despises luka's presence, the two slowly begin to bond as they raise the true last of the dragons together
• although I don't like kids and parenting freaks me out I like to think abt ruko n luka being parents sometimes because they would be eccentric but well-meaning parents I feel. ruko would be the fun-loving parent who would most likely join in on everything (until their child got into the "nooo mom you're so embarrassing" phase where they'd probably back off a little bit) and would probably be really protective, to the point where they would come to blows with a fellow parent whose child bullied ruko's own, while luka would be the stern but loving parent with the utmost respect and trust for their child's choices. she would probably have difficulty expressing affection for their child because of her curt disposition and lack of motherly instinct but i could see her working around it for the sake of their kid's happiness. also the mental image of ruko carrying their kid on their shoulders is super fucking adorable tbh
• i have so many unshared AUs and headcanons but those are for another day please ship rukoluka with me
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krash-8 · 3 months ago
cul and lily should kiss
ruko and luka should kiss
piko and teto should kiss
miku and rin should kiss
fukase and flower should kiss
kaito and meiko should kiss
gakupo and yukari should kiss
yohioloid and maika should kiss
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benjaminhunter · 9 years ago
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happy [really belated like holy shit] birthday @altomareslatios !! hav some really good quality pairing :^D
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ask--ruko · 8 years ago
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[[ @ask-kagenerui​ THIS MAKES ME VERY HAPPY ]]
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utau-ship-polls · 2 months ago
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Current round: round 1 side B
rukoluka (yokune ruko x megurine Luka) vs defomomo (utane uta x momone Momo)
ChiLIEE (chis-a x LIEE) vs teito (sukone tei x kasane teto)
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Last round yufu x snow miku won to solarei by 3.8%
In hindsight I probably should have done side B before the mini round considering how these are numbered, also sorry for the delay! (which is just a few hours but still)
Remember to be respectful of other people's ships!
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